Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1922, PART THREE, Image 18

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Tires to Be Sold
on Same Basis as
Other Articles
Manufdrturrri to Male Good
"Ixwipi to Faulty Material
-Mileage Guarantee
U . .!
i Business Activities
. A riJicsl !Tf're from the hI
method o( idling nj lundling In"
hn btn nnounc4 rctmtly Cy he
leading nirmbrr of Kulibrr At
. aociatiou, at America, Inc. Themm
hrrlu) ol tin Hulilicr Aeaoeiation
c( America, Inc.. induJrt the leel
wi tire rtumifuf ttircrt
Moil of ihcafl leading mitufj';
iircra have dicontinur4 rniircly the
mileage cuarantre on both cord and
kbrie lite i. From now on hee
manufacturer, felt their drea
juit at the clothier and the ahne
manufacturer cll thir merclwi
o'nt with only the good name and
reputation cf die manufacturer U
arrve a a guarantee,
The only guarantee of a di finite
amount of mileage will be the name
, of the manufacturer. The amount
if aervice which the consumer Kit
Irom his tire will depend entirely
on the care which he k'v" them. It
the material in the tire or the work
manship it faulty any rcputantf
manufacturer will make good. II,
on the other hand, the fault it due
to carclefnei or. rn-glcet on t!te
(tart of the murtorut, he -w ill have to
aland hia own Iota.
Thi departure from the mileage
guarantee basis ha ben brought
about ilinoM entirely by a flagrant
abuse of the adjustment privilrge
lornierly extended to motorists
.Nothing in this new arrangement
will work a hardship on the motor
it who is honest and sincere in the
care of his tires.
Warranty Approved.
The following warranty has been
approved by the tire manufacturers
division of the Rubber Association
of America, ne.
"We do not guarantee pneu
matic automobile tires for any
specific mileage, but every pneu
matic automobile tire bearing our
name and eria! number h war
ranted by us to be free from de
lects in workmanship or material.
"Tires claimed to be defective
will be received only when all
transportation charges are prepaid,
and when accompanied by this
company's claim form, duly filled
out and signed by owner. If, upon
examination, it is our judgment
that the direct cause of the failure
of' the tire to render satisfactory
service is attributable to faulty
material or workmanship we will,
at our option, either repair the tire
or replace it for a charge of which
:' will compensate for the service
rendered by the returned tire,
based npon its general appearand
and condition. , ; ,
, "Pneumatic automobile tires in
which a substitute for air has been
used, tires used when not inflated
. to the pressure recommended by
us, used under loads in excess of
i . those recommended by us, used
: s on wheels out of alignment, abused
or misused, used on rims other
than those bearing these stamps,
', ( ) ( )i (- ). or which have
been injured through accident or
design, are not subject to claim
"This company does not author
ize any dealer or agent to make
any other or additional "guarantee"
or "warranty."
Manufacturers in Agreement.
According to information received
recently the following manufacturers
have accepted the new standard war
ranty and claim form:
Acme Rubber Manufacturing Co.,
Ajax Rubber Co., Inc.; Armstrong
Rubber Co., Beacom Time Co., Berg-
ougnan Rubber coroponation, Braen
" der Rubber & Tire Co., Brunswick-
Balke-Collender Co., Buckeye Rub
ber Products Co., Carlisle Tire cor
poration, Continental Rubber Works,
Converse Rubber Shoe Co., Cupples
Co., Dcmman-Myers Cord Tire Co.,
Diamond Rubber Co., Double Fabric
Tire Co., Dunlop Tire & Rubber cor
poration. Dural Rubber corporation,
limpire Tire and Rubber corporation,
" Falls Rubber Co., Federal Rubber
I Co., Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.,'
1'isk Rubber Co., Gates Rubber Co.,
General Tire Rubber Co., Globe
Rubber and Tire Manufacturing Co.,
the B. F. Goodrich Co., Goodyear
Tire and Rubber Co., Gordon Tire
& Rubber Co., Hamilton Rubber
Manufacturing Co., Hawkeye Tire
. & Rubber Co., Hewitt Rubber Co..
