Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    TirK REE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 1, 191fi.
The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
Filtered t Omaha postnfflre a cond-clasg matter.
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Evening without Sunday 2Se 1.00
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Sunday Bee only JOc. i.ftn
T'ally and Sunday Bee, threa year In dvanr...flO.(iO
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rent atampa received In payment of amall arcounta,
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Omaha The Be Building.
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Chicago 818 Peoples fiaa Bulldlnf.
New York Room no. 2M Fifth avenue.
St Louie 603 New Bank of Commerce.
Whlnrton-72.i Fourtaenth atreet, N, W.
Address communications relating to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial T'epartment,
56,628 Daily-Sunday 50,628
Uwlght Wllilarna, circulation inaoaiar ot Th He
Fubllahlng compa.iy. being duly aworn, say that the
avarag circulation (or the month of March. 11. "
M.uia ually and bundiy.
DWKiHT WILLIAaIS. Circulation Manager.
Subecrlbed In my pr.-aenca and aworn to before ma
thia ill day of April Wit.
KOHUKT HUNTER, Notary fubllo.
Bubacriuer leaving ilia illj KMiticrwrll)
houlu bave Ibo IJee mailed to tht-ui. A1
dreaa nlli be cbuogrd as ufteu a requested.
Alaska's latest gold stampede Is headed for
Ilooh. There Is much In a name
Sinn Fefners believe, as did the Volunteer
of ', that "England's difficulty In Ireland' opportunity."
Ai a mean of advancing "the caure of
humanity'' a sure thing preventative, of tire
blow-up would help norm;.
Borne) day must clspso before the country
can secure the full box acorn of the; conversa
tional game on the Rio Grande.
Then, again, the "cause of humanity" would
be materially advanced by piping some of the
heat of the bleacher to the grandntand.
It I ssfe to aenert, even before the return
are all In, that the cost of primary voting and
campaigning have tanen the uplift treatment.
The speetscle of filr Edward Carson con
demning the Irish rebellion prove again what
a great difference It make whose ox la gored.
The latent local order for poslofflce supplies
top the high score. Impoalng liberality I ad
mirable, especially where the bill ha no "tome
Considering that Villa ha been wounded In
the leg, shot through the hip and punctured
elsewhere, hi speed record defle the rule of
medical science.
Herniary Tool stands at the head of the
democratic primary procession with 62,513 to
the good. Let no envlou rock tosser ruffle the
uurface of the water.
Ktill, If Henry Kord will not finance a per
eonal parly, doubtless arrangement might be
made to ee him through a a political shock an.
sorber. Crank ip!
Refual of a Tammany man to accept the
New York poslofflce raises the question w hether
k I a case of Ineanlty or diluted democracy.
A searching committee I In order.
Lawyer are the chief booHter of a move
ment Id Georgia to suppress bogus colonel and
restrict tbe tltlo to those holding commissions.
Now let the bogu colonels counter on bogus
Judge, and the country, viewing the battle from
afar, will forget It troubles.
Congressman Rhafroth I right. The racred
pre-eminence of the male so I a fiction. An
offlcal report put out at Chicago show that
women officeholder are Just a quick and effi
cient a the men In acquiring the split salary
In little lesa than four months' time the New
York legislature disposed of a large amount of
business by the pigeon-hole route, and left 640
bill for action by the governor and 162,000, not)
for the taipsyers to settle later on. It not
a very profitable) session for bills, either.
Several candidates on the democratic prl
fary ballot In Nebraska are taking great unc
tion to themselves over polling more vote than
President Wilson. Oh pahaw! Nearly every
isndldste on the republican ticket will get more
tote than Wilson in Nebraska licit ,Ny ember.
Thirty Years Ago
iThis Day iu Omaha
'pU4 frwea Bee fUs'
tHi. M the inn be l.ttxtii ti-iS nl jit i
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Must Fear Wilson'i Weakness.
The New York World I Just now strenuously
exerting itself in making an almost dally appeal
to the republicans to "also nominate Wilson,"
and backing It up with letter from staunch
democrats folowlng ault on the lead. It goea
without saying that there la about a much
chance that the republican will "alo nominate
Wilson'' as that they will "also nominate Brj an,"
for whom the game sort of an appeal could be
made, to put patriotism above politics, peace
above war, and humanity above nationality.
