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About Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1900)
II 1ST I Odds ana Ends ! 1 Choice an v necktie..' Laundered white shirts Unlaundered white shirts Everv-dav shirts collars Attached ri;?fliTii";;;i ViKwi ill b4 I SKovi LOCAL NEWS. Anthony Myers wrs over from Sioux City Wednesday. Mrs. E. J. Raymond and son are up from Wayne visiting. Mrs. Van de Zeddo has been allliet ed with a severe cold a few days. Barney Gribble sends the Herald to J. H. Jackson ut Bottle Creek, Neb. Deputy Treasurer Boler spent Wed nesday night at home near Jackson. Will H. Ryan contemplates a trip nnto the British Columbia nftor Feb. 1st. County Treasurer Boler and wife spent Sunday iu Pender, visiting rel atives. Don't forget the Herald does all kinds of "job printing. Good work at fair prices. $4.00 for 25c. call on Len O'Harrow S18 Fourth street, Sioux City, and see how it is done. Thos. J. Hartnett of Jackson, who has been ill for several weeks, is now convalescent. Mush and Milk Warner of the Lyon's Looking Glass was snooping round these parts Saturday. Quarterly meeting services will be held at the M. E., church this after noon and tomorrow. Stephen Cain, the fat Irishman from Emerson precinct, was in town Thurs day, hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Warner left Monday evening for Southwestern Iowa for an extended visit. The Herald is a clean family nkws paper. It's columns are not tilled up with smutty btories and vulgarity. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John C . Duggan of Goodwin, January 8th, a fine daughter. All are doing well. Gerald Dillon, the champion check er player of St. Johns precinct, greeted his friends down this way Thursday. Robert Roe, who has been an in mate of iho county poor house for the past eight mouths, died Wednesday. Sale bills promptly executed at the Herald ofliee, and notice given in the paper. Wo have the best aireulation in tho county, Jcs. Cooley, the efficient mail car rier, was setting up the cigars Tuesday over the arrival of a flue boy at his JlUUlUi ..11 uuiufj " t 11. Lew Armbright came in yesterday and handed us $2 for this news giver and the Sioun City Semi-Weekly Jour nal one year. Bully for Lew. Several of our subscribe t have promised us wood for back srbscrip tion.i Right now we'll take the wood, later on we'll wuut the money. They can take their choice. Tho Herald and tho Cincinnati Inquirer one for local and county news, the other for general news both large papers all for fci.OO per year in advance. Some postmasters of this county are sending back copies of the Hkkakd marksd "refused" that have never been refused, and delaying business letters addressed to this ofllco. There will be a rattling of dry bones in Wash ington if we go after them . Tho Heii alp asks no favors, neither will it stand imposition. Last Thursday evening word was re ceived by telephone at this place that Sam Ayres, who resided at Sioux City, son of Frank Ayres, had shot himself through the head. His father and un cle immediately drove over and arrived at tho bedside a short while before his death. The funeral wus held at this place Saturday afternoon, conducted l' '. Clark. V miles Lv load led t'J chop wooi J..IIN Ml l'U.L. Omaha World-Herald is givai i d.ii'y pup-r, and it is ulsn gnat us f. klv paper, its weekly issue, is m iet a hemi-weeklv. Iiccuutc it is published twice a week so as to give subscribers the news more fre quently, contains all the news of the day, besides a large amount of miscel lany, a agricultural department, and .quite elaborate reports on the stock .and grain market. r 1 :im ..1, ...... tl... T H mMm&m$The Price Knife Makes Another Gash! .'19c 3 " JiOoj'l IJi) Mo 4! " - 30 jjj Broken sizes, plain black, stripe and plaid J I woVsteps, fine cassimere and cheviots, from jjv! iQ S; assorted lots, worth up to $22.00, all go at kJQ'O' Will continue to give the clothes-buying as well as the clothes-selling public an opportunity to talk, to think, to buy to buy Suits, Overcoats and Furnishing Goods cheaper than -ever clothing was sold beforo in Sioux City. &igf PAPPE BROTHERS. 