Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 04, 1913, Image 7

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J-I -
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War Is Started When Elopers Cheat Gypsy "Dad"
ment and probable marriage of Ellz
nbeth Mitchell, prottloat daughter of
Harry Mitchell, head of the camp of
gypuios wintering near tho state fair
grounds, and Mitchell Stevens, "sport
and high flier" of the camp, has
thrown the trlbo Into a ferment that
promises disruption. The gypsies
called on Captain Holtz of tho dotec
tlvo department the other, day In a
vain endeavor o learn something of
the whereabouts of the missing couple.
A warrant for the arrost of Stevens
has been issued.
A flst light between the brother of
tho accused youth and the father of
the missing girl was narrowly avert
ed In the detectives' offices.
The gypsy customs relating to mar
riage have been grossly violated and
the younger members of tho camp
threaten to rebel and establish an in
dividual camp. According to tho gyp
sy law $1,000 1b none too small an
amount for the beauty of the camp,
so Harry Mitchell, the father, was
much chagrined. Stevens, the "Amer
icanized" lad, who disappeared with
Mitchell's daughter, without the pay
ment of to cent for the prize of the
"Stick Out Your Tongue,"
CHICAGO. "Stick out your tongue."
was the command Paul Turner,
saloonkeeper, Western and Ogden
avenues, received.
It wasn't Turner's doctor that Issued
the order, but a couple of young men
who wero overparticular regarding
the manufacture of gin fizzes they
had ordered.
Turner's tongue stuck tight to tho
roof of his mouth when tho demand
was backed up by two magazine guns
in the hands of tho fastidious young
drinkers. Then Turner's tongue pro
truded from his mouth In amazement.
"Stick it further out," camo the de
mand in quick, insistent tones, "and
keep it out or you'll get this" this
being a wave of one of tho guns.
Turner's tongue stuck out liko
that of a dog on a hot day. His eyes
also stuck far out from their accus
tomed place when one of tho young
men walked behind the bar and ap
propriated all of tho money in tho
cash register and then took a roll of
bills from his pocket.
"You look warm." said one of the
men to Turner. "You had better step
in here and cool off." With that they
escorted him to the ice box, thrust
liim in and locked the door.
It was the latest thing in hold-ups.
Thoro was no "hold up your hands"
in It. The youthful robbers proceed
New York Women in Crusade to Rid .City of Rats
(GetoutO x-X
NEW YORK. A war on rats on a
scalo hitherto never attempted Is
mow being planned hero In an effort
to make this tho country's first rat
less city by exterminating tho rodents
which, aside from their Inroads on
tho health of the city, cause through
their depredations property losses
which are estimated at moro than
$5,000,000 yearly.
While this city has long realized
the need of a Pled Piper, the rats un
til now havo been little molested, so
that experts now declare that tho
local rat population Is the largest in
tho country. It Is of course Impos
sible to estimate the number of ro
dents accurately, but It is held that the
city harbors at least 10,000,000 of
Curiously enough tho war on rats Is
not to be undertaken by the city au
thorities, but by an organization of
women who propose to enlist in their
fight of extermination tho assistance
City Kail Clock Has
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Hearken all ye
angered wives.
It was all tho fault of the City Hall
clock, honest to goodness It was.
That clock deceived and betrayed
hubby about the lateness of tho hour.
Of course, his excuse sounded ridicu
lous, but ho was telling the truth for
As a clock proper, that timekeeper
over our legislative halls Is eminently
respectable and reliable. It Is only
when it entors tho declamatory field
that bitter things aro said regarding
its Integrity.
After It deceived tho populaco with
great Irregularity, it becomes good
nnd behaves for a short tlmo beforo
again falling into error. That Is Just
what that erratic old timepiece did
the other day.
