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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1904)
MHMMWWWMNMNMWBWWMiMMiMWMMM ftMMlMw- M r'l m f il .v. 'h r ir ' K w I Mrs. Elizabeth H. Thompson,! I Mrs. Elizabeth H. Thompson,! of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of W.C.T.U., tells how she recov ered by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Deah Mux I'ixkham: I Am ono of tlio many of your prateful friends who have been curcil throuTh tho uso of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable CJonipouml, uad who can to-lr.y thank you for the fine health I enjoy. When I was thirty-llvo yearn old, I suffered sercrc baclcacho and frequent bcarinp;-down pains; in fact, I lir.d Tvorab trouble I wan very anxious to fret well, and reading of the cures your Compound hrtl made, I decided to t-y it. I took only nix bcttlos,but it built ino up andcurcd co entirely of my troubles " My family end relatives wcro naturally as gratified as I was. My niece had hec.rt trouble and nervous prostration, and was considered incur nble. Sho tcok your Vegetable Com pound and it cured her in a short Usee, and she beccmo well and otronp, and her homo to her great joy and her hus band's delight was blessed with a baby. I know of a, number of others who have been cured of different kinds of female trouble, and am Eattaflcd that your Compound is the Vest medicina for nick women." Mns. Et.izaijktii II. Thompson. Hoy lor., Lillydale. N.Y. $5000 forfeit if orhlnsl cf aiov Itlltr pttMcg gtnuluencti car.iui bi induced. Disorder In a political meeting sel dom begins until after it is called to order. In Winter Use Allen'c Foot-Case. A powder. Your feet feel iincomfort able, nervous aad often cold and damp If you have sweating, sore feet or tigh. shoes, try Allen'3 Foot-Ease. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. 25 cents Sample sent free. Address Allen 3. Olm sted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Tho man who bi:ys and smokes cigars evidently has money to burn. Experience takes dreadfully hlh wages, but It Is tho best teacher. DON'T SPOir. YOUIl CI.OTITItB. Uro Ited CroF3 ltall Illuo nad keoo them white aa miow. All grocers. 6c. u puckage. The world will forgive n man almost anything except failure. Was Officially Dead. A curious incident occurred In an English police court recently where a man named Travis was bciitiuircd to a month's Imprisonment for obtaining a postal order by false pretonscs. lie pleaded that he was "oJIlcially dc-ul," and his story was that when with the British nrmy In South Africa ho deserted, obtained some clo'thes from tho Kaffirs, made his way to the coast and worked his passage home. He then discovered that he was reported dead, and though he subsequently gave himself up as a deserter the war office gave an official assurance that he had "died at tho front" and would not irrest him. He Waa From New York. Itev. George C. Lorlmer, when ho vas pastor of Tremont temple, in I,Vston, entered one evening a Boston hall whore a lecture was In progress. Mr. Lorlmer stood In the vestibule a little while, listening to the lecture, nnd the janitor, a colored man, ap proached him respectfully. "A fair lecture, sah," said tho janitor. "Oh, jioro than lair, don't you think?" de murred Mr Lorlmer, "I would cnll this lecturer a Lrilllant man." "Sca'cely a Brilliant inr.ii, sah," t-ahl the janitor "Ah t'Ink he's a fair man, sah, but not o' de prima facie class. IIo's n good man fab, a well mcanin' man, but not a talented man. lie's a New York man, zzh." TIMELY CALLING. How the Fastor Saved a Life. A man n-.xr Fort Gay, V. Va mado nn entire failure in getting strength from the kind of food ho ate and not Knowing that tho trouble was with the food 1 ept on losing health until tho doctors f,avo him up to die. It was Er.pposed to bonconsumption because he was wasting away stead ily and slowly dying. His minister called from time to time and que day brought along a package of Grane Nuts, thinking from what he knew of the famous food (hat perhaps It might help him. Tho