Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1900, PART II, Page 19, Image 19

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IJERH IS A SNAP 8-room house, city
water In kitchen, newly pnpercd and
painted, atahle, shade trees, nicely fenced,
one block from car line on jsth, near Lake,
$1,300; $200 cnsh, balance on easy term.
t-ItOOM HOUSE, near 24th and Vinton (.,
$700; $200 cash, balance eney terms.
4-nOOM, SOUTH OMAHA-Pantry, hall
closet, cellar, well etc., $800.
West Farnam Street Home S rooms, 11,700.
Beautiful homes In West Farnam and
llnnscom Place districts tit reasonable
Cholco Residence. Lole $130 each! $5 down
and (5 per month; near car line.
SPECIAL ILROAIN-2 brick blocks of 11
flats, closo In, only $9,000.
Wilt build you a home In Bemls park, 0 to
I rooms, i 1,000 to $i,sno.
Trackngo Iota nt low prices.
FARMS NEAR OMAHA 40 to 1C0 acres,
$33 to $00 per acre.
5 per cent money to loan.
Telephone 683. Paxlon Hlock.
RE-73S 2
11. C. PETERS .t CO.,
1702 Farmim St.. Ilco Bldg.
No. 22ft-4",-room rntlncu at 2C0S Howard Bt.
A BARGAIN at $1,000,
No. 98-Thn THREE HOUSES described
below MUST bo sold within 10 days:
First 6-rnntn cottage, 3103 Marcy st.,
II ATI I, CITV WATHH, new' papered and
painted, lot coxir;. easy terms.
afecond This Is n fi-rooin, 2-story houe,
ALU MODKFlN except fnrnarc. lot 60x150,
located nt 4145 Izurd Ht. $') cash, balanca
Third 2-story S-room houso at 2408 Franklin
No. 62-W) acres In 1'OTTA WATTAMIE
COUNTY. IOWA, house, stable and corn
crib, all under cultivation. A 11AUGA1N.
Only $1,900.
No. 1203-lGO.ncrc farm In SAUNDERS
COUNTY, 100 acres In cultivation, balance
hay and iiasturo, 6-room house, ntablo and
fenrcd; land rolling, soli pood. This Is
a GREAT BARGAIN at $20 per ucre.
No. 1248-120-nrre farm. 12 miles NORTH
WEST OF OMAHA. 100 acres In cultiva
tion, 20 acres pasturo and meadow, limine,
barn, corncflbs, granary, etc.; NEAR
REDUCED from $56 to $15 per acre. This
Is a SNAP for somebody.
No. M4 249 acres, south of South Omaha,
120 acrei In cultivation, balance. In blue
grass pasture; two sets of Rood buildings
upon fund; $300 recently expended In lm-
(rovemonts; fine 10-acru orchard. Price,
No. 14S0 50 feet, north front on Burdettc,
near 22d st. Price. ONLY $350.
No. IMS 40-foot lot on Oeorela avo., FINE
NATURAL SHADE, near Mason st.
No. 11BS 00-foot lot on Georgia avo.. be
tween Mason and raclfle. tine NATURAL
This property nas been held at $1,000, but
owner Is GOING TO SELL nnd Instructs
us to get an offer.
n. C. PETERS ft CO.
1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg.
RE-702 2
160 acres 9 miles west of Omaha at end of
Dodge rt. macadam; well Improved grove,
and orchard. $53.00 an acre.
180 nores 12 miles northwest of Omaha, nil
under cultivation, 2 sets of buildings lu
longlngto tenants. Price, $15.00 an acre.
300 acres 11 mile from Omaha. 2 sets of
buildings, first-class land: will dlvldo in
two pieces. Price, $45.00 an aero.
W acres 3 miles north of Irvlngton; no
buildings, ruw prairie. Price, $42.50 per
ISO acres on county line 11 miles from
umaaa; good buildings, jw.uo an acre.
RE-M734 I
U. S, National
Rank Bldg.
RE-723 2
Improved property, only 4 blocks from
court huuse, rental $sio. Price, $ti,ooo,
Fine 250-acro farm adjoining railroad sta
tion in sarpy county, only id un acre.
SO acres extra flnn garden land near Elm
wood park for $2,500.
10 acres west of city, $1,250.
Fine east front lot noar Sth and Popple-
ion uvo, iianscom 1'iace, oniy fi,uu.
5 acres cholco farm land, $673.
Good 640-acro farm, control Nebraska, over
ow acres unacr plow, only 13.W an ncro,
HICKS, Room 323 Hoard of lYndn Uldg.
RE-739 2
1001 Farnam Bt., Omaha; or
I4.100.0rt for 9-room moifern hnune, tlrst-rlnvi
condition, full lot. paved Mreet, all specUl
tuxes paid In full, Chicago Rtrect, .lear
$2,000.00 for fc-room modern house, J324
Franllln street, near Mllltury rad. This
price na ncen reuuceit rrom :,,.'"0.w,
$2.tX)0.Ou for O-rc'om house, within easy walk
Ing dlstauco from city und best of loot
$2,250.00 for one of Urn best cast front loU cn
3iii si., near t-urnum,
$1,225.00 for 35 acres of land near Florence,
suitable for gardening or fruit land.
$S50.rt) for 4-rnom houso and lot eeiir 20th
ami i'atii in. uti-ji:
Tho best locntlon for guidcnlug uround
Omaha or South Omana; 31 acres luM
Bouin in jrtiers- urowvry, hoiiiii unimi'i
wit u goou ucuae, oirn, cic; win lease to
llireo years.
ICfll Farnam St.. Oniahn; or
417 N. 25th St., 8uuth Omaha.
RE-710 5
LAND. C, B. Burrowi, Norfolk. Nrbraska
uri iiv
SO ACRES, n miles frnm Omnhn. 145 per
acre, tho iiyron ueeu uo .12 H "ni
RE-&1S D9
rnnpi'nTV bmipht nnd fold: money
loaned! rents collected. U L. .inhtifon
t'0 314 fo, 16th Ht, hit 11;
HOUSES, lots farm". lRitd. !nnn(: nlif tlr.
