Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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,9 A
Remarkable Eednction Made in the
Cost of One of the Best Known
AutomobillsU hT been watching
and waiting for the announcement
of the Veil Motor Vehicle company
of Moline, IU., for noma time. It
wan generally known that-the Velle
company would build a lower-priced
Six than the present "BlltweT1 model
lit 11,595, but the real Interest cen
tered In the specifications and
features of the new cur, as the Velle
is well known for its high quality,
and the smaller Six would be no ex
ception to that itandard.
The new Voile "BlltweU" hu been an
nounced and at a price of tl.WR, which.
In Itself place the Velle company In a
new field, which 1 seldom touched, In
that a Quality car of known merit and
backing may be secured at a price within
the reach of all buyera In the $1,000 clans.
Larare and Roomy.
The new Velle 1 large and roomv US
Inch wheelbase, four-inch tlrea ample
room foi five passenger with every at
tention paid to the comfort and con-
venlence of the driver. The motor Is a six-
cylinder, forty-horsepower Continental
the latest type, with removable cylinder
head without question the most accessi
ble, powerful and sturdy motor on the
market today. A unit power plant Is used
with multiple dry disk clutch and three
speed selective type transmission. The
Hotchklss type of drive Is continued
ihroi'gh a rear axle of floating type, with
spiral bevel gears, all- readily accessible
end enclosed In a pressed steel housing.
At fi,065 one Would expect something to
be left off, or the car quality reduced,
but the new Velle is complete In every
respect; $530 lower In price than the
former Velle model, with every desirable
equipment. One-man top, qulhk adjusta
ble side curtains, speedometer, dash lamp,
portable lamp, endless demountable rims,
push button starter, and, of course. Urea
and incidental appliance.
Over half a century building machinery
and vehicles has taught the Velle com
pany the best manufacturing methods.
How to paint and how to select materials
that will stand up and rive good service.
iThe finish of the new car la perfect,
'"mirror," finish M. Is called, and deserves
the name. The car shows an abundance
. of power and operate smoothly and
quietly on high or low throttle, with an
Instant and enatlnal acoele ration.
All Wamt Ceura.
George H. Lloyd, sales manager of the
t ompany, said, We have already- been
approached by our larger dealers, who
enthusiastically want to contract for prac
tically our entire output. But our plan
is that of a general distribution. We want
the new Velle to go everywhere to be
nlaced in comparison with other similar
priced cars on the market today, that all
may become acquainted with what real
Velie quality means."
"A great opportunity la offered ono
good dealer in such unoccupied terri
tories as we have at this time, and an
equal opportunity Is offered the buyer
to secure the greatest value for the money
"Dealers are now receiving their demon
strators and general deliveries will be
gin In July. It will repay every buyer to
see the new Velio "Blltwer model before
making any selection, as the car must be
seen to be fully appreciated."
tatest Eight-Cylinder
Arrives in Omaha
The Mitchell factory at Racine has
just shipped to their dealers the first
ample of their new eight-cylinder
models, and Omaha was among the. first
to get on. The car is now on exhibition
at the sales room, 20T.4 Farnam, and ta
sharing honora with the new model, the
Mitchell M-4. The motor Is of the stag
gered type, with a lot of good new fea
tures, and the public is Invited to come
and look over this new model.
Hitchcock Quits
Moline and Joins
Apperson Force
Ralph. Hitchcock has switched hi al
legiance from th Moline Kntght com
pany to J. H. He Jong, agent her for the
Apperson. Hitchcock was a member of
the ales force of the Moline company
for several years and Is considered one
of th0 best automobile salesmen in the
Take Out Mitchell
Sixes Despite Mud
Mitchell isr keep going out, notwith
standing the rain and mud of the last
work. The new l-"s brought htindrrds
of visitors to the ss.'esroom, and the fol
lowing took out cars: Otto flpreii ht.
Louisville; John Oauer, Cedar Creek;
Schlenti Bros.. David City; C Medlnger,
Bellwood; 'William P. Qabel. North
Bend; Claude Divine, North Berd: a. F.
Pkanbeck. Millard, all light sixes. Or
der for. the lt-fs were left by A. K.
