Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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AdvertlNementii for tlicno ooluninn
vrlH lie tnkott until 11 ! lit. for flic
evening nnil until HII10 lot niuritlntr
I. nnd Sunday edition * .
. Kitten , 1 l-2c u word first Inncrtlonj
Ic a Troril tliercnflrr.odiliiff tnUcii
for ICIN tliitn sr.e for the 11 rut IIIKIT-
tlon. Tlicic ndvcrtUcineiiU uiunt lie
run cuiiHcchtlvcl- .
Advertiser * , liy rrciiicMlnft n num
bered check , citii Iinvc nimwm nil-
drcniicil to n numbered letter In cnrc
if The Her. AiifMTcr * HO mldrrnscd
irlll lie delivered 1111 iircuctitiitloii of
the check only.
A STENOGHAPHBR-Wheji you want one
pleaser cnll up the Remington typewriter
olllcc , 1619 Farnnm Bt. ; telephone , 153.
A-MC90 O17.
WANTED , position of any kind : several
yonra' experience In retail hardware.
Address D 33 , U6o. A M732 13'
WANTED , position n * brtokkeeper or on
the road or In house ; agricultural Imple
ments or hnrdwaro preferred ; flftoon
years' oxporlcncc ; best of references. A ,
Bee office. Council Bluffs. . A751 17
SALEHMlitf for cigars ; $12J n month find
expcnsm ; old firm ; experience unneces
sary. C. Ci HI shop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
TAILORH'rfttetld Dyhr's cutting Rchool.
618 B. 1.1 , . B 9SIDec2.
SALESMEN' can mnko 51CO par month sell
ing our ofllce specialties to merchants by
samplst 11 lit * sldn linen ; bit ; profits. Model
Mfg. .Co. . Box B , South Bend , 1ml.
TWO cloth'ng ' salesmen wanted In Omaha
and olio. In each county In every state to
take orders for our $3.00 to-lO.OO mndo-to-
mtmsuro nulls -ami ovnrcoiitsj live men
without experience cnn mnko $150.00 per
month ; if you cnn furnish satisfactory
reference we will furnish n complete
pamplp line , nnd outfit and start you nt
work nt once. For 'particulars riddress
American Woolen Mills Co. , Enterprise
Building. Chicago. U-MISS O12
WANTED. Wo have steady work for n
few good hustlers of Rood habits nnd np-
pcaranco. C. F. Adams Co. , 521 Ho. ictli t.
B-MS49 O22
SALESMAN wanted to neil our choice
nursery Block ; n printed guarantee given
with every order that tllo stock Blmll be
( Irst class arid t'rutv to label ; good salaries
paid. "Write for terms to' A. C. Grlcsa &
Bro. , Lawrence , Kansas. I M92" O2l
WANTED , men and boyn to sell the
"Pence Jubilee Souvenir. " 50.000 will bo
sold Peace Jublleo week. Apply City Cir
culation Dept , , Omaha Bee. B M541
"WANTED , boy's to Bell SnUp Shots ntld
I'eaco .lublleo Souvenir on thd street
Pfnce , Jubilee week. Apply Circulation
Dopt. , Omaha Bco. B-M418
YOU can mnko from $3 to (10 a day selling
I'eaco Jublloo Souvenir and Snap Shots
durlntf tliQ.I'eaco Jubilee. Apply Circula
tion Department , Omaliu Bee. B M4J7
WANTED , at once , tin experienced dry
Roods salesman ; must also tr.m win-
dowH. State salary. B. lIIrRchkowltz ,
Fromqnt , Neb. B-M57J
WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; now
field open : $60.00 monthly ; steady employ
ments arrangements just completed to
place graduates with doctors nnd hos-
ultflls : takes about COO men fast ns we
can prepare them ! the knowledge of der-
matoloRy , as wa tench Hi makes our
students valuable assistants ; also many
calls from country and city shops ; po-
altlons positively gunrrtntrrd ; 8 weeks
completes ; free transportation to Motor
Colleges at Chicago. St , Louts or Minne
apolis. Call or" write at once- for free
catalogue. Moler , Iloom 11 , Crelghton
Bldg. , 15th & Douglas , Omaha. B-631
A SALESMAN'to Tinndls line mechanical
rubber- goods , rubber clothing , etc. , on
liberal commission ; cno selling hardware
trade preferred. ; references reciUlred.
Bolting , lO. . box 1692 , Philadelphia. Pa.