Insurance. l!eml. Pnxtnn blk. RE ill
TWO lots, south front, on Capitol avonui
wenf nf 2tl. tvvt pnpl) on ifnd. tl' 'HI
cheapest lota offered went of High yeboil
A. P. Tukey, Hoard rf Trade RE Ml
ML, 0U
Tako pleasure In announcing to the public
that tho HAROAINS of this week are
EQUALLY a good as sovfcral they havo
recently sold. A continued, demand for
houses and tho upward trend of rentals Is
proof PER SEE that It Is better to own
your own home. Act at once and get In
on the ground floor, for In the near future
you will surely pay more.
No. 1721 This Is a 6-nxim houso anil barn
on the northeast corner of 2-Sth ave. nnd
Urunl st. 'the property nceOn some ro
pairs nnd painting. There Is city water,
extern and good cellar. $1,200 cash will
tako It, or $l,t)00 on easy terms.
No. 15. On 12th Bt. near Castellar St., wo
have two NEW houses of six rooms each
completed Inst September and renting for
$:'0 each per month. They are ull modem
except lurnace. Wo art authorized to sell
these noises tor $2,000 each on cusy terms,
'lhls is a raro opportunity.
No. 12S7 This Is a 10-ioom house In South
Omahn, nearly all modern, fine furnnco
and other conveniences!; well located and
Just the :uco for a boarding house.
Price, $J,Ooo, on very reasonable tortus.
No. 131S This Is a double house of eight
rooms Mich, all modern except lur
nace. Tho property has recently boon put
In ilrot-rlass repair at n cost of $W and
Is bringing a rental of (13 per month,
which is 10 por cent on about $5,300. We
aro authorized to sell for $I,5W on rca
souablo terms.
No. 1116 Near Mr. Yates' fine residence, a
10-room, bouUi front, all modern house.
One of the best built and most comploto
homos In tho city, and a very cholco
neighborhood, Paving nil paid. This
beautiful protKTty IsoffcreU for $G,6V0.
This certainly Is very cheap.
No, 24 This Is a G-rootn nil modern hotiro
in .llth'.and Jnokfon sis. A nice homo for
$2,250, $2.j push. Here Is a god chance to
get a good home,
Ono of tho finest commercial fruit farmr.
In Missouri.
Ulft..,..l I.. ttA..,1l ...... tl . -J . 1.
fatnoUH 'Laud of Big Red Apples,'' near
I'limimu. unu uiueii on uin IV. c, L . ti,
M. it. It., immediately adjoining tho cele
brated "uluen fruit larm."
The Property embraces 210 nr.rea flnn iinlm.
proved timber lanus, 40 acreH cleured pus-
iuivi w uuci Kruin unu uu acres xruit.
i mi i run consists oi
3 vuurit ftlil. 1
13,000 PEACH TREES 1,000 Elbcrta, 2,1'flO
Siuwuy. 2,000 susiiiichauna, l,fw Mountain
iu)hc, i.wu i' ninny l'-avorite, 3,0ii0 other vu-
rieiicHi a years oiu &,ow, ti years old 5,000,
4 years o il a.ikni.
Ami a few acres in pears, plums, berries,
ota. for funillv iihp.
There aro on tho farm a superintendent's
iiuunc. umi i,iw; o collages ror employes,
cost $1,2W); barn, corn crib, tool and wagon
houses, etc.. eost 11.000.
Ortn of tho best fruit men in the country
nan uuu piTBDnai ciiurgc irom tnp origi
nal clearing till now and has made the
farm one of tho best that time, money
and skill can tirniiiire.
Tho owner, a non-riHlil(nt. n'niti,i nn,i
(levo.opod the place for n permanent homo
and occupation for a delicate son. The
latter hoa recently become, a hopeless In
valid, and a. the owner cannot give the
luiiii iM.rnoiini uuention, ne nas decided
to soil or exchange for proiTty near his
home, which hn ran Innk i.ft,,r
This Is nn unusual opportunity for some
diiu hiiij uuBiruH 10 engage in tno rrntt
business on a. largo scale. For further
iiiiunnuiion auoresH
PAYN'K.K'Knv nn
Main Floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omnha, Neb
RE 590 2
Good east front lot on 37th near California.
Smali lot on 26th St. near A. Bouth Omaha.
Good lot ono block from Ames Ave and
.sum, lAV.
South front In Central nark. ilOO.
oixtv-six i out on uussiug street, close to
win, jou.
Blxty-Mvc feet on 19th near Centor St., $300.
riiiy ii'di on innne near i.owo Ave,,
naved St.. 1300.
Section of land In Gove Co., Kans., with
Houso and lot on M street near 27th, S. O,,
Four lots In Wakeloy Add., $200.
I .ill vii n Inn If llirirac Win ri virvi
Lots 16 and 17 in Second addition to West
Side, $100.
FortjMicres onello from Capitol Cheyenne
Sixty foet south front Cass and 39th streets,
SAMUEL 8. CURTIS. Receiver,
180S Harney St.
(B-211) Now 8-room modern houso nnd 7-
room mouern cottage, good as new, In
walking dlstanca. verv desirable nnrmnn.
cnt walks and 'paving paid, rents for $60
per monin, rnco ior ootn, ju.soo.
Four desirable modern residences all in
west Farnam district, excellent locations
I'riccs H.sw, $5,000, $5,'o and $6,500.
(B-195) Good 7-room house, 3523 North 28th
street, in goou repair, uar.n ana run lot
a uarguin at ;i,uo, part caaii. lie in
hurry If you want this.
(B-2S3) Nlco E-room cottage on 18th near
vinton. owner win sen at a bargain.
Bcvcn-room houso and full lot on paved
Bireci, puving un paia. I'rice, ysw.
Bargains In vacant lots and farm lands.
If you wish to buy or sell call on
5-Room cottago, close to car nnd school
near -tin and Ames, just listed, at JjM.
6-Room cottage, almost now, city water.
HJX133 ot. near 21th and Ames. J973.
E-Room cottage,, oast front, corner lot 45x
U7. in good repair, close to 2 car line
nnd school, near 24th & Ames, only $D0O
ana easy terms. Make an orrer on this.
