Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 23, 1915, Image 9

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Stale Food Commissioner Ha.-man
Finds Where Large Quantity
Has Been Sold.
Working with govornmont ofllclnls,
Stnto Food Commissioner Hnrmnii
anil Chief Inspector Ktmbcl have
been able to discover the sale of so
called nsnlrin, a tablet used largely
by physicians and druggists for tho
cure of headaches. Aspirin Is mado
In Oermanyc but a drug called nctylo
salicylic acid mndo in this country Is
said to bo equally ns good, llowevor,
the use of tho latter remedy has
never come into general uso because
aspirin has boon so largely adver
tised Uiat everybody has insisted on
that instead of tho American product.
So great has boon tho demand for as
pirin that it appears sonio firm In tho
cast has been manufacturing a coun
terfeit which has been sold in largo
quantities to druggists as tho real ar
ticle. An Omaha company appears to
havo had the handling of tho alleged
aspirin in this state and has been tho
distributor to other druggists,
Tho alleged aspirin contains one
half grain of acetanlllil, which Is det
rimental to heart action and might
bo exceedingly dangerous for those
with weak hearts to tako, Tho Omaha
concern has disposed of over 200,000
of theso tablets in tho stato and tho
government inspectors aro said to
know Just whoro to go to locate tho
druggists who havo handled It.
Heal aspirin sells for $8.80 per
1,0'JO tablets, whilo tho counterfeit
brings about ?G.fi0. Tho counterfeit
can bo roadily distinguished from tho
real because It will dissolve In cold
water, whilo tho real aspirin is not
soluble. It will break in cold water
into small parts and then settlo In tho
bottom, but tho counterfeit dissolves
entirely In a glaBS o! cold wator.
All other institutions and depart
ments of state must surrender tho
crown of size and extent of operation
to tho stato university, for that Insti
tution, during tho past biennium, has
exceeded all others in amount of
money collected and used and in
number of persons interested and in
number of persons employed. Appro
priations mado and used by tho
school for the last biennium, accord
ing to n complete check Just an
nounced by Stato Accountant De
France, totaled $3,200,000. In addi
Hon to this thcro was n rcvenuo of
$200,000 from outnido sources. Theso
sources of lncomo were from Halo of
hog cholera sprum, from ico cream
and milk at the stato fair dairy and
from sources of that nature. Not all
of tho $3,200,000 appropriated by tho
legislature camo out of tho taxpayers'
pockets by moans of a levy. Matricu
lation fees nnd various other fees and
emoluments from tho federal govern
ment aro included, tho total approxi
mating $700,000 for tho biennium.
Fees of various kinds collected by tho
medical collego heads at Omaha to
taled $5,889.
Adjutant General Phil Hall, who
has just returned from Washington,
whore ho Investigated President Wil
son's proposed increaso of tho army
of tho United States by organizing a
continental army of 400,000, is con
vinced tho scheme will not glvo tho
best results. General Hall bcliovesMt
would bo lmposslblo to organlzo a clt
lzeu soldiery from tho ranks of tho
young men of tho country for nono of
them could afford to glvo up a position
to take on any job which would be
for only two or thrco months and for
only GO cents por day, and, besides,
no employer would caro to havo
clerks who would bo away from busi
ness as long as tho requirements call
for. Tho general believes if tho gov
ernment woulil glvo tho guard a But
ilclent amount to onnblo It to drill
its membera four drills a month and
pay thorn ?1 per drill that tho guard
coiiul b'o'mado much moro offlclont
nnd better ablo for offoctlvo service
Organization of gardon clubs by
school vrtilldren of tho stato Is con
Bldcrod by J. It. Duncan, atato horti
cultural board secretary, as useful
and bightly important to tho stato at
largo. In a statement Just issued he
suggests that parents give sorlous
consideration to tho movement
Permlcsion to organlzo a national
guard company among tho employes
of tho Omaha Street Car Co. has
been asked of Adjutant Gonoral Hall
by Henry L. Strohbo of that city. Mr.