Hood Rubber' Co., Hydro-United
Tire Co., Ideal Tire & Rubber Co.,
Inland Rubber Co., Kelly-Springfield
; Tire Co., Kcnyon Co., Inc.; Key
stone Rubber Manufacturing Co.,
Kokomo Rubber Co., Lambert Tire
& Rubber Co., Lancaster Tire &
Rubber Co., Lee Tire & Rubber Co.,
Lion Tire & Rubber Co., Mason Tire
""& Rubber Co., McCreary Tire &
Rubber Co., Michelin Tire Co.,
i Miller Rubber Co., Mohawk Rub
ber Co., Overland Tire & Rub
ber Co., Norwalk yTire & Rubber
i Co., Nebraska Tire & Rubber Co.,
Pennsylvania Rubber Co., Pharis
Tire & Rubber Co. Porter Rubber
-- Co., Quaker Citv Rubber Co., Racine
Auto Tire Jire Co.. Republic Rubber
corporation. The Rubber Products
Co., Semplc Rubber Co., Sprague
Tire & Rubber Co., Spreckels "Sav
age" Tire Co., Standard Four Tire
Co., Star Rubber Co- Siinehart Tire
& Rubber Co., Tyler Rubber Co
United & Globe Rubber Co- United
States Tire Co., Victor Rubber Man
ufacturing Co., Seibcring Rubber Co.
- - Home-Made Thermostat. '
' An ingenious motorist recently
.. contrived a thermostat by removing
a rubber hose between the top of the
cylinders and the radiotor and re-
niacin? it with a metal one. emooay-
Mng a shut off valve of the butterfly
'type, such as are used on carbureters.
A rod from this valve extends
, through the dash so that the driver
can regulate the amount of water
. flow through the cooling system. In
. effect this is a manually controlled
thermostat ' --
Air Leaks and Mixfirinz.
- Air leaks are a common cause of
. misfiring-, though they are often
' overlooked. A worn valve guide al-
' lows enough air to be sucked into
-the cylinders to cause misfiring, and
it also permits oil to leak out If
4fl is discovered leaking out it is
fair to assume that excess air is
being injected into the fuel charges.
iaataMMliy (tab flaa.
Collate. K. Ta Kalik Vvunif ('
K.i,:. lit .1 al tJee.. .mlad KaMrt A
I. I. fcfael4eMi " Ml. Ifcw'l, Vie
fin. ml, fc-. A, ll.hef. Hinlll, 4
n .. keiMfl. Inuaw.
Ike alah ui 4aie i Curia tkla Mnk
..r it.a.r-la ik cttittfuttltm at Ike
.',eea lrtta aetciti. fakirs lll
Irriaat !$ae rr pt lB4 in JCeiia
at f'araiae await. Tk iwrfcaea at
a . taur, ratt ruittfta la alM,ut 9
l (uti.t'i an4 Ika l-aaiifj ln ft It
!!( Ix ana t Ua alJl a( Ik rluk
W tmmn Mal Sal J.
Wmr. S.i. r Wain, a baa tt4
h t ihii la ika V.a tnma kaial to J. aj
ik"i i ( laltiooDI, oka bu lakaa poa
a aiiuk.
Qui la Iteiib M.
IMnar, fiot II. ti. Ilan et H.lnor.
aotaiair aii4 auailor ,( ih Mr.Niau
iMNka, kaa a.iiii.d k lMIIaa la Uiiutl
ka ukllB tauRiaiil.
M ilt H1I4 IUa4a.
Julaalxtrf, lalo. Julaabura; BualnaM
It'll aaauclalloa alaala.1 U. II. AuattR.
Mt.i.lnl; A. Ualuaha, lr ral4al, tnd
V W. l.arabaa, aarratary. A tiruaram tor
ailtanfin ika "b4 roaJ" inavantam ba.
1.) In (hi raiinir laal aaar, via tttappaJ
am aa in tinncivai mm for in tiuu.
Ilank imm nrfliwra.
O-nava, Net,. Tha Miala bank
il lhair annual inaallnf aiaet4 W, H.
kowarl, prMUUnl: A. J. Iliawn (nil M.
