Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 01, 1917, Image 7

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ncle Sam May Surprise? '(:rrt
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American ml?al experts
believe they can build a
sea fighter that "will aston
ish the Jborld; it Is a semi
submerged torpedo cruiser
t5 ,i?LT-3i'5
reiari-a -v-
f tK. .V'..
HAT Is the next surprise that nnvnl
architects linvc In store for the
Is It possible to mortify radically
existing typos of battle craft?
Das the naval strategist any
thing In mind that will he totally
unlike present warships some
thing thnt will upset the prevailing
order of battle tnctics upon the sea? These ques
tions are asked by Robert O. Skerrett In the New
York Sun, and he goes on to say that experts an
swer yes to questions two nnd throe. One of the
foremost of American nnvnl officers said not long
Jigo :
"I believe we can build a ship here that will
make the whole world sit up and take notice If
we want to do so."
This assertion was brought out by a debate on
the subject of naval Increase, when the genesis
of the modern d rend naught was discussed. An
Interesting light was thrown upon the origin and
reason for being of that era-making type of heavy
ship of the line. The disclosure Illustrates how
kindred forces may be at work In calling Into
being another and no less startling departure In
naval architecture. According to the officer In
"England has been criticized for Inventing the
droadnnught typo on the ground that If she had
not done so she would have maintained a greater
preponderance over every other navy In her pro
drendnaught types, and as the dreadnaught typo
Is far more efficient she therefore had to start
even with other nntlnns again. The reply to that
is thnt she did not Invent the type, but It ,was
absolutely forced upon her.
"In the duvs when we were tiring at each other
at 2.000 or ,i,000 yards a droadnnught was not a
logical thing at all, because at Ihnse ranges you
could use tin eight-Inch gun with great effect or a
six-Inch gun. Hut as soon ns Admiral Sir Percy
Scott showed us how to train gun pointers with
Ids now device It changed the situation material
ly. Ills whole iuvctiMon was a method of train
ing gun pointers.
"We applied it on ,our side and we talked to
people on this side and to ircople on the other
Hide of the Atlantic about It. I went over to Eng
land and talked to the gun people there and we
finally, tentatively going from one rnngo to an
other, found out that we could hit a target at
8.000 or 0,000 yards, which were considered"
enormous ranges In those days.
"You cannot hit anything with a six-Inch gun
nt those distances. It was therefore perfectly
Illogical for them to build nny more battleships
except with all big guns. Accordingly, the itll-htg-gun
ship Iind to be built.
"We would hnve built the first one on this side
If the authorities hero had listened to us. Eng
..land did not Invent the nll-blg-gun ship. It was
Admiral Sir Percy Scott who thought out how t
shoot nt long range, and tho other fellows fol
lowed as a natural consequence. HIg guns nro the
only ones thnt will do any particular damage nt
long range.
"The present conflict has made It plain that In
uctunl warfare tho nation with tnltlctivo will have
n great advantage, and Germany lies undoubtedly
kept her foes guessing. No one knows whnt she
Is likely to spring next upon her antagonists, but
imst performances hint at certain possibilities."
Cnpt. Willlnm S. Sims thus describes a thor
oughly practicable, novel order of battle craft. Its
theoretical ndvnntngos are so evident to tho ex
perts thnt the likelihood of Its appearing before
long lb more than a possibility.
"If ymi build a ship of 20,000 tons that has
iin'hing but a protective deck, and so flat thnt
in thing lould i-et under It, that only has two
lowers, one forward and one aft, to control Iho
nhip, and no guns nt nil. but nrmed with eight or
ten torpedo tubes on n !de, and capable of male
to 85 knot, I would like to know what a fleet
. -Mew.-?,-.
could do when' one of them comes down in its
midst," he snys.
