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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
5F55s WdiwffliamiBftga TF ilHH j. .iw "wwwmwi., wpnp. "y 4w3tc3S!55555K iiwil '' n HEMINGFORD. ullp licit subscriptions and jof) work and collect and receipt lor same, and transact nil i business fn connection wit li liUpotlllonr accredited representative of this impor.) It. C. Curtis wus In from Canton Mon day. Clayton ltuod was a visitor here Sun lny. Mrs. George V. Snow t niucli better tills week. Shoo repairing' ncntly done by C. no.VAftiit'K. C. K. Connell Went to Alliance Tues day evening. .lint Frlcl is buldl" a house in West Heiningford. Art Osgood is visiting with Clark Olds and family. Hamilton Hall moved his family back to tho ranch Monday. W. I Walker has moved into his homo on Ho. Ilutte avenue. Mrs. AlcNaiider returned from Fort Collins, Colorado, last week. Miss Mary tlcruuall spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Miss Lena Wildy went to Cliadron Monday to vUlt for a few days. Opal Husscil began a term of school in the Jensen district last week. Itcrt Itushncll went up to Lead Mon day, returning Tuesday evening. Gracu Wheeler is spending a few days in the country with her grand mother. The railroad company is busily en gaged lengthening ,the switches In tho yards here. Miss Delia Heed and Miss iFruzIcr attended the teachers" meeting here Saturday. Mrs. Hird returned Friday from Mitchell where she, has been visiting for a short time. Little Elsie Green has been quite ill for several days but is improving rap Idly at this writing. . Dr. li. C. Ivoons, the Alliance dentist, will be in lletningford Wednesday and Thursday, April T and 10. Alwildn Church IldUhed n -successful term of school in the. 'Nonpareil district this u'euk. .1. II. Shirk is improving rapidly un der the treatment he is receiving at the home oT Ids son in Illinois. Tho now disk plow has been experi mented with by .some of our progres sive farmers' and they nil speak very h'ghly of it Mrs. S. J. Holdrldge will have a line of millinery in Homlngford Friday nnd Saturday, April 17 and 18. Ladles tire invited to call and see the goods. Miss Cora Ueese visited with Mrs. Mabel Pierce last Saturday. Miss Reese finished n term in tliu Keane dis trict on Wednesday and began another at Canton Monday. Dr. Kuans of Alliance will meet those desiring dental work done in Uemiug ford Wednesday and Thursday, April IS and HI. Teeth extracted without pain by local application of alvetunder. The village election Tuesday resulted in the choice of the following named citizens as members of the village board of trustees! A. II. Pierce, C. A. Hurlew, II. 11. Funk, A. M, Miller and George Carter. - Mrs. Evum? and son departed for eastern Nebraska via Crawford on the Northwestern Monday. Lloyd will visit With his 'ttnele near Norden und Mrs. Evans will go on to Omaha to take treatment for the benefit of her health. Remember that the chancellor of the Nebraska state university, E. Itenja mln Andrews, will deliver a lecture hereubout May 20. If interested In a deep,iphilosopb!eal discourse by a fear less, .aggressive and able man, paste the dale in your hat. We lire Informed very reliably indeed that four or live weddings will occur very soon, say within the next ninety days.' Our informant was wise enough not to'commit himself as to tho parties involved,' but everyone will be able to eiphej-'out who the first four will be Anyhow, five isn't right: there will be six. A very successful and instructive teachers' ussoclatiou was held in the high school room last Saturday. Teachers from all parts of the county were represented and all those who were m the program for papers were present and the discussions were inter esting and instructive. ''Composition in Our'Rural'Schools" was ably handled by Mrs. Itustlu. "Geography" was the subject assigned Miss Almeda Fosket, to whlcli she did full justice. School boards would do well to keep a weather eye' peelell for the teachers who attend and take part in such associations as this one. It livens them up and cre ates Intercut in their work. A greatly increased acreage of all kinds of grain and also of potatoes will be put out this year. Predictions vary from a bumper crop to complete fail ure. One thing is certain: that more feod for cattle must bo grown or the number per section materially de creased. Quito a number are prepar ing to put out various kinds of dry country grasses. Some ure pinning their faith to spring rye and others lean to barley us the ideal feed. The price of land continues to advance in 1 - sympathy with