Three weeks ago, after this clock
struck thirteen, when It should havo
Btruck one, It waB Investigated and ad
monished to behave better in tho fu
ture. Until early tho other morning
it obeyed and it proclaimed ttjo proper
hour at tho proper tlmo.
nut at tho precise hour tho Sunday
lid went on, tho clock started on a
npreo. When ono o'clock arrived that
Kay deceiver hammered out twelve
strokes. At two o'clock, twelve more
camp, Is his avoked enemy. Never
again will Mitchell bo bo easily swin
dled out of his rightful dues by n
young "upstart" like Stevens.
Stevens, tho "upstart" has a worthy
champion, howevor, in his brother,
Alonzo Stevens, big, husky, broad
shouldered and second only to Mit
chell In tho eyes of tho women of tho
camp. Stevens stoutly defends his
brother Mitchell, defying the wrath of
Harry Mitchell, the nominal hoad of
tho camp by vlrtuo of his wealth and
his ten daughters, all of whom are
exports at fortune telling. Tho men
thrashed out their differences beforo
Captain Holtz.
"You owa da tousand dol," yelled
Mitchell, shaking his flst at the de
fender of tho namo of Stevens, whoso
young brother had broken all-the tra
dition's of his race. "Glv-a mo da tou
sandl" he repeated in high dudgeon.
Stovons merely shrugged his shoul
ders and smiled.
"How do you know they aro mar
ried?" ho asked. "Prove they aro
The old head of tho camp was
stumped. He does not know whero
tho couple Is, but said he was sure
thoy aro married.
According to tho gypsies story the
younger Stevens carefully planned to
swindle the old man, requesting a con
tract sworn to beforo a notary, for
the sale of the daughter for $1,000
Dut the wily head of tho house knew
that under the laws of tho state, which
forbid tho "sale" of a woman, the con
tract would bo void and ho refused.
The elopement followed.
Demands Hold-Up Man
ed on the same theory that (he veter
inary surgeon uses when yhe places a
"twist" on a horse's upper lip. As long
as tho "twist" Is on the lip the horse
thinks of nothing else.
As long as Turner's tongue was
hanging out he could not call for help
and neither could he think of any
other way of thwarting tho designs
of the robbers.
Meanwhllo In tho living rooms up
stairs Mrs. Turner was tapping tap
ping on a water plpo that runs down
through the saloon. That was the
signal for Turner to come up to hl3
broakfasU The "ham and" was get
ting cold and so was Turner. Mrs.
Turner came down to Investigate and
found her husband nearly frozen In
tho Ice box. He managed to get his
tongue back far enough in his mouth
to say to his wifo:
"Well, what do you know about
of all those on whom the rat is now
inflicting financial loss. They nro not
yet ready to open their campaign, but
when thoy are they will undoubtedly
be aided by merchants, hotel men,
keepers of restaurants, owners of
buildings and store keepers who suf
fer losses of millions of dollars annu
ally from tho depredations of tho ro
dents. As an example of tho condition of
affairs now existing one downtown
restaurateur states that the rats cost
htm several thousand dollars a year in
spoiled foodstuffs nnd tho wages of ex
terminators. So rapidly has the damage which
they Inflict been Increasing that It Is
now recognized that tho only efficient
protection Is to bo found In an organ
ized warfaie which shall have for its
object the achievement of a ratless
Denlors In one of the city's largest
markets report that tho placo is so
overrun at night with rats that it is
necessary to turn loose tho largest
possible number of their natural ene
mies. In the war which Is now being
planned by tho women it is proposed
to make oxtenslve use of ferrets, since
they have come to bo regarded as tho
most effective agency In freeing the
city from the great financial loss
which tho rats now exact every year.
It Midnight Five Times
were sent forth and tho same thing
happened at threo and four o'clock.
Naturally hubby was fooled and
thought It only midnight. Ho might
bo out yet If that clock had not
changed tactics. At seven o'clock
twenty-throe booming strokes went
forth, and It entlroly forgot eight
o'clock. Later In the day It went
back to first principles and again
struck twelvo on each hour.
Then it got tired of the whole busi
ness and simply quit on the Job.
Cobblers' Wax.