At 17th und Nleholus u 5-room cottage and
iot. paving all paid, a great bargain nt
Near 16th and Corby, a 6-room house, good
narn. sinK. wator. sewer. nricKed col ar.
)lace In best repair, very comfortable
home, ji.-ioo.
New 7-room cottage and full lot In beaut!
ful Miirysvllle Add.. $1,900.
7 Rooms, strictly modern, runts for $25, near
.'tin nnu iiowuru, ai repair, only :..
8 Rooms, modern, hut water heat, lot 50x150
east front, paving paid, cust of llunscom
On Florence Boulevard. $450.
On Templeton Avenue, $300 to $(00.
In beautiful Mnrysvllle, $150 to $300.
On 20th near Grace. $750.
On Burdette, south front, bt't. 16 & 17, $1,100,
At 40th nnd Hamilton. Hue business lut
60x130. MOO.
On 10th east of HatiHoom, paving paid, $1,200,
Aim many otners at lowest prices.
Call In before you bind a bargain.
SEE HERE, I'vo got to have money, 1
fine pasture land Holt Co., $2.00 por aero
160 In Dundy, $1.50 per aero, Jucob Van
pelt, 009 Ueo Uldg. HE 11067-3
FIVE-ROOM cottnge. 40 foot e:Bt front
lot with suadn nt :oui nnd uouglns sts.;
nice walking distance nnd u snap
nt $1,160. Part cash, balance payments,
A. F. Connott, 30H N. Y. Life, Phone, u'tU.
RE-CS5 2
A NICE 8.rnom part modern home, east
front, good condition, new roof, well
painted, near I.akn school, at 191 h and
Ohio, for $1,730; part cash. A. F. Coiinett,
300 New York Life. Phone, 1283.
33X132 FEET on Chlcngo st between 13th
nnd 14th t. ; permanent sidewalk. Prise.
$1,250. Byron II. Hastings, 212 S. 14th st,
RE-M732 I
FINK east front lot, 3 blocks south of de
pot, on 10th St, Inquire 1411 Vinton.
RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the
Union Paclllc Railroad company, H. A.
McAllaster land oommtHsloner. Union
Paclllc Heudtilartcrs, Omahu, Neb.
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St.
IMPROVED farms; I havo 25 good farms to
Bel! lu Washington Co., Neb.; I have
about 160 well Improved fnrms In Iowa
within a day's drive by team ot Omnha.
Jacob Vwiptflt, 009 Boo Bldg.
RE M57 2
1G,0W APPLE TitEES-3,000 lien Davis. 3,(00
Black Twig, 3,0uu M Inkier, 2,0 0 Jonathan,
2.1WI Rome. Beauty, 2.000 Gano, i,o.ji) York
Imperial! 7 years old 8,7oo; U yenra old
612113-13 Pierce, two houses, E and 6 rooms
eacn, 101 coxitis teet. ji.&oo.
213)22 Cars, 42x160, 3-room house, good re
pair, nice home. $1,250.
2033212 Webster St., 110x15?, 4 rooms, lies
line nnd will ue eince to new car line wnen
extended. It Is n snap. Easy terms. $1,000.
1402103 Miami, 3.1x132, 7 rooms, slate roof,
setter, water, gas. uniy i,ou. this prop
erty Is cheap. A little repair and paint
and It will be O K.
3081323 S. Itli, 50x127, C rooms, beautiful lot
nnu location.
209 1031 Nicholas, 40x150, corner, 9 rooms, nil
modern mil furnace unu 1 ihock irom
motor, Cholco. cheap and a bargain for
$2,100. Easy terms.
4232034 N. 19th, 50x111. east front, 0 rooms,
nil modern but ruruace, good repair, on
the Iloulevutd; barn also. This In 11 snap
at $3,100.
11-1313 S. Iflth (Georgia ave.), 60x112, 7
ruotiiH, all modern but furnace, beautiful
location, close to school, east front and
the best thing offered In Hanscom Place
for tho price. Only $3,C30,
63100x150, south front, lying flnn. In
tircnani 11111, on necatur St.. near Frank
lin school, beautiful vlnw, Just right for
gradn nnd has never changed hmiH since
eastern party bought them In lSS. Writes
us to sell right quirk for for both lots,
This is a pickup that you seldom llnd, Pay
$100 cash and wo will loan the balauco
of the money to you on monthly payments
nt 8 per cent.
221-On 33th St.. less than 100 feet from Far
nam. wo oner rno ce wixi 5-root lot. on
grade, for ONLY ONLY (we are nfrald
to say It) 31.M0. First thing you will ask
Is whnt Is the matter with It. To savo
that trouble wo will say: Nothing, except
ujt to uts aui.u
OTHER Ultidii of property for solo In ull
parts of the city. Too much to advertise.
BUT we TELL you that now Is tho tlmo
to BUY Omnha REAL ESTATE. Ride
over the city and see the Improvements.
it is COMING just as It USED to come.
Onlv a short time till vou will sav: Whv
didn't I icu this. It Is pnst due and it Is
RE-701 2
FOR SALE or exchange, well Improved
quarter-section lanu, m nines weat sioux
City. Want about 40 acres near good
town, isox tj, Newcastle, iseti.
11E-M542 2
FOR SALE. Nos. 2101-3 Douglas, $11,000;
ji.iW ensn, 1 1! b years at 0 per cent,
with option of making partial payments,
W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
RE M 374 2
BEST farm bargain In the state Four
farms, adjourning, comprising i,iw acres,
11V4 miles from Omnha postotllce; railroad
station nearly In center; 630 acres In cul
tivation. Price $28 nn acre: $10,000 cash
payment, balanco G nor cent.
Numbers of other large and small farms
near Omaha from $to to $00; Fremont,
$30 to $30: Hlalr nnd Herman. $25 to $43.
For most reliable Information as to farm
ttargains see or write wai. snuauw,
604 South Tenth St., Omaha.
7-ROOM new, all modern, 2-story house, full
lot, east or porn, i'rice. j,2w.
