Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    T1IK KKK: OMAHA, M()XIAY, AUOUST 2.1, 1913.
T. Bo Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Kntered at Omaha postoffice as second-class matter.
B carrier fT mail
per month. r yr.
.jai'y Sunday... , $ w)
,elly without fundey.... 4 M
Wenlng and Sunday... r o
Kventng without Sunday "o 4.00
Ktinday Bee onlr
Ftend notlre of of address fr rornr.lalrW of
'regularity In delivery to Omaha Bae, Circulation
rilt hv draft, erpres or posts! order. Only two
'en Mmri received In payment of am all as
' '..ntn Personal rheess. except on Omaha and eastern
u-hang. not tccepted.
Imaha-The Riilldlng.
outh Omaha Sit N street.
Council Bluffs 14 North Mala street.
..Inroln Litres Building.
Chicago fl Marst Hulldlrg
Nrw Tork Room IKK, . Klfth avenue.
"t Irfiila-WS New Hunk of t'ommerre.
Washington 725 Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
'dflresa eommunlrstlnns relatlnr to news snd edl
Vwlal matter to Omaha B, JRdltorial Department.
tste of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss :
Dwlght Wlllliima. rln-ulatinn msnsger of The Bee
Publishing company, belns; duly sworn, says that tha
jv.rm circulation for the month o( July, 1916, waa,.
DWIOIIT W1I-LIAM8, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In tny preen e and sworn to before
me. this 3d dav of Atieitat, Wt,
AOiiBKT HUNTER, NoUry Public
Subscriber leaving the city temporarily
should have The Be mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed a often as requested.
A Innit 13 -
Thought for the Day
Dear Lord, klud Lord,
(irarimtt Isird, I pray
Thou will took on all
1 lot.
Tenderly today!
Wttd their heart of wtarintit,
.Scatter trtry tart down a wake of anjl winiji
, Winnowing the uir.
Jlrinq unto tht orrouiny all rtlkt from pain;
L't the Up$ of laughter overflow again
And with all the needy 0, divide 1 pray,
ThJt vatt trtairt of content that it mint, today,
Jamee Whitconib ily.
Omaha taxpayers are definitely In the 99-rent
uaM. Begin saving now.
It la again watchful waiting on the part of
the people of the United States.
England no longer doubta the genuineness
r( the thrills "made In Germany."
Kaiser BUI Is the boss copper of Russia.
When he says "Move on," Ciar NIc moves.
At least one war roport may be accepted
without reserve. Austria and Italy are shooting
'up the Alps.
Galveston.' and neighboring towns are con
biderably damaged, but their stock of courage
I Invincible.
Never bsfore was the saying more directly
lu point for an American president: Be sure
you're right then go ahead.
Reports from Petrograd Indicate that Ciar
Nicholas considers tba milder climate of Moscow
i'T) essential first aid for his present anxiety of
mind. '
C'halrniaa Walsh Is bound to be heard. Like
hi steam calliopo In a circus parade, he makes
nnre noise than all his associates, but produces
far los results at the box office.
in roceiver or tne bankrupt city of Nasu
Mllo signalised his administration by chopping
'off 25 per rent of the salaries. Truly these are
times painfully prolific in shudders.
No limit to the ruthlesanesa of war appears.
1 Cermany has stricken all English words from Its
i .enu cards, and England has retaliated by ban
Irbing the prefix "German'' from a local grade
of measles.
Twelve-cylinder automobiles are promised.
tTo the uuinlUated increased power seems a waste
of energy. Experience shows that a clean "get
away" from a knockdown can readily be made
vith present facilities.
Every plan of co-operation In rural credits
which rontemplates high interest charges de
wrves a frost st the outset. Any rate beyond
T per cent Is more for the benefit of the ln
eutor than the farmer. The cloak of public
philanthropy will bear watching.