sick man took to it at and from that day began to got woll. In writing ho says: "I walked to town to-day 3 miles. Have gained ovor 10 pounds In about 2 months and my neighbors don't know wl at to say. I frequently am told It was as If I am raised from the dead. Everybody here knows of my caso, you can tell people to wrlto to the Postmaster or Hcv. L. I). Bryan. I will make a sworn statement that Grape-Nuts saved my life." Name glvon by Tostum Co., Battle Crook, Mich. This 13 another illustration that where all other food fails one can be brought baok to health and strength on Grape-Nuts. "Tboro's a reason." Look In each pkg. for tho famou3 little book, "The Itoad to Wollvllle." - '"" ' - ' " FIGHTER Parisian first, cosmopolitan next Capt. IL Denugrand, who Is at the Brown Palace hotel, has led u llfo of adventure ami is as near a prototype of the Dumas hero as any other living man. Member of the Legion of Honor, a devotee of belles leltres and a vet eran of the war by which Maximilian lost his life instead of gaining nn em pire, there !s little Interest in the world that Capt. Ucaugrand has not seen. Capt. Ucaugrand was only a youth when he fought in Mexico, but his ex traordinary bravery nnd his military education soon won for him a eaj talncy. During a scouting expedition CapL Beaugrand and his men sudden ly encountered nn overwhelming force of the enemy. They beat a Imoty re treat to the banks of the Bio Grande, whcio they made a last stand. Capt. Beaugrand ordered his men to leap into the river and try to rench tho other side. The company had been decimated while the retreat was being conducted. About 100 men woro left when the orders to cross the river were Issued. Only nine reached the American side. The others were shot as they were swimming tho river. omfort in Having Gout "Gout is the most fashionable of all the diseases," said a prominent doc tor. "In spite of the pain nnd Incon venience accompanying it, the major ity of my gouty patients arc Inclined to be proud of their affliction. I look upon the poularity of the disease as the result of Its associations. An cient Greek physicians of the four teenth century were the first to uso tho term 'gout,' and they attributed the disease to overindulgence and luxury. In tho works of tho early Greek writers the word Is lrequontly used, particularly In Ovid and Pliny, and Seneca In his ninety-fifth epistle mentions the prevalence of gout among the Roman ladles of his day as one of the results of high living. Sir Thomas Watson says: 'Tho In stances arc not few of men of good sense nnd masters of thomselve3. who, being warned by one visitation of the gout, have thenceforward resolutely abstained from rich living and from wine and strong diinks of all kinds, and who have been rewarded for their prudence and self-denial by complete Immunity from any return ace for the Laurel I iiw ii mmi wmmmnmm numtm tmm in w imw mi iwiiiiiihwwiwii i The two laurel wreaths sat awlnglng Idly by the roadside that led to tho house of fame. "It Is inevitable." said tho first Iru rel wreath, "that In the course of time we shall both of-us rest upon tho brow of the most deserving." "Too true," said the second laurel wreath. "And I can not help but won der who they will be. Here comes a modern poet. Brother, do you feel an Impulse to spring upon hl.i brow?" "No. 1 can not say that I do. Hi3 hair Is of the usual poetical length, he has the poets rapt look, yet ho is not the real thing. I shall let him pass." "Weil, then, hero comes a magnate'. Surely hels deserving of our consld slderatlon. His nnmo is a household word. A list of his public bonefac tlons would till a long column. What say you? Shall we net give him a trial?" "Never! Tomorrow ho will be for gotten. Besides, he is not entitled to consideration. He Is In reality only a high-class robber." fT ! mwa Km ow Value of Trs Tree planting in northern China Is being strenuously enjoyed by the authorities, not only as n productive industry for the people, but alike as a means of strengthening the river em bankments against Hoods and of cheeking