Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 15, 1908, Image 7

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1 ' I 'I . I I ! L
What is Peruna?
T fj. " t f r
ii u.uiarrn kxemeuy, or a ionic,
or is it Both?
Some people call Peruna a gTeat tonic
catarrh remedy.
Which of these people are right? Is It more proper to call Peruna a ca
tarrh remedy than to call it a tonic f
Oar reply is, that Peruna is both a torio and a catarrh remedy. Indeed,
there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that is not also a tonic.
In order to thoroughly relieve any case of catarrh, a remedy must not only
have a speciflo action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it
must have a general tonio action on the norvoni system.
Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is u weakened condi
tion of some mucous membrane. There most be something to strengthen the
circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raiso the vital forces.
Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention
from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Th9 wonderful efficacy
of this herb has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold
upon the medical profession. When joined with CUBEES and COPAIBA a
trio of medical agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific rem
edy for catarrh that in the present state of medical progress cannot be im
proved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics as COLLIN
to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its stages and locations
in the body.
From a theoretical standpoint, thereforb, Peruna is beyond criticism. The
use of Peruna, confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every
quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over
enthusiastic' When practical experience confirms a well-grounded theory the
result is a truth that cannot be shaken.
If yo- suffer from FtU, Fslllna Bickaeei or
Bpuma, or nae i;nnarea uial oo so, mj
New Discovery ana Treatment
I will aire them Immediate relief, and
all yoa are arfted to do 1. to Bend lor
a Free bolU. of Ir. liar's
Qompllwi with Food and Pro aw Art of Oop arena
I June 80th 1W6. Complet.dirfK'tloim.aliOte.-
I tlmnnlaU of ruKKN. etr.rr.KH l mail.
IMxpmt rnpaia. uiveAUKanaraiieaereM
. L UI, I. D, 141 Turf Slratl, In Tod
.Not m h'maiii-liil ui',
Mrs. Munro was ivndliiK iti'ins of In
terest from the weekly paper, nnd mak
ing frequent ex'-Uunutlons of Hiirprise
or pleasure or dismay.
"Why, Edwnrd, listen to this!" sho
cried. "Here's n man who niukcs a
business of taking new tables nnd
chairs nnd treating them lu some way
so they look its If they were a hundred
years old.
"Does he Indeed?" said Mr. Munro.
"Well," I'd trust our Tommy to make a
new table look as If It were n good deal
more than n hundred years old, but I
hadn't thought of it ns a paying busi
ness." Imprtiint'O of Tliorouwliiie.
Thoroughness In workmanship, care
In the execution of every task under
taken, ns If it were the acceptance of
a trust which It would be a breach of
fnlth not to discharge well, Is a fonli
of duty so momentous that If It were
to die out from the feeling and prac
tice of a people all reforms of Institu
tions would be helpless to create na
tional prosperity and national happi
ness. George Eliot. .
May be permanent overcome by proper
personal cjfovts v'.MKc assistance
of the one truly Jjenejicial laxative
remecly, Syrup of Figs ani t,kix'rtjSettn,
which ertabloft one io form regular
Kabit daily So that" assistance to na
ture may be f raiucty cltSpon&'-lwitn.
wlicn no longer uccii.'tr as the kestcf
remedies, wlicn required, arc to assist
Vaure and hot to supplant tKc rtur.
" al functions, vvliicK ttiufit depend ulti
xnatcly upon proper houtisKmcht,
proper ef Jorts,ad vi(M livtriA gencraly.
To get its beriejietal effects, always
buy the genuine
Fig Syrup Co. oniy
sue sue only. rdar price 50? p Bottle
Unbeatable exterminator
The Old Reliable That Nevee Fails
Being all poison, one ISC box will spread
or make 50 to 100 little cakes that will kill 500
or more rats and mice, and thousands oi
Koaches. Ants and lied lines.
15. 15c k 75c boiri ml nil druitgiiti and country itors.
rPCC Send (or onr comic postal card and
IWl. liilu'grai'li w'lich have con"ulsed the
world Willi lauL'hter.
