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About Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1909)
.COUNTY M0TT0A11 The News When It Is News. VOLUME XVII DAKOTA CITY, NEB., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1900. NUMBER 2a DAKOTA HI IK I FAITHFUL CHRONICLE OF ALL IMPORTANT ITEMS. DREW BILL BEATEN CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY K EJECTS AMI-JAP LAW, 48 TO 28. Debaters Its Pnssnge All Day Discus sion Is Opened by llie Father of the Mrnmiro, Who Made a Vigorous Ef fort In Its Behalf. After a debate extending from 11 nVlnrk W.ilnftRrluv mornlnff until 6 T. m. the California assembly by a vote of 48 to 28 rejected the bill drawn by A. M. Drew, barring aliens from own ership of land In California. The bill had been amended at the request of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root, so that the clause applying to Japanese only was eliminated, making the bill apply to all aliens, but the measure aroused such a storm of oppo sition that long before the debate was closed by Mr. Drew it was apparent the measure would be defeated. In substance the objection to It was that it would drive at least $1,000, 000,000 of foreign capital out of the state and might Jeopardize the present friendly commercial relations with Ja pan, i .,;.... The supporters of the bill contended that the state was being overrun with thrifty Japanese who were gradually gaining an impregnable position as land owners, and whose government was trying to dictate to California re garding legislation. Assemblyman Grove L. Johnson, of Sacramento, ex-congressman and au thor of four bills sesregatlng Japanese in schools and residential districts, and preventing aliens being members of corporations, made an impassioned ap peal for the enactment of the Drew bill. At the climax of his sp'eech he walked backward from his seat to the lobby rail-and seizing In his arms a golden haired girl of 3 years held her aloft and said that he was "in favor of this as opposed to the Japanese menace to our Institutions." DENA'ER STREET TRAGEDY. Fred Walton Shot Twice nnd Killed by John II. Cradlebaugh. Fred Walton, former grand master fthe Odd Fellows for the state of Idaho, was shot twice by John H. Cra dlebaugh at Denver, Colo., Wednesday and died shortly after being removed to the hospital. Both men are from Wallace, Idaho, and Cradlebaugh also Is a prominent Odd Fellow. Walton was dying when the hospital was reached, but gasped out: "That man thought I stole his wife." The shooting occurred on Sixteenth street, the principal thoroughfare of Denver, and was witnessed by hun dreds of shoppers. A wild rush for safety took place when the shots were being fired. v- Cradlebaugh, according to Chief of Police Armstrong, called on the latter at police headquarters and told him that Walton had run away from Wal lace with his wife. He did not cause a disturbance, but wished to recover his children, whom their mother had taken with her. Cra dlebaugh, who was arrested imme diately after the shooting, refused tj make any statement. REFORMERS ARE VICTORIOUS s Los Angeles to Acquire and Operate All Public Utilities. ' The reform element of Los Angeles won a substantial victory in Tuesday's election. Amendments to the city char ter were adopted enabling the city to acquire and operate all public utilities, providing for consolidation of Los An geles and adjoining cities, and enabling the city to take important steps with reference to a harbor. All propositions for Increasing the salaries of city officers were over whelmingly voted down, as were also a proposed amendment to extend the life of franchises from twenty-one to thirty-five years. Women to Race in Autos. Two entries have been received for i woman's track automobile race, scheduled for the Mardl Gras speed carnival to be held in New Orleans February 20, 21 and 22. They are Mrs. Joann Newton Cunco, Richmond Hill, N. Y.. and Mlaa Alice Porter, Elgin, 111. Harvester TriiRt to Pay. The International Harvester com pany Is going to pay the fine of $12, 800 assessed against it by the district court of Shawnee county and ap proved by the Kansas supreme court for violating the Kansas anti-trust law. Sioux City live Stock Market. Wednesday's quotations on the Sloux City live stock market follow; Top .beeves, $4.60. Top hogs, $.1. "Dry" Bill Vetoed. Gov. Patterson at Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday vetoed the bill prohibiting the manufacture of Intoxicating liquors after January 1, llo. It undoubtedly will be passed over his veto. "Lincoln Couch" Hums. The