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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1902)
m i t .rX i.. i x Miscellaneous Advertisements. MooooHohoMooXoitoatoitooVio axvJi 5axvc 1 Groceries. .RANCH. SwwYves. r? The Best of AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.... live Us a Trial H Ijas. Graham. 'PHONE 50. lYrrrsTrryvrrsTrsrrrrrrra ,jt ,!-! .- .-.!--- J 75 J ALLIANCE Steam Ss&utv&T. C.L Is a good dog, but Hold fast is better. Without any boasting we wish to say, our old customers stay with us new cus tomers come to us be cause they find their linen done up as they like it COLLARS and CUFFS Given that nice, firm finish so suitable for hot sjfe weather. Shirts finished anyway you want them. Try us and be satisfied. Nelson, Pierce & Co., onsi :f,tf,:,tf,'t?,,?,K,tf,Sl',i",aoK, j?k II. M.Tlmo Tabic. TIMETABLE Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY, PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO. ST. LOUIS, and nil points cast tiud all points west and SOUlll. Tiiains Leave as 1'olt.ows, Mountain Time No. 41 Passenger dully. Deadwood, nilllnKs, till points north and west 10:35 a.m. No. 42 .Passenger dally, .Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago and all points cast 1:40a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogden.Balt Lake, San Fran cisco and all Intermediate points, departs at 1 :40 a.m. No, 302 Passenger dally from Donver and all Intermediate points, arrives at 10:10a.m. No, 43 I..OCUI passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln nna Inter" mediate points arrives at.... 3:5b a.m. No. 44 Local passonger dally, for Omiilia, Lincoln and Interme diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m. No. 305Ually, except Sunday, for points south and west, de parts 8:20 a. in. No. 306 Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives 3: 30 p. m. No. 45 Freight, dally, Dcadwooi. Hillings and Intermediate stations 7:30 p.m. No. 46 Freight dally, for Lincoln and Intermediate stations.. 0: SO p.m. No. 47 Freight dally.excopt Sunday, for Deadwood and Billings.. 10:50a. m No. 48 Freight dally for Lincoln and Intermediate stations.. 8:05a.m. No. 49 Freight, for northwest 1:00a.m. No, 50 Freight from northwest, ar- rlvo , 12 p.m. No. 304 Denver freight, dally except Monday, arrives at 9:15 am. No. 303 Denver freight, dally oxcept Saturday, leaves at 5:20 a.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For information, tlmo tables und tickets cull on or wrlto to J, KitEiDEMiAuan, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. Nature's Remedies For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism. Catarrh, Heart disease, General Debility, and in fact every dlseuse the human system is heir to can be cured by the Lewis Medicine Company's remedies. Your money will be cheerfully refunded if a cure is not effected. Wm, Kkttelmax, Agent, Box Butte, Neb. rfV'V'V'WWV Fall vAiv'lVl'',V W. Miscellaneous Advertisements. ZBINDEN BROS,, .DEALERS in., Flour i Feed, "Home Comfort' ' Flour " Is Our Leader. Try It. PHONE 105. Wr.ST SIDE MAIN ALLIANCE. NEIL STKEET Ice Cream Parlor, Wholesale and Retail.... Ice Cream, $1.00 per Gal. Quart, 30 Cents. Brick, Three Colors and Flavors in One, 50 Cents per Brick. We Also Carry a Full Lino of Confectionery. RAY & PETKER. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scrol! Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished. GEO. G. GADSBY, In O. A, Anderson's. I . . , Ulacksmlth Shop, f ALLIANCE, Neb. W. M. FOSKET, "ictIoee: Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On C03-CXISSIOJNT, or BY THE DAY. OT Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingi'ord, Neb. "- H. H Norton' m latest Announcement. Come! Come! Come! OR SEND your neighbors to W. W. NORTON'S to get tho choicest selection of Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing and Shoes in tho city. A big lino of ladies' Tailor Mado Suits, Cloaks and Skirts just in. Suitings, Flannelettes, Outings, Wool Challics, Dress Goods, Comforts, and Blankets at right prices And See Our New Stock of Underwear which is complote, will bo sold at prices lower than oyer boforc. Heavy fleece lined at 46c; all wool at 05c, and other grades in tho same proportion Our now Clothing line opens up with an elegant selection of fall novel ties direct from Now York. See our now neckties. and Winter Goods W. NORTON II. C. Armstrong's )mmm&&&2&2t T?as ieeY SHIPPED OVER THE BUR LINGTON BY H. C. Who came here to stay, And will never be driven away, And Sold to His Customers IN ALLIANCE This is the Beer that Waked Up Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... Best in the World! Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue" for family use. We'll deliver the same at any R3 hour, day or night; for we're out for business r? and lose no time fa H. C. ARMSTRONG. ( )m?mmm?0Qm;V(Wm?k -Mr- LAMBERSON& STETTER ARE PROPRIETORS OP r Finest "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUQ BREWING CO., SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE und Other Popular Brands. . . Er,a;nil3r ,a,a.e Solicited. . . . Goods Deli7ercd to any part of tho city. Come and See Us. Phone 136 Dray and Transfer Line. ID tnem The only spring Phone 139. S. Try tte to ft'f'rff'f V'vJwVwVvVr Announcement. UWMWWk Armstrong, 'IW HllX "UIX HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship wnerever uesired. Charges reasonable. dray, line in the city. A'. Miller. lr Job foil, THE GIRLS OF KASHMIR. XVUy they Arc Not ns ncttutlful ns Thcr Onco Were. Tho girls of Knshmlr in former times woro sold and carried awny to tho Punjab, In Itidlu. They commnuded a largo price, and parents In modcrato circumstances for centurion past huvo been In tho habit of parting with their daughters to plncc themselves In cnslcr circumstances, unci tho dnughtcrs hnvo generally been quite willing to cscitpo from n llfo of penury und labor to ona of opulenco and case. A laboring man In this part of India cannot earn over $2 or ?3 n mouth, whllo many receive for tholr daughters ns high ns $1,000. There nro some cases whoro $5,000 was paid, but tho usual prlco Iibh been from $100 to $500. Tho prnctlco beenmo so common as well ns so damaging that n Revcro law waB enacted prohibiting nny ono from removing nny woman from tho coun try, but It Is said that tho business goes on now nn it Iiub dono for hun dreds of years, nnd to that prnctloo may bo charged tho fact that tho wo men of Kashmir nro not ns beautiful ns they onco were. Tho process of taking nil tho beauti ful girls awny, leaving only tho ordi nary and ugly ones to continue tho roco, has lowered tho ctiudard of beau ty. Most of the women nnd girls per form field labor ub much as tho men, nnd their dress la of tho coarsest nnd plainest materials, consisting of n gar ment lllto n nightgown mado of whlto cotton. There Is no effort to hnvo It flt The condition of women In Kashmir 1b n very sad one, but ono from which there does not seem to bo nny present csenpe. It Is n constant struggle to llvo, without tho leaBt hopo of nny ac cumulation or of over seeing better days, Tho men only receive nbout C cents n dny nnd tho women generally nbout 8 contB, and that will provldo only tho coarsest food. Philadelphia Inquirer. PICKINGS FROM FICTION. Thcro Is nothing that Ib enough for a woman, but nil. "Tho Mississippi Bubble" Ovcrdono heartiness is nearly as nas ty nB underdono mutton. "Comments of a Countess." No man can bo bravo who considers pain tho chief evil of llfo. "Tho Hero lno of tho Strait" Wo ought never to do wrong when pooplo nro looking. A Doublo Bar reled Detcctlvo Story." Occasion's everything, but tho rub Is to know nn occasion when you eeo it "The Lady Paramount" I'd bo slow In ndvlsin' anybody to go crooked, but when yo feel yo'ro in tho hands of sharpers it's tho only way. "Rockhaven." Tho master poets lovo to deal with tho victory of tho vanquished, which tho world's thinkers know to bo great er than tho victory of tho victorious. "Nathan Ilnle." Bo sure, beforo you glvo your lovo nnd your trust, that you nro giving them not only to one who deserves them, but to one who really .wants them. "Mnny Waters." Useful I'urpunvt of Ilosln. Thcro nro many useful purposes to which rosin can bo applied outside of those of general practice. Ab a non conductor of boat It la used In the pro tection of wnter pipes, particularly In crossing bridges, where tho pipe la laid in tho middle ofn long box nnd tho whole filled with melted rosin. Rosin Is also used In supporting bnsement floors In machine shops, which may be laid over some dry material, as spent molding sand, which Is carefully lev eled off, and tho planking laid upon temporary supports separating It nbout two inches nbovo tho sand. Numerous holes about two Inches In diameter being bored through thoso planks, melted roBln is forced through them by means of funnels until tho whole space Is solidly filled, nnd then tho upper flooring Is laid upon thoso planks. In case tho floor Is subjected to shocks sufllclent to break tho rosin it rapidly Joins together again In much tho Buino manner as the regclatlon of Ice. The DrflKon SInyer. At an English school a pompous youngster whoso father, It was well known, had been a successful omnibus driver was one day Angering ostenta tiously a large Beal which ho Is iu tho habit of wearing, representing St. Georgo and tho dragon, nnd, having drawn tho attention of a school com panion to It, remarked carelessly: "Ah, ono of my ancestors Is supposed to have killed tho dragon, don't you know!" "Good gracious!" Inquired tho other, somewhat anxiously. "Did ho ruu over it?" London Answers. Went Hack on tho Dine. Gerald My brother turned crimson tho other day. Geraldlue I never knew him to blush. Gerald I didn't Bay that he blushed. Geraldlno What did ho do? Gerald -Left Yale and entered Har vard. New York Press. Ignoring Precedent. Edmonla Mrs. Topnotch Is what I call impertinent Eudocla In what way? Edmonla Why, Bho Is not a Colonial Dame, but when she camo to tho colo nial reception she had on a moro ele gant frock than any one of tho Dames. Detroit Free Press. Fruit!?. Llttlo Willie Pa, what docs this pa per mean by saying It was a fruitless search? Father It probably nppllos, my son, to tho quest of some mnn who was