B-66S 11"
YOUNG men tp learn barber trade ; only G
to S weeks required ; wo give our gradu
ates employment (111 ( they receive In
wages nn much as they pay for Bullion
ber college. - - Odd ' Fellows' ' bldg. , Dodge and
14th , Omaha. Profi Randolph , Instructor.
WANTED , a Rood book canvasser ; must
hnvs Rood address and experience ; ' good
money to be made by the right man.
apply Circulation Department , Omaha
Bco. B M702 16'
WANTKD , a young and energetic man to
travel In the confectionery line In western
Iowa ; must he a good salesman. Address
D 29. Bee olllce. B-M71U 12'
WANTED , it cnrponter by the month ; nljo
a few hands by the day picking up sWctt
potatoes. Theo. Williams , Military nve ,
Bengon. B-M710 13'
BARBER wanted nt Burlington depot.
WANTED Card and sign painter at Boston
Btoro , Omul.m. 15-723-13.
. . . . . . . . . . .a1 POSITIONS. Don't prefer -
, „ . . „ for any civil service examination
without seeing our Illustrated catalogue
of Information. Sent free. Columbian
.Correspondence College- Washington
D. C. B-M730 13'
MAN or woman of energy nnd huslnop
ability to travel for established firm.
a month and all expenses. P. AV. .Hlegler
& Co. , ' :2 Deurborn St. , Chicago , 111
fl-M743 12 *
WANTED , ealesman ; salary paid workly ;
experience unnecessary ; permanent.
Brown Bros. , Chicago. B M741 12 *
A GOOD painter wanted , lnglo man ,
German preferred. Write , at once for
further Information to Goo. Kocht Leigh
Nob. II M73ii 12
T11I3 Standard Cattle Co. . Ame. * , Nob.
want forty men at onro for farm work.
GOOD coachmnn who li willing to mnko
blmiclf useful around the housn. Inqulr
520 S. 2Cth live. B-M7I6 12
WAXTIJIJ KKM 111:1.1' .
100 GIUL8 for all kinds of work ; 13 to J
week. Canadian cilice , Ij22
WANTED-150 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876.
C M511 Oct 20
WANTED , competent grl | nt ouco. . ,015
Chicago strcot. C-C97 12 *
WANTED , , n girl for -general housework ;
.German , preferred. Apply to Mrx. J. H.
Clancy , Ufli B.outh 26th st. C-.M718 13'
GIRL for general housework , Apply 510 S
23th Ave. C M70 13
WANTED , Indy agents In Omaha nnd sur
rounding towns , to fell the great remedy
preventive and best eyrlngq known fo
women. $5.00 per ( lay easily made. Al
correspondent treated professionally and
In strictest confldtinco , Addrods Pruvint-
Ine Modlclnn Co. , Iloom 2 , 211 8. 12th
Bt. , Omaha , Neb , C M70S 17 *
GTUL for general'housework , small family.
3005 1'aclllo at. C.i6-15.
WANTKD A good cook , German pre
ferred , reference required. Call between
2 and S p. m. at 2S26 Dodge at. C-722-13.
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over city ;
J5 to J75. Fidelity , Urst floor , N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. ' Benowa & Co. , 103 N. 15th St.
HOUSES , etorfcs , Bemls , Paxton blbck.
FURNITURE nnd leasehold of a 7 nnd 13- -
rooin modern fist for tmlo ; bnriralii , good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block ,
A FEW cottages. 438 Bonrd Trndo.
ALWAYS moving household goods nnd
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511'A
Fnrnam. Tel. , 1559. D-154
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3 0 IJurt.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' D-M133
HOUSES , stores. Robblna , 1S03 Fnrnam.
D lii
HOTEL , good business. Furniture for sale.
B 6fl. Bfe. 0-M795 O20'
MAGdARD'8 Van & Stornce' m X. 15th.
Icl. , i3 . D-MKt OS ! '
( Continued.1
FOR RENT , iv TOocl convenient cottage for
small family , 2i > th and Blonde streets , $3.
Apply at wj N , 19tn street. u i.u
COTTAGE on easy payments. 004 Bee Bldf.
FOR RENT , 7 room modern hounc , $22.50.
