Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Mayor Hoctor Sugg-eita Suit Be
Started to Protect South Omaha
During a conference 1th Mayor
I-ehlman, Mayor Hoctor of South
Omaha suggested a friendly suit by
th Omaba officials to require th
South Omaha officials to turn over
tf fleet, funds, reoorda and books
when th time arrived for such a
procedure. Mayor Dahlnian inferred
from the remarks of the South
Omaba mayor that some sort of a
eult would be necessary, Mayor Hoc-
tor's point being that the officials of
his town want the protection of a
court order before relinquishing cus
tody of funds, property and records.
the city legal department la beginning
lo look Into tha matter and will be ready
to recommend a course of action at tha
proper time.
"At for myself. 1 could Jtiat walk out
of my office and that would ba all there
would be to It, but we feel that we
ahould have a court order before wa
turn ovr funds," atated Mayor Hoctor.
Mr. Hoc-tor iulled that he had In mind
a friend iy suit and he added that any
resistance which might be shown by tha
South Omaha official! would be
"frUndty resistance" to protect thrlr
To Vniiw Arreaatlna-.
aialnt City Attorney TePoel atated
that if the South Omaha official elect
to realat turning over thttr offlcna, then
It will be up to the Omaha official to
tart action to secure- poaaeMlon of tha
official record and fundi. He explains
that In connection wtlh ft .court - order
of this kind the Omaha official could at
tli aame time secure an accounting from
the Kouth Omaha official.
Attorney Tel'oel bellevag the beet re
suit would be aerved by starting the
friendly suit auggeMed tf the officials of
tha Magic City are determined upon the
courae uullined by Mayor Hot-tor.
Whether the caa would be started In
tn eiatrici or state aupreme court la a
matter yea to be determined. It will be
several weeks yet before the consolida
tion will be In effect
: ; ,' . I
Y'; I
I d
After months of serious Illness, Bishop
Frank M. 'Bristol, now fully restored to
health, will preach In the First Metho
dist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. As
a great pulpit orator and popular lec
turer ha hta a a. eat reputation, and
has many local admirers, .
Toggle's Too Long;
Halyard Won't Stay
Put on Fontenello
"Betti.r have a man go up on the roof
and twoblock your color." asld, a voice
over the telephone to Manager Abraham
Jburbank of the Fontenella hotel.
"How -at:" aaid Mr. Burbank.
-Twohlock your color. They're two
fet off th blocks. Your toggle's too
long or else the halyard tan't made fast
riwht. 'v. reen men get ten, .days In
the trig alicard tha ahip for lea."
Maybe u. nave the . wrong number,"
airse.ted Mi . Bui bank.
"So: I haven't." ald the voice. "This
I Chief Yearned High at the navy re
cruiting station In the nostofflc build
tng. lour fie it on the root Is plainly
visible l.-om here and it annoys us to
see It hanging at least a foot from the
top rr the starf. It looks bad. All it
need is a shortening of the toggla or
rmkjtis; the halyard fast better. lieu
tenant Tipton ay if you wish we'll
send over a man o' warsman to fix the
tesgle and the halyard ro It'll atay put."
Mr. bu'bank is a man who like to get
information and he took ocgaalon to leant
that the "fugle" I a bit of rope fastened
io the flag. This rope la fastened by a
peg to the "halyard." which la the rope
mat runs up over the pulley or "block
st tho top- of a flagitaff.
ir -ne toggle Is too long It strikes
th pulle-y too soon and ieavea the flas
floating tome distance below the top of
me starr.
"I remember a itera old captain I once
sailed lth corning up on the bridge one
y ana looking at th flag." said Lieu
tenant Tipton.
" Why is the flag at half mtit, lieu
lensntr " he said.