"There would bo nothing to hurt If you did hap
pen to hit her, nnd she could fire nil the torpe
does she wants to nt you. One of our young offi
cers recommended n vessel of thnt type. Natural
conservatism on the part of tho older men who
control the upper end of nil services and It Is
the nnturnl conservatism of large bodies that con
trol our government stnn'ds In the way of Just
such a proposition; those men do not quite llko
tho radical Idea. Hut Just tho same'one of those
novel craft will pop up one of those days; and
for all we know It will come out of Wilhelmshaven
before this war Is over."
It is a well-known fact that tho destroyer has
proved the submarine's worst enemy, nnd for two
rensons: First, because of Its speed, combined
with offecflvo gun power; nnd, second, owing to
the difficulties of retaliation through torpedo
attack, tho submnrljie's only sufficient answer to
the destroyer's rapid flrers. More often than oth
erwise the underwater boat's principal weapon has
sped harmlessly under the destroyer without scor
ing, simply because tho destroyer draws far less
water than the submarine's intended quarry, the
big vessel.
The torpedo Is ordinarily set to run deep enough
to strike well below n large ship's armor belt,
and therefore Is apt to pass without hitting below
tho keel of n destroyer. ' It was this Idea that
Captnln Sims hnd In mind when he said that tho
novel battle craft was to be built so that "noth
ing could get under It."
There Is another advantage, too. In this arrange
ment. A ship so constructed would be able to
operate in waters where ordinarily only light
gunboats or destroyers could maneuver In safety.
Accordingly it would be ensy for a craft of this
character either to hide where least expected or
to run to cover when tho odds offered by armored
ships were tot) heavy against her.
Great Hrltnln has found Is necessary to utilize
monitors, especially modified for the work, in her
offensive operations against the German positions
on the coast of Belgium. Shallow draft and fairly
heavy armaments have made these vessels reason
ably effective. However, tho monitors have not
been able to destroy the German naval station
nt Zeebrugge and the kaiser's designers have no
doubt long been busy devising a nlivnl foil to Iho
Hrltlsh attack.
This probability in part Is warrant for Cap
lain Sims' assumption that something out of the
ordlnnry was likely to Issue from WllhelmshavPti
before the end of tlip"prcsent struggle. It b takes
tho form suggested tho ship will not be a formid
able foe only for England's monitors, but It would
certainly prove a very dangerous antagonist for
well-nigh any of Great Britain's heavy fighting
As with so many things concerning our national
defences no secret has been made here 'of this
proposed order of war ciiift. Captain Sims has
"Ithns been before our people for n long while.
It has been discussed at tho War college and pa
pers Ir "o boon written on It."
Foreigners have undoubtedly made themselves
fnmlllar with everything that has been given out
nbout the ship nnd certainly the lypo would go a
long way toward offsetting the disadvantage In
numbers under which the Gorman fleet labors.
Moreover, there are economic rensons why n
fighting ship of this peculiar typo would commend
Itself especially to n people circumstnnced ns arc
the Germans now.
As Captain Sims snys: "I have always believed
that a vessel could bo designed In that way with
out any necessity for a waste of side armor, be
cause she would have nothing above her water
lino to protect; thnt Is, substantially nothing. She
would havo no turrets, which cost so much In
weight, nnd she would havo no big guns, which
cost In the weight of the gun, ammunition, etc.
"She would carry two towers, from either of
which the ship could bo controlled: One to bo
used In caso the other was knocked out. They
would be of sufficient size to hold tho people who
maneuver the craft. Her smoke pipe would bo
armored so that It could not be shot away so
close to her deck as to do nny particular damage.
Sho could be armed with eight torpedo tubes on
her side and sho could carry n great many tor
pedoes for each ono of thoso tubes."
At tho Naval Wnr college strategic experts have
given this suggestion mimcrout Ueorctlcal tests.
At that Institution tho ship Is commonly known
ns the Scliollelil, because Commander Frank II.
Schofleld was the first to suggest the type. In
tho strategic problems worked out on the gamo
board tho ship has led to some startling results.