Tho.II. . Fell. 313 Hrown Blk. D-M493
HOTEL down town ; 18 rooms ; good condi
tion : convenient to nil tar lines : rent
$45.M a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212
8. 14th St. D-llo
DESIRABLE houses. F. D. AVcad , 16 & D's
, D-656 13
FOR RENT , house , 5 rooms , 609 S. 29th
st. ; also one , 3 rooms , 2722 8. 20th. Selby ,
Board Trade Bldg. D-M703 13
NICELY furnished rooms for transients.
2203 Spencer St. , Kountze Place , near cx-
vosltlun. B-MMi
AVE. Home-Rooms for fnmllcn or parties a
specialty. Clean beds 25o up , 1712 Cap. Ave ,
1J-MW4 023
EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In
formation In regard to hotels , rooms ,
board , etc. , nt the Official Information
Bureau , 1319 Farnam St. : this bureau Is
under the supervision of the exposition
management. Ofllco open day and night ;
no charge for Information. E 166
TWO nice rooms ror Kxpo lM6ii vlsl tors J
private family. 816 8. 25. E-607 ! !
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st and Plnknoy
Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms ; one-
square from the Arch of the States ;
everything new , nnd llrst-class ; terms rea
sonable. E 157
'URNIBIIED rooms , with bath ? one Block
from 24th st , car line. 852 South 2tth
street. ' E-W7 30
SAFE. clan rooms ; Expo. car. 1513 Dav
enport. E-M2C2 029
FOR Rout large front room at reasonable
price , 2121 Dodgo. E-725-17.
SARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St. nnd Amt-s
Avo. . 4 blocks West from north gate ex
position grounds ; best rooms , $2 , with
meals , $1.00 without ; families and parties ,
$1.25 a day and 60c European ; everything
new find neat , free baths , double parlors ,
library and piano ; two lines of strcot
cars , vast verandahs ! best place to see
exposition fire works. Jolly people and a
Rymnnalum. Telephone ; 1931. F 777
TAKE down that "for salo" or "for rent"
Flen In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window in n month ; nnd they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F k65
THE MERRIAM , flrst-closs family hotel ,
25th and Dodge Sts. F 15i
UTOPIA-lTamlly hotel. .1721 Davenport.
F-601 O13'
3 ROOMS. 708 8. 17th St. G-M295 020'
I OR 5 CHOICE locations , ono floor ; pri-
vnto bath ; references necessary. C .16 ,
Bee. G M298
FIVE rooms , private bath , heat and light ;
references. D 24 , Beo. G 6SI
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at
916 Farnnm Ht. This Viulldlng has a fire
proof cement basement , water on all
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the Office of
The Bee. . 1-910
DESK room. G. G , Wallace , 313 Brown Blk
I 169
NICE ntore. Corner 2Uh and Hamilton. Ap
ply 2518 Cajdwcll. 1 160
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap.
1502 Cass at , 1 M740
IN U. 8. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg.
1 161
WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track
age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E.
Bchsoh. 310 Romgo Bldg. I-S14 020 *
3-BTORY nnd basement brick store bullfl-
Ing , 1005 Farnnm , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. I M305-
BRICK trackage warehouse , llth and
Leavcnworth ] 22,000 square feet floor sur
face. 8. S. Curtis , 1803 Hurncy.
I M566 17 *
WANTED , good agents to sell a line of
lubricating oils nnd greases. Liberal con
tracts offered. The Atlas Oil Co. , Cleve
land , Ohio. J-M74212'
WANTED , furnished house , 7 or 8 rooms ,
well located , modern conveniences ; no
children , J. D. Kenyon , 512 Paxton
Block. K-MSCI
WILL glvo zither lessons In exchange for
room ; northern part city preferred. D 28 ,
Bco. K-M712 13'
IF YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N 867
THR KGST HOME ; $2,000'will buy on easy
teruiH. I am no agent. X C4 , bee.
WANTED , K.WH' worth ot second-hand
fiiriiiluro at 301 N. Iblh St. , cor. Daven
nrt. N M196 O13
OMAHA Savings accts. Wallace , Brown blk
HOUSES to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk.
WANTED , to buy for part or all cash mod
ern 7 to 9-room house nnd lot in good
neighborhood nnd convenient to business
center of the city. Give full description
< mil lowest price. Address C 60. Bee >
"Clleo | N-43012'
IHUlinST price for secondhand household
roods. Large lots specialty. Brown. 712 N
ICth. N-MJ65 N3
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture
nnd stoves below cost : cot beds , 75o ;
mattresses , 60c ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodgo.