drought, says tho Golden Penny. Of late years trees havo been cut down wholesale for agilcultural purposes, while the peasants do not tako tho trouble to plant fresh ones, because the ?oJl is so looso that they must ills down very deen for a satis factory foothold. So vast tracts of fer tile land are lett barren, wnue in tne northern provinces especially tho in flux of sand carried by high winds from tho Mongolian dt Berts threatens to fill up tho unoccupied ground. Rt the Hiiaction Salejj The faimc ff,,K com over the hill. Anil up from tlu neighboring vale. To bill ami liarwaln fur ami buy The ItiKt c my gocxls for Kale! The pouter out on the countrywide Said: "Kvm thing muit go!" Ilut I'll have to turn ray ec away From one jnor bid. I know. One cheap little tilil of a molir yowne Who lives mtl to th wt-t: She h8 come to bid my cradle in Kor th babe upon her breast The cradle bought fur a mothr-ri4 And a babe of love'n nrt lUwn I'll have to tin ii my eye when 1 hwr That 'Goln oiiuj son!" I remember how the rontr of tht Utrk In the rky came trembllnif down The mornlnir I UrouKht the Title erlb ' In my wagon out from town! nil I WHIP laWW Capt. Beaugrand and his eight sur llns soldiers found safety on this side of the Hlo Grande, but nftcr re cuperating a few days they rocrosscd the river and by stealthy marches sue- ecoded In rejoining tho main com mand, whoso officers had plnced all their names on the list of tho killed. Whon tho war terminated Capt. Beaugraud beenmc a publisher for some time, nftcr whlc.i he moved to Montreal, Canada, Ho was elected mayor of that city, but shortly after ward went to St. Louis. He accepted a place on the editorial staff of tho Globe-Democrat, whero he becamo acquainted with the late I .1. B. McCullngh. who claimed to have originated the practice or newspaper I interviewing. Eugene Field was at that time nn employe of the St. Louis Republic. Capt. Beaugrand has published a number of short stories, but, Btrangoly enough, he has never told In print the many hnlqbrcadth escapes of his own career. Ho will likely decide on tho advice of his physician to make Colo rado his permanent abode. Denver News. of the disease, or upon whom, at any rale, Its future assaults have been few and feeble.' "Thus tho word gout has Indicated rich living nnd opulence- for so long n time that, although it docs not In variably attack the rich and well fed, there Is always a smile and tho usual pleasantries when a sickness Is pro nounced gout. 'You have tho gout, old fellow! Been treating yourself too well, oh?' I know physicians who, to humor their patients, take advantage of the general respect people have for gout by giving the name to various other ailments, such as rheumatism. The term is much more popular and the symptoms are somewhat slmllur. I have seen people who absolutely bragged about having the gout. 1 re member hearing a conversation on the su jjert between two old women and the voice of the speaker was high and boastful when she said: 'My son John Is laid up with tho gout. It is the real thing, too, red spots and all the regular symptoms, it Is n re sult of to high living, tho doctor says." " l Zf "Well, then, hero comes a modern ruthoress. Thousands upon thou sands have eagerly waited to road hor next book. See her confident air. Sho has no claim upon us?" Tho ilrst laurel wreath rustled In Indignation and replied: "How can you. Sho Is here for a day and gone tomorrow. Wo arc not for hor." "But surely we have- a mission. Surely there must bo some oiiott" The first laurel wreath uttered an exclamation. 