Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 15-A, Image 13

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    rilK UUAllA SUNDAY HEK: MAV Hi, 19U.
16 A
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Convention of Subdealera Held by
the Stewart-Tooger Motor Com
pany "of Omaha.
On last Tuesday the Stewart-Tooser
Motor company held a convention of the
Chalmers sub-dealers tn this territory.
The pro (tram h"nn with a business are
, lon at 10:30 a. m., which wai presided
over by Mr. Percy Owen, sales manager
ii the Chalmers Motor company, at Ie
trolt Mr. Owen talked of conditions at the
factory and of relations as they should
be between factory and sub-dealers.
Sales methods were discussed at length
and a new and broader sales policy, as
recently established by the Chalmers
Motor company, was explained by the
speaker during the oourse of the ses
sion. Mr. Owta remarked about the con
ditions in Nebraska and Western Iowa
in comparison with other parts of the
rmintrv and was julte enthusiastic in
praise of this section.
Never in the history of the Chalmers
Motor company have conditions boen so
favorable toward a record-breaking
year," continued Mr. Owen. "Our factory
has on hand orders for more cars at
present than we can ship In the next
thirty days, but with cars leaving tte
factory at the present rate our produc
tion cannot last that 'eng. Omaha, along
with other middle west cities, is threat
ened with a shortage of Chalmers cars,
even though fortified as we are with
orders at the factory. We are unable to
alter this condition working full ca
pacity every day aa we are."
Mr. J. H. W. Mackie, district super
visor, gave a very enthusiastic talk on
the model B. light six Chalmers.
At 12 o'clock the meeting was ad
journed and the visitors were given a
luncheon at the south dinner room of the
commercial club. The tublo was laid for
twenty guests and til lunohon was made
more enjoyable by the wonderful view
of Omaha given the visitors from the
Commercial club rooms.
At 2 o'clock Mr. V. U Lewis of the
Chalmers' factory engineering stsf , ex
plained the many good polnU Of the
' model 32, new light six Chalmers. Mr.
" Lewis was In charge of the experimental
. -work on the little car from the time the
first part was made until It was passed
on as perfect and th first cars came
" into the hands of the owners.
During the remainder of the .afternoon
the time was spent In road demonstra
i tlon of the various Chalmers snodels,
An Interesting feature or me
session was sale actually closed before
the sub-dealers. Mr. O. F. Francks or
;' Central City, Net, was. tha buyer.
sub-dealers drove cars home
with them, feeling satisfied that, with
their newly acquired knowledge of oU
"ing cars, the demand would be greatly
increased. " "
Chalmers sub-dealer, who were guests
' of the Stewart-Tooser Motor company,
were- I E. Talt of JUncoln, O. M. Ajrres
of Central City. Elslo Rhode of Randolph,
la.: John Branlgan of Columbus. . Neb.;
William Blumer of Chalco, L. S. Need
had of Norfolk, and Oscar Sederberg of
Kiron, la.; Luther Larson of Fremont,
Neb.; George Ortman of Bancroft.
The factory was represented at the con.
vention by Mr. Percy Owen, sales man
ager; Mr. J. IL W. Mackie. district sup
ervisor; Mr. .Mere Bunnell, irvtaoi
of the Pacific coast territory, and Mr.
F. L. Lewis of the factory engineering
TaU'were made during the conven
tion by George E. Toosr and George L.
Dlngman of th. 6Uwart-Tooer Motor
pa " on and after August 1. 1916.
tion.t Lhu rules and regulation.
Z rule- -d regulation, are now bs
JnVToTOuUUd. but will not be available
i"' rfutrlbutlon until some time
,r: ? g?r:' rVhe Mtoowi-
,g The Tsuge. both morning and
venmg from the different entrance. f or
from intermediate .Utlon. In the part.
T.chedule on which the machine, win
. a . will constltuU a part
m v . tinnl.
bi u. . , . -
This early announcement "
ss to enable motorists who are planning
tour of the west to take advantage of
this opportunity of .eetng Y.Uoon.
National park and to give ample time to
piepare for their reception.
$50,000 TO 0MA.HA, BUYERS
Ford purchaser, since Auguat 1 1914
, Omaha alone wUl benefit by the Ford
profit-sharing plan to the extent of al
most $50,000. according to an "V;
cently mad. by th. local branch; Akout
. Ford cars have been sold In th's city
so far this year, and it is expected that
this number will be Increased to nearly
1000 between now and August i.