As every school boy know It la not In the
leave of history for one great political party to
"also nominate" the candidate of the opposing
party and thu to admit that there I no one
else who can successfully guide the ship of etate
through an emergency. The one time, since the
day of Washington, when condition rode unity
essential to the perpetuation of tbe republic wan
when Lincoln wa up for re-election, but the
democrat did not "also nominate" Lincoln, but,
on the contrary, set up McClellan on a platform
declaring the war to aave the union a failure.
A a matter of fact were It not for tbe com
plication of tbe European war, tbe democrat
themselves would In all probability hold Wilson
to hi one term pleuge and nominate someone
else. The only rational explinatlon of the
World campaign must be that It I born of
fear of Wlson'a weakness.
For the Waters of the Platte. . -.
Proceeding between the state of Nebrsska.
and Colorado, concerning the distribution of'jhe.
vater of the South Platte river, will be more In
the nature of equity than law before the court.
The law of tbe use of water 1 pretty well fixed.
f'or Irrigation nd similar purpose the doctrine
ol priority applies. The flrat to claim I entitled
to the use of what he actually needs a against
any other, and subsequent right are listed In
order. Thl rule doe not halt at state lines, but
applies throughout the length of the stream. In
the present Instance It may touch with adverse
effect the Interest of some settler In both
states, hut In the end It will be advantageous to
all. It may In the end have the effect, of bring
ing about construction of storage dam to
preserve the run-Off of the flood wstera that now
etcape, but which are easily transmuted through
the soil Into so much gold during the long sum
mer days when the stream I all but dry.
Raiding the Red Man Again.
While the attention of the public, is occupied
almost exclusively with the question of for
Cgn reltion, certain domestic matter are
being overlooked by all but thoe directly In
ttreted. Under pretext of extending to the
Indian freedom In the mnagement of bis own
affair, tbe democrats In eongres are preparing
to'open the way to hi further spoliation, Bill
now pending In the houe and ente are cal
culated to deprive the red man of the slight
protection he now ha from the rapacity of the
vhlte man and place him at the disadvantage
of being subject to any shsrp bargain tho. un
scrupulous may drive.
One of the most obnoxious of these meas
ure I by Congressman Hasting of Oklahoros,
the effect of which will be to remove control
t.f tbe sf fairs of the Five Tribes from tbe Indian
tnresu and place them entirely In tbe bands of
a polltlcsl appointee. As the richest oil field
In the world, with other valuable minerals, Is
located on the landa of these Indian, the pur
prse of thl r'l ' easily seen. Senator John
son of South Dakota fathers a measure that
would have the Indians name their own superin
tendents, while flenator !ne of Oregon pro
poses to place the entire control of Indian af
fairs In tbe banda of a commission of. three to
be appointed by and responsible only to con
gress. The effect of thl legislation la plain to
The Indian I still generally conaldered an
Incompetent; the federal government la under
the most sacred of obligation to give blm the
fullest of protection. If the democrats have
their w-ay as Indicated by the bills they are
pushing. It w-ill leave the Indian helpless be
fore,, paclou white, who seek to strip blm of
(he last vetlge ot hi wealth. Frlenda of the
Indian, who have long labored to ecure him
Juntlce, are energetically opposing these meas
ures, but are compelled to fight a powerful
kbby which 1 well entrenched In the. demo
ciatlc majority in congress. The measures are
typical of the reform being practiced by the administration,
Either All or Nothing.
