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About Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1899)
r j Owned, Edited and Poblistcd By ' J. L Mil. The Finest and Cheapest IB PRINTING DAKOTA COUNTW HERALD Continuation of the Homer Herald.- DAKOTA CITV, NEBRASKA. Msatly and Promptly VOLUME XI. DAKOTA CITY, NEB., SATUKDAY, DECEMHEH 2, 180J). TIMBER 14. I r v 4. n a 1 AROUND THE EARTH OCCURRENCES THEREIN FOR A WEEK. BULLION FOR WIDOW VICE PRESIDENT HOBART'S WILL WADE PUBLIC. Twenty Thousand Dollars Given to Charity Pennsylvania Oleomar garine Dealers Sent to Prison for Rcmovlnr- Brands. Paterson, N. J.: The will of tho late Vice President Garret A. Hobart has been filed in the Passaio County surrogate's office. The value of theestate Is not given, but it is understood to be about $2,500,000. Of tho estate Mrs. Jennie Hobart, his widow, receives $1,(03,000, and half of the remainder, lifter a number of bequests, is to be paid to the son. Garret A. Hobart, Jr., he inheriting the other half when lie at tains his majority. The St. Joseph General Hospital, Chil dren's Day Nursery, St. Joseph's Orphan . Asylum and the Taterson Orphan Asylum, all of Paterson, receive $5,000 each. Ho bart Tuttle, private secretary to Gov. Voorhees, and a brother-in-law of the vice president, receives $20,0!K). A. A. Wilcox, a closo friend of Hobart, receive $10,000; David Hobart, brother of the late vice president, receives $20,0000. and each of his two children is bequeathed $10,000. The executors of the will are the widow, Mrs. Jennie Hobart, A. A. Wilcox, E. T. Dell f and Col. William Harbour. MINERS WILL FIGHT. To Continue to Defy Injunction of Federal Courts in Kansas. Kansas City: Discussing tho action of Federal Judgo 'Williams at Fort Scott, Kan., in imprisoning John 1'. Reese for alleged contempt, Jnines Boston, who also Is a r ember of the national excciOn-" board of the United Mine Workers f America, made the assertion that he would at once go into the southeastern Kansas coalchis, that be would do precisely as Mi. had done and that if Judge Wil liams should imprison him for contempt his place would b3 taken by another mem ber of ilia national executive-board, who, too, would do as Reese had done. He add ed that a member of the board would be kept constantly in tho coal fields, urging thc'nonMinion men there to quit work, de spile the federal court's injunction, and that if all tho memliers of tiie board should be Imprisoned, other members would bo (sleeted to take their places and fill the fed eral prisons. FAMOUS OLEO CASE. Wilkins and flutter Bent to Prison After Two Years Legal Fight. Philadelphia, Pa.: After a legal battle In the United States court covering a period of two years, Joseph Wilkins of Washington, D. C, and Howard Butler of this city, were on Dec. 2 sent to prison to serve sentences imposed upon them for bavlnS violated the law regarding the e of oleomargarine. Wilkins was recei...y sentenced to imprisonment for six months and to pay a lino of $1,500, and Duller to four months' Imprisonment and a fine of 1500. Wilkins and Butler were wholesale deal ers la oleomargariuo in this city. They were caught in the net of removing brands from packages of this commodity In Jan nary, 1837, and Indicted at tho February seesskn uf that year by a United States grand Juiy, their conviction following shortly afterwards. FATAL FIGHT ON AN ELEVATOR Former Member of the Sixth Mis- ouri Volunteers Killed. St. Louis: Andrew Wind a formei memlx-r of tho Sixth Missouri Volunteers In Cuba, egaged in a desperate fight Dec. 2 with It. H. Harmon in an elevator in the Fraternal building, in which the latter is engineer. During tho struggle Wind came in contact with the lever which con trols the elevator and it started upward. Wind was caught between the ceiling -f the second floor and tho car aud horribly mangled, dying shortly afterward. Har mon is under arrest. ' , Good Night for Safe-blowers. Topeka: A gang of professional safe Mowers robbed the Mid -Continent Mills, the grocery stores of O. M. Brill anu Gran ter & Olierly Dec. 2. At the latter place they secured $251 in cash end $42 in checks. At tho other place litt e was secured. .- Nitro-glycerino was used ti open the gro cery safes aud the combination was ' pounded from the mill safe. Accident to Artillerymen. Pittsburg: While a section of Battery D of the National Guard of Peunsylvauia was firing a governor's salute of seventeen guns during the parade in Allegheny pre ceding tho unveiling or a Spanish gun captured and presented to Allegheny City, a premature discharge of one of the guns occurred and three men were hurt. St. Paul Grocery Hoiiha Iturned. St. Paul: At 10 o'clock a few evenings sirv lire wis discovered on the second c e large v.nwiesaie grocery ooner it Co. The flames spread i-a . -tt er.