"It was just snout an Inch from the
block, but 1 got tin day in my room for
m ini,.P mar. a wny it annoys me to
see the flas (n the Fontenello. I hor
Krsmarich Cited
to Appear on Charge
of Court Contempt
John U .Webster and W. J. ' Connell,
attorney for the street railway oom
Dur. charge Ixxl Kramarhh. a laborer,
with perjury.' In a motion filed In die
trict court ask Ins; Judge Katelle to cite
him on a chaise of contempt o( court.
Alleged fale statement under oath ware
made by Kinmarlch. fay th attorney,
when he testified for the plaintiff In
Mr. Mary Scott I'g personal Injury dam
age suit against the company, tried be
fore Judge K telle.
The motion sake that K rams rich be
required to rhow cause why he ahould
not be punlahed for c ontempt 'of court.
Krsmarich testified, according to the
motion, that he wa present at the time
f theccident-to the plaintiff; that the
reet car on which the piaintirr wa
Hilinfr came to a full Mop and started
forward as she wa alighting from it.
Evidence waa afterward Introduced In
the trial that Krsmarich at the time of
the aocldent wa working at Swift ft
Co.'s plant In Couth Omaha
Says He Forged a
Check to Get Food
for. Wife and Tots
Ed M Nit holnon. aged -J year, redding
i --- aworr.'a etrect. wa arraigned
poms court cnarsed with forging the
name of 1. e. Iavltt to a check for .
wnu-4 tie tried to pass at the Brandeli
Stores He was arrested by 8pwial of
rmn ana secured a continuance of
hearing till Saturday. His bond, were
fiacd at MM. Nirhoiaon in a written
tatement cdmiited the forgery and said
n mu ii ir hi rood for hi wife and t
mall children.
Currie Sends Out
Appeal to theG.O.P.
State Newspapers
At a called meeting of the officers and I
executive committeemen ef the Nebraska!
Republican Publicity association, held In I
Omaha, with President F. M. Currie In I
the chair, tha following appeal wa form
ulated and ordered sent to the republican!
ntwapapers of Nebraaka over hi name!
We have organised an association to I
prr.mote rebubllcsn doctrines, to advo
cate republican principle and to tell of
republican achievement.
Wa bellevs that the work ahead nf u
will be of the utmost benefit to Nebraska
laborers, mechanics, farmers, business
men and manufacturer.
We bsliava that reoubttean ascendancy I
is neceaeary to inluatrlal proaperlty.
The Nebraaka Republican Publicity a.
aorlation will have no preferred ?at.dt-1
ila tea, but will devote it whole energle
to the promotion of republican meaaurea.
11 will ask every Nebraska voter to sup
port its partv principles regardless of
paet perty affiliations.
Th organisers solicit the moral and
financial support of every republican.
We need your help In the work of re-1
deeming Iseoraeka.
Buy-a-Lot Campaign'
Offers Many People
. Chance to Get Rich
The rich families of New fork and
other large - cities are families who
members bought the lot of these cltle
before they bad risen to prohibitive
Pome of these families never spent
cent for Improving their lots. They simply
bought and held them until tbey had in
creased In value by the natural growth
of the city.
People who buy Omaha lots ean watch
their fortunes grow in th same way.
The Bee's Uuy-a-Lot compalg is bring.
lag out the saving of many cltliens and
lu vesting them In real estate where they
cannot be lost and where they re al-1
most ur to Increase with greet rapidity,
It Is alto placing on tha market some
exceptional bargains In the "dirt" of one
of the fattest growing cities In the world.
Water Board Sues
Dundee for $1,638
for Unpaid Bills
... iiiuiocii aay rrogrsm ; n - metropolitan water diatrtct has
a .remed t riday afternoon at the' brought auit against the village of Dun
l.dmaid Roaaasler School: idoe In dl.lrl.-i court for ti ca k (i.. hv.
Yli-trola selection,
h inriersai ten garnet,
t ignt.i H tlas hiatorr. Marry Pecha
Foik shin iluniib culkai. itonih . ,i
eiehlii grade Slrla.
I lano rfo Len Kiranglen.