The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th st.
rv ... , 00 -1
fits N. V. Life. 'Phone. 1291.
rooms, fully modorn, hirdwood nnisu
downstnlrs, hot water heat, largo celnr,
nice bathroom, nouse goou un new, on cui
nnr Int. 22il llurilette. SI.OW.O)
7-roont cottng, 2527 Davenport. $2,000.00.
8-room, tuny mouern nousc. mosi nnw,
east rront, steam neat, 101 mixhu, on vir-
lnln nv. 51 nlpn hnine. JI.OO'J.OO.
A nice laying vacant lot, 45x130, on Grant
St.. near 22d. $GO).00. ...
On 35th st., between Farnam nnd Dodge, Is
a new up-to-uatc nouse. wun uurn, ini
front; has n $300.00 hot water heatins
66x14". vacant, on Boulevard, near Grac?,
si r.inn
7-room house, v"-'1 bath and gas. lortje
barn, enst rro -n. iirni, ior tuwj.'ui
rental. $2000.
C-room cottago. Jtol. $1,100.(0.
7-room nnu lot ; en.ii irmii, iuji i.
19th st. nni iiouiuvaru, renini, iu.w.
irion tt rrm m
2 cottn'ges and lot 60x122 nt 2027 Miami St.
ti unci nn
75x121 on 17th nnd Wirt sta.. south and cast
front. Willi an improvement nnv H".
$2,000.00. lt-.up
rnn BAT.11 ndlcreed. imnorted hnd do
mestic Ilclglnn nares, noes ana ducks
scoring from 91 to OGVfr points. Doch bred
to Imported bucks. My stock Is of tho
CliniCCSl uioou. grnuu ren oimi, sddu
uimnn ntnl Mtvli. irnnd heads, eves. cars.
lacing nnd ticking, with nlco red feet, also
Imported bucks nt stud. If Interested in
nrlzo winning ueiginn nares uuurexn j
M. Vandcll, Loomls, Neb. 606-3'
BELGIAN HARES Somo line does bred to
n 96-polnt l'f.snoua oucit tor saio. itoy.ii
ninH.onADE BELGIANS for sale: score
rnm nun net litrees iurnisneu l-riorv
Prince, Jr., Imported, score 94, and Britain
Boy. scoro 93i. nt stud. West Omnha
Babbitry, 4324 Fnrnnm. 75j 2
JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg,; Tel
lOrti; Alice jonnson, u. u., males nept,
Old E, Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr.
M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O,. of Still school
Klrksvllle, Mo 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. ISi
B.&M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop,, dealer
in all menus, nomes, etc, (.anoaus
specialty. S01-S03 Farnam, Omaha, Tel, 2378,
ACCORDION nnd sldo pleating, cheapest,
best, quicKfst. .irs. a. o. Aiarg, v l'nt
tcrson Blk., 17th and Farnam Sts.
A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N, Y. Life.
BOYLES' College, court reporter principal.
lire Bldg. 324
NEB. Bus.
ft Shorthand college. Bovtl'a
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 18 & Doug.
LOST, black nnd white Scotch colllo pup.
Reviitrd If returned to 2115 Emmett Ht.
Lost P7 :
$3 REWARD Lost, green parrot, ahort
tall, yellow head. Return' to .1213 Chicago
t. Lost MjtU 3
LOST Open faco plain back lady's silver
watch between Kith und Fnrnniii and 11th
and Hnrnoy. Howard If returned to
Omaha Tent und Awning Co.
LOST, Thursday afternoon, l.idy'a gold
watch and chain, between 3.1d and C'.irn
Ing and 2,tfl nnd Frnnkllti to ISth and
Webster, ltoturn to 3211 Lincoln Hnulc
vur (Ucrnls Park) and receive reward,
LoBt CiH-2
BLACK cocker spaniel dog, n months old,
stub tall, nnswers numo "Stubble." Ad
vise 9t0 N. 23th Bt. Lost-742 2
HORSES wintered, $i per month. J. W.
Phelps, 207 N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phone 1031,
M-321 D2
TEL. 1331.
M, S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St.
Om. Uph. Wks. 1018 Cap. ave.
Tel, 1933.
334 D2
EAGLE Lonn Olllce. reliable accommodat
ing; all business conlldciitlal, 1301 Douglas.
LOANS, il. Marowlti; low rates, 418 N. 16.
JulU Vaughn, 430 Rame Bldg.
Damaged toohlng glasses rcslivcrcd. 70S N IP,
L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.! motors, dynnmos.
WE tune your piano for $1.60. Rose's Art
store, imi uodge. lei, wia. 53 j
CUT rate tickets everywhere P. II. phll-
bin, 1305 iiirnam. Tciepuono isi. 631
ALL kinds of carpenter work nn l repalrl g
promptly nitenucu to. j. r. ucnutreu, 20 11
and Lake StD, 370
STOCK'S Bird Store.
1603 Leavenworth.
LAI MlltV.
OMAHA Steam Laundry; hlrt. 7r: rollnrs,
ic; cuns, ic. liw i.euvciiworin tci bw
FREE JcholnrMilps to piano sttidentH. Prof.
liruutn, bM itnuigo hik. 3.11
J'WW'ifi"" a 8UE5 St CO .
rHltnio I Pntcnt Lawyers
GUARANTEED 1 B" Bld'" mh.Neb
hhB faioniuooKFroo
TRACTORS, School District of Omnhn, Olllco ot tho
accroiary, dud city Jiai,, .Nove riper 22, r.w
Scaled proposals will bo received nt this
ofllce until s o'clock p. rn.. December 37,
tor furnishing nil the labor and material!
for the carpenter work and nil the lnb ir
lor the carpenter wore and it 1 1 the lnb r ,
and materluls for tho llroproonlnV of the
now High school building now being crcctJl
on Cnpltol Hill. Said proposals to bo in
accordance with plum und ypucint-ntlotiK nn
file In the olllco of John Lntcntci", architect,
fio. i.i-i.i moo untitling,
Said DlntiusnlH must be Riibmlttnl nn
blanks nreiinreil bv the nrchltoi't. muni h
enclosed lu sealed enveloptia market! "i'rj
PokuIb for High School Construction," and
each proposal must bo accompanied by n
ccrtllled check for a sum not less thin 2
per com 01 tne amount of tno proposal,
The rleht Is re.-erved to releet nnv nml
all bids and to wnlve any defect In bids.
ii" oruer 01 1110 uoaru 01 i;uuaatlon.