- rfci.artmeut was 1v CI, ml 1UC. ' - M., W f' (, ' at fikwa. which ! tu? msurawe. .. wiifciieudrd. Suspension lioui ttie ,ne ear is the sentence pro ..ri directory agam" t.:n,,efirn,ofll,rreU.Far;i- which failed a lew .; . ! of uncommercial conduct. iulUs been ,n active fader on for over twenty e.... i; iil.Ml at u CroNHing .. p , A Pennsylvania Railroad Ciaubiirra ah L b Jot: t:h'.eig" I i.nuin-'"1 f . liar I 1 inn & - I I on the ch If Jdr.-Ua-re II the board if llazelt ihe'l !" UilliiiS tlre women. FATE OF GILMORE. A't ihcntto New of the Lieutenant I Received at Vlgan. Manila: When the landing party from the United States battleship Oregon, under Lieutenant Commander McCrackin, took the town of Vlgan, province of South llocos, Sunday, Nov. 26, they found there an escaped prisoner, A. L. Sonnenshein, who furnished Uie first authentic account of the experience of Lieut. James C. Gil more of the United States gunboat York town. Mr. Sonnenshein was imprisoned at Abra for a long time with Lieut. Gil moro and seven sailors, but contrived to escape, carrying a concealed note, written In naval cipher, signed "Gilmoro." ' According to Mr. Sonnenshein, when Lieut. Gilmore's launch entered tho rivor, from Baler harbor, under cover of Ensign W. II. Standley's gun, the landing was re ceived with throe volleys. Two of the Americans were killed and two mortally wounded. F.very man was hit, Lieut. Gilmore re ceiving a flesh wound In the leg, and his foot stuck fast In the mud. It was a choice between surrender and being slaughtered. Lieut. Gilmore asked the terms of re lease. The insurgents proposed -that ho should procure the delivery to them of the arms and munitions of the Spanish garri sons, undertaking, if this were accom plished, to send the Spaniards and Ameri cans to the Vorktown. A sailor of Lieut. Gilmore's party car ried this proposition to the garrison. The Spanish commandant replied that it was an insult to Spanish arms. The Americans were then bound hand and foot, and taken to San Isidro, when Gen. Luu a ordered their execution. They were marched to the plaza, and in the presence of a great crowd, were aligned to be executed. Lieut. Gilmoro said: "As an American officer and gentleman, I pro test against being shot with my hands tied." Aguinaldo interfered and prevented the execution. EATEN BY FLAMES. An Electric Spnrk Does Great Dam ngo in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa.: An electrict spark in the basement of Partrldgo & Richard son's bia department store, Nos. 13 to 29 North Eighth Street, on Nov. 29. started a lii o that in less than four hours laid In ashes nearly an entire block of business houses and caused an esti mated loss of nearly $2,000,000. The heaviest losers are: J. B. Lippineott it Co., book publishers, 710 to 720 Filbert Street, whoso big six story brick building, containing rare' and valuable plates and mcchincry, was com pletely gutted, involving a loss estimated by a member of tho firm at JtJOJ.OOJ. The next heaviest loser is Partridge & Richardson, extending south on Eighth Street from Filbert a distance, of about 125 feet, and with a depth of 103 feet. Their loss on building and contents is estimated at $700,000. Lit Bros., whose department store ad joins the Lippineott building, estimate their loss at $850,000, Other losses amount to $180,000. . In addition to the big house mentioned numerous smaller stores were either gutted or badly damaged. Chief among these e Bailey's Five and Ten Cent store, on North Eighth Street, loss $100,000, and Rosenberg's millinery establishment. North Eighth Street, loss $30,030. Various other establishments were slightly damage by smoke and water. DEPART WITH THE CASH. Philadelphia "Get Rich Quick" Con cern Cloaea Its Doors. Philadelphia: The doors of the home office of the Investors' Trust, 1321 Arch Street, doing business exclusively with patrons outside the city and promising large profits on investments, have been closed, and efforts to find Lipman Kcene, president; Charles L. Work, secretary and Miss M. C. Carson, cashier, havo been un availing. Tho company began business here four years ago. Its plan was to invite the in vestment of capital, inducements being held out of interest rangiug from 100 to 200 percent. In explaining why such large