I'hlneae drill fifth and aixtl) grade boys
riioupa of onr. eond giade.
mhlh n clu-B piouliecy. Ivy Miller.
I oik nines. "H-md Purrula Hot "
'Ace .. luanionda,' sixth and seventh
td girl.
loltn nolo (Minuet). Kdw-ard Hornola.
Iirainatiaallona. third grade.
Wand drill, bov of u- vrr grade.
t.lfhln 11 rlaaa poem. Knill Kralliek.
eOus In (ierntaii. tierman class.
oval olo. Ivy Miller.
Kn. ft rat giade.
"!k, wvavlng gams, seventh and
eisnih grade girla.
,ioup of flower softs, fourth grade.
f olk game. Norwegian mountain march,
filth and alatu grade irl. .
Aim-t ii a-
drain rentala alleged ' unpaid from July,
mil to May 1 1)14. The Water board
maintains that the village ahould pay
the rentala because they were paid to
the old water company. The vllage de
nies liability.
Tt retreat Ion board will meet the cly
coiumlaaioaara next Monday morning to
consider the engagement of a aalaiied
fcuuervlsor of the municipal recreation
uentera Before hiring a supervisor the
Hoard wants ts know whether the ap
propriation fur thia city department is to
b a permanent feature. Ia all prob
ability an experienced man from another
eaur will be hired
Fresh Summer Clothing for Children
A Great Sal of Quality Wash SwU
In Boys' New Department Third Floor, New Store.
$2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 Manhattan Waah Suits
We were fortunate in gecurlnf the entire stirploa stock of the well known
Manhattan make of Quality Wash Suit s at fully v, off the original price.
All new styles and many even newer than
you have ever seen In your city before.
New Duck Suits Different Olrrcr Twist Style
New Tommy Tucker Striti
Middy Style Junior Norfolk Model Vectee Style
All In th famous Manhattan standard of tailoring, style and quality. Many
are Imported fabric suits, real Irish linens, repps, crash e. ratines, silk and
linen mixtures, kindergarten cloths, imported madras and cbambrays. All the
new color combinations of the season, as well as plenty of plain white, blue
and tan. These values are so unusual that parents will buy them in twos
and threes.
$1.60 and $2.00 Manhattan Wash Suits, $1.15
One bis table full of every new style suit at thl price, la every sice. 1 to
I years.
i Children's Smart School Dresses
Pretty new wash frocks for the girls and young misses. Fresh
lots ready for tomorrow. It is the certainty of always getting the
newest styles as well as the best values here that makes this store
liked by mothers and daughters.
. Special sport dress of wash repp. The sport Jacket effect made
Vl PK t prtty blaser stripes in different colors, the skirt of plain
L. f-r white in full pleating.
Sailor dresses in natural linen color and white, mad with a
pretty middy waist and pleated skirt.
New lawn dresse in pretty cool effects, flowered and striped
patterns and dainty summery colorings.
$5 to
New Organdie Dresses for girls from S to 17 years. Dainty
rrisn whit Arrandlsa msri with Iimk anf mhmMlu r K
.50 new ruffled and tiered effects.
M OH White Sailor Skirts of good repp, pleated and yoked with
j 1 sUU lacing, front or back.
New Pumps for Women
Brons Kid and Patent Leather, with gray' kid Insert New short appear
ing, medium narrow to.- Leather Louts heel. New
chic style. Every stxe and width. Pair
... .Mary Jane Ankle Strap Slippers for Women and Children Pat'
ent leather, dull leather and white canvas; flat tailored bow. -Broad
toes, low heel. Every Prices range from 11.49, in sixes 8V4 to
11, to f 1.98 in women' si see. . '
All sizes in Barefoot Sandals
for Children Soft willow calf-'
skin. Goot fitting and ex
tremely serviceable.
rair . . .
Tennis Bheae of all kinds for men,
women and bora High or low. Lake
side Club Brand. White with pur
white rubber soles; neat fitting
and vary ssnrlneabla.