Shoomakers' and cobblers' wax Is
mado by molting together tho best
Swedish pitch and tallow in a vessel
over tho flro. Tho quantity of tallow
must bo determined by experiment
Holl into balls. Tho right kind 01
pitch Is of a brown color when broken.
SFMi!llSiV'VrikSi Ttx
Interesting Pointers on Garden
ing for, the City Man or
Advice by an Expert on Agricultural
Matters Raising Poultry and Fruit
Rotation of Crops Ridding'
Lawn of Pests.
When other things aro equal, prob
ably tho safost form of ngrlculturo for
tho Inexperienced city man to tako up
Is a combination ot poultry nud fruit.
Tho logic back of this choice Is sim
ple, and, wo bollovo, sound.
Chickens will thrlvo nud produce
profitably undor proper management
In every Bectlon of this country. Thoy
are hardy and stand nbuso well, while
the amateur Is learning tho ropes.
Small capital Is required to mako n
start, and they multiply rapidly In
fact, a shrewd old Yankeo, "down In
Maine," Is credited with starting a
successful poultry farm by borrowing
a setting hen from ono neighbor and a
setting of eggs from nnothor. After
tho chicks wero hatched ho kept tho
hen until she had laid a sotting of
eggs nnd then returned both, thereby
discharging his debts without ex
ponsc. Any sort of well drained land will
do for chickens. About all ono man
can look after profitably Is 1,000 hens
and their offspring, and ho can count
on a dollar profit por hen each year.
In small flocks tho profits often run
much higher per hen. Housing 1,000
hens In colony houses holding 100
hens to tho pen will cost from $2,500
to $5,000, depending upon the material
and tho location.
Dy scattering thoso houses over a
ten aero tract of land thoro will bo no
need of Inside fences nnd tho flocks
will keep separate. Dy planting this
ten acres of good apples, provided It
is located in an applo growing region,
and handling same according to com
mercial orchard methods, ono can
mako tho land do doublo duty. It Is
known now that proper location and
handling will secure a crop ot apples
ovory year. The secret is this:
1 Spray trees properly.
2 Prune trees properly.
3 Keep tho ground cultivated all
4 Pinch off all but one of the green
npples from 'each fruit spur as soon
as they set.
5 Uso heaters during late frost.
The third item keeps tho wnter In
the soil, and tho apples stay on the
tree3 Instead of blowing off. The
fourth rule Is ono of tho most Im
portant, as It evens up tho strain on
tho tree and while the yearly crop will
be smaller than tho natural crop one
year and larger the. next, It will cost
lessto handlo and the fruit will bo
much better In form, size and color,
and It will bring In more money.
Such un orchard will bring In from
$300 to $C00 a year per acre, and tho
coBt of handling will not exceed $75.
It will take from six to ten years to
bear profitably. Sot tho trocs out In
50 foot squares, Between them set
dwarf fruit trees in 50 foot squares.
Tho dwarfs will bear quickly and aro
to be taken out when tho largo trees
bear. Tho ground under and betweon
tho trees should bo planted to a rota
tion of hoed crops, like potatoes, corn,
root crops, garden crops, etc.
Succession of Garden Crops.
Our springtime enthusiasm starts
the garden off In great shape and we
plant some radishes and lcttuco and
pea3. Later on we find time to plant
corn, cucumbers and tomatoes. The
class of vegetables which may go Into
tho ground very early Is likewise har
vested very early. There Is a big gap
betweon this early harvest and tho
tlmo ot green corn and red tomatoes,
yet wo havo to work Just as hard dur
ing this hungry period as If wo wero
gottinc a bounteous yield.
Why not plan tho varieties of vege
tables and their planting tlmo so as
to secure a continuous nnd ample sup
ply of good, fresh green things? It's
Just as easy aB any other method of
garden management, and it's much
moro satisfactory. Instead of having
only half of your garden working after
the early vegetables arc gone, plan to
put In other crops on tho same ground
bo that tho succession will be almost
Tho systematic rotation of farm
crops Is an absolute necessity, in or
der to secure maximum yields, and to
keep down pests, Various crops have
entirely different effects on tho soil,
pome taking moro of ono elomont, oth
ers feeding heavily on another. The
legumes, such as clover and alfalfa,
are heavy feeders, but thoy possess
tho peculiar faculty of transferring ni
trogen from tho air to the soil, and
this makes them our most valuable
class of plants, without question, Gar
den peas and beans belong to this
family. j
Potatoes and root crops, on tho
other hand, add nothing and uso up
a very great amount of plant food.