In the opinion of the supreme court of Colo
rado, coal companies go beyond their legitimate
functions when they assume the task of pro
viding Judges to try strikers whose indictments
they procured. The writ of prohibition against
,'ndge Hillyer presiding In the cases checkmates
a repetition of judicial scandal.
. (tanti lout i. n waa held at Hawaii's park
'w't-r tli auipli-a of'the P1ntt Peutscn Vereln, i.a-
by th dnal'.i Turner. ConcorUla. Mat-nner-(hoi,
Kwia i.h li I; ;in,1 Uermun iiatMH-latlon, all of
vthlrh marched to the park. Leaded hy a baad. John
T. I'autaun dt-livvrej ,n ad livna, and d-leKatlona w-re
ra-nt from (Stand laltnd, t'ount'll Hluffa and several
ott-r piarca.
Tle laae ball gama U-twecn the V'lilon Pacific!
;ind tha Joaepha were wltneaaed by 1.U00 people
Evryody expectoil the visitors would give the home
team a siiaklnf up, hut it waa was an agreeable diaa-
poiulniant 111 the score at the and of the ninth stood
to 1 In favor of Omaha." s
With the aid of a gang of forty men and a coa
ktrurtloa ganc. the Buriinfton nailed down the foot
of Tenth street by laying aa esUnsloa of their tracks
from Caj-itd etcnue te CMoaao street. Wbea asked
the cause of so rnu h hurry and Hundy work, Oen-
rl Maaaser Uuldrene said It was part of the com
I any's plans 'oniemplateS fur moot) is
Vlws Kannia IttitterflHd It visiting frleuda In
W Inons. 111. .
J J. 14-kr. aiiniaiiird lj Mra Jaris. re
't'.irnrd ftuin tljv arslero mounuius.
Off Apain at Half Cock.
The great state of Nebraoka pays its attor
ney general the munificent salary of $2,000.
Perhaps we have no business to expert to re
ceive more than our money's worth, but still
that Is no excuse for our present attorney gen
eral going off so often at half cork as he has
again In his learned opinion that we have noth
ing but three vacancies on our r?tte Railway
commission. Mr. Attorney General arrives at
this conclusion because none of the commission
ers have ever filed a 150,000 bond prescribed
by the cotistltuf ion for officers of the executive
It Is greatly to be feared that the attorney
general has merely let the wish be father to
the thought, for despite his imposing array of
quotations from the statutes, he Is quite uncon
vincing. The trouble Is that he has picked up
f printed copy of the constitution which hap
pens to have the railway commission amend
ment inserted as a section of the article headed
' Executive Department." The railway commls
hion section, however, no more belongs there
thsn It does in the article headed "Legislative."
"Judicial" or "Railroad Corporations," for It
was submitted and adopted as an addition to our
fundamental law without specifying the particu
lar place where It should be printed, and tech
nically should be appended at the end of the
whole document. Under these circumstances,
the section requiring the officers of the execu
tive department to give bonds not less than
$50,000 applies no more to the members of the
State Railway commission than to members of
the Board of Control or the Board of I'nlverslty
Regents In other words, it does not apply
st all.
Refore undertaking to make appointments to
fill the imaginary vacancies, Governor More
hesd will do well to get an opinion from another
How We Have Advanced.
"President Wilson started for Philadelphia
by motor," begins an Item In the current news
of the day. Shades of the fathers! When
George Washington traveled between Mount
Vernon and Philadelphia, It was a journey of
days, "on foot or a-horse," and now It la just
the matter of a morning's ride in an auto. The
finest trains that run on railroads make fre
quent trips between the cities, but even the opu
lent luxury of these triumphs of transportatfon la
eschewed by the president for the more alluring
pleasure and privacy of his machine. More
over, George Washington fell 111 of a slight cold,
and died because of the crudeness of the medical of his time, while Voolrow Wilson is
privileged to take his morning drive to' Phila
delphia to consult his oculist. These contrasts
serve sightly to mark our progress In ways of
living, but what would Andrew Jackson, riding
Into Washington from the Hermitage, or "Tom"
Jefferson, traveling from Montlcello to call on
Washington at Mount Vernon, have to say
about It?