PONY for sale or trade. 701 South 2Cth st
P-M73S 15
OAK boards. $16 per m.f nlso cheapest sla
crlbblntf. ! 'Q1 Douglas -street. q jta
HOG. poultry and liwn fences ; all wire : is
best. Wire Works , lth | and Haniey.
B.1IAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations
prdcrs by mall or. express promptly iillei
FOR 8ALK , reliable patent for state o
Nebraska. Addfss A , Bee ofllce , Councl
Bluffs. ' Q 543
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents
nt druggists ; one elves relief , Q H9
FINE lot Indian curios. Perlght , 1116 Far
nam. , Q 612 O10
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state o
Nebraska. Address A , Bee olllce , Councl
Btuna. Q-170
ZD-HAND safe , cheap. Dcrlght , 1116 Farnam
Q-611 01U
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints
, Sherman & MrConnell Drug Co. , 151
Dodge at. , Omalm. Q-M73J O18
FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dres
buttons from any cloth. Store , Park ave
and Lejvenworth. Q M.775 019
WOOLF ZACHARIA'B. 1207 Farnam. Plan-
Ishod Steel Peninsular Ranges , 122 60 to
JID. Heaters sold cheap. Q MSS7 Fb24
PRINTING , good , quick , cheap. 1302 Far n.
Q-M212 O27
$150 NAT'L tandem. $47. Omaha Bicycle Co.
C-M 3 O28
STAMPS , coins , bought , old. Mortenron ,
404 N. 16th. Q-M271 029
WILL sell cheap and give time on Jn
hund upright piano. Addreis D. 31 Bee ,
< 3-7:7-12 ,
( Contriu ! d. )
1 LARGE Onrlnnd office stove. Inquire nt
Meyer & Raapko. Q-529 It
BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N.
16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost.
Q-M435 Nl
GOOD piano , slightly uncd. Cottage 2322
Harney St. Q-M551 15
TWENTY-FIVE cent * will buy the latest
publication Illustrating thft U. 8. und
Spanish navlev , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a large map of thf > East nnd West
Indies , nt the ofllce Of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , addrces Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha Be . R 870
Truthful In Imr predictions , reliable In liar
advice , It matters not what your belief
may be nor , what your experience with
mvculled palmists and clairvoyants may
have been , * Ismnr will convince you that
the past , present and future can bo told.
She can be consulted dally at her ofllce ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th
nnd Dudgc , opposlto Hnyden Bros.
8-M443 N3
VIENNA fortune teller , IS yearn here. 1411
Howard. M-488 O13
MRS. FRIT55 , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th ,
MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist , 1005 Dodge ,
MILTON THE MEDIUM , known to every
man , woman and child In Omaha , gives
readings dally ; nil affairs of Ufa and busi
ness , love , law , sickness ; changes evil In
fluences ; heals all dlseaios by magnctltm.
Readings by mall. Send six questions , $1.
1623 Dodge St. , cor. 17th. 8-M717 14
.ECTURE . Wednesday , Oct. 11 8 p. m. ; If
you have never attended one of those
HeWer seances don't mlsa. It ; you will bo
convinced of spirit return ; lodlee needing
ndvlco call on Edna E. Long , the Inspired
Instrument of the spheres , Patterson nnll ;
readings daily. B-M407 N3
1AS8AGE and baths ; ladles and gentle
men ; magnetic treatment. M. ' Brlgson ,
107 N. 12. T-M561 O16
MADAME SMITH. 118 North 16th Street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T-720-17 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 303 Doug
las block. T-M09I N9
BEATRICE HARLOW , tub , hot spring ,
vapor , massage baths. 1701 Loavonworth.
T-MGS1 15
FLORENCE WINTERS , baths , mnssapo
nnd magnetic treatment. 119 N. 10. R. 12 ,
upstairs. T M797 O20
iIRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 8. llth ,
upstairs. T M71117 *
VIAVI CO. , 346 Bee building. U-171
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba
nnd another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Huytl , San
Domingo. Martinique nnd all the other
West Indian Islands : 10 cents , at The Bee
afllco. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dcpt. , Omaha Bco. U fcCS
30 RLPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller
or wrlto for circulars. Empire Rupture
euro , 932-933 Now York Llfo bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-172
" RIVATC hospital for ladles before and
during conllnement ! bnblcs adopted ; ex
perienced physicians In attendance. 1136
N. 17th st. , Omaha. U M5SO
BOOKBINDING Burkley Printing-Co.
