Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 13, 1921, Image 2

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Presldent-Elect Approves a Novel
Plan to Have all Members of
College Present.
Marlon, O., President-elect Hard
ing hats resigned ns senator from
Ohio, forwarding hlB letter of reslg
nation to Columbus for action of the
Aewly elected republican govornor,
larry L. Davis, who assumes office
Boon. Tho move was In accordance
with tho presldont-oloet'u announced
......w... tn nllln It., Ilia U rl fl U'llllII tl ,
7,,uau,lu ?"" "' , , ;, ".M '
change In fltato administration would
.l.,lt nnnnlnlmatil nt i rnnlllillnn tl
uuiillk mniui,viiv . t
cucccssor. uov.-oiect ikivib hub inui
cated Frank B. Willis, olocted senator
for the torm beginning next March,
would bo named.
Mr. Harding mado January 15 tho
affective date of his resignation. Hy
giving up his Offlco then ho will bo
pormlltcd to uovote lliu lain six weeus
before his Inauguration to tho prep-
nrauon ior mo uuiich 01 uih uumiuia
tratlon. That the Inauguration ceremonlos
March 4 mnv Innlnrin a unlniin corn- '
Warcn 4 mny inciuuo n un quo core
mony lias uoen wuicaieu wuen it uo- Labor
eamn known that Mr Hardin has an- rianduulst. chairman; Modlar, Randall,
came- Known uiai air. Maruing nan p anki U(juki 0.anril nm( arlawoltl.
proved a plan to have all mombors ol Education
the electoral college present In Wash- SiiZV.
lngton. Goodrich, Jacobs. Miner, Yendall, Uyrum.
Tho proposal was mado by Ohio , Manufaettnes and Commerce
... ', .......ii ItobcrUon, chairman; Nelson, Younjr.
electors, who suggested at first that cilzbu, o'CJara.
nil republican oloctorH bo Invited and , , Corporations
, , ,, , ., , .ii, Dybnll, chnlrman, Hommorlad, UU-
lator modified tho plan to include un trem. Drunsilow, DourI.ih. Iteod, Petor
lnvltation to republicans and demo- "" NuUnnin and Strung.
. .. i Fees and S larles
tratH- ' Foster, chairman; (JlfTord. I.ynn, Gll-
Such a mooting would havo no lognl more, Wlcht. nrlnwold and ilouro.
Blgnlflcunco, since tho casting of the h twits, SwlrmM Mol?" Downing
ballot by the electors talced place In
tho stuto capitals
Tax ri vision, nmirotirlatlim mcasurca
.i .....,n..i.ntinn nr m. i,w,it,.M
""" i-ikiiuwi '" n-himuHii,
departments or tlic government wore
discussed by Mr Harding with Son
ator Smoot, of Utah. Senator Smoot
aid he boliuved tho president-elect
tind definite Ideas that would loud ta
practical economics and roforms.
Pnn-Amorlcan Labor Leaders to Meet.
Moxlco City, Siunuul Qompors and
fourteen other representatives ol
. i i i'i tit
aiiiiji ivryi j iiiuui uu(;uiiiiaiiiuiL uy ii
Woxlcun recoptlon committee, ar
rived rocontly, to attend tho Pan-Amur-
lean federation of lubor conforonco bo-
trl.itil nru,n I "' votaw, Friizler, Miner, Rank,
glttnig soon. Aprlculture Vance, ctinlriiian; OIlTord,
Tho Americans woro mot by repro- Knrft-k. Mcl.eod, Frost, uilstrnm. Younir,
cntatlvcs of Mexican workmen's or-1 nla-niiVlcU::,a.7man?,Mc,Heiey.
Conizations. There was no labor I'almor, I.ynn, Ruddy, Axtell, Ilulcanson,
parade, as bad boon planned. Aside "'nnSe'and'Taxatlon-wlillams, ch-ilr-from
doclnrlug that tho purpose ol man; Krnntz, Dvsart. Htophouson, Mur
tho gathorlng was "to croato good , ,,,,y' ,lodta". Soinmerlad.
relations among nolghbors of the j Tlio standing conimltooa of tho son
Umlted States, Moxlco and South and ! ato are as follows:
Central America," Mr. Gotnpors had
little to say regarding tho program ta
bo followed.
