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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
K $ oooooooooo "fte.. . Twee. Fire Insurance. Hr.MlriOFORD, Nf.hkaska. A Brnt for the. Caledonian, of A Scotland, which I mures town Y property only, und the Colum- lita, which Insures town iind 0 farm property und live Mwk. llotli Hfo reliables old line com- a piillles j Notn.i'ln.1 "Work, 0 Oo 00000OtO00 't W. M. FOSKETT t -.uLctiorLeex Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . cm OOMlvIISSlOtT, or BY THE DAY. t rST Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with mo. I.... Hr.MiHoioiU), Nkd. --- --- Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -CAW, ON- 1. D. NICHOLS Also lias in stock a new lino of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy rind you will save money. At R, Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and alt Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Krlck Phnp West of Alliance Nutlo.aiit Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. ZBINDEN BROS,, DKALKRS IN.. Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Ib Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE 108. wrsTsmi: main 8TKEF.T.. For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries 3 Of 1 UnU 10 ) That Can't be Beat In Town.... Qilecnswarc, Tinware and Enameled ware CALL ON. "Vowrs far "Savv DeaYvrAQ, A. D. RODGERS. t FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating, Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. n Vllnftl MUUlsllUl Stock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. Nebraska Stock firowcr s Association. (Ineororitted.) A.M. Modlsott. president, Kiislnlllt'; It. M. llHintiton, vice-president, Allliinco; K. M kuirlf Jr., secretary-treasurer, Ogitl.-ilhi Ksecutlte cotiuultteo-K. I'. ,Myors, Lena; It. It. Klnciild, William; John llrelinun, Allliinco; .T. It. Vunllosklrk, Allliinco; K. K. Lowe, Hnnnls; .lolm M. Admits, l'ottt'r; It. M. Allen. Amosi It. LUco, I.tidRcpolc; P.vert Bldrcd, Urhunlo; 1 C. llnrrU, Clindroii; I W. Hlckull, Kimball; Hubert (Iruliam, Al lluncci JohuConwny, DuiiiiImk; .1. 11. Coolc, AgatniA. 8. Herd, Alliance. MOSLEIt & TUI.I,Y Jess, Neli. Slock branded ns shown on cut on either side. AlsoJ-O on eith er side. Township 2. mid raiitfo 43. CUKICAN niios., Canton. tloux county, Nidi. (Cross II Cross) on loft, side. Also Minn left tliiifli. under s lo pi) on left par. Horses branded same us cattle on left Jnw und u on Icftidimildcr. DOW I), Alllunco, Neb. 3 5 connected uny pluco on left side. Huiuii) on liend of l'lno Creel,, Sheridan County. 1'OlNT-or-ltOCKH UANCII. JOHN O'KKBI'i: fi SONS. AIliunce.Neb. Cattle liiuudcd OK on left sldo: also ok and ok on leftside. sen i i.i, iihos., Sflilll. Xel. Cuttle branded on rlnlil thigh or XV on right Mde. Township U", rungo 4.",Slif rldan couuty. KTOIIM LAKK UANCII. KOIIKUTUKAIIAM, Cleliian, Neh. As In cut oil right or left hip; left our cropped. Horses branded (1 on left Juw. K MA It IN, llcmtiiKford, Neh. Cattle hrunded Hying horseshoe, oti ilKht hln, as Incut. Iloine riini'li see 'Jj-iT-M lloisu ranch In '.'il-tlt. DlI.I.lNd. lio lliitte. Neb. Cuttle branded as I) cut on eft i In. iihi with the bur over Instead of under In. mil Alsoouloft .side It'ucliiiwU Mt'tlon 17. In townslilp ruiiKUtit. II A AU.I.sON Lakeside, Nub, Cattle lir.tnded N-oi' -i;jht hip. llanne n Tt. count). HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls suswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. firs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 2G0.. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance I ' r ) o J :&-ttSilteAUnB, 31 &nxE7iv'.vN.nK' tgr?af iCJQJfcruaYL.FVi . ,, T. .1. MfeR!4 riivVi fZ ufrtorrllmmf t fy i i hi J XY y Smi II A rt) f-N- jr BpiS3rli-i mGIw HEMINGFORD. t Kelt It I,. I'lerco Is fully HUthorlrtMl to no licit subscriptions una" Job work and collect and n-,-lnt for Nam);, und transact nil other Duntnes fa conws'tlon with Id position us Hli aocredltfdrvprrsenlatlvuof thU paper. Emory Abley has a son born November 29th. Miss Delia Reed uns up from .Ml unce Sunday. John Satnpy and wife were down for visit this week. Claude Drown and wife were up from Alliance this week. Mrs. Hustin and Miss Jean Rustin went to Crawford Friday. Geo. (joodenough antl wife spent Thanksgiving at home B. K. Johnson anil Stanley Civish went to Omaha with cattle Friday. Ud Mabin and his father returned from their visit to Illinois Saturday. Fred Davison and Frank Nsgelschnci der went to Alliance Saturday evening, Mrs. V. K. Herncallis visiting friends and transacting business here this week. G. E. Johnson who lives near Esther went to South Omaha v.ith cattle last Fri day. John O'lveefe was in this city today and contracted with C. J. Wildy for 500 feet of lumber. W. F. Broich was in the city Wednes day, He has left the railroad and is rest ing at present. A new line of phones from the east with S. K into town comes Burk and L. S. Wright connected. All parties owing II H. Funk will with E. L. NOV. 25-3t please call and settle same, Everett. II . 11. Funk. Clarence Kosenberger was thrown from a horse and had an arm ftactured by the fall, the first of the week. Mrs. Darrah and son went to Iowa Sat urday evening to join her husband who has a position in his home town. 11. H. Green is pushing the uoith line and it is expected that it will be up and in good running order by the middle of De cember. Paul Armstrong went to Crawford last week and attended the annual contest that is pulled off there each year among the high schools Victor Hcrncall went to Englewood Sat urday but found the job was not to his liking, He resigned and has gone to Den ver to look for work. The Methodist ladies served a line Thanksgiving dinner at the M. E. church. In the evening a very entertaining and ap propriate program was renuercu. Do not put of any longer the insurance of your buildings against lire. Hate3 are low and now is the danger time in the year Iroin Tire. K. L. Fierce, agent. Mr. A. B. Carey is the new agent here in place of Mr. E. C. Stewart who resigned and went to Galesburg, III., where he will go into business, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left Tuesday night. A. B. Nefl a plasterer from Alliance who has been doing some work on the fine new house which G. A. Kirkle is building on his farm here near the Adventist church was in town Wednesday. Dr. Eikner has presented Mrs, Eikner with a Mehlin piano of New York through their agent L. J. Wildy. this is an in strument of renown and Mrs. Eikner has a piano second to none in this county. It was an error last week in stating that the name of the aged lady who died at the home of John Liska was Liska. The name was Peltr. The deceased had made her home with the I.iska family and hence the error Ole Davig expects to leave for his native land, Norway, in a few das. As pros perity increases here there are more and more of those who are foreign bom returning for brief visits to the lands that gave them birth. Mr. Davig expects to be gone all winter. Claude Drown had .1 narrow escape from being shot accidentally Tuesday. He and Geo. Hedgecock were shooting chickens for the Palace meat market and Claude put his head around the corner of a barn just as George shot at a chickeu. The bullet graced Mr. Brown's cheek causing a slight abrasion. Use New York Drafts To Send Money Anywhere. They are cheaper, as safe, and better than any other method of sending money. Mail order houses always want NEW YORK drafts. They are better than monuy to them as their banks will issue them drafts free to an amount equal to the New York drafts they deposit. The reasou some houses do not want drafts is that many banks write them a draft on some other city than New York and it costs them to collect it. There is no charge anywhere on a New York draft and we alwas issue them when the money is to go out of the state. They are cheaper than any other