Mayor Madgeit of Hastings haa set a rea
sonable example for others In making out his
list of expense Incurred In the late prlmsry
campaign. He hss given the total amount of
his expenditures, although the law will permit
blm to withhold some Item. Other candidate
hae not been quite so open, or so truthful. Tiie
original design of the law ss to procure such
publicity a would poby chelate the corrupt
ue of money In connection with election. The
primary Is placed additional burdens on aspir
ant, In requiring that they make themselves
known to their fellow eltiien. To run for of
fice In Nebrk la expensive, even for a ell
known nt popular candidate All thl being
summed, aed le value ef the lw being equally
sccepied, the candidate ai.ould be required to
p. ..linn, a full sccount ef hit expenditure, or b
telieved enltrrly from the ebtigsiUm The re
viit would b educative If enlf tn homg just
k na. rifk t nB must tutkt gt a nomination
Tt lal td en loetnlsulrtry erf lifene v
ft it si sUei t'Mhe rear tia of mvtlee, s
I .en p'kn sv t Keetmkf l'ieme court
lit another t il". triB" fm.ti !.!.. tl
in fie (ef.iiat .f I'SiUlelplii Itimea Is
rl I a lti t.. t j tr lms
' n Intel! rt N't ' 1 explain!. ' rnlU
tt.i l Ji I f f oamhuluff '!'tn
t tiM In - stun! t "f t tl tf el
l se 1 f l ll . fc 'I
g ( , a .!. - Vi. t-a I ( ' II
M ) 4ffst
Harvey on Hughes
- worth American Bevlew,
WE, THE PEOPLE, care more for what a man
is than for what he say. If we know him
throusrh and through and believe In him, aa we
believed In Washington, In Lincoln, and In Cleveland,
we do not need to bo Informed of hla opinion upon
every subject that may come up, from peonage in
Mexico to ruffled birds In the West lndlea We do
not think Mr. Hughe Is a better American than Mr.
Roosevelt, but we think be Is Just as good, twice a
sound and many time aa trustworthy. We do not
rank him aa high Intellectually as Mr. Root, but we
perceive none other who surpaases him In this regard,
and we cannot but consider the hazard, and perhaps
the wrong, of placing the tremendous burden? of Ihe
presidency upon the shouldera of a man who Is liv
ing on "borrowed lime." We do not know, Indeed
we doubt, that he Is as keen and shrewd in mind aa
Mr. Wilson, but we think he Is more dependable, and
somehow or other we feel that he la more of a man,
' a tegular fnller," as they say on Cherry Hill, aa eon-lrantcd-we,
with whatever one's opinion happen
to be. "
Ro we, the people, say or think. Do you doubt It?
Ask the man In the afreet, on the sidewalk, In the ra",
on the aubway, In the l'ullman, on the Jitney, In the
vestibule after aervlce, on the golf links before or
after, downtown or uptown, in-or out of cluha not
dominated by tnastera of finance, In Hartford, Spring
field or Peaishani, In wealth-wallowing nttsburgh even,
or Columbus, or on the farma of Iowa, In Oregon or
Washington, anywhere, and everywhere, uphill end
down dale, In Iblx broad land, ask yourself, your
wife, your plethoric uncle, jour, spinster aunt -and
what. ft you find? -
fome who distrust the supporters of Root; many
who are angry at Roosevelt: not a few, Inclusive of
democrats, who are slrk of Wilson; none whose coun
tenance falls to brlghen at th mention of Hughes.
Bui "will he lake It?" Ay, there' the rob, clod
save the court! Implores Mr, Choate, It Is too tat
for him to speak houta the world. We cannot beat
a man with no man, say the mighty Iradera. Where
would we be at without an understanding? queries
Wall street. Nevertheless, patiently, but persistently,
we have to ssk will he, despite the fact that many
think it might he safer to say would he?
Be It. observed that Mr. Hughes haa never di
rectly eought, or even been an Inferential candidate
for public office. When, In WA, Immediately follow
ing the Insurance Investigation, he ws first "promi
nently mentioned" for governor, li republican poli
tician became aa "nervona rd excited" as all of us
who advocated prrpacdnena appeared to Ihe presi
dent a year or so ago. Was he a randldste or was he
not? Would he accept or would he not? Even thee
as now. On August 22 he sailed for Europe, remark
ing pleasantly lo the reporters on Ihe steamer that
he had no ambition beyond what the practice of law
could afford him. On (September 21 he ws nominated,
accepted, and waa the only candidate on the repub
lican ticket who won at the polls. There waa much
opposition lo his renomlnatlon In if, because of hi
veto of the popular 2-cent fare bill end of his oppo
sition (o race track gambling. Again ha did not turn
a hand, , heedless of the conaerurnrc, but received
H'J7 out of 1,007 votes and wsa re-elected.
"I do not seek office," he had said In lf'7. "To
me public office means a burden of respons'bllity
a burden of. Incessant toll at limes almost Intolerable
which under honorable conditions and at the com
mand of the people It may be a duly, even a pleasure,
to asaume, but It Is far from being an object of am
bition. I have not sought, nor shall I seek, dlrecfy
or Indirectly, to Influence the selection or Ihe vote of
any delegate to any convention."