Because armor Is not necessary for turrets,
weight Is not required for big guns, nnd as Hie
craft lies low In the water It is possible to give
her n very effective defense against subaqueous
attack, and It Is feasible to subdivide her below
the water line into many compartments, tho very
number serving to localize damage. Accordingly
the Scholleld Is assumed to be proof against tor
pedo attack, while above water her protective
deck and sturdy sides would stand off shots even
from the largest guns Decnuse of tho glancing
blows thnt hostile projectiles would strike.
Possibly the best evidence of what the Naval
Wnr college thinks about tho Schofleld can be
gnthered from Cnptain Sim's own statement.
While admitting that ho did not know what such
a vessel would nctually do In time of conflict, he
plainly expressed his apprehension of his chances
If attacked by a craft of that order: "If I wore
In command of a lleet and one" of those things
camo down on mo I think I would turn the vessel
over to tho second In command and go down bo
low." It Is not commonly understood by the layman
that there are times when the torpedo even nt
long ranges stands u better chance of hitting than
the big gun. The big gun may be seriously handi
capped or Impaired In Its efficiency by renson of
tho weather. The torpedo, on the other hand,
dives below the surface of tho angriest sea and
holds Its depth despite tumbling wavs as U
speeds on toward Its target.
It Is for this reason that the Scholleld Is armed
almost exclusively with torpedoes. Any guns
that might be placed on deck would be only rapid
flrers Intended to stand off destroyers or to deal
with armed merchantmen or commerce raiders.
Success In a naval action depends very much
upon gaining tho advantage of position so far as
wind and light are concerned. In moderate
weather, with a moderate breeze blowing, a cmii
mnnder wants to have the wind In bis face. Tint
Is to say, the wind should blow from the dlrccMun
of the enemy, because then the smoke and ,::is
from his own guns blow back and away and
lenvo the commander with an unimpaired view
of his foe, while the enemy's discharge hangs fot
a while on his lee and Interferes with his vision
and the speedy working of his ordnance effectively
It Is not an easy thing to gain tho position of
advantage, and half tho success In doing this
hinges upon Invisibility. A vessel like the Sclm
field, lying low In the water and capable of m-il,
Ing '.' knots an hour, would havo the whip linud
in this particular, because she could slip along at
full speed unobserved, whereas a ship lislm:
higher above the surface would bo sure to betray
herself agi.inst the horizon.
The part that tin- weather plays In battle tac
tics Is thus described by one of tho navy's emi
nent officer: "If you have been fortunate enough
to get Into position with the wind In your lace
and the foe to windward anil It comes on to blow
and kicks up a sea sufficient to splash water up
over the sides of your ship when you are steam
ing 20 knots, then there Is another difficulty. The
spray will Interfere very seriously with your filing
because It levfps your telescopes wet.
Instead of looking through a clear telescope
the situation Is not unlike looking through the
water when you are In swli. lining. Your vision
Is obscured. Water also may get Into your tur
rets and Into your fire control connections and
possibly may put you at more or less of a disad
vantage. "Kemember this, fleets fight nowadays nt very
long ranges, and If you sight nn enemy that Is
bearing east from you and the conditions of wind
and weather are such that you would like to have
him benring west, it would take you all that day
to get him there If he does not want to do sft be
cause If j on try to steam around him he slmplv
keeps you bearing abeam, while turning In tu,
enormous circle, and after you have turned
around about half way. he will turn and go the
oilier way.
"In the olden days when they fought at short
range It wns possible by certain innnouvoiings to
get tho ndvantago of position with reference to
the wind nnd sea, etc. It Is nowhere near so easy
to do It now. In fact, It Is practi"ally imnosslble,
despite superiority In speed, within reasonable
' limits."
Because of her unusual features a ship pat.
terncd after the Idea of the Scholleld would not
havo to bother so much about advantage of posi
tion. Even while nearly burled und-r stormy seas
It would be practicable for her commandur to
bring his broadside of torpedoes to bear, and
every one of ihoso weapons would be a good deal
more formldnbli than the blggist of armor plnc
1'ig projeetlli -
Ingenious Disposition Made of Hair Which Is Abundant but Not
Particularly Lonjj Strip of Malines Used Effectually Riding
Habit Which Is About the Last Word in Such Tons.
