Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 19, 1907, Image 5

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o) Aiuura
Dm F m
In England and France the Sale,
of Alum Baking Powder is pro
hibited bylaw because of the in
jurious effects that follow its use.
The law in the District o!
Columbia also prohibits Alum.
n food.,
'You may live where as yet
1 'ill ! I mil Him imnw I ill I'll ll ' . ('iOMAlMiUri
rwi - wife
you have no protection against Alum, fih
0 . i
The only jyre protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo
Geo Niebulir was borne from fiiont
City oyer Sundsy.
Janus King of Homer was Lore on
business 'Wednesday.
George Carter visited at the M O
Ayres Lome Toesdey. .
Al Tiiey was over from Sioux City
Wednesday on legal business.
Black walnut fence posts for sale.
Enquire of Mrs Mary It MoBeath.
Miss Florence Park, of Randolph,
is risking at the L M Leslie home.
Wanted two car loads ef pota
toes. L M Leslie, Dakota City, Neb.
Dick Broybill is engaged in doing
some paperhanging at Lew Arabrights.
Genuine Bhakcspcar reels, $2.00 to
1115,00. TheOrcutt Co, Bionx City
W OMcNamaraand Attorney Dodge,
of Sioux City, were here on business
I Tuesday.
Miss Alice Dellaren, of Sioux City,
spent a few days at the Wm Orr borne
this week.
Chas Culler and wife of Wayne, vis
ited here over Sunday at the Wm
Adair home.
Mrs Henry Loomis of Homer, spent
a few days here the past week at the
John II Beam home .
Glen Armour and Robert Bileman
left Wednesday morning for Western
Nebraska, on a land seeking tonr.
Children who go to Van's can get
two cents worth of candy for one cent,
and a whole lot of it for fire cents.
ROYAL Is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar, a pure. Grape
product Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food.
Gnarauteod absolutely the strongest
and best fencing on the market
Gasolene Stoves
Get our prices on
Local Items.
for rent inquire at this
building an ad-
A Louse
Henry W Wood is
dition to his home.
A pair of shoes for 50 cents, while
they last. D C Sticson.
Judge R E Evans was down to Pen
der Tuesday on legal business.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Vac de
Wm Niemeyer went to his claim
near Belvidere, S D, Tuesday to spend
a week with his family.
Emma and Martha Eft-aid, cousins
of Mrs Lorenz, came over from Sioux
Oity last Sunday and were entertained
at the home of Mr and Mrs Lorenz.
Representative D C Heffernan of
Hubbard, was an over night visitor
bere Tuesday being enroute home from
Waltuill. where he bad attended a lot
sale in that place Tuesday
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.A O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time ;
6:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3 :37 pm .'. Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
7:58 am Newcastle 10:00 am
2:08 pm "' 6:08 pm
5 :62 pm Omaha 7:35 am
3:37..... Norfolk 6:32
Carl Reed of Sioux City spent Sun
day here
All the latest designs in wall paper
at L M Leslie's drug store.
For field and garden seeds of all
kinds, go to Or F Broyhill's.
Will buy about two cr loads of po
tatoes. L M Leslie, Dakota City, Neb.
Attorney Mell Beck of Sioux City,
was transacting business lie re Ibbv
Clifford Judd and wife of Sioux City
were over Sunday visitors at the M M
Ream home.
Edward Winke and wife of Sionx
City, were Sunday visitors at the Wil
liam Lorenz home.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can get them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Rev (ieo P Mead of South Sioux
Citj, condasted quarterly meeting ser
vices in the M E ohurchhere Saturday
and Sunday.
At a meeting of the school board
Monday evening, Principal W H Patch
in and Assistant W L Best were re
elected for another year.
Rev L W Soudder, Presbyterian
minister at Winnebago agency, was
here over Monday night, the guest of
Rev and Mrs Oberholtzer.
C B ft Q
So. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln 12:32 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger. .. .6:53 pm
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
We have a good five room house,
centrally located, one block from street
car line, good water, some fruit, for
sale or rent. Call at The Herald Office
W. C. EckKeurt
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately Fitted.
Coi.ultstion and Examination Free.
Office at residence.
