Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 15, 1915, Image 3

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I i
Have You a Bad Back?
I)Ryourbnckaclio night and day, mak
ing work a burden nnd reU lmposslblo t
Do you tmffur stabbing, darting pains when
Hooping or lifting! Most bad backs aro
duo lo hidden troublo In tho kidneys nnd
If tlie klibioy secretions aro scant or too
frequent of passage, proof of kldnoy trou
blo Is oomplntc. Delay may pavo tho way
to for Ions ktdnor Ills. For bad backs and
weak kidneys, uso Doan's Kldnoy l'llls
recommended tho world over.
A South Dakota Case
liny II Chase.
Aw-(chnmplon rlllemnn,
Alexandria, a. u.,
tmys "I suffered
terribly from pains
through my baclc
nnd shoulders; at
tlme-j tliey nearly
doubled mo un. I
had dizzy spells
and lost much
n right. Doan's
Kidney Pills got
my kidneys to
working right nnd
then tho nalns nnd
other aliments left
Cet Donn'a at Any Store, BOe Dos
Their Policy.
"Tho military stations In attacking
hostile aeroplanes follow a regular po
litical reform course."
"In what way?"
"They .0 gunning for 'the men
hlghor up."
Mrs. S. T. Oliver of 1226 East High
Streot, Davenport, la., was so ill that
her physicians told her she must go to
a hospital.
An operation appeared necessary.
Her case had been diagnosed, she
says, as gall stones.
Sho was ablo to move about but lit
tle to go any dlstanco was torture.
She sent for Mayr's Wonderful Rem
edy. Then sho wrote:
"I am greatly obliged to you for
your wonderful remedy. I had been
very bad with gall stones and tho doc
tors said I would have to go to tho
hospital. Last February I sent to you
for a treatment, and when I received
it I could not walk a block.
"I never have had a pain since I
took tho first dose. I fell off fifty
pounds, but have gained it back."
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per
manent results for Btomach, liver and
intestinal ailments. Eat as much and
whatever you like. No more distress
after eating, pressure of gas in the
stomach and around the heart. Get one
bottle of! your druggist now and try It
on an absolute guarantee if not satis
factory money will be returned. Adv.
Does Egg Oance at Seventy-Eight.
Albert Pankopf, seventy-eight years
old, bent and white-haired, danced
blindfolded among 18 eggs, laid in
two rooms at intervnls of a foot, for
several minutes without breaking a
shell. For more than fifty years Pro
fessor Pankopf 'has been performing
this feat, but at tho annual Schlacht
fest of tho Saxonia and General Ger
man Benevolent association ho danced
as never before. Tho years dropped
from him as ho danced. When the
music stopped tho old man fell into
tho arms of a spectator. "Weak
heart," ho gasped. He soon .recov
ered himself and bowed In response
to tho cheers. St. Paul Dispatch.
A Familiar Cackle.
Fine music and fine poultry yere
two things of which littlo Ella's- father
was very fond. Recently he bought a
talking machine, and among other
rocords was ono of a very brilliant
aria by a great coloratura soprano.
Tho baby listened closely to the runs
of tho bowilderlhg music until the
singer struck some high arpeggios
and trills at tho close, when sho ex
claimed: "Daddy, listen! She's laid an egg!"
Ladles' Homo Journal.
The Elusive One Point.
"Possession is nine points of the
"True, but the lawyers can keep a
poor man fighting for that other tenth
The Fitting One.
"What kind of floral decoration
-would you havo for this hen party?"
"Why not try ogg-lantlno?"
.. JbhiJfl
s- sl jt
Alter Winters
one requires a food in Springtime that builds up both brain
and body.
What better than the delicious, scientifically prepared
easily digestible pure food
Made of wheat and malted barley this food supplies
in splendid balance, the elements necessary for upbuilding
and keeping in repair the brain, nerve and muscle tissue
Grape-Nuts has a rich, nut-like flavour always fresh,
crisp, sweet and ready to eat direct from package with
cream or good milk.
Thousands have found Grape-Nuts a wonderful invig
orator of both brain and body
a 6
Low round trip fares aro now In
effect via tho Scenic Highway of the
Northern Pacific Ry. to California's Ex.
positions via tho North Pacific Coast
Theso tickets permit liberal stop-overs
nnd enablo tho" tourist to includo both
Expositions as well as a stop-over at
Yellowstone National Park via Gardl
ncr Gatoway.
If you will advlso when you will plan
your western trip, I will bo pleased to
quote rates, send a copy of our hand
Bonio Expositions folder as well as
Yellowstone National Park and travel
literature, and assist you In any way
posslblo in planning your 1915 vaca
tion trip. A. M. Cloland, General Pas
senger Agent, 517 Northern Pnciflo
Ry., St. Paul, Minnesota. Adv.
Dictating Aloft.
