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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1903)
4I&A. ftZXrv9 &"i i..k ..... i , -W- The Alliance Herald r:s:-j:--:' :-&:$: sAxw V OFFICIAL PUDLICATION A OF BOX DUTTE COUNTY ... A AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC A PAPER IN THE COUNTY. V A V THE HERALD HAS THE " unnutai CIRCULATION ! OF ANY ALLIANCE PAPER FRINTO ALL THE NEWS. . H-:S!'55iHJ:SA$ VOLUME X. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, APRIL 3,1903, NUMBER 15 & V 1 ' i free $400 Piano to be given away with groceries to the organization or per son having most votes on July 3, '03. one vote with each 25c purchase. Velvet Klour-Ilcst In town 1 in Sort oil Onions T5c bushel. :3 lbs Prunes loo '2 cans Hest Tomatoes 2;c Fancy Kvapor.Ued Applet 8'i 11) I pound .Inpan Ten IIV 3 II) can Peaches 15 .'I lbcan ('ill. riuins inc. Fresh Krks per doz ISc llutterperlb 'jfc Pens -Early .liim hw Salmon, Uond Can lCe More bargains by calling and see inn us before buying we want yout trade. Raymond & Ouivev : B i Additional local on inside pages. Matt Cowlin of Marple was transacting business in the city Wednesday. Frank and Fred Nagelschneider were down from Hemingford Tuesday. Miss Lulu Kent will commence the spring term of school in the Tiernan dis trict next Monday. Miss Maggie Brennan closed school in the Lorance-West district last Friday. She left this week for Newcastle. Miss Edna Mastrude closes a successful term of school in the Lawler district today and will commence teaching in the Sher lock district next Monday. Jules Zbinden returned Sunday from a business and pleasure trip which included Lincoln, Omaha and Sweetwater, the homo of his brother Herman. James Feagins of the Watson it Fcagins ranch returned Tuesday from a trip in Iowa and Illinois, where he had been to ptirchase blooded stock. Mrs. Ernest Montgomery left Sunday morning for Lincoln where her husband went some time ago and where they ex pect to make their home. Mrs. Geo. A. Reid left Wednesday night for Chicago. It is probable that her little daughter who ras been there for medical treatment will return with her Mrs. Calkins of Ravenna was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Morris Sunday while en route to Kelso, Wash., where she expects to remain permanently. Mrs. J. S. Mekiney returned Sunday from her long stay at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha much improved in health, though not completely recovered. James Dougherty, our stockman friend from Lakeside, spent a couple of days in the city the first of the week on business. Mr. Dougherty says his stock has wintered well. E. S. Wildy returned from Guernsey last Saturday and after spending a few days with friends went to Hemingford, expecting to go from there to the Wildy ranch near Malinda. BOGUE'S Ten Days' Sale of Aristo Shoes For 'Bj iSZ $330 The Coniiny Kicction. Tuesday next will be election day. The candidates, groomed and fit, are already on the track and both sides coming strong. Partisans in the grand stand are whooping up their respective favorites. "Git there, Eli I" It is anybody's race so far. We have nothing to add to the opinions we gave last week. The public is well aware of existing conditions and the respective merits of tho3e in the raccand therefore is competent to pick the winner. Twelve months is not a very long time between elections and though considerable harm might be done by incompetent officials in that space of time, still the accounting day will come and at the next election they will meet a blizzard of condemning votes from the hands of their outraged fellow citizens. Tub Herald wishes each man to vote ac cording to his conscience and may God de fend the right. It is up to you now, Mr. Voter. Do your duty. 1 hings to be Hoped Foi. Whatever ticket may be elected on Tuesday next it is to be hoped that on Wednesday there will be a general hand shaking and a formal burial of the toma hawk for twelve months at least. It is to be hoped that the successful candidates will work for the upbuilding of our vigor ous young city. We hope for honest trans action of municipal affairs. We hope for good and abundant water supply. We hope for honest fulfillment of electric light and other franchise contracts. And we do earnestly hope that a proper sewerage system may be provided for the city. Let all put aside personal animosities aDd give at least moral support to those whom the majority of the voters select as municipal officers