Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 17

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    September 1. 1001.
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Sixth Page.)
Inntlon ho receives $120 a month and later
on gets to bp controleur of the first class
with a better houso nnd higher salary. If
he prows his elllclcncy hero ho possibly
becomes an nsslstant resident nnd then a
roslden'. with a palace nnd JC.000 a year.
' The duties of the officials nro by no mentis
light. The aspirant controleur rocs about
with natlvo offlclnls to superintend the
roads, to collect the census, oxnmlno the
rlco fields nnd other crops nnd to do all
sorts of other clerical work. Ills position
Is that of clerk or private secretary and
ho Is a sort of clerk of all work. The con
trolcurs nro the police officials. They rule
through tho natives, but nro responsible
for tho Rood conduct of tho district. The
assistant residents sit with tho nntlvo
priests and chiefs and net ns Judges nnd tho
residents nro uttlo kings who govern their
provinces, telling the natlvo Rovernors
what to do nnd how to do It.
1'ciimIiiiin for Oltleltil.
Tho Dutch treat their colonial clerks
very well. At tho end of every ten years
each clerk gets two yenrs' vacntlon with
half pay or ono year with full pay nnd nt
tho same tlmo a trip to Europe with his
family on passage money pild by tho gov
crnment. Ho has his government doctors
nnd If they say hn Is not well he Is allowed
sick leave and a trip to Europe nnd nt tho
closo of twcnty-flvc years' service ho Is
retired on pension nnd sent homo nt gov
ernment expense. Tho pension, however
Is only one-third his salary nnd on this ac
count many clerks prefer to stay. Tho of
ficials nre not allowed to ongago In busi
ness In Java while In office, although many
settle there after retiring.
The result Is that there nro today hun
dreds of retired Dutch officials who hnvo
had to do with all sorts of tho colonial
work of this country who mlRht bo em
ployed by our government to aid us In han
dling the Philippines. They hnvo been con
nected with the Irrigation department, tho
department of ronds nnd of civil engineer
ing, ns well as with forestry nnd nil sorts
of plantations nnd their experience would
undoubtedly bo of great vnlue to us.
It Is questionable whether Uncle Sam
should not establish a college for educating
his colonial clerks or lay out n course of
study which might bo carried on In other
colleRcs to fit clerks for our foreign serv
ice. Every American official In the Phil
ippines should understand the principal
InnRtiages used In the Islands, tho customs
of tho peoplo and their laws and it tho
snmo tlmo bo well educated In other re
spects. Wo should have a corps of civil
enplneers nnd prncllcnl agriculturists to
carry on tho work nnd government supervi
sion should bo nppllcd to all groat under
takings. Wo own three-fourths of thp
lnnds nno nearly nil tho grent forests nnd
wo requlro the best tnlent nnd best ndvlco
to mnnngc them properly.
How Hie Dutch Cut .lavii.
Tho story of Jnva nnd how tho Dutch
hnvo mado It tho most beautiful colony of
tho world Is full of Interest. They landed
hero Just nhout 100 years after Columbus
discovered Amerlcn nnd built a fort at
Datavla In 1R10 The first settlements woro
mndo by tho Dutch East Indln company,
somewhat like the nrltlsh India company
that first controlled India. Tho Dutch Rast
India company handled the colony for nhout
200 yenrs nnd hnndled It badly. It was its
policy to squeczo the natives rnr all thoy
were worth. It made tho trade In apices, has failed to pav Its expenses nnd that this which l Inscribed, lluldwin-tflegler Polar most buoy will be released from Its attach
opium nnd pepper monopolies belonging to Is Its condition today. The system of forced Expedition." Above nil, on n spunl ll.ig- ment linmodlntely upon contact with water
tho company and the natives wero kept out labor has been ali.sost stopped nnd tho stuff of nickel wire. Is the American ll.ig or land surface. The release of Its weight
of dealing In those nrtlcles. Trade with most of the businesses nro In the hands of painted on n sheet of copper. The will cause the balloon to rebound Into the
other nntlons was not encournged and tho private parties. Taxes aro genernlly paid nickel wire Imparts a vibratory inutlin to nlr. nnd It will then continue Us progress
result was that nt tho close of Its rule, In In money rather than labor, as formerly, the Hag. which also moves enslty on a for about live hours, dropping again at In-
17US, tho company was $ l.i.OOO.OOO In debt, nnd for the Inst live years mo annum no- imhh, uk purpose oi meso ucyicos i, oi niu, mini wie riy him mm) huh occn
licit has been from J.i.l'on.tHiu to Jti.UUU.UUU or course, io rentier mo nuoy more nniicmuio m-puMicu cuuer in me pinur curieiu or 111
more. ,'lnM would be otherwise possible. 1 have the open waters. The earning power ef
At the snmo time the population hns given this rather full description of the thee balloons will ensure the buoys being
steadllv Increased. It was 17.000.000 In 1S72 buojn hcplng that some who lead this placed where they will utmost certainly b-
system of land tenure which prevailed nnd now In 1001 It Is more than 2.1.000,000. nrtlcle may be of assistance In picking them picked up by Arctic whaling and sealing
nnuiiig tho natives nnd originated tho cut- This Increase shows that the country ennnot "I'- It Is not at all unlikely that s me vessels or even by trans- Atlantic llntrs
turo system, which wns nfterward com- but be prosperous, nnd, ns 1 have said, the 'f the buoys may get as far south as Hie The recovery of these buoys will ostnblMi
pleted by General Van den Bosch. Prior pcasnnts everywhere seem to be well-to-do truck of the trans-Atlnntlo liners. In which much valuable data concerning the air i ml
to this tho lnnds of each kingdom or stnto In comparison with people of the same kind 'w the news will reach the woild quicker sea currents of the Arctic regions,
belonged nbsolutely to tho local princes In India. Slam, China nnd the Philippine than " !' f those that will be It Is Impossible to calculate how far south
and wero occupied only by their consent. Islands.