When tho military aoroplano is
scouting, it usunlly carries two men.
Ono Is tho pilot, who runs and steers
tho craft; tho other is tho observer,
who marks tho placing of tho hostllo
troops, the position of their guns, tho
movement of trains, and tho like. Tho
observer also makes many sketches
of tho ground ovor which ho is fly
ingwork that often interferes with
his writing notes and memoranda. In
certain conditions of flight, too, it Is
often hard for him to uso a pencil
and papor. To obviate that difficulty,
tho military aeroplane, says tho Scien
tific American, now frequently carries
a phonograph, with a speaking tube
running to tho mouth of tho observer,
so that by talking into tho machine at
any time during tho flight, ho can ro
cord his observations, nnd still have
his handB free for his flold glass or
his sketching pencil.
Benzine From Coal.
It is reported from Sweden that a
Stockholm engineer, M. Vldstrand,
has lately succeeded in perfecting an
electric process by which ho extracts
bonzlno from coal. The method is not
as yet mailo public, and tho details
will be awaited with interest.
It is claimed that tho cost of pro
duction on tho electric method will be
considerably less than for tho custom
ary benzine processes. Tho resulting
product answers all tho requirements
for a good fuel for automobile or other
Tho inventor has applledfor pat
ents in 18 different countries, It Is said,
and is making efforts to operate tho
system on an industrial scale. Where
electric current can be had at a low
rate, for instance, from hydraulic
plants, such a method can be upcd
to advantage.
Rose Tree Bloomed at Christmas.
A pretty story of a roso which
bloomed at Christmas in front of some
trenches occupied by a German regi
ment of guards in Franco is told in
tho Frankfurter Zeltung. Tho roso
bush was growing In a huge hole torn
by a shell in front of the guards'
trenches. Tho littlo plant soon be
came the Jealous care of every man
of tho company before whoso trench
it grew. To their Intense delight, on
Christmas eve tho roso treo bloomed.
Tho company decided to send tho roso
to tho errperor. The kaiser was do
lighted and promptly ordered tho poet,
Richard Voss, to write a poem about
tho incident. The poem has now
been printed, and a copy of it is to
bo sent to every guardsman con
cerned in tho affair.
Children Not to Blame.
Mrs. Dacon I see several French
artists havo agreed to sign all their
works in future with thumb prints to
prevent frauds upon purchasers.
Mr. Bacon Now, dear, when you
see any thumb prints on our paint
ings don't, for pity Bakes, blamo It
on tho poor Innocent children!
Her Thought.
Patience Tho witch tree of Ne
vada is so luminous that. a person
standing near It can read ordinary
print easily. Tho tree itself can bo
seon for a mile on tho darkest nights.
Patrice That, evidently, Is no
place for a hammock.
Along about tho time she Is twenty
five a glil gets ovor the fear that
somebody will marry her for her
Wear a
There's a Reason'
sold by Grocers everywhere.
Though Sickand Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa. " When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I was In n
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that if I
had givcrr in to my
feelings I would
havo been in bed.
As it was I had
hardly strength at
times to bo on my
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort I could not Bleep at night and
of course felt very bad in tho morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking tho second bottle I no
ticed that tho headache was not so bad,
I rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued its uso until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly rcalizo that I am ablo to do
so much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicino I
highly pralso Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Claiik, 314G N. Tulip St, Itichmond,Pn.
Women Have Been Telling TYoracn
for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for tho enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you aro
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't you try Lydia E.
Pinkham's V'sgotablo Compound? It
will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Moss.
Patched Up.
Friend Whoso make Is your ma
chino? Autolst Tho repairer's mostly.
Boston Evening Transcript.
Followed by a Little Ointment for
Baby'a Tender Skin. Trial Fret.
They afford infants and children
great comfort, permit rest nnd sleep
and point to speedy hcalmcnt of ec
zemas, rashes, ltchings, chaflngs and
other sleep destroying Bkin troubles.
Nothing bettor at any prlco for tho
nursery and toilet.
Samplo each freo by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold evorywhero. Adv.
The Prune Club.
"Why Is the bass drummer always
a dyspeptic?" asked tho thin boarder,
coming to breakfast.
"Because tho bass drum is tough,"
said the giddy blonde typewriter bo
tween bites.
"Not right," said tho thin man.
"Because beats don't agree with
him," suggested tho fat boarder, wip
ing his brow with his paper napkin.
"All wrong," came from tho thin
ono. "Guess you'll glvo it up. Be
cause tho drum goes against his stom
ach." Badly Shaded.
Salesman (at automobllo show)
You may havo noticed that tho auto
mobllo is playing a leading part In
tho European war.
Deadhead Spectator Oh, come now!'
You know ns well as I do that shrap
nel Is responsible for most of tho
casualties ! Puck.
Busy Over Here.