Beason, Audutoon, la.; Lars Qundersnn,
Mlnden. Neb. ; W. O. Armstrong. Broken
Bow, Neb.; IE. K. Mookett. Lincoln.. Neb.;
Ben Biexer, Council Bluff, la., and F. H.
Beebe, Beebetown. Ia-
Champion Jess Willard Travels Luxuriously
( ' If , ' .
ri -,r. f.
s ..r - - -a. i
) , "ji '
I f f : v4
r - . . 1
Joss Willard. crowned world cham
pion of the flstlo arena at Havana, has
signed up with a wild west show as being
more to his liking with its outdoor life
than the close, stuffy atmosphere of a
theater. It's the free, pure air that Jess
wants It helped him to win from Jack
Johnson for he was "broncho-bustei" be
fore he ever even dreamed of be 'ogtng
a ring hero. Willard has also taken to
ai'tomoblllng and carries with hit i en
route a slit-cylinder Studebaker touring
car which he learned ta admire and de
sire while training In Cuba for Ms battle.
"Performance and endurance of a rac
ing car depend, upon the lubrication of
its driving parts. The lubrication of the
motor especially is a most important
point for the driver or his mechanician
to watch. Statistics show that lubrica
tion trouble have been responsible for
the withdrawal of a great number of cars
that bad to quit the track when their
driver were traveling along with the
speed and consistency that put the big
prise almost within their grasp, when
kuddenly they were reduced to 'also rans'
because the lubrication went bad," says
Louis gohwltser, chief and production
manager of the Empire Automobile com
pany and winner of the first raoe on the
Word ha Just been ' received at the
Cole factory that a new eight-cylinder
car climbed Indian hilL near idadlson
ville, Cincinnati. - O., on high gear. The
rar made the climb while being driven
from the factory to Huntington, W. Vs.,
by H. V. Carter qf the latter city. Thl
I ths first time, so far as can be ascer
tained, that any car has climbed thl hill
on high gear. For fear the fact might
he doubted Mr. Carter ha mad a sworn
statement before a notary Touching for
it truth, which he mailed to the Cole
company and which ia now held by that
i oncem.
Giwlr Win Aato.
Hank" Oowdy, the super-hero of '.sst
world s championship nase ban
KtsIKer sign In the Kenwsy ,ark
nk" lit the third ttrave to a-coirrtlir.ii
mis rest ana inereov sa.i . lu ins .-r-fsctly
legiUmsto Income.
ear m
lontinuous flow of powerj givitts
ffreater.cmoothnesa at au opqecu.
Anow"measuro of ecQXXQXjay'jn jag
olinejioil and tires
Greater'convcnienco duo toTiicosiSii
bilitv;of electrical unitsuind salve
Loss wear in tbo bearinBandcoii
ccqucnt reduction .inrepairAbiflau
Shoiicr.hirnin radium
Ai ncrvTmeacure or motoirlujjuid
TOotoring ejpyxxicnti
ideas, of meter carGufBctcn(
TKi7 Twin Six l bunt'bi TftclrraJ "vfa'mbpmxs
lz tha Ml-35" with whU ; bo4f . . . . . . TmSo
botllS Inch-, th "1-237 Pkrd frfth any
with whftlbattt of J241riciaBi f2SMfy . I
Orr Motor Salon Company
Fa mam And Fortieth 8trvt Omaha, Nsfaracka
the motor is 30-35 h.p. cast en bloc
-it has full-floating rear axle,
-the wheelbase is 1 1 0 inches.
The price of the car
complete is $785
f. o. b. Detroit
rides like a Pullman
You are conscious of a
"let down" in tension, of a
freedom from strain when
you ride in a Chalmers New
The new type of spring
suspension is responsible for
It goes over bumps and
bad roads like a Pullman
glides over a crossing.
And it takes corners with
the free and easy swing of
an aeroplane.
The new high speed, long
stroke, valve-in-head motor
with overhead camshaft
gives this car the power of
a locomotive; makes it run
with a wonderful smooth
ness. It gets away like a
Come in and let us show
you this New Six and ex
plain its new and important
, NEW SEX-40
Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska.
Telephone Douglas 138
Let your next car le a Chalmers"