Hydroplane With Two Catches Fire.
Cairo, III.. Two mon aro reported
ao havo lost tholr lives wlion a hydro
jilano from Dayton, O., dollvorlng mov
ing ijturo films, caught flro and fell
in tho Mississippi! river near Tip on
vlllo, Tonn., Tho roportcd dead are
Cupt. Cloorgo Simpson, pilot, and
Charles Klsher, mochaulclatt, both ol
Dayton. Tho pluno left hero at 11 a.
m. after a 24 hour layover. Tho crow
hud said they, wore onrouto to Fhjrhlu.
Tho trip to Dayton was begun bov
oral days ago, they suld.
Dell Company Floats First Bond.
Now York. A banking syndlcato
lioudod by J, I', Morgan & Co., Is offer
ing for public subscription JIIO.OOO,
000 Nortliwostot-.i Hell Telephone com
pany first mortgage, twenty-yoar 7
per cent hauls at !lfi',6 to yield some
thing mini tit ti 7. HO pur cunt luturust
to the sitbicrlbcrs.
Hydro Electric Issue to Court
I'lerro, K D Another angle of the
possiblo uffuct of action by this stato
legislature of u statu lovlroolectrlc
commlHsiotislte came to light at a
mooting lately which has hade charge
of tho survey so Tar and which formal
ly Indorsed and rucominuuHd'.Ml to the
luglnlhlur tho onglnoers' findings
favorlnx tin Mobrldgu situ on tho
Missouri rlvat.
Girls Grab Burglar In Their Room,
Chicago, Th two daughters and
sou of a )ollcem.i captured a Iniiylor
whom thoy found In their home but
only after tits thltif bad wounded one
of tho glila wltb a shot from her
fathurs pistol which ha hud stolen.
Arkansas Feudists Stage Gun flattie.
Pino llluff, Ark, A detachment of
the Pkiu llluff machine gun company
lias boon dispatched to the scene of
n reported outbreak resulting from a
fued among white roslduats ut King
lund, Ark., a smull hill-town 'i'i miles
southwest of here. In a street tight
two men are said to hvt boon serlauu
)y lnjuiud. According to telephone ro
ports, leudors of the opposing factions
mot on a street and ungugud I'.i (t fight
in which Oeuorge I). Haudon, C5 who
was shot In the leg and D. X Ludhut
turn throat was out.
6evcral New Committees Appointed to
Assist In Handling Large Volume
of Business Expected During
the Winter Session
Lincoln Following Is tho full lint of
commltteo assignments reported to tho
houso by tho coiumltteo on committees:
Judiciary Committee
Rodman, chairman; Jixiry, Dysart, Uan
ilnll, .McKarlaml, Uyrum, VoUw, Muars,
Murptty. Know, Atoseloy.
Finance Committee'
Axtell, chnlrman; Oreen. Hascall, Arm
strong Hannor, UchrvnH, Hunuulst, Bow
mati, Heed, Wallace, Lfftwloh,
State Institutions
McLcllan, chairman; Sprlcit Frost, Mor-l.-in.
tfilmorc, fioulJ, Franklin, Wolfe,
Soinmcrlat, Kss.un, Down.nir.
Constitutional Amendments
IXiuglun, chairman; Jacolm, Muillar, Ep
person, I'ark, llllll.ird. Smith.
Claims and Deficiencies
Jcary, chairman; AruiHtrotuc, Hannor,
McK!, Goodrich, Snow, Vnnco, Frank
Anderson, J-uurltneri, Wlclit urid Beans,
, Fish and Game
Cole chairman; I'nltnor, NeMon, Wea
terhoff, Johnson, Orlswold and Ilakanson.
Uyrum. chairman; Metlor. timlth. Kp.
perBon, HUolionaon, Murphy wul l.undy.
privntges ana eiecunnr
L VtitOCK and QrjZ llll
T-.. .k,ilqii ntiV.iril Vfnt .ullti
iA-rtwich, atronc, Peterson, HofTmelatcr.
Rulss and Resolutions
Speaker Anderson, chairman; Snow,
Jeary, Heed and IJyrum.
Children's Code
,n,IJlcai. v. rc. Anderson. Axtull. Wleht.