Other plants vary in proportion and
It is necessary to mako frequent
changes of tho location of a crop in
order to avoid using up all of any
ono element of plant food.
The problem ot diseases und pests
Is a serious ono, particularly In tho
east. After a certain related class of
plants, like potatoes and tomatoes,
havo been grown on tho samo land for
a couplo of seasons, It becomes In
fected with their enemies and tho only
way to get rid of thorn Is to starvo
them out by using tho land for a dif
ferent class of plants, such as tho
various cucurbits cucumbers, pump
kins, squash, gourds and melons.
It Is Impossible to lay down any set
"y In which to nchlovo tho best ro
tflts. Wo all havo different Ideas and
astcs and this department must bo
ttaitaned with calling attention to
rather general principles, leaving all
details to bo worked out by tho In
dividual. Ground which has boon used for
tho early cropti can then be planted
to lato corn or cucumbers. Dy train-
lng tomatoes nnd cucumbers on sup
ports, n much smaller amount of
ground will produce tho crop. Many
combinations can bo worked out to
fit your parMculnrscrdlis1 and tho main
result to be achieved Is to keep all
of your garden working all of tho
Movo the crops around from year
to year so as to glvo tho soil a chance
to recuperate Whero a number of
successive plantings nro doslrabloj-aa
with pens, It Is nn excellent plan to
plant n third or fourth crop between
tho rowB of tho first crop as soon as
the peas havo been picked.
Lawn Pests.
Prompt action and thorough, Intelli
gent treatment Is necossary to kill
lawn pests and rid your sod ot theso
undesirable occupants.
Tho dandelion Is tho most notorious
of our lawn pests. The first fow days
of warm growing weather will bring
out Its glowing blossoms and no hard
winter seems to diminish Its optimism
or energy. There will bo moro of
them than last year. Thoro always
aro. Tho richer tho soil and tho flnor
tho place, tho more dandelions hero
will be.
Unllko other weeds, which can bo
crowdod out by heavily feeding th?
grass, tho dandollon responds to such
treatrnont even moro nobly than does
tho grass. It ifl directly comparable
to somo of our public servants, whoso
extraordinary abilities could be pro
ductive of so much good If applied In
tho proper direction.
True, tho dandollon servos tho pur
poso of calling many householders out
of doors into tho healing sp'ring sun
shine, who would otherwise stay in
doors. Its first blossoms bring real
Joy to the small boy and salad to the
railroad section hand, but tho man
with tho lawn mower loves It not.
Awny with it. Wo can banish It If wo
Tho best method of eradicating dan
delions from sod Is to keep tho grnss
cut closely during the dandollon sea
son, remove it and burn It, and spray
the lawn every ten dayB or oftonor
with a solution of copperas, or sul
phate of iron, as it is moro properly
called. This costs about threo cents
a pound and can be secured from
druggists or seed Btorcs. Dissolve
three-quarters of a pound In n gallon
of water and spray the dandelion
plants thoroughly. An ordinary sprin
kling can will get results, but It is
much better to uso n sprayer that
throws a vory fine mlst-llko spray.
Uso It whllo tho sun Is shining on the
It will get practically all of the dan
delion leaves and blossoms. No dam
age will be done to tho glass, nsldo
from blackening tho tips.
Digging dandelions out Is practical
ly Impossible, but this spraying
scheme Is very effective.
Plantains and other weeds must bo
pulled and burnod boforo they blos
som. Ants nre best destroyed by pouring
a little carbon bisulphide In each hole
and covering It with earth so that tho
fumes cannot escape
Tho best way to kill moles Is with
special mole traps.