historic "Lincoln coach." In Which President Lincoln Is said to ,have ridden to Washington for hU In auguration, was destroyed In a fire at fShaxpsvilU, Pa. RUSSIAN DUMA OPENS. Largo Crowd Attracted, to tlic PubllO Galleries. The public galleries in the duma were crowded Tuesday, but the gov ernment benches were empty when the house resumed Its sessions after the holidays, the attraction of the house being the Interpellations on the sub ject of government spies in connec tion with the cases of Azef, the head of the fighting Russian socialists, who was recently declared to be In reality a government spy, and Lopuklne, for mer director of police In the depart ment of the ministry of the Interior, charged with higlt. treason. M. Pergament, a noted lawyer, pre sented the Interpellation of the con stitutional democrats. He declared that the "agents provocateurs" are now the greatest power In Russia, and Jecrled the system of sending out men to Instigate crime as destructive to all confidence and security. He accused the government of being in the same category as the revolutionary organ izations and equally responsible for the murders of Grand Dukes Sergius and Von Plehve. Other members made similar accu sations, the laborlte bulat declaring that high Russian personages were plundered out of the state funds and that It was the ancestors of the octo berlsts who killed Paul I. and Peter III. It was a curious fn.;t that Jn spite of the tremendous Interest In the affair these fiery denunciations caused no scenes In the duma. The Interpel lations were adopted, after which they were referred to a committtee. WAS DRUNK AT RECEPTION. Captain of American Battleship Is Ac cused. Capt. Edward F. Qualtrough, of the Georgia, one of the ships composing the fleet under Rear Admiral Sperry, Is under arrest on board his own ves sel and will be tried by courtmartlal cm a charge, preferred by one of the officers of the rear admiral's fleet, that j he was under the influence of Intoxi- cunts at the reception given on shore a few days ago. The captain was re lieved from duty by the rear admiral Immediately after the reception and and executive officer placed In com mand, who brought the ship Into Gib raltar. The captain's defense will be that fatigue was responsible for his appear ance; that he was under a heavy strain during the last run of his vessel on ac count of ruogh weather; that on the day of the reception he had been on the bridge since 4o'clock in the morn ing; did not not drink anything dur ing the day, partook sparingly of wine at the dinner which preeeeded the re ception. DARING CHICAGO ROBBERY. Crooks Secure $1,000 .in .Randolph Street Restaurant. A daring daylight robbery was per petrated in the downtown district of Chicago, when a satchel containing nearly $1,000 was stolen from behind the cashier's desk in a restaurant at 77 Randolph street. R. S. Swain, au ditor and collector of the restaurant, which is one of the several conducted under the same management had made the rounds of the other places and had stopped to eat luncheon be fore depositing the money In the bank. While he was eating a man diverted his attention for a moment, and a sec ond man, seizing the satchel, fled. 200 Negroes I'lidcr Arrest. More than 200 negroes were arrest ed Tuesday night in on effort by the police to render the Herron hill resi dence section of the city of Pittsburg. Pa., Bafe. In the past few weeks ne groes have made numerous attacks up on young women. The police force was Increased, but the attacks continued, and a raid was made on the negro quarter and every negro man who could not show that he was employed was arrested as a vagrant. For Killing a Child. James Watson, chauffeur for If. Clay Pierce, of St. Louis, mUst serve his sentence of twelve months' impris onment and pay a fine of $1,000 for the death of Christian Muslck, 12 years old, the sentence having been approved by the Missouri supreme court Tuesday according to speclul dis patches from Jefferson City. Sanitarium For Red Men. The Hot Springs, Ark., lodge of Im proved Order of Rod Men has pur chased the Burlington hotel, which is to be rebuilt and made n national san itarium for the members of the order In America. The national organization has levied an assesssment aiding the proposition. Texas Banker End Life. F. M. Ecklcnberg. assistant cashier of the Sealey National bank, at Seaiey, Tex., Tuesday committed suicide by shooting. No reason is shown for the act. Malunout The Winner. Yustiff llabmuut won from Raoul de Rouen, the Frenchman, In a wrest ling match Monday