E. S. WELLS, Chemiit, Jersey Citr, N. J.
Illustration r'honlnr Ml tod Farmln. Seeue la
Some of tlio choicest lands (or grain crowleT,
ttoi-k raihln. and mixed (armluir In tfie new dis
tricts of SuKkatchew.-.n and Alberta have re-ct-oly-
been HiM in U f,,r Srttlomen t under tlie
Eevisad Hsmsstesd Eegulaiisss
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mother, son. daughter,
trcthcr or lister of an Intondin. homesteader.
T housands of homesteads of 1U) acres each are
llms now easily obtainable in these great craiu
rrnwiag. ilock-raisln. and mixed farming so
Ti.ora you ru find healthful climate, rood
neighbors, churchea for family worship, schools
,,r children, eood laws, splendid crops,
su.d railroads convenient to market.
Kntryf. eineachcaseisIIO i'O. For pamphlet.
Last llest West," panlci.li.rs, ik to rates, routes.
.i.u iu Bu unu wner in ioch:i,. apply to
V. I). Sott, Superintendent of Immiiriation,
Cuiav,a. t anada, or h. 1 . Holmes, Ms Jackson
lid, W ati-rtuwn, to. Dakota Auihotised Uovetu
eeiil Kcnts.
fUM saf where foe see (Ua adrartiaaeaeae.
I A a
t I
Others refer to Perana aa a great ,
Rallet Shoes.
Ballet shoes fit like a stocking. They
are of leather, with a thin leather Bole
about an Inch wide and with the up
pers eewed so that they come under
the foot. The ballet dancer wants no
rubber heels. Instep arch supports nor
any other of the foot supporting or re
forming devices which are commonly
used by ordinary mortals. The toe
dancer desires a hard box toe on her
ballet shoes, hut tlie orrllnnrtr dancer
seeks only shoes that will 'give perfectT
freedom of movement of the Joints nnd
muscles of the feet. It Is a rule of good
dancers, a shoe man of experience says,
to wear shoes that will allow for space
between the toe It Is a point of good
fit that nil persons should heed, be
says. High heels are put on to stage
shoes for effect, not to promote good
dancing. Many Rtago shoes are mnde
with short fore parts and high heels
to make the feet look smaller nnd the
person taller. Huston Globe.
For tlie Ilonaetvlfr".
Pome active women who pride them
solves In housekeeping seem to forgel
that the object of keeping house Is that
human beings may be accommodated
In It. Their Bolejdea seems to be this,'
that the house may be kept lu a certain
form nnd order ; and to the perform
ance of the form and order they sacii
flee the comfort the house was estal
lished to secure.
Zoological Post Cards Second Series.
If you are a collector or dealer ol
luunal cards, you will be interested in
in attractive set of eight cards just pub
lished, showing, the most - vulunble wild
iiniuiais in llie Hingling JJrus.' Jlemiir
erie. n net will be mailed you for 1Ce.
Special prices in lots to dealers. There
is a greut opportunity to make money
in selling these cards to collectors or the
general public. Address Tlio Evening
Wisconsin (Jo I'ost Card Uep't., Mil
waukee, Wis. i
Time IVorka Wontlcra.
"Hello, liixon!" said Thompson.
"How's things?"
".Simply swimmingly, thanks, old
chap! Couldn't be better. I was never :
doing so well In my life! I've got a
1. . 1 '
very moment."
"Good, gixid! I'm glad to hear it!
"Yes; a hundred pounds n hundred
pounds! You understand?"
"Yes. I congratulate you!"
"Hut you believe nie, don't yon? A
solid hundred pounds In golden sover
eigns in my pocket a hundred
"So you said. Why do you keep re- j
MMtillg It?" 1 j
"Well, as a matter of fact, I'm test
ing that story about a fellow repeating
a yarn until he comes to believe it him
self. I expect to thoroughly convince
myself about Thursday. You might
lend me a sovereign till then, will
you?" Pearson's Weekly.
