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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1903)
Stiltl' ltnl01 II ,ll tfl I' 'K The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of the City and County. Largest Clrcu lation of any AU llahce Paper. VOLUME X, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY.-NEBRASKA 5 FRIDAY, DEC, 4, 1903,' NUMBER 50 L it tj. li ft f. w. . k. I Our Car New York Apples .... are in - I III I B.MMW Very fine fruit Call and see Prices right QUALITY THE BEST Alliance Grocery Co. rK. KBKAMIOK, izDZEmrorxsTi J In Alliance 16-30 of every month. j Office over The Famous . , . 'Phone 391. o O e9eeeeeccaeceeiceotts rerwiww Mollring Bros, shoe sale is on. Xmas photos Alliance Art Studio. Chiltlrens' underwear 10 cents a garment at Mollring Bros. Late novelties in hats and caps at Moll ring Bros. ""Wtrtiave the latest styles in photos suit able for Xmas gifts. Alliance Art Studio. t For Rent Four large rooms one block from postoffice, suitable for family.- V. G. Simonson. We have the best S3.00 R. R. shoe on earth Mollring Bros. Closing Out Sole. Ladies' and children's outing flannel garments. Mrs. Thos. Regan. Battcnberg braid,. 10c dozen yards. Mrs. Thos.' Regan. Special Sale. Ladies' waists at cost. Mrs. Thos. Regan. Ten per cent redaction on Florsheim ' shoes Mollring Bros. Fur Coats. We are in a position to do repairing of far coats, guaranteeing good satisfaction and reasonable price. Please send in your repairing as, soon as possible. C. E. Mark's. For Sale A splendid piano. 'Inquire at , Newberry's. My' residence property and business is for sale. L. A. Surprise. High-grade pianos and organs at lowest prices. A. C. Bingham. Hides Tanned. If you have any cow or horse hides or furs you wish tanned, will be pleased to "take care of them for you. Will guarantee best results. C. E. Marks, as&aaaiiaaa.aaAaaeQjasAsaAaaa 25 Per Cent Discount on all COATS Saturday AT BOGUE'S fc tfWcroswirtifcB'Bfbsstfys Miss Anna Reck visited at Crawford last Saturday. Sheriff Heed made a business trip to Hemingford Tuesday. W. D. Rumer and son visited Denver the first of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. McKettrick depart ed for Seattle Monday. H. A. Cnuningham spent Thanksgiving with his family at Bayard. P. B. Fitch and Earl Fosket of Heming ford were Alliance visitors today. . Attorney Wm. Mitchell attended to le gal matters at Sidney Tuesday and Wed nesday. Miss Marguerite Elmore arrived in the city today for a brief visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Leslie Price of Ilemingford was the guest of Misf Ada Long -from Friday till Tuesday. The ladies of the U. P. church will give a doll carnival and serve supper in the building vacated by- Blackburn, on Tues day, Dec. 15, 1903. Everybody invited Miss Phoebe Wysong of Bayard was the guest of Miss Pearl Mitchell Sunday. Miss Wysong was on her way to Lincoln where she will attend a conservatory of music. A party of Allianceites Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mollring and Miss Edith Hicks were out at Bingham last week, where they enjoyed a pleasant time at 'the Mollring Rosa ranch. The county treasurer contest ,caso will come up for hearing before Judge Spach next Monday in county court. This close contest has attracted general interest and the result will be awaited in the same spirit. The old saying, "War and Rumors of War," is forcibly expressed on the last page of today's IIkrald, where Rumer, the low-price' merchant, tells in plain English of a cut and slash in prices that will interest everyone. It's a snap, and Rumer means just what he advertises. Fred P. Rugh of Lincoln, coal inspector for the Burlington, has been taken to Chi cago to undergo an operation for the re moval of a tumorous growth on the brain. The unnatural growth affected Mr. Rugh's mental faculties, but (he removal of this obstacle will, it is said, restore his reason. E. G. Morris left for California Sunday night with a view of finding a location for permanent residence. Mrs. Morris will remain in this city until her husband has accomplished his intention. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Morris hope that they will yet conclude, to remain in Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schill were in from their Sheridan countv ranch Wednesday. Mrs. Schill was one of Tub Herald's most faithful and efficient correspondents a few years ago and we are ' pleased to an nounce that she has consented to report the important happenings in the Luella neighborhood. The marriage of Mr. Albert K. Lore to Miss Carrie D. Lapham occurred at the home of relatives in this city Sunday evening, Rev. C. W.' Ray of the M. E. church officiating. The newly married couple are well known in Alliance and are among our best people. Mr. Lore is an employe of the Burlington railroad. In this issue of The Hsralu will be found the official vote of Nebraska for supreme judges, regents of the university, and fifteen district judges. While the tabulated form comprises a volume of fig ures, it will prove of value and interest to many for future reference and in campaigns to come. It is a good thing to paste in your political scrap book. Talk about an American soldier seal i or the Chinese wall during the Boxer upris ing in the celestial kingdom! Alliance can leat that. .A " kid," knee high to a jack rabbit, climbed to the top of the stand pipe one day this week and placed a small tlag high up on the pickets that encircle the summit of the tower. But it's danger ous daring for boys and should not be en couraged. Bishop Graves of Cheyenne visited this city last Sunday and conducted services at Saint Matthew's Episcopal church, assisted in the impressive religious services by the pastor. Rev. Clarke. 1 he congregation listened to a masterly discourse on the Words of God and the inspiration derived therefrom was wholesome and lasting. The bishop, accompanied by Rev. Clarke, left Monday morning for the North Platte mis sions to continue their good work in the Master's vineyard. Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C. Jeffers pastor. Subject of morning service. "Seeing the Invisible." Evening discourse, "The Scarlet Line in Rahab's Window." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Junior's meet at 3 o'clock for study of the Christian culture courses. C. E. meeting at 6:45, Midweek prayer service Thursday evening. Christmas will be observed with a tree and appropriate exercises Thursday evening, the night before Christmas. A welcome to all services. ON WITH THE DANCE everything In Readiness for tho R. D. B. Event This Evening. At last the anxiously awaited hour is at hand wheu this community will realize the fulfillment of tho much-talkcd-of event of the social season. This very night,, when darkness shall have cast its mnnttc oyer mother earth, brave knights and fair maidens will be gathered together in the spacious ball room of the new Zbinden Miller block, where happiness will reign supreme and lovers of the light fantastic trip enjoy the mazy wait to time of en chanting music. The B. B. B, have been at work for sev cral days in decorating the ball room and the artistic taste of the committee has transformed the place into a fairy land, such as Cindcrilla found on that eventful night when, in such haste, she left behind the tiny glass slipper that caused such commotion. The large room is elaborately decorated with bunting and beautiful pictures and in one corner of the ball room tlio guests will be served from a punch bowl over flowing w"lth the delicious nectar. To the center of the hall festoons of ribbon meet' from the the four corners nnd under the, arched canopy the dancers will enjoy the evening's whilr. To the west of the room Moore and Spacht's orchestras will occupy an elevated platform, and the musical pro gram will be one of the important features of this claborato affair, The spacious store room beneath the hall has been cosily arranged, and here the merry guests of B. B. 13. 's will be served with delicious refreshments. Following is a list officers and committees in charge of the social affair: W. B. Tagg, chairman; E. C Mc Clure, secretary: Geo. Darling, treasurer. Reception Messrs. Knight, Barker, Tupper, Ankcny,, Fuller, Hubbell, H. Pardey, McLennan. Refreshments Messrs Thiele, Pardey, Ayres. Martinez. Music Messrs. Darling, McClure, Hampton, , Hall and Decorations Messrs. McClure, Moore, O'Keefe, Bogue, Mollring, Cogs well. Floor Messrs. Tagg', Burke, . Marks, Hively, Eubanks. ,; Collision in Which Two are Killed. ,' It s the same old story of two sections of a train trying to pass each other on the same track, with the usual result, human jives lost, others injured and a pile of wreckage heaped upon the track in every imaginable shape. This was the experience of freight trains No. 46, which was composed of two sec tions, Monday morning, near Mason. The cause of the collision can, perhaps, be bet ter explained by the railroad company, but it is said that the heavy sleet and snow prevailing at the time made it impossible for Engineer Reeder of the second section to see the train ahead until too late to avert the collision. Both engineer and fireman jumped in time to escape the wreck. Conductor Conn of the first section saw the impending danger and gave the alarm to the stockmen who were in the way car. Realizing that there was something wrong and that a collision was probable, the pas sengers got out on the platforms and most of them jumped, but R. E. Larkins of