Mci - ellan and Jacobs.
Dniesdow.Ccnaman:T"V"n'ekcr, Qreen,
Bowman, uybaii, i-ostnr, Meant, ustsr
TXX Vi'por
Harbour, chairman: IYazlar. Webster.
I-aiirltsen, Park, t.undy, Franklin, Vo
law, Nlewcdilln, UeariH, Gould,
School Lands and Fundi
Bnow, chairman; NuUman, Morlan,
Tno,n,)BOIlt Act0I1 itC(, mniard.
aii-unr, i-.sn.-itn, uecitman. rietica, i.undy,
uvuiiiii.it, r uiniui i.iiii voir iiitiii
Miscellaneous Subl cts
KpForson, chairman; (ooil, McKee,
Palnior, . Mears. Fiazlur. Ruddy, John-
,0Ili Andersm Iiirbour, FrmKlln.
Medk.nl Societies
Hunclcer, chairman; Westerhoff, Hoff
(nelster, Cole and Htunlcviul.
Unarossed and Enrolled Dills
Mcl.eod. cliHltni.'ii, II ck nil lloano.
Accounts and Cxp-ndture
IScckmau, chalr'uan; Acton, Nltiwcddlc.
Downing, chairman; DivIb, I.aftwlch.
Style and Phras-ology
Good, chairman; Douulax, Williams,
Hoilmiui and Uyrum.
nanronui Davis, cimtrinnn; Hrncckor,
Y,,,,,0,r' K.cn,J,n"-, McFaiiimi. uilstrom.
Htnrdovant, Mnsclcy, 'thompMon.
D.inks and Oanklnn Frmtz. chairman:
Nutziu.ui. Ilobertnon, I.ynn, Williams,
Wood. Mlckoy, Cllzhe and Wall icu.
eiepnone and Telearaph ivrklns,
?.lm rmnn: Nluxyoddie, Vi-iHer, Hoare,
1 Accounts and Expenditures -Dutton,
, miss. Clerka.
Agriculture Johnson, Ilntton, Illlan,
Hlekard. Ulileli, Wamor, Wlltso.
Banklno Uandall, Iiusht-e i.Iihs. Divls,
Hnldermun, HasUnt-s, Uarrlstf, Warntr,
Constitutional Amendments Wlltso,
Rct'ho, MoaKlnnd.
Dratnane dilution, Anderson, Davis,
I'Ickett, Wlltne.
Education Hturm, HIcHurd, Andorson,
Crontii, Good, McGowan, Rued, UobbliiH,
Enrolled and Engrossed Dills Marrlss,
Dutton, McGowan,
Finance, Ways and Means Rushnn,
AVnrtmr, Cronln, Ilrown, Huinp'iroy. Illl
an, Miller, Heed, Randall. Saunders, Hturm.
Claims. Watson, Rend, HastliiK.
Humphrey, Randall.
Fish and Game r'lckctt, Good, Randall,
Reed, S'aunJcrs, Ilrnwu. Hushun.
Insurance Warner, Miller, llerka, Cro.
nln. Ilarrlsa, Sturm, Rolibins, Ulrlch.
Irrlgstlon llllss, llUHheo, Dutton,
HouKlaud, Good.
Lnbor Rlekard, Davis, McGowan, Ul
rlrh, Cooper.
fees rnu salaries Haldormnn, Itorka,
Sorval, Humphrey. Good.
Livestock and Grazing Good. Drown,
Iteod, Hnuuders, Ulrlch W-itm.
Miscellaneous Corporations H lundors,
inleriMin. Ileebc. IIUmh, Davis. Giimum,
Miller. Rind ll UIH.-h.
Mlscrllaneoi s ribJ tlnet.e. Antler-
Municipal Affairs Robblns. Deetm. n
deiwu. iiilnt,. idian. .. i, .,'or-
Arrnngnmcnt and Plir.iseolouy WlitHe,
Hi-ptir. ''nrrlK,
Prlvlttges and Fhtlons n ivis, Rreli-t
Jioiiln, .lolilisoii. Hiuiule t rin 11 toll.
Medical Sor-lrtlrs llork i. llanNn.
ituniphrry, IliKlind. Ii'llotvn,
Public Inttltutlint MIII.t Humphrey,
Davlu. Uaiiiion. Ill an. .1 dins n 1M 'tilt.