I'uliun, ica prvaiitania: J. Ivhi,
ft-attlar, kn4 It - II. Mntirman, baaiat.
anl raaklar. art alra. l.ula
liaikar. l.n J, ti-. W. Jt, Niawarl,
M. Uulion and A, 1. ilrean.
Opaoa Naw Cat.
tarola. Nab. H. T. tadwla. formar
n-anaiar vf tha lo'arnadonal larvaatr
rumfany branrh bar, baa epanad
raalaurakt ao4 tafa.
laai CkMuaajr Elactlaa.
ralrliorr. NVh Tha atotkhoMara of
Ika Kali bur? llulldinf and laa aa
rnriailon ajr.-l.f a. tl. Tnllar, iraal4aii(i
I:. U Blnikin, rl.a praaldam; at. R.
alarrall, Iraaaurari K. A. Iloualon. aaera
tniri I.u-lla Iloualon, aaalalant aacrrtary:
l U Haiti, aliornrr. Llr. R. K. J'oltrr
ana airid dlra?iur to urea4 J.
l ira wrhnaa larm had aiplrad and J. W.
Ilurarall wn alariad dlraclor to auccaad
A. V, i'eaaa, raaifnad.
Ra-Elrrt orfiam.
fllkdatona. Nab. Tha atorkholdaa af lha
Sla'a Ilank Of Oladaluna ra-alarld ba
Mllra board of dlracmra. Krank Hankol
la praaldant and John K. Knobal la caablar,
Talrpbnn Mwlloc.
r-jhlar. Neb Tha annual mratlnr of
tha Ucahlar Tlaphuna cginpany waa hald
hrra. Ovar SOD of lha ICO stockholder!
wara prraant An aaaeaamant of $11 waa
votad on country tihonaa and $20 on
bjauiaaa phonaa. It was explained that
Id sum ralaad would b aufflclont to
Ihemsalaaa aiaapt M. I Van Hura. aha
liiia ika aacaacy aaia4 by Ika lain
ma a( Crad Ailaa. wal la laaiaa,
Nak, i fcacaiu csabiay at Ika ranuai
kiai aaaa.
A a la tirm Said.
rawaaa Clir. K.k. Tba sVu.llla Aat
aompany af Ikia my baa auld ia buainaMi
la William T. Kaimraiiiar aad Juan uwen.
both af riaalrlrs. Tka laaa will Uka
ckaiaa imiuadiataiy.
kta-rWI Did Of firm.
Calumbua. Naa turn t'uluwuua t'tina.
lary aaaalatlua fa alavlad lha aid if
fiorai J. II. ualiat. braeldanlt J.
Kiual, iraaaursr, a4 fail K'am.r. aarra.
lary. Tea anaira or in aaauciaiiaa at
cikdurird by 1$ laambir.
Mawaaanry Maa Taka Rrat.
rlumbua. Sab A. II. II a. Hue, bael.
ka naasey af lb Tulumbua Taiayram,
baa lakaa a an-r aaratlna. bi
ha will pnd al fcioetatur Hbrlnaa, klo.
I.l.iyd 8a am. formerly aim lha Talxram
and whs baa recently aorad hit cumiw
liua with Unculn pa para, will act
bu.ln-ae manor duit( lb abaatu. of
Mr, tiackus.
Imprai IkMirir
B.atrlra. Net. Work b baaa atartad
an lha naw t. M. C. A. home la III
Splcar block. Tha. Improvements when
completed will root about $11.00$, Ih
money being ralaad Mm week ark W
privaia suuacription.
Camaierr Had Etartlaa,
Sidney. Nab, Sidney Cbkmhaf of Cant'
men' held Ha annual nieoiltif tbd elects
4 Ih fullowin olflrerei Dr. H. H. Man'
or, praaldenti U T. fool, vlra praalileni
M. W, Hmery. traaurar. and aa dlrec
lore. W. M. Ilodakln. A. K. Uraenlaa, ir.
M. K. relllhona, Ouy V. Poran. A. K.
fhaip and Kar. flainual Llfhl. The eo
raiarr, J, W. Johnaun, will oontlnu ta
aat antll tb diraciora meUb( Ulr Id
ia nieoirz.
GraJa Caaapaay Vaala,
Dkvld Ctly, Nob. Tha annual meeting
at Ih "a r mere' Co-Oprratlva Oraln mm.
party waa bald at the roinmunlly bull.llny.