gains are made the company asserted in Ms literature that it was in the confidence u. stock manipulators, and therefore in a position to know which way stocks would go. As the result of these statements cash flowed in in a steady stream. It is thought the firm has over $100,0;X) invested for its patrons. TO REMOVE TROOPS. Root's Recommendation Regarding the Forces in Cuba. Washington: Gen. Leonard Wood, who reached Washington Nov. 28, had a con ference with the secretary of war next day. After the conference Root an nounced that his recommendations as to the removal of troops from Cuba had been approved, and orders w ill be issued put ting them into etl'eut. Alleged ISriber (lives Hall. Lansing, Mich.:, state Laud Commis sioner William A. French, one of the men indicted by the grand jury. il I -aiedln the circuit court Nov. 28 ami war lulinitted to bail in the sum of $3,o'Ki, with William O. Thompson of Detroit, State Treasurer George A. Steel and Mate Printer Robert Smith us sureties, lie is charged with oJerlng, promising and giving biihesto legislative officers. ' TIE '.tit-nMiM LU WWW .j .... i.kP netroit Mien.: Announcement ' kiaua lh? Ssuif amounting to $450,00.' w Xu t to W U" tn.; Free Sis by Oov. P.ngree.i.d severa . hers. Cov 1' "gree claims J250.000, A slant (' ' Counsel C. D. Jol) .. 1 " i-,., ,. ..ration Couus -i .H I. ana i button l,l0'!tr,L Combine in Montana Sliet.. The rimwdid:itj-M::i- Billings, Moni tana Sheep and Lamb Compan men lia8 been amalgamating l" . i J ' Jl: 0W has options on Sud.WO !.' heep and 600.OUO acre of the best shcetf t.xug laud iu I be slate. j I SHIP DRIVEN BACK. Transport Striken Heavy Seas Off Cape Flutters-. Seattle, Wash.: With a cargo of dying horses and mules and fifty-five empty stalls the United States transport Victoria returned to port. Nov. 28, being forced by unprecedented stress of weather off Cape Flattery to turn back from her Toyago to the Philippines. Of the 410 horses and mules carried by the Victoria, taken on board Nov. 23, fifty- ve were literally pounded to death against the sides of their stalls in the 'storm, and tho remaining animals were so badly bruised that the officials of the vessel believe that many cannot ho saved. The animals were for use In the Philippines. Purser Lnekwood was seen and said that during the thirty-six voyages he had made across the Pacific he had never seen such a stress of weather as was encountered by the Victoria. The furthest roint reached was 200 miles west of the cape. While tho storm was at its height the oil bags were entirely emptied and everything was dona to ease the motion of (he ship. Asido from the loss of the animals no other damage was done, tho Victoria behaving splen didly. WOOD ARRIVES FROM CUBA. Has No Knowledge of Reason for II Ik Cull to Washington. New York: Gen. Wood governer gen eral of the province of Santiago, Cuba, was a passenger on the transport McPherson, which arrived from Santiago Nov. 28. Wood said: "1 have no knowledge cf the business for which I was called to Washington beyond an order to report. The condition of Santiago in relation to public affairs is Improving daily. We employ many men on public works, such as railroads, etc. The people are employed and contented. We have no destitution. I have great hopes for tho early development of the mining Industries of Santiago prov ince, with its wonderfully rich deposits of iron, copper and zinc ores, which are bound to add to the prosperity of the island." TO WORK WITH DEMOCRATS Silver Repuhlicmi Lenders DIncurs Plans for lOOO Campaign. Chicago: The executive committee of the National Silver Republican party met nt the Auditorium Nov. 2S to discuss plans for the next presidential campaign. Though no ofilcial statement was made by Chairman Charles A. Towne, the senti ment of the members of tho committee apparently favored holding the national Democratic convention and the indorse ment by the Silver Republicans of tho nominees of that convention providing the silver plank of the convention of lS'.HJ is adopted. 