Srhool Lands nrd Fund- 111 in, "i'-'..a,
Ilrnwu, Good. N'i'vnl Rol t, in. W'l
Manufacture, Commerre, WholPiilt and
Retail Ilrnwu, lleiloi t rm. Pick It
Highways and Bridges ttd, W t-m,
Hrown. Illlsn Tooper. lliiiiinn. Good, Hal.
ilcrmnii, Mllli-, ltli-kurd. Pickett, Sturm.
Hand ill. ,
Judiciary liuayl.iiid. lloilio, Warner,
Itfirka. I'lioper. llnHtlnus. Nurvnl. s.mn.
iters, Wlltne.
Railroads Cooper, Wnrtirr. lliishee
Hei-he. Crolllll, D.lVlH, II-lSt'lIM, Good.
McGo" in,
rtevenue and Taxat'on Andir"n, Snun
i'er IlHlderinnu, Cr'iln. D tt n, Hll'in.
Hastings Nurvnl, Randall. Witwiu, Rou
lilni". ltU-kard.
Units Survil. WlltMrt, Cooper.
Apportionment Cronln llmv Ai1r.
son. Itoika. (Viop.r. Gannon. Hoielmd.
Ut-d Itiimtiil itlrkaiii W'.l-
Child Welfare IlnMln-K Ui'--
Atidi-rmui, Gannon, Johnson, Itubblus.
New Pardon Donrd
Tho three nioinbors of tho now imr
don and parole board nre (lovsrnor Me.
Kelvin, Attorney (loners! Davis anil
Secretary of Stato AniH'-erry. l!mW
tho new constitution thoso ollldals,
lnst(id of tho governor alone, Is au
thorized to Issuo pardons, co" mtPa
lions of soutenco, reprieves and pa
roles. Under the old potistltutlou t,
covornor nlone had pawnr to purdon.
rommuto and reprieve. Tho -ye ,'i
legislated tho uppolntlvo psrolo bonrl
out of oxlstenro, and plirod paroles
In tho hands of tho donnrtmuiit of ru
lie wqlfnro, of which H. II. Amies Ir
eocrotary and tho governor tho houd
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
Tho student population of Lincoln is
There Is one niitotnoblle to every
f.l persons In the state.
Thu state realty dealers association
will meet nl Lincoln Jantiury 11.
Coinstock will lmvo a big poultry
find pet stock show tho week of Janu
ary i!)tli.
It Is said that four women will bo
candidates for tho nomination for
mayor of Illoomileld.
Thu Nebraska Territorial Pioneers'
association will hold Its imtiuul reunion
at Lincoln January 11.
Tho Alliance packing company or
ganized last year, has been dissolved
n lid retired from business.
North Plntto olllcers found an Illicit
still In operation In a tank car on the
railroad trucks at that place.
The annua! conference of the county
superintendents ol the stato will be
held at Lincoln January 13-15.
Tho municipal employment bureau
nt Omahu claims there aro 10,000 un
employed persons In that city.
Lincoln barbers lmvo reduced prices
nnd are now giving n liulr cut for 35
cents nnd a shavo for 20 cents.
Prospects tire bright for a free
bridge across tho Missouri river be
tween Omaha nnd Council Bluffs.
A $10 per month Increase In tbo pay
of firemen and policemen 1ms been
vote-d by tho city council of Omnhu.
Over a hundred members of the
state bar association attended the ban
quet of that body at Lincoln lust
Henry Ostenson, of Norfolk, was
found dead In his room nt an Omnlin
hotel. Ills, death Is being Investi
gated. Snm Wlckllno, nn Omnlin restaurant
man, found n rare blue pearl while
opening oysters. It Is suit! to be worth
Auto license plates to the number of
300,000 are now ready for Issue. Near
ly 10,000 slate licenses have already
been delivered.
The bonded Indebtedness of the
state on the HfM. duv of Decoinlioi- mm
.$."0,28(1,132, according to returns In the
iiutinors oiiii-e.
Elizabeth McCluvc, for over 40
years an employe of tho Omaha tcle-
plume company, was retired on a pen-
slon Jiimiury 1st.