N23-D17 Secretary.
land Route" Genorul OlHces,
N. E. Cor. Ninth ami Farnam
S'.rcetii. City Ticket Otllce, 1321
arnatn Street. Telephone, 316
Depot, Tenth and Mason St.
Telephone, ov9,
.invn A .!. ...
Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm
Tho Chicago-Portland
tpecuu a stsu am a 7:30 pm
Tho Fust Mall a 8:."nl 11111 n .1. ',....,
Tiio Mall and Express.. ull :33 pm a 4:25 pm
Liilivu.j,, irun in- )l)ll
Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:03 nm 1)12:30 nm
The PmcIIIc IJ.H ess.. . .u 4:23 pm
The Atlantic Exnress... n r.-nn
Qrnnd Island Local b b:S0 pm b 9:33 nm
u u,i n ii.iuy except sunuuy
Rnllrond. City Ticket Of
fice, 1402 Furnam Street.
Telephone. 215. Depot,
Tenth and Marcy Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago ExpresB
all:10 am a 4.05 pm
a 7:45 pm a s:05 um
b 7:00 nm b 9:40 pm
a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am
cnicaeo i.imucu ..
Minneapolis and
l'nui express ....
Minneapolis and
l'uui i-imncu
Fort Dodgo Locul from
cotinci; Hiurra mapni u sua am
a Dally b Dally except Sunuuy.
souri River Hnllrnad
"The Burliiigton Routo"
General unices. N. W.
Corner Tenth and Furnira
Farnam St TeleDhona
Burlington stuuon, icntn nnu Aiason
Bts. Teiepnone, i.
Lincoln. Hastings and
McCook a 8:40 am a 7:C5 pro
Lincoln, Denver. Colo-
rndo. Utah. California.! 4:25 nn a 3:00 pm
Lincoln & Mask Hills, .a -0 pm a 0:4. um
Montana, Pugot Sound.. a 9:00 pm u o:4a am
Lincoln Fast Mall u S:0o pm u10:3j am
Denver t'otfrado, Utah
and Calitornlu 0..!:,,? um
Bellevue, Papplo nl0:4o am all'.l.l am
Pacific Junction ill:50 nm a 8:20 am
Paclllc Junction. .a 7:00 pm
So. Bend uoulBVllle.
Plattsmoutl b 3:35 pm blljfD am
Ft. Crook, Plattsmouth.a U:5o pm a 8:2J cm
a Dally; b ex. Sunday.
seph ft Council Bluffi
Rallroad-"Tho Bur'lng
ton Route" Ticket Olllce,
1502 Farnam St. Tele
phone, 260. Depot, Tenth
and Mason Sts. Tele
phone, 13i
ijeave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex. ...a !:20 itm a 6:.5 pm
Knnsas city NUM Ex. ato.15 pm n :I5 am
St. Louis Flyer for bt.
Joseph and St. Louis. .a 4:50 pm nll:15 arn
a Dully.
ft Quincy Railroad "The
Burlington Rouje ' Ticket
Otllce. 1502 Farnam St.
Telephone, 250, Depot
Tenth and Muson sta.
Telephone, 12.1
Leave. Arrlvo.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 7:00 am a!0;23 .ro
Phlrni?,, pHtlhntpil Tx .a 4:M tm n
Ch cago Local Express. a 0:20 nm a 4:05 pm
Chicago uunitea a 7:-0 pm a 7:43 am
Fast Mail a 2:43 inn
a uuiiv.
road Omnha, Karma a 'Uy
& Eastern Raliinad-"Tha
Quincy Route" Ticket Of
llce, 1115 Farnam Si Tele
phone. 322. Depot., Tenth
und Mnrcy Streets. Tele
phone. U2J.
ucuve. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 om
KniiMis City und gulncy
L.oc.11 a i."" nm u y:w pn
u Dally.
and & Pucl'lc Itnllrnad
-"The Grat Rock Hl
and Routo"-city Tick
et Olllce. 1321 Fanetm
Street Telephone, J2S.
Depot, Tenth ft Marcy
Sts. TeVphulie, Gil.
Lsavu Arrive.
Dcs Molncs nnd Daven
iprt Local u 7:23 am 1)11:33 nm
a 8:10 ara
a I:l5 pm
a 1:25 pm
IJoti MoIiiph Local n 4:20 pm
C 'cagn Fnt Express ,n 5:00 pm
Dea MiilneH. Rock Isl
and u ml Chicago a 7: 10 pm
a 9:33 pm
Lincoln, Colorado SpgB,,
Denver, t'tiuuio una
West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm
Colorado. Oklahoma ft
Texas Flyer a 520 pm u 9:50 am
u D.illy. b Dallv except Sunday.
mail General unics ani'
Ticket Oinces Suutheiisi
Corner 14th and Douglas
Sts. Telephone, 101. Dtnot.
Union Station.
Leave. Arrlvo.
,- Ex
City Express a.l7.;?A,am a C:23 pm
K. C, St. L. Express
.....w.iv ii u.j) t,tn
Leave Irom lilh
Webster Streets;
Nebr.iBkn 1 neil. Vln
Weeping Water. b 4:10 pm nl0;45 um
ft Ft, Paul Rnllwav City
Tlrket Office, 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone 2M. De.
not. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone, n)
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex.... a :M pm a. 8:03 am
cnicago i umana ix...u w o j;iv pin
a Dally, b Dully except Sunday.
Ralrnad The Nrth-
....l.,n I In."
ORlccs, United Stntei ,
Nntiuiiai Hank Hol d tig, 1
U W rnrner T.. f K
nnil Piimuin Mti Tlf.f
uiuce, i4ui I'.irnnm ft Telephone, 661 ie
pot, Tenth and .Mason Sts, Telephone, 629.
I.e.tve. Arrh?
Twin City Exnresit a 6 55 nm nl0:25 pro
Twin City Limited..,,, .a 7:33 pm a 8 15 nm
Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm
a Dally
Missouri Vai ey Railroad
"The Northwe"tern
Line" Gencrnl Ofnces,
l.'nlted States National
Bank Bldg., d. W Cor.