way of sending money. They cost. I 'ink r $3.00, 3c. I'mlcr &1J.OU, 3c. I mtcr $100.00, 10c. )er $H)u.0O, loc. ivr$ino.oo. We also send small sums to auy country in Europe direct and issue drafts in large amounts. NVe sell traveler's checks good anywhere without identification. Notary Public in the bank. Insurance written. Steamship tickets sold. Open a small account and see how con venient it is to do business through a bank. fp novsO iv FIRST STATE BANK School Report. Report for Lake Reno bdiool for third mouth endiug Nov. 25, toot, Dis. 34. Days taught 19; No. attendance by all pupils, 17S days; Daily attendance 16: No. times tardv 5: No. absent 5 or more days t. Hilda Rodgcrs being pieseut each day. Cliiklien arc pio grossing nicely and wo hope they will continue so. Names of visitors for sec ond and third mouths follows: Messrs. L. O. Rodgers, Claude Rodgers, dies tor Rodgers, Misses Edna Rodgers, Ethel Lee, Anna Wilson and Mrs. T. W. Rodgers. Welcome patrons, welcome heie. Respectfully, Ei'Pig M. Rof.nKs. f t . Come FIRST LAST To bny. Considering price under ours. t' ii t ' mftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft Notice to ltcdecm. The State of Nehruska. I llox Ittittn County. ( M To Samuel l. Shaw, Hank of Commerce of flmnd Island, Nebraska, and Hersehel A. Kdwaids, Keveiver of Ituuk of Commerce of (Irand Island, Nebraska: You mid ciu'li of you aie hereby notified that 011 the 8th day or April liOJ, John We luel purchased at tux sale l he North K.tst Quarter of section St, In Township ' of Itunve -Hi, In llox ltulle tenuity, Nebraska. That .said laud una taxed In the name of Sam uel 1, Shuw und that wild puieliuso of tux -ale of said land was made fur the years of IMV, ls','7. IKK, lsiH. I'.IM and I'.mi and Hint Milis)suent taes hare been paid on said land by John Weinel for the years Itr' and UKCI. 'Hint the time for redemption of the aforesaid land III expire on the Mb day of April ltalTi Dated Alliance, Neluasku, iIiIh ",0th day of Noeinljer. 1W1. fp-OeoS .liui.s Wt'.iNKt,. Contest Notice. I'. . Lund Olllce. Alliance, Neb.. Nov. tl, null. A Mifllt'lent contest attldavlt liavlni; been llled in this .iinco by Tlumius Charleston, con les tunt.iiKalnstllomesteud entry No. 4t!XI,mado .lulv IS, 1WU, for southwest ijiiaiter section :ct, tiiiislilp:v) uoitli, rniiKti 50 west. Iiy.lobn Mc llule, eoutestee, in which It Is aliened that John Mcllale never leslded on said tract, nor made uny Improvements thureou. That Haiti alleged iiliviieu f I oiii the. --aid land huh not duo to hit. employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the t'nlted Mutcsns a private Mildler, otllcer, seaman or marine during the warulth Spain ordtnliiirHiiy other wur In which tlm I'mted States may lw en KUKisI, .said parties art) heieby notlllnl to ap pear, respond und offer evidence touehliiK said ulhstutioii ut 10 o'clock u. tn. ou January 10, l'.XVi, before the Keclster mid Itecelverat Hit) United Slates Laud Olllce lu Alliance, Nebrusku. fp Nov. 25 IlltlR'K Wilcox. Iteslster. Shcrlfr Sale. No. 15xl. lly irtui! of annider rf salu Insticd bi thu clei k of thedtslrlet emu t of llox Ilutto county. Nebrusku, tiK)ii a decrou is'iideled by said court In faor of 1'ruiik V. Itoon, l'lalntilf, and against, t 'lias. 1). Wells und Kttn Wells, defeiidunts. 1 will, on thu llllh day of De cember, A 1) , 1WI. at IOo'cIik-U u. in. on Mild day. ut the front door of the cotut homo lu Alliance. In said county, sell the following dt-crllied reul estate, to-wlt: Commeiictni;ul a point on east lino of lot three, lu section three, township twenty-four north, of raiiKo fortj-oijjht, twenty rods south of tho iiorlheast corner of said lot three and rtiiiuliiK theneo west twentj four rods, iiar ullel with the north line of said lot. thence .south tlftj-lhiwuiid one-thlnl rods, thence east parallel with the north Hue tweut)-foiir risls to east lino of said lot, thence north on tho east dim of said lot lllty-lhiio undone third rods to placo