J, W. Norton of Polk, newly aleoird
praaiiianl of th Hlata Farm bureau, (ave
a talk along ro.operallva llnea. J. r. Mo.
uurk. j. u. Hagik and A. 11. Feter war
reelected d I ret lore.
Bblppar Elect Offlcara.
Superior, Nab. Tb Superior Block
Shipper' asaorlatlon held their annual
elrrtlon at tha Commercial club rnoins
Andrew Ullrhrlat, who baa servtd
ahlpper for tha paxt year, was re-elected
to that position. Ther were 1(0 main-
ten of tb aeaoclailon preaent. This is
aoclatlon I tha oldeat of It kind la
to (1st ot Nebrseka.
" New Bank Officers.
West Point, Neb. Tha bank officers nf
tha different banks wera elected as fol
lows: First xsatlohal, C. Hlrschmsnn,
. ,!.,.. ,h. -...h... K,.llrtln. .nrf , T". preaiueiuj
.Z. ..... r....V' 1 wiuiam uentrup, ca.hler: West Point N
,. ,, r. ...u iiiin.' ' I 0n.. j. T. u.Bmlin n,,,! H. W.
cable bclnr placed la tha alleys. The
preaent official war unanimously re
elected: rresldrnt, Albert Caugey; vie
prealdant. K. J. nuntemeyrr; director,
l-'rnat Lhmann; secretary. H. iiod
tnburg; treaauror, Paul L'da.
Firm Bank Meeting.
Pawn City, Neb. Th Pawn Na
tional Knrm Loan saaoclatlon held It
annual bualness nieellng of directors at
Ilia Klrst Kiata bank her. The following
itiflcra war alocted: J. K. Siaddsn, farm
er, president; Hurry Deweber, farmer,
recretury, and J. F. TIalderman, banker,
treaauror, Tha organisation acta as an
aumiary to the Federal Land bank In
making loans to farmers and has dona a
thriving bualneas during tha thre year
ot It existence.
Endorse Hospital Plan.
' Superior, Neb. A plan to maintain the
T.ewla Memorial hoapltal of Superior was
presented to the Commercial club by the
i halnvmn or the hospital hoard. It is the
plan of the board to place the hoapltul
on n basis similar to many Industrial hos
pitals. A hospital service ticket will be
sold for $1$ a year and any holder will
he entitled ta a week'a hospital service
during the period covered by thi pay
ment. -npon presentation of tha tcket and
recommendation of tha attending phy
alclan. Six hundred of these tlcketa la
the goal. This proposition waa endorsed
by the .club. , -
Beannie Luncheon.
8uperlor. Neb. The first luncheon of
Hie Superior Commercial organisation In
11122 was held with an attendance ot St.
Loan Company Meeting.
Grand Island, Neb. The Equitable
Building and Loan association of Grand
Island has Just completed the 40th year
of Its activities and re-elected Charles
O. Ryan president. 8. N. Wolbach. treas
urer, and C. W. Brlnnlnger, secretary.
Bank Names Officers.
Pawnee City, Neb. The Farmer State
bunk of this city elected the following
officers: President, H. C. Van Home; vice
presidents, W. S. Potts, Dr. A. H. Ander-1
eon, sr., and J. T. Trenery: cashier, Henry
Illume, and assistant car-hler, M. L-. Van
Home. All of these officers suocced
Baumann, vie president; L. W. Johnaon,
caaniar; a. j, r iscner, aaaiatani cannier.
The Nebraska 8tai bank. Dr. T. I).
Thnmpaon, prealdent: Herman Koch, vice
president; J. F. ZaJIcek, caahler; W. T.
Knlavel and alias Veda ZaJIcek, assistant
Elect Director.
Cambridge, Neb. Tho Community clu
elected th following board of director:
H. W. Thorndlke, H. K. Hay, B. F. Sut
ler, C. A, Phillips, C. W. John. Mr.
Thorndlke has bean president for the last
two years.
Ba-Elect Officers,
Wayne. Neb. At the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the First Natlmal
bank, th following officer were re
elected: J. A. Hauling, president; W. A.