Anglo worms aro beneficial to a
lawn unless present in great numbers.
Carbon blsulphldo will kill them, too.
Cut worms nro destroyed by soaking
tho Infected area with a solution of
arsenate of lead, ono pound to a bar
rel of wator. Their presence is indi
cated by patches of dead grass. Tho
little white worms will bo found
among the grass roots.
Legumes Add Nitrogen.
At tho Rhode Island Btatlon n five
year pot experiment with different
legumes was conducted to ascertain
the amount of nitrogen secured from
the air during 'the growth of tho
legumes In a light, gravelly soil,
without the addition of nitrogenous
manure, but with optimum amounts of
other manures. It was found that
tho approximate gain during five
years with cowpeas and soy beans
and with vetch, which was grown al
ternately with each, was a ton of nit
rogen per acre, about soven-tenthB of
which was contained In tho 25 tons
of moisture-free summer crops re
moved, and the remainder In tho soil
itself. Tho following facts should bo
taken Into consideration: Tho soil In
tho pots was 10 Inches deep, some
what deeper than tho surface soil in
many localities; the winter vetch wae
grown In a heated greenhouse.
Improper "liking.
Tho futuro of ni'.ny a promising
cow has been ruined by Improper milk
ing soon after calving. The dairy cow
bus been abnormally developed to
produce large quantities of milk, con
sequently certain of her organs, such
as tho mammary glands, havo be
come greatly enlarged nnd weakened
just beforo and after calving, duo
probably to the snvetlng of large
quantities of milk. Tho art, or
science, whlchover wo may call It, of
milking may bo attained by only thoso
who are willing to make . study of
each individual cow, of her disposi
tion, dulry temperament and physical
Wlfey's Device.
A Canoy man received sovcral let
ters threatening his Ufo In caso ho
was seen on tho streets at night. As
a consequence ho didn't vonturo out
after sundown. Postofllco inspectors
discovered that tho letters had been
written by tho man's own wife It
was a way she devised of keeping him
homo nights, Kansas City Journal.
Catch Phrase for the Drunkard.
An excellent catch phraso for the
suspected drunkard comes from a tee
totaler on Stratford on-Avon. "Ho put
his hands Into his lirltlsh breeches
pocket." You may find that sentence
In "Jane Eyre." Dut tho most strenu
ous abstainer would find It a llttjo dif
ficult of pronunciation. London
Superstitious Burglars.
Tho English burglar Is fond of a
talisman and pins his faith to a lump
of coal, breaking up ouo ploco and
adapting another with undiminished
trust when ho does happen to got cap
tured whllo carrying It. Often tho
lump of coal is produced in court us
part of tho contents of tho prl,ohorB
A stubborn bnckacho that hangs
on, week after weak, is cause to
suspect ltldnoy trouble for when
tho kidneys Are inflamed and swol
len, bonding tho back brings a
shnrp twlngo that almost takes tho
breath nwny.
It'a hard to work and just as
hard to rest or sleep.
Doan'n Kidney Pills rovlvo slug
gish kldnoyB rcllovo congested,
aching kidneys. Tho proof Is nn
amazing collection of backache
I O. Wnnier 1SS No,
(inrflclil Ave. lora-
years 1 siitTercM from
sinner irouoia ami
wss often eonflncHl to
fed. More, thin oneo
psuwl kidney stones
nnil the pMnwnii aw
ful. Morphine ras the
only thing that riivo
mo relief until I uvrt
Dnitnto Kleiner ruin.
'1 hlB rni(Hl; dlionlTcd
the stones nnd from
then on I Bradnallr
JuiiroTrd unulcDUro-i
lj cured."
iwj 1nir, Tllh Sttrj
Ci Doan's at Anr Store, SOe a Flo
FOSTEn-MILBURN CO.. Buffalo. Now York
Get a Canadian Horn
In Western Canada's
Free Homestead Area
taaasoTeral New Itotno
ttrnillDH lnslrieia that
adnrd rnro opponnnlty
tunecore. lOOacrotofri
oollnnt agricultural
land lltCl-
For Grain Growing
and Cattle Raising
thlsproTlnco has no snporlorand
In pnintable agriculture shows nn
unbroken period of OTor a quarter
of aConturj.