for the coming year. Give Your Names, Plcuse! We are compelled to repeat for the ben efit of the public that we do not publish in our paper anonymous communications dealing in personalities Such a declara tion on our part ought to be unnecessary but considering the gro violations of this obvious rule by our coutemporaries and the many anonymous communications that are sent to us for publication we deem it necessary to express ourselves most em phatically on this subject once more. An editor who publishes an anonymous letter rcllecling on the character of another ought to be held responsible therefor. Theteritecofithero. is a coward and honest men spurn tho coward. If you wish to sling mud at your neighbor be prepared to stand for the damages. The Clirmix of His Trip. We received another letter from Rev. Dr. Horn Tuesday. It is dated at Haifa, March to, and reads " I am doing Pal estine thoroughly. Will spend thirty days here, counting time already spent. Saw Caesarea and Acre today This is really the climax of my tour. 1 traveled 3,4bo miles in India and about i.Goo miles in Egypt that I did not have in my original plan. 1 did not have Constantinople, Turkey, jet my plau includes Constanti nople and Smyrna, also Athens, en route to Naples and Rome. I expect to arrive in New York by April 20 or 15." Doctor, Cure Yourself. "I fear the Greeks bearing gifts." Croc odile tears from our contemporaries of the quill give unmistakable evidence that we have disappointed them. They regret ex ceedingly that The Herald has not put itself in a false position in the present mu nicipal campaign It would be more be coming for our contemporaries to keep their regrets and their advice for their own benefit They will need both in the near future. The Hkrald knows its own business, thank you, and usually attends to it. It never has to regret its principles. Hurlington Telegraphers Organizing Representatives of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers are scattered all along the system in the interest of the order and their members report that all are meeting with very tlattering success. The Hur lington operators are the last of the west ern lines to organize successfully and it is claimed are now the only road west of the river not paying standard wages in this department. Demand will be made some time in the summer for a schedule and no trouble is anticipated. Go to Church ! The pulpits of Alliance will resound Sun day next with oratorical efforts on the present municipal crisis. The history of Jews and gentiles will be ransacked for parallels and opportune parables. Among the old Jews there flourished some pretty tough old politicians so there will be no low for opportunties to "point a moral and adorn a tale " The devil will have his gouty toe stamped on. If you don't know how to ote, go to church next Sun day morning. Riggin-Royd. Henry Riggin was united in marriage to Miss Millie I3oyd March 31, by County Judge Spacht. PERMANENT STATE NORMAL To be Established at Alliance, More Than a Possibility. ". , IN TACT PKOSPLCTS ARE VERY GOOD And no Lrforts Will he SpmcJ hj the Committee and Cltlcnt to Secure TbN Excellent Institution. Interest in the securing of a state nor- mal for this section is by no means on the wane in Alliance. Since the passage of House Roll No. too, locating at Alliance a junior normal, which will commence June 8, the securing of a permanent nor mal school has been among the subjects of first importance in the minds of the busi ness men of the city. A meeting was held Saturday evening at the courthouse to discuss what further work should be done toward getting tho the school located here if the senate should pass House Roll No. 1, the provisions of which have been previously outlined in these columns. It has passed the house and it seems probable that the bill will be come a law. Its provision that the place at which the school shall be located must donate $10,000 is the one that most deeply concerns us at present. The gift of twenty acres of land will of course not stand in the way an instant and the $10,000 can, from present indications, be raised with out difficulty. Quite a number of men present at the meeting stated their willing ness to give $500 each toward the sum.. The following committee of ten was select ed 10 have the raising of this sum in charge. W. G. Simonson, president; J. W. Baumgardner, secretary; Geo. V Clark, C. C. Smith, R. M. Hampton. A. S, Reed, W. II. Bartz, T. J. O'Keefe, C. A Newberry, D