Race Prejudice ajid Religious Intolerance.
A friend sends us this cutting from "The
True Voice," which is circulated aa a semi
official organ of the local Catholic diocese, with
the Question, '.'What do you think of that?"
The lynching of Lo Frank, the convicted Oeorgla
murderer, has been denounced by the rsa In all the
northern states. It was a crime: but It was no worse
than hundruds of other such crimes that have been
committed even In northern states. We never be
lieved that the nation-wide agitation In favor of Frank
was wise. The plea that he had not a fair trial was
an unproved assumption. The forces behind the agita
tion only Intensified the feeling against him. It was
not a mob that lynched Frank. That waa the work
of a determined, cool-headed set of men who were
convinced of his guilt They will not be punished.
They knew that when they planned their ghastly deed.
In answer to the question, The Bee. without
hesitation says it thinks "The True Voice," in
this outburst, la not the true voice of our friend
and neighbors who profess the Catholic faith,
who, we know, neither sympathise with, nor
condone, the brutal mob murder of Leo Frantt.
To tell us that to suggest that Frank had not a
fair trial Is "an unproved assumption" Is an In
sult to popular intelligence. When the judge
who presided over the court had expressed doubt
as to Frank's guilt, and wrote a letter to that
effect, when two of the most respected Justices
of the United States supreme court are on record
favoring a new trial that would be fair to him,
when the governor of Georgia baa been run out
of the state for exercising a small particle ot
the divine quality of mercy, when a fellow con
vict waa Incited by the surcharged atmosphere to
attempt butcher-knife assassination, and finally
v.hen this man'a life la auuffed out by lawless
lynchers without a hand being raised by tha
constituted authorities to save-him for any on
to aay in the face ot tbeee undisputed facta that
"the plea that he had not had a fair trial was
an unproved assumption" indicate Inoculation
with a blinding prejudice of the same character
iu that responsible for Georgia's shame.
But what passea our understanding is that
any voice breathing the spirit of the Catholic
church should fall to note the connection be
tween race prejudice and religioua persecution,
two names for the same thing. Today the un
reasoning mob assaults a negro tomorrow a
Jew the next day a Catholic aa it happens to
be Infuriated by a passion against the color or
the race or the religion of the victim. Wa con
fess to surprise and pain that the frenxy that de
stroyed Frank should evoke palliation from such
a source.
By-Product of the War.
Whatever ele the war in Europe may be do
iug, it is affording the doctors plenty of oppor
tunity for exploring the human body under ail
aorta ot strange and abnormal conditions. Many
interesting and some valuable discoveries are be
ing made from time to time, and now and then
comes an announcement that holds the layman's
attention. One of these Is Just sent out from" the
German trenches. It Is to the effect that a great
many or the soldiers are suffering from "ath
lete's heart." This means that the heart baa
bocome dilated through great physical atraln,
and that ita action become accelerated some
times to a point that is really dangerous, Thl
particular by-product of the war will add noth
ing useful to the knowledge gained through
other phases of tha strife, but la of interest aa
showing that nature still continue to Uke toll
of all who persist in demanding too much ot her.
Gulf coast town need not flatter themselves
with the notion that they are the oaly ones tle
vt loping a race of aebfoct. There are others.
Bryan On Chautauqua
Ksasas City Star."
IT WAS an old Rrynn, arid a .-rr tired Bryan, that
poke last nlsht In the rliii'itiH!i n tent In Tnl.
pendente. The work he Ik doing n-u!il tear lon n
any man. lfe t making- a flylns; trip around the
rhautauiiua circuit, upeaklng at nne place In the after
noon, catching a train and making a Jump of a hun
dred mllea or so to get to another town and Another
rhsutauqua at night.