Ticket O nice, HOI F.minni St. Telephone.'
661. Depot, 15th and Wubstcr Sts Teie
l'hon ,1,,M ,. . . 'I-cave. Arrive.
BUck Hills. Deadwood,
Hot Spring 3;oo pm a 5:oo pm
Viomliig, CnspM tJU
Douglus d ailO pm o 6:00 pm
I'l'.y a.ui.ilor. Ii nevu.
li.v.'tcr a no uswarc ...b 3:0) pin b 6:00 nm
Norfolk. Verdlgre dud .
Freiumi ... . ..b 7:30 am bI0:a am
Lincoln, Wuhoo and
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am
Fremont Local ,. c 7:3) am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Bun
ds) only, d Dally oxcopt Saturday
Dally except Molidnv
western Railway 'The
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket Olllre. 1401
Fai nam St. Telephone.
tl Depot, Tenth .md
f23- ,. , . , . Leavu. Arrltra.
Daylight Chicago Sue
nhiStBV.'V.nVal'n.V'"""?!:!?.!;; S'JiSSiS
Uiiatorii Expiehs. Dos '
MoinciL Miirshuilto.vii.
caiu .V.11.' . .. "n" SV.'.aloas am a 4:03 cm
Eastern Speclul, Chi-
cugo unu i,ast a i:ui pm a i:w pm
Fas! Mall, Chicago to
Omulin 1.. n 2:45 pm
Omaha-Chicago Limited, a 7:45 pm a 8:00 pm
FuhI Mull a S:30 iibi
ceuar itupltls rasscnger a 5:30 pm
i-.iinirin uxprcxs 11 y:w pm
a Dally b Except Saturday.
Mlniuapolis ft
Hallway "The North
western Line" General
Olllces. Nebraska Divi
sion, 15th and Webster
KlK. (Miv Tlrk.-t lillln.
14ul Jibrnuin St, Telephone, 60I. Depot,
lttli und Webster Sib.
Leave. Arrive
Twin Cltv Pisnircr n C-00 nm n D'li nm
omahu Passenu'cr ... ill n oS
sioux City K North-
enwi .eunisKn 3Uj pm
a Dolly, b Dolly except fundur.
Ticket Olhoc, 1415 Farnarr
bircet. 1 e cpiione Uv-
pot. Tenth nnu Murc
Streets. Telepl'.onc, 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Lottie "Cannon Ball"
Express a 6:05 pm a 8:20 am
a Dully
I Ante Room Echoes.
Tho Elk memorial service to bo held in
tho Crelghton-Orpheum thenter nt 10:30
o'clock this morning, conducted by tho mem-
bcrs cf tho Omaha and Council IllulTa lodges,
Is ono of tho public services of the order
to which the Elks aro permitted to Invito
their friends. Any person who feels an In-
tcrcst In tho order will bo most cordially
wclcotnn und will bo provided with seats un-
til tho capacity of tho house Is exhausted.
Tho orutlons will bo delivered by Jcrurao
B. Fisher, grand exalted ruler of tho order,
aud John N. Baldwin, a member of Council
IlllifT. Irwlrr.i I
Thft mliBlrnl fonfnrna nf fhn enrvtrn nx
iiniiminllv Bond. Thn Hnrmnnv niinrtni will
olnn. "'Thn I not nhnr.t" nml "AMI. H'lth
Mn!" Mm. K. S. MnKlnnev nf Kansas Gltv
will contribute a contralto solo; Brother F.
NT Inn no Ima vnliintanrtiil thn unrvlrna nf I
his principal cornctlst, Trof. Bohumlr
Krval. who has selected "The Holy City"
fni It la n ii m Tint nn Ihn nrnrrnm Hrnthnr
known bass singer, will bo heard lii a solo,
,V Dream of Paradise" Rev. Edward
T,V0,l,lolf Trnfr nntnr nf Knnntln M-
mortal church, will dismiss tho audience
with his benediction,
KnlglitN of l'ythlns.
Triangle lodge No. 64, Knights of Pythias,
elected tho following oflicers on Tuanksglv-
Ing night: Charles Schnaubcr, C. C;
Theodoro Festner, V. C; L. C. Hlon, P.;
Henry Huffman, M. of W.; J. R. 8tlne, K.
of R. and S., A. II. Dauble, M. of E.; Nor
man Hothholz, M. of F.j Charles Snyder,
M. of A.; H. H. Williams, I. G.; I). D.
Stino, O. G.; Chris Boycr and Henry Roth-
holz, trustecB.
After the lodge closed, ns Is tho usual
custom ot this lodgo on Thanksgiving even-
j lug, 'the members and a largo number ot
viHiiorB present sat uuwn 10 a uainjuei,
which was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres
ent. P. G. C. J. M. McFarland, P. C. M. B.
Ilalcome, J. B. Stlnc, A. JI. Dauble, John W,
Fyfo, Theodoro Festner and n number of
others responded to toasts. AI J. Johnson,
J, C. Ernst and Charles Schnaubcr furn
ished tho music for tho evening.
At a well attended meeting ot Triune
lodgo No. 56, Kulghts of PythlaB, hold In Its
lodgo room In Tho Beo building Tuesday
evening, tho following odlcors were elected
for thu ensuing year: E. K. Haneon, C. O.
Samuel Flnlayson, V. C; Dr. W. N. Dor-
ward. P.; S. J. Broderlck, M. W.J J. H.
Dcxtcn, M. of E. ; A. II. Borncman, M. of F.;
J. C. Brcwlngton, K. of II. and S.j A. R.
Howitzer, M. A.; W. D. Hck, I. G.; W. M.
Carter, O. G. Trustees, T. L. Broadhurst,
Dr. L. A. Merrlam and Wnlter E. Lees.
After tho election of oincerB the greator
part of tho evening was spent In speech-
making nnd L. A. Bro
,' " '.hiM,
I 1)Pr of tonB whlcn w
Broadhurst sang a num-
ero well received.