'See!' ho cried. "Thoy come! They conic at last, thoso whom we. havo been expecting. Brother, prepare jourself. In a moment now, wo shall be reposing upon tho twin biows of thoso whgsc fame shall in deed be lasting." Tho second laurel wreath trembled with anticipatory cxcltemont. "Who aro they?" ho exclaimed. "Don't you eee? They are the two best advertisement writers ot the pres ent day!" Tom MaaVson In tho Reader. So In the Important provlnco of Chill, which contains tho capital, Po kin, there is a government proclama tion notifying the "eight directions for trco plantation" most mlnuto Instruc tions as to tho kind of trco roqulred, the depth they should be planted and the fertilizers to bo used and tho 'ten benefits to bo derived from tho same," such, among others, as the salo of timber nnd fruit, tho beneficial in fluence of trees in attracting rain, pre serving the Just equilibrium of wind Influence, and purifying tho atmo sphere, while "travelors and families will find shade and rest under the branches" a poetic touch for conclu biou. Tre ilalsIcH rurtslcd alongr the road. And the tiiruMliea took a ioci. I ktnw they Kue-e, thnt the tiny bed Whs a nctt for u baby's sleep! And whllo the larka rfnil tho thrushoa piped In tho motnlUK diamond-dewed. The mothei sunt? by lier lowny nest, Anl the Itahy crowod and cooed Till tho tiaby'M fancy pasfed uuny One iiIkIH iii a Mtnrniy Kleuui. And the mother followod him. tp hoar Tl-e end of hU littt (Ileum! What need of a Iioiiih and a eradlo now? Wiut need or a real for me? Tho silence l my only mate. And the babe is memory! I alve the crib to the mother yount,'. Willi the bab on hor bream at piny Uut I'll hnve to turn my eyas, I know, When nbo currlcn it away! Al')elus Coll In Housekeeper. - . --TT- "" 1 OF NOTEJj SEZ esj RELY C&& TV,.r,n t nnkt andwfds im chiidivrr. UfJuL E-r! n SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH Ugo Pe-ru-na for La Grippe and Winter Catarrh. 5N EVERY country of tho civilized world the kturs of Charity aro known. Not only do ther minister to tho and lutcllt'cuial needs of tho cliargi-t committed to their caro, but thty also minister to tkclr bodily needs. Whenever coughs or colds, In grlppo or pneumonia make their nppeunmco iiinong the childicn those ',IkU'I'h uro not disconcerted, but know exactly tho rem edies to apply. With so many children to tako caro of nnd to liroU-ct from climate nnd disenso tlicj-o wise and prudent Sisters havo 7 found l'eruna a nuvcr-faillns safeguard. Sisters of St. Joseph, of tho Deaf CATARRH Mo., writes: We appreciate Psmnn very much. It ccrtntnly docs stood work with ', catarrh and also with colds and la grippe. We have faith in Pcrtina and have insnired many others with tho i it has certainly kept us from bclna winter for our little ones. Thanking I afflicted ones, we remain, yours gratcfullv, I SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH." Dr. Ilnr'mnn lecclves many letters from Catholic Sisterfifrom all over tho United htutcs. A recommend recently received from n Catholio insiltutlou in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows : Dr S. D. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sin "The youngglrl who used the Pcrunn was suffcringfrom laryngi tis, and loss of voice. The result of tho treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after farther use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she la entirely cured." Sisters of Charity. This young girl was under tho caro of the Sisters of Charity and used IVruimfor catarrh of tho throat, with good results as the above letter testifies. From a Catholic Institution in Cen tral Ohio cornea the following recom mend from the Sister Superior: "Some years ngo a friend of our insti tution recommended to us Dr. llartman's Pcrunn as an excellent remedy for the influenza -of wldeh wo then bud several roses which threatened to be of a serious character "Wo begnn to uso it nnd experienced such wonderful results that sincu then Exterminating the KIppopotamuo. It seems that the hippoi"taiuus .'h to bo exterminated. It is hardly prob able that the hlppopotumuB will enjoy this, but It will bo a good thing for mankind, according to tho lndon Globe. The Intelligent nnlmalH con stantly attacks boats, fields and gar dens, and "what he doea not eat" (says nn authority) "ho sits on." Now ho is himself to be sat on. Wo trust that those In charge of tho campaign will remember tho advlco of ono of our foremost naturnlists, and "shoot tho hippopotamus with bullets mado of platinum." Kor If they uso tho other J kind, .his lildo will