Strohbo says sixty or seventy mon
can bo enlisted from tho street car
Tho Northern Antclopo Telophono
coraponx of Noligh 1ms asked tho rail
way commission to sanction tho lssuo
of $5,000 moro Btock to pay off notes.
It has Issued ?25,000 worth.
Warden Fenton of tho stato p6nl
tentlary Is preparing to utlllzo a small
lukp just outside tho south wall of
tho prison as' a- means of lire protec
tion,, According to figures prepared by
Uio Stnto Hoard of. Agriculture, tho
output of Nebraska forms this year
, ,. to tho nlco littlo mm of
?GC0,Gr.5,480, which ought to ho evi
dence to most anybody that fanning
in Nebraska is bettor than gold min
ing In Alaska.
Secretary of Stato Pool has Just
sent to tho printer copy for tho now
roster of veterans of tho Mexican,
Civil and Spanish-American wars, tho
list having boon prepare u, . li
ferent county assessors of the stato
under tho provisions of houso roll D21.
apjoved April 10, 1915 The law dl
rccttd the census to be taken tho
St of April. The list shows but
two veterans of the Mexican war
4.364 of the Cllvl nr and 1.145 of tho
BpanteVAmf rin war. The larget
number of veterans reside In Hall
. -. . i -., ....... -
mm&sr wwwihs ra. v.i vr -jtSEfMmaz iP
I r i lj
&ropx7y(7.? M& asopmwmt
ay JUrtLk uavi.
HAT a ghastly holiday Christmas
will bo In Europe this year. Mil
lions of famliies in mourning, mil
lions of women nnil children starv
ing, millions of homes In ruins,
millions of now graves, millions of
dead men that haven't oven tho
ohfiltcr of earth, millions of square
miles of fertile land laid wasto by
war, millions of mon killing fathers,
husbands, brothers, sons and sweet
hearts. Dolglum, Sorbla, northorn Franco nnd Poland
9tJ KftfJft
aro a Hades of wreckage. In Germany ovoryono
Is living on short ratioun and turning all energies
to tho pursuit! ..f Mar. Even tho half-grown boys
of Annco aro under arms awaiting tho call to
tho trenchos. Austria and Italy and England nnd
Russia and Hulgarla aro pouring their money into
tho mill that turns out guns nnd explosives whilo
tho poor oxist in tho misery of somlstarvatlon,
getting tholr mito of food and fuel and clothing
by taking tholr turn n tho "bread lino."
All of warring Europo's able-bodied men aro
sohliors in ona capacity or another. In tho,
streets of all tho cities and villages of tho con
tinentexcepting tho littlo neutral nations ono
socs only aged mon, veterans of other wars, and
maimed men who nro recovering from wounds
rocelvcd in this ono. Evorywhero aro hospitals.
Schools, churches, fr.ct'jies, homos ovory sort
of habitable place Is llllod with wounded. And
Ono of tho most flourishing enterprises over thcro
is tho sale of artificial limbs.
Ercn from Asia comes tho wall of sorrow, for
Mohammodan Turkey Is rolIcloUBly slaughtering
its hundreds of thousands of Christian Armenian
subjects. Nov.-3 dispatches of tho last few days
doscrlbo tho torrlblo plight of refugees pennl
lose, ragged, hungry, dlBcasod, noncombatants and
exhausted, boaton soldiers who aro swooping
out of desolated Sorbla into Creoca. Wo read of
women with chlldron In arms spending a month
tramping through tho snow-covered mountains,
hoping in tho end to find a little warmth and
food nnd poaco. Wo road of frozen roadways
strown with the bodies of thoso that stopped on
tho way for a bit of rest and never went on.
Nono of tho hundred million of us In tho Unltod
States can npprcclato tho horror of It all. Somo
of our wnr correspondents over thoro have soon
and heard, but none has suffored and ondurod as
thoso who nro a part of tho con titration.