Th. available records show that alto-
fctthr there Is a total of approximately
l.tno Ford car. now in use in Omaha, a
r umber that U being Increased right now
hv about ten new owners dally. ThU
neans one Ford for less than each 100
people In Greater Omaha, a record which
is not equaled by many of th. larger
cltie. anywhere.
Marine reached the three-soore-and-
ten year, allotted a. the life .pan of the
.win mortal. Henry F. Busking. 173
Park avenue, Indianapolis, recently de
cided that he had denied himself the
pleasures of motoring long enough.
In company with hi wife. ho had
just turned her sixty-eighth yf.r. he
visited the salesroom cf the htclnhart
Kkler company, dealer, for Pode Bros.,
snd purchased a new five-paseng'r tour-
:. .. . : L nroiiTrniiiiiial
Many Firms Follow
Kissel Idea of One
Compartment Cars
"Just a year has passed sinre the In
troduction by Klasol of the one compart
ment touring tar and a survey of Its In
fluence on nutomoMle body design ccn
elnsively proves that it was a happy
idea." ssy Krnnk J. Kdwards of the Kis
sel Kar.
"Nearly a majority of the makers of hlRU
grad cars have sinoe adopted the indl
vldupl forward seats with a corridor be
tween, while a number mostly leaders
In the Industry have one or more models
with but two entrance doors. These
Idess were, of tnurw. not adopted by
other dealer? merely to compliment Kis
sel, hut to moot public demand for this
type of car. Nevertheless It carries a
tribute to Kissel originality and sound
Judgment, the significance of which has
not bten lo-t upon motorists generally.
"Less succes has met the efforts of
competitors In their experiments to pro
duce a satlnfactory all-year car, an other
Kissel Innovation. The Kissel detachable
sedan top Is one of the most Important
forward steps in the history of the au
tomobile, and there wore many diffi
culties to overcome before it wss per
fected. It Ui an open secret that nearly
all the principal car makers in the I
country have boon oxrj.montlnn with
this feature, hut thus ??rr the. KIfivI all
year car Is without serious competition
and we have, not been able to bulM them
fast enough,"
Among the latest entrants aa exhibitors
In the traniportatloti bull. linn at the Ban
Francisco exposition are i"Vid Brothers,
the big Petrolt motor car makers, whoso
display has Just been shipped to the
Demand for Cole timwlna.
The Increased domand for t'ole elRnt
cylinder cars has caused three of the
laegtt Cole distributers to write the
factory asking for shipments of ears in
trolnload lots. B. H. Baker of Buffalo,
who was tn Indianapolis last week, asked
for three tralnload shipments.
Strahl & Anderson
Red 4473
2059 Farn.m
r YVeDep
The Maxwell Motor company of Do-
trolt ha. announced that Orlando F.
Weber, a veteran of the pioneer day. of
the automobile, and without doubt one
of the best known automobile men In the
United States, has been appointed as
sistant general manager of the Maxwell
Motor company, Inc.
Douglas 4401
First Class Auto Repairing and Machine Work
209-11 North 16th St.
The Car it Paid to
wait for
New Six $1400
Quality Fbwt
WE have been very impatient for
18 months.
All around us dealers were selling
hundreds of cars ranging in price
from $1000 to $1500.
We knew that the Chalmers people
were making a car in this class. We
knew it would be good when we
got it.
But to our impatient inquiries we
pot one answer, "We haven't tested
it hard enough yet."
Now it is here.
The Chalmers people say it has simply been
abused over in the Alleghany Mountains for
18 months and stood the racket
Hence they know what they are offering.
It is the lowest price ($1400) at which a
Chalmers car has ever been sold.
Yet it has all the Chalmers quality, and
owing to new plans of construction, a distinctly
different appearance from any other motor car.
It gets away quicker than any car we've ever
seen except a racer. It rides like a Pullman.
It is a "thoroughbred."
We feel that it paid to wait for it.
Come in and see if you don't think so too.
Stewart Toozer Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnam Street Omaha Nebraska.
Telephone Douglas 138
. n isstswiswwetesssswsswssBsssiasBwsssw
Light Six
7-Pas.rnger Phaeton
S-PaMenger Roadster
The High Grade Car
Is the Light Car
Remember that. Lightness requires the highest
skill in designing. It requires much aluminum, special
steels. To get strength without bulk is the acmo in car
building. Therefore the Hudson the lightest 7-Passen-gcr
Six is a matchless example of fine engineering.