Iiuyoiid Him.
Tim Admirable Crirhton who had Jusi
lohvered tin Impromptu spepeh in verso
'umpired out a professional pugilist, dp
ipliered a cryptogram that nobody else
ould solrp, and disarmed in a twinkling '
wo experts who hnd attacked him with j
lioir rapiers, ail within the space of nn
hour or so, heaved a siuh of regret. j
"1 can do these things easily enough," I
'ie saiit. "but to Rflve my life I can"! !
liilch a curved ball !"
From which we pep that the dist in
rais!:ed men f the olden lliue were oulj
platively event.
IVorLa Wonder In llenlth.
It Is worth knowing that a change
In foryl can euro dyspepsia. "I dii'in it
my duty to let you know how Grape
Nuts food has cured me of Indigestion.
"I had been troubled with It for
venrs, until last year my doctor recom
neudeil Gr;ie-Nuts food to be used
very morning. I followed Instructions
and now I am entirely well.
"The whole family like GraiH-Xut.,
we in. f.mr packages n week. Yon are
weleome to use this testimonial as you
see lit."
The reason this lady was helped by
l he use of (iraiM- Xuts food, Is that it
is in-digested by natural processes and
therefore docs not tax the stomach ns
the food she had been using; It also
contains tlie elements required for
building up the nervous system. If that
part of the human hodv Is In ncrfect
working order, there can be no dyspop.
s.a, for nervous energy represents the
sic-i in that drives the engine.
When the nervous system Is run
il'iwn, the machinery of the body works
badly. Grape-Nu fo.nl can be used by
small childien as well as adults. It is
perfectly cooked and ready for Instant
l:ad "The Hoad to Wellville," la
;!:.-:. "There's n Reason."
liver read the above letter? A
new one appears from time lo time.
They ere genuine, true, anj full of
hun-.an interest.
MHMM SBBSaeaiaa n amass aa t 111 I I .. ft . . e I ' - ' i. ... , , ,,, , , -ZZI!IwmT!JP
Gas poisoning from gas engines has
become so common that tiering n au
thorities urge that cyMmWs of oxygen
be kc)t near, ami tlmt engineers be
taught to apply Inhalations to lesuscl
tate victims.
Experiment has shown that an elec
tric arc can be employed under water
for fusing tuetal. The Intense JieiU
turns the water surrounding the arc
Into steam, thus forming an Insulating
cushion of vapor. It hns been suggest
ed that, with proper apjwratus t') elec
tric arc could be employed" by divers
for quickly cutting through large chain
calle or Iron plates under water.
The "nxle-llght" system Is In uso on
the trains of the Atchison, Topok; nnd
Santa Fe railroad on an extensive
scale. Bach car hns Its own storage
batteries supplied with electricity gen
erated by the axles of the wheels, and
the locomotive headlights derive their
Illumination from the same sour.-e. It
Is estimated that .each full train, ex
clusive of the locomotive, develops near
ly 500 candle-power light
Within the pnst few years the euca
lyptus has boon Introduced In Florida,
and Its Iflndly growth there Is lol loved
to Indicate that It might bo extensively
cultivated In tlie southern parts of tli.it
Btato. The eucalyptus Is of very rapid
growth, but It cannot wltlwtnrot frosts.
It was planted In California from Aus
tralia many years ago, and now flour
ishes so abundantly on the IVclllc
const that Its wood Is extensively em
ployed for fuel, posts and lumber.
The production of oxygen nnd hydro
gen on an Industrial scale by the de
composition of water with electrolytic
apparatus In Germany has led to the
suggestion that hydrogen thus produc
ed may find a wide field of employment
as a lighting agent. It Is now used
for Inflating military balloons. For light
ing purposes It Is compressed In steel
cylinders. With a proper burner It Is
said to be a cheaper lllumlnnnt that
acetylene, the relative cost for equ:il
Illuminating power lielng 25 for hydro
gen to 50 for acetylene.