;That was Mr. Hughes' position then. Jt I his po
sition now. "I m not a candidate, actively r
tacitly," he wrote to Henry Wood, "and. In view of
my Judicial office, I do nrt fed that I bave any right
to take part In any political discussion." In a word
and this, we are fully convinced, may be taken aa tact
If not as law snd gospel-thl old-fashioned man holds
firmly to the old fashioned Idea that the responsibili
ties of Ihe presidency are so great that it ought not
lo be sought and must not be declined.
Such Is our Interpretation of the sober thought and
ardent wish of h American people. Never alnce thl
republl'i demanded that Oeorge Waahlngton become
(Is flrat president" has there appeared o striking an
Instance of the office seeking Ihe man. Never haa
been a call so peremptory, never a constantly swell
Ing force so certain, In our Judgment, to prove 1rr
slsllhle. Rightly or wrongly, wisely nr not, the will
of th people will prevail, and Charlea Evan Hughes
will be the next republican candidate for prealdent of
the 1,'nlted Slates. And the overpowering Issue will
be one of men -of ability, of Judgment, of fidelity,
but above all of character,
Hughe or Wilson? That will be all. When thu
lively wedding In Chicago shall have been aupple
mnled by the sedate funeral In St. louls, patriotism
must dictate a choice between the two, O Lord, tve
thy people!
Twice Told Tales
utpit vil rtfr i !.! I is
V. a fi re I ,1 i I . Ifcere la Sd ?!!
,!,!- it i'i i it.te IM Ijrt'uM
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t , , i i . Ifce " "I l ' - fcr !
t'.'.i . .tff. s,fft.-iwt fi
Srhlller'a Neetralllr.
The following story Is going the rounds of the con
tinental papers, Including even thoae of Austria. A
German and a pane met recently In Bchlller'a houee
In Weimar. Aa they stood gar-lng reverently on the
scene the German, awelllng with pride, remarked to
hla fellow visitor:
"So thla la where, our national poet, Schiller,
"Pardon me," said the elher; "not national, but In
ternational." '
"llow ao? ' asked the fieiman, with nurprlse.
'v,hy, consider his works," Ihe Dan replied.
"He wrote Mary Stuart (or the English, The Maid of
Orlrana for Ihe French, Kdgmnnt for Hie Dutch. Will
iam Tell for the Swles "
"And what did he write for the Herman, pray?"
broke In the olher. Pal tame the Dane a answer:
"Fur Hie Germans he wrote, "The Robber."
London Opinion.
laterfervaee with ( annrrrf.
A commercial traveler had been eummoned aa a
wltnasa In a case at court, hla employer having iud
a leliniient uslomer, and the lawyer f"r Ihe da
fens, was rria-xamlnlng him
Veu travel fcr jn-a-n A Co, do your aSl
th aitnrnev
' lea air
'How Ion have vou bn doing H "
"AtMtit tr !'
He liiitlnn ail thai lima, baveyeuT'
Weil, n. si-.' aaitl lh nnn. making a hasty
eisntat ! ulalun, nut exactly tieieling I have
miI atvo'-it f iur tears of lh it I'm waiting al railway
mttoii sod I in- li.Mis for liaina' -Vase an!
I titvni
I 4 II
The n v I a I ! kl t bf lh $ iiif
ea , trivial h:
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tai I- ' "
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The Stars and Strlpea Forever.
OMAHA, April .-To the Editor of The
Bee; I want to thank you for your
editorial on "Teaching Treason." I am
glad there Is one club, the Rotary, that
standa for the Stars and S'rlpea and that
you have the bravery to come out and
give your opinion In the facv .f the hand
that threatena loyal papers.
Xorth Platte Chamber of Commerce.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., April 29. -To
the Editor of The Bee; In your dally
there waa an advertisement under the
head lines "Commercial Organizations
Consider the Eight-Hour ray," The man
ner in whloh this advertisement was
gotten up was somewhat misleading and
resulted In a good bit of misunderstand
ing between many of the railroad men
and the members of the Cha,mher of Com
merce of thl city. .
The president of the Chamber of Com
merce haa given the local papers a state
ment In which he claim that the Cham
ber of Commerce of thla city did not
adopt a resolution a against ihe eight
hour day that the railway employee all
over the country are trying to get. I
have been irfstructed by Platte River
lodge No. , Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, to request The Bee to publish
th aame.