at Chicago in two straight falls. Given Death Penalty. Ben and Wallace Jones, charged with the murder of Conductor C. B. Hall, of the Texas and Pacific railroud on the night of January 2S, were found guilty Tuesday at Port Allen, La., and sentenced to death. Fun-ht lire in Tffxas. Forest fires are raging in southwest Texas, near Houston. Heavy losses are being Inflicted on lumber companies. CLAIM IS TO RE PAID. Turko-Uuluai'lun Question It Now Settled Issue. A dispatch to the London Times of February 1 from Kt. Petersburg fays that the powers have approved Bus sla's plan ft r the payment of the Turk. Ish claim against Bulgaria, which is to cancel sufficient Installments of the Turkish war Indemnity to enable Tur key to borrow 12 5,000,000 francs ($26,000,000) demanded from Bulga ria, Bulgaria undertaking to reim burse Russia to the extent of $SI,000, 000 francs (($16,000,000) by the an nual payment of G, 000, 000 francs for interest and sinking fund. Thus In stead of receiving 8.00'J,000 francs yearly from Turkey, Russia will draw 6,000,000 francs from- Bulgaria. The settlement of the Turko-Bul-garlan dlficultles, it H stated In woll Informed circles In St. Petersburg, in volves recognition of Bulgaria, whose proclamation of Independence precipi tated the crisis. As soon as the details of the airaugcment have been worked out the protocols will bo signed. It Is understood Turkey will lead In recog nizing Emperor Ferdinand, not wait ing for a conference of the powers. The other powers like:y will follow this example. BACK TO FIVE-CENT FARE. Court Orders Receivers of Cleveland Lines to Mukc tnerensc. In accordance with Instructions re cently Issued by Judge Taylor, of the federal court, to the receivers of the entire street railway system of Cleve land the rate of fare was Increased beginning Monday morning, on all lines except upon those where the franchise specifically provides a rate of not more than 3 cents. Approxi mately two-thirds of the street car pa trons are now paying n straight 5-cent fare or eleven tickets for T0 cents. Pu trons of the 3-cent fare lines are com pelled to pay 2 cents for a transfer. , Judge Taylor ordered the rate of fare increased because of the inability of the company to pay running ex penses and to liquidate accumulated debts under the 3-cent fare, which rate has been effective on all lines in the city since April 29. DIES IN ELECTRIC CHAIR. Slayer of New York Blucvonts Pays Penalty. Calvatore Oovernale was put to death In the electric chair at Sing Sing prison. New York, Monday for the murder of two New York City police men, George M. Sechier and Albert A. Silleck, on Sunday afternoon, April 14, 1908; The double murder follow ed a fight in Washington Square park, during which Oovernale fired a re volver at a fellow countryman. The policemen interfered and chased Gov. ernale Into a hallway, from which he fired on the officers, shooting both fa. tally. FEARS FOR MISSING SHIP. Steamer Ten Bays Overdue at Phila delphia. There is considerable anxiety over the German steamship Maria Rlck mers, now 31 duys out from Grenock, Scotland, and more than ten days over due. The anxiety is made all the greater by the fact that terrific storms have swept the Atlantic lately. The ship Is under command of Capt. """A. Rupp and carried a crew of thirty, two men when she left Grenock. Still Seeking a Jury. With deputies summoning a new vt nire of 600 to complete the Jury that will try Col. Duncan Cooper, Robin Cooper and John D. Sharpe for the murder of former Senator Carmack, Judge Hare Monday at Nashville, Tenn., considered the request that Juror J. M. Whiteworth be discharged because of ill health. Fire Destroys Fort Dodge Pluj house. Fire at Fort Dodge, la., Monday night destroyed the Midland theater and contents valued at about $80,000. The amount of the insurance has not been announced. The cause of the blaze Is unknown, although a boy who sleeps in the basement of the building has declared an explosion occurred after which flumes spread rapidly. Duel in the Street. As a result of a street duel at Chick asaw, Okla., Monday night, Emmett Goodwin, chief of police, is dead, Joe Earl Is seriously wounded and Will iam Thomas, night chief of police, Is in Jail charged with the double shoot ing. The trouble occurred over a dis pute regarding the crusade against "bootleggers." Two Hundred Cremated. At least 200 lives were lost In a fire which occurred Monday In a fleet of flower boats at Canton, China. The charred bodies o! 170 victims already been recovered, but many per. sons are still missing. For Law