W. Hutler. J. W. Baum gardner, G. W. Clark, R M. Hampton and C. C. Smith were appointed as corres pondence committee. Prof. W. II. Dartz received a letter from State Superintendent Fowler offering him the position of principal of the junior nor mal and the probabilities are that he will .accept it. The benefits of the normanent school cap be partially estimated when. nlJourpSr fv. tnree nuntireu teacners are expected to at tend the junior normal during the sum mer. It would not only be a constant source of profit to all business men and those having rooms to rent or who furnish board, etc., but would advertise the city extensively and thus add to its business and importance Pull for the permanent normal. Pilkington Speaks the finis. At.LiANCK, Neb , March 31, 1933. Editor of The Alliance Herald, Dear sir- It would seem to a person of ordinary intelligence that a party, whether a political party or a party of preachers calling themselves christians, could do better than to engage a well, a mule's fattier to desecrate the Rook of Rooks to throw mud and slang to beat their opponents. Probably they did not engage him, for he may be using his jaw bone to gain cheap notoriety. Probably the longeared gentleman thinks that no one but himself knows that he is not com petent to write Biblical parables, but must necessarily use a book that lots of people are familiar with besides himself. Last week he came out heading his harangue First Chapter of Chronicles We all know that to use that term of itself is no harm, but when he writes up a chapter copied from the Bible, substituting names, thus trying to deceive people and trying to make them believe he is a writer of para bles, then he shows himself to be wrong in his head It seems that last week he must have taken a shorter chapter than he did the week before, for before he got through with his harangue. When left to his own leather headed resoutccs he com mences to flounder like a fish out of water. In his last week's epistle he would have us believe he was neutral for he casually mentioned Big Hill, thinking perhaps by so doing he could hold on to his job which ever gentlemen won. He thinks because he is a Maverick and unbranded that no one knows to which herd he belongs Rut undeceive yourself. The herders saw you sneaking from Runningwator and when election is over and you come up for re appointment you may be sorry you used your jawbone and will not know whether your name ought to be spelled with an F instead of a P. Yours, etc., Jons Pii.kint.ton. Where You'll Vote. The polling place for the First ward in the election to be held Tuosday, April 7, is Hell's hall. Judges, B. F. Gilman, Charles Anderson and Frank Putman. Clerks, C.,H. Connett and W. O. Barnes. For the Second ward, in the council chamber. Judges, G. Zurn, R. II. Wat kins and A. F. Mollring. Clerks, C. W. Brennan and D. A. Foley. Swnnholm Co., occupy a half page ad this weak. This new firm lins enterprise and it is evident that thuy will do business. Enoch Boyer called Tint Herald up to day from his dairv farm want of town, linv ing just boa 11 "connected" with the'eit). His 'phone in No. iUi. W M. Whitfield's wife and children ar rivcd,Jiere Tuesday from Peru. The fami ly moved at once into the Keuley property which Mr. Whitfield recently purohascd, W M. Copoland cams up from Ashby Monday to make the acquaintance of his new son. Ofcourse "Mac" thinks there is no other boy and has already named him "Ephram " irssssv Mrs, B. Mewhirter went to Lead Tuos day to spend a few days there with her husband who is superintending the con struction of an extension of the Durlinlon's electric line in that region. The movement started some time ago for the closing of stores nt 7 p. m. was adopted and took effect April 1. This order will, however, be suspended on pay dnjs and the day following. Mrs. II. S. George, Crewkerne, England, and Miss S. Hndland, St. LeonardVon-the-Sca, England, arc new cash subscribers this week. The ladies met Rev. Dr. Horn in Jerusalem, and desire to read his letters on Palestine. Auctioneer A D. New is a late sub scriber and also inserted an ad in these columns. Mr. New has had sixteen years expei ience as an auctioneer and is highly spoken of by citizens of Sherican county where he formerly lived. Clark Olds, II. F. Goodenough and Frank Shimek were down from Heming ford Wednesday to attend the M. W. A. county convention forclection of delegates to the state convention. W. O. Barnes was elected delegate and Mr. Olds alter