1 - - -- : : - : -m Wm. Foltz has been engaged for a week past in building a tine house for George Woods on his farm south of Hubbard. The Herald the oflicial newspaper of Dakota County for l'.00 and the Sioux City Semi-Weekly Journal, one year for $'2.00. I have some clothing and some shoes that I will trade for wood or corn. I will also take wood or corn on accounts except for groceries. D. C. Stixson. Cheapness is no truo criterion as to the value of a newspaper. If you want news, and lois of it for a moder ate sum, try the Hekalp and some of its clubbing papers. The fact that the Herald editor no longer carries out the idea continually advanced by tho delectable Atleo in looking like a bum, seems to grind that Hon(?) gent. He feels riled that we do not follow his example in in vesting our proceeds in booze and "false l)ottoms." Common rumor has it tho Hon. (?) gent has progeny sulli cient to oecupy his attention without taking any other burdens on the "Old Man's mind." The editor of this oflicial newspaper attended church and took dinner with Banker E. T. Rice at Bancroft Sun day. Bancroft has grown moro sub staucially than any town in nortLeast Nebraska tho past three years. About 30 new large two story dwelling houses have been erected, water-works system put in, and several lino business blocks. It has a general air of prosperity hard to equal anywhere. Wo also visited in Pender and shook hands with many old friends. We put up Sunday even ing at the best hotel in Northeast Nebraska Tho Hotel McDonald, at Emeisou, ran by that prince of land lords, Barney McDonald. We found Emerson growing fast also, several large buildings having been erected. We called on Editor Knight of tho Ad vocate and found him up to his ears in work. We most thorougly enjoyed our visit. M. C. Jay went to Emerson, Pender and Ponca Tuesday to arrange for a bond for Attorney Thompson, who is in jail at that Ponca, bound over to the district court on if 1500 bond, charged by W, H. Smiley with defrauding him of the proceeds of his storo at Emer son. Smiley it seems is out on the watpath. He claims he was induced to sign over1 his stock &o to Thompson on representation by him and other parties that he was in danger of arrest. Ho did so and left the town. Ho re turned some time afterwards at night and on proceeding to his homo found that ho was not the only pebble on the beach, and that several people of bo'h sexes were present having a high time. Ho left without entering, and now has returned and is going after the people he alleges stole his property, his wife and his happiness. From what we hear, there will be a lively time beforo ho gets through, as he implicates sev eral prominent people. The sympathy of the people is with Smiley, and they hope to see him land a few hypocrites and sneaks behind the bars. Editor Cobb of the Enterprise wrote Thomp. son up, anil was arrested lor criminal libel. Who is to blame is not, kn jvn, but any person or persons who inter fere with another man's home and fam ily should be given all tho hell it is possible to give them this side of the lirery furnace. We have kuown Smi ley live years past and always found him a gentleman. Lutheran Church Services, Emamel, Dakota City: San Jay School every Sunday morning at 9:45. Preaching services every alternate Sundays at 11 a. m., also "every alter nate Sunday at 7 -'M i m. Young People's prayer meeting Wednesday evenings ut 7 :'M. St. Paul's, Humkii: Preaching every alternate Sunday at 11 a. m. Salem: Sunday School every Sun day at 1 :30 P. m. Preaching at 2 :.!0. Young People's meeting at 7 :.'!() v. m. WJJ'!JiiiL ,DV,t,,l to attend these aervicc. S. M. it!u 'M u r. ! M. E. Chnrch Services. i'nisr M. E. Chi kch: PieaeljW' ' 11 a. .m. ami 7::i0 I-, m., Rf wort 1 1 I i.e iKiie '' 1: m. Sunday Schlo1 10 M I Prayer Meeting Thursday eve (ii g at j 7 :;ii. i At Grace M. E. Church 1 rvices clK)l p. m. will be held as follows : Sunda at 1:30 p. m., Preaching at 2: Everybody m invited to attend J'. M. Clark, 1 tjr. "-fl-pl 1 1 4" O U if 4. J I A I LOl "" WW ' GET maiia Weekly FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS YEAR. -pHE OMAHA WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD published twice a week costs Si.oo a year. It con tains all the news, be sides much miscellany, an agricultural depart ment and fine market re ports. It was formerly edited by Wm. J. Bryan and is still his strongest supporter, often publish ing his speeches and articles. Those who subscribe now for the remainder of this year free. The editor of this paper Js authorized to receive subscriptions. NOTICE. In tho District Court of Dakota Coun ty, in tho State of Nebraska: Nellie R. Davis, Notice Plaintiff, j to vs. ! Xon Resident John Davis, Defendant. Defendant. J Tho defendant, John Davis, will take notice that on the 15th dny of November, 1800, the plaintiff tiled her petition in the District Court of Da kota County, Nebraska, against the defendant, tho object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on tho ground of extreme cruelty and want of support. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the '20th day of January, 1000. Mell C. Beck, Attorney for Plaintiff. Compare the Herald with other county' papers, take its general news, homo news and county news into con sideration; then hand us $1.50 for a year. You won't regret it. Farewell Rccqiti Given by Mrs. SchmieP in Honor of Mts. Baughman. Au elegant and extremely enjoyable Five O'clock Tea was given by Mrs. Mell A. Schinied last Monday evening, in honor of Mrs. Win. Baughmau, who left Wednesday to join her husband at Modale, la. Tho ladies considerately left their worses halves at home, and, after much social enjoyment, sat down to a delicious repast, prepared by tho careful hands of the hotess, compris ing the following MExr : Oranges. Pulverized Sugar. .Salmon Loaf with Cream Dressing. Surutoga Chips. Sandwiches. Cabbage Salad. Beef Loaf. Cream Potatoes. Stewed Corn. Pickled Peaches and Pears. Pickalillv. Hot Biscuit. Jellv. Coffee. Fruit Gelatine with Whipped Cream. White Fruit Loaf Cake. Brown Stone Front Cake. After much merriment anil wishing of health and happiness to Mrs. Baughmau in her new home, the gathering dispersed. The following ladies were present : Mesdanies .1. hn Orr, K. V. I'ruzt r, It. I'.. Evans L. T. Periii. Win. Adair, M. '). Ayi.-s, II. .1. llapeiuun, M. L. lu sher, L. A. Hart. G. Miller, R. Hen diickson. W. 1. Warner. (.'. H. Mux- 1 well, SI. C. .lay, L. Guyci, E. II. i ( ii iliiilc and (iruiidnia Schinied. A Pleasant Party. Last Saturday wus Miss Mary Max well's l'Jtli birthday, and it wus observ ed by a pleasant party atteuded by young folks, a number of whom were from Siuux City. They had a jolly time, THE World -Herald Jfjfir year 1900 will receive It for the Notice.' Until further notice I shall be at my oflice in the Court Honsa the third Bat nrday of every month. At that time opportunity for examination will be eiven to applicants for certificates. Th ise desiring certificates should bring whatever documentary evidence of scholarship they have in shape of dip lomas and certificates. I shall jilwaya bo pleased to have teachers, oflicers and patrons consult with me. Direc tors should request needed supplies, always designating quantity wanted. II. J. H.U'EMAN, Covnty Superintendent. If s up to the People. Less than a year remains in which to gather facts, and information that will influence your vote for the next president of the United States. That grievous wrongs have been committed, and grave errors allowed to exist without effort at correction, is evidenced by the speech, writings, and comments of eminent statesmen and jurists ; congressmen and leading men of business ; professors and clergymen in every state. Party affiliations have been ignored in the outcry against thrusting aside the safeguards of our fathers and rush ing pell-mell into the affairs of Europe. The situation is a deplorable one if not alarming; as is also our domestic affairs dominated by gigantic Trnats. The evils are not of spontaneous growth ! They are the result of years of labor and expenditure of millions of dollars! Beginning with the dis placement of American silver ior English gold, the cunning of Eng land's diplomacy in shaping the des tiny of our Republic is apparent to any ordinary observer seeking the true inwardness of events. The Cincinnati Enquirer has fre quently called attention to each and every move as it was transpiring, and during the campaign of 1900 will present its readers with a truthful array of facts that will be extremely interesting and startling. No fair-n.inded American, be he Republican, Democrat or of other political faith, can afford at this critical time to ignore the truth. Partisan prejudice, with the Trusls as dictators, is a far more degrading slavery than that which existed previous to the Civil War of '61-64. t Trusts in the United States alune have a representative capital greater than all the gold and silver in the world. These will spend many more j millions of dollars to suppress truth ami luns anu nv.sicau au who tail to look beyond their plausible decep tions. Read the Enquirer and you will be able to discern the truth and combat falsehood. A victory for Trusts and the McKinley Adminis tration in 1900 will end the era of greatest good to greatest number. Watch carefully the Cincinnati Enquirer. jT - WM. P.WARNER. and Counselor At Law. Collections Promptly Attended to. Dakota City, Nebraska Salem Siftings. Local Happenings Around the Churches Of Interest to Our Readers. Mrs. Bodebcnder is improving quite slowly. 