Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    THK DEE: 0,.HA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1 ;!-.
Tw Pee Publishing; Company, Proprietor.
Kntared at Omaha poetoffiee a aeeond-elaiia matter.
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New York Room 11M. S Fifth avenue.
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Washington 736 Kourteenth et., N. W.
'Address rornmunlcatlona reletlnr to new and edU
tori! mat tar to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
lata of Nebraska. County of Douglss. aa :
Dwight Williams, circulation manager of The Be
Publlxhlng company, being duly aworn. aaya that the
average clrculntlon for the month of April. was
DWTOTtT WIUJAMO, Circulation Mensgsr.
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KOBEHT HLNTEIt. Notary Public.
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Hay 1
Thought for the Day
Stltctwd by Mti. C. T. Mern
''We who pat dmrnlif, hour$ to eartUuly,
Hight malre tUt duily read a patK ofjlowtrt, if
' ut ioowU try.
Then tvtry gitUU d4 we've don, r kind word
IVrought into gold, t could make ut wondrovt
rick n htavtn."
The price of flour la no longer skyrocketing,
but bow about the size of the loaf?
But when the pie counter la bare, the Job
hunters will not be ao numeroua there.
Whatever bappeni, let our Italian-Americana
carefull abstain from over-excitement.
Far variety of performance, the merry
month, of May la putting It over 'em all.
The hole-ln-the-bottom-of-the-sea aong la
about due to come back into popular favor.
The time to wake up to the Importance of
Greater Omaha la now, before the consolidation
election, not after It.
Stock, market gaming muat be growing leaa
desperate not a rumor of Prealdent Wileon's
death for over a week.
The uplift goea forward by laapa an1
bounda. Thoae who doubt ahould follow the
dental dlacuaiion on the higher cultivation of
Down la Lincoln the superintendent of the
municipal water worka for twenty yeara haa
been aupplanted aa a result of the new deal com
mlstion plan government. Ouch!
State pride irons out the wrlnklea of the
belt aa it obeervea Governor Morehead in train
ing for the good roads and overalls act. The
fitness ot the man behind the ahovel ia yet to
be shown.
School board inveatigatora declare police
court appeala merely preteita to gat away froi
paying finea or forfeiting bonds. Well, how do
they suppose those police court lawyers make a
living, anyway T
A. workhouse for Omaha ' ran be made a
profitable investment or an unprofitable one,
according aa it la built, and run a a business
proposition or as a get-rlrh-qulck scheme like
that county Jail-feeding graft.
The development and application of a fake
fortune .Involvea more pain than pen can de
be r I be. The pictured dream of millions yesterday
turned into poverty today la a poignant change,
but the acute dlstresa evolves from a fat Urn
without a prop to lean on.
Among other factor in the high cost of
living must be reckoned a per capita fire cost
of $ a year. This Includes the cost of prop
erty burned up and the maintenance of fire de
partments la the United States. The tax Is
collected by varioua indirect ineana, but reaches
the pocket nerve just the same.
Not a Time for Bargaining'.
Out of tbe many reporta that come from th
capitals of the world alnce the Wilson note was
font to Germany la one that may be worthy of
some consideration. It Is to the effect that
Ambassador Bernadorff haa suggented that Ger
many will be willing to aunpend Ita aubmarlna
campaign If the United States will require thj
Allies to lift their blockade of the German ports.
This would be merely proposing a bargain
hardly In place at thin time.
The United States haa already made vigorous
protest to Great Britain concerning ita naval
Interference with neutral ahtpplng. That inci
dent is not yet closed. The British government"
latest representation to the United States is far
from satisfactory, and does not meet at any
point the contention that In certain Important
particulars neutral rights have been violated or
Ignored by the British. However, thla is a dif
ferent cas from that between the United State
and Germany, in which the rlghta of all neutrali
are involved, and so far tbe demanda of the
United States have been made In the name of alt
neutrals without special consideration of Amer
ican claims.
It la not for the United Wate". even con
atructlvely, to ahow preference aa between th
combatanta. "Shirt sleeve" diplomacy may
herein be vindicated, because of the directness
with which It baa approached the point at issue.