Santa Claus will havo a oofy tlmo abroad this
year. Fathers and mothora havo nolthor tho
heart nor tho moans of commemorating tho birth
of tho Child of Uethlchem and his mission among
mon. Of nocosslty tboy and tholr children will
fast Instead of feast if thoro is any feasting it
will bo a foast of prayor and hopo.
America sent no Christmas ship nbrond this
year. Why notT somo of us may nsk. Why not?
with tho United states nt tno noigui 01 prosperity
and blessed with poaco. Porhaps bocauso wo
rcallzo what a horror tho war tfl. A prominent
nowapapcr man In one of our largo cltlos n man
who had much in r with tho success of tho
project lust yur had this to say whon tho ques
tion was brought up:
"A Christmas ship this year a boatload or two
or thrco boatloads of dolls nnd jumplng-jacks and
rod apples and candy and cnkoB nnd mittens and
rod-top boots for tho kids of Ero5Q? I shall not
dwoll on tho fact that thb .irring nations httvo
bocomo much moro deadly In tholr hata Mid sus
picion and probably would rofuso safo passago for
tho cargoes from ono country to another. 1 shall
not concern myself with tho fact that tho nations
H Vaa Comjany M) Riant
"Mcto yourself porfoctly at homo.
Wo don't look on you as company."
"Don't bollovo 'cm, relator, Thoy
mado mo wash my faco and hands
Just bocauBo you woro coming to sup
per." Tho Trouble.
"Now, lot me toll you about this now
hat ot mlno. It camo direct from "
"You ncodn't go all over that again.
Anybody to look at you can boo, you'vo
got Panama on tho bratu."
JtfeBwgQ i :7rm9m&Wm 1 lid
Wimir wlw WmmiWm ! Nlu
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embroiled look upon tho United States as a greedy
animal growing fat and sleok feeding on their
llfo blood, and probably would return our gifts to
us with curt "No-thnnk-yous."
"Instead I shall confess that I am weighed down
with the hopelessness of tho situation. Here in
America wo havo all wo may reasonably ask of
Provldonco considering our own sins of politics
and social Injustice Ovor thoro they aro cursed
beyond tho power of words to descrlbo, and tho
curso will bo felt for generations,
"Millions In Europo aro dying in tho agonies
of starvation, cold and dlseaso for want of food,
clothing, Bholter and medical aid. What a ghast
ly Joko It would bo In theso circumstances for tho
rlchost and luckiest nation to offer thoso millions
of pitiful chlldron a littlo candy and fruit whon
thoy ncod milk and broth, mittens when they need
blankets and clothing, dolls and toy trains whon
thoy neod doctors and nurses nnd sanitary sup
plies. No, this Is no tlmo for pollto mementoes.
Lot us concontrato on giving tho only real help
that would sulllco and that would bo welcomo
pcaco as soon ns possible"
Let us look upon tho mannor in which Europo
colebratod Christmas boforo vtho war
In Franco and Dolglum on Christmas ovo the
baraquos, or booths, appear in the Btreots without
litndrnnco, nnd aro all ablaze with candles nnd
glittering treasurcB, for ovory housohold must
contain somo bright trinket In honor of Noel. Tho
midnight mass is thronged; tho magnificent
Christmas hymn Ib chanted everywhere, nnd thon
all is gleeful holiday for an hour or so, for It is
Christinas morning, tho pcaco-mnking morning of
tho world I
Thoro Is tho boudln to bo eaten, tho cnlen, or
Christmas lamp, symbolical of tho star that guid
ed tho Magt to Ilcthlohom, to bo lighted, tho lit
tlo crecho to bo exposed, nnd all happiness, all
good-will to ovoryono to bo expressed boforo re
tiring with tho grand chornlo of peace sounding
In tho oars. In tho country tho lads nnd IursIos
morrily drag homo tho burho do Nool, correspond
ing to our Yulo log, which Is kindled by tho head
of tho faintly; tho boudln must bo eat on and tho
hot eplcod wlno sont round, and many a misun
derstanding Is mado cloar bosldo tho Christmas
J . v;j wffiswiWSSWA
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MBH l..H. . fc JTLC 'J-
warn JKa6ss", rrj wimr)MEf'i'imsss' a v
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HB 111 Sw
English Town, It U Claimed, Has
Machine That Makes It Possible
to Tell Value of Goods.