of benlnnlni,', t'oiituluiint eluht ticresof It the same, more or less, Mihjcct toa road olio rod wide on the west side of this tract. In llox Ilutto comity, Ne brtiHku, ul tniblU' unction to tin, IiIkIkm bid der for cash, to satisfy huld order of sale. In Mini of JJ3T.50 and Interest, costs and nccrulni; costs taud at js:i und subject to .ill unpaid til.t)S. IitA ItKF.i,iherirr of Said Cunty, I.. A. Ilerry, Attorney foi l'laliitllf. (Nov. II hcrlfr's Sale. No. 1.170. My virtu of an order of silo Ksttod by the cleik of tho district court of llox Hutu coun ty Nehruska, upon u decreo reudeitd by uld court in fuorof lleiijamlii JoliiiMiu.iduliiiltf, uudapiliist.lohnC.Welsiiernnd W-l'iilinstock, defendants. 1 will ou tht 13th day of Dec., A l. liul.ut 10 o'clock a. in. on said day. at the west front door of the court t.ounelu Alli ance, I u Mild county, sell the followinK do fecrllusl real estate, to-wlt: The southeast .iiiarlir. section tt. In towu idilp SI. r.tiiKe 50, west of the sixth principal meridian. In lli.x Ilutto County, Nehruska, ut public uttcttou to the highest bidder for ciikh. to satisfy bald order of s.ile In thu sum of fl.S17.jO and Interest, costs and accruing costr taxed ats30.T(. and subject toall unpaid taxes, lltA KKKD. Sherltfof wild county. 1 A. Ilerry, Attorney for IMalntiir. fp 11 Ladies when in Alliance do not fail to call at Regan's where you will find the most complete line of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishings at the very lowest prices. to Us First Last To sou our joods and price the quality, there How is this? A child's beautifully decor ated cup and saucer, worth 30 cents; we have ten dozen of them to sell at the exceedingly low price of 15 cents. Have you maee up your list of X-mas gifts? Bring1 your list to our store and see how manv vou can check off, before leaving. To select from we have a big line of pictures, medallions, fancy china, chairs, rockers, center tables, and many other articles in furniture that make suitable and very acceptable gifts. eae9C9oerc eoeci0Ccaea99seoeG0afl eec case GEO. DARLING Furniture and Housefurnishings. ALLIANCE - - - NEBRASKA DR. FENNERJS Kidney AND J Backache AWO PUIUFIKS THE BLOOD. won s Become discouraged. There Is a cure for you. If necessary write Dr. Kouner. llo has spent a lifetime curing Just such cusws as yours. All consultations FREE. Suffered with Kidney Trouble. Had Pains in His Back. "For some time past I have Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1. the Kidneys FREE. For Sale bv M. M. F. J. "H"M"-!"X"X"!"X!":: F J. Brennan & Co.... DEALr R. -Sffi? and Paints, Oils and Wall Paper "PtcsctvtAvows Ctt'fcVAvi FIRST BANK NATIONAL BLOCK. HKW"I"X'W-KWHSH;ha 2 alace L i S. II. DIDsSCII, Prop. oxr. iii.ock wrST ov Good turnouts, strict attention tn m.r i,e!n THK Nl'.U .IIINDBN . , UCII.DING. M'lione 72 axcellent t t t and 'V & 4s- t ' ?, t - V ft ft them. is no ft ft ft All Diseases of tho kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, " lemaia trouotes. Cure female, troubles. been suffering with kidney trouble, causing severe pains in my back. I was unable to do any heavy work. I tried many remedies and doctors but without benefit. I then commenced taking Dr. Fennel's Kid ney and Backache Cure and secured prompt relief and now after many months, have had no return of the aches and pains and am able to work as I could not before. My little grandson has also been greatly benefited by its use. I certainly heartily recommend your Kidney and Backache Cure and am very thankful for the cure it has wrought in me. Yours truly, John Long." Father of Frank Long, proprietor of Hotel Oxford, Topeka, Kas. Get Cook Book and Treatise on Fenner, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y. BR i:iAN & CO. ;::?-.:.?:. svj..;,.. sK IS IN er t ? fumes Toilet Articles, V V I" Alliance, Nebraska. v s r tt Bain nnd courteous treatment to all has won for us thtt patronage we enjoy. Trv us. -?' fl A r. -.JirtAWW sWi