Stanl, vice president; J, H. Jones, cashier;
I). K, Wlndle, assistant cashier. The
board of director are J. A. Reutlng, W.
A. Btahl, J. S. Jones, J. W. Roberts, ajohn
Rale Foatoffic Class.
Wymore. Neb. Th revenues of the
Wymore poatoffice are now sufficient to
place the office In the second class,
which will take efect July of thi year.
Thi classification will automatically
raise th salaries of those now on tha
payroll, and add another clerk to the
force. . .
Social Activities
Over Nebraska
laatalt Of fleer.
We4 nivar, Nik Mora than 11$ l
teudad he lulat laeiallallaa of Ika I
O. it. T a4 Hantaan . al .4
Htver, . al. Make f ti(a4 Island.
iaad rer, e4 hi ifluin tneieil'd
lb Odd relieve, a ad . -lla Uufcl at
ur.nd lelaad aad kar alalf Iautle4 Ik
tlll.'l r lb Xebckak luda, ,
Uaaaala krkaal.
Oanava, Neb. the Maabla ktu M(
I ,adU4'lli,g a la Hake4 t'kau f lit
airu.ilon In rkars of Hol-ait . Ftaiun,
aa cuaiodla af Kearney. A I eeiok
iiiou.r waa v4 by Ike Oena ttiwa
r.eaeta Aallllarf. Offtcaea.
Oeneva, Nek. of flier lar4 ly th
Banian auailiary af Amerlian l emon
pual No. id are! Prealdenl, Mr. Irrank
Numb; VI. ureaidenia. Mr. V J. hark
and M. K. Hrer: arrsiary, Mr. J mi
Kileri treasurer, ilia. k. Huaffutd. lb
auailiary ba D member.
Joint Inalallatlo).
tJtfbflald. Nan. larl ern worth peat
No, 111, Ainarlran Lasloa. and lhawom.
aa a ausiliary Jointly Ibaialted lhair vfll
re, fur th coming year. American Lerlun
officer are! JCuneae Work, commander!
k Halbeieen. adlutaat. V.,
financa offlrer. Auailiary afflrara. Mra.
II. K. Boaeklng, arealdantl Mra. liwlshl
Willis, vie prealdenl; lilil llalbalwn,
acralary, and Varna UalbaUen Uaaaurar.
Aaililary Kleellon.
Cotumbua. Neb Tha ladles amlllary of
Ih American Legion alKlcl Ih follow
In nfficarai Mra. Jay llaaly, prealdent;
Mra. fcverelt Morgan, vie prealdent; '
n. Kvana, Jr.. eretry! Mr, u r.
Phllllna. treasurer, and Mra U U Walker,
hlalorlan. Th ausiliary ant Chriatbo.
la a hosoltal at Coital, la.. 10 IT ise-
braaka, aa -ear vie iua who ar paUeni
r. E. inalaliaiioai.
rawnaa City. Neb Th t'hrtetlaa En
deavor aociety ot lb r'lret Prebytrln
church of thia clly Installed Ih fallow.
Ing officer: Prealdent. Honors, roieyi vie
rresiaeni, nennetn nerryj -r.i.i 7.
M'ea Caella Graver! treaaurer. J. Haro'd
M'liann. and organist, . Mum Berulv
Wherry. ,
Inalall Officer.
Table Rock. Nab Ulatrlct Deputy Pres
ident Mra. Nanry J. Glaaaon ot Tecumaeq
Iralailed th officer of Tabl Rock Rf
!'ab Indg No. 11$. Th officers r:
Mra. Pearl Freeman, noble grand: Mr.
rdna llaatlnga. vie grand: Mra, Amy
Marble. aerrelaryi Mra. Alwllda 'ar
nilrhaet, treaaurer: Mrs, Edna, Cirlfllnt,
paat noble grand.
, I Area Crowd at aoeUI
Columbua, Nrb. Th largest crowd vr
In attendance at an r.iKs social event
was th record when a trial by Jury waa
conducted In a manner that caused two
hours of uprosrloua mirth. Edgar Howard
of tha Columbus Teleirram was tha r
e!dlnc Judge. Col. Vivian Brian and
Postmaster rHubblefleld wer th llllgania
Lawyer McElfresh and County Attorney
Otto Walter acted for th plaintiff, with
Clover Long and August Wagner for the
defendant. Alderman Reagan brought In
tha verdict as foreman of tha Jury.