Price rang from
18c to
Hurley Bros. Fine Footwear for Men All th late lasts. Imported
leathers, tan or black; perfect, easy fitting pattern. Will give uni
versal satisfaction. All site to 11. All widths AA to Cfi flA
E. Pair S9.00, a&.60 and.. apU.UU
They fit without a wrinkle.
- They are made with patent elas
tic girdle and glove fastener.
They have many points of impor-
tance lacking in ordinary petticoats.
KLOSF1T petticoats are showing now in the correct spring
modes that adapt themselves, to prevailing styles in outer
wear. The favored shades, the" correct lines.
All Jersey or Jersey top Klosfit petticoats with Messaline or
Taffeta flounces or all silk
Drugs and Ttilet Goods
Lticile Face Powder, all shades, gg
Mslb Face Powder, all shade.
Cucumber Complaxloa Cream.
La Petite Oeraldlne Fae Pew- "
dr, toe sis OC.
Madam Tse'bell's Face Powder, 90
ell shades ...C
Madam Ise'bell's Bath Oil, 0e 2c
White's Vaueair Oalega Tab- Q
leu. II else 0JC
Jap Rose Talcum Powder, a.
ess. .!C
fhTfe.....?.:::.1 10c
Dorin's Brunette Rouge, .'
Pter-Kiss Toilet Water, ft
Vegetal, botU. I.IU
Pond's Vanishing Cream. Be te.
Is jar , laiC
Lasoll's Field Violet Perfume. ACl
ounce rv
Aubrr' Tooth Paste, Jgg
7ii Toilet Water. a o
To ata OC
Palmer's Toilet Water, Ho Jg
Manicure' Emery Boards, two e
packages for .C
Fletcher's Castor! a, ate sis Q
botU ISC
ftruS.. 68c
Mentholatua, too sla 29 C
L4teriiie,.tl sis . " r o
bottls SW1C
Pluto Water. Sa sis ei
boule C
Stuart' r7pepel Tablets, tl g7g
Aspirin TableU,' arg'rmiiC"
doaaa , , vC
Ivory or Wool Soap, lo.
I bars for oC
Diamond C Soap. H
10 bar for - UC
Photo Supplies
Ne. I Buster Brow Camera J yc
Pri'ntin'''Frmei''tsi''"" 1
for aw.
DeToloptnc Tray, aaT. Z9c
M. "i"bVioperi eight 25c
daks a ewt prte.a.
Ws develop yoar films free when
print are ordered.
Hurge-Nah ha offered 15 box of
randy to tha person who suggest
suitable name for the new refreshment
department which la now nearlng com.
plelkm under the lobby of the Boyd
theater. The new department mill be in
charge of Tom McVittte. The contest
loses Saturday.
Ts Blr Well la luaarr.
Kl't Inflammation of the bronchial
tube cauae a distressing cough and
makes refreshing sleep Impoaaihle. Koley'
Honey and Tar compound covers raw. In.
flamed. Irritated aurface with a sooth
ing. hoaJlag coating and stops that an-
oying tit kilns, rallevtitg the racking.
tiling ooimh. Take this splendtd oourh
metirne with You en summer trip. It
is rn"d for coughs. cold,, croup,
bronchial afftx-ttona and la grippe cougha.
Sold v,-ya hue,. AdertlsUMint.
An Astounding Sale of
Take Chotoa of 982 Unfrmmed Pictures, Value
$2.50, $4.00, $6.00 and Doaens and Dozen of
Regular $7.50 Pictures,
One Day Only
Saturday, June 5th
A Furor in Art Coming Just in tha Nick of Tim to Us
Including pictures 14x12 and 2432; Colored European Photograv
ure. Gramercy Prints; French, German aad EnglUh reproductions;
Goupll hand-colored Metsograrure, Imperial Prints and exquisite
Modern American Photorravure.