The manarer of the hatitauqua sild there were
1.200 persons In the tent lant niirht. The lant tlrna
Bryan apoke at Indepentlr nee a much greHter crowd
gathered to hear him, committees were th re to greet
him, all the leading democ ratio politicians were out
to shake hands. He waa lionised.
There was none of that last night. Bryan came
into the dressing tent behind the utage while the
Kilties' band waa playing a piece. There were only
two persons there waiting for him. One was a news
paper reporter. The other was a daughter of Ne
braska congressman, who la In a hospital here.
Only those two. Not one politician there to meet
him. Not a city nor a county official, nor a stale
nor government official, nor a candloate for office
No one to welcome him.
There was something iJithctic In the sight of Wil
liam Jenningj Bryan standing there atone In (iv
nmt-darkness of the dressing tent, the hot air heavy
with the scent of tramped dog fennel, on one side
bandsman In his underclothing changing from his
kilties. Jlryan waited there for his cue to go on.
The audience had listened for an hour to Indif
ferent music by a band that played last winter In a
restaurant In this city. There waa a short Intermis
sion and Bryan was Introduced by Rev. "A. O. Pear
son, pastor of the Fltst Presbyterian church of Inde
pendence, who spoke highly of Mr. Bryan aa a Chris
tlan gentleman. That pleased Bryan. Ills face
glowed with pleasure and he shook Mr. Pearson's
hand and thanked him, and then he began his speech
He wore the same sort of a wrinkled Mack alpaca
coat that he has worn on all his speaking tours since
he began In 1W as the free silver candidate for the
presidency. But the long, black, waving hair thai
eovered his head In abundance then Is almost gone
Just a fringe of It behind his earsthe whole dome
of his head bald. The ever present smile, the springy
step, were gone, too. He was no longer as corpulent
as he used to be. There was the be sinning of a hump
appearing between his shoulders. Bryan was showinir
his age.
Mr. Bryan's voice waa hoarse, and he saved It all he
could. He gave one the Impression of an exceedingly
tired man who was working when he ought to have been
asleep and resting: but who waa bound to go through
with It. He held a palm leaf fan and occasionally he
waved It In front of his face with one quick gesture.
As he apoke under a row of hot electric bulbs per
spiration gathered In beads on his bald head, face
and neck, and trickled down In tiny streams that
glistened in the electric light. In the middle of his
lecture he stopped, leaned over and spoke In an un
dertone to a man In tha front seat The man went
out and returned with a bowl of cracked Ice, which he
planed on the stand.
Brysn thrust his right hand eagerly Into It, as an
over heated horse plunges Us nostrils beneath tha
cooling water In a tank. He clasped a chunk of the
ice and held It nntil his hand was cold; then he put
the chilled palm of his hand to his forehead and slid
It up and bark over the bald place. This he did over
and over agsln throughout the balance of his speech.
If he took his hand from the cracked ice to make a
gesture with It, he quickly returned it again to the
bowl. Then he kept on rubbing and rubbing his heal
with his cold paint.
At first Ttryan had little applause. The first greet
ing of the audience as he walked out was decidedly
cool. The majority there were holders of season tick
ets In the Chautauqua and there were mure women
than men In the audience. It might have been that
Bryan waa no more to them than any other attrac
tion of the week. 'At any rate he did not get as muoh
applause as was given tb band that preceded him,
and not nearly as much as was riven a member of
the band who gave Imitations of Harry Lauder anJ
sang "Tlpperary "
There was scarcely a ripple of applause until
Bryan was almost half through his qpeech. Then he
mentioned the name of President WTtson and the
audience broke loose and showed Mr. Bryan In most
emphatfe manner what Ita opinion was of the presi
dent, After that It .sort of warmed up to Bryan,
probably on account' of his apparent sincerity, and
his worn look, and the effort he was making.
The 'War and Tts Lessons to t's" waa the subject
of Ms speech. He divided It Into' three parts: The
war as It Is snd tts Injury to us; Its cause and the
wsy out, ar.i the road to permanent peace. He pic
tured the horrors of the war and the Industrial and
financial losses from It; said It was the result of the
doctrine of "might roakea right" and of preparedness
satd the nation that waa best prepared for war
was the first one Into It and asserted: "If our coun
try waa as ready as the Jingoes would like to have It,
we would hare been Into the war long before this."
