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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1903)
UNCOLK NED s. r f The AlliaIcb Herald. Official Publi cation of the City and County. Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. VOLUME X. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA'. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1803, NUMBER 34 i- It $ fr & I 1 I t 1 I P RANCHHEN AND H A Y E R ' S GROCERIES at the lowest price. See us before you buy. Water Melons on Tap. Alliance Grocery. Co. , rfc. KREAMER, 2 In Alliance 16-30 of every month. J Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391. The electors of the People's Independ ent party held a convention Tuesday to select delgates to attend the state and ju dicial conventions. The following per sons were elected, viz: State J. W. Baumgardner, Orville Owens, Clark Olds. J.W. Christy. Judicial R. H. West, Chris Hansen, A. C. Johnson, Ira Reed. At the democratic county convention held at the court house Tuesday to select delegates to the state and judicial conven conventions the following persons were elected: State H. H. Funk, F. McCoy, W. S. Ridgell, T. J. O'Keefe. Judicial Wm. Mitchell, A. I). Millett, S. M. Smy- ser, Lee Edwards. See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. Dr. Cook, the optician of Lincoln, will make his next monthly' visit tQAllianceu Tuesday, August 18, and will' be at, the" office of Dr. Bellwood. Help wanted at the Barry House, Dr. Reynolds, the dentist, is now per manently located in the Sears building, first door west of Blackburn's store. ' For screen doors and windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf Try Rowan's fresh graham flour. TAKE NOTICE. The public is hereby warned that all persons are forbidden to go near the hos pital of detention without first obtaining permission oj the authorities. Anyone violating the quarantine regulations will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law Louis Buechsenstein, Mayor. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to treat any and all diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed "Hum North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 '- it ? "'. t'" ,-vt r Attend The Clearing Sale Now on at NORTON'S - Normal School Notes. The ministers of the city who have been present at chapel this week were Rev. Boguc, Rev. Howie, Rev. Jeff crs. Dr. E. Van Dyke Wright, president of Hastings college, spent one day this week visiting the normal in the interest of the college. The Hcmingford visitors this week weie Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Pierce, Rev. nnd Mrs. Council, Miss GraceWhceler, Mis. Hunter and H. H. Funk. Prof. A. F. lialdridgc, formerly sup erintendent of the Alliance schools, was present Tuesday morning and seemed much pleased with the interest mani fested by both teachers and pupils. The regular class work was complet ed last week, and the last five days de voted to regular institute work. The instructors gave one period lecture each morning and conducted examina tions in the afternoon. The attendance has steadily increased during the last few weeks, there now being registered 240 students. High School Inspector Crabtree was present Wednesday and read an inter esting paper, " My First School." In this he gave many hints as to the way in which tlit difficulties attendant upon the teaching of one's first school may be surmounted. The paper was valu able, being taken from personal exper ience and not ideas advanced that were purely those of thedry. The county superintendents from eight of the counties included in this district have been present during the week of institute work. They are H. L. Fisher, Dawes county; Walter Kent, Sheridan county; J. W. Baum gardner, Box Butte county; Conrad Parsons, Sioux county; H. R. Dellin ger, Grant county: Mrs. W. E. Heard, Banner county; Miss Alice Wilkinson, Kimball county,, and Miss Agnes Lackey, Scotts Bluffs county. S. M. Smyscr visited the normal last Friday morning and read a paper with the, subject, "The Journey from Then to Now." The paper was a fine one, the main part being brought out that if we take care of the Now, the Then will take care of itself. After reading the paper, Mr. Smyser carried the sub ject btill farther- in an interesting talk giving illustrations from his own life. There was a general feeling of regret at the close that this gentleman had been unable to visit the school before. 