U-M851 O22
? ILE8 cured In 7 to 10 days , without'pain ;
ono treatment does the work ) call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New York , Life building , Omaha.
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths.
New llyslennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
tef. 1716. U-M174
MASSAGE , baths. Mmc. Smith , 118H > N > 15.
J ; j .TJ-2S5 029 *
NICE- baby boy for adoption at Rlttor'sj
hospital , 2214 Scward St. , Omaha. Tel
2231. U-M5SS O16
Ml SB MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dresser , 400 Paxton block
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Fast ,
S. 15th. U M312
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 3W4 S. 15th
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed
25c up ; new method ; no knife , paltilcss op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yrs. In
Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Fronzcr Blk.
THE Social club invites tho.'fl Interested In
their novel method of making Introduc
tions to call or write to their parlors , 31
Karbach block , lath and Douglas : stamps
Allle Turney , Manager. U M63C NS
WANTED , choice farm and cltv lonn R
C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bids
\V liu
$100,000.00 special filhd to loan on llrstclas
Improved Omaha property , or for build
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
per cent money. Bemls , Paxton rblock
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13f
Farnam St. W-178
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnnm St. W 1 <
ANTHONY Loan Trust Co. . 315 N. Y. L.
quick money nt low rates for choice farn
liuidrt In Tawa , Northern Missouri , East
crn Nebraska. W 180
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rea
estate. Hrcrinun-Love Co. , 219 8. loth.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block
C per cent money , F , D.Yead , 16 & Doug
WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm and clt :
mortgages , circular for brokers only. In
vectors' Directory , N. Y. W 183
PRIVATE party has money to loan ; al
business confidential. Address , with fu'
particulars , U 04 , Bee. X M8GI 022
MONEY leaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 8 13t
X MteG O2J
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
etc. , at lowest rales In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential
you can pay the loan off at any time o
in anv amount * !
MONEY loaned salaried people holdln
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
Bc-curtty : easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 ,
N. Y. Life Bldtr. - X 18J
DIAMOND loan olTlco , 1316 Douglas , unre :
deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , void I
cheap. X-437 Dec20
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouie receipts ,
Jewelry , horsea , cow § , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8 , Barker Blk. X-M1S6
BUY good notes and loan on good chat
tels : 10 per cent per annum. C. R. Glover ,
303 Karbach ; notary public ; deed * , mort
gages , leases letrnllv fxpcntpr ) X AT400
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Nlsht
school from Sept. 20. 134
AT OMAHA Bus College , ICth & Douclai.
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
I reporter * . Boyies' School , 403-5-7 Bco Mdg
, OMAHA Bhorthana College , bookkeeping.
J Boyd' tbeat r. M3 d5 J
VILL erect building on lot 00x160 on Z4th
St. , Ho , Omnliit , Neb. , across from the
n w postomcc , for nny nrst-clnw bu i-
ncss , F. J , Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware bl'k.
'OR BALE , pstabllshfd manicure , ehlroilb-
dint and nalr dressing businrls ; reason ,
eutorlng medical college. Miss Mayer. 40u
Paxton Blk. Y-M837 OM
2LEAN ntock general mdse. In good weet-
crn Iowa town for ennh or good security.
Traders need not answer. C 67 , Bee.
1 M5t3 13 *
ULPHUR Hjlrlnjjs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid chance for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inqulr * Pierce.
VANTKD , partner with $5,000.00 , to Open
Fur business In thl city to cover Ne
braska stnto ; advertiser will cover each
dollar Invested by party by two of his
own ; references required ! splendid opening -
ing for energetic business man , Call at
Russian Fur Exhibit , Liberal Arts bldg. ,
Exposition grounds. Y 728 11 *
IIAVn a nice $4.700 stock of general dry
goods that 1 will sell for spot cash , 45
conta on the dollars ; no fixtures : no
remnants less than dress pattern. Lock
box 212 , Hawardcn , Iowa. Y M731 12'
A'BH valuable patents for sale or trade ;
models nt Sues & Co. , patent attorneys ,
Bee building. Y-M744 13 , *
FOR SALE or exchange , livery stock , ,
horses , carriages , harness ; located In a
good live Nebraska town with 500 ponuln-
tlon. A. C. Stoughton , Campbell , Nob.