A ruachlno for testing tho wearing
quality of cloth has been produced In
Bradford, England. It may bo found
ot Interest to American Arms which
manufacturo, sell or uso toxtllo fab
rics. Rolatlvo wearing qualities of
different ploccs ot cloth may be do
tormlncd by placing them In tho ma
chlno and giving them a uniform num
ber ot rubi perhnps two hundred
each. This makes It possiblo to com
paro ono kind of cloth with Its Imita
tion, or to compare cloth samples of
tho snmo character from different
A ploco ot cloth is clampod In a
rigid Jaw and. passos ovor a rubbing
i 1. r.k ZSTN, .w r.V nvinflHIIUMl 'VI
:mJt JwmMkXiZmxFt
ku im .KA vmr , 2 im ws-FZenstzm
VJJ rAvJAL2fy &?&. ii r.Wiir AWT. "1st v.AVnj' r '
w wmmmsBmmx
m. jfia i msm,:4
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lire on this, tho day of good will.
In Germany and Austria every houscmothor and
every father makes Christmas tho feast for the
children, thd great day of reunion, tho glad tlmo
when all moot under tho old roof-tree, and social
customs prevail over religious observances. Tho
-i. i.M..,. nn la ..Vtlmiltmia nvnrvnnn liau It.
... .,.! r nnn nmlta WfllinaCht S
ricii ur 1'uu.i twin iiw ww w..
Doschecrung or Christmas gifts. To provide these,
tho Gorman peoplo will, If need bo, save up half
tho year. Each member of tho household must
havo something as a surprise, generally service
able preso nts that aro often needed and always
acceptable. ""'
Singularly enough, tho Christmas is not cele
brated ns ono would expect In Italy. Thero tho
night of tho year Is less a religious festival than
a fair. Tho world seems absorbed In delirious
excitement, and all crowd round Pulclnello and
divert themselves hilariously till tho churches
claim them for tho midnight mass. But tho fun
goes on; they laugh gleefully, as only Italians
enn laugh, enjoy themsolvcs to tholr hearts' con
tent, but the celebrations aro not homo cclobra
tlons; It is n general, not a domestic, feast.
In Russia and Poland tho children put tholr
shoes filled with hay outside thd door for tho
horses of St. Nicholas; and It is bellovcd In most
sections that St Nicholas tomes first on a pre
paratory visit ton days boforo Christmas to learn
which chlldron havo been good. Ho leaves nuts
and candy in tho shoos of thoso who havo been
good, but nothing for thoso who havo been bad,
who thus know thnt they may expect no presents
on tho real Christmas day.
In Serbia and tho other Balkan countries, at
dawn on the day boforo Chrlsmas the sturdy peas
ant proprietor dispatches his sons to tho forest
On renchlng tho spot whoro tho destined Christ
mas tree stands, the axbearer offers up a prayor;
then ho draws on a pair of gloves, takes a hand
ful of corn, flings It against tho troo, and says,
"Good morning, and a happy Christmas to you."
This done, he addresses himself to tho task of
foiling, paying careful attention to tho laws of tho
"badnynk," which prescribes among other things
tlmt nil tho cuts bo mado on ono particular sldo.
Onco felled, tho tree Is carded homo and leaned
against tho east sldo of tho house, whero It re
mains till evening. Then tho wlto lights two can
dles and places ono on cither sldo of the door
way, whilo tho husband goes forth to bring In tho
Tho mastor of tho houso now throws threo nuts
Into each of tho four comers of tho room, Baying
as ho doos so: "In the nnmo of tho Father,
In tho namo of tho Son; In tho name of tho Holy
Ghost Amen!"