'The Wesleyau quartette was greeted by a large and enthusiastic audience last Tuesday night at the opera house. The singers are favorites with Alliance people, having made many friends during a former visit. The music was of the best, the perfect harmony exist ing between the voice which when singing together has the effect of a full chord on a perfectly toned instrument. The solos were all given an encore to which they pleasantly responded. In the morning the quartette gave two se lections for the benefit of the teachers in 'the chapel room. We are proud of Nebraska's teachers and of Nebraska's singers. The normal is over. An excellent course of study has been completed, and stronger teachers will return to the schools in the different counties. It has been a success in every way. Teachers find schools waiting for those who have made this effort. New friendships have been formed and old ones more closely bound together. This success is due to several things. First to the untiring energy, manage ment and business ability of Prof. Bartz, the principal. Second, to the zeal, interest and up-to-date teaching of the instructors, Miss Schlee, S. H. Martin, Chas. E. Philpott and P. E. McCoy, and to the earnest, hard work of the students. The teachers, schools and state will be better for this sum mer school. Better for the lessons not learned from books, but from associa tion with each other and with those of wider experience and greater learning. These schools are the means of lifting the profession of teaching up to that broader level wheie it belongs and may northwestern Nebraska be blessed with many more, such as this has been. Following is a list of new students who attended the junior normal: Chadron Melinda E.Wagner,Mabel Lambert, Ada L. Lambert, Cora M. Fisher, James Harley, Mrs. Electa Younglove, Roy W. Jones. Bertha Gingerick, Carrie Gingerick. Crawford Jessie Rowland, Jennie M. Ellis, Mrs. A. E. Stewart, Ralph W. Stewart, Jennie B. Stewart, Cora C. Williams, Anna Hansen, Perry M. Spease, Iva Spcase. Hay Springs Laura Gibbs, Ida M. Jennie Bolin, Ruth Waterman, Rose McShane. DHarrisburg Weltha L. Douner, C. C. Hobson. Erma Rider, Albert H. Warner, Ella White, Mary Farfoot, Jessie Barfoot. Claude H. Lunde, Adaton; Mrs. G. W. Lanbran, Alice G. Whiting, Ida; Mary E. Webber, Glen: Mrs. W. B. Gillett, Esther; Elsie B. Merchant, Mitchell; Bertha Hutchings, Sidney; Sadie McFadden, June Tracy, Kimball; Minnie Clausen, Dix; Maude Lease. Redington; Sadie Waitman, Bayard; Amy E. Christian, Kirtley, Wyo.; Ed win Guthrie, Harrison; Fanny L. Berry, Antioch; Mabel Horn, Rush ville; Harry R. Carson, Fay Van Boskirk, Alliance. from Lawrence Barry was seriously ill several days this week. Rev. Sanders is renewing old acquaint ances in the city. W. D. Rumer returned yesterday from an eastern business trip. W. G. Simonson went down to his ranch near Lakeside last night. Misses Mary nnd Alicia Regan returned Monday from their visit at Lead City. The Business Men's club will give a dance in the opera house tomorrow night. Paul T. Gadsden, representing the Chas. E. Walters Co., Omaha, is in the city. www. Mrs .C. II. Connett and little daughter returned Monday from their visit at St. Joseph. Mrs. L. B. Stoner will entertain the Methodist ladies' aid next ' Wednesday afternoon. J. C. Fox, city treasurer of Lincoln, passed through Alliance Wednesday en route to Deadwood. Miss Lulu Duncan went to Crawford Monday to witness the play, "Hazel Kirk," given by Miss Ada Hiest. All telephones will be cut out from 9 o'clock Saturday night till Monday morn ing for the purpose of arranging the new boards. Mrs. J. K. Neal and son Carl arrived today from Suprisc, Neb., and will visit a few days with friends before' lerving for Oregon. Leonard Sampy and B. U. Sheppard are down frorn Nonpariel today. Mr. Sampy brought in a fine horse which he sold to Sheriff Reed. Rev. Father Hayes came in ftom Chey enne last night and visited Father Galvin till today, leaving for Vancouver Island, where he will spend a year. The state board of education will be in Alliance Friday, August 28, for the pur pose of investigating matters pertaining to the normal school proposition. There was a large crowd in the city yes terday to attend the circus. While the show was not as extensive an Ringliag's still it was Very good and better than most people expected t see. Dr. Collins, father of our townsman, Ed Collins, has decided to locate permanently in Alliance. Dr. Collins is a homeopath. He is an old resident of Pawnee City and u most desirable citizen. Judge Berry packed up his fishing para phernalia Monday and hied himself to Guernsey where in company with Harry Martin and J. F. Ringler he will go to the Laramie mountains to make a