Eiiforcxvneiit Icaguc. At a mass meeting held at Jackson, Miss., Monday night plans were per fected for the formation of a state law enforcement league. Former Gov. Longlns acted as chairman and among thos who attended were Gov. NoeJ and former Gov. Vardaman. To Ieniand the Wireless. The French government, as a result of the use made of wireless telegraphy following the sinking of the steamer Republic off Nuntucket January 23, Is studying the entire question of wire less communication with the Idea of Introducing a bill to compel French navigation companies to Install wire less telegraph apparatus on all their ships above a certain tonnage. NEBRASKA STATE REWS' w a a CAIRO i:ukis::ss m:i sr:s burn. Early Mornlnsr BIa.:e Does Pimingc Anu uv.tlst.r to "1'.0C(. A. fire, (lii1"1; damnee to the extent of about $3ii,000, visited Cairo early Sunday m, ruing, completely destp y Ing the hardware stcre i.f McAllister Bros., the general merchandise store of K. V.'. Goiu'ilch. Jr V.' C.-.r'nniVs confectione: y and rodde'icv' i.iui. oc cupied by J. S. Pickett, Charle? Omer and Mrs. v'. Miller. The Ore was discovered at about 3 a. m. alio, upon Investigation it was found that the entire sLTtk of F. W. Good rich was .rblaso.' An alarm war Imme diately sent in and evety nvarabie per son lolned In the effort to extinguish the fire. bucket brigades prevented ths spread of the flames to adjacent buildings, though several of the larg est business houi'cs suflYte.l some loss from the effects of the lire. The loss is estla.ated lit about $30, 000. being only partially covered by insurance. J. F. Carland was serious ly Injured while attempting to remove same property frsm the burning bulld 'ngs. HEATHER HOUND OVER. IrVcguhirlty In Obtaining Money Cutiwcs lhm Trouble. The preliminary heating of Audrey J. Heather on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, was held a. Oxford. Heather. Iast March, In duced A. W. Vetter to sign a sight draft with him on a Colorado tTwnslte company, and drew $73 expense money from the bank on the btrciigth of the endorsement. The draft wu protested nnd Mr. Vetter was held foi the amount. Thj latter averred thai he had not been repaid by Heathel, who represented himself us being Ir. the employ of the tovinsite company when he obtained the money. After hearing the arguments put up by thr prosecution and rtTlsriEo, Justice Briethaupt bound Heather over to dls trlct' court, which convenas In Febru ary at Beaver City. The defendanl rr-as brought to Beaver ClLy from Pue blo, Colo., a few weeks ago, siner which time he has been an inmate ol the county Jal!. HUXGItY MAN STOLE BULLION. Explanation Offered by One CaiiKbt StcnlbiK Metnl. An unsuccessful effort to steal j large dlf-k of bullion, mostly eoppc with probably a little, gold in It, t . suited In the capture of -one of th tbieves, John Peto, and his being sent to Jail in Omaha for fifteen days ot the charge of petit larceny. The othe man made his escape and it Is m ' known whether or not he took any o' the metal. Neither of the men kna. Just what he was stealing, and Pet told the Judge In police court Salurda morning that he stole because he wir hungry. That the bullion was of great vahn Is discounted by the fact" that in th larceny complaint filed against Peto I7 the smelter officials, gave the valu of the metal as $14.50, although no on knows Its exact value, and It Is sali" there was a percentage of gold In th "pig." KILLED BY A I 'ALL. Colored .Mint at Holilrcjje Dixenvem' Dead. Gery Gates, a colored porter In th Palace barber shop In Holdrege, wa. found at the foot of the stairs leadlr.f to the room occupied by him over tin shop at 3 o'clock Monday mornlnfr ,y the night watchman, dead. Phy slcians were at once summoned am eached him before his body was coir and gave It as their opinion that tin :ause of his death whs concussion ;' :he brain, resulting from falling dowi the stairs. He was found lying tla' on his face, with bolh urins extendi and there were bruises over both eye; Indicating that he had struck his hear on the way down. No inquest l deem ;d necessary and none will be held. Farmer Scalded. Henry Stull, a well known farmer vtslding a few miles northwest of riattsmouth, while attempting to scald hog in a large vat of boiling water, accidentally slipped nnd went Into the steaming fluid himself.) His hired man fished him out. The flesh on hh left arm to the elbow was badly cooked and his feet and lower limbs were scalded. Fortunately Stull's head was kept above the boiling water or he would certainly have hist the sight of both eyes. Furin