I am also enclosing a pamphlet which
explains the employe' side of thl eight
hour day move, , U, bj, BC'lrJH,
Secretary Brotherhood of Railroad Train
men No, 29.
To the rublic: I am informed that a
misunderstanding exlsta regarding the
action of the Chamber of Commerce rela
tive to resolutions preaented to this body
reaardlnv lh . m, . ., K, . ,t..
rallroade and their employes. In thla be-
ii.n i wimii in ptt inai. no aciion wsa
taken bv the North Platte Chamber of
Commerce and that the matter haa been
tieM In khmBn. n.nt.a f 1 1 at I, . . - . .
action having been deferred Indefinitely!
i nr anarx or several ioci emrioyea
upon the Chamber of Commerce and our
rnerchante, with threats to boycott, were
unjust and uncalled for, "dynamiters"
simply create discord and trouble -bury
our hammer snd boost.
President Chamber of Commerce.
Wot Making; Denatured Alcohol,
OMAHA, April .-To the Editor of The
Bee; your morning laaue contain a local
Item saying that th Willow Springs dis
tillery here I preparing to turn out de.
natjred alcohol for making emokeles
powder. It lteg that:
At the Omaha plant the work of In
stalling machinery, vata and stills is well
under way and wllhln a abort time turn
ing out denatured alcohol will begin.
Now there ha not been dollar's worth
of machinery, vats or stills Installed, or
bought, or ordered for any such purpose;
If) fact, there haa been no additional ma
chinery or sops rat ua of any kind In
stalled. It must be that someone hss
plsyed a Joke on yoiir reporter.
If thl distillery ever produces denatured
alcohol It will only be In a amall way
for local conaumpllon, such aa eales
through drug houses, paint, stores, and
for antl-freeze mixtures In aulomobllea.
While the distillery haa operated on a
large capacity of late, it has been entirely
en tax-paid goods. Infernal revenue tax
paid for April being IW.'fl. .
Manager ller A. Co.
t nfort noatelr Not Mlarjanted.
OMAHA, April .-To the Editor of The
Bee: I want to add my vote of com
mendation to other which you no doubt
have received on your editorial "Teaching
I hope Judge, Pears has been either
misunderstood or misquoted. But if he
really aald 11. he deaerve the most se
vere condemnation, whatever our former
eellmates of him may have been.
T, O. W,
riaw a rier" Banquet.
LINCOLN, April .-To the Editor of
The Bee: The results of the primary
election have. In the main, been encour
aging to those Interested In the cause of
the prohibitory amendment, Cm at least
one of the party tickets candldatea for the
prlnclpe.1 atate offlcea favorable and
pledged to the amendment have been
nominated. A comparison of the votes
cast for the dry candidate for governor
on the republican and democratic tlcketa
with those caat for the wet candldatea on
thoae tlcketa Indicate a very favorable
sentiment for prohibition and aga'nst high
llrenee. This should not leiaen the efforts
of our workers, however, to make what
on the surface seems to be assuraneo
doubly sure by a thorough organlialion
of the dry vntere of each county In the
state, and by making as vigorous a cam
paign In Ihe Imprest of the amendment
aa can be made. Th primary vole ahould
only be taken as sn Inspiration to greater
endeavor. Victory for Ihe amendment
cannot and should not be taken for
granted until the amendment Is adopted
bv aurh a vote of the people In November
a Ihe constitution Itnelf ileeUrea neces
sary (or that purpose. Vigilance and
faithful work on Ihe part of Ihe temper
ance people will win Ihla victory. Leth
argy and over confidence on Ihelr part
may yet rejli In defeat.
It haa been propo4 by th executive
committee ef th state federation lo file
with the secretary ef state on May 1
Initiativ e pent Ions remaining enough and
many more namee f legal votera than are
ry eet'ure the eubmlebn ot the
proposed amendment lo Ilia volera of lh
stele at Ihe election to be held November
7, Wt It ha been ugld that, on
the date of filing theee petition with lb
secretary ef !, rortfrn- dinner
at on ef lh hmel In IJncAln l ar
r(1 for al " nt to ! 11 a
plat A tiviel Inv nation lo attend line
rflnfrn d nmr la trnll In all thi
rhalrm ef lh runty and local dt t
f.Uillor of lb and to all Inter.