3RYAN WILL STAY IN TEXAS Will Prepare for Cnmpuign of lOOO in bono Star State. Austin, Tex.: W. J. Bryan mid wife cro here to spend the winter. They are tho guests of former Governor Hogg tem porarily, but will shortly rent a private residence for the winter. Mr. Bryan said he had come to Texas to spend the winter, to rest up and prepare for the campaign of 1900, which ho exected would be a very hard one, and that he would only make a few speeches in Texas during his stay. Beats Uncle Sum Out of $00,000 New York: David D. Badeau, 42 years old, who conducted stoic at 12 Broadway for the past sixteen months, has been arrested by federal officials, charged with buying and selling washed revenue stamps. He was held in $5,000 bail. Internal reve nue officials allege that he' has been buy ing and selling washed stamps at the rate or $1,0"0 to $8,000 a day, that he has cleared about $30,000 by his transactions and) that the government has lust twice that amount because of them. See Yellowstone Park Sights. Washington: Acting Superintendent Brown, of tho Yellowstone National Park, in tils annual report to Secretary Hitch cock, announces a total of 0,579 visitors to the park during the year. He recom mends an appropriation of $3,000 for pro jected Improvements, including many now roads and bridges. The report says that as a game reserve tho pari; is probably thr greatest in tho world. MARKET QUOTATION Chicago-Cattle, common to prime, 53.(10 to $7.2.r; hogs, shipping grades, $3.00 to $4.00; sheep, fair to choice, 3.UO to $4.50; wheat. No. ' red. tiTjc to Otic; coin. No. 2. 31c to 32c: oats. No. 2, 22c to 23c; rye. No. 2. 54c to 00c; butter, choice creuuiery, lue to 27c; eggs, fresh, 17c to 10c; potatoes, choice. Jiic to 45c Mer bushel. Indianapolis Cattle, shipping, $3.00 to $0.50; hogs, choice light, $3.00 to $4.25; sheep, commou to prime, $3.00 to $4.J5; wheat. No. 2 red, 05c to 7c; corn, No. ' white, 32c to 33c; oats. No. 2 white, 25c to 27e. St. Iouis Cattle. $3.25 to $0.75; bogs. $3.00 to $4.00; sheep, $3.00 to $4.25; wheat, No. 2. 71e to 72c; corn. No. 2 yellow. 30c to 32c; oats. No. 2, 23c to 2."e; rye, No. 2. 5 c to 53e. Cincinnati Cattle, $2.50 to !fu.50; hogs, S3.00 to $4.25; tdiccp, 2.50 to $4.00; wheat, No. 2, 0!e to 70e; corn, No. 2 mixed, 31c to 33c; oats. No. 2 mixed, 25c to 2"e; rye. No. 2, 50c to tile Detroit-Cuttle. $2.50 to S0.5O; hos, $3.00 to $4.00; fcheep, ja.00 to JM.OO; wheat. No. 2. (Tr to 70c; corn. No. 2 yellow, 33c lo 35c; outs. No. 2 white, 27c to 2Mc; rye. 57c lo f.!lc. T-iiedo Yi'in nt, u, -I muni yiTr-nr (V-; corn. No. 2 mixed, 32c to 34c; oats, I V 2 mixed. 2Jh- (o 24e; rye. No. 2, 55e 57c; clover. seed, $4.70 to $4.St. ! Milwaukee -Wheal. No. 2 northern, i f.4c to Ubc; corn, No. 3. 32c to 34c; oats, j No 2 white, 2le to 20c; rye, No. 1, 51.: j to fiOc; barley. No. 2. 43c to 4.n-; pork, j Bless, $7.75 to $s.2.1. I Buffalo-Cuttle, pood shipping steers, ! t' to $0.75; liit;s, common to choice, I 3.2." to $4.25; sheep, fair In choice ctll ; er. $3.00 to '4..".0; lambs, common to ; exlru. $4.5(1 l 5 25. I New York-Cattle, f3.'.5 f $!;.75; lion-, i?3.0O to $.5l; sheep. $3. to $1.75; I wiient, No. j red. 72e to 71c; corn. No. 2, ! 3fe to 40c; oats. No. 2 white, 30c to 32c; I butter, creamery. 23c to 27c; tigs, west , fin, 15c to 21c. A MAXIM DETACH , " . -y - - rmitVfl INTO "ACTION FRONT." COMING INTO "ACTION FRONT." These troops "represent the Natal earbiaiwa, who took part In the recent cn Eageinents at Gleueoe and Klnndslaagte. BATTLE AT GRAS PAN. Gen. Metliuen ttscts llocr Force Ten Miles from Hclmont. Gen. Lord Methuen's force, advancing to the relief of Klmhrrlry, ngnin met the Boer army at Grns Pan, ten miles -north of Belmont, Saturday, and a desperate bottle, lasting many hours, ensued. The engagement was uot ended when the ottl oial report was ent, iut It was construed as a British victory, despite heavy losses, in which the naval detachment stood more than its share. A recapitulation of the losses by Gen. Methnen's forces at Gras Pan shows that fifty Boers-were killed and twice iinny wounded. The bmtle began at U n. in., lusting until 10 a. ni. Boer losses must have been much heavier than known. Fifty horses were found dead where the Boers withstood a steady rain of shrapnel. The British did not pursue the routed forces of the enemy, but halted one dny to rest. The brunt of the righting In both en gfljremcnts was borne by the Ninth brig ade, the uhvnl brigade, the Second York shire light infantry and First North Lan cashire regiment. The Boer force was composed of Transvaal and Free State commandoj. Its artillery was command ed by the Transvaal general, Delarrnye. The artillery, was carried off the field, de spite the flanking attack of tho British cavelry. Among the killed were Com mander Alfred 1. Ft heist en of the cruis er Powerful, Captain Guy Senior of the Royal marine artillery, attached to the battleship Monarch, mid Maj. Plunibc oi the Royal marines. Flag Captain K. O. Prattlers was severely wouuded. The Boers shelled n camp of Rh.xlesiau horse, north