Hand Insane. W. Rhodes, a farm hand, formerly 'Tom Wall Lake, la., who has been "vorklng near Trumbull, returned from Hastings and going to the farm of James Campbell, tried to get a gun with the avowed Intent of killing him self. He finally wandered Into a draw In a cornfield and went to Bleep, wher was found. He will be taken before the Insanity board, w he has pro nounced symptoms of Insanity. Students Threaten to Strlkft. The board of trustees of the Grand t'sland college held a long session ovti .he threatened departure of some of :he students, variously estimated from ten upward. The students In question have been making much complaint gainst the management of President Sutherland. It was the unanlmoui feeling that President Sutherland war entitled to the continued confidence of the board. Hot Brick Starts Fire. ' In trying to warm their bed Mr. and klrs. Kovarlk. an aged couple living In Schuyler, put a heated brick in their bed. The brick was very hot and soon nod the bed afire. The fire wus put out by neighbor. Deaf Mute Killed. Word comes to Tocumseh that Jud on Brown, the deaf mute who was run down and knocked off the track by a Burlington pabuenger train a mile west of Tecumseh on January 20, died at St. Elisabeth's hospital, Lincoln. AXTHI.L THREATEN ED BY ITflSl N"wly PurcliMKcd Flee ApMiratus Oniy Salvation. Fire broke out In ,T. Jennings' store at Axtell, the store being located In the extreme northwest corner of tho bus!-' ness section of the village. Fof a while It looked as If the business section of the town would again be wiped out by fire, ns the wind blew a gale from the northwest, sending the flames over the town. Tiie new gasoline engine and thi newly organized fire department were Initiated Into actual work. The water is pumped from cisterns, as the town has no regularly Installed water mains. The fire was tinder great head way before it was discovered and it took hard work to get It under control ronsldeiliijt the jjale which was blow '.):,. However, in thirty minutes the 'Ire was aVoiute'y limited to the store In which It was commenced. The stock was worth about $;.ooo. with about $4,000 Insurance. $:'.(i(ii) of which was in the Aetna Insurance company and $2, OilO In the Insurance Company of N'oith Ann flea. The loss on building will Ik- leva than $500. Sixteen months ago the buslncH rectlon of that town was wiped out by three flre and every building has been replaced by fine new brick blocks. LYNCH ESTATE IS SETTLED. Close n Cum- Which lias Bern In Courts for Yearn. An agreement has been filed In the register of deeds office at Beatrice to which Kate S. Kelley and Thomas r.yiuh of Kaclne, Wis., and the Right Rev. Bishop Ponacum. of Lincoln, Neb., are prutl:, whereby botJl par ties are to collect, sell, convey and con vert Into money nil of the real and per sonal estate of Michael Lynch, de ceased, at the earliest possible date. As soon as the p.tnte has been con verted Into money and after the costs of the admlflltrnt!on have been paid, the balance Is to be divided among the parties to the agreement, as follows: To Kate H. Kelley three-eighths of the balance; to Thomas Lynch three Ights, and to Bonncum tho remaining ne-fourth. Each of the three partlei' ir to pay out of their respective shares ill- llt'.itiitlon connected with the suit: This closes a case which hos been In the courts for the lust few years. '. CALLAWAY HAS OlTT CHAZli Jink Well Tupping Vein Leading fron Wyoiiiir;; to Kansas. A move Is on foot at Callaway tt make a test for oil In this locality. An eastern firm has volunteered to sink the test wells without expenses to the Itlzenn, providing they can secure r. ave-year. lease upon at least 4,000 acres of land. It Is said by expert 'hnt the oil vein, which Is found ! Colorado and Wyoming, and which ex 'ends to Kansas, passes under Calln vay' territory, and the only thing nec sBty In or?er to get oil there Is t' Ink the well deep enough. Parties arc mow trying to .lease the required amount of land and many of th 'armers are willing to make the least 'n order to have the test made. BODY FOUND IN CLAY PIT. roinliicnl Llnc.'ii Business Man Wnn 1 tiers Away nnd SuicldfM. Walter U. Rowan, 60 years eld, imminent as a Lincoln business mar ror twenty-eight years, killed himself y shooting some time Saturday. He cft his home nnd wandered four mile- n the country, to the Lincoln brick ards. There, In a clay pit, his denil ody was found, with a revolver In hi; hand. Ill health nnd fear of coming mental inbalance la supposed to have prompt ed the act. A widow and two children