Headquarters of the enforcement
division of the Nebraska federal pro
hibition department are soon to bo
moved to Lincoln.
I Oerosco Is to lmvo a new financial
Institution to be known as the Union
Stato Hunk. Tho stockholders are
principally farmers.
More than 100 petitions, asking that
capital punishment be abolished In Ne
braska, have been sent out by Mrs.
O. V. Hayes of Omnhu.
At a recent meeting of the stock
lolders, It was decided to allow no
gambling concessions of any naturo
at tho Loup Valley fair next fall.
(Sovernor McKolvle has appointed
Mrs. O. II. Dietrich of Hustings a mem
ber of the state library coinmlssion In'
place of S. A. Somer of Lincoln who
resigned some time ago.
Martin Kluwlkose, of Auburn, holds
the record for corn husking this sea
son 3,350 bushels In thirty-seven days,
nearly 100 bushels a day.
Contributions totaling $25,781.37 for
roller of starving children In Central
Europe havo been received to date by
"a. W. Wattles, state chairman..
lr. P. L. Hall, president of the Cen
tral National bank of Lincoln, has been
elected president of the board of re
gents of tho state university for the
coming btennlum.
It Is asserted by those- In nosltlon
! to know, that Frank Alexander, a
Vremont boy, whose death by suicide
has been erroneously reported, died
from a gunshot wound, accidentally
Commerce High school buildings tit
Omaha, together with several apart
ments and dwellings In the same
block, were destroyed by lire New
Year's day, with an amiroxiiimto loss
of $150,000.
Auburn sportsmen made a big klll
I lug near that place, bagging -IS!) cotton
tails, twenty-seven Jack rabbits, three
I crows, throe hawks and one opossum,
i The rabbits were sold and tho money
used for tho beuetlr of the needy.
I It Is estimated that $12,000,000 Is
paid out nnnuiilly to the emplo.ies of
, tho various packing plants of Omaha,
and although there wi i a decrease In
, the receipts of live stock, most all of
I the employes were kept stolidity em
ployed at i ne (urrcrent plants.
C. A. Korenseti, chHlniiiin of theNoti
purtlsflii League of Nebraska, bus Is
sued a call for a mass meeting of men
and women voters io bo held at Lin-
I l-lllll. .Illlllltirv 1(1 itml TM -,.t II, ,. ..iii.
- ..., .. ...,,,,. ... .nil. .V, llll nil. ,m-
pose of making demands on the legis
lature for a "constructive program of
economic, political and social pro
gress." Six stills, 150 gallons of moonshine
and three men were captured by a
force from the sheriff's office In a raid
i upon n farm In tho woods near Car
ter iiiue in iioiiKiiis county. The stills
11 I'I 17 I1IUIIII III IIIU IUIUMC llllll lllllll Illll
liquor was bidden In ninny plucos
(scattered over tho farm.
Jlmmie Keating of Lincoln wanted
to Join the navy, but was sliort on
weight. A conference wltb the police
Judge resulted In u jtill sentence, utpl
In sixteen days ho aiiecetxlod In put
ting on weight otioufth to secure for
bluieelf a four-year "bitch" wltb
Uucle Hum
The Aurora Kotnry club will cel
ebrate Its first birthday with a banquet
Januury 17.
State Auditor .Marsh, In a recent re
port, places tho value of state prop
erty at $1C",077.3SI.
Firemen attending the state conven
tion at York, Jntiunry 18 and 10, will
get special rates on railroad fare.
A total of 02,170,000 bushels or grain
were received and 51,7-13,700 bushels
were shipped out by the Omaha drain
Exchange during the year Just closed.
Nebraska Federation of Itetnllers
will hold a meeting nt Omaha, January
2-1-28. The association embraces deal
ers In shoes, furniture, dry goods,
clothing and groceries.
The Union Stock Yards of Oiniiba Is
tho second live stock market of tho
world, nnd In better shape to handle
business than In any of the 37 years
it has been In existence.
Three hundred post adjutants of Ne
braska chapters of the American Le
gion have been invited to a confercuco
nt Lincoln, January 12, by State Ad
jutant Frank H. O'Connell.
Churches of Greenwood have ac
quired nearly a hundred new member
as the result of a largely attended re
vival conducted by Evangelist W. D.