of Crocodile riv ?r, aud captured the horses and mules of the squadron. Up to da'e the Boers hold as prisoners thirty-nine ollleers, 1,237 men and sixty two political piisoiu-rs. The total Brit ish losses since the opening of the cam pak'ii on Oct.. lii are 222 killed, 8S1 wounded and U7U missing, making a total of 2,7711. About 4tH) who lire uot ac counted, Hj- feared, were killed. Gen. MciPu-n'a second battle foreshad ows n hard campaign for the British. The information sent by correspondents con cerniutf Geu. Joubert's movements Is not altogether reliable, and engagements may be looked for in unexpected places, (Jen. Jouhcrt. in nv.lnterview, declares the British will be j.eutly wcn'uoil by their losses, and thai a defensivivnr by the Boers will result in guerrilla wnrfsre the British could not long endure. A dispatch from Rome says many Ital ians are leaving there to join the Boers. The Boers in their marches frequently bait their horses aud disifiount to pray for divine guidance aud aid. As the sec ond stflud by th Boers at Gras 1'au was only ten miles from' where the HVst en gagement took place, another battle is expected as soou as the British again ad vance. DEATH OF GEORGE R. DAVIS. Director General of World's Fair Ex pires In I'Ulcuuo. Col. George R. Davis died at the family residence, 002 Washington boulevard, Chicago, Saturday night. At the bedside were his wife, his two sous, Benjamic and George R. Davis, Jr., and his four daughters, Delia, Nellie, Georgia Belle, Elizabeth Davis nnd the attending phy siciuns, Drs. Pattou and Foster. ' On Nov. 13 Col. Davis was stricken with heart trouble aud a specialist was cor,. ejtoxoE n. davik. railed at -once. His juuient was found In a critical condition, but owii.g to his great vitality rallied oi d for several days thero was hope of his recovery. On Sat urday, however, he begun to sink aud an hour before he passed away he became unconscious. Col. Durls wns born in Palmer, Mass., tu IS 10. In 1M02 he enlisted and was mado a enptiiiu iu the Eighth Massachu setts iiifsutry. Lutoi- he eutred the cavalry service nnd yns promoted to a colonelcy. In JS71 he' went to Chicago. He was director general of the World's Fair. . Ituysllnrkes t..r Uuaitiu. llaron Puul N'ielitiu mff, a represent a-tiv-t-Iltts'.i. 1"hi t'ji country Ixijilk horses for the Russiu'u uruiy. He has already sent 1,000 eyiiiae home which ne secured iu Kentucky e,id Virginia. Kent 1.13,000 W't t-fls an Hour. Addition n I tests of he Polluk-Virng system of leleyrtiphy ' ere made Thurs day at Chicago. Me nges were sent to Cleveland ami duck on continuous cir cuit at tli rale of 1 O.M words an hour, ond lo Buffalo ut tin; rate of 155,000 wijrds an lioer. Generals iu Cubu -epoit everything quiet. Gen. WiUon d vises the with drawal of roops. W. J. Murphy has lycn appointed geu eral manager of the lii.ciunali Southern 4iunruuu. HUNT IN NATAL, MAC ARTHUR ROUTS REBELS. Occupies Maniruturein and Drives Flit pinoa Toward Mountnlun. Manilu advices say that Gen. MncAr thur's force tins occupied Maugatarem, west of Bayambaug, In the vsller of tht Uiu Agnn. Secn Americans who had escacd from the lustirgents were found at Mangatarcm. Three other Americani escaped from the rebels at the same time The escaping American prisoners say that four American deserters arc serving with the Insurgents. The Insurgents re maining in the west are retreating be fore MncArthur Into the mountains, drag ging six cuns. They are in command of Gen. Alejandro. Maj. Bell is in pursuit of them. Much interest is manifest In Washing ton otlicial circles as to the disposition ol Aguinaldo in case of his capture. Noiiit persons say that the best solution would be to put him to death in action. Should Aguinaldo escape to Hong Kong tht United States could not as a matter o right ask for his surrender, ond the Pres ident would therefore doubtless deter miuo to leave the Insurgent leader alone In connection with the disposition ol TBR SI.iri'K.RV Afit'IVAMlO. Aguiualdo in case of capture, the authori ties would have to consider the effect ol their policy upon the natives. When the insurrection is finally sub dued, a civilian or a committee will b sent to govern the Philippines. The arch ipelago will be divided iuto four military departments, the island of Luzon In two, over which (Sens. Law ton aud MacAr thttr will probably preside. Admiral Watson Monday cabled a con firmation of the reorted surrender of the entire province of Zainboanga, island of Mindouao. An unconditional surrender was made by the natives to '.'ommaudci