1 Tho meetings at thj Grace church are well attended. Mr. Horace Dutton has ordered a bran new surrey. The LaGripp and ehickeu-iox have entered the neighborhood The members of the George lioales family are again able to bo out. Miss Mabel Sides attended tho 111 a -sicale in Sioux City Friday evening, given by Mis. Stono. Will Hazelgrove has been building a new bnrn. Ho is improving his property every year. Last Monday morning, Mrs. Georgo Bates had the msafortune to fall and sprain her ankle. Since then, George has had to attend to tho household duties, Don't forget the meetings which will be held at Salem, beginning next Wednesday evening, Rev. F. L. Yargcr of Atchison Kans. will assist Rev. Lesher with tho meetings. Irving Fisher's entertained Home of the young peoplo last Wednesday eve ning, and we think from tho noise and laughter that was heard from within the house and the late hour kept that they must have had a merry time,. The members of tho Lutheran church planned a very pleusent surprise on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boales before their departure for tho west. Last (Friday) night a largo number of their friends und neighbors gather ed at their home. After general ex-' change of courtisies Rev. Lesher in most fitting remarks presented a beau tiful silver tea set in behalf of the friends of tho host and hostess. Tho token of friendship was highly appre ciated and a most fitting response was Hindu on tho part of tho recipients. The probability is that even if tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway compauy does not avail itself of the survey of the Omaha Northern Railway company on the Nebraska side of tho river between Omaha and Sioux City, that very soon it will run a survey of its own from Sioux City to Tekainah for a lino to be built in the spring. It seems that whsn T. W. Toasdalo general passen ger agent for tho road, a few days ngo authorized ths statement in Minneapo lis., and St. Paul that the Sioux City Omaha IhiA.!. the company would be shortened this yealiie only let out a secret that has been known to officials of tho road in Sioux City ,!hl vOiiiaha for two or three weeks. ""v The necessity of the Omaha road for ft short line between Sioux City and Omaha has been made imperative by the MinneaiKilis and St. Louis Illinois Central competition, and the threat ened competition of the Oreat Nor thern for the Twin Cities-Sioux City Omuh business. Itcinarkablo OfferB. The proprietor of tho Hkkai.d makes the following advantageous subscrip tion offer. For tho sum of $2 00 in cash v ill send the Omaha Semi Weekly Woild-lliiild, or the Sioux City .loui-nul Semi-Weekly Journal and the Dakota Coi nty Hkiui.h until Jan uary 1st 1'IOL Reduced rates given on all h ading magniiies and dailies. For 2.2r we will hi nd tho Weekly Cincinnati I'mjuirer, tho best paper printed between tho two oceaus, a broad, educational uewspaper and tho Dakota Ooi-.ntv IIkkai.u until January 1st 1001. This is a remarkable offer Keep your feet warm! Cold weather will toon be here, and it will be well or everyone to wan off all danger of catching cold. Warm and dry feet sate many a doctor bill. I havo a ffne lot of shoes that are selling at very low prices. AH styles, sizes and prices, Rubbers and Arctics! I have now on hand a Choice Lino oj Rubbers and Arctics. Conio and Inspect Them Before tho Best are Gone. I Guarantee my Good and Prices. S. A. STINSON. IA MM MM tVM MM MM MM M M m sua Lfl? lw t "Karl Schriever. Fred Schriever. SCHRIEVER BROS., Dealers in Shelf and Tinware, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils, Ammunition, Garden Tools, Nails, and Everything Carried in a General Hardware Store. ssr Call and Get our Prices Before Buying where. We may Dakota City, m J Xa The Olympia. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Opposite Court House, The most complete Barber Shop -AND- Bath Rooms In the City, SHAVING IOC. Under IT. S. Clothing Btore. Corner Fourth and Pierce. SIOUX CITY, - - IOWA. F. A. WOOD, Lawyer. Real Estate Loans. Collections. Notary Public. Dakota City, Nebraska. J. F. LEEDOM & SON, Practical Blacksmith. Special Attention (liven to Horse shoeing and Repairiug. Dakota City, Nebraska DR. 64 MAXWELL PhysiciaiHSi' Surgeon Calls Promptly Attended.' i DAKOTA CITY. I VKRRASKA CITY V Carries on Fresh a Cash 4 O liarv Mill MM MM aM aM k i cfji) (fi) fD (fi) ffMii Else- save you money. Nebraska. Heavy Hardware. I m PROPRIETOR OF 1 to Dakota City, Nebraska. , I JOHN DeWITT, HOUSE MOVER, reighter and General Contractor. Old Buildings Raised and Re paired. Terms Reasonable . DAKOTA CITY, - NEBRASKA. DR. D. C. STINSON, Physician and.Surgeon, Dakota City, Netaaska. .thoV ... - r calls telephone and othei promptly responded to, Go to-a' Ayres' Tin Shop For All Kinds of Stove Repairs. Hanimatt X- Rockwell Blacksmithing and Wagonworkiiig. Cleneral Blacksmithing, Plow Work, Repairing Wood or Iron Promptly and Neatly Done. DAKOTA CITY, - NEBRASKA.