Bacon My neighbor thinks ho could
settle tho lighting ovor in Europe.
Egbert Why doesn't ho go over
there and do it?
"Oh, he's too busy trying to sottlo
tho fighting in his own home."
Put your money In a boiler factory
if you aro looking for a sound Invest
ment. When a man has something that ho
can't sell and can't oven glvo away ho
can always rafllo It off.
Numbers of Them oh City Streets Ara
Men With Comfortable Bank
Thero has long been n suspicion
that many supplicants for charity
might not bo so destltuto as they
Boomed, and tho caso of a Syrian pod
dler namod Lukisl Ilabab recently
fined in Brooklyn confirmed tho suspi
cion for onco at least. Ilabab hap
pened to mako his pitiful pleading tc
Magistrate Magulro, who glvo him SO
conts to buy food Later Habab was
carried to a Long Island City hospital,
where a search of his clothes revealed
$350 sowed up securely In an other
wise very rnggod garment Ho was
promptly arraigned nnd fined ?5.
Tollers at somo of tho savings banks
dcclaro that deposits aro frequently
mado by men and women who aro
wretched and woobegono in appear
ance Theso doposlts aro not always
for small sums cither, Beggars with
bank books aro not unknown to tho
workers for charltnblo Institutions,
but thoy havo learned that thero Is no
uso exposing them. Even when char
itable men nnd womon nro warned
agnlnBt giving to thoso who may havo
moro money than thoy havo them
bcIvcs thoy dcclaro tho sum thoy
glvo is too small to quibble about and
that it is even smaller business to
prosecuto them
For sovornl years after tho Spanish-American
war fevcr-Btrlcken folks
at least thoy looked as If fever
Btrlckcn collected monoy by assert
ing that thoy had contracted incur
nblo troubles whllo serving in Cuba.
Tho national guardsmen wore espe
cially easy victims. Thoy also, when
a culprit's rascality was brought to
their attention, refused to prosecute,
scofllng nt tho idea of "making a fuss
over a littlo plcco of monoy."
Ono of theso Spanish-American war
beggars collected $5 at n tlmo from
veterans of tho Cuban campaign by
telling them that ho had lost a leg
ho was minus a leg all right
through tho maltreatment of a young
army surgeon who did not know his
business. When ho was finally ar
rested It wbb shown that ho had never
been In tho Spanish-American war,
but had lost his leg In a railroad
Sole Prisoner Paroled.
Elwood Armstrong, tho solo prison
er in tho Sussex county Jail at George
town, Del., who recently complained
to Sheriff Jacob West that ho was
lonely nnd afraid to remain in tho
prison nt night without company, will
ff longer bo afraid.
Ho was paroled for two years to
Charles S. Hlchards of Georgetown,
formerly secretary of state, and
brother of Robert K Richards of
Wilmington, formerly nttornoy gen
eral. This was dono after ho had
confessed to tho theft of flvo dozen
Accordingly, tho jail Is now empty.
The turnkey has taken a vacation
nnd tho ohoriff does not havo enough
to do to keep him busy.
Chickens aro roosting in tho colls,
somo qf which aro modern stcol af
fairs, and tho Jail yard will soon bo
planted In early corn.
Strange Death Message.
It may havo been a strange and
tragic coincidence. Somo will bollovo
thero was moro In it than that. Tho
husband of a Paris woman violinist,
himself n musician, loft for tho front
shortly after mobilization. His Chris
tian name was ltomy. At parting ho
told his wife: "If I go under I will
try to lot you know directly boforo
tho official news reaches you." Sho
scarcely played any music during his
absence. But tho other day sho took
up her violin, feeling impelled to play
ono piece which he liked abovo all.
Sho opened his cane, and two strings
of the violin suddenly snapped, tho D
and tho E. "Ro" and "Ml," sho at
onco thought It was tho warning ho
had said ho would glvo her. Tho noxt
day a telegram informed her that
her husband, Sergeant Romy, had
been killed In action. Paris Corro
spondenco London Telegraph.
Dead Man Took Last Bible.
Tho stock of Bibles at ono of tho
big hotels has run out At somo Now
York hotels there Is ono In every room,
but tho number at this particular ho
tel was limited to two, oxcept such
ns were owned by tho guests. A few
weeks ngo a man borrowed ono and
took it away with him when ho left
Yesterday tho custodian of tho books
called up tho room clork.
"What has becomo of tho gonllo
man who was In No. 495? Ho borrowed
last week tho solo remaining Blbla
wo had," she said.
Tho clork looked ovor tho address
"Why, that room was used by a man
who died tho other day," ho informed
Horses Tell of Tragedies.
Tho body of Samuel L. Archer, a
prominent farmer of PlumBted (N. D.)
township, was found lying dead In
tho road near his homo. Ho was scon
by his neighbors about tho placo
early In tho morning, and about ton
o'clock ho went for a drive Into tho
country. When his horso came back
without him search was immediate
ly mado for tho missing man and his
body was found. Although thoro wero
somo bruises, it Is not known wheth
er thero was foul play.