Hamilton of University Place.
A. D. Hays, a member of the Lin
coln Ore department, died of heart
failure as he was returning from work
ut the municipal skating rink, which
he had been flooding with water.
Several hundred men employed In
the car and motive power shops of
the Htirllngton at Havelock, Platts
inouth and division points In Nebras
ka, have been laid off for an Indefinite
Annexation Is worrying University
Place citizens again. During the past
two sessions of the legislature meas
ures to annex that city to Lincoln have
been introduced, but failed to get
Thirty-five street carmen In Omaha
have been granted permission to carry
firearms. The move was made as tin
endeavor to reduce holdups and law
lessness In that city.
Kappa Delta Phi, fraternity at tho
state university, has been granted a
charter of Liinilm Chi Alpha. The pe
tition was made to the convention of
the fraternity held In Indianapolis
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Hunter, of El
wood, celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary last week In tbo
Masonic ball, where their silver wed
ding anniversary was observed twenty
live years ago.
Mrs. Evelyn Prelss McElbnuey, con
victed at Alliance of second degree
murder for tho shoot lug of Etirl 15.
Anderson, has been sentenced to n
term of thirty years In the state peni
tentiary at hard labor.
Arrangements for the opening of the
1021 basketball season nt the stale
university In tbo coliseum nt tho lair
grounds at. Lincoln, January 14, are
being made by Director Luebring of
the athlotic department.
Electric light and power rates have
been boosted In Stanton from 12 and
(! cents to 14 and 8 cents, respectively.
Fifty bend of Durocs were sold at
Heaver City by J. C. Forney for $0,500,
an average of $130 a bead.
In the face of a heavy decrease In
live stock at all of the big western
markets, the Omaha market reinnlns
In second place by a margin of ap
proximately 550,000 bead of all kinds
of stock, leading Kansas City, which is
In third place, by this margin.
' Three baby girls, all In excellent
condition and weighing live pounds
each, were born to Mrs. Neal Mclntyre
In Nebraska City last week. There are
six other children In the family, the
oldest being sixteen year of age.
At the close of their annual meeting
at Lincoln the association of county
ngents of Nebraska elected the follow
ing officers for the year: President,
II. It. Frauscb, lied Cloud; vice presi
dent, Philip Sheldon, Scotts Hlua's;
secretary-treasurer, II. G. Gould, Sid
ney. Edwin Smith, a member of the Ne
braska City high school basket ball
team, fractured his collar bone while
at practice and will be out of the game
for several weeks. Last fall. Just be
fore the opening of the foot ball sea
son, young Smith fractured the stime
bone and was out of the game during
the entire season.
Approximately 15,00(1 farmers Joined
the Nebraska Farm Huicau Federa
tion In seventeen counties up 'o
December IS. This is un average qf
S52 to the county. As many of these
counties are sending in additional
members, It Is probable that the aver
age will be about 1,000 a county, or
about 70,000 for the entire stato when
the membership canvass is complete.
('. E. Hartford, state lire tnarslml,
estimates that while the total tire loss
in Nebraska for 1020 will bo little if
any greater than In 11)11), the loss by
Incendiary Hies lias Increased to an
alarming extent.
It will cost the stato $770,530 more
during tbo next two years to run Its
state Inst Itut Ions according to an es
timate made by the board of cont-ol
In Its report Just made public. The ni
hil cost during the bleiiulum just past
was $3,037,0770. Tho estimated cost
for the coming two years, us given in
the annual report of the board, Is
A gunrantee fund of $10,000 has
been pledged by Lincoln citizens for
tho purchase and distribution of coal
to worthy people who are out of work
or are tumble to purchase fuel Just at
Governor McKelvle has revived two
old customs, the inaugural hall and
governor's military atatTC Imme
diately following the Inainciiratlcn
January 0, a reception will be held at
the governor's mansion and dancing
will follow. Light refreshmeiiU will
be served. A reception for stale of
neons and employes followed by dune
bit; will bo held January 7.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feci eccurc when you
know that the medicine you aro about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Hoot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
nnd excellenco is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Koot.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
teaspoon fill dopes.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad
dei troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Koot. If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to try this
great preparation send ten cents tc Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamlon, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Some Other Day, Perhaps.