Then tho Dutch government took posses
sion of the Islnnds and sent on Its own
officials and among them ono Marshall
Daendels us governor. Daendels studied tho
Tho king or prince nllotted tho lnnds to
tho poopto nnd ench holder paid nun n por
tion of his crops, nhout one-thirteenth being
set nsldo for the priests. In addition to this
tho peoplo gnvc a day or a day nnd n hnlf
From the Polar Seas
(Continued from Third Page.)
picked up by the whaling nnd sealing vs- n b.illoou may go before the hint buoy w II
sol or on out of the way coasts further be released, but with the precautious we
north. huo taken for the protection of our tues-
As I have Indicated already, my plan U " and counting on the strong winds
to send back the buoys ns far us passu lo fn," ' northward which prevail, wo hav
by means of balloons. We nre supplied ""very commence uuu most oi me news w.
every week to their rulers. Daendels took pushing my object before the Fourth nt with forty balloons for this pin pone. E.ich 8,m" uisp.uui win ne.omc i.uowu in me
this lauor nnd applied It to tho building of July. The news of this udvunco wo shall capacity of 3.000 cubic fe, t ami mens- elvlllzed world, nnd that, too. long before
toads. send back by frequent bulletins. What a rew. when Inlhited. three feet In elrciim- ' nl1' ,'" ""' 'reon north shall
IIo set the natives to work all over the Rieut triumph It would be to set free n ferenee. Wo shall Inllate themwrh h.wlro- "'vo returned to t.ll our personal stor e.
Islntul nnd ns r. result ronstructed In n imllooil laden with buoys containing nice- Ken gas mane ny me vitriolic ptorcs. It ""i'1 '""V .
tropical country what Is by far the best "Ws "''"t from that point where there Is Is Intended that some of these balloons be
svstotn of -onds In the world. You can "'" '"' uirecilon soutll nnd wheru It Is reienseu ui iniorvnis during ine .rcnc
any nour or tne day one may chuoso to nigni nnti eaeu win ne ireigiu u . . - ,
call It. with n number of the news buos. contain- lltllllij 1' 01 III S
The little messengers which wo fhnll use l"K messages Inscribed upon parchment,
hnvo been specially constructed fcr the The buoys will be fnstened to a pendant "All Uaba," said the sultan, after
kind of work they will bo called upon to Hue, one beneath tho other. The balloon thoughtful consideration of tho mihjrct fir
do. Tho body of ench buoy Is n conu of when Inllated to Us full capacity will carry three consecutive seconds, "do ou think
rldo nil vei Jux'n today In n rubber-tiro
vehicle nnd not Injure tho machine. Tho
roads nro shaded with enormous trees and
In places tin go for miles nnd miles through
gigantic nrbors. Tho roads aro perfectly
ilrnlnml. Tliev linvn lirlili?en nf ntnno noil
culverts and their walls ore so cut by s(l"" ('0IK weighted with coppcr-shenthod me iiuoys upwiiru noi u ss man mree iu.uh mo erenenmau isimimngY-
drnlnago gutters that they dry off 'vlthin ,,'n'1 1,1 order that it may preservo an up- nnd southerly nlr currents will wnft them "You might cull him. site."
u few- hours after the heaviest of tropica! ,lK,lt it f when alloat. The outer stir- on their severnt Journeys, Generally thoy "Call him! On whnt. slave?"
rnms face Is painted, half red nnd half blue, nnd will bo released during the prev.ilenro of Then I suppose we upologlze again. Shall
Ity'the culture ny-tem the Dutch govern- Im Protected frem tho shocks of Ico, winds from the north. Tho natural lenkngt i write u flesh ono?"
ment furnished Furopcnns with money for wlll('M 11 "1,lst endure, by a mesh of henvy of gas will probably cause the balloon lo "Fresh nothing! Send htm No. :I7 In the
factories on easy 'payments nnd nlded them !',,'IU',' ,,ri Tll,, evnU,r of ,ho C""0 l dl,"cc!"1 V" ,CVw '7' "," ",0 T l,,,1U',, Sla,,'f, UmM' VV" "!,v"n,t us,',, tl,",
Inestnhllshlm: lame businesses all over the ""': sulllclently to admit a brass tube, may be. In from eight to ten hours nftor lately."