Perfect cltinatot good uiaikeltl
railway conrenlenti oll tho Terr
brut, and (octal conditions mint
Vacant lands adjacent to Free
Homesteads may bo purchased
and also In llio oldor districts
lands can bo bought at reason
ablo prices.
For farther particular nrlto to
I M. Mxl trklta. Drmf Sit, Witnttvs, S. a
R.A. GARKtn. 11$ JsciMs SI, St. Fail, Was.
Canadian flovernment'Agenta, or
address Huparlutcuilent fit
Immigration, Ottawa, Caasss.
Burma (ram klUNir, blaudir. nxrvous diskasks,
write for my FRKE book. Tim uosr INvrRUCTIvc
for TOUssxLy
If It's tb remedy ror YOITR OWN aliment. Don't send acent.
AbtolutelyPRBE. No'followun'elrcultrt. DR LKCLSkQ
MKD.co.luviiRsTocKKiJ.llAursTXAD, London, fc.NO.
The Man Who Put the
E E s In F E E T
Look for This Trade-Mark l'io
tureonthe Label when buying;
The Antlsentlc rowiler for Ten.
Trjt-Miuic. iter. Aching l'est. Sold every
where, Mc. Snninle I'KKIt. Address,
Explaining the Needle.
A typesetter in a printing houso be
camo very adroit In explaining the
lnrgo number of mlHprlntB for which
ho was responsible. Even when ho
changed his work and becamo a wait
er In a restaurant, says Das Echo, his
skllj did not forBako him.
Ono day ho had served a guest with
n pinto of soup, and was turning
away, whon he was culled back
"This is an outrage! " cried tho In
dignant diner. "1 llnd a needle in my
soup! What docs this mctui?"
"Just a misprint, sir," explained the
former typesetter. "It hhould have
been n noodlo." Youth's Companion.
"A vory good retort!" said Senator
Lodge in an argument in this city
over tho Immigration bill. "A very
good retort Indeed! It romlnds mo of
"Weoks nnd his wifo wero quarreling-
Wooks, with a hard, scornful
laugh, 'you acted like a fish out of
"Weeks sighed.
" 'But a vory cleverly landed fish,'
ho said, in a musing volco,"
Lamentable Ignorance.
Mrs. Knllei" Cooks aro such Ignor
nnt things, nowadays. Mrs. Justwed
Aren't thoy? Thoy can't do tho sim
plest thingH. I asked mlno to mako
somo Bweotbreudu the other day and
sho said alio couldn't. McCall's Maga
Tho Effect of Coffee on Highly Organ
ized People.
"I havo been a coffco user for
years, and about two years ago got
into a very serious condition of dyn
pepsla and indigestion. It seemed to
mo I would fly to pieces. I was so
nervous tlutt at tho least nolso I was
dlBtrosscd, and many times could uol
straighten myself up because of the
Tea 1b Just as injurious, because it
contains caffeine, tho uamo drug found
in coffco.
"My physician told mo I must not
eat anv heavy or strong food, nud or
dered a diet, giving mo soma medi
cine. I followed directions carefully,
but kept on using coffco and did not
get any hotter,
"Last winter my husband, who was
awny on business, had Postum served
to him in tho family whero ho board
ed. Ho liked It bo well that whon ho
camo homo ho brought somo with him.
Wo began using it and I found it
moBt excellent. 1
"Whllo I drank it my stomach never
bothered mo in tho least, and I got
over my mrvouB troubles. When tho
Postum waB gono wo returned to cof
fee, then my stomach began to hurt
ao as beforo, and tho nervous con
ditions camo on again.
"That showod mo exactly what waB
tho causo ot tho wholo troublo, so I
quit drinking coffoo altogether and
kopt on using Postum. Tho old trou
bles left again and havo novor re
turned." "There's a reason," and it is explain
ed in tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wellvillo, in pkgs.