Sheriff Kavanaurh officiated as bailiff
nd Trva Koeece waa court reoorter. Kverv
detail of courtroom had been arranged
In the form of "sets," and tha lawyers
worked aa hard aa If they were actually
engaged In a cas at a real court.
aa by Ika ladiaa ekaro and aa by tk
a a (kaota. atla Am $luaarf, ,ab
f wai a lb kaaia. ae l vaeal
a-la.lla sad MUa rrleda oll.i.
'MIK laatkar, ak aataral taodiaaa.
flaa) Llaei Meet
Clamkue. Sa ti.iiiniKeiy plaa f..,
a...iia aiairii eaaeMM lb Alfcef La
ua la caiwHtk i yebruary, al ahi
t'efraf iibaai i antmabiiey til,l,ia i,r (Moa
na kd aavaral el lb eb.riin.
o (Mar wii ba praea!, war wada by
llama Pu , thi. n be b flr.l
ojii.-i.i teii t gebefiment cominaa.l.r
a I ultcM eiac lb araaklaallua ml Ik
l.ioa. n4 Ik l-Klvin (u-a ptaa I
aaaa ta e ei.
flaai IllrarlaU
B,alri', Sen. Al Ih anul lueeilng
or in T. . c, A. Ik lasid ul
uireuiai war alarleai lna r,
Miia. A, J, S-Uaid, T, O. H.rvkanl
ii. M. U.rreit. lr, J. r. W4del ; I
yaia. W, it Laia, ('. . kht4. It, II
i. II. L. IWuipai.r, Hn
' la i ihr ear, J, :, r, J uh
V , iMmpaiar, Tltoruaa Jehrae, f.
a oa uar. n, n, muiiuo.
With County Agents
otoh roisrr.
A. M. t Lang, Agent.
V rectus. Nb.. Jan, 1 1 (Npo lal )
Arraagament na baaa mala a hav
pumbar of alenelon brlallala with
In uio uwaty during Janoaiy and febru.
ary. air, wrnman, from Ih aiaia .wulir
d panmant, will tab up aelerlion of Ih
treading flock, I'ai.a will b
luier. r. ii. aiewart, doing ei-ni
wetk la agronomy, will b with u for
I nr. days Ih latter part of January and
lak up aoll roaion problanta. with emphe
on Plirn control, Mr. (lalnea, cam
inutinr organliallon specialist, will awl
I1 lil to reach this territory aaaln ka.
ore m, RiKiiiK or Kruruary. K. ll. flop.
pert win elan ha with ua about that Urn
for orchard work, be vera I requeei bay
a i.aay earn la Ik Karrn bureau efflca
toy neip on grap pruning.
P reader eontlnu to eend la adrerilain
mr our III! directory. More picture
ror cut hav bean received thie tear
than for any pravioue taau and Indication
ar ravoraoi for lubatanllat bosk.
Poultry Shipping Point.
Table Rock, Neb. The management of
the Table Rock Poultry company has
Just changed hands. Arthur Linn, the
present manager, being succeeded by H.
H. Holtut, who comes her from the
plant at Falls City. Th firm contem
pmtes making Table Rock a receiving
station for poultry and making direct
shipment ot carlot from thla point. .
Plan Tocatlonnl Training.
Superior, Neb. Tentative arrangement
have been made for classes of vocational
training In Superior.
Seek Better Roads.
Superior, Neb. The good road com
mittee ot the Superior Commercial or
ganization made a trip) to Hastings in
Interest of better highways.
Firemen St me Dance.
Bloomficld, Neb. Over SSo ticket were
sold for the !0th annusl ball of the
B!oomfle1d volunteer fire department. .
Weber, aa presiding Judg of a "kan
garoo court.? handed out many fine and
substantial sum was added to tn de
partment' treasury In this way.
Tgloa Post F.lectlon.
Nellirh. Neb. The Nellgh American I-e-
Inn. Post No. 172, elected the following
fficere: W. B. Bradley, commander; John
VanVleck, vice commander; Wymnn
rave, adjutant, and Lester Meinoaugn,
treasurer. Members of the executive com
mittee are: Ellas Conger, Jr., Harold Cole,
Dr. S. B. Worley and E. E. Bucacek.