nate. Funeral services lor the six-wecks-old son of Mr. and Mrs G. II. Reed of Pueb lo, Colo., were held from the Culp home home Tuesday forenoon, Rev. Jeffers con ducting them. Mr. Reed is a brother to Mrs. Culp. The mother of the dead baby was ill and unable to accompany her hus band. On Thursday night, April 14, the Women's Guild of the Episcopal church ill give a hop in Phelan opera house. . - . ki .. oores full orches'tra or five pieces will provide the music. In connection with the hop there will be a linen sale and handkerchief shower. Admission will bo free. Tickets for dancing, seventy-five cents. "Jehosaphat and Ahab" or "The Alli ance Between the Christian and the Un christian" will be the subject of the morning sermon at the United Presbyterian church. W. M Howie will present the condition nt the coming election and the Christian's duty as made known by the text. All voters following Jehosaphat or Ahab are invited. Subject of evening sermon, "Sa tan's Power." Zed Goodwin, jr., came up from his ranch near Morrill yesterday. Mr. Good win reports a small loss of stock in that immediate vicinity. His loss out of a herd of 300 was only two head and he fed less than $200 worth of hay. Mr. Goodwin called to say that he had heard many favor able comments about Tin: Herald and lie wanted it for a year, paying the cash therefor. Albert Nelson and John Eckman drove down from Dunlap yesterday. Mr. Nel son sold his ranch eight miles northeast of Hemingford this week to W. A. Clark and after two months will dispose of his stock at public sale. Himself and wife will then go to Juneau, Wis., their former homo to reside permanently They decid ed upon this change during their visit there last winter. Mr. Nelson has been a resident of this county for eighteen years and was always known as one of our most upright citizens. He has worked hard and success has crowned his efforts with a competence. Mrs. Thomas Regan held her millinery oponing yesterday and in spite of the in clement weather many ladies were there to see the display of beautiful new millin ery and tasteful decorations. The ar rangment of the show window was indeed a work of art. Yellow roses were the (lowers chiofly used, long festoons of them being gracefully draped from the front and sides to a point above. The central piece was a rose tree liearing the beautiful heavy Marechal Niel roses, as natural looking as if produced by natnre and more beauti ful than nature's best effort can produce in this climate. And then the hats. That they were all that could be desired in beauty, artistic combination and variety is the very least that could be said of thorn While as in formor seasons all colors are used in those creations, shades of yellow seem to be the reigning favorites and the hats are most of them made of lace though fancy braids are used to a considerable ex tent. The opening is to be continued to morrow. Do not fail to visit the store then if you have not "already done so. Htisincss Local Column. Advertisements in thin column will be clmrgcd nt the rate of 10 cents per line first insertion and cents our line each J subseijuent insertion. Advertisers should remember that tub Hkrald'k circulation is much larger thau any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Dr Allen, dentist, opera house. Girl wanted at the Barry House. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es tate. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co. Millinery opening Thursday, April 2. Mrs. Titos, Kk ax. v - For screen doors nnd windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. Buy your groceries at Whitfield's and get tickets on piano. Miss Nora Lammon will do dressmaking by the day. Phone 197. Watson & Watson will not close their tore evenings till 8' o'clock. For Sale United Presbyterian par sonage. Call at residence. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. All kinds of screen doors and windows made to order by Geo. G, Gadsby. Order Easter lilies and cut flowers of George Darling. Place orders early. A large bottle ol sewing machine oil and a pockctbook for 15c at Geo. Darling's. For Sale Two good houses in Simon son's addition. T. J. O'Kt.efe. See the beautiful display of Indian goods at Lockwood's. The only displny in Alli ance. Largest and most attractive line of mil linery in town on display April 2. Mrs. Thos. Reran. Wan ted to Buy A quarter suction of land within three miles or Alliance. In quire at Tin: Herald office. For Sale Ciieai'. A good single or double driving mare, also good under sad dle, inquire at postoffice. Y. Tuttlk. Spring rye for sale at forty cents per bushel. Three miles north and one and a half mlies east of Lawn. Henry Siiimek. Wanted Cattle to herd 1 for the summer. Plenty of good range and water. Four miles southwest of Lawn. Jos. Kater. 