Very of the Castlne. Geu. Otis' troops now occupy .nmboango, which is tha principal city of the isiaud. The south ern half of the islund is pacified aud American uuthority supreme in the dis trict. Secretary Root aud Secretary Ixing are elated aud predict that the remnants of the cative army will melt away with out offering further effective resistance. After the last Filipino council of war at Bayambaug in, the house now occupied by Gen. MacArOur, the native army scattered everywhere along the lines of railroads. Twenty Filipinos captured ihree aud killed one of a foraging party of soldiers near Ramhrin. The Americans punished tho natives by driving the Fili pinos into the mountains uud burning their village. At Mnlasiriiii Hie throats of Antonio Mejia, president of iho town, the vice president and five members of tho coun cil were cut because they welcomed the Americans. The mayor of San Carlos, who rodo in a carriage with Gen. MacAr thur, was murdered. VALUE OF HOBART ESI ATE. Dead Vice President's Wealth Is Esti mated at $3,000,000. It Is estimated that Vice-President Ho bart left an estate valued at $5,0OO,0O0, or perhaps more. He curried life Insur ance with several large companies amouiiting in tho aggregate to $350,000. The remains of the late Vice-President will not be placed under ground, but will be inclosed in a muss' e. tomb especially built for their rei-epf'"" in Cedar Lawn Cemetery. In the meantime tho body will be left iu the receiving vault at tbs Paterson Cemetery, where it now lies. News of Minor Noto Kentucky tobacco growers want to Ig nore the trust by selling direct to con sumers. Body of John Stebbo, Pittsburg, Pa., found near the railroad. Relieved he was murdered. , During the last fiscal year 14.004 post masters were appointed, J 3,523 being fourth-class. Pilot William Durham of the ferryboat Chicago is held blumablo for the collis ion nt- New York, iu which five lives were lost. Conflict between colored troops and Mexican residents, Laredo, Texas, has mused ' tho Government to temporarily abandon the gurrisoti. Christian Endeavorers, Mount Vernon, N. Y..'nro waxing war on saloons uud gambling joints. 'aAu trial, Paris, has been indefinitely postponed, iu view of the proposed Gov ernment amnesty. Jennie Colemuu committed suicide at New York. She aiil sliu was once the wifo of "Lucky" Baldwin of California. Mauy daring burglaries committed In the City of Mexico are believed to be the work of professional American operators. An American syndicate has bought 70, 000 acres of laud iienr Nueviias, Cuba, to establish a village for workmen, . STATE; OF. NEBRASKA HEWS C,p THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. 1 lomas w Tipton, On of this lt's ,P,t failed states Sen-ttoi-a, r,., Awity In Washington, Ufor a illness. 'boinas Ay Tipton, one of NebrisU's lir 1 1 nited m..i. in on Nov. I 1 IvH viiri - ! it noil" 2X, after n long illness, lie Wil UIU in bri. Ne! bee con I'aiiu, tinio., Aiigiisi a, isii, was elevtjHl tothntealslaturo of Ohio '"' lH,t Wfter Soma time sou led in Ne sa. Hit WBseiPOtd a delegate to the rasKa ,iHtitutinnRl convention, and me, in 1 t ln0,i,orof tfie territorial Oil. SltiMU.,n,1.iw l,rt ui,,,!;,,,! fnr ttin nnrn .,. . .. .. . .... rum iry and WMap,M,inied chaplain of tho i-irs Nebrsk)lanj(tirV), , t,!l tl vT iT UnltMd Stales senator from fs-. te '"m March 4, lSti7 till March 3, u i1, ,ln,e of Mr- Tll'n was ..rsnit 00,,!,,,;, n r,.,nlniseenocs of the p jlitio m Nebraska for Iho state hls torieid sooie! HERE'S A lOOITP SNAITP STDRV Man ,nl vomm ''"Mllng AdTrnture. liack- Ben- Niobn.ra Ui whose farm is on tho east of U'Nelli r, twenly-flve miles north- lolls the bet snake story- of the .-eason. One day lasi v eck Mr jk,,.ry Rml Mjss t an well of niX Cjtyi ,,,,, tI loois?, were It runs as follows strollin-z along; the river ItnUmn east of (ho house t irounh a beautiful natural grove, e (hey discovered by the of hundreds of horny lulls iu the midst of a congress when all at oi warning whirr that they wer ui lainesniihes ,hHt ,,,,,1 () htJ j 8WM,i0 Ma ooniniitlw,.,, ,ll0 wholl, for csoolllvo business. f Mr. Berry liii0,0iej , navo a spade in his hand and w,Ul lt ,Bi(1 nlKMlt ,,,, vKor. ously right an, Jort. MiM cn(lwP, ag. listed witli o.l., Wl,, ,he b.,ttu, WM over hey cmni afi6 (1(iul raU(,slmktV1 ami half its i.n,ly ,llll0 racPs A Brf,ttl many of the su. ,mJ , ol(,vt rattles. i bey j.w,,ro ,.xtraordinary vicious lot ami i,t,ni, or uttompt inR to os eapnciiiuo sitvaiy ,.,, i,llniders and fought doggeili) ,ha u.slm, was ex