Our Police Court Problem.
The report on police court fines and for
felturea made to the 8chool board by Members
Wakely and Woodland for the judiciary commit
tee should help to an understanding of the prob
lem, even though It may not furnish the com
plete solution. The conclusion Is reached that
thousands of dollars have been lost to the school
fund by the ease with which appeala could be
taken at nominal expenae and with scarcely a
risk of forfeiting the appeal bond. There la no
doubt that a certain class of police court law
yers and professional bondsmen make a living
by in thla way intercepting the money that
would otherwlae be paid aa police court fine.',
and that all that Is needed to atop abuse Of the
practice la a little care and discrimination on
the part of the Judge and prosecuting author'
tles. Yet it must not be Imagined that every caae
appealed from the police court and later dis
missed represents a loss to the school fund.
Many aueh cases are not tried because conviction
by a Jury la highly improbable, and In many
others conviction would not mean payment of a
fine, but a jail sentence an expenae and not a
revenue to the taxpayers.
While police court machinery should be in
good working order all tbe time, the main thing
to be kept In mind, according to our way of
thinking, ia that the object la not to awell the
achool fund except Incidentally to the enforce
ment of tbe lawa and ordlnancea for upholding
orderllnesa and good behavior. We would
gladly forego all revenue from police court finea
and forfeiture! If we knew of some more effect
ive meana of prevention and repression to use
on the offenders.
Indebtedness of Cities and
Counties in Nebraska
Oenaae Boreas Bnllatta.
TUB dVIfj dlvlelone of the state of Nebraska re
ported a total net Indebtedness of tM,S71.067 In
ISIS. Of thia amount, the counties, as a separate
unit, were oblla;ted for t3,70$.12, or 101 per cent; the
cltlea, towns, vlllsacs, townships, etc., were obligated
for tAM'i.oV.. or T9. per cent; and the Independent
school districts, for H.6lS.7, or per cent of the
totdl. TTie amount reported In 1911 was an Increaee of
!5.r..fC7, or H I per cent, over the amount reported In
VJK, the Indebtedness In the latter year showing an
Increase of 15.117,147, or 313 per rent over that In
' The per capita debt In was t 50. having Increased
10.J7. or M.2 per cent, from le to ISIS. During the
; period 1W to 110! the per capita debt Increased $4 70.
! (ir SI per cnl. During the period 1SS0 to 190J the per
capita debt of all civil divisions increased at about
! the same rate ss the net debt, while during the
I period 1V2 to 101.1 the rate of Increase for the net
I debt was very much In excess of the rate of Increase
! of the per ".a pita debt.
Man and Meteorology.
How little man ia able to really foresee aad
forecaat weather conditions la evinced by the
remarkable temperature drop that la Just now
giving truck gardeners, fruit growera and flower
raisers so much trouble. It Is not at all uncom
mon to have frost in May; the records support
thla assertion, fend the Oldest Inhabitant ca.i
cull from the recesses of his all-embracing mem
ory many precedents.
It is not tbe recurrence of a late cold ape'l
that causes worry, but Its uncertainty. If onlv
it could be foretold with reasonable accuracy,
and its aeverlty and duration could be deter
mined In advance, aprlng farming would be re
duced to an exact science. But, until we sre
able to wrest from nature aoms definite Informa
tion aa to whence the wind cometh and whither
It goeth, meteorology, especially In the vernal
reason, will be more or less of a speculation, and
gardening something of a gamble.
n Nebraska Flying Squadron.
At last, Nebraaka baa a veritable flying
squadron; not one ao called by reason ot Its
extreme mobility, but one that actually flies.
Adjutant General Hall haa just announced that
the Nebraaka National Guard la owner of some
serviceable aeroplanea, and haa on Ita roster
several expert avlatora, who are ready to do
valiant alunta above the earth, ahould Occaaloa
tequlre their aervicea.