V bought these pictures from a New York Art Shop for sou?
because of their large stock aad we will sell them the same way. Only
one picture of a kind to each purchaser.
25 Dleeount on Any Frm tsougnt or Ordered Saturdsy.
Third Floor.
"Good Will"
A very special box of assorted
chocolates, hard and soft center.
Regular 60c quality,
box ;
Special Fresh Toasted Jfarshmal
lowa Extra fin. Special in
Saturday, pound luC
Old Fashioned Yankee Pea
nut Brittle Pound
Cream Peanut Squsree Vanilla,
Strawberry and choco
late. Pound A,
Fresh Orated Cocoanut Bella
dipped In ranllla and chocolate
cream, rolled In pecan nuts. ) r
Pound DC
Our Delicious Pompeian Chocolate
Bitter Sweet and Swiss Style
Milk Chocolates Nut and
fruit centers. Special, box. .
Fresh Msple Confections
every Saturday, pound
Black Walnut Taffy-Pound
S9000 Wasp
Ther are here by thousands and thousands; a mos
Our unusual buying "facilities are emphatically demons
regular prices on accouni 01 me muiieuae wt.
The iUmhetiom do tcant juttk h the adual inste. There are drw
Picture (T you ean, wo, crfefi, dainty material with adroitly Jaihioned b
a faint idea of what our lovely drenet are lih- Better come early and xt t
$1.00, '$1.50, $1.98, $2.9
Every dress ful
ly guaranteed and
only the advanced
spring strics and
models. We have
divided them into
groups for easy
$3.95 to $5
About 40 differ
ent styles to se
lect from, In
every one of the
good wash ma
terials 1 1 a e n s,
olles, ratines,
figured crepea,
atrlpes and
check. Beautiful
summer color-'fog.
$1.95 to $2.95 Groups
Most unusual values extraordinary, asJ
aortments. Chambrays, plain striped and
checked ginghams, Tolles, combination trim
mings. All sizes.
Three Millinery Gems
v.! , Untrirorned Leghorn Sailors ' , .
Sevaral new tyls ia straight brim leghorn .
Sailor. A few with velvet top crowns, mad
of fine quality ItaliarC Teghorn," one bf the "
most dealrabls materials for an r fp
all-eummer hat. Reguiarly aold ' B I Hri
for 2.( and 11.10. af; VeeU
X :. In Our Trimming Section
Ostrich Pwmpona are the wanted trlramlng at
present ana ws have been fortunate enough
to seeure a .large quantity. An especially
greeesfwl yMiion, as Illustrated, mads of long
elected stock, very full with two shavsq
quill for height, in tolack, whit. f r
hUck aad whit, and pink. Ik I 1 9
A 1.C value ya.uv
Auto Cava In tan. Hack aad white check.
nary, mateon, gray, etc.. in the
wanted atylea. About 304 to select
front. Worth to 11.00, at
( -
BtE'rmem tipped
fit S!LK
f '
A Purchase of About 1.800 Pairs
of Women's Long Silk Gloves,
Worth to $1.00, will go on sale
Saturday at ;
The majority of' these gloves are of an
extra fine auality Milanese silk, 22 inches
long, but all reach considerably above the
elbov. These gloves come in white, black
and a few .colors. They are all double finger
The silk is guaranteed pure and washable.
Not for a long time have we been able to
offer as attractive a bargain as these or
long silk gloves, worth to Si.OO, at. ,.OOC
Victor Victrola
New Style XI
Our Price
114 1 ' instrument nas ail in la'.esi rea-
?n I of th hiKhest priced Victor-Vic
- il l trnlaa InrliiHim inlniiMll. tnn tilt
ins motor, improved tone chamber, horl-
zontai sneives ror boldlns record al
bums, etc.
Our stork is complete. Come in and
select the caee that matches your fur
niture. Our Record Service 1 nearest per
fection. F1 Pavmxt. it n.lrrA
VlctroU Department Pompeian Room