Y Mi35 13 *
FURNISHED hotel , doing fine business ,
for sale or exchange. Address I. E.
Baldwin , Stuart , la. Y-748 14'
GOOD farms In eastern Nebraska and
one. good farm In western Iowa to ex
change : for general merchandise , dry
goods , boots and shoos , hardware , har
ness oUtnt nnd a furniture stock : will
trade cither farm separate , For partltu-
lars address George W. Hutton. Cqlo-
rldce. Neb. Z-M46J ID *
iOR BALE ; will take Omaha SaVlrigs
Bank accounts. German pavings Bank
accounts or clear vacant lots as part
payment on homes In Clifton 111" A.
P. Tukey , Board of Trade. 2 M733
HOUBE3 , lot ? , farms , lands , loans ; also
flro Insurance. Beml , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them : let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bco reaches the people who Jjjve the
money. RE SGI
FOR SALE , dfBlrablo residence lots , -124x
130 ; In first-class location ; ten minutes'
walk from court houac ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61 , Bee. RE 1S9
TO BUY or sell hotlses , lots or lands. .Call
on J. W. Bobbins , 1602 Farnam.RE190
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farm ? ; sale or
trada. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
RE 101
9-ROOM modern house. Inn. 621 S. 26th nve.
RE 250 O28 *
AN elegant residence of eight rooms , with
a fine basement and good attic ; not a
prettier homo In Omaha ; line hardwood
finish ; everything strictly modern ; loca
tion the best west Farnam st. If you
want a good home ready to step Into/at a
bargain , this Is It. A. M , Cowlo , 211 S.
18th st. JIE-M613
BEST and cheapest 200-acro farm In Ne1
braskn , near Omaha , at half Its appraised
valuation. W. A. Belden , 2502 Blondd St. ,
Omaha , Neb. RE-M637N , ,
FOR SALE , 10-acro lemon . and * olive
orchard , AInmltos Heights , near Lonff ?
Beach , overlooking- ocean and San Pedro
harbor. No trades wanted. Geo. C.
Thornburg , Long Beach , Calif.
FEW cholco acres 'for gardening nnn
poultry ; hoUse , stable , fruit and hade
trees ; near Benson school , church , car
line , etc. Saorlflfico. 601 Bco Bldg.
THE following are. very Mow values :
7-room all modern house80tH and JacH-
son St. , $2.400. r'1 T
it-room all modern bridwlhousc , 22nd &
Wlrt st. . $12,000. J , -i
Nice building lot on Lown avenue , oppo
site George A. Joslyn residence , $1,200.00.
Fine lot on Georgia ave. and Mason nt. (
S. P. BOSTWICK , 311 , Paxton Blk.
RE-M701 13
TWO 7-room modern , houses , fulllots , east
fronts , choice locations , 362 'and ' 366 North
40th : one , with , barn $3100 ! the other
$2900 ; about half their value easy terms.
Call and see them. R E 721-17 *
NEBRASKA farm for sale ; 160 acres of
good land , clear of encumbrance , for $300
cash. A snap. This land Is good for
either farming or stock raising , Others
have become wealthy by purchasing
cheap lands. You can do the same. The
safest and best investment you can make.
Call or address , A. C. Grossman , 721 N.
Y. Life Bldg. . Omaha. Neb.
STRAYED or stolen , on October 8. chdfct-
nut sorrel horse , hitched to side bar top
buggy ; black body and red Tunning gear.
Any Information report to Palace stables ,
17th and Davenport Sts. LOST M6S9
IN Pabst's Pavilion , Sunday afternoon ,
purse containing book commutation tick
ets of use only to owner. Leave at Bee
office. Reward. Lost M707 12
WILL lady who picked up marten collar
ette Tuesday 4 p. m , at 29th and Leaven-
worth return to Howe-Tnlmage Shoe Co. ,
1515 Douglas , and .receive reward.
Lost 749 12 *
LOST , pocketbook containing $15 , trans
portation from Omaha to Kingfisher , O.
T. , on Rock island R. R. , several notes
nnd receipts. $5 reward If returned to
II. C. St. Clair , . commissioner Oklahoma
exhibit , Agricultural Bldg. , exposition
grounds. No , 775. Lost M740 13 *
LOST , yesterday , a fox terrier dog ; has
brown spots , tntr and collar. Please re
turn to owner , 627 So , 2uth avenue , nnd
receive"reward' . Lost M737 13
LOST , ladles' small gold watch : liberal re
ward for return to'John C. Tlbbcts , Pnx-
ton hotel. Lost M743 12'
LOST , lady's purse , containing money anf
press pass to exposition , In Mines nm
Mining building. Tuesday. Return to 2011
Spencer Bt. Liberal reward.