surely llattqri 'em. Red Heads Seldom Bald. Hod headed people aro less subject to baldnesa than others. A doctor explains the matter thus: The hair Df tho red headed Is relatively thick, one rod hair being almost as thick as live fair or three brown hair3. With lill.OUU red hairs the scalp is well thatched, whereas with tho same number of fair hairs, ono is compar atively bald. It takes noarly lfiO.OOO fair and lOfi.000 brown hairs to cover adequately an ordinary head. Gtt the Right Kind. Gainesville, Texas, Keb. l2nd. Mrs. L. K. Burton of r07 Glad street, this city, writes tho following letter: "I havo been awfully troubled with my Kidneys; I was In a bad fix and had been doctoring with the Doctors, but was getting no hotter. I tried a romedy called Dodd's Kldnoy Plllit nnd I found thoy did mo lots or good. I had a slight return of my trouble and I went to tho Drug Storo and call ed for Dodd's Kidney Pills. They said there was no such pills. I told them thero was. They said they had the best pills that wore mado and per suaded mo to try a box of another kind, not Dodd's. As I needed some medicine, I bought a box, but they did mo no good so I wont elsewhore and got tho real Dodd's Kldnoy Pills nnd vory soon was completely cured. I took u box up to tho Drug Store and showed thom that thoro was such pills and nuked them to ordor some, but as I haven't noedod any mora I havon't called to soo whothor or not they got them." If a man who falls in love at sight Is wise ho will take a soeond look lie foro proposing. Don't you know that Doflance Starch, bosldos bolng absolutely supe rior to any other, is put up 1C ouncoa In packages and soils at same price us 12-ottnco packages of other kinds? Tlio fellow who would marry for money linds It pretty hard to work. ON PE-RU-NA TO FIGHT , COUGHS. COLDS, GRIP t-m"Eaitffm.)t c ri?35w.--. bi n !g$f7Py jysaH3jJ55L- Aluto Institute. 1M0 Cass Ave.. St, Louis. ' same. Wedo not like to be without it. very sick. It did a world nt stood last ', you tor your kindness tu us and our Pcrunn has become our favorito medlelno for iullueu.n, catarrh, cold, cough and bronchltK" Another recommend from a Catholic Institution of one of the Central States written by the Sister Superior reads as follows: "A number of yearn ngo our attention wnn called to Dr. Hartman's Pcrunn, and slnco then wo linvo used it w'th wonderful reHUlts for grip, coughs, colds and catarrhal diseases of tho head nnd stomach. "Kor grip nnd winter cntarrh espe cially it ha; been of great sendee lo tho inmates of this Institution." SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over tho United States Use Pe-ru-na tor Catarrh. A recommend recently received from n CnthollolnstltutloninthoSouthwest icads as follows : A Prominent Mother Superior Says: "I can testify from experience to tho efficiency of Pcrunn ns onuof the very best ake-Down T.-. rnnnrl fnm ftKfl XJjii i oji.iiu jjuiii vjv CONSUMERS OF SHOES! S ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN WADE SHOES. W jjP These Drands will guarantee j on a pood shoe for men: ' ,, til ft Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker M Comet Cock of Walk j) B Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children s Shoes.. , fa Ste that our unme is on the siors yen buy. Iik- I F. P. klRKENOALL & CO. MteirA.a '" A 'v-nW- iSNMcmsmm 1 1 1 wrX'w MFM I Will UIU I mucn less money you can Duy, a w mcncsier i ukc Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and ntitln:f fhp hinhest-nrfced double-harreled eun. M mmit mmni i i Tin i Kr..rtr. T.a1m nn cntiM dealer can show you one. They arc sold everywhere. ,J FREE t Our I 60-Pmc Illustrated G&Ulogac. ' ,' '" WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVSH.CONN. Little while lies live long and pros- per Atfnira Clover. For years tho editor lias boon urging fnrmoro to sow Alfalfa Clover, and glad he Is that thotipands of wide awake fanners scattered nil over Amer ica, are "doing this now, to thtlr great benefit and satisfaction. A "Wnlford, Weatloro Farms. Pa., writes: "I havo CO acres in Salzer's Al tntn