The election of officers of Ncbraskn lodge I
No. 1, Knights of Pythias, took p'aco at Its
castlo hall last Monday evening. Edward
1 Walsh wob elected C. C. by acclamation for
tho ensuing term; Thomas B, McGovern, V.
C: Edward Arnold, P.; C. W. Joy, M. of
W.; John W. Fyfo, K. of R. nnd S.; Will C.
Mathews, M. of F.; H, S. Mann, M. of E.j
A. S. Kclley, I. O.; John F, Flnnlgan, O.
O f J. W. Cody, trustee.
Lillian temple. Rathbono SlBtors, elocted
tho following oflicers on Monday evening:
Mrs. LUzIo Snyder, E. C; Mrs. Anna Coy,
S.; Mrs. Rnthholr. E. J.; Mrs. Schuau-
ber. M.; Miss Mayme Rawltzor, M. of n. and
Mra. C. II. Forby, M. of F.j Mrs, Laura
Snyder. P.: Mrs. Berg 0. O. T.: Mrs, J. W.
Cadv. P. C: Mrs. J. R. Stlne, trustee.
After tho election the sisters furnished a
dainty lunch for all present. They enter
tained at this meeting tho pioneer Pythian
lu Nebraska, Mr. George II. Cralger, who
Instituted tho first Knights of Pythias lodge
west of tho Missouri river.
Tho Bisters will glvo a card party Monday
oenlng, December 10.
I, mine In Pnriiwruuhs.
Tim nnxt ball and prize waltz to lie given
bv tho foresters of Bench cuniu, Modem
Woodmen or Amoricn. win no ncm ijcccm
ber 8 at the Thurston RIIIc'h urmory.
Tlin dnneo nf OinUliu lodge, Star of Jupi
ter, lust Friday wnn a great success In w.iv. This lndco olectB omcers Fri
day evening nnd n lurgo nttondunco la de-
Kiivmour enmn. Woodmen nf the World.
elecis nfflrers and delegates to the head
fnmii W'eilnesdav evening. On tho Wcdnes.
day following Omaha lodgo elects olllperrt
niiii deluznteH. These two eamP'l nro now
holding Joint meetings nt Woodmen of tho
World hall ln thn Croun block.
The Omnha lodges of the Fraternal Union
nl Amprlrii were tho guests of Mimic Cltv
lodge. Saturday evening, After tho regular
work dancing was tno order nf tno evening.
Tin. uniformed degree teams of Banner.
Mondamln and Omaha lodges nro having
considerable worg inese nays wun candi
dates for Initiation, Banner Indge glvcB a
mosiiuernilo ball Thursday nvenlng.
Thanksgiving evening tho members of
Custer post, Grand Army of the Republic,
and of the Woman's Relief corps, No, 62,
surprised N. B. Helm, commander of tho
post, and his wife by presenting them with
a rocking chair as a token of regard. After
the presentation of tho gift tho evening was 'been closed up by Ore. We turned to the
spent In music nnd conversation. Elegant udonli Thn'tmra hnd cot a. ladder un to
refreshments were served by tho visitors. wimioni. ino uojs nad got a lauacr up to
The opposition to tho creation of a re- , ,no .fnt of ,h. noup
servo or emergency fund In tho Modern Now, then,' wo said to him, when wo
Woodmen of Atnerfcn Is tnking on such 11
strong lorce tnnt it is poss ble that the
lnMlllfn M'lll l.. ,!..f.,l TI,.. ,.,.l ill
is sending out statements showing that tho '"k encK. Ami rm blessed H wo otan i
amount nf ttimiey paid in by the member- havo to go down tho ladder tlrat."
ship Is not sutlU'lent to puy tho cost of i
Insurnnco and Insists that tho future of lvMmMu ,.i ,Tim. ...t.Mtinn .i
tho society depends upon tho creation of the Probably the most unlquo explanation ad
fund, vauccd for tho loss of Nebraska to the
shout STollirs u rn rm ii i ,,c,uocra':y " the last election was that of
SHORT ill on u.s 1.1,1. roi.i). a .jlsgruntlcd but not disheartened demo-
Ono of the passengers on a Broadway enr
0n Friday night wa9 Joseph Jefferson, the
actor, relates tho New York Sun. Near
III in was a young niau rending a newspaper.
As the young man got oft the car ho said
to tho cuudttctor:
"There's Joe Jefferson In there."
"O'ttan," replied tho coudtlctor, "notliln'
"Yes, ho Is," Insisted the young man.
"Whlstlo and call Schneider."
"Cert," snld the conductor, and ho let
nut n short, shrill blast followed by "Here,
, Schnolder!" In no mild tone.
m. .....-.. ..!.. 1 .i it
Jlic viiiiiu mini "V oiuiivu.
Tho conductor looked embarrassed. Tho .
other p.iBscngcrH wondered what was wrong 1
with tho old conductor.
John Burroughs, ut n small dinner In
New York last winter, told thU story of
V. D. Howclls:
Last Chrtstnins Mr. Howclls wished to
give n copy of one of hit books wliUh had
Just been published to n distant relative.
Wh ncqualnted with Mr. Howclls' In
tcntlon tho prospective recipient was de
llglucd beyond measure. Mr. Howclls,
wUhliiR to give still more pleasure, took
tip his pen and dipped It In tho Ink.
"Shall I write in It?" bu asked tenta
Tho distant kinsman blushed and thcu
said awkwardly: "Oh, If you please, Mr.
Howclls, I'd so much rather havo a fresh
Mr. Burroughs avers that ho got tho
"iresh copy" without any trouble and that
he has had nono since
It Is related that tho last tlmo "Fighting
Hob" Evans wob In New York ho wandered
up nrondway one Sundoy morning to find
himself opposlto Graco church. Tho door
... 1 , . , ........ .....
of tne cUwcli uolnK PC" "Fighting Bob"
morning service would begin In about
twenty minutes, seated himself comfortably
ln a nliHHe alBio pow won up in front. The
church lined up and presently two men In
faultless attire and Impressive ln appear
ance, evidently father nnd son, made for
tho pew ln which tho navy man was Boated.