Install Officer.
Table Rock. Neb. The Royal Neighbors
Installed officer as roilows: uraele, ttose
Plucknett: vice oracle, MIDI Fort; past
oracle, Maud Rogers; chancellor, Edith
Roas; recorder, Lillian Ladner: receiver,
Mildred Jewell; marshal, Christina Ruas;
asalstnnt marshal, Francis Nicholas; senti
nel, Lllie Rosslter; sentinel, Ada Rath
hum; manager, Nettle Barratt.
Re-TClcct Officer.
Columbus, Neb. The Maennerchor so
ciety at lta annual meeting re-elocted all
Its officers who served during th pan
year: President,- G. Frlsholx; vice preal
dent, Frank Rudat; secretary, L. Jaeggl;
treasurer, M. C. Calto.
- Community thorns Concert.
David City, Neb. After a aeries of re
hearsals under the direction of J. A. Parks
of York, the Divld City Community
chorus made Its first appearance In con
cert in tho high school auditorium. There
were 13S voices in the chorus, with Miss
Helen Hall accompanist. The program
consisted of eight number by the chorus,
tVymor. Neb. fed Madden waa married
ta Mia Jennie Jones at th horn of her
mother, Mrs. K. R. Jane, Rev. Mr. Powell
,'i oa . iirteiian rnurcn Olliciannv. Sr.
Hadden I a machines! In Ih employ of
su uriingiun,
.wymor. Neb. Krneel Thleman. .
living aoutti of lown, and Mlsa Mildred
May hew, 17, of Mariana, war married at
Marveville, ih county judg performing
sii ceremony,
Tan Engpn-Brrwer,
Aurora. Neb. Mia Mabel Brwer of
una city was married to Albert Van fcneen
at Oakland, Cal. Mlsa Brewer baa bean
aiwnoing aeveral month In California and
lutely ha bean visiting In Aurora with
nor parent and relative.
Aurora, Nab. Edward Hprlnger of
i-nnreton. ill., and Mia Emma bt r naer.
daughter of J, W. Fprlngrr, residing near
Glliner, wer married at th home of
Kv. c. C. Dobb. They will make their
iiynt at rrinceion.
' Johnaon-IIrdhlom,
Aurora, Ket. Mls Ida' Hedhlom was
married to Rev. John Johnson of Jirlstow
at the Swedish Mission church. Mis
neauiom waa in charg of the local hoa
pltal and Rev. Johnaon waa at one time
the pastor of tha Weat Swedish rhurrh nf
Hamilton county. Tbey left Immediately
or xsnatow wnere mi, johnaon win
close out hi 'buainea Interest preparatory
... iHuvjni; io Aurora.
McConnell-Moor. '
Beatrice. Neb. William Karl McConnelt.
l. Wymor. and Ruth Moors, a7. Alna
worth, war married her by Rev. V. F.
McCook. Neb. Rov Geora Travathan
and Miss Jennie Beulah Hutchens, both
of Wilsonvllle. were married In McCook.
Rev. C. W. Rav performed the ceremony
at the Alethodist church parsonage.
Pawnee City. Neb. James Hrobak of
FlUey was married to Mias Teres Uocina
Wolsenburg. Colo., by Judge Nelll. The
bride left Bohemia only four montha ago,
to come to America to marry her waiting
sweetheart. She went direct to relative
t Voleal,a. tad key ka.U.e-1 le be
vl kes Ibera. l,e liatk) ba .i.ll.
ad It w aaaaaaiy be aa laiet
yr.ier tur bar la aider la peeler,
tersauta,, 1 key will Ilk bear fill..
Tart, V.k Pay Ckambae af Ckartaa.
lea t4 tieaal K t'aaliall W M'Caal
aeia iurrie4 tf Cattuiy Juda It, C,
tid.klba, s
Tark, N.k la-ime M. Park, aril
davskl.r at Mr. a ad Mia. J, A Pares.
a p.ri4 l viaudss It, latfeU ,t
Vib-bii. Kan.