Everybody who hns used a micro
scope hns no doubt regretted the diffi
culty of seeing small Insects, nnd other
living objects not of mere microscopic
dimensions, magnified while alive and
moving freely In the field of view. A
recently Invfnted English Instrument,
called the vltnscope, Is said to sup-ply a
desideratum in this respect. It Is
shnped like a telescope, a foot long
wlien closed, and an ineli and a half
In diameter. The lenses are so com
bined that on object 20 Inches away
may be magnified 12 diameters. At a
distance of 5 Inches the magnification
Is CO diameters.
Western Dealirnera Expect Their
w Craft to Deat All Ilccorda. '
A craft with the speed of nn express
train has long been the drenm of sev
eral motor-boat enthusiasts n'.onc the
upper Mississippi Hiver nnd several de
signers have been working together
with the result that they have produced
h boat with which they exjiect to shat
ter all the present records; says the
New York World.
Frank Titus of Fountain City, Wis.,
formerly owned the fastest boat on the
river In the famous Hat, the small
craft which attained a speed of nearly
twenty miles nn hour with a nine-horse
power engine and for three seasons held
the sK?ed record on the upper river.
The Hat hns been sold to n physician
at Cassvllle, Wis., and her engines will
be used In another craft.
Until the advent of the Chief of Rec
ord, formerly owned by A. Gardner ol
Winona, the Hat outclassed all tionts
on the river, large nnd small, and could
leave the fastest steamboats lu the
stern waves.
Gardner's boat, 25 feet long, with
a nlue-horse-power engine nnd 4-foot
beam, was, uutil the middle of the
season, the fastest boat In that terri
tory. At Wabasha on Ju'y 4, in the
motor-boat races, the Chief of Record
outran the Hat nnd other boats en
tered nd .finished nearly a half-inlle
in the lead in a six-mile course. Tlie
Chief of Record uttninod a speed of
twenty -miles an hour and for the
horse-power Installed was considered
the fastest boat between St. Louis and
St. Paul.
Late in July the Skip, owned by
Eugene 1. Gleason, of LaCrosse, was
launched at Red Wing and clenrly out
classed other water racers. The Skip
Is 32 feet long, with a 4-foot beam and
Is equipped with a twelve-horse-power
motor in three cylinders. The Skip
has attained ns high as twenty-two
and a linlf miles an hour, but through
failure to provide (a sufficient cooling
apparatus for the engine Is unable to
maintain this pace indefinitely.
The Skip now holds the speed rec
ord on that part of the river with the
exception of a boat of the same de
sign, which Is 35 feet long mid
equlp'ied with n sixteen-horse-power
three cylinder motor. The new boat,
however, hss not entered Into compe
tition with the sioed records, although
she Is said to run nearly a mile an
hour faster than the Skip.
A remarkable feature of motor liont
lng on the Mississippi Is tlie speed at
tained by boats with little horse pow
er. While the crafts on the Atlantic
coast and the lakes require from fifty
to seventy-five horse power beforo n
speed of twenty miles an hour can be
attained, none of the fastest boats on
the river has more than sixteen horse
power and few of them have over
ten. Many of the engines used In Mie
river craft are of light design, nnd
while the horse power Is small they
attain a p-pi-cd of from sui to 1,hk) rev
olutions icr minute.
Motor boating on tlie Mississippi
has taken a remarkable advance In
popularity lu the last season. Motor
boat clubs have been organised at all
of the smaller towns along tl( river,
IM well ns at the cities, and thero Is
siow a movement on between the clubs
looking toward the c rganl.atlon of a
Mississippi River motor-boat associa
tion, to Include nil of the smnller or
gun tent Ions.
Where a couple of yenrs ago there
were a dor.cn launches lu. InCrosse
waters there are now more than 150,
ranging from the sixteen-foot hunting
scow to the magnificent fifty-foot cruis
ers of the more wealthy boatmen.