Brush, Colo., and Thomas Dye of Eugene, Ore., who were elderly men and afraid to jump from the first-moving train. They were both caught in the wreck and killed. One of them was picked up in the middle of the track mangled almost be yond recognition. The other man was run over by the wheels and badly cut up, but was not instantly killed. He never re gained consciousness and died an hour or two after the accident. The other pas sengers, among them being Ralph Taylor of Hyannis, R. R. Kinkaid of Bingham and Ed Eldred and Charles Avery, who reside south of Alliance, received more or less injuries due to jumping, from the train. The last two named escaped with but a few scratches. Frank McBride left last Sunday for Sheridan to work behind the bar in Arm strongs new saloon. D. Meyers, one of The Herald's pa trons in Box Butte precinct was an Alli ance "visitor Tuesday. A bowling contesj at Crawford Tuesday between Alliance and that village resulted in Crawford winning three games out of five. The quarterly report of the Fisrt State Bank of Hemingford appears in this issue and bears out the high standing of that in stitution. The fire bell pealed forth its notes of warning twice this week caused in both in stances by B. &. M. R. R. ties catching fire from engine sparks heralded by the high winds. Rev. C. W. Ray of tin M. E. church is arranging for a course in advanced degree in New Testament studies, While this can be pursued at home for a time it will also require attendance at the University of Nebraska later on. W. F. Broich has resigned as night opa nit or for the B. & M. at Mnrsland nnd Is visiting his parents in Alliance. Carl, son of Thomas Rubottom, left Sat urday night for York where he will attend the Presbytoriau college. II. C. Armstrong is spending the week at Sheridan looking after tlio now business" he recently opened in that city. ' Chris Hansen and J. P. Christcnson of Nonpareil precinct vistied Engineer Peter son and other friends In the city Sunday. Mrs. M. Cuslck returned Tuesday to hqr home at Newcastle niter a two week's visit with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. F. McCoy. Miss Helen Phillips spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr nnd Mrs. C. E Phillips. She returned to her school near Mnrsland Monday. Miss Mary Johnson left her desk at the Ilila (Irand long enough to spend n couple of days at her brother's ranch near Lusk, Wyo. She returned Monday. Two more elaborate balls will soon bo on the boards. About tlio first of the year the B. of R. T. will entertain in this line, and Janunry 14 the O. R. C will endeavor to please lovers of the sport, Will Davis arrived in the city Tuesday night and will spend a few days visiting frieuds. Will has been in tlio Black Hills for several months and says that he mot many former Alliance citizens in that sec tion. ' 1 The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bauer died Thursday morning of lung trouble ' after a brief Illness. The funeral occurred tqday, the services being conducted by Rev. Rboerig. The Herald extends sympathy to the bereaved par ents. B, E. Johnson of Hemingford returned from South Omaha Saturday, where ho disposed of a shipment of four cars of cat tle. While east, Mr. Johnson purchased a car load of wagons and farm implements. By referring to the Hemingford items in Ihis issue the reader will learn more of his recent investment. A lot of ties at the west end of the rail road yards, near the stock-yards, caught fire in some unaccountable manner last Wednesday morning, while a high wind was blowing. The department succeeded in being master ol tho situation after put ting Up a hard fight. Several hundred ties were consumed. ' Dr. Mitchell took his departure Monday night for his home at Newport, Pa., and may decide to remain there. The doctor was pleased with Alliance and the practice he has enjoyed here but his wife and daughters seem adverse to coming west to live, hence it is probable that he will re sume his practice in the Keystone state. Rood-Thompson., , A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. M, Hood in Box Butte precinct, When Miss Addie Hood was united in marriage to Mr. Eugene Thompson. The ceremony was performed at noon by Rev, C. H. Burleigh of the M. E. church of Hemingford, the Episcopal ceremony being read. Only a few relatives and friends were present, those being Mrs. Hood, mother of the bride, Charles and Carrie Thompson, brother and sister of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Mallery and daughter Leone of this city. A bountiful wedding dinner was served, Many beautiful presents were received, among them being a set of gold spoons, each mounted with a gold nugget, a gift from the bride's sister, Miss Alice Hood of Skagway, Alaska, This present is made more unique from the fact that Miss Hood panned out the gold herself from which the spoons were made She also sent the groom a beautiful pin nugget. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Matilda Hood and a lady of many accomplishments, being an excellent musician and a favorite in social circles. The groom is a young man of exemplary character and one worthy the love bf such an excellent helpmate. The Herald ex tends congratulations and best wishes for the young couple's future life. - M. E. Church Notes. First quarterly meeting December 13. One member baptized and seven re ceived into the church last Sunday. Snnday morning subject, "I Fought a Good Fight," Evening, Secret of Power in a Great Life." Have "The Chelf is Sentenced. Arthur Chelf who created a sensation in Alliance a few months ago by marrying twice in two days received a sentence of one year in the penitentiary and a ffoa of S700 in an Illinois court last week. Notice. The regular election of officers of the Retail Clerk's Local No. 867 will be held at the regular meeting Wednesday even ing, Dec. 9. A full attendance is desired, Percy Cogswell, President. G. E. CohnU, Secretary. Wm. Manchester Injured at Mitchell. Another distressing railway accident oc curred Inst Saturday, whereby a trust worthy employe of the Burlington, William Manchester, of this city, lost his left arm. The mishap took place at Mitchell, on the Guernsey lino, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon. Manchester, who was brakqlng for Conductor Perry, attempted to make a coupling, which was defective. After sev eral trials ho ventured too far and his arm was caught between thu deadwobd of the cars, crushing the member so severely that amputation was necessary, Tho in jured man was brought to this city in tho evening nnd after n consultation by locnl surgeons it was docided to take Manchester to tho railway hospital at Chicago, where every possible advantage could be given in the hopo of saving tho arm. Assisted by Dr. George and F. D. Kalcy ho was. taken east Sunday morning, but before Lincoln was reached the condition of tho injured man grew worse and he was placed in the Sulpho-Salino hospital at that plnpe and on ndvlco of tho surgeons tho arm was amputated just below the shoulder. Mr, Manchester stood the ordeal with fortitude, and it Is said ho shows every symptom of speedy recovery. Mrs. Emma B. Man chester, who residus at Lincoln, was at tho depot to meet her son, and give htm that caro and affection which only lies within the power of a mother. Mr. Manchester will receive pecuniary assistance in tho sum of several hundred dollars accident insurance, which is a slight material assistance to ono in lift condition', School Report. To tho Board of Education and patrons of the Alliance City schools; Find herewith appended a partial Hit for the month ending Nov. 27, 190:1. Number enrolled tliU month ' Tt!l. Ntimliernf Imyn ,aw. Number of jrlrls , 3t. ' Total enrolled lo dalu , "IU. Enrolled corresponding tnontli liiitt yeur.nm Eurvllwl tocorresiioiiilIiKiliitolunlyeiii'.?M, Average dally attcmlaticiUliN month.;. .012 n Average number bulongliiK Oils mtmtli.,70j hS Number of turdles , ;, Per cunt, of dully iiitondnnoo (14,37 Percent, of punctuality.,,, vnr.xi Neither ulxmnt nor tardy fertile Month.. 3ft). Neither absent nor tardy to date ,...161, Nuinlxsrof minutes lout by tardiness I SI. Number of visitors....,,,.,.....,. 210, ' The Msvunth grailu neeurud the lln tlilt mouth. The followlmtrwnii were ierfe;Un.Imietu ullty: HevntliKrado,utth j-rado nnd fourth primary. Tlio third primary made tho highest pur cent, in lUtenduiice. School will close for the holidays Dec. S, and re-open Jan. 4, 1904. Respectfully submitted. W, H, Bartje, Superintendent. The Arriagton & Swain Comedy Co. At the opera house three nights, Decem ber 3, 4 and 5, This company comes to Alliance vjry highly recommended by the press In every town where performances have been given, The plays are all of an entertaining and interesting character and the specialties between all of the acts are spoken of as being of a very superior quality. The McCook papers say: "All of the players, twelve in number, are excejlent in their lines,,and especially so are Mark Swain and wife and Mayme Arrington. A commendable feature about the entertainments is, there are no tire some waits; every minute is consumed in choice amusements for the audience's benefit." Remember the dates Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, December 3, 4 and 5. .Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Seats ou sale at Holsten's, beginning next Wednesday morning. Tor Snlc or Trade. Three. houses and lots,- several vacant lots, four horses, two Jersey cows, four sets of harness, one saddle, one shoe ma chine, four sewing machines, 10,000 brick, one 2-seated carriage. W. W. Norton. MVW WW 4 Cattle wanted to winter. J, S. Kaper, Lawn, Neb. My Xmas goods are here and I wilt sell you pictures and picture frames from 25 to 50 per cent less than ever before offered in Alliance. Humphrey, the undertaker. 49 HcslJcnce for Sate, Gpod residence in best part of Alliance is for sale and possession given at once. Modern, with east front, lawn and trees. Apply at Kridelbaugh home, Laramie avenue, opposite Baptist church. Have a cottage with four rooms closet and pantry, cellar, stable, etc., for sale in Alliance. Will take $1100 for it, $600 in cash or livestock (horses and cattle) aud S500 on long time loan. Address, K. I.. Pierce, Hemingford, Neb. I have a dozen full-blooded Buff Rock chickens for sale. C. M. Lotspeich. 46 Kslraycd. From the WooUurldgti place, one aud one halt mile houthwest pf Alliance, Monday, No vember id, three head of cows, two brlnjlo and tio red, all'bramled VD, and four calves, two with inurxlcH on.. Leave word with P. E, lleddlsli. Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will bo charged nt the rato of 10 cents por lino first insertion nnd , cent nnr linn r.Ar.h subsequent Insertion. Advertisers miouici remember tnat tub IIrUAIIi'O firr-illnllnn Id Inilnl, tmmr 1it ....... v..u,.,..w.a ... ......... ..Kk. u. any other Alliance paper and has tho lar gest circulation in the city nnd county. Xmas photosAlliance Art Studio. Go and got your shoes at Mollring Bros. Or Allen, dentist, opera house. Old papors for sale nt this office. Go to Dr. Reynolds for dental work. Scars building. 'Phono 213. Thornton pays six cents for hides. See F. E. Heddish for loans on real es tate. L, W. G. Simonson has a small house ho will exchange for cattle. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co. T.tko hides where you will get tho mqft for them at Thornton's. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping Vats. All kinds of screen doors nnd windows made to order by Geo. G. Gadsby. Sec Humphrey forpicture framing1, up holstering and furniture repairing. Bids wanted for baling 150 tons of hay at once. J, R. VnnBoskirk, two miles south of Alliance. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seveatejnth stnsst, Lln-.j'n, Ns'i Pattern hats, street hats, ready-to-wear hats. Mrs. Thos. Regan. For sale. Second-hand Singer sewing nfachine in good repair. Inquire at this office. Three new Royal ball-bearing sewing machines at cost. A No, 1 second-hand organ for sale. A. C. Bingham, Board and room $5 per week. New house, everything first-class. First house north of B. & M freight depot. Wm. Bachman, proprietor, , Wanted! Potatoes! Highest market price. A. D, Rodoers. Wanted A good girl to work at laun dry. Call at laundry. 6-26-tf Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per manently located Sn the Sears building, first door west of Blackburn's store. One second hand Kansas City hay biler for sale. See the old apple man, F. A. Thfele. For sale Surrey, almost good as now, A. E. Pearson, 612 Box Butte avenue. For Sale Thoroughbred Cockrel Span iel pups. First house north of Catholic church or Miller Bros. See those new chafing" dishes at New berry's, 5o-tf. Sleds and skates for the boys and girls nt Newberry's. so-tf. Fine quality apples for sale; $1,25 per bushel. Call at Harry Loomis' residence west of the ice house, Alliance. 50-tf. If you want pictures framed for Xmas, bring them in early to insure getting them in proper time. Geo. Darling, 50-tf. Call up B. F. Lock wood Co., "Kitchen to Parlor," and have them 6et up your stove and put down your carpet. Work guaranteed. 50-1 f. If you want a stovu set up or a carpet put down, telephone B. F. Lockwood Co., "Kitchen to Parlor," who is making this a specialty. 50-tf Christmas will soon be here. Selec- your presents while stocks are unbroken. Newberry has a large stock of useful and beautiful articles. 5otf Geo, Darling's display of art goods is a credit to the city many times larger than Alliance. People should appreciate this and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase their needs in this line. so-tf Household Goods. Household goods stored in room form erly occupied by Blackburn's grocery. These goods for sale; terms cash or bankable paper. Thps. Beck, per Geo, Darling.' . tf li. O. T. M. -Meets every Urstnnd tblrd Frr day at Uagle Hall. Visiting Maccaboe eot illally Invited. Mbs. O. O. DAVBNroHT, L. C. Havmk O'Dowjixxl, R. tC. Photographs make good Xmas gifts we make good photographs. Alliance Art Studio,' For Sale One finely upholstered Dav enport couch, one rosewood chiffonier, one large oak rocker and one oak hall chair. Telephone or call at Tub Herald office.