urvive. Ills business affairs are do. lared In good c ndltion. NEBRASKAVS si DMA' DEATH. liVHiiiilleld Land S;x eiilntor Expiree n. Hallway Station In Ireland. Hugh Murphy, of Blontnfleld, dleii uiddenly Kuturdny at Glecgary rail way station, in Ireland, w hile he wa i nutting his bicycle on board a train. Mr. Murphy was on a vitilt to Ireland. Hugh Murphy is a retired farmer tnO land speculator of Bloomfleld. He vent for u tour of Ireland last April md was probably on his way home Mr. Murphy leaves n wife and tv ons, James and Michael" A marrle " daughter lives In Butte, Mont. 11 leaves an estate valued nt $60,000. Damage at Ti U.inmn. At Tekamah wind linoed the C roof off the Wlxer furniture store, brick structure, tore nway awnlnr unroofed barns and blew down mn-y chimneys, and the Elliott & Gill fee store front was demolished and snrc blown on the grain. Fisher's hsrne : shop had the front doors blown In en-l about a foot of snow sifted over tin new harness and many trees wen blown down and billboards sent flylnr Into glass fronts of stores. Lolonn Men In Trouble. A revenue officer came to Nebr!--City a few days since and caught f number of the saloon men napplrr They had been guilty of violating thr revenue law by having bottled fond which were not up to the requirement? They were permitted to pay a fine er.c!; and thus escape. Job for a Doctor. Governor hallenberger has ofare--o Dr. H. F. llrende'l of Plattstnouth, Hie position of head physician In th Soldiers' home In Grand Island, or the eeond place In the hospital for thf 'r.sane In Norfolk, each position pay 'n,T the same salary. Receiver Asked for Hotel. The ense of Mrs. Marie Colby, owr if t"..e Pad nek block, at Beatrice U.nliift the Kettner Hotel company asking that a receiver be appointed for the block was heard before Judgs 'taier at Pawnee City. The ease wa rden under advisement. Steum Plow I11 Dodge. One of the largest steam plows nml s In Hon. It. B. Schneider's farm iiva rllugton. This plow Is used on ') i i.rgo Schneider farm. So heavy ' '.he plows that steam Is used to iowe ml lulse the gang upon which ore te arge plows. New Bunk ut Arlington. The Western Banker, a publlcatioi. levoted to banking and banker, has announced thaUa new bank will be rganlzeU in Arlington in the near fu ture, NODrasKa Legislature The tlnnnce committee of the senate took up the proposition to appropri ate $75,000 for nn agricultural school at Cambridge, which is being urged by Kelley, of Fnrras. I y a vote of five to six It was decided to In definitely postpone the bill. Mr. Kelley then a counter pi e; tuition to amend the 1)111 and have Its location to the board of regents, provided It Is placed In the western part ot the state, and the committee wii withhold its report for further consideration. Tlbbets, of Adnms, offered a reso lution for the holding of Lincoln day services In the senate chamber at 2 p. m., February 12. under the aus. pices of tho legislature and for a Joint committee on program. The resolution contained a lengthy eulogy of the life of Lincoln. Majlrs, of Nemnhn. said while he was In sympathy with the resolution to honor the greatest man the world ever saw, a meeting had been ar ranged by the Grand Army of the Re public for the same hour In St. Paul's church and nn invitation had been ex- tpnripfl In fVlA MnatA rl.. 1 1 - - - - v. " . . oiiuuen- berger was to preside. The senator ' rrora isemaha said a meeting should be held and there should be no con flict between the senate and the citi zens of the state. Nepotism will be n thing of the pant in Nebraska officialdom, nhoud the bill Introduced In the renate Wednesday afternoon by Fuller become a law. This bill makes It an offense for nny official of the state, county, district, city or other sua a, county, dltrlet, city of oth- J r munclpai division to appoint or vote for tho appointment of any person re lated to him by affinity or consnnguln fy with the third degree to any clerk Hhlp, office or position In any depart ment of the government of which such executive, legislative, ministerial or Judicial -officer may be a member. Such officer Is also forbidden to em ploy any such relrttlve or any other officer In consideration of the second officer giving employment to a rela tive of tho first. Violation of the law is to bo punished by a fine of from $100 to $1,000 and removal from office. The following bills were read tho third time and passed in the house Wednesday: By Young of Madison Providing that in cities and towns vlolttions of the truancy law may be taken Into J'tstlee and police courts instead