George Barnett is negotiating for a
new and much larger sawmill to re
plaoe the one he now has, which he
considers to light for the work he has
n sight,
Mrs Lettie Rix was down from
Wakefield from Sunday until Tuesday,
visiting relatives. She reports a good
trade in her new millinery store whieh
she started there reoently. .
Prof W H Patchin took the eleventh
and tenth grades to the bluffs Mon
day to enjoy an outdoor picnio and
gather botany specimens. The weath
er was net ideal for a picnic, but the
crowd enjoyed themselves nevertheless.
Deak and Kelley Foltz have received
an offer to go to Pleasanton, Nebr, to
play ball this summer. The offer
comes through "Bill" Holtzinger a vet
eran baseball ciunk, formerly located
here in t lie drug store, lhe boys are
undecided whether io take up the offer
or not.
The Heiald for all the news :
Frank Modlin and family have rnov
ed to LeMars, Iowa.
MrsCapt O'Connor of Homer visited
friends bere Tuesday.
J N Johnson of Nacora was a busi
ness visitor here last Fiiday.
Two teams of horses for sale. Call
and see them. D C Stinson.
Jointed steel rods, $2.50 special.
The Orcutt Co, Sioux City, Iowa.
Miss Jennie Fairweather is visiting
this week at her home in Aurelia, Io.
Mrs Stella Beith visited several days
last week with her sister at Lawton,
Mary Boler visited relatives and
friends in Omaha last week, returning
When you get ready to paper your
home, order your wall paper at L M
Leslie's drug stoie.
George Penry shipped a car of cat
tie and Hugh Graham a car of bogs
from here Wednesday.
Have you tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster?
They are surely dandy.
Barney Gribble is building a two
story addition to the house recently
purshased of Mrs Lettie Kix.
Blackhawk corn planters, Rock
Island discs, and all the best makes of
farm machinery at G F Broyhill's.
Em Harris, of Homer, was herd on
business Wednesday. He had been
on the Sioux City market with a car of
The village board met Tuesday
evening and effected an organization
by electing Henry Lahrs chairman and
Paul Pizey clerk.
We can furnish the Lincoln Evening
News in connection with the Herald
for f 2 80. This offer is good only du
ring the week of April 22 to 27.
Eric Ansnes has moved to vista,
where be is section foreman for the
Omaha road. Eston Olsen, the former
section boss nt that place, has moved
here to reside.
Howard Edward Hoyt and Eva M
Campbell, born oi Uoodwin, were
nnited in marriage Wednesday by
County Judge J J Eimers.
Guldie, the eldest daughter of Ed
t rederieK ana wue, was operated on
Monday by Dr Roost of Sioux City, for
the removal of her tousilsand a growth
in her nose.
Henry Bartel is buildiug a house
end barn on the 80 aores reoently pur
chased of Albert Bliven. Carpenters
Crozier, Strohm and Rockwell are the
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields ec Slaughter Co.
S C Mills, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Chas Marvin, who has beeu employ
ed in the Pilgrim livery barn at South
Sioux City fnr several years, loaves
Sunday for Seattle, Wash, to look up
a new location.
Van de Zedde will sell you the
choioest flower and garden seeds, in
packages or in bulk, and when you
have purchased seeds to the amount of
50 cents he will make you a present of
a gold fish.
John H Ream was appointed post
master at this place last Thursday,
vioe Mrs Etta M Spencer, resigned.
The change in postmasters will proba
bly be made the 1st of May.
before you bny.
harness, either
H F Kohlraeier returned home Wed'
nesday from Jerico Springs, Mo, where
he had been to Bee bis mother, who is
seriously ill. He reports a frost in
that section, but the fruit was net in'
jured. :
I am now ready to take orders for
painting an paperbangiog. Will
furnish estimates on auything in this
line of work. Let ve orders at Les
lie's drnsr store for anything in this
line. Bert Brasfleld.
James Spencer and Will Phillips
left lait Friday over the Burlington
for Hoyt, Colo, where they will locate
on homesteads. They shipped a car
of horses, maohinery, fence posts, etc,
and have cone with the intention of
making it win.