. worker In lh ca n of the amec I
nnt TM .rp.. of thl onf- ten.
lnnr I t bring l"ei hr l lttlng
dry worksr and la t MHr e '1 i(ti 1
Hi ne arotlMr an I la hang ilm
l in king lh bi i"H!. .j 1, f tti f ii ir
.( Th" wl. rn iun i
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vtMi e' T ike I tn.f .
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than that examinations wou-M be open
for those attending the Institute for
playground workers, which bas been, snd
is now, being conducted at the high
school. As It Js, the Recreation board
has named fifteen candldatea. It 4 said
that three of thciio were named by each
member of the Recreation board and
from these, and these only, twelve' su
pervisor and three asalstant supervisors
are to be selected by "competitive exam
ination," whatever "competitive examin
ation" In this connection may mean. If
the eecretary wa correctly quoted by
the newspapers, this "competitive exam
ination," like a parenthesl. could be left
out altogether without spoiling yie sense.
No criticism 1 directed st the indi
viduals whom the Recreation board hn
selected. They may be among the very
best of the hundred or more candidates
for these positions, but nothing crt be
more certsln lhaji that the method
adopted by the board Is wrong In princi
ple. The action of the bosrd Is a rebuff
to the more than a hundred earnest
workers who are Intereated In tnklng up
playground supervision as a profession
and also to the thousands of Omaha peo
ple who are Interexted Inytreelng the best
results obtained from our playgrounds,
E. A. BENSON. President.
CHARLES. E. FOSTER, Secretary.
Railroad Efficiency and K.arnlng,
OMAHA, April :j.-To the Editor of
The Hee: Several day ago, namely on
April 7, The Bee printed a news Hem
based on a statement Issued through the
publicity department of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Knglnemcn and Trainmen In
Cleveland, O. In thl ankle 11 waa con
tended lhat the shipper and merchant
In the country would be benefited If the
brotherhoods win their fight bcrsuse
"the eight-hour day demand 1 bed on
freight trains mskltig twelve and one
half mile an hour In order to escape
paying crews overtime,'' It was also
slated; "Railroads, In order lo Increase
their train earnings per mile, are loading
their locomotives with every car they
can possibly pull," snd sgsln, "the rsll
rosds will see lo It, If the demanda sr
granted, that, there la very little overtime
nd will move their trains faster end, If
necessary, make, shorter train to gt
over the road quicker snd cut out un
necessary delays."
The facts in the matter re these;
The long train and the heavy tralna
are almost Invariably the fast trains,
many of them making more than twelve
end one-half mllea an hour The slow
tral.ns are the way freight trains which
carry local freight snd stop at every
American railroads can haul freight as
they do at a lower freight rate than In
almost, any other country In (he world
bee us of Ihe efficiency of their heavy
engines, heavy track snd long freight
American railroads pay higher wage
than any other railroads In the world
because by mesns of the long freight
trains they ran haul more tons per mile
st. a less cost, notwithstanding the higher
Amerlrsn railroads could not haul
freight at Ihe present freight rales nor
pay lh preaent high wages If they' are
to be deprived of the economic principle
snd greater efficiency which they secure
through the handling of long freight
In 1914 Ihe Interstate Commerce com
mission, speaking of this feature of rail
road mnnagement, said: "Jn certain de
partmenla of railroading great advances
have been msde In efficiency In recent
years, for instance, by Increasing the
train loading;' the effect of this Inoresne
In trsln loading I shown In the following
figures: In l the average number of
tons handled per train in the t'nlted
Stale wa 1715,12. The average rate
charged by the railroad per ton per mile
waa .941 cent. On this basis. In I'M the
railroads received an average of II..-,
per freight train per mile run.
In 1fl4 the average number of tons of
freight hauled per train waa 4SI.II, and
the average rale per ton per mile had
been reduced to ."M cent, yet the earn
ing per freight train per mile at this
lower average freight rate were $3.I, or
twice crest aa thev were based on the
hlshcr freight rate chaises of ISfft.
If the freight trains nre to he short
ened, thl tremendous efficiency will b
destroyed and freight rates will go .f
tweauee Die unions wilt have forced J
abandonment of the present day
mlea, and In addition to the incij
freight rales there will be the danger
that wages, too, would have to be re
Doing things In a big way 1 th ba;
of American industry, especially of
American rallrod Industry, Th Uck of
understanding on the part of trad
union leader ahould not be permitted a
derive American business men of th
benefits which thla system brings.