At their approach "Fighting Bob" moved
up to make room for them, but the expres
sion upon tho two faces was not to bo mis
taken. After taking their Boats tho elder
of the two leaned well forward and, ad
Justing his glasses, tried to stare the navy
man out of countenance. Finding this of
no avail the mun took a card from his
pocket and, scribbling a few words upon It
with his gold poucll, requested the usher
to hand It to "Fighting Bob." The latter
read upon tho card tho name of a well
known millionaire and tho penciled words:
"i pay $500 a year for tho exclusive uso of
this new." "Fighting Bob," without a
glance toward tho mlllonalro, took out his
own card and with his silver pencil ncrio
bled something In his turn
"nobloy D. Evans, U. S. N. read tne
millionaire when tho usher hanaoa mm tne
card, and underneath the word!
"You pay a d n sight too much.
"Tho COOlCSt man I OVOr SaW," Bald a flr
man. "I mot at a firo In n dwelling house
Wn found him In 80 UPStOlrS front TOOtD
dressing to go OUl. 1 no uro uy iuio
was surging up through tho houso nt
urpftt ml
"'Hello, there!' wo yenca ai n ro uu
wo looked ln at tno uoor, tno nou3U .
" 'Would It disturb you If I should re
main while you put It out?' he asked, lifting
tho comu irom nis nmr uu UU...K.
at US. HO nau on a Wlllio eveniliB
coat and his dress coat lay across o chair.
"Seeing us staring at him, ho dropped
his comb Into his hair und wont on comb
ine. But. as a matter of fact, ho was
about ready. He put down tho comb, put on
his coat and hat and picked up his ovcr-
" 'Now I'm ready, gentlemen,' he said.
"Wo started, but tho stairway had now
rnnt ivi t'eiii Aitnott.
j I
1 o
came to the window.
,1 iah, ... ,i, 1 i, ..1,1 nn,t
AftCT J'Otl, KCIlt 1011100,' llO Bld, Stnml-
crnt on Friday evening, relates the Chicago
Chronicle. The speaker was surrounded
by a knot of republican friends, when ho
suddenly sprung his assertion and now tho
auditors ore trying to figure out whether
,110 meant It In earnest or as a Joko,
1 'l tell you Mnrk Hnnna's strategy Is
! what carried Nebraska," snld tho speaker.
I "His oratory nnd tho oratory of the othor
1 republican spellbinders who fpoutcd from
I one end of tho state to tho othrr had but
I little to do with swinging the atato Into
I tlio republican ranks with 8,000 majority.
1 "Did you notlco tho great scarcity of
harbors hero In Chicago tho latter part of
. " " n
(I BlllllKinr nti.l ll.n ... - ...
n.,lmn? vt wn i,.,. .V
,hn.n iinp(wl.u ' ,. '
,i,,n. bnn... ,. Mrt, it. ,.!., t,i.
pockets bulging with the republican cam
paign fund, cngitBeit Just C.000 of 'cm and
shipped tho wholo outfit to Ncbraskn and
down Into Kansas,
"Why? Well, tho barbers farmed a part
of the republican 'biggest show on enrth'
aggregation In thoso two states, and when
the orators hnd their poptillstlc audiences
dated they fell easy victims to the barbers'
keen razors. With their whiskers off, tho
hallmark, as It were, of their party, was
gotio and In desperation they bolted the
Issue. A populist, you sec, Is no moro a
populist without his wealth of whiskers
than Is a Chinaman a Chinaman without
his queue. Thai's the secret of the slump
In Kansas nnd Nebraska and Rome day
you'll find it In the histories your children
study hi the schools."
Indianapolis Press: Tho Queen having do
parted, nfter having deposited with her
royal consort n pljucu of her mind, tho
Court Jester remarked:
"Sire, you remind mo of King Henry
"Too much wife?" asked tho monarch, ln
hasto to got a horse on tho Jcater.
"That ain't bad for ou amateur," replied
tho Court JcBter, "but I was alluding to
tho fact that ho was called tho Bluff King.
Gltnrao a cigar, will you?"
Labor In lliiwnll.
A Honolulu correspondent of the Boston
Transcript writes: "Tho majority of the
Chinese art laborcr or traders on a ftmnll
scale. For faithful service, command to
mo a Chinaman. In our establishment wo
can do with no less than three. Ah Quae,
tho cook; Ah Loon, tho yardman, and Slug
Wo, tho latilidrymati, nro at their posts oh
surely ns thn sun climbs over the. eastern
mountains. Most of tho ChlneflO came hero
llrst iih contract laborers on the sugar
plantations. Tho development of the coun
try called ror lnbor such as they could give,
and much of tho material prosperity of this
land Is duo to their patient nnd faithful
Bcrvlce. The unstable native, cannot be do
ponded on for the constant grind of toll,
and foreign labor must needs bo Imported.
When tho contracts expired the Chlneso
laborers loft tho plantation for better pay
ing positions. Many entered domestic serv
ice, Bomo beenmo gardeners on their own
account, and many more engaged In mer
cantile business. It goes, without waylng
that the laundry business Is, almost wholly
In their hands, and In a small way they aro
engaging In manufacture In all these lines
they Bcoro a Buceessa.
Meeting thr Cnc.
An nld Trlnbmnn neeunled a barber's chair
recently nnd ho was drowsy. Ills eyes could
not bo kept nieti and his head rolled about
and drojiped over upon h!s shoulder nnd
down in.on IiIh cho.U In a way that made
shaving a dllllcult operation for tho knight
of tho lather and a dntigerous ono for tho
patient. . . .
At luHt tho barber wild, gently but firmly:
"Look a-hero,.Hlr, I can t possibly stmvo
you unless you hold up your head."
To which tho response was mado with
drnwsv Indifference:
"Well, then, coot my hiilr."
Liieli nf Mnterlnl.
Chicngo Tribune: Aunt Rachel had never
looked down from the gnllery at u charity
ball before.
"Maudv." she whispered, "who aro thosn
young persons going Into tho purtltloned-oft
tilaeei nnd writing tilings In their noto
bookB?" "Thoso nro tho society reporters for the
dally pnpers," replied her niece. "They
have to describe tho costumes, you know,"
'"Mph!" Htilffod Aunt Riichol, grimly. "I
rhouldn't think It would tnke 'cm long to do