raid on the trout. He expects to return Saturday. John B. Knicst arrived Saturday from Carroll, Iowa, to take a position in this office. Mr. Kniest has been engaged in the newspaper business for the last fifteen years, is proficient in all branches of the work and thoroughly reliable. He expects to move his family here in a couple of weeks. Mr. Kniest is a life-long friend of J. B. Gray of this city. The teachers institute closes this week. At the beginning of the term ten weeks ago, Mrs. Lora Rustin and Miss Susie Frazier were appointed by Superintendent Bartz to report the work of the normal to the local papers. The ladies have done the work assigned them very creditably, their column being read with interest each week by everyone interested in education al work. Geo. Gregg and bride passed through Alliance on 41 today for their home at Marsland. Mr. Gregg and Miss Pearl Snow were married at Des Moines, Iowa, yesterday. They are popular young peo ple of Marslaud, the bride being a daugh ter of Postmaster Snow. The Herald extends congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness. At the republican county convention held last Saturday the following candidates were placed in nomination: For clerk, W. C. Mounts; for treasurer, Alex Muir head, for sheriff, Ed. S. Wildy; for county judge, Smith P. Tuttle; for superintendent of schools, Mrs. Lee Rustiu; for surveyor, D. W. Hughes; for coroner, Dr. J. E. Moore; for assessor, A. S. Enyeart for for commissioner First district, Geo. L. Taylor. Miss Kate Murphy arrived Tuesday from Kansas City to visit at the Elmore home. She will start on her return to night accompanied by Grandma Elmore who will visit in Kansas City for a few weeks. Mrs. M. Elmore and Mrs. D. A. Foley will accompany them as far as Omaha. Mrs. Dunphy and son of Altoona, Pa., who have been visiting the Elmores, returned Wednesday from Denver and in company with Mrs. D. O'Keefe of Hem? ingford will go to Hot Springs tomorrow to spend a few days before returning to their eastern home. Rev. Dr. Horn and wife returned Lincoln today. The republican party of Box Butte county met in convention last Saturday for the purpose of nominating candidates for the fall election. Some offices seemed more popular among the would-be offic ials than others. For some offices there were several aspirants and for others it was uitiicuit to linu a candidate who was willing to be'snowed under at the polls. On the whole the ticket proposed is not considered strong. As in the last county election, however, there may be surprises this time. The republican candidate for treasurer two years ngo was considered the weakest on the ticket yet he was the only candidate of his party elected over his opponent the standard bearer on the fusion ticket and his success was due more to sentimental than party reason. This yea he is trotted out as the big drum of the g. o. p. band wagon. The unexpected frequently happens in Box Butte county. It there fore behooves the fusion convention to be very careful in the selection of its candi dates. The people of our county vote in county matters to a great extent irrespec tive of party, If we nominate strong men, they are sure to be elected. Captain Watson of Fort Robinson is in the city today, A regiment from the post expects to go to Fort Riley, Kans., the latter part of September for a month's stay and will travel overland to Sidney or Julesburg where they will ship from. The captain is now looking up the route and making arrangement for camping and provisions. They will camp a night at Alliance. Captain Watson was in command of the squadron here July 4, and made many friends among our citizens. He is one of the oldest officers at Fort Robinson and recognized as one of the ablest in the service. Miss Mabel Johnson returned to Alliance from Chicago Thursday. She was ac companied from Omaha by her mother, Mrs. Albert Johnson, and daughter Mar ion. After spending a week or ten days with friends in Alliance they will go to Spokane, and it is probable that Mr. John son will locate in the state of Washington. The family have resided in Alliance for many years and their departure will be re gretted by a host of friends. Whenever a show comes to town there are two persons at least who will be there. They are Si Miller and Jules Zhinden. If If there was'steen tons of freight to be de livered not a wheel would move till Si saw the elephants and dancing girls and the suspension of work on the new Zbindcn block would not keep Jules away from the side shows. We are informed that they tried to buy the whole menagerie. Sunday morning sermon at the Baptist church, Rev. G. C. Jeffers, pastor, will be as follows: "The Power of Personal Knowledge." Evening sermon, "You are Invited." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. C. E. meeting has been changed to the former hour, 7:15, three-fourths hour be fore the evening service. Midweek prayer services Thursday evening. A welcome to all. Sunday at the M. E. church; Special subject, "Jerusalem to Jericho." Sermon subject for morning service, "The Angels of God." Evening at 8 o'clock, ' Religion in the Flowery Kingdom." Charles Hamilton, a former barber of this city, who has been on the Pacific coast for the last two years, returned Tues day and has taken a position in Brown's shop. Rev. N. C. A. Garness writes us that there will be Lutheran services at P. S. Olson's residence Friday evening, August DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT In the Phelan Opera House Wednes day Night, Aug. 10. T. F. Mitchell of New York, popular elocutionist, reader and reciter, will give an entertainment in the opera house next Wednesday night, assisted by Prof. Harry Dunning who is recognized as one of the most accomplished violinists now giving entertainments before the public. Mr. Mitchell comes highly recommended as a finished and pleasing reciter, and those having heard him assert that in the line of elocution and reading he has few equals and no superiors. His selections include humorous and sentimental pieces calculat ed to please all classes of people, and his style of delivery is said to be most effect ive. He has a number of admirers in the city who promise that he shall have a good audience and are interesting themselves in the matter of disposing of tickets for the entertainment, which promises to be a very pleasing one and well worth the price of admission. Reserved seats will be on sale at Hol sten's pharmacy beginning next Monday morning. Adv. Lost. Ten dollars re ward'w ill be paid by the undersigned for the delivery of a diamond ear-ring, lost last Friday between Conduc tor W. M. McClellan's place and the school house. Mrs. W. S. Ridgell. LOCAL RACES On the Racetrack West of Town Thursday Afternoon, Aug. 20. There aro n number of very promising horses in Alliance, which are being trained for the track and the owners thereof have conceived the idea that by giving matinee exhibitions occasionally sufficient interest may be aroused to lead to the formation of a permanent racing association for the holding of regular races during the racing season of each year. It is not the inten tion to organize an association until after a few races havo been held and 'people" have a clearer view and idea of what a perman ent association of this character means for those loving to see good horse races. Next Thursday afternoon the first of a series of races will be hold. The following trotting horses have been entered for races during the afternoon: Margaret Lee, Agnes B, Shaparone and Lady Clair, all owned by J. R. Phelan; Carrie C, owned by Dr. E. C. Koons; Lucy, owned by E. D, Moll ring! Queen Cadery, owned by Simon Spry; Black Lilly, owned by Taggart, and Billie B,. owned by Williams. All of these horses are of the 3-minute class and it Is said they are pretty evenly matched. The purses will be amount of gate receipts; Co per cent first money: 25 per cent second money, and 15 per cent third money. In addition to the above, Helen G , owned by Granger, will pace one mile against time to beat track record. Morning Star, owned by Mr. Phelan, will be on the track and if there is no other horse present to make a race, will run against time. At conclusion of the races arrangements will be made on the track for match races on some day in the week following. This promises to be a very interesting exhibition of speed and an exciting time Is promised all desirous of seeing the races. Charge for admission will be 25 cents to each person entering the grounds whether walking or riding nnd and no extra charge for rigs in the grand stand. Railroad Notes, C. Glbbs, operator in Alliance office has resigned and goes to Oregon. Conductor Randall has been placed on conductor Eubanks run while he is laying ofl. Mrs, E. S. Jackson and Miss Kate BogUe jfre'expected home from. New York ithc first of the week. Geo. Burke returned Monday morning where he had been sight seeing among the Rockies and taking a trip to Pike s Peak. Conductor Wm. Eubanks on the Denver run is laying off and has begun some im provements on his claim southeast of Alli ance. H. M. Miller has been transferred from Ardmore to Adelia as agent relieving J. E. Scott who was