of n county courts as now'1 provided. Vote: Yes, 89; no, 4. By Humphrey of Lancaster Provid ing the Oregan plan of popular elec tion of United States senator iy pledg ing, legislative candidates to vote for the man having the highest popular vote for senator. Vote: Yes, 68; no. The following bills were introduced In the house Wednesday: By Rnper Authorizing cJttmty su pervisors and commissioners to pro cure metal markers for soldiers' graves. By Humphrey To prevent the manufacture or sale of Improperly la beled or mlsbranded pnlnt, white lead, turpentine nnd linseed oil. By Lawrence (by request) Provid ing for vesting the title to a home stead in minor children during their minority. - Notice was Bent up to the house and senate Wednesday of the signing of appropriation bills Nos. 41 and 42 which allow the wages of members and employes of the session. The an nouncement of this fact brought forth a short burst of applause from those who have been waiting all this time for some return on their labor. Scheele withdrew his bill that pro vided for the repeal of the direct pri mary law. He made little explanation of this action other than that he did not want to repeal the law without placing something In Its place. This is the only house bill that has sought to repeal the direct primary bodily al though there Is considerable sentiment in that direction manifest among the members. Bygland's bill to change the election of county commissioners from the whole county to the districts from which they are nominated was con sidered and recommended by a heavy vote. The benate made no objection to the report of a committee on a bill to re peal the, Saekett law. The bill was placed on tho general file. The Saek ett law subjects the county, city and other officers to removal from office for wilful neglect to enforce laws which It is their duty to enforce. In the house Holmes, of Douglas, in troduced a bill making It a felony for telephone or telegraph companies to furnish reports to bucket shops. Representative Armstrong Is the au thor of a bill declaring the South Oma ha stock yards a public feeding static' and giving the railway commission au thority to fix rates. The daylight closing bill champion, ed by Senator King was slaughteied by the senate committee.' The Meas ure provided for the closing of sulo'.ns except between the hours of 3 a. in. and 7 p. m. ' A bill by Senator Ransom to estab lish a state college of onteopathy wa favorably reported. Klein, of Gn Be. offered n ic-11. ''(! fixing the pay of the po-t matter ' f the senate at $5. Ollls. of Valley, objected to giving the postmaster more than any other employe, and us much us members of the legislature and mov ed to amend by making the pay $4 a 1.1 y As amended the motion wus adupted. Friends of other employe" tnr.ytnVe similar steps to get yularies uiljuilcil before the committee on emoloyc ot itis committee 011 a-.coi.i:l. an. I ;:. pendltures get bu y. Wednesday afternoon --- v the senate In committee f the vc'io'e wrestling with King's game law. Whe- it emerged from tho strMcsr'c the was shorn of some of Iib prev'alopv That portion preventing the shoctln? 1 of ducks from artificial blinds built In the bed of streums by hunters or by wading In the bed :I ititat;-; mo.- 10 Jecttfd by th eommlttee on fl.-h an game and by tho committee of the whole. The hme committee' repoH was accepted with little chant;". Ran" som, of Douglas, led the a -.nek on that part of the bill to prevent t'io tine e( blinds built In river beds wh.-i Klny tried to get It restored In the Mil. The committee of the whole n?rr il that It should not go In the bill. Mye :i mady an effort to kill the entire bill on the ground that there Is no demand for change In the game laws. Tlv bill aa amended won ordered engrossed for third reading. It closes the season o chickens and quail for three years, makes the open season for riucki ami geese from i-'eptember .15 to April tfj closes the snipe season May 1 ; takes wild pigeons out of the protect ?d list, nnd protects doves the entlr" year; make an open season for snulrrols from October 1 to November SC; blaol bass, from June 1 to November 15: prohibits the taking or pur ulng of gome later than half an hour afteil sunset and before daylight; permits thq taking of lifii in any manner except by seine from the Platte river or anj) stream where tho water recedes of stands in pools, The latter provision will permit the lire of pitchforks of scoop shovels, but not seines. Swan and white crane are protected the year round tinder the bill. In the houe Mondny afternoon an attempt to repeal the Saekett law failed. This measure was passed two years ago and 'permits the governef to remove nil officers who fall to do their duty. The bill to repeal this law; was Indefinitely postponed. Fer-taor Mil er Monday introduced tho county option bill In the senate which will be ohnpiploned by the tem pernnoe. forces. 