Keen la Rnstland, Uermaar sa4 Ass.
trla Often IH-lenloaalr Small. N
Those who "pay the din-tor's b!IU
In 1'nglaud. like those ! America, gen
erally have their own Ideas almut the
H-rlodlcal outcry 'raised In eertnJn sec
tions of the medical profession as to
the Increasing difficulty pliyslclnus
have to "make both ends meet," hut If
the figures recently printed In the Hrlt
Ish Medical Journal regarding tlsj
struggle of the average pbynJelun lu
tills country to enrn anything like a
decent livelihood rellect actual condi
tions, more leniency should certainly ho
shown at least In England toward
apparently lllieral charges for minister
ing to our physical woes, says the Lou
don corresiKindent of the New York
It Is pointed out that while there
may le a few specialists In Iunlou who
earn Incomes ranging betwowi $7."i.XMi
nnd $1(K).(H() a yeiy;, the average In
come of the medical man In England
works out at something like $1.11)0 o
$1,2"0: nnd, reasoning from this over
age, the letter of a corresixmdent, who
bitterly bewails his fate at an Income
of $1.1(!0 a year, out of which ho must
defray tlie expenses of his surgery nnd
practice before he can claim anything
for his home. Is taken ns a sample of
the exiMTlence 'of the ordinary "practi
tioner in the Industrial centers of En
gland. The correspondent In question had
secured for himself a fair connection,
In point of numbers, after a rJdcnc
of ten years In his district. Of his
enrnlugs 31.0 per cent was paid to him
at bis surgery ; R7 jier cent was paid In
weekly Installments to a collector; two
thirds of the accounts were paid at a
rnte-of 0 cents n week nnd one-third at
less than 0 cents a week ; 12 per cent
had to lie regarded ns hnd debts, nnd
tlie bnlnnce, 20 per cent, hnd to be got,
If It was got at all, through the County
The reason of this Inadequate return
for nil the skill, patience and labor of
the medical practitioner In Euglnnd U
not nserliioil alone to the overcrowding
of tlie profession. Hy many the prac
titioners themselves nre blamed for
consenting to accept fees vhU'tj are no
onTy unworthy of the work diiiie but
too low when regarded In the light of
the means tf -those who have the work
done. Thlsstate of affairs Is attrlb.
ntcd to rivalry and want of unity
among practitioners In general. As a
consequence the suggestion is made that
doctors in .each district should ngree on
a minimum fee below which no one
would be allowed to go, barring, of
course, charity work.
That the conditions In tlie medical
profession lu England are no worse
than those In Germany Is shown by a
communication from a correspondent of
the New York Times, in which lit)
states that the physicians of the vari
ous German cities have been compiled
to advertise that In the future In
creased fees will be charged nnd nil
Qonsuitatlons by telephone will lw
charged for at the same rates as gov
ern when patients visit doctors' offices.
Warning Is also given that night and
Sunday calls will lie charged double.
The reasons given for the Increased
fees are tlie enormous Increase In liv
ing expenses, heavier taxes and tlio
general Inadequate charges made here
tofore. Ir. G. Tick, writing of conditions In
Austria, shows that about the same
unsatisfactory state of affairs exists
for the medical profession there as ob
tains In England, i
Kaiiernnto v. Volnnnk.
The jirimary cause of Its success tin
ibmbtinlly may lie found In the ease
with which It can be acquired, says
George Harvey of Esicninto, In the
North American Review. We are con
vlneed by personal experienco of the
Justice of the- claim that application
of one hour a day, by a fairly well
educated iierson, for a jierfod of thrtK
months, Is sufficient to Insure reason
able proficiency; Indeed, with the aid
of a simple key, Intelligible communi
cation may lie had Immediately wlUi
a uicmltor of nuy other nationality
possessing like means of translation.
That the strength of Esperanto lies In
Its really amazing simplicity is Indi
cated by tlie following comparison:
In EngllMh The International lan
guage Hliouid be comprehensible to the
whole edu'-ated world; but no man on
earth, except the Yolapuklst would
comprehend even the word 'Volapuk.' "
In Volapuk 'Tuk bevunetik pnkapn
loni fn vol lollk pekullvo); nbu men
nonlk tala sesumu volapckcls, kapaloin
pukl leknnlx, 'Volapuk.'"