"Shall I dust the bricky brack,
"Not today, Norn. I don't think we
can afford It."
Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and Itching with hot
baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of
Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cutlcurn Talcum,
one of the indispensable Cutlcura
Toilet Trio. Adv.
It Is never too late to mend, marry
or got a divorce.
A strong mnn without confidence U
Then it is Genuine
Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions.
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache,
Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, .Rheumatism, Neuritis. Lumbago.
Handy tin boxca of 12 tablets cost but a few centa Larger packages.
Aspirin ta th trade mirk of Bayer Manufacture of MonoaeeUcaciilatter of Salloyllcaold
No Half Ways for Him.
Mrs. .Tones bud arranged to meet
her husband at u certain store. After
standing about for somu time she grew
Impatient, nnd, thinking that he might
have forgotten to meet her, she called
him up at bis place of business. Sup
posing thut central had given her the
right number, she exclaimed: "Hello,
Frank, Is that you? I'm nearly dead."
"Well, madam," came the reply, "1
guess you have the wrong man. I'm
the undertaker, and I want them en
tirely dead." Boston Transcript.
Canada's Ftlcn Coal Mine.
Tlio coal deposit aM.nmpmnn, Snsk.,
Canada, Is believed to be one of the
best or Its kind in the world, and one
of the greatest assets of the province,
according to the Investigators who
recently made an examination of the
location. They estimated that there
are HLNOOO.OOO tons of coal In the two
and three-quarter sections of laud In
which tho coal Is located.
"I'a, what is a patriot?"
"A patriot, my boy, is a man who
continues to Iovo and servo bis conn
try whether or not Its elections go to
suit him."
As a man grows older, bis feet can
get plenty cold enough without inking
n sleigh ride.
A Ready-Cooked Food
For Breakfast or Lunch
Crisp granules of wheat and malt-
ed barley "sweet as a nut" from 1
special processing and long baking.
No need to sprinkle sugar on your I
cereal when you use GrapeNuts I
1 "Theres a Reason7
Hi S
jiWy Secrets. Wonejl
r$?T sWi,i$1
A woman's fondest bopo is to stay
young. Sho often resorts to paints,
powders and cosmetics to hido her
years. Somo women pay large sums to
so-called "Beauty Doctors" in the be
lief that nionoy will buy youth. Others
wear girlish drexsos, thinking they can
fool tho world about their age. Hut
no one is decoived. Tho tuoro you try
to lddo your ago, thu more it shows.
Thore is but one thing that holds old
ago hack, and that is health. Sickness
and weakness bring old ago early in
lifo. Dr. Pieroo's Favorito Proscrip
tion la a building-up modicino for
women. It makes thorn hcslthy and
strong when they suffer from women's
troubles. It keeps them looking young
by keoping them well. It is a woman's
tonic for tho frail, tlio dclicato and
thoso who aro nervous, dizzy and who
havo backacho and dragging pains.
Favorite Prescription is altogether
vogetablo and without a particle of
alcohol. It is safe to toko. Try it
now. In tablot or liquid form at all
druggists, or send 10c for trial package
of tho tablets to Dr. Pierce 's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.
I The man who courts trouble Is soon
Possibly There Are Others Who
Might Benefit by Reflecting on
George's Observation.
Krotblngham Dodge, tho Boston
municipal reformer, in the course of
nn address to Harvard students, snid:
"Man wasn't made to loaf. The
minute he begins to loaf he takes to
drink or hypochondria I don't know
which Is worse.
"There's a loafing hypochondrlnc
named Sweeny who spends nil bis
time talking about his health. He's
always ailing, and usually when you
go to see him you find blm In bed
wltb a headache or rheumatism or
dyspepsia or what not.
"Sweeny was tottering feebly down
the street one day when be fell In
with a burly friend named George.
"'George,' be said. 'I'd give any
thing to be as strong and healthy
as you nre. What do you live on?'
"'I live on fruit,' said George.
'"Fruit, eh?' snid Sweeny eagerly.
'That sounds good. I'll have to try
it. What kind of fruit, George?'
'"The fruit of labor' George an
swered significantly."
Graft Is something else wo cannot
euro only scold nbunt.
To win xiiii high and stick to It.