called to Iowa on account of sickness in the family. Combination car 103 on the Hot Springs run will be relieved by combination car 22. Combination car 113 on the Dead wood run will be relieved by combination car 64. Geo. Brown, manager of the Western Union at Alliance came in on No. 43 Thursday. He reports a very pleasant time having spent about twenty days visiting in Sioux City, Dubuque, Burlington, Ke okuk and Manilla, Iowa. Miss Florence Shirley, Maude Cornell, Albert Martinez and Floyd Hively com posed a merry party of pleasure seekers who went to Crawford last .Sunday a. m. The day was spent at the Fort and Crow Butte, returning home on 42 that evening, Commencing Saturday, August 15, two stock trains will be run each Saturday, One from Guernsey at 10:40 a. m., arriv ing in Alliance at 5:40 p. m. and one from Edgemont at 1120 a. m, arriving here at 5:25 p. m. These trains will consolidate at Alliance and run special to Omaha. W. L. Ayer who has been operator in the Alliance telegraph office is transferred to Guernsey as agent relieving C. Hardy who has been granted a two months vaca tion. It is understood he will travel over a large portion of the U. S. putting in a part of his time in an original advertising scheme for the Burlington system. Entertainment. On Tuesday evening, Aug. 18, in the U. P. church there will be a musicale given under the auspices of the Young People's society of the church. The following pro gram will be rendered: Selections Sp.iclu's Ort-lii'M m Solo "Only 11 Romi" WolUngs Miss Wllum Frew Instrumental duet LouUeuud Ellrabuth (Jltirk Heading Mis-, Hurtlm Hamilton Selection Orchestra Solo Miss JCrldloUugti Instrumental duui Hiirtlm Hntl Alma Hamilton Utudlng-'A Convict' Violin" MIm Lulu Duncan Selection Orchestra polo-A Gypsy Muldun D...V.A. McAllister Uuudlng Ml McCorkle Selection Orchestra Solo "Annus McDonald" ., Itnvckol Miss Maud Cornell Selection Orchi'ktru Wanted To buy a roll-top office desk. L. A. Suprise. I HAYING TIME Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying-. Lee Acheson L 'Phone No. 4. Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column -will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line first insertion and -5 coots per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should reme'thber that 'The H br alu's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper'a'nd has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Have you tried Rowan's flour? Dr Allen, dentist, opera house. Go to Dr. Reynolds for .dental Work. Sears building. 'Phone 213. Thornton pays six cents for hides. See F. E. Reddish for loans onreal es tate, www. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co. Take hides where you will get the most for them at Thornton's. Wanted A good girl to work at laun dry. Call aHanndry. 6-26-tf Forest Lurrfber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats, ' All kinds of screen doors and windows made to order by Geo. G. Ghdsby. Time Table Alliance, Neb, LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, "HICAGO, BUTTE, S TOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KA SCITY, POITLAND, ST. n 'S, SAN FRANCISCO. and nil p. eiiM, and points west and south. TiuikrLbave.. .., .. .. "" No, 41 Passenger dully. Deadwtxxl. Hillings, til! points north unci west, , 10:35 K.m. No. 42 l'lMMtpnger dully, Lincoln, Omiiliu. ChlcnKo uud all points eust No. 301 1'ussenger dully, for Denver Option, Hull Luke, b'nn I'run clsco and all Intertnudlato points, departs at 1:10 a.m. No. 302 r;ihsenL-er dully from Denver mid all Intermediate points, urrlvt-H tit 10:10a.tu. No, 43 lAtcul pahscngrr dally row Omaha, Lincoln mid tutor mediate kIihs arrives at.... 5:5-S a.m. No. 44 Ijucal pjussungur dally, for Ouiaha.Uncoln uud lutermo (llato points, departs at 4:00a tu No. 3n5I)ally. cxccii Sunday, for points houtli mid weM, do parts.... U;P0ii.ui No. SlW Dally, except Sunday, froih south and west, arrives 4:55p.m. Hleeplnjr, dining and reclining chair curs (seats free) on through train. Tickets Hold and luiggago cheeked to ajiy point 111 tlio United States or Canada. For Information, time tables and tickets call on dr write to J. KUKiDKi.UAUUii, Agent, or .1, I'iianois, Gen eral I'ussengor Agent. Omaha. N'elintska. GROCERIES O O ST Commencing July 6 My entire stock of groceries and queenswrea will be offered for sale at actual cost for O Pl S H Having decided to quit the business and to close out the entire stock within 60 days, I will make prices of special inducements to cash purchasers, The stock will all be closed out in the next A. BLACKBURN Deiy f