terniinate,!. Tlt i-rtttU-s, wliiidi nil an or ililiiuy cigar ho i t.v ,.nt off and nrize ..hi i very highly ns nl,mm,',JSf exceedinglv perilous position; In speuklti'.' or fij,. experience with tho rattlers, .Mr. I'.e,.,.v M tl in some pretty close pi,.,e.s, hut was nev i so thorou-ihly frighteup,! M vv,tM1 j,o found himself outlUnki uv u.m, si.nkes on murder bent. A, fr' Caldwell, Mr. Berry said he htl j npver geen BS i,raVe a woman. When fm tiultc was the fiercest and tlio snake Hi, thickest, and it looked like a sure rase ol .na bitten, sho neither screamed iior."alii,d, uut oolly laid them out with her club, A peculiar ihinfji about, the matter Is that a rattlesnake is i aroy ween south or II19 river, while they aiB qttu numerous on the Hoyd County j,ja Jt s Mr lory's opinion that tlisr,rol,Sea tho'tlvcr and were going into w iit-t,;vtera n a den that is thought to . ha Tit llu.t vic'nil v., A lug killing was Mia6 near the same place Rvvt-iai years ago Omaha Winters Win. The threatened stri nmong tho 1rl11t ?rs, pressmen, Wessfeeders and book binders employed ,Jn the j0, p,itin iiinoss 01 uinana i,as been averted by iieaceful couferenoe. -i na eli,iovers sub mitted a proposition offering to split the niuereiMio wun . ue printers by paying $18.50 a week tnsteai 0f $17, as demanded. This proposition wa , At,,r rejected by the Tyrugraphloal L'nhi , Ha Its rejection In iursod by the allie ( Mnioii8. The com mittue from tho unh; , earried mtck (o the emphi)eis lliafiaat ! I'imatum that nothing h-ss than the scbedu 0 nrst proposed. $17 per wetk, would I j eonsidorod. They were rejoiced when tte spokesman of tho employers Informed ,tbem that the latter had deeidod 10 pay thj0 g0ale. Why Lodgn wh'i py. MoFaddia dietl ot Lushton after two weeks' MuiisH. ne ;,ied of fever, tho exacl symptom uf which ai-e not known, as hu was notUi.naea by a physi cian, lie and his WIN. Wore both Christian Scientists and he id In tho faith if not because of it. 114 wis a son of Capt. J. McFadden, Kbrdff of Fillmore County. Both he and his wlfi,, refused to have a doctor. A Christian Sdieinkt from Lincoln trealeil him, The local Ine.llh members of Mod- ern Woodmen Lodgn ploy a physician, but Hsked tliiMii toein- Milh objeetisl. The policy of $2,IH0 on th life of Mch adden will be contested on thiU account Must Pay Penal for Crime. Tho Wilson trot he young lawyers who were found guilt of emb'7..lcnicnt uud who immediately led a motion for a new trial, appeared iu c ourt at Auburn the oilier day with their fi itther, who made a settlement with the persons from whom The motion tho money was einbe.led was then withdrawn udge Htull refused Iu discharge the priso tors, as they hud been found guilty of a c one. Hemp Mill to I Resume. ' A new nonirany ha puecoased the hemp and low uiiii ml 11 k-.elock w hich has buen idle for the last yealr d will resume i usmcss. work canuot ,a begun by (be faotory for about ten moLths, or until the iw crop rnn oe sown aa 4mrvestcd ine company win pro:eed at onoe to secure ieo I uud eoutraut M(ir tha cron. Samuel Klbert la Dead. 1 A private dispatch root Gulveston, Texas, announces the deal ;ti of Samuel 11. EllHut, ex-governor of city. - Mr. Elbert was tHorudo, iu that 'Negate of Ne vsNh uomiuated braska to thu convention Lincoln for president in e-'v : 1 Shelton Men liny XfJ 11. J. Robblns and SJ. ( their homes in Shcltou t: twenty-live cars of shei. w'ocli they Inleiid feedii near there. The s lock growers In New Mcic Knd of HarrlHl Tiie Jury in tho lii I'lattsmouth relurm." guilty. .I0I111 W. Ham. Geoigo Junes daring the reuni soiiiiurs ut r.iinwooii lust siinil killing was Uiu result of a tight' gan over u game of curds. Gus Tunk it llolilrego K. The gas tank under Frank dry goodt; store ut Holdridge, w lilies gas to light (he building. I' aflernouu rooently. doluc soimM The tank aud geuurator are u wrC 1 1 r 1 i 1 UP TO CIVIL COURTS. Corporal Faire and Prfvated JoM ens Acquitted by CoqrtmurtiaL J Cortmrsl John !v Paire and Private Henry J. Joe: 'tis were m'tpiitle i Nov. 27hjf (oiirtinartial In umaha of manslaughter, Ihefpeeillo t-harg being the killing of a lleeing deserter Pi ivile Siimuel Morgaul of the Eighth Cavalry. The shooting occurred at La Platte Sarpy County, nnd al thu lime the offinialai i f that con nly decide I that the ends of jiisiic.o would lie satisfied if (lie military officials handled (lie case. Gov. Poyntef ordered ti. attorney general to take Uhi case up in ti.n event of nn acquittal, bia excellency holding that as hunt as tlM coinniiinity was not under