Ha said he believed tn ' letting tha people
vote on whether they wanted war or aot, and those
who voted for It ought to g-o first, with all the Jingo
editors on tha filing line. Te closed by declaring that
tha treaties he and President Wilson had negotiated
would make permanent peace for this country when
all of them had been signed up.
Twice Told Tales
Drawbacks la Drawlsg.
"This check of yours," said the large-hearted
cashier to Brushly, tha Impressionist painter, "is
drawn exceedingly well, and In composition seems tc
be pretty nearly perfect; but It lacks background, Mr.
Brushly. But for that It would be a work of art.
Your foreground Is charming, but Just a trifle too
well, shall w say. too fanciful?"
"I don't know what you are driving at," growled
Brushly. ."I suppose you know what you mean, how
ever. What kind of a background would you sug.
"Cash!1 said the cashier. "A work of art like this,
calling for the payment of S0. Is not wholly con
vincing with a sketchy little overdraft ef lis on do
poslt to provide the necessary contrasts In light and
ahsue and to give the thing what we mlgtit call
Whereupon Bniahly, like the self-respecting man
he was, anapped his fingers under the Impudent fel
low's nose and transferred his overdraft to the trust
company across tha etreet-Judga.
la the Mlaerltr.
Homer Rcadheaver. the right hand ot Billy Bun
day, said on day In Paterson:
"1 am a believer In radical pulpit methods, and
yet sometimes the radical is hoist, as the saying Is,
by his own petard.
"I used to know a preaoher who was troubled by
a sleeping chap. This duffer Used to sleer through
every sennoa. Sometimes he'd even snore.
"The preacher, a radical, said one hot Sunday morn
ing In a low voice, so as not to wake the sleeper;
" 'All who want to go to heaven stand up'
"All stood up except tha one man.
" 'Now all who want to go to the other place' up
to this point the preacher had kept his voice low, but
now he rapped out at the top of his lungs the two
words 'stand up!'
"H like a shot leaped the sleeper. lis looked
round the church In a dased way. Then he gave a
quiet emtla and said-
Wsll, parson, I dunno What the votln's about,
but you and ma seem to be In the minority.' "
Jtewark News.
Aa EaiHriri Herself.
Mrs X wont out to look for a cook,
elderly colored wo ma a she said. "I am
someone who understands cooking and is
reliable. I am willing to pay her good
treat har well, but so far I've been unable
rt-ht person. Do you know of someone I
"Deed no. lady. I don t, waa the
Oh. dear!" alcbad Mra. X. "what shall
"I dunno, lady, less' a you does as I
a a hits woman." New York Ttnira
Meeting- aa
looking- for
wages and
to find the
Can get'
i dor
has to hire
Ktltade of the Street Bsllwey.
OMAHA. Aug. Il.-To the Kdltor of The
Bee: In The Bee's letter Box this
ninrnlng, "A Reader" criticises the street
railway company for not adopting the
near-side stop outside of the city limits.
As the street railway company desires
to be fully understood In this matter, I
offer the following explanation:
The street car company has at all times
stated Its belief to be that the far-side
stop better serves Its patrons than the
near-side stop. It would, therefore, be
Inconsistent of us to sdopt the near-side
stop where we are not required to do so.
but a weightier reason for not stopping
at the near side outside of the city limits
Is that a large portion of our tracka out
side of the city limits are on unpaved
streets or dirt roads, where there la de
cided objection to stopping at the near
side In bad weather. That our decision
to adhere to the far-side stop outside of
the city limits Is sound is shown by the
fsrt that residents along unpaved streets
Inside of the city limits promptly pro
tested against the near-side stop on their
streets, as It required them to wade
through mud when they wished to board
a car, and. In response to these protests,
the city authorities requested us to ex
cept unpaved streets from the provisions
of the near-sldo stop ordinance.