Thla will be Joyful tidings to the worn aad
weary veterans of Frank E. Moores' navy, who
have ao long mounted guard over the bordera of
Nebraska, ready to repel any hostile fleet or
foreign army that might threaten our peaceful
atate. It la also a welcome addition to that Hat
or citizens who are classified under the heading
of "sailors." and who have heretofore beeu
mostly of the "cornfield" variety. The sailors
of the air may not outnumber the others yet,
but give them time.
A great field of peaceful service la also open
to them. They may be of much real use to some
of our Inspired statesmen, who now and then gu
ro high in the air they cannot be followed by the
naked eye. In any event, the nresenca of an
! aviation corps Is most convincing proof that our
guardsmen are keeping strictly up to date in the
! art and science of warfare.
The deadlock over nomlnattoaa between the mayor
and council continues with the naiulua of W. 8.
Bhoamaker for city attorney, Jamea Carter for cit
physician and J air. re Donnelly for Inspector uf
we!tite and measure, all referred to committer.
A brilliant weddina at Ht. Phllomena'a united Mi.
P. J. Carroll and Mies Katie Casey, the tareinony
being performed by rather O'Connor, and followed
In tbe evening by a ball at Cunningham hall attended
by Jut friends.
The Omaha Light guards opened their new ar
mory in. Williams block with a reception and dance.
Secretary of War Endkott and party. Including
General Drum and Colonel Barr, eama In, and were
lavishly entertained. The dinner In the evening at
the Paxton waa attended In addition to the gueta
by feenator Manderaon. Judge Savage. Herman
Kountte. George W. H. Doreey. Colonel rUanton. J. M.
Woolworth, Henry W. Yatea. General O. O. Howard!
Mayor Boyd and W. V. Morse.
Principal Homer P. Iewta of the high a kool i
back from hi trip south.
Or Amelia Burroughs has returned from New
Yorfe City, l-rlnging atth h-r her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Nileelune. wno may make Omaha their future
Mie Lluii Canftcld and Mis Uisle Ransom, woo
kav Uea visiting la West Point, are boroa again.
An luatructive Illustration of the economies
effected by consolidation of Interesta la noted in
the case of railroad-owned lake steamer llne.
Tbe economies were effected all right, but at
the same time freight rates were pushed tip
potih after notch, forcing shippers to economire
in quantity of freight shipped. Thus, while
economy guarded the spigot elevated rates
knocked la tbe head of the barrel. The result
of too much consolidation la tbe order to rail
roads to rut loose from lake shipping.
American are fortunate la tbelr versatility,
twitching from one intensive national topic to
another Involvea bo greater effort than moving
the lever. For the moment the perplexltiea of
rubraarlne warfare are submerged by the throb
ling question: ' Are bald-beaded lawyers the
brightest members of the profession?"
Omitting from print the names of the suTN
who pestered the president la New York robs
seal of Its chief Inspiration.
The counties ot the state reported a total debt of
I3.8.M.472, of which tl.O.JW. or 92.S per cent, repre
sented funded or fixed debt, nearly all of which was
In the form of general bonds; S2)3,77f, or S.S per cent,
revenue ians; and S70.42S, or l.S per cent, warrants.
The sinking funds held by the counties amounted to
$140,344, or 3.1 per cent of their total debt. The net
debt reported In 113 waa a decrease of tl.07i.S30, or 22.S
per cent, from the amount reported In 1902, the last
mentioned year showing a decrees ot S7S.Z17. or 13.3
per cent, from the amount reported In 1890. The p-r
capita debt decreased from $5.20 In 190 to $4 48 In 1W3
and $3.01 In M13, the rate of decrease In both periods
being In excess of the rat of decrease for the net
debt, although the rates for the period 1890 to 19u2
were very nesrly the same.
There were ninety-two counties In the stat In
1913, and of this number, forty-one reported debt The
smsllest debt, amounting to $l,0TO, waa reported by
Perkins county. The largest debt, amounting to wss reported by Douglas county. In. which
the city of Omuha is located. The smallest per capita
debt. $0.07, wss reported by Bsllne county, where the
total debt was only $1.X0. while the Isrgest per capita
debt. $14.13, was reported by Otoe county, with a
tolsl debt of $275.0i. During In period 1902 to 11)13.
thirty-seven counties psld off the entire debt out
stsnding in 1902. while only five counties Which were
free from debt in that year reported debt in IMS.