Not all Light Sixes are really lljbt.
Not one la as Ufbt as Hudson in thla
class. Our rival., of course, say their
extra weUht perhapa hundreds ot
pounds Is essential.
Why Go Half Way?
Ilut It Isn't. No more than 4, ROD
pounds which Sixes used to weigh.
And to carry extra weight dally Is a
heavy tax, both on tire, and fuel.
This Is the day of Light Sixes. Msa
have definitely decided never again to
carry vast, crude, needless weight.
All leading car are built lighter.
Overwhelming demand has compelled
It. But many cars, In another year,
will be lighter still. Cars of Hudson
size must come In Hudson weight. In
the meantime, Is it wise to get a car
which has only gone half way,
Hudson Strength
The atrength of the Hudson Is be
yond any question. Remember that
12,000 of these Light Hudson, are rou
ulng. Many have run for two seasons.
All of that driving, covering 10 million
of miles, has tailed to bring oat a sin
gle weakness.
There nover was a sturdier oar, Any
extra pound would bo a less a weak
ness, not a strength.
But It Took Four Years
Hudson Is the original Light Btz.
It took us four years to attain. Hun
dreds of parts war re-designed by
Howard B. Coffin, a ganlua In design
ing. That Is wby Hudson weighs tot
t,870 pounds. That U wty It shows
It win be yonr tint eholoa In tha
Mght Six class. Bat boar tn mind that
Hudsons are In tremendous damand In
the spring. Deolde on Tonr oar while
we can make prompt dellrery.
T-Faasnjrer Fbaoton or 8Pasanser
Roadster, $16fl0, f. d. b. Detroit,
Hudson service adds another Joy to
motoring. It means constant satisfac
tion. We ll explain It whan yen come.
2563-67 Farnam St, Guy L. Smith.
m i
W. a. Chauncey.
Ths Farraffut Ac
Booth Implement Co.
..John K. Peterson.
. .i.isie mis. uo.
CoumoU Bluffs. William Kopar.
Central Otty... P.
Crelsatea P.
The Farracut Automobile Co.
Chas, F. Putnam.
". .......
Tarrarat. .....
Harlan. .,
' Malvern. ...... Palyirs A Kayton
Xsa Oak Pettr Automobile Co,
Bldaey Charlss Monsbo.
Shenandoah..... U. Stickler.
Mo. Valley loot. Hsnn.
Able ....Mashetc Bros.
A rl Ins-ten f Ted Eehtenaamp.
Battle Creek... D. L Best.
Beatrioe V. D. Andrew. Auto Co
BellwooA Peter Powers Powers Oarage.
Berlin IV H. Hchall.
Blair a. A. Rathmann. '
Bnuilnr Ike TJaiten.
entoo Bros.
. C. Harris A Son.
U.BU. . . V . J. rm
OraJ4 Xslanei. . .Mr. E. A. Brand
biaooin LAra Auto ua.
Bew Castle. ... Curry Bros.
Siirau Grrove. Newman Oreve Ante Oa
Oralleaa. Jar Hulilnaswortb.
Bawaee City, wherry Bros.
SMatte Oeate. Flatt. Center Ante CSk. Ine
riansnaeata. .. r. A. nooaer.
sul v, JD.
at. u
aval dins;
Callaway. , . .
ontk Oman
Sohsy lev. ..... .Douglas Orotelneeehen.
oom'. Blmrx. . . A. T. ciwiora.
Ins; r. J. J? Hal
loa, ...... Mr. W. . LMtanechlaa-sr.
hi .The rletcher Aute Co.
..W. P, Veooh.
.ai.x r. SYaaoce.
, Geo. Bprouae.
, Holme. 4 AdVrtns.
Every Inch
Charming and Competent
A Kissel Kar is an automobile of exceptional charm and
competency. It is not only handsome, but strikingly indi
vidual. It is not only simple, but surpassingly enduring.
The KisaelKar is Kissel-built engines, axles, clutch
accounts for tho long life and low upkeep.
-all vital parts. That
Bur It now use it as a touting car this summer.
In fall attach the top and transform your car
Into a handsome closed car for all winter driving. See the KUaelKar before you buy we
will be happy to give you a demonstration.
NOYES AUTO CO., 2066-68 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb
DetacliabUTeo l.Um