Assistant General Manager.
Billy Saaday'a Hell.
OMAHA. Aug. Z2.-To the Editor of The
Bee: The weak defense attempted of
Billy Sunday by Edith Darling Horlock In
the letter Box of even date would better
had been omitted for all the good It has
accomplished as a defense of Billy Sun
day, the faker. Billy Hunday, the Indi
vidual, may have admirable personal
traits; he may be a good father, and a
loving husband; he may be a tender
hearted and sympathetic brother to those
In distress with whom he comes In con
tact; and notwithstanding all those sd- ,
mlrahle traits, he stands Indicted before !
the bar of science, truth and Justice aa a :
faker. j
. Any man who preaches and condemns
his fellow-man Into a fabled, pagan hell
that never existed only In the diseased
mind of a religious fanatic and this In
the face of scientifically and mathematic
ally proven facts that disprove all ho
says, makes htm out a liar to a greater
extent than even Dr. Cook.
I ask: How can people who claim to
be ordinarily intelligent accept of such
nonsense In this advanced age of scien
tific discoveries, and how can they love
and respect a man who deliberately cap
italises a pagan superstition?
Let Billy help destroy this earthly
economic hell, and all other hells will
automatically disappear.
2616 Famam Street.
It's There, Just the lane.
OMAHA, Aug. X2.-TO the Editor of The
Bee: Your staff correspondent of Lin
coln reports that Secretary of Bute Pool
has discovered that the Jackson law i
known as house roll 840, session 1913, was
not Incorporated In the 1913 statute. I
beg to differ and would refer to pages 173
and 173 revised statutes of 11X.
What la m Prison f
tho Editor of The Bee: It seems a fitting
time, when thousands of Americans, at
least In the northern states, are aroused
to righteous Indignation over the horrible
atrocity that has Just been perpetrated
against Leo Frank, to ask. tho questions,
"What la a prison." and "When la a
prison not a prison?"
We are all- familiar with, the unsuc
cessful attempt made upon this man's
life a short time ago, when ho was cruelly
slashed by a fellow convict And this
would-be slayer of Frank Is one, who
could have had no personal interest In
the death of his victim, therefore, the
fact follows, that he must have been
a hired assassin. In the face of this
cowardly attempt upon his life, did not
Frank apply tha Golden Rule and beg
the state authorities to have mercy on
the assailant?
It seems also tn order at this time
to quote a few "lines from reoent dally
Of all tho armed guards on tha prison
farm, not one raised a hand to protect
him. The same five masked men sur
prised Superintendent Burke, and two
guards who are said to have been asleep
on the dormitory front porch.
Would It not appear that these guards
are paid to protect tho lives of tho prison
ers aa weU as their own lives? And
Is Georgia paying its guards to . sleep
on the dormitory front porches of prisons?
It seems that any ' fair-minded person
whe desired Justice, as all prison au
thorities, judges, and others in the em
ploy of the government should, under
standing fully tha circumstances sur
rounding the Frank case, should have
realised the necessity of taking precau
tionary measures for his safety.'
At the present time the public press
Is quoting ex-Governor Slayton in con
nection with tho affair, as follows:
Every power of the state will ' be
brought to bear to punish the malefactors
who have so disgraced the common
wealth. Men who would do this sort of
thing are the same sort that would kill
women and children and murder men
from behind a fence. The worda I speak
hers 1 will repeat at home.
Ex-Governor Slayton should go down
In history aa being on of tho bravest
of the brave, for It Is a groat risk he
Is taking.
The responsibility of Frank's death lies
at the doer of the stste of Oeorgla and
It should be mads to account.
CENCE" i:wlty la Everyday Life.
OMAHA, Aug. XL To the Editor of The
Bee: A recent Issue of the American
Political Science Review contalna an
estimate of the book, Etiuitanla, published
by Dr. W. O. Henry of Omaha. The
editor's comment Is quite favorable. The
work Is in many respects - remarkable.