I2er rend (lie nbuve letter f A new
one uppeura (rum time to time. Ther
ure creuulne, true, nnd full of Iiuuinu
, Mr'- C
Vxr y ? a
Simple Methods That Will Keep Them
Allvo, Fragrant, and a Pleasure
for Many Days.
To mako flowcm lant a, wcok or
more, four things nro neceusary. First,
do not try to nrrnugo them tho mo
ment you get them, but put them in a
pall of water for a few hours, so that
ovcry stem will bo under water up to
tho flowor. Second, elennso tho vnso
thoroughly beforo putting In tho flow
ers and chnngo tho wnter every day
Third, tho cooler you keep the flowers
tho longer thoy will last, it you nro
too busy In tho morning to enjoy them
or have to go out for tho afternooti, do
not leavo them In tho living-room, for
thoy nro not used to such n tempera
lure, Every night put tho nso In a
cool place, or better still, plunge tho
stoma up to tho flowers In a pall ot
water. Fourth, cut about a. quarter of
an Inch o(T each Btcm In tho morning.
It Is mora troublo to do this under
water, but It pays. If you cut tho
steniB In tho ordinary wny air bubbles
nut Into tho stems and Impede tho tak
ing In of wnter. Delineator.
"Did you boo tho Janitor?"
"Yes. I told him it was as cold in
our flat us at tho north polo."
"Whnt did ho Bay?"
"Ho merely looked supercilious and
asked for my proofs."
Queer Ironing.
A writer In tho Wide World maga
zine says that the most curious Bight
10 saw at Cairo was men ironing
lothes with thior feet! The men
vorn omployed In tho native tailoring
Except for tho long handle, tho
irons worn Rhnped llko tho ordlnnry
lat-lron, only larger. A solid block
3f wood rested on tho top of tho Iron,
md on this tho men placed ono toot,
gilding tho Iron In the desired direc
tion by means of tho hnndlo. For the
ako of convenience, Ironing boards
wero raised only a few Inches from
ho ground, and, however atrango tho
method mny seem to us, the work
was done very well and very expedi
tiously. ,
His Deceased Relative.
Mrs. Uoynton noticed that her col
ored gardenur wn wearing, mourning
"I bl'o you havo met with a loss,
Henry," sho said, glancing at tho bund
of crape on his hat
"Yes, mn'am," was tho roply.
"Was It a near or a distant rela
tive?" inquired tho lady.
"Well, kind o' distant," said Henry.
" 'bout twonty-flvo mllo, ma'am." "
Profound Criticism.
Kin Hubbard, tho Indiana humorist
ono of them, tlint Is to Bay onco
wan assigned to cover a performance
ot "Uncle Toin'B Cabin." Hubbard
had hlB brainchild, old "Abo Martin,"
roport tho play. This was thocrltlquo:
" 'Uncle Toin'B Cnbln played down t'
Melodcou hall las' night. Tli' doga
wn3 good, but they had poor support."
Evorybody'a Magazine.
Its Plage.
"Whore Bhall wo put UiIb sleepy
hollow chair?"
"On the nnp of tho carpet" 0
I)r. I'lerco's Pleasant Pollotn regulate and
Invlgomto ctoinacli. llvur and bowols. Sugar
coiitml, liny uriiiiulcH, winy to take:. Dm not
grlpo. Ailv.
Mean Insinuation.
"I have no way of killing time."
"Why, 1'vo honrd you alng."
Spenklug of Bqunro deals, n corner
in food products Is something else.
Here Is
the Offer
For each teaspoon
sired send ua ono two
cent stamp and twenty Gal
vanic Soar wrannera (front
panel only) or coupons from John
son a washing rowuer.
Special Offer for Six Teaspoons
Send 100 Galvanic Soap wrappers
two-cent stamps to pay postage; we will
vS"3$8 vV i.xw
LjsVjwx vOwV xfov w
"sjxv vv awh'L.
you a set of six Teaspoons ABSOLUTELY FREE.