In Esperanto "La Ilngvo Interna
cia estas komprciiita do la tutu inoudo
eduklta ; sed nculJ homo sur la tero
eksklusive la vohtpukistoj komprenas
In' nrtiin lingvon Volapuk.'"
Wui' f the Amateur.
Wlfey wonder why
doesn't coiiie up' '
Hubby I'm sure I can't tell. You
don't suppose you planted the seed
upside down, do youT
the grass
! tnetraelloa Xeeeaaarr,
Nature, left -to herself, often points
the way wita an uncompromising dl
rectne.ss which Is more crfectnal than
ny aid of art. Tho .Mariner's Advo
cate expresses this fact in the follow
ing: .
"My husband Is particularly liable to
seasickness, captain," remnrked a lady
passenger. "Could you tell him what
to do In case of an attack?"
"Taln't necessary, mum," replied the
captain. "He'll do It."
The collection of anthropoid apes In
the Regent's Turk Gardens is the finest
tver brought to jet her.
Womea Are) Likely to SoSTer with
Danft-erona Kidney Dlaordera.
Mrs. John Kirk, R. F. I). No. 2, De
troit, Mich., says: "Five years ago at a
critical time of life I was on the verge
of n collapse with
kidney troubles,
backache, dljtluess.
puffy dropsy swell
ings and urinary Ir
regularities. I , lost
flesh nnd felt lan
guid, nervous or un
strung all the time.
As my doctor did
not help we I began
using Donn's Kidney I'llls. In a few
weeks all these symptoms left me. I
now weigh Hi3 pounds nnd feel in ex
cellent health."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.
All pnpeia left on the trains sf the
Belgian State railways are appropriated
by the government and are utilixpd in
the nianiifnet'i-.. nf w4 tnr tickets.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
l mercury will surely destroy the sen? of
mell and completely derangethe whole sys
tem when entering It through the mucous
surfaces. Such articles should never be
used eicept en prescriptions from reputable
phjrslrlis, as the damage tlier will do la
ten-fold to the (nod you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., con
tains no mercury, and la taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood end mucous
surfaces of tlie system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure lie sure you get the genuine.
It Is taken Internally and made la Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Take Rail's Family I'llls for constipation.
Foremost among the minerals, etc.,
which Russians record as the source of
Siberia's future wealth are gold. Iron,
coking coal, manganese, copper, platinum,
emeralds, topazes, asbestos, plntiber'a salt,
o'-i in)f nnd, in pll jirhabiHty, naphtha.
For Anr Dlaenae or Injnry to
the eye, use PnTTIT'S EYE SALVE, ab
solutely harmless, acts quickly. All drug
gists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
An EITertlTe Stngo Speech,
Blgnor Grasso, tho actor, who Is
looked upon as one of the glories of
Italy, mado an effective response to the
enthusiasm of nu Argentine audience
after a performance. Advancing to tho
front of the stage, he drew from his
pocket a letter. ,
"This letter," he said. "Is from my
mother In Catania. She Is 80 years of
age." Then as his eyes moistened he
added, "I cannot thank you as I would,
but I feel that I should like to embrace
every one of you ns I embrace the pnge
on. which my mother hns signed her
name." . The enthusiasm of the audi
ence was transformed to delirium.
Paris Cor. London Mall.
I Positive! cured by
these tattle run.
They also relieve Db
I trass from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Ealing. A perfect rem
edy tor Dizziness, Kauaes.
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
la the atouUl, Coated
Tongue, Pain la tihs Bids,
regulate toe Dowels, Purely Veg-etaila.
Genuine Must Bear
Facsimile Signature
th,M Are vou
ly3 Happiness
M pui una
fuel, but
promptly or it whl clog your machinery, poison your blood,
throw your liver out of gear, and malic you act mean to those you love.