Briefly stated the author has sought to
outline the line of conduct of individuals
In many situations of every day Ufa It
Is something of a treaties on "how to
do right" in all circumstances, and par
ticularly how to ahape one'a oonduot so
aa to do light, by nee self, also by his
neighbor. Pr. Henry baa drawn oa hla
ImaglnaUoa for tha creation of tho state
of society of people located to the "LaaJ
of Uqulty."
Dr. Henry lays a great deal of stress
on the Importance of teaching people or
lines of personal accountability and In
dividual responsibility. He says that
"real worth, will power, and moral
strength" can come In no other way.
Equltanla touches ea so many subject
bearing upon tha experieaoea of every
day life that It cannot fail to attract a
great deal of attention of thoushful men
snd women. While lr. Henry outlines an
ideal state of society and has created an
Imaginative realm, yet ot the same time
his Ideas have a practical application and
prove of great value to the averse
reader. J. 11. HAYNKS.
Doabta Practicability of MnninM.
OMAHA. Aug. S3. -To the Editor of The
Bee: I recently wrote a short letter to
your letter box on the Esperanto advo
cate Mr. Charles P. Lang. As Esperanto
concerns a vital problem of the day,
"world wide understanding," and result
ant "world wide peace." I think it
deserves the further Investigation by
readers of The Bee. I a!so have noticed
In a late issue of The Bee a letter by Mr.
Johns advocating- "Monoglot" as a
medium of International communication.
Now, I know absolutely nothing about
"Monoglot" and for that reason will not
attempt to discourage the Idea. But, I
wish to state that I have great doubts
about Its practicability. Mr. Johns states
"Monoglot" Is derived largely, from Lntln
ami In my opinion Latin is too compli
cated. The principle purpose of an Inter
nntlonal language Is for ths use of the
nunlinqulst. The linqulst can soon ac
quire any tongue. Tt seems to me that
a language derived from Latin must of
a necessity entail considerable difficult
grammar, which alone would make It Im
practicable among the poor and unedu
cated. If what is written and said of Esperanto
be true a poor person with limited edu
cation can with very smell expense and
little labor mentally acquire command of'
a tongue with which he or she can con
verse with intelligence with people of his
own station In life from all nations. If
this is really so a few weeks study ami a
little planning on the part of the whole
family will furnish for all many years of
education which will be practical, and
much good, hearty, clean entertainment.
Mamma ws till-inn daughter to tk-
"I dn t like the way y"U and JncK nc
over the fnnt nnl every evening. I'll-
rmiinl m ti'il
I -Well nm t,. that, their's h srent dc: I
t.v lie ml or. Ktli sid.--." i '' d '' 1
ur Judge.
"Did you nee wheic s l.iNu Inspector
In Massachusetts rtcl,ir-.1 that in the
night section, the telephone tfliis wor.;
while thev sleep?" ,
"Humph, that's nothing. I've known
them to sleep while they work.' Bait. -more
"A cosy plctuie. eh? A man lollin;
In an ensy-chalr. and his beautiful wife
leaning over h'm to light his cigar.''
"Von haven't seen the companion pic
ture to It, have you?"
"Why. no "
"It's the same man savagely chewing
the end of his cigar and writing a check."
liirmingnm Ace-Herald.
Many a man who is well off Is well on
I In years.
i It dcesn't tske a good looker long to
! find a husband.
Ynnv a "-omin without brains is aide
to fool a male highbrow.
I Tne man who .a always celebrating
Isn't neccFSarilv celebrated
No candld ile is ns radical in office a
he was during the campaign.
I I'eople would rather listen to a bank
I account thsn a hard luck story.
I A woman seldom enjoys anything- "n
rless she can sheds tears over It.
I Those who sre fond of harmony, have
no esrthly use for chin music.
I Customs Inspectors are patriotic. The
always go where duty calls them.