Tarn, Keb u.riia lireaaa baa bean
teeued In William h. Coiufc 4 Lejie
t. kirtn, boib ( fliseham,
(iaad -kar eat.
Table Rark, r.ab4 bailee T. (load 4
Hi- LHn UvMIe baiatal, bulk ff wha-4
U' Hear Tes-uniaeh, war .aitiad fcai
The ilritiklt trttiy- ha$ 12 field mar-
$ Ilk la.
New Cord Tire Added
to Old Diamond Family
"Timed nlctlv uih the New Veir.
The Diamond Kuhber rompau)', Ine-.
snnounres the J'!uin of I tiew cord
tire to the fue t!d UunionJ family,"
sistrkd Hcmy N guard of th
Omaha Tire Uepiir rompany, local
dealrri. "It jwirsr all the tiiali
tic whii h have niade the name, Pia
numil, to piuiiiiiniu aiiumi; tit cs f"r
"The new lrej.1. upon v.liich they
lay great cmphasin, i metliini
more than S trade dcaiitu, '1 he iJia
litoiid engineers point out that it hat
iprri$I road (tripplnf power which
Kicaily incrra$e$ arcuiily aiaiaat aide
forward and bark tkidding, A-n
othrr important characttrittlc 1$ that
lhfa nonakid qualiiirt endure
throughout the entire lift of the
M'l L.....I. Ja. ' .1. J a
ciounly, and in lact it modrled f
ltii$ and prinripln of the Y
vihrel, it ia noiaeleta in actioti
"The New Hipmond Cord, latb,,
E. Keller. dirctV r of aalea. "it t
pride of our enl e orsanitation, I
i worthy of I ing termed the
triumph of our A vcan of tire mak
in:. It ii a $trf ng expre$$ioa of
Uiamond knoltrf. Idrai. excrri-
rnre and experimn tt. We houettly
be icy e that it ur.trl a new chaoa
ter in thi history t( tire makinif."
-tlJilllC 7ihi ?'
XIHIHw r7 VWiXyt T1V r SsJ I
v.. .
Sediment, water and dirt in fuel cause delays
and repair bills.The carburetor becomes clogged
with dirt which results in increased operation .
costs and poor running motor. '
There is a solution. The Stroraberg Gasoline
Filter solves the problem. It cleans the gas
removes all dirt takes out water. Filters the
gas just before it enters the carburetor after it passes
vacuum tank. Reduces repair bills eliminates delays.
Attached to bottom of vacuum tank, carburetor or gas line.
No mechanical knowledge required connect it yourself.
A well made necessity that outlasts car and
pays for itself. Large screening area does not interfere
with gas flow. '
Needle valve shuts off flow of gas when sedi
ment chamber is released for cleaning. . '
Prevents theft It locks the car.
Get one today from your dealer. Price is low .
$3.00 complete. State name and model of car.
Deal el mite (or territory and spedsl gale plana.
64 Eat 25th Street, Chicago, ILL
Distributed by
2205 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Effective January 16, 1922
Chassis - - - - $285
Runabout - - - $5 19
Touring Car - - $348
Truck Chassis - $430
Coupe - - - - $580
Tractor - - - - $625
These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the
history of the Ford Motor Company.
Orders are coming in fast, so place yours
promptly to insure early delivery.
Authorized Omaha Ford Dealers
C E. PAULSON MOTOR COMPANY. .20th and Ames Ave.
UNIVERSAL MOTOR COMPANY. ... .2562 Leavenworth St
ADKINS MOTOR COMPANY. . . . . . . .4911 So. 24th St
GALBREATH MOTOR COMPANY. . . .60th and MUitary Ave.
McCAFFREY MOTOR COMPANY. . . .15lh and Jackson Sts.
j I
First Showing of the New Superior
Chevrolet Fotir-Door Sedan
, A car excelling in comforts and refinements not
usually associated with enclosed cars at such a
v low price.. Goachwork that excites admiration'
body lines that please the eye durable uphol
stery, several new and exclusive features these
are some of the reasons why you should make it '
, a point to see this new Chevrolet model today.
Prix Subject to Qxtngi. Without Notice
Division of General Motors Corporation
Retail Store
2659-61 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Phone Harney 7280
PTt'rt i'.. ft