Poiiirlaa county, mentioned above as being the largest
Individual debtor, reported more than one-half of the
debt nf all counties, and ahowed an increase during
the period Itns to 1911 of $W,6M, or SO 5 per cent.
The cities, towns end villages of the slate reported
a total debt of $2.39S,041 In 1913. Of this amount, $54,
10,:i1, or M.7 per cent, represented funded or fixed
debt; $.T,an9.IS!, or 1S.3 per cent, special assessment
loana; $25,7I. or t per cent, revenue loans; and SSifi,
S17. or 1.1 per cent, revenue warrant. These places
held sinking fund assets In IMS amounting to $MS,327,
or 19 per cent of the total debt. The net debt re
ported In i:IS was $8,547,714, an Increase of $16.S35.fl4t,
or 1S3.I. per cent, over the amount reported In 1901
During the period lSfti lo 1902 the net debt of the in
corporsted places Increased $s.S,9S8. or 104.1' per cent.
The per replla debt for all Incorporated places was
Sil.61 In 1913. The per csplta debt for prior years waa
not calculated.
The cities of Lincoln and Omaha make up the
group of cities having a population of 30000 or mora,
and together reported a net debt of $1S.Cm3.1. The
city ef Omaha waa obligated for $I,C2.461. an increase
of $9.Sf!.71. or 149.8 par cent, over the amount reported
In 1902. During this period the per capita debt In
creased SS.I, or 109.2 per cent. During the period
1890 to 1902 the net debt of Omaha Increased S4.S0S.GTO.
or fU.S per cent, while the per capita debt Increased
I48.S1. or S62.T per cent. Thla Is one of the very few
cases In which the rat ef Increase waa larger for the
per raplta than for the net debt.
Tie group composed of cities having a population
of 1,000 to 80,000 reported a net debt of 13.(11,885, aa In
crease over that of 1902 of tS.OSS.lSS, or in per cent.
Each city In this group reported an Inure In not
debt, the largest increaae having been reported by
8outh Omaha. The cltle of Beatrice and Haatlnga r.
ported a amsll Increase In net debt and a decree In
the per capita tax. '
The next group Include twenty elttoe ranging In
population from J.5M to S.l. These places reported a
net debt of SI.879.SS5, an tncresse of $1,763,418, or 151.3
par cent, over th amount reported In ltos.
Ther were T Incorporated places In th state with
a population ef less than 2.600 In W10. Of this nnmber.
made report to the census bureau. Of these SSI
reported debt aggregating $$.812,838. an increaei of
2.S7I.1M. er 24 I per cent, and a per capita debt of
$H , basing th per raplta on the population of all
place reporting.
Th "specified civil divisions" Include drainage dis
tricts and townships. The drainage distriuta reported
a total Indohtednci, of H.o7. alt of which waa special
assessment loans. No sinking funds were reported by
,rii'U- Th" 0"h'P reported a total debt
J'-'V Wh"'h W,m wpreaented funded or fixed
debt; S,SM, special assessment loans; and $42,888 ut
standing warrants. Sinking funds amounting to SMt
were reported, leaving a net debt of $81. XI
The Independent school districts of the slat re,
!i ' TH W P" "nt 0ver ,n mmolnt "ported In
7hl amount doea not repre.t the entire In
debtedness of the stste en account of schools, but only
the debt of those division. whCh lie outside the boun-
The civil divisions of the stste. excepting school
$S8.74.S. of which I28.2J1.7U. or 8S per cent reore
aented funded or fixed debt; $4.27.607. or 12 7 per cenT
siMH-lal.aaawaMiieat loans; $600,44. or 1.. per cent
nue oans: and $7.l. or IS per cent. w.rW. Am
a., offset to this debt the civil dlvisio,., reported .ink
ing fund .(. amounting to $W4.2i8, . isVrL.. of
th total debt. l..v,, . Ml d,bt of mr uTtoThlch
nould be added th. debt o, Ind.ptnden. , ntoT dl.
iper:..a,,V," " -
Twice Told Tales
Kiddle- Waa CeMrert tele.