Island They arrmmed It so that thev could lllto wl,icl ""' '"K'ssago Is thrust, and tho Us ancension. liy nn ingeniou nrrange And another serious complication wns
- - iii,n i.-, I.. ..i i...,.. .. i' i, n i, nn ft... iiinpnin. ih.i 1,. ......
1UIH' in Ill-Ill III jllill f IM 11 Illl'lMllIC Clll, III! ill ill nr. nil- nuui 111,11, in, i,,vi
have a larRO nmniiul of this free native la
bor nnd to n certnin extent Rave thuin
forced labor for running their work'. Each
European who could give the proper se
curity nnd references could get $t.",000 on
twelve years' time without Interest. Me
had no payment whntever to make until the
third year and after this was to pay ono
tenth of tho principal every year until nil
wns paid. With the money lie was required
to put up buildings and furnish machinery,
the plans of tho same to be approved by
the government, nnd he was supplied with
free nntlvo labor for two years. At the
same time the government applied tho nn
live land system to furnish the raw ma
terials needed for the factories Tho people
wero required to plant one-fifth of their
land In tho crop needed nnd received a cer
tnin rtmlsslon of taxes In lieu of the same
Some wages were paid nnd on tho whole
tho system wns nno which Improved the
condition of tho people.
It certainly Improved tho revenues of the
colony, for nfter the culture system was
founded they steadily rose from 2,000.000
pounds until they reached the annual
amount of almost 10,000,000 pounds. The
colony soon paid off Us debts to Holland.
Its Imports were tripled nnd the annual ex
ports Jumped from $10,000,000 to $10,000,000.
Crime diminished to such an evtnnt that tin
courts sat only one month In the year and
within twenty-live years the population of
Java wns ehnnged from one of 0,000,000
paupers to one of 11,000,000 rich peasants,
who pnld a government revenue of $ iri.000, -000
a year. This system continued In force
until 1S71, or for nlmost fifty years, during
which tlmo It paid Holland a surplus of
$2S0 000.000.
PInre then I am told that tho country
Tho ono place at tho Pan-American ex
position that everybody visits is tho Ne
braska sod hnuHo and tho ono person who
helps to represent Nebraska of whom
everybody hns a ijratefnl memory Is Mrs.
I.. Uowsor. Her namo preceded her to
Buffalo nnd tho envlablo reputation of her
cream, chicken and ginger brend mado at
tho Transmlsslsslppl exposition has out
grown all bounds slnco her advent nmong
the peoplo of tho Empire stnto. Not satisfied
with her success In making exposition vis
itors happy nt tho sod house, Mrs. Dowser
has fitted up with handsomo furnishings
the beautiful modern cottage nt 1031 Elm
wood avenue, two blocks from tho mnln
entrnnco to tho grounds, pictured hero.
Tho same eplrlt of hospitality which has
characterized the administration of the sod
houso fills tho nlr nt tho "Othello." the
homo of Mrs. Dowser when sho Is not nt
tho sod houso. Sho hns mado this cottage
homo populnr by her own personality and
Inviting by Its honicllko nppenranco. She
hns plnccd in chnrgo of it nn Omaha
womnn known for bur ability to provldo a
homo for transients Unit loses tho stiffness
of hotels nnd mnkes ono feel that ho oi
Jho Is acquainted with a fow persons whi
nro not strangers. Tho "Othello" Is bo
coming n resort for NobraBka and Iowa
people, to whom Mrs. Dowser hns Issued n
special Invitation to mnko It their homo In
DufTnlo. Three enr lines, nil leading to the
city nnd connecting with tho Nlngnra Falls
electric lino, pass tho door nnd Mrs. Wolble.
who Is In charge, Is n vcrltnblo fountain of
Information on subjects pnrtnlnlng to
points of Interest
Bee Building-, Omaha, Nch. I:all Term Begins Sept 2nd.
iPf P Ipjjlpp ' Ly3
""""" """triPB h llpi'
The fall term of this reliable school will open tomorrow morning with the largest attendance In its history This Instltu
on prepares stenographers nnd bookkeepers for high grade positions, and tho Btandnrd malntnlned by It plnces tho school In
tho front rank of Commercial College In tho lnnd. Students who have not nlrcndy made preparation to ontor should call at the
college office tomorrow morning, or as soon thereafter as possible, and ho enrolled