A little Kirl talking to one of our
. . . I 3
vouna men tne otner nay was uearu
saving "my sister bad a ternoie irignt
yesterday. She bad a black spider
run np her arm. lual is notning,
the fellow replied, "I had a sewing
machine run up the seam of my pants
Thomas Ashford, Sr., Dead.
Another of Dakota county's pioneers
Aissed to the great beyond since our
last issue. The cold hand of death
was laid ou one who had braved the
hardships of pioneer life to make a
home here for himself and family.
Thomas Ashford was born April 10,
1828, in Wicklow county, Ireland;
died April 18. 1907. He had been in
feeble health for several years past,
and gradually grew weaker until death
gained its victory.
Deceased came to Amenoa in 184V,
landing in New Orleans. From there
he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he
resided two years, then moved to Indi
ana axid made that state his home until
. n r -v - -mf 1. inn. .f - I
looo. jn iurcu ivwi ui tu jmt i
he arrived in Dakota coocty and has
since made this hit home.
He was married to Miss Maggie
Duggan April 1, 18ftl, in the Catholic
eliurch at Jackson, Nebr, and settled
on the faim near Homer where he baa
resided ever since.
His devoted wife and six children
survive him The children are Thom
as, John, George and Mrs Jnlia Rvan,
of Hemer: Mrs Mary Thuet, of Chios-
ero: Mrs Miff oie Maxwell, of JJuHotal
By hard work and an honest upright
life he had amassed considerable prop-
ertv consisting of some of the best!
land in Omadi precinct.
The funeral services will be held
tomorrow (Saturday) morning, at 10
o'olock in the Catholic church at
Homer, and will be conducted by Fr
J E English, of Hnbkard. Interment
will be in the Catholio cemetery at
From Far off India.
Following is the report of Mrs Jessie
Mssih, a native missionary of India,
who is supported (to ft cortain extent)
by the Epworth League of tuia piaoe:
In the Itnunja circuit theio f on r hlble
renders working, of whom I lmve control
end whote work I tnnpoct. Tho work U
not only In the city but In the hnmlnti round
nhout. Kvenr month three times I try to
mnke tho rounds of the vltliures about this
plnco. snil the remainder of the time, I
spend In Itnunja In the homes of tho snn
anns of the hlBlmr cimtes. These Itnunja
works are constantly InrreoslnR, especially
In the tnnnnnx. Tho women hero meot me
Innvery pleutnntnnd kind way nnd listen to
my rellRlous Instruction from their hearts.
Whenever I ko tothi'lr homos they lonve
whatever work they aro nt nnd come anil sit
bcKldo mo. The slnglnit of by inns and soims
Is a common thlntr. but to my mind tho Im
portant thing Is tho teaching of tho word,
and with all my honrt I try to tench them
the OoKpol, thnt they niny ronlly know what
there is of truth of the Christian's sncrod
nook. And when I teach them tho word they
novfr dispute Its truth, but ou tho other
hand they always say "those words uro
truth." Hut If I do nothing but condemn
their Idols they get angry. Hoi teach tho
word of God ami avoid those things nt which
they take offence. It Iscnouich that I teach
them Christ. n '
I have i (Sunday school In which there are
aliout 80 or 85 attendants, boys, girls and wo-
I have recently gained access to the
house of tae Kant (Princess) of this plnco
Once she was very III, and thero wore a great
many Hindu women Who went to see her,
but thoy would not allow any ono of another
cast or religion to go In. Rut thero came a
Christian nurse from Lucknow to wait on
her, and through her I sent word that the
wife of the Jhrlstton preacher would like to
visit her. At once tho Hani sent word for
mo to come, end not only welcomed mo but
told mo I was to have admission whenever I
doslred to visit her. So now for si a months
I hnvo been going regularly. When the
Kanl got well from her sickness I sought an
opportunity of friendliness through teach
ing her knitting and crocheting, and gradu
ally have worked In Christian teaching nnd
things of tho Hplrlt. There Is one bhujan of
which she is very fond "Thou, Christ, art
my friend ; I)o not forget to caro for mo."
Ono dny sho said to mo that tho servants
of her pnlnce were very Imd, much given to
gossip and tongue-lashing, and asked me
to stop It. I asked her how she thought I
could dolt wbjn she horself was helpless.