looking for pineapples on a pine tree. Chicago News. CATCH PHRASES. Their Utility In Advancing the I-l tcrest of Ilnftlnmu Men. J There nro many instances of where at suitable cntch lino well drilled Intoi pcoplo has heon of grcnt valuo In build ing business. Tho best cntch lino Is ono that IHh your business best, audi tho discoverer of such it lino Is apt tol bo duo nioro to inspiration than to ef-J fort Pick tho distinctive feature of your Btoek or buslucss methods and en-' dcavor to express it in n breath. If you can coin n phrnso that ex presses your central business Idea or emphasizes some fonturo that murks your Btoro alone, you can make goad uso of It It puts into condensed form an Idea that will get hold of peoplo nnd Inllucuce them If persistently pre sented to them. Ono fact nbout your business well lodged in tho heads of pcoplo Is as good as a score that do not penetrate. You can ninko peoplo believe nbout what you Hko if you go nbout It prop erly. If a man comes to you today and tells you thcro will bo n panic lnsldo of six months, you will pay no atten tion to hint. If another comes tomor row with tho samo story, he will get no attention, but you will Idly wonder what is getting into folks. Tho third man you will argue tho matter with. Tho fourth will got moro of a hearing, nnd you will begin to see signs of dis aster yourself. By the tlmo tho tenth man has mado tho statement you will bo ready to tell folks tho snmo story yourself. Probably you yourself could not bo Influenced in such a manner, but tho common run of peoplo nro built that way and will bellevo what they or told often enough. That is why an cxprosslvo catch phraso docs good. It comes to stand for you and your meth ods and of necessity Is remtmbcred whon goods in your lino nro wanted. As ordinarily used such a phraso Is of llttlo value, because It Is not proper ly hammered into people. Such n lino should go on letter heads, billheads, stationery, envelopes, should go into every nth or circular, should bo Been about tho store nnd should appear on labels. Put It on a sticker to attach to goods and packages. Let peoplo seo it overywhero. If it means wbnt It says, pcoplo aro going to respond to It American Druggist An Optimistic Cripple. A ono legged nowsboy had been hop ping about on his crutch selling after noon "extras," and when thcro wns a lull in the business, owing to a falling oft In tho crowds, ho sat down for a brief rest "How did you lose your leg?" LtlC "Cnblo car," ho' Bald, with tho street urchin's characteristic economy of words. "Too bad I" I remarked. "Oh, but it might 'a' been worse, sir," tho boy replied. "The company paid tho doctor nnd gavo mother $800. That paid all our debts and left us 500 In bank, nnd it's nil there 'ccpt ?40 wo had to tuko out when mother wnB sick, nnd I sell moro papers than most of tho hoys, Just 'cause I've n crutch. There's ono of my customers now." New York Times. llcr Ono Snccess. In tho civil war tlmo a western wo mnn who had lost her husband In tho lipid end Tho hoped to win a livelihood for herself and her llttlo ones by writ ing sent to Harper's Magazine n Btoryi which had no specinl distinction and was returned. In the despornte mood that followed this rejection Bho sat down with pen aflame und told "why I wrote It," and her story under that ti tle was accepted and published, win ning a sympathetic response from all its readers. But this production, the echo of a vital moment, wns her ono story In the magazine. Oliver Wendell Ilolmes said that anybody could wrlto ono Interesting novel If he could truly toll tho story of his own life. Harper's Magazine. Obeyed Orders. "What was the cause of that awful racket and disturbance In your olllco Just beforo you came?" nsked ono of tho tenants on the third floor. "You know that young cowboy that came yesterday to begin the study of law with me?" said the otfier. "Yes." "Well, I thought he might as well be gin at the bottom, ami I told him that when ho enmo down this morning tho first tiling for him to do would be to clean out the ofllce. lie fouud half a dozen fellows there waiting for me, but he did It all rlghf'-Chlcugo Trib une. A Clear Cat IVnrninff. "Young ladles," said an ubsentmlnd cd teacher of Latin to his class In Vir gil, "I understand that you count upon my calling on you In alphabetical order and preparo your lessons accordingly. I am surprised and disappointed at such conduct Hereafter I warn you I shall begin at tho other end of tho al phabet!" Corrected. Visitor Go to tho proprietor and tell him to make my bill out properly and writo omelette with two 't's' and not one. Waiter (a few minutes later) If a all right now, sir omelet, 1 shilling; two teas, 2 shillings. London Tit-Bits. TetM of lrleuilahlp. When a woman gives notice that sho, has moved to tho top door und there Is no elevator, she begins to And who her true friends are, and when sbo makes It known that she is boarding out and hns no meals served nt home she gets still nearer tho root of the matter. The foot of a horse Is one of the most Ingenious and unexampled pieces of mechanism In tho whole rnngp of ani mal structure. y"' Y et fcy2r