Your stomach is sour, your skin yellow, your breath offensive, and you hate
yourself and all mankind. Winter or summer it's all the same, when you
are unclean inside, you are unhappy and so is everybody near you. The
cure is pleasant, quick, easy, cheap, never fails. Cascarets, the world's
greatest bowel cleaner and liver tonic. Cascarets are guaranteed to cure
constipation, lazy liver, bad blood, bad breath, sour stomach, biliousness.
1 1 1 4 a). ef l rs ea-aw "
ana au summer ana winter bowel troubles. Don
haoov buv a. box tndv. All
Write for health booklet and free sample. Address
Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
aW vre. -s-a. -a-iv-ap-R
The time to complain about paltt It
before the painter applies It The man
who puts tip the money should not
shirk the responsibility of clic-slng the
paint. True, the painter ought to
know paint better than the banker, the
profes-donnl mnn or the merchant The
trouble Is, the house owner too often
deliberately bars the competent and
honest painter from the Job by nccept
Isg a bid which he or;bt to know
would make an honest Job Impossible.
Recti re your bids on the basis of Na
tional I.cnd Company's pure White
Lend and pure Linseed Oil and see
that you get these materials.
No one need be fooled by adulter
ated white lead. A blowpipe testing
outfit will tie mailed to any one Inter
ested In paint.
Address, National Lend Company,
Woodbrldgc Building, New York City.
Lord Kelvin's Itomance.
There was nn element of romance In
the late Lord Kelvin's second mar
riage. It was at the Cunnry Islands
that the great scientist mot bis bride-to-be,
and her Interest In scientific pur
suits drew them together. The sci
entist went to great leugth to unfold a
new system of elgnuling, and as he
said good-by to the lady ou the bridge
of his yacht on leaving he looked at
her and smilingly said: "Do you think
you understand the system now?"
"Oh, yes," replied his lady friend, "I
am sure I understand."
"Then," said the scientist, "watch the
vessel as It disappears from view and
I will flash you n message."
The message was, "Will you be my
wife?" The lady's reply the world
Digestive Tnhlets
Prom Tour druggist, or tbe GARFIELD TKA CO.,
Brooklyn, B.T.; ttc per bot.; samples upon request.
AUtit.-. ".
Mi.s IVachlry Ana tie. I find It hard
to entertain Mr. Keichley. He seems to
have so little geuertil information.
MatclnunkiiiK Aunt Then specialize,
my dear: specialize. If Browning la too
deep for him, trv l.'ro on baseball.
SB H TNa.' Sum u .n
r I I O rtu,llil areSki D,. lliu'i Unu
6 wry Swtom. S.n tr free tS Irl.l tool. MS MMn,
M.S. H, KLLNK, U, Ml 4nklr-,rklUelkla,r
A Knockdown Argument.
A suhurhiin school Just opening for
the senson wns composed of both city
nnd country children. The tenchcr se
lected eight hoys to debute the subject,
"Which is Preferable Country or City
AfTcr they hnd read ninny arguments
with much enthusiasm Country IIukIi
laid down his p.: per and said: "Mr.
President, they dou't know what
they're tnlkln' about. The city boy
knows nothin' about 'colng to town,'
ami that heats anything I know." La
dies' Home Journal.
Mrs. Wlnwlow's Soothing Syrup fur Clil'cl-r-n
teething, sofloiia the mini, miners In
llniiiiunilf.il. ullays iinlu, cures wlud colic,
-on a Imltlo.
Wlllftillr t'or-Iea.
Mr. 1 1 lull more 1 don't care to be seen
with that Lumpkins. There's a stain on
his escutcheon.
Mr. l'neuriteh That's so. He's devil
ish slovenly. lie could Btop Into any
cleaner's, you know, nnd er have it
scoured off. Chicago Tribune.
Hoaiiltnle and Doctor Could tVot
Itelleve Him flat Cnllrsira Rtnue
dlea a Speedy, Permanent Cure.