But she urged and said she was sure tho
worst woman would hear. Then I under
stood that this worst ono was Just getting
ready to go on a Journey to some sacred
pluce to bathe In the waters there. I told
herthouftelossnessofsuchthings.butihe was
determined and said she was going anyway
I told hor If she went, when she got Into the
water Just to remember that it was all use
loss to go through ceremonies as long as the
anger and fighting and backbiting wore in
her heart. She burst out crying and Prom-1 believe that a low OflCed Oaint
nlua tin t hntA wlniinHnMitiini. I
Afncrican Horf Eccicim 0
Prices to
Gall and examine onr
Sewing j
Machines j
10 Year Gnarantee giv
en with each machine
We have on hand ft fine line of both farm and
single or double.
Onr line of
is more complete than ever. We have just received ft shipment of n
white Enameled ware which we sell at prices unheard of before.
We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware. V
Yonrs to Please
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co, !
II. F. Kohlmkikb, Local Manager.
Dakota City, - Nebraska jj
It is Delicious
25 cento per Pownd (
BlendoS and packed fro at carefully seleoted coffee by
No 6 Front St.
Ilomer, Neb
Don't let anyone make you
Henry Beerman, who works for Flei
man merman, . was thrown from a
horso Saturday and was quite seriously
ioiured about the face. Beveral stitches
were required to close tho wound on
his face.
KILLtke cough
and CURE the LUNGS
for 0k
0UGH3 and
the t i r.r
Cron Trial. P
Surest and Uuitltest Cuie for ali
Have you tried that new package
coffee that Van de Zedde is selling?
It is only 30o a ponnd, and you get
a nice dish with each package you
bny, besides a chance to draw a set
of handsome dishes free. The coffee
is worth the money and you get the
dishes forhiog.
Owing to the lingeriug of smallpox
in some parts of the county and the
disregard to quarantine regulations,
County Attorney F 8 Berry has sigm
fled bis inteution to take the matter in
hand and have a county board of health
appointed to look tfter the matter of
quarantining and caring for those
afllicted with the disease. This thing
ot jeopurdizinc public life and health
is a serious mutter, and needs lookiug
Mrs A 3 Buoliauau, daughter of B
F Strohm, died Wednesday at Ilermo-
sa, Coin, bhe leaves eight children,
the youngest being two weeks old.
Mrs U F btroum left for Uolorado
Thursday morning to attend the funer
Mrs Lydia Ferguson, of Pierce, Neb,
who has been visiting a brother at
Oayville, 8 D, waj visiting at the
home of Kev and Mrs Sbafer, Wednes
day and Thursday of this week. Mrs
Ferguson is a member of the church
of which Kev Bhuftr wus pastor at
The Nebraska Agricultural Experi
mem Station has just issued Bulletin
No 97 entitled "Potato Experiments.
The Bulletin gives results of experi
ments with different kinds of tieed,
size of seed risers, different methods
of preparing the lund, pluuting, culti
vating, mulching, and the like. It is
Bpr.t fiee to residents of Nebraska.
Bequests for it should be addressed to
the Agriculture Experiment b tut ion,
Lincoln, Nebraska,
Sioux City's Leading Jewellers
511 Fourth Street
Both Telephones
A colored woman threw a lot of odds
and ends of medicine left over after
her husband's death into the fire. The
exnlosioa that followed carried tne
stove thru the window. "Mos power
ful moviu' medsin I eveh saw d, saiil
she. "No wondab the old man gone
Harrv Fove has erected several new
cottages at his Crystal lake park, and
has eanipped his boatyard with gaso'
line launches and smaller craft for the
convenience of those who come there
for ideasure. As soon us the weather
moderates he will hold a formal open
ing of his resort.
A vounK man took his best girl t
church and stopping at the end of the
hack Dews turned to the usher an I
said: "I truess we can squeeze in here.
"Yes," said the nsher with a smile, "1
ornosa von can. but probably it wouia
rf - . . . - .,
he better for all concerned w wan un
til you get home ."
The Western league baseball season
o tinned in Sioux City Wednesday with
a rkttline eood game with the Omaha
bunch. Sioux City won the game,
snore 8 to 4. They finish with Omaha
Saturday. The uext series will be
four gumes with Uenver, beginning
Hunday, followed by four games with
-' - i .