Tl.e a ere epe.k.n, of th bright remarks of the
little folks the other when this anecdote waa
re.slle.1 by Congressman Usury Jorge of New Y'k-
T.eccntly a woman entered a crowded trolley whr
a ms M and a very small bo, were sluing side by jjde
Instantly the man offered hla seat to the wctaan and
se;ted a strap.
Isn t thst gentimaa your father, my bo ? ' gently
asked the woman passenger, breaking Into conversa
tlon with the youngster.
"Yes. ma'am." answered the boy. -wm arc g0.
to the soo."
Well, since he Is so much older thsn you why
don't you give htm your seat?" resumed th kindly
hesrted pe'senger. "Don't you dislike to aee him
reaching for th atrap?"
"Not In a trolley car." was the prompt rejoinder
of young America, "but I do at home."-Phllade!phU
What He ladei-at.
The pilui young woman from New England who
was devoting herself to the education ef the negro In
a southern school told one of her amall scholars to
bring a bucket of water from the aprlng.
"I ain't 8lne fetch no water." h whined re
belliously. "Oh. ITph!'' she protested, "you muetn't aay that
Don't u remember how I hav taught you: First
I Pron. singular. I am not going; second person, you
I re not going, third person, he Is not going, rittral:
Klrel person, we ere not going; second person, you are
not going; tnira person, they sre not going Nov,
Epu. do you understand It perfectly?"
"YaaTm, I uad'standa ain't nobody gwlrj?"
r n
teases ef Bitter Keeltaa.
SOUTH OitAJIA, Mar K.-To th F.dl
tor of Th Bee: There did not exist In
thla country at the beginning of the pres
ent war any disposition to favor the
powers allied against Germany. There
Is every reason why Oermsny should
hold a high place In our esteem. The
German people form a targe part of our
population. They esslly out-number the
French, Belgian and Russians. We love
and respect them for their high Ideal,
thrift and ingenuity. To what, then,
must wc attribute the growing senti
ment In favor of the allies?
A careful Investigation cannot but
show that thia condition ia the fault of
nonn but th Germans themselves. The
failure of Germany to accomplish the
dealKns to which It first set Itself
seemed to arouse in the breasts of Its
sympathizers In this country a resent
ment and bitterness toward th allies,
which no one feels toward Germany, no
matter how predisposed they may be to
fsvor Its enemies. The German-Americans
aeem unable to discuss th issues
of the conflict In a fair and temperate
manner. They may be sincere, but they
allow their prejudice to govern their
logic. 'While they profess a desire for
"real" neutrality, they advocate meas
ures distinctly favorable to Germany.
W must protest vigorously to Great
Britain for Ita action In taking our car
goes to Its ports for Inspection, but
should concede to Germany the right to
attack unarmed merchantmen and pas
senger ship without warning and with
apparent disregard of the lives of non
combatants and subjects of neutral
powers. They urge an embargo on arms
as, of course, they have a perfect right
to do, but they denounce the adminis
tration and accuse our government of
partiality because such a measure Is not
enacted into law. How fraught with in
consistency Is such an attitude! The
Kruppa of Germany have furnished aims
and ammunition for almost every war
during the last generation. Juat a few
years ago they were accused of foment
ing war merely for the purpose of cre
ating a market for their products. If
the seas were open to It, Germany
would undoubtedly consider It Its right
to buy supplies In this country, and In
accordance with the recognised rules of
war, would exert every effort to pre
vent such shipments to Its enemies.
Now that Its enemies can prevent such
shipments to it. It considers our fsiluro
to prohibit the further exportation of
ammunition a violation of neutrality.