"Kczemn appeared when our hutiy
wns three mouths old. We applied to
several doctors and hospitals, each of
which trnve us something dlffe.vnt
every time, but nothing brought relief.
At last, one of our friends recommend
ed to us Cutlcura Sonp nnd Cutlcurn
Ointment. A few days afterwards im
provement could be noted. Since then
we have used nothing but Cutlcura
Soup nnd Cutlcura Ointment, and now
the bnby Is six months old and Is quite
cured. All that we used was one cake
of Cutlcura Soap and two boxes Cutl
cura Ointment, costing In all $1.25. C.
F. Horn, 343 East 05th Street, New
York, March 30, 1000."
nicis. roR cvcrv
1 M?5 T LL ,
'm.aWl-- rnlllO, "Ur LVInT 'tj " sfllliiar W . . Tl. I VV.
V. L. Daugfam mxktrm and mmla mora "VTtt
' man'm2.60,a.00and$n.60nhcam
. v man any tinar manufacture in tha
Ckd world, baoauao iiay halJ Ihoir "J)
snaps, tit bmtlor, woar lonpar, and
Shgs-. are of praetmr valua than any other exr-sft
sAooa In the world to-da v. CWi
W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot
S.ld by thp Ih'M khoe Aiulcrs tpi vwlivltt. hliues
mrm-a ! w. i ioniilai name ami prl
1 Cati-us; (rue tu auy uUdruss.
hatsov? Nnt tf
depends on the bowels.
your Dooy not only good
a mass of useless stuff that hns to be removed
rarv-j4 "-fc. yrs -m Va -TVe
This woman says that ataat
women should not fall to try
I.ydla K. IMnktiain's Veffetabltx
Compound as she did.
Mrs. A. Gregorv, of 2355 LawTpncsr
St.. Denver. CoL writes to ilrs.
i lMnkbam:
I " I was practically an Inyalld for alar
I ycr.rs, on account of female troubles.
I I underwent an operation by the-
doctor's advice, but in a few months X.
was worse than before. A friend ad--I
vised Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable
! Compound and it restored metoperfeo.
! health, such as I have not enjoyed la.
mnny years. Any woman suffering
I did with liocknuhe, bearing-down.
pains, and periodic palns.should not fail
to uuo Lydia, E. I'inkham's Vegetables
For thirty years Lydia E. I'infc.
ham's Vegetable Compound, mada
from root s and herbs, has been tha
standard remedy for femalo ilia,
and has positively cured thousands of ,
women who have l?en troubled wiU
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, Itbroid 'tumors, irregularities,,
jx'riodie pains, backache, that beaxw-ins-down
feeling, flatulency, Indieef
tion,dt7.7.incssor nervous prostratwn.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. PInlihnm Invites all slclfc
women to write hep for advice
Shc has B'ltiilcd thousands tO
health. Address, Lynn, Mass
A OerUIn Onra toe Fereriefanraa.
CnnatlpaHun. II e attach e,
(tiamnrh Trouble., Terlbleat
IMeereler, nd Dritritt
Worm". TlwrDrona ep ( He
111 S4 IWMinL At .11 PniMl.. WM.
MntheU firm
Jtkinf In Child
ro's Homo, S.mnle maiM KKKM Andraes,
lew Vara ciu. A. S. OLMSTED. La Roy. N V.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from ua
henlthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparationsV
alone cannot do, A
(germicidal, die in
fecting and dcodor
iziitit tuilct recjuisite
of exccptionul ex
ccilence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat nnd nasal nnd
uterine catarrh. At
dru( and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sampls
THE MXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass..
I,?--WT-,.t by JOHN W. MORRIS,
S. C. X. u.
No. 20 1008.
Be Equaled At Any Price
liui.lr'l lrotii Jivlnry to aliT Hart of the world, llii
Is rtiimpeil on bottom. Tnae m -nn.tlt-re
YV. I.. 1U VUUkM, Uruckuut, Alas
Every time you eat, yo'i
material tor recairs and
t be un-
NT ' I
zM I h&