Some men would rather he abused than
accumulate a lot of receipted bills.
If a man Is backed by money It inn't
ilfricult for him to put on n bold front.
And many a man squanders so much
coin on lis Ideals that he can't afford to
A compound fracture of tne neck H
said to be the only sure cure for the
grumbllne habit
Nothing; makes a man feel so Import
ant as his ability to answer the questions
of a smell boy.
Mather than make an effort to reach
t lie top somo men remain at the bottom
snd help to pull others down. Chicago
Thm Cmnurml taytt
Whoa we entered th field thsj prlosj of good rwefias.
waa taa kirk. With, cna bis mills, aiiucaissja OOVTMlt ana
nsojern selling bboUkxJs we cast sail tha teas roofiag at m
nrica. This baa boon dona tl such a gi-asct
Now yosj got
reasonable) prlca. Thie baa boon dona tt such a g
x toast that kigh prices bare baea killed. Now yosj
tba kdghast quality at a reasonable prica wbea yesj
But titers k another great dinger. Un
known goods with unknown brand
and nkjDOwnqualitics art being ottered
at prices that are too cheap for safety.
It's long, long cbaace yeu take when
you buy these cLean goods. Avoid ex
tremes of cheap nnces a well as high
prices. Know that 'be coaipanr whose
taua appears on be goods has the
ability to make a good quality roofing
t reasonable price, and that it is
guaranteed by them te be the best
roofing potaibls to msh that the
company doss aot sell anything at
higher price, and that the price at widen It
is offered to you is a reasonable bat aot
cheap price.
Ctnatn-tmti Roofing is gosfanteed S, W or IS
years, according to whether the thickness Is 1.
or S ply respectrrdy, aod remember this
gasnuiteets backs" by the Unrest mills bs the
roofins ana hoi id ins paper industry.
Aikrout itaito lor it rmb saw
kbaC Tat srks an as nanartlfc
CeBtral Kooflnf Huafactarinf Co.
sW4aflgl sVswwl'saf 9mifo0tllTtT9 if aRafaltf
ad SaHirtss has
few Tart Or CUcase .PUUsslsUa ttLsah
gatfaa Csmlaa riMakarrt patraS Salmdu
iss ills I ii T
asterim Tirops
Via Tho
New York and return , $54. GO $58.20
Orle way rla Buffalo other way via Washington.
Boston, Mass., and return $53.90 $60.20
One way via Montreal other w ay via Direct Line
through Albany and Buffalo.
Boston. Mas., and return 859.50805.25
One way Tla Buffalo and Albany other way via New
York and Washington, D. C.
Many other combinations may be had, including Lake Ocean
Bay and River Trip. Eixty-day limit with many
atop-over privileges.
Round Trip Fares via Direct Routes:
Alexandria Bay, N. J., and return
Atlantic City, N. J., and return
Bar Harbor, Me., and return. .
Boston, Mass., and return
Buffalo. N. Y., and return. .".
Burlington, Vt, and return..
Chautauqua Lake points, N. Y., &nd return
Cleveland, O., and return
Detroit, Mich., and return.'
Halifax, N. S., and return
Montreal. Que., and return....
New York, N. Y., and return. . . '.
Portland, Me., and return
Portsmouth, N. H., and return
St. John, N. B., and return
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and return
Toronto, Ont., and return
852. lO
gwrporers -Slaty-day XdmJt. Many othea
points. inclaulB- Oreet Xkee. Hi, Uw
reace SUver, Hadeoa salver, sto.
For tickets, reserratiOBs ad fall tafosv
matloa apply to
JOStaT UUII, Oeaeral Ages.
ln-S Taraasa lis at. Osasvha, Sab.
840.30 to
$54.70 to
$-47.85 to
$38.55 to
$33.70 to
$50.80 to
$41.30 to
$48.85 to
$49.00 to
$48.40 to
$51.80 to
$44.05 to
$36.20 to
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may he
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to he really succcessfuL