4-3MW When you want a good rig call up the Checkered Front livery. Try their new closed carriage. Make a specialty of turn outs for wedding parties. Five hundred bushels of seed corn for sale. Samples seen and orders taken at Alliance Grocery. C. W. Lammon, i mile south and 5 miles west of Alliance. Cattle taken to run by the season or year. Correspondence solicited. Refer ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb J.vo. M. Delatoup, Hutchinson, Neb. Remember that Lockwood's don't give anything for a prize so small as chromos but they do give a ticket on a beautiful $400.00 piano with every twenty- five cent purchase. Rve For Sale Can be sowed in the spring and will make two and three crops iu one season; the best thing for hay in the country. C. A. Posvar, five miles west of Lawn. g-8t Do you read The Baptist Herald? A religious paper for every Baptist and the only one published in the state. Send for sample copies. Published monthly at Al liance, Neb., G. C. Jeffers, editor. If ou want something that is a good thing for cold weather and dust get Hill's patent automatic door strip, on exhibition at Newberry's Hardware. County agent, W. E. Gillett. 'phone 23O. :2-i2-tf For Sale or Lease The J. Hagerty ranch four miles east of Brdgoport; over 400 acres under irrigation and plenty of good range. Would also sell horses, mules and cattle and farm implements. 3-12-Sw George Darling is going to give away that $75.00 picture "Uninvited Worship ers" on April 18. Tickets with each S: 00 cash purchase. Yon pay less money for goods bought of him and he is giving away this picture beside. You will do well to buy of him. I.udics, Attention! Having taken possession of the Mrs. Baker stock of millinery at my old stand I am compelled to doe out everything at one and will offer goods at prices abso lutely regardless of cct. This stock com prises pattern and street hats in the up-to-date and latest styles, considerable of the stock having just lxten received from the fashionable markets. An opportunity the ladies of Alliauce will never have again to get stylish goods below cost. Opening Saturday. April 14, sale contin uing until sold. Oue door watt of Black burn's stor. Mrs. S, S. Sears. SPRING Is here and itusualh brings good results to all P.Q-9-P RESULTS Will also follow if purchase your Kaster fruits and vegetables for Sunday of . . Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. Piano Voting Contest. The result of the count of votes on Thursday, March 20, 1903, is given below. A ticket on this splendid $400 Kingsbury piano will bo given with every twenty-five cent purchase at the following places The Famous Clothing House. Acheson & Joder, hardware. Lockwood & Co., furniture. W. M. Whitfield, groceries. Kecler & Smith, Chcckerad Front Livery. Cloughix: Collins, harness and saddlery. M. A. Standen, Palace Market. Zbinden Bros., flour and feed. Alliance Grocery Co. Boguo's Dry Goods Store Holston's Drug Store. The Alliance Herald. The place to deposit all votes is Hol sten's drug store. Contest closes July 3. No. votes. II. of It. T. (tntthorlitKMl of K.K. Trulii- iii''") O. It. (1. (Order of It. l.'ondctors) Modern Woodmen Odd Fellows SI UPC.lbcus , Iloyul IVluliliuiilciM I'plsi'oiml church M. i:. clmrel '.' Iluptist church Cat liollc church First Presbyterian church Alliance IIIkIi Hehool,.,t.4..., .MIsSusluKr;ulur ,.., 'r.f, , Miss Minnie Morris. ...i;,,.,, Miss Uerntco Krldi'lliiiurfliYrvT. , Miss Alleo lttgnn Sllss l.tilu Diiucitn 770 109 S7 73 HO (5 35J m 58 2157 04 as I 10 7 Mnht'l I.iiyton , l J5pg Sllss Inli'ii Mi:('orkle , Sllss Inez Heck L.T. Poole ,.. .. Jl. ('. Armstrong ,. Uco. .1. Ilurku .1 U. I'IicIhii A ll.Tolllir P3 ;i n 1 & 1 Summer Pasturage. I will take cattle to pasture for the sum mer, beginning May 1 till November i, 903. Plenty of fresh water, cood ranee and salt every week. Nine miles east of teminglord, Neb,, on Sec. 14. Tp 27 K. 4S Clayton Worley. Box Butte, Neb. We have lots of good things to eat. J RECEPTION Canned Goods are the best that money can buy . . Our Cream Patent is second to none. A new car of this brand will arrive next week. 9 Call and see us before you buy. A. Blackburn. -. ,(' 14 " it