Representative Association of Western
n II ways.
"Did the girl father put hi foot down
when you told him you wanted te marry
"No: I would hare much preferred It
If he had. but he put It up ' Balllmor
"Are jou going lo make a garden thl
year?" ,
"No," replied Mr (iroweher. "I'm (ef
In to dig up a place In the back yard
and put some seeds into It, end then turn
It, over to the chickens for a plcnle
ground, "Waahlngtan Star,
"What'e all this?'
"Thai a the golf acor of
gaged courile. TheV went
forty five kisses snd seventeen hug."
Kansan city journal,
"Pa, what's It mean to follow your
noe?' "
"It mean to go th way your noee
"Then If our pug should try to follow
bis nye. I guess he'd turn a bek somsr
auli," Boston Trncrlpt.
"How did you coma out?" suited hll
friend, "Will she hsve you?"
"Her answer," replied th diplomatic
attache, "Is partially satisfactory. Bnougb
so to continue tiegotlstlona. She aay If
she ever doe msrrv, It will be a man of
good looks, courage nd Willy, "-Judge. '
"I don't Ilk the family I'm wld, Seven
course at dinner."
"That- style."
"Not when vou gotta wash the dlshe
from one course before yon esn go on'
wld the next."- I-oulsvlll Courier-Journal.
"Why, .fohnns', aald a mother to her
4 year-old aon, "aren't you ashamed to go
about with euch a dirty face?"
"Don't vou worry about It, mamma,"
he replied. "Aa aoon a I gt, a little
blnr I'll raise whiskers; then vou won't
notice the dirt." Ksnsa City ir. f
"Well, have you been fixing your
fence ,'"
"Heen dlgslng frenchee," declared Cm
greeaman I'liibdtih ' I'm In for a frt
fight." Kna City Journal.
a nw'it4aifr
l around UiV
teen hug."
Jav B. Tden, In Kansas Cly gt.r
The sweetest bloom thsf. blow in sprln
Are Mlsc blonsoms, desr lo m
As songs my mother used to sing,
And davs of happy used-to-be,
They nod, when morning brasses blow,
Ann rill tne sir witn sweet perrum
Thst 'minds m of the Ion ago,
And love that lit my mother room.
It's curious how soms little thing,
A pansy blowing bv the way,
Or Just a dely blossoming.
Can take one back to yeterdy
And lllace, when they scent the hreata,
I see an old time cottage lit
With glorloua love, What, memories
Are clustering round the door to It
They ripple round my heart and lng
Th momenta gone beyond recall:
That s why, when flower come In spring,
I love the lilac, best of all.
For. when the morning breezes blow,
They fill th lr with sweet, perfume
That 'mind me of the long ago,
A ,1 Int. 1 1 1 a I til mw Inn! Hu, a .mm
fo paid on Tim Ctrtiicat
All deposit In th
State Rank tf Amaha
14th C& XJ Htrnty V atrt
re protected by th Depodtor' Guer.
ant Fund of th State of Nbrk.
e Commtrciml Account lntil4
r Stfety Depotlt floa, Sinn a ytr and ep
paid en Saving Account!
at 6:05 P. M.
A Chicago train for Omaha people, which meets the
most discriminating demand for good service and equip
ment. It leaves Oflialia Union Station at 6:05 V, M.
via the
Chicago, Milwaukee
fk St. Paul Railway!
arriving Chicago, 8:10 A. M.
Luxurious lounging obberation ear with private
smoking compartment, library and buffet, steel sleeper
with "longer, higher and wider" berths dining car er.
vice that cannot be excelled, corn fort ftbl coaches and
chair car.
Tbi. i your train, arranged especially for your eon
venieneo and comfort. Telephone u for your recerv
tions and tickets,
W. E. BOCK, City Pajengrr Agent,
1317 Farnsvni St., Omaha. Thonrj Doughy 283
283 I
J A -.
Hrtwfil and BottUd by
Jettcr Brewing Co. Ltd.
! ?! Sll WW. IllUl
m ! r tirt n
i I i iroisirwpnr-r "inarminsji tMI(ijajir
U.1UIHWIU'.. mmxmmm ' "--'
n iiifjiil.allMWwiiW''lii'i".,-OT1'-,'lt TI' ' -'''mimmmsmmmm mirnye.- .-
jel'Wfciiasiilis r";S!sSM