eastern farms. It Is quite the common thing for land to sell for 8B00 to 8000 por quarter section which two years ngo would not have found ready sale nt 817.". If tho next year or two continue to be favorable utility think that present prices will be doubled. Let it be so. Those who have stayed by tho solid ground weft of the sand hills" through thick und thin deserve some recompense for thilr stlck'to-itlveness. If the eastern faru. era could be induced to come out heio and raise potatoes and rough feed to sell on our cheap land they could dou ble their present not profits. Most of the ranchmen in this vicinity enn range more cattle than they can raise feed for. And ono'year with another more can bo made to sell feed in tho spring tiudMatc winter to who are short titan to keep cattle. Perhaps the boom won't come but it's just about due. Plant Trees. A vast amount of spring fever is being worked off in the yards and upon tho lawns In our city just at present and al ready everything is puitiug on quite a cleancd-up appearance. This is well. This is the time of year for such work. Nothing so beautifies a place as a well kept lawn; in addition, nothing so beauti fies a lawn a trees and right now is the best time to put them in the ground, Every day jiist now should b,e Arbor Day to the Alliance citizen whose yard has not in it what trees may be planted ' therein without crowding. Experience has dem onstrated that trees can be grown here in the city, where water can be artificially supplied to them, with a flatteringly en couraging degree of success. Only yester day a gentleman remarked in this office how far removed from the barrenness of four or five years ago the Alliance of today is, and it is in a large degree duo to the habitable look given it by its growing trees. All sorts of trees grown In this latitude In the east grow equr.lly well here One need not lack for variety and the cost is trivial. The caro of seeing that the hoso is turned upon them is about all tile labor they will ueed expended upon them when once in the ground, so plant trees. You can't ex pend ?o little labpr and so little money and reap such a rich harvest of beauty in- any other way, so phnt trees.. You want-something to romind you of the woods round the old home back east then plant trees. Application for Liquor License. The compiled statutes of Nebraska (page 77s 3592 Sec. 2) says: "No action shall be taken upon an application until at least two wcekV notice of filing of the same has been given by publication in a nuwspaper published in said cpunty, havinh tiik I.AROKST CIRCULATION THEREIN. " Till! Herald'.-, actual bona fide circulation is nearly twice that of any other Alliance paper. Application Tor Druggist's Permit. Notice is hereby Klvmi to all whom It miiy on lot bioeic IB, fronttns Wyoming areata1, in tho Mrst ward or the city of Alllinco. No brusku. nntl that their put It Ion has U 1-1 duly llh'll with the city elork neeonlliiK to law V. J. KllKNMAN A, I'D. Dated Alliance. Neb, April (1, imh. Application for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby Kii-en that Coffey A Duwtl have tiled their petition us nmlrel by law with tliuelly clerk to obtain 11 liquor llcensu to sell malt, spirillum and vluoun llimorslii the building situated on lots, block 21, fnmt luK tin ilo lliittuuiciiue In tho Writ wnrtl of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for tho year eiiillm; May, Hull, mill tlmitliey will ask Unit said license !u Issued to them on the 5th day of May 11WJ. belini the reRiilar meetlriK of tho elty council of tbeclty of Alliance, Nebraska. Thomas A. Corruv, Tiiomh .1. Down. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 11, llW. Application for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby jflu-n that Wlllliun KIiik has tiled bl petition as required by law with the elty clerk' to obtain a liquor license tosell jaa.'.t, snlrltuotis and vinous Hqiiorn in tho bulliiiiiRsituntetl on lot 7. blocks:, fronting llox Ilutte :nemiotn t no Second ward or tho elty of Alliance. Nebraska, for the year end liiir May, l!V)l, nntl tlmtbe will nslc that said license be Issued to him 011 llieSth day of luy 1111, iK'ltiKtho regular lneetlnu of the elty council or the city of Alliance, Nebraska. , .,,. u.MAM Kino. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 0, llMt. Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby 1 veil that Henry C. Arm strong bun HUmI his petition as required by law with Hie oily clerk t obtain a liquor llivnsoto sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in tho bullillnitaltuauiliiiilot U. block XI, front lug ItoK Dutte avenuoln the Second ward of the elty of Alliance, Nebraska, for theyoarendliiK May, l'.Mi, and that he will ask that said II censo bo Issued to him on the 5th day of .May, 1IW3 holm,' the regular ineetlns; of tho city council of tint elty of Alliance. Nebraska. ,, . , ,,,, . HUNIlV C AltM8THOMI. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April a, 1003, Application for Liquor License. Not leu Is hereby given that W. N. Corneal A Co., have tiled their petition us required by law with the elty clerk to obtain a liquor li cense to soli malt, spirituous and vinous II quors In the building situated on lot V. block -'. fronting Box Hutto avenue In the Second ward of ihoclty of Alliance. Nebraska, for the year ending May. Ufli, und that they will ask that said license be Issued to them on the Mb day of May, 1S8, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance. Ne braska. W. N. Cohseau llKNIlY C. AllMSTllONli. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April rt. ul. Application for Liquor License. fiii'i,iC0.U.,mrebyKlv,,nJ,,a.l,n- s- Wcr bus filed his petition us required by law with tho city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell mat. spirituous and vinous liquors n the building bltuatod on lot 15, block s, fronting Bu UiViV1""?.".1 t,lB Soeoud ward of the elty flf Alliance, Nebraska, for tho joar ending May, hum. and that ho will ask that said lfl censo bo issued to him on the Mb day of May. 100J, being the regular meeting of the elty council of the elty of Alliance, Nebraska: Dated Alllunce. Nebraska, April 0, lt!E" Application for Liquor License. Notice U hereby given that 1" J. Hotold hits led Ills netltlon usruniilMxl hv law u.1,1. ,i... tiled his petition unrequired by law with the city dark to obtain a liquor lloiis to sell mult, spirituous and vinous liquors in the building-situated ou lot 17, block i'7. frutillng Box Uutte ui-tmua in Ihn .WmihI . .1.7. elty of Alliance. Nebraska, for the year eud biK .May. HUM, and that he will ask Unit said license be Issued to htm mi the 5th day of May IP03, being the regular meeting Of "the city council of the elty of Alllunce, Nebraska. . Hv.l. UbTKoMt. Dated lllauce, Nebraska, Aprils, I1W3. IT'S DOLLARS To Doughnuts, if such a ratio were possi ble, that we are showing the finest assortment of .......... . New Spring Wearalbles For men that was ever brought to Alliance. In making our selections the first thought is QUALITY. The line must be good, such as we can recommend, as high in style, honest in make and reliable in ma terial. Whatever the grade, it must be of such nature as will help to maintain our reputation for selling the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES if M seco Prove our Claim that AE SELL CHEAPEST MEN'S SUITS. Fine STRIPES in the new Cheviots, only See those-Blue Serg-e Suits Beautiful Venitian stripes at O CJO These are finely tailored with non-breakable fronts and are regular $512.50 values. A large assortment, comprising all the new colors, cuts, weaves and materials in our $10.00, $ 1 2. 50 and $ 1 5.00 grades. MEN'S PANTS Good line of every day Pants - -$2.50 value in Corduroy - - - -Carhartt's Black Cheviots ... Big lot of Boys' Knee Pants - - p BIG- T7"-A.X-."CTE: IZfcT BOTS' TRUNKS- We give piano tickets away FREE it will pay yon" to remember M? II K Distributors of the World's Best in the Clothing line at prices that won't make yon bleed inside WE CARRY IN STOCK THE CARHARTT OYERCLOTHES. We are doing more toward giving you bigger values, than we did last season. And we know this is saying a good deal.. We were fortunate this spring in clos ing out some good bargains from the manufacturers. . THESE PRICES $5.95 Good Underwear - -Good WORK SHIRTS Seamless Sox, fast colors, $7.50 WUK1V SOX ENGINEER'S Gauntlet Gloves Good Goatskin Gloves - - -WHITE SHIRTS - - - -COLORED DRESS SHIRTS 100 pairs Men's Satin Calf - - - 84 pairs Marine Calf 120 pairs Casco Calf - - - - -Boys' Shoes good ones - - - - Douglas Shoes Weber's Union Make - - - $1.50 1.75 2.25 25c HAT Sj H ATS! Men's Hats - - . -Drummer's Samples including hats worth up to $3. 50 onlv THE HAWES HAT -' - One lot of Stetson Hats VALISES famous CXovitv Cowse OO0S8O FURNISHING- GOODS. 45c 25c 25c ,5c 85c 25c 25c 50c pairs SHOE S! SH O E S ! $1.50 f-95 2.00 95c 3-50 2.56 39C $1.00 3.00 3.85 OILiOTZESIZfcTGr ALL .KINDS LOWEST PRICES Additional Local. 