All night ovoryouo romalns gloating over the
crackling, roasting pig. with nn eagerness ot
anticipation proportionate to the zeal with which
thoy havo observed tho six weoks' fast enjoined
by tho Greek orthodox church. By UiIb tlmo
Christmas day has dawned, and on Christmas
everyone must go to service
Burfaco formed by dull blades set In a
cylinder. This cyllndor makes ono
rovolutlon clockwise, thon ono In tho
opposlto direction, and this is record
ed by a counter as ono rub. Tho other
end ot tho cloth Is clamped to a
rollor, on which Is placed tho quad
rant, from which any numbor of
weights can bo Buspended, and thus
put tho cloth In tension. Tho ran
chlno can b-j driven by an electric
motor. When tho cloth Is worn
through tie machlno automatically
Fields & Slaughter Co.
Gx-aIiv, Feed, Flor, Hay arkd Coal
Fred J. Parker, Manager
Phone No. 4 Dakota City, Nebr.
Westcott's Undertaking
Auto Ambulance
Old Phone, 426 New Phone 2087
Sioux C5ty Iowa.
Abstracts of Title
A S 10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy
of every Abstract I make.
J. J EIMER.S, Bonded Abstractor.
i n-nrn-ibhi in win tTm rririi-ni-arr? if TJifi'JiiTWiTTinr """"- -j"?-"
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
JVuto A471
and ernd It (or the nunepf this peper)
with $2.00 for Tho COMPANION
for 1916, tmd we will asm!
T?RFI? A Am twin of THE COM-
r IEJL PANION for th rramlalnB
w.ok. of 10IG7
TUCM Tt B2 WUr lfoe cf
arena race,
provided for.
!j will be crowded with S''illl
I the very best reading inj 5ggs0l l
!i 9 Great: Serials 250 Short Stories ij
I Have Taken the Agency and Will Be On the Road
Koch s
iJ Extracts, Spices, Etc. &
Will make regular calls on all my former and pros
pective customers in Dakota County, the East
Half of Dixen County and the North Half of
Thurston County, and hope for the same cordial
business relations as existed heretofore.
Dakota City, Nebraska
Mail Orders will be given Prompt and Careful Attention
JiWKi The SAFE boys' magazine IM
The SAFE boys' magazine
teifcifiitatojpjdUniiySl a year
JftlmmmmmmkmmWBumMmvBmlA wl JUfcAyforitfUinv,- nt ..llU'.n.u. m.2 Lui
jaihaj loranbort, not aclilld't tiKr. Clein u
nna.HMHVn i. . i ?.-! - ". . u i v. j.cau u ji.
n fairtW. lull of plctatii. I to 6Jf !" rer
moth Mnlr.lDiplriWitorte.ofttel,att
tnn. thletlc. hutorr. tchool life, wrlttea k;
"uiiKfunr dcji lauton. innructiva tolid
anMlra t Ido artlolrt on foolbill nd other
porti. Department! ot Meobanlo. Elrctrleltr.
I'nohxrauhr. Vnpnlir Belenoe. How to Hike
fhtntt. Hump Oolleetlnr. Ohlckeni.leti,Olr.
The American Boy, $1.00
The HERALD, - $1.00
Both, for - $1.70
V ; STvUl t, - M. A " W "Trmvmmimmmmmmm
i 1
cssraa kbxb9 nni'u
Lady Assistant
415 Sixth Street
Sioux City, Iowa
Rare AtU'clen. Nturft and Science,
Exceptional Editorial rage, family
rage, lioy rage, Uirt rage, '-mu
r ; . .i? . .i
lee, Ciirl face, U11U
Pace. AU ages Iiberauy
. .,
Twice as much as any magaxlno
giTes in a year. Fifty-two times
a year not twelve.
Send to-day to The YouuVa Com
panion, Boston, Mas, for