military law the shooting of a fugitive from the guard) house was nn arbitrary act and a menaca lo (lie public safuty. . BIBLE mPUBLlc"sCHOOLS. Snpt. Jackson tiives an opinion Isa Case Referred to Illm. j One of the school directors of the Gagsi County dislilcl has asked State Supt. Jacax son whether he would restrain baches' from reading die bible or singing religious songs before her class. Mandamus pro ceedings were recently Instituted in th district court at Beatrice to compel tin school board to discontinue the practice o reading the scriptures 'at the opening ol school. Supt. Jackson rendered a de cision which is quite in favor or the bible.' holding that there Is nothing in the lawaol Nebraska to prevent simple reading, .with- out note or comment, or repeating tbs; Lord's rrayor. ' . F. C. HILLS DIES OF POISON, i Ate ItrenkfaNt Tooil with WhicB Arsenic Had Reen Mixed. . F. C. Hills of Sionx City, general masM nger of the Sioux City, O'Neill and Western Railroad, wlik4li runs from Sioux City td O'Neill, died Nov. 2i), as a result of eating . breakfast food In which had licen tnixa4 -powdered arsenic. His wife also partook of tho poisoned food, but. It is thought sho will recover. The food which caused Mr. Hills sudden death hud been poisoned foi thu purpose of exterminating mice, andl was served on thobreukfust table through the dreadful error of n new servant girl. : Fined for Helling Whisky. In the district court at Alnsworili a fet days ago in the cose of the state against A. W. Weyrnneh, lha defendant pleaded ceillv and raid a fine of $100. : We.y ration was one of the persons Indicted for illegal whisky selling. Ho Jumped his bail lond, was brought back from Omaha a few weeks since and concluded to plead guilty mthee lliiiu sluud trial. Nel.f aska Wwtiian H A statu convention of Woman Suffrage Assoeiu the sunalo chaniU'r of the In Lincoln Nov. 27. 28 and 2.-, Tl u fair attendance, of delegates fi counties hi the state ami among tin outside wete Miss Carrie Chapman York and Rev. Ida Huelin ot lllinf .. j Roy's l-ave) Torn by Pog's I ) Stephen, the 14-year-old 1 Mm. Pu nl Cunningham, - wu face by a dog at Osceola. boy was delivering milk at, the 1 Joslah Locke, and as he tiie porob the dog 31111 ijured his face so th. jiiiier the care of the doctor. ' Omaha's !ly.r Very An Omaha dispatch on Nov I'll. IW stated tliat Mayor F. E. Moores of that city was lying at bis home in a serious condition, A little over a week ago he left bis otfios aud went home unable for duty. Pleuro pneumonia developed and at times the condition of the mayor was oonsidered crllieal. Nebraska Short Notes. . Taw nee County wants rural until de livery. The new depot at Friend will be ready . for occupancy In about a week. The old building will be moved to Stoddur'ii Thayer County. . . At Lexington, (he county seat of Da . ,' County, they have a Potuto Growers', ciutiott and arrangements have been - pleted for the erection of a cold st building which will have a capacity o 000 bushels. Outside of the city of North Platte are now in session In Lincoln Connll schools. This Is a larger number tlisil tion was capltol 1 k of tar a nvrsLjsui una 11 rfThe an w r been In session at tins time of too yei-slor several years and Indicates an added in terest in educational matters in the county. - The steam shovel and ballast l-rews which have been employed at Table Rock all summer, left last, week and thu gumbo crow wHl quit next week. The burning of ballast there has become an Important in dustry anil duriirg the season employs a large force of men. Gr.thi dealers complain that farmers are s not bringing in enough to keep them busy. Farmers in Nebraska do not have to rush their crops 10 market as soon as it Is grown as they used to do a few years ago. Notice has been served by tho defeated justice of tho peace iu a Saline Couuty precinct that he will contest the election of his successful rival on the grounds of the latter having treated during tha campaign. , A ci-ionv of beavers have located 4n the Elkbom River a short distance east of tho Oakdale iron bridge, and are constructing a daui. Trees six inches in diameter -are being cut down by them and flouted to the dam. i 'The parsonuge building habit till spread ing. The Baptists of Friend are) gutting ready to put up one to cost $1,200. I While oiling overhead machinery la the Burlington planing! mill at PlanisiuouOi , David Wlehtman slipped and fell twenty feet, striking on his bead and shoulder?. He received internal iniunes wlih. prove fatal. Teuuuj O 1 1 II train a