13. Mewhirier was down from Lead to exercise his right of franchise. The Ladies' Catholic club will meet with Mrs. Dennis Landrigan next Wednesday afternoon, James Watson and Miss Nettie A. Mid daugh were united in marriage yesterday by Judge Spacht. J, F. Thornton opened his grocery to th public yesterday. Ray Deitline who has held a position at Humor's will assist him. Clyde Badgley, who is workingat Lead, spent a day or two with -his parents the first of tho week. His friend, a Mr. Wakefield, accompanied him. Rev. H. Schulz, pastor of the German Lutheran church at Hemingford, will hold services at the Methodist church in Alliance at r o'clock p. m. next Sunday. Carter Harrison was elected mayor of Chicago for his fourth term Tuesday, Tom Johnson was alio reelected mayor of Cleveland and "Golden Rule" Jones at Toledo. Mrs. Moran and son Danny went to St. Joseph this week to see the former's nephew, Harry Crilley, who is taking treatment for his eyes and is having a serious time of it. Al Wiker erected a monument last week over the grave of Robert Mesenor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zurn, in Green wood cemetery. It is said to be the finest monument in the cemetery. W. S. Shores is open for engagement to clean your carpets and house in general. His years of experience justify him in giving excellent satisfaction, which he guarantees. Call him up 'Phone 333. We regret our failure to mention the visit of Mrs. A. S. Enyeart of Hemingford last week. She and Master Ross were guests ot relatives and friends a few days and were pleasant callers at this office. Wayne Zediker cut short his visit al Grand Island and came homo Tuesday to vote. This wa:i his first ballot and he saysthe only thing he disliked was that he cast it for a democrat. You ought to be proud of that, young man. G. W. Sparks came up from his ranch south of Mullen yesterday and is visiting Judge Berry and family. Mr. Sparks has been closing out his Mock interests and will soon take a much needed rest. His health lias not been the best for some time. Compare the amount and quality of news in The Hkralu every week with other papers. We have expended labor and money on The Herald but we're sat isfied. The results are evident to every one. The Herald will continue to set the pace. Mrs. F. F. Badgley has just received word of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Scott, of Mankato, Minn., and will Isave directly to go to her. Mrs. Scott spent the summer of 1901 here and the friends she made then will be sorry to learn that her recovery is considered very doubtful. E. I. Gregg returned Saturday from Tipton, Iowa, whither he was called to the bedside of his mother several days ago. He left her much improved, se are pleased to say. During Mr. Gregg's sojourn there he visited a sister whom he had not seen for eighteen years. Attorney Wm. Mitchell sold a three- year-old colt a few days ago to Dwight Lamb, the big lumberman of Clinton, Iowa. The price paid was $250. The animal was taken to Ankeny's ranch Mon day and will be shipped from there with other stock. Mr. Mitchell , has raised a number of fine horses during the last few years and has realized well from them. Jules Zbinden will soon commence the work of excavating for his new building. The block will not be constructed as first planned. Mr. Zbinden will not build the full length of the oue lot as he first intend ed but will now erect a 50x100 foot build ing on two lots. Mr. Miller and Mr. Young decided not to build and T. J. O'Keefe has not fully decided upon build ing this season. Mrs. Albert Pearson entertained ih. ladies of the Methodist church at her home Wednesday afternoon. Ws feel sure that they were pleasanly entertained and ue know that they partook of delicious refresh ments for a portion of the viands found their way across the fence dividing the Pearson grounds from our own and . therefore have personal knowledge whereof we speak. Sunday at the Baptist church, n. r Jeffers, pastor: Subject of morning ser mon, "The Doctrinal Teaching of Jesus' insurrection. in the evening, members of the Sunday school will give an Easter program. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Juniors meet at 3 p. m. Christian EncW vor meeting at.6.45. Arvilla Snow, leader. .uiuweek prayer sen-ice Thursday even ing. A welcome to all services. The Easter hop Tuesday nicht at th opera house will be one of the popular gath- cnugs unuer tne auspices of the ladies of the Episcopal Guild. Moore's orcehostra will oner niunic for dancinsr an.l u.. and handkerchief sale will be i,nl,l in booths presided over by ladies of the Guild. Pardee's ice cream, rich cake im. ade will be served. Tickets for dancing seventy-five cants. Admission free. All are invitsd. . s i knk t A, 1)1