Hero Is ono of thoso
that dispose of the end
In some mysterious way
or lirald or twist or any
means, except two soft
nape of tho neck. Wo
admlro nnd to ponder
that Hindu so beautiful
now coiffures
s of (he hair
without coll
other visible
curls at the
look at It to
tho Ingenuity
u disposition
ears, spread over tho back of tho head,
and the ends turned under nt the unpe
of the neck. It Is held In place with
Invisible wiro pins. A single strand
above tho left temple is left free, how
ever, until a larger shell comb has been
thrust In nt the crown. It Is brought
b'tck over the comb and Its ends are
r 1 rwai i ' - -
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ii iinMii nmiiMiii fwrn i v-..
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OLL rTTPrT.. - -fTTTTT7i l II H
New Departure In Coiffures.
of hair which is abundant but not
long. Tho secret of dressing the hair
In this way appears to bo In parting
It off In the right way.
The front hair for this coiffure Is
parted off and combed forward as for
,a pompadour. The remainder of the
hair Is combed to the back of Iho neck
and tied, and the ends arc separated
Into two strands and curled. The front
hair Is parted at each side above tho
temples, and waved. At tho top of tho
bend tho linlr Is brought back In -a
small pompadour, the ends loosely
twisted and pinned to the crown. The
side hair is combed down over tho
concealed by pinning them under the
top of the comb.
In this coiffure there Is n short fin
ger of hair across tho forehead, which
is slightly curled. Tho shell comb
is brightened with two rows of! rhino
stones. Coiffures of this chnrncter are In
evidence at tho theater, and there Is a
pretty fashion of covering them with
a strip of the finest mallues us like tho
hair In color as possible. This Is al
most Invisible, like a hair net, nnd
Just where It begins or ends keeps ono
guessing. Hut It keeps tho hair neat
and supports the coiffure.
Riding Tons for 1917.
A modi I to which you can pin your
fnl tli. If you are contemplating a new
riding habit, is pictured here. It is
made in one of the new weaves that
havcjiccn so much ptnmntcd for sports
"wear, but probably as good a choice
in can ho iiuiilo for practical service
is covert cloth. A dark tan color In
I this material, cut on the same Hues
i as those of the habit shown hero, will
furnish Its owner with the best of
I style. She can wen It with tho assur
ance that It Is correct.
I The coat Is cut on tho trimmest of
' linos and Is as severe as the art of
the tailor can imike It. In some of
tho now habits coals are n very little
longer limn In tills conservative
I model. Hut till is a matter of per
I hoiiiiI Insto, and a difference of an
Inch and a half perhaps covers the
bitlltido of choice. The waistlines are
' very long and the iUlrt moderately
j lull.
The hat Is less stiff than the regula-
I tlnu hut for rldiii". but has i ot dls-
j placed Its rigid prcdccessvis Uku
Hi material Ii h' h iblt 1 1 H luw
arrival In the realm of apparel, and
Is comfortable and elegant. It fits Iho
head snugly and Is so constructed that
It may bo made to measure. This Is n
boon to women who hnvo abundant
There nre "dress" habits and polo
hnblts In which tho most vivid reds
nnd flreons demonstrate a courageous
use of color In riding togs. Thoso
lilgh-cnlorcd conts are worn with whlto
trousers, and the polo coats are Mccve
less. Hut they are another story.
A Dainty Pillow.
Hoiulolr pillow covers do not necesi
sarlly have to bo embroidered to hit
dainty. Good-looking ones are simply
lace-tiimnied. One teen recently hail
two three-Inch bands of lino cluny In
sertion set In diagonally across either
corner, mil the eft'oet. It must lw ecu
( did, nn excellent.