Kvery true American, wants to think
wail ot Germany and no one hope to
see it suffer a humiliating defeat. There
Is, however, a wide-spread feeling that
Germany is guided by men actuated by
a desire for military power. The re
sources of the country have been drained
to aupport the largest army In Europe,
an army that was, with good reason a
source ot uneasiness and alarm for ita
neighbors, henc the strong inclination
to attach to Germany th greatest meaa
ure of blame for thla war. ' Let us all
hope for a speedy and just settlement,
productive of lasting peace, and In th
meantime for a greater aplrit of tolera
tion end fairness on the part of our pro
German friends.
1017 N. 2Sth Street. K. J. M' MAN US.
Pisare World Cosasaeree,
WAHOO. Neb., May 17. To the Editor
ef Th Bee: Please tell me through the
letter box what per rent of business ot
the world Germany controls, also whst
per cent for the United States,
Note Best accessible figure ar for
Germany Imports (1912), $a. $44,577,000 and
exports, $121,718,000, being about one-third
ef the world's total. For the United
Ptates Import (1913) $1 .813,008.000 and ex
port S,428,S06,000.
Editorial Snapshots
Boaton Transcript: The trouble with
th average American town la that It aets
more store by Its ball team than It doe
by Ita chamber ot commerce.
St. Louie Globe Democrat: When it
comes te downright unneutral conduct,
the refusal cf Americans to go abroad
this summer hits 'em ail where they
Boston Transcript: Subsequent develop
ments hav demonstrated that Boss Piatt
and Mark Hanna knew what they war
doing when they were worrying about
th atate of William McKlnley's health.
Brooklyn Baal: "Go west, young man,
and grow up with th country," was th
advice of Greeley'a day. Go wet, young
man. and aee how th country grows is
our Injunction to th rising generation.
Baltimore American: In connection
with the enforcement of the food and drug
lawa. the United State government
wants to know what a noodle la. Th
majority of th housekeepers will feel
ilk replying that Unci Sam himself is
on to ask the Question.
Cleveland Plain Dealer; It may b be
lieved that patent lawa become scrape of
paper quite aa q iickiy as IntcrnaUoial
lawa. Yet Lord Charla Heresford wanta
te know If th British war department la
paying th Krupp cr.n-ern a hilling for
every patented shell fue the British
army burns.
Pnttsburgh Dispatch: A striking meas
ure of the war 1 afforded by that state
ment, that th British used mor ammuni
tion In th skirmish at Neuv Chapella
than during th two years and a half
of the Boer war. The last shell may
rival th last dollar as a deciding factor,
though they probably will amount te the
same thing.
Nebraska Editors
The Aurora Sun has been selected a
th official organ of that thriving little
Karl U Spence haa sold th Naponee
Herald, one of his string of Franklin
county papers, to R. V. VIcOrsw of
The Stromaburg Headlight rounded out
thirty years of Ita existence last week.
Mis CTiatM Coleman has beta editor
and proprietor (or twunty-two year.
Th Blair Democrat. Poetmaetev T. T.
Oaterman editor, made Ita initial bow
to It raider as an all-home print pa
per last week. It donned a brand new
dress for th occasion.
B. lo WaJden, who purchased the Pen
der Kepubllc a few mcnths ago, hss j
sold It lo U. L. Parker, s practical I
printer and experienced editor, who haa !
been in the employ of one ef the Teka
mh papei a. This I the third time thia
Paper haa bee sold within twe years.
The Nation's Stake
Cnlcago Tribun: Th president will
lead this nation peacefully through dan
gers In which cowardly men would fight
to disprove the apparent fact ef their
cowardice. That la what he means by
"too proud to fight." He will scurry
through none In which a brave man, con
scious of his courage and mindful of his
true dignity, would fight.
Springfield Republican: Because Brit
ish merchant ships are generally armed
and have repeatedly tried to ram sub
mArines. explains the German foreign of
fice, "they cannot be treated like ordi
nary merchant vessels." Like the Amer
ican merchant steamer Gulfllght, for ex
ample, or the Dutch steamer Katwyk,
which waa torpedoed without warning
while lying at anchor lighted up like a
ballroom to show its colors?
Philadelphia Record: The German ves
sels Interned In this country for th war
are reported to be worth $70,000,000 an
amount sufficient to cover a reasonable
Indemnity for the lose of the American
victims on the Lusitanla. There are two
her In Philadelphia, the two converted
cruisers at Newport Newa, and a number
of others at New York and other Porta.