"The Famous Easy Washer"
It's a white Soap and the coconnut oil In it makes
it the easiest lathering soap on the market. Test it
out vour next wash day and don't forcet
wrappers. Mail them to the Premium
'Good for Small Townt.
A few big shoo manufacturers art!
fighting us bocauso wo have always nx
fused to givo thorn better ternis than,
wo glvo to tho small manufacturer.
Tho llttlo fellows stand with us bo
causo wo treat nil manufacturers
nllko, no matter how many machines
thoy uso. llenco, competition In tho
shoo business and prosperous factory
les in small towns. I
Wrlto ua and wo will tell you alt
about It,
Tho United Shoo Machinery Co., Bos
ton, Mass. Adv.
Bright Brass.
A great time and labor saver, in
konptng brass, copper and other met
als bright nnd shining, either Indoors
or outdoors, in any kind of weather,
Is to clean and ecour ln'tho usual way,
and givo them a coat of negative var-
nUh, to bo obtained nt n store. Many
ornaments which lack luster aro also
Improved by onoapplicatlon.
After Material.
Editor "Why do you persist In com
lng hero? I toll you I don't buy fl&.
Hon," Author "Oh, I don't wish to
sell any ot my stories. I am writing
n short serial, ontltlod 'Tho Ugliest
Alan on Enrth.' and camo in merely tq
obtain local color."
A bachelor is a bachelor because ho
is either too foolish or too wlsn to
Mr. Wilke' Fondest Hopes
Realized Health, Hap
piness and Baby.
Plattsburg, Miss. "Lydia E. Pink
ham'a Vegetable Compound haa proved
very beneficial to me, for now I am well
and havo a sweet, healthy baby, and
our home is happy.
"I was an invalid from nervous proa'
tration, Indigestion and female troubles.
"I think I suffered every pain a wo
man could boforo I began taking LydTs.
E. Pinkham's Vegct&blo Compound, and
I think it saved thh baby's life, as I
lost my first one.
"My health has been vory good ever
since, end I praise your medicine 'to all
my friends." Mrs. VEBNA Wl""
R. F. IX No. 1, Piattsburg, Miss.
Tho darkest days of husband and wife
aro when they como to look forward to
a childless and lonely old age.
Many a wife has found horsclf-lnca-pablo
of motherhood owing to soma
derangement of tho feminine system
often curablo by the proper remedies.-
In many homes once childless there
are now children because of the fact
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegatabl
Compound makes women normal.
If yon want special advice write te
Lydia E. Plnkham Modiclno Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and bold in strict confidence.
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives. Ther aro
uiutai, iiuiB.i(uaiuci:cKiary, xvy
Purely vegetable. Act
Benny on tne liver,
timiui.ua uiip, am
aoothethe delicate
membrane 01 the
bowel. Cure
Sick Head.
sche and IuJIJeillon, millions know.
Genuine must bear Signature '
Wntaan R.Calmnn,Wktt
Inrton.U.U lJooksfrsa. ntatta
et retarcuuea. nest rsaulUL
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 14-1913,
.4aaaaaTM1 ... V.
allalalaHfP ntrn'f
sBsalaV HIVtK
'.iaWSBra a PILLS.
Rogers Silver Given Away
Galvanic Soap Wrappers
These teaspoons are the kind
that you'll be proud to own
They are the genuine 1881
Rogers ware, heavily triple pla
ted suver on a white metal
base. The pattern is the fa
mous LaVigne, or Grape,
with the beautiful French gray
nnisn. vvitn ordinary wear
mese spoons will last a life
tune. Start 6aving your
wrappers today, or
better still buy a
3X of Galvanic and
you'll have 100
wrappers. lust
cnougnior a
see 01
nnd 5
to save the
Department of
xtwj ,vtx.x.J7v i
iZ?V. 1 WCAX
Tv. V Vff taC.W
xs. x. Via jl xHLv.
V ?C Vk. iea L&HvUTtV
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