Clover. It Is immense. I cut three crops this season and have lots of pasture besides." Hon. II. F. Hunter, 8. D.. saya. "Sal ter's Northern Grown Alfalfa clover cannot be bent. I havo solved tho question of Btock raising here, Salzer's Alfalfa Ih coort. for 3 rouslne crops of hay, fcsalzcr'H Hpeltz for fiO bu. of grain and 3 tons of hay, Salzer's Macaroni Wheat for Cfi bu. best hog fattening wheat, nnd Snlzer'B Hnnnn Barley, for arid, dry land, is good for 70 bu per acre. These are nil great hog, sheep nnd cnttle fatteners, and last but not least. Hnlzer'H Victoria Hnpe for sheep, nnd Salzer's Teoslnte, good for 80 tons of green food for cattle, and Salzer n Billion Dollar Grass Bromua Inermls for lots and lots of good hay. These things make it possible for me to grow live stock by the thousands. Have you heard of Eurllest cane? Gives six mowings a yenr. nnd Teo slnte, tho SO ton per aero fodder wonder? JUbT SEND TUI3 NOTICE AND lOo IH STiHI'3 to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., nnd recolvo their big cat alog and lots of farm seed samples free- (W, N. U.) Too many men aro Incapable of do ing tholr own thinking. Mrn. tTlnslow'B M9thlnff Hrup. For rhiWri'Q tertblnK, not tau the K"re, reJucei h Qammatlun, llj pain, cure wind collu. 25c bottle. medicines, and 16 glveH mo pleasure to add my prniwoto thnt of thousands who havo Ufed It. Kor venm 1 suf fered with catarrh of tho stomach, all remcdlc) yroUng valueless for relief. jst nprhig I went to Colo rado, hoping to bo benefited by a chnngo of dlmnte nnd while (hero a friend advised mo to try Pcrunn. After uslm; two bottles I found mynelf very much hit proved. Tho remains of my old dlrcnsfl being now so slight. 1 consider myself cured, jet for a whllo I intend to con tinue tho use of Pcrunn. I nin now trcnthm another patient with your mcdl clno. Sho hiw I icon slk with nuilnrln nnd troubled with leuchorrhivn. I linvo no doubt thnt a euro will bo speedily effected." These are samples of tetters received by Dr. Hartman from tho various orders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. Tho nnmes nnd nddresscs to.tlicso tot ters hnvo been withhold from rcxpect to the SUtcis, but will bo furnished n request. , One-hnlf of tho diseases which nflllcfe mankind aro duo to nomo cntnrrhnl de rnugenient of tho mucous membrane lin ing some orgnn or passage of this body A remedy thnt would net inunedlntely upon tho congested mucous membrane restoring it to Its normal fitatc. Mould consequently euro nil theso diseases. Catarrh is catarrh wherever located, whether It bo In tho head, throat, lungo, Moninch, kidneys or polvlo organs. A remedy that will euro it iu ono location will cure It in all locations. Pcrunn curci catarrh wherever located. If you do not dcrivo prompt nnd tnlls fnctory results from tho uso of Pcrunn, wrlto nt onco to Dr. Hartman, giving n full statement of your enso nnd Ho will bo pleased to givoyou his valuable nrttfco gratis. Address Dr. Ilnrtmnn, President, ot Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Ccluubas, Ohio. Repeating Shotguns in CfWl trif fl OTltl wllPn fnV CP1 ,w h-vv v ,Jj ' "" J; j rnHnYiir ond liQnrttr Ynftl ?,:exican' Mustang Liniment dircs Sprainai unci Strains. GREGORY'S, U17firawtfgl C WT wy W C 1'iire. frrbh, reliable. Cxlalotnin f. vZ !" rf.ii.uttcorijcjn, Jlurr lil.cud.I3-.-" Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. Million of af-ies of lu-aniticcnt Oram amlCt. -inw Und tu Im; hart as a lice Kitt or Ij pin- li. : (luin Hallway Comranit-.. C oiioirttioiu. i , THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS GihmI Cri. ilcllcMful rllmato, MiilenilUl school ejkteiii, iH'rfri't ilal cnilltlii, circptloiml nillvray iiiltuiit.iKtnnil MtoUli untl iilllueiuc ucijulrt'il nislly. The population of Western Canada inert "aril 121000 by imrnuration Uunnc the pat ycar,ntr 0,000 teinc Aintlican. Write to nearest autiioriul Canadian Cqyrnint Acerit for Canadian Atlaa ami other iufuruutlon (or addreM Supt. of Immigration. Ottawa.Canatia)--W, V. Iltttinett, Ml New York Lite UuIJdutf, Omuba, Nb. I LANDS or