If Germany refuse to make Just repara
tion thla country haa still the meana of
enforcing Its prospective claim.
New York Post: President Wilson's
fronting of the great duty suddenly
pressed upon him by the German out
lawry has thua far been all that the
country oould hope. He haa not lost his
poise, at the same time that he haa not
hidden the fact that he has been cut to
the heart, along with all other Amer
icans. His appeal for cairn and thought.
Joined with the clear intimation that he,
as the head of our government, will do
the Just and resolute thing when the
time comes, was admirably timed. He
himself is dlsplsylng the temper which
he asks of his fellow citizens.
"Little girl, does your peps have much
trouble with his automobile.'"
"Tee, sir. He has ss much trouble
with it ss if he wss married to it.' -Judge.
ajfiTtttXf.lftE LPMtH MX
IS A C0W8ri tZUE,
TWV0SO3KW' A COeAttttl
Patience Why did Wsgner write such
terribly loud music, do you suppose?
Patrice Oh, I guess his wife was deal
end ho did It to annoy her. Yonkcn
Stupid rTofessor Miss Clara, decline
the noun matrimony.
Prettv Pupil How can I decline 1t,
professor, until I've had some proposHls!
Baltimore American.
Washington Star.
I have kicked about the taxes, as a lot
of people do:
I've often said I wondered what our land
wait coming to.
I've kicked about the railroads and be.
walled the reckless way
That cash la sometimes handled, which
commuters have to ray.
But in spite of my misgiving
About arbitrary rates.
I'm mighty glad I'm living
In these oid United States.
I've bewailed the tipping evil in pathetic
flights of song;
And expressed the snd opinion that all
graft Is very wrong.
From ggnman to philanthropist I've
scanned the soclsl scn!e
And criticized my country In a melan
choly wnll.
Yet my Joy I can't be hiding.
As afar strange terror waits.
That I chance to be residing
In these old United Ststes.
ltU T-"5
What to Eat
In Hot Weather
EATS, heavy
snd sreasv
foods should be eaten
yery sparingly during hot
weather. Faust Srjairhetti ouirht
to be indulged in during summer. It
doea not beat, ia very easy to diireat. and is
aiao extremely nnuiuoua. it contains the rich
gluten of Durum wheat blood en richer and mnui.
builder. Write for free recipe book showing many ways that
Faust Spaghetti can be prepared to make delicious eating.
In Large Package, 10c
MAULL BROS.. St. Louis. U. S. A.
'Isn't this refreshing
And the Flavor 1 Well, it's
a pleasure to drink Tea like this
Ask your grocer for
first M.MVyi&V&?ZtA
50u 60s, TOs. aad $1.00 pst pound
H. J. Hughes Co., Ijic, Wholesale Distributors.
The Business -Like
"I chew 'PIPER' because
it's good business' says
the man of affairs. "Its
mellow, juicy sweetness is
delicious, and its whole
someness helps keep my
is.ire.tAm in wciflrlnn- nl
The livftlv. tfifitv hAn.
I -J f WuVU
cial effects of nature 's rich
est tooacco are yours in
Caswisg Tibsiri Ciiatjagae Fisvsr
There's an anoetirini?
tang to the famous "Cham
paime Flavor" of "PIPER'
a zestful relish that adds
another joyous tickle to the
rich tobacco taste.
Chew tbe highest type of chew.
..saasawaw X av t . a
ins; tooacco in ue world.
That's "PIPER."
' A I ar . -sa
1.4 at 1 JfA. V-"
l r
fU-Uf fiaa
THK lursviM
Hew Yr
Send loo
and yonr
dssler's nam, tad
we'll send a full-sli
lie cut ef "PIPER"
and a handsome leather
poach FETE, anywhere
is XT. S.
The tobacco, peach
and mailing will cost
a 10c, which we will
gladly sprad-becaua
a trial will make yon a
steady nser of PIFEK
v Phone Douglas 1889.