1 In the house Stoecker introduced aj bill to make tho state railway com mission mere'y a bureau of corpora tions. Suit w stnrted Mondny In the su preme court to settle tho judgeship muddle. The iictlon, a quo warranto ..... r into ! are case. Is to decide the eligibility Judges OUIhsrr. and Sullivan, who tho appointees of (fov. Khallenbergcr, over it )Mc and Dean, selections madf by Sheldon. The suit It brought la the name of W. D. Oldham. House turned down committee re port and decided to Investigate prop-, ositlon for binding twice factory a penitentiary. 1 Banking committee of hou;e hai waded through the Wilson bill and haj 11 sfoft begun to consider amendment. A bill is Introduced to divide patronage of the railway commissi! In employes nnd to give the democratic members some actual power on ruled and plums. . , After an exciting session the house of representatives Wednesday passed, Sink's bill compelling hotel managers, to furnish nine-foot sheets. The Ne braska traveling men urged the pass age of the measure, while the hofel men fought It. A bitter contest Is ex-i pectetf .t2,(tiift inate' .... . , ' The house saved a day's payby"ad Jourr.lng -Wednesday morning after the passage of the Sink bill and then imi mediately reconvened. Senator Miller's bill abolishing fra ternitles In high schools was favora bly reported, and It is expected that the bill will pass both house. The senate recommended that the bill allowing Curnegle pensions for the state university be passed. Senator Runsom believes that the husband who does not support nil family should strike many an obstacle here below. Accordingly he Introduce a bill making it a felony for any mln to be discharged, refuse employment or quit working without the consent of his wife. In the house Humphrey. Introduced a bill making Saturday afternoon a half, holiday. Guy Green has prepared a monstel petition and will seek to convince the legislature that Sunday ball Is de manded In Nebraska. He has had thousands of signers. The temperance enthusiasts Tuesday hauled their petition to the state house. In a dray wagon. It consists of lii books and Includes 60,000 names. I Senator King's bill to prohibit sportsmen from shooting game from uenmu uunus was Kiuea in me senate, Barrett introduced a bill to classify - all patent medicines containing .1 pel cent of alcohol as Intoxicating liquors. The senate passed the Tanner bll) allowing the governor to designate the paper In each county In which con stitutional amendments are printed, At present the secretary of state doeq 1111H. 1 oe inner oinciai is a repuut llcan. The effect of the bill Is to give the democratic editors all the political patronage for tho next two years. Th bill will pass the house by a strict par ty vote. T'ao IIosU-i-i ot Itojallr It inut ut times, il: spite the lioee lie a soniowlut tedla-.m function for British Kiii.Ji'it to entertain the king, for the house urd all tlu-n ln Is for the time of the k:::':! vis-It royal property, At lui'c'.noii tln ilhincr, t!u hosts aad, tlu-ir (.'lo'st rc:i:it:i ;.ti:d:ug until roy. Hlty uiivitr: then the host, If the '.'l eu or 11 ! I:'yh be present, escorts V -.' to t': t :'i!e. t.e hostess! following v:.!i tiie kli.;: If the kl:ig Is alone, be liuils v. !;') tiie u sr'i'HH. Neither liosl t.or' cot-iiss c.-i it give tin si,;i!itl for Ciiviiij; tin hut must nvvilt the o.vul pl.-i-iire. if tiie queen or a prln-t:-ts ! e hroill, vv!h'!-. m'.ip rises she Is Vlov. rd b .- C:i' Ivst. c: w'a for the 'I'net.r. Is l'.:: l,id -:u-vvi!ltl:ii-. As It - ot jr-ia.- thing I;--,- n --.vatit (ti '1 t-yt:ili! to a savereUn. v. ueu .1 : 1 .'i j t -j n-jed, . f,. 1. . .(,., , r?..--s ; to Mr- or re cv Gil!,- eni!lll. fin--r r'.i'"' ' i !;: h-v. vv'.ieu 4yjlty ,.,,, ,1 ... i -. r o;,;y. vhe:i the . :' tin- ; wr.i-i tii svrVillit Is 1 v:ni"ii,t m 't'-i, t ;1 -uy ,,r to itlr- !! t.- 11 ' - n.;.. ., jut T then ! '! .v':i-; ? 1- in).y- coin .1 fr-ri (' ! iinv t I on u unl ' ' t I-, (I, .,;' ' - - . V I 'l the "ill ( " ' ' 1 ' ' ' s u::d soaie 'no: t' : -. imI 11:1 Invl- Voi ! t'l '- - iv ;i yal "tr.uui t nd. :,-..(. ii--.. ;j,;iir. are nl'A'Tiv'K very ;:ii.:11 ur.d tt s t s v '" at s-.yi-.if. of !io vorv suiart sit. IK-.n .-.diipUia Put "3 Ledciv.