"A silver shoe horn is a misnomer,
said a vhilologiHt. . So is a wcodeu
mile t-toue. So is a steel pen. A
shoe horn is a piece of horn, according
to its uume. How c-u it be made of
silver, thou? In like manner a mile
stone can t be made of wood though
tltey have them, nor can a pen, which
strictly means a feutliec, bo mat'.e of
steel. Irish stew is u dih unknown
in Iielund. Jerusalem artichokes were
never heard, of in Jernxslem. Prus
sian blue does not come from Prussia,
but from the red prussiute of potash.
Oalvanized iron is not galvanized;
it is zino coated. Cat gut is not the
cut of cats, but of sheep. Dog skiu
gloves do not come from dogs, but
from South African sheep. Sealing
wax has no wax in it, nor is it a by
product of the seal. Wormwood bears
uo relation either to wood or worms
Rice paper is never made from rice
India ink is unknown iu India. Tur
keys come from our own country, from
j Tuikey never."
lseU she would give up those wickednesses.
But she went on her Journey, to be gone
three months. I am praying; that sho may
bellvve the word of the Lord and be saved
from all sin. .
Besides Itaunja, I work In the cities of
Marlon, Bakhshlka talab, Harmwll and
AumnlttanJ. In the latter place we have no
worker, and so of course I must ko there.
I have fourteen houses there. This work Is
among the lower easte people and th- a'e
somewhat fearful.
Our prayer Is that turougu tne neip or
Christ wc may bo able to ket-p on working.
Jrhsir Masiii.
iS sllltt
Official Announcement.
The third annual convention of the
Dakota County fcunday School Associa
tion will be held May 28 and 29, 1907,
in Ht Paul's Lutheran church, Kev E
II Combs, pastor, at Homer, Neb.
Plan now to attend many good
things are in store for us. Miss Ma
mie Haines, superintendent or the iue
mentarr Department of the Nebraska
Ktate Hunday School Association will
be present during the entire conven
tion. Prof u m nteiuiey, ctato r leui
secretary, will be with us one or two
setsions. D W Nouise, of Sioux City,
will oive an address, and some of the
best speakers and most suooessiui ana
day school workers in the county will
take part In tne convention.
There will be eood niusio and tree
Each school in entitled to one voting
delegate for every 10 of its membership
or frooti ,n thereof. Everyone is in
vited to attend all sessions of this oon
vi otiou. Come and help make it a
sucot ss.
Eli.ueth S IIaask, L Krvoer,
Secretary. President.
For Sslc
Two milk cows for salu; also one
yearling Hereford bull. Win Lulirs,
Dukota City, Neb.
For horst s and cattle. See me at the
farm ono and one-half miles north of
Vista. W JJ BoiiKitTS,
Tonca, Neb, B F D No 3
is cheap! The Best paint is the
cheapest paint ! We handle the
Minnesota Linseed Oil & Paint
Co.'s line, and it is the best.
Also Oils, Turpentine, Brushes
and Wall Finishes.
Give us your order.
Roof of your house or
barn gone back on you?
No wonder oftcr the hard winter.
Few can stand it.
Tut on a new one of Ruberoid
Roofing. No trouble then.
Kubcroid is an clastic roofing and
will stand ell kinds of weather
heat, cold, sun, rain, wind; makes
no difference to Ruberoid.
It is weathjr-proof and fire-re
Will not melt, srack or rot.
Most easily applied and requires
no painting.
Call or write for fu!l particulars,
samples ccd prices
George Timlin, Manager
Real Estate Transfers-
Mary OOook to Jomph ('lenifiits.
IS In hlot-k . Moan's aduilloii
huu Ui Hloui (Jity, Qod
Clyde J Hmlth to Hevern HmltTi, lots 4,
ftimi s in IiIim-ic is. nor in auuiuou io
Kim-moil, wd 110
M H Davis and wife to T and W H Uil
moiir. IiiLm and S In hWx-k W. Coving
ton annex to Wouth Hlous Clty.qed.. 1
IHIorsG IBlsiTJkG"w:c