Thoro Is a peculiar coincidence In
thQ. fact that his son, Nelson Archor,
wns killed in almost exactly tho samo
way about two years ago. His horso
also cumo homo without him.
Sofa Talk.
"Would your mothor bo angry If I
Btolo a kiss?" said tho young man on
tho sofa.
"Why don't you look her up nnd
try it?" snld tho sweet young thing,
Proof Positive.
"I say, my good farmer, why do
you scatter that corn so lavishly to
your fowls? Why don't you husband
"I am, In a way Don't you soo
how it 1b getting hen-pecked?"
Here nro shown two of tho kalsor's
U-28, and abovo monster U-3G, ono of a
has a radius of 3,0(10 miles and can dlvo
takon from tho Dutch Btenmshlp Bntavlor V, which tho submarines captured.
Romarkablo photograph of tho execution of a Gorman spy takon at tho
dlers wero firing tho fatal volloy.
r' .Jm.
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Plank bridge across an irrigation
their camp by tho pyramids of Egypt.
kerosene tins.
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Tho opposition to Italy's participation in tho war on tho part of the
socialists of that country has largely abated and somo of them havo oven
organized a battalion. Lieutenant Labnyola, assigned by tho government to
train them, Is hero seen drilling a squad in Milan.
Temperamental Hen.
About throo weeks ago ono or Mr.
J, II. Dickson's roosters gqt Into a
fight nnd enmo homo nil bloody and
oyes closed and ono of tho hens Be
came despondent nnd Jumped on the
paling fence and hung herself, but
her sister broko hor hold and I doc
tored tho rooster nnd got him all
right, and tho nefrgck. tho day bo
foro Georgo Washington's birthday,
ho got into a fight again nnd came
homo nil dono up, nnd so tho tamo
hen saw him and went to tho samo
placo and hung herself again, but this
tlmo wo failed to ego her In time, as
my Surgeons Have Found Their
Most Helpful Ally In Clean
liness, In tho Franco-Prussian war out of
ovory 100 men wounded and oporated
upon 75 died of blood poisoning. In
tho Boor war and In tho Russo-Japanese
war of ovory 100 men wounded
nnd operated upon only two died. Tho
explanation of theso astonishing fig
r is clejallneu8.
submarines that nro so busy destroying
now typo of submarines, of which this
150 feet Her masts fold down when
s, $r-'
A. A.uu
iji rrrvi.i
f -T5 rt
Z??i- Ji
canal by tho Australian troops near
Tho planks aro aupportod by empty
sho was about gone when Mr. Dick
son found hor, and so I dressed hor,
Wo had hor for GQorgo's birthday din
nor. This hen was laying every day.
Mr. Dickson and my fathor subscribo
for your paper, and thoy wero both
witnesses to this. Hernando Corre
spondent Momphls Commercial-Appeal.
"I hoar ho's written a popular book."
"Yes. It's having a romarkablo
"Oh, It's ono of thoso untruo to Ufa
talcs, then?" Dotrolt Freo Press.
Today In Serbia men aro dyinc in
scores of typhus fever, a dlscaso which
has boon practically stamped out In
this country by Llsterlsm." Yet only
forty years ago, when it was known aB
Jail fovor.it was terribly prevalent It
was convoyed by body vermin. Hero
again It is a question of cleanliness.
According to Lloutonant Addutsell,
M. D., Just back from tho front, unlesB
a vital spot Is struck thoro was littlo
danger to llfo from a rifle bullet. If a
man lived to bo cnrrlod oft tho Hold
and died he dlod of soptlcoina. or
British merchantmen. Below Is the
Is tho first photograph. The latter
sho submorges. Theso pictures were
moment that tho squad of French sol
ttLMWI iiiiffrfT '
Ll hMBEwttrm
Gormans In Belgium get a bit of;
sport now and then and at the sama
tlmo a welcomo addition to the larder
by hunting rabbits. Horo Is ono oC
thorn bringing down a fine brnco for v
tho mess.
William Halo Thompson, Republi
can, was elected mayor of Chicago byj
a plurality of nearly 1,40,000. Ho is;
in tho real estate business nnd haa
long been prominent in political end,
club llfo.
blood poisoning, and here It was that
sclenco canio to the front He had de
vised a littlo phial of lodtno, which,
every man could carry in addition tc
tho field dressing supplied by tho war(
office. A wounded man had only to
break oft tho end, pour a little lodlua;
In and upon tho wound and on tho pad)
of lint, get It bound closely, and what
ever elso ho died of ho would not dla
of blood poisoning.
Tho greatest bank ii tho Bask o$
England, London.
. ,ii