Lost 750 12
ALL women who can't raise family shouU
consult the rclfdWncd German Specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge. St. Letters 2 cents
MSS5 O23
MORPHINE , opium , cocoalno and alcoho
diseases absolutely and permanently
cured In from three to five days. Treat
ment pleasant and harmless. Every case
cured or no charge. Best bank and other
references. Call or address Hill late Rla
Company , 410 Sheely Block , Omnha.
739 25 *
TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.1625
Fnrnam St. ; ' telephone 12S4.r 192
WE rent and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of good supplies In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. . 1012 Farnam Bt. 193
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
| supplies. 1619 Farnam St. 716
SOLD , rented , rcpatred. " berlght , 1116 FnTT
num. ' -AilJ O16
WESTERN Platlnc Works. 1112 Dodge St.
GOLD , silver and.nlckclplatlnir , get your
bascburner nlcketpjated. Omaha Plating [
Co.1302 Farnam , entrance nn rtiiO14
EAGLE Loan office , 1211 Douglas ; oldest
established , most reliable , accommodat
ing ; business confidential ; selllm ; $40,000
stork unredeemed diamonds ; bUr bar
gains. 335 Ni
C. A. CASE , Violins repaired. 116 Bneely bile.
> I6RAND'B , UiO Hartley St. , will reopen
far nclnlls , Friday , October 14 ; children.
Saturday , ( ) ctolt r 15 ; private lepsons ,
stage or ball room now , Please cnll.
school for dancing , J13 Houlh
13th. Rnten reasonable. Call or wrlto foi
imrtlculars. < ao us *
V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Har
tley. 4S3 O13
MAX FOGBL makes , cleans , relmlrs
clothes. 307 8. 17th , 70G NIO
JOF YOU8EN , tie tailor , Boyd theater ,
704 NIO
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , DOS-
91C Jones .general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage. 1511& Farnam , Tel. 1569
LATEST tailor syrtem ; diplomas awarded.
Mrs. Martin gcn'l ngt teacher 223o Charles.
772 024
1212 Farnam st , , boxing taught ctllclently
In 1 month ; send for circulars. Col. T. if.
Monstery. 475 N3'
NEW wheels. $17.60 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheeN ,
$5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago ,
! HATELA1NS Innguago school , French
German , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater ,
day and evening class. 9M-O23.
IYEB tested free. Optical Institute , Shwiy
block. -201 NI0 !
WILL repair your shoes while you watt ,
only 15 minutes ; half soles ami heels for
60c : first class work guaranteed. 710 N.
16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la.
-2iil O29
WE SOLICIT nnd furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Bmlth-Prem'.or
Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12a . 1D9
GOOD care ; $1.60 per mo. W. F. Snyder ,
69th & Lcavenworth : nrrlto S14 S. 26th st.
4S3 N3 *
M. S. WALION , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
. 200
LATHAM & PECHAC , Mfr. of ornamental
windows , churches , residences. 1012 Farn.
I M621 O14
G. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer In
Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; he pays
the best prices for all Kinds of Jlink , 111
B. llth. 829-021.
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 Bo. 13th.
Phone 1026. Write for catalogue.
, M469 O12
J , MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc , . 197
ACCORDION pleating , pinking nnd cordIng -
Ing done. Miss Cnrter , 207 DoUglnsblock. _
DR. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases.
1912 Leavcnworth. M U7 O19
UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen , 1523 Leav'th.
222 Nov29
SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia
B. Vaughnn , 308 N. Y. L. bldg. 736 O18
GOOD , quick , cheap. Down strs. 1302 Far'm
-M212 027
WORK guaranteed , Lawrence Cycle Co. ,
115 N. th. -852 022
H. 8. STARK & CO. , 1110 DoUglas.
817 O28
MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clark.
, 129-O20 ,
OMAHA Hrtrdwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash. cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Collf.
GONNEL1.A manufactures nrtlutlc statuary
aryIns'do ornamental work a specialty.
317 So. 10th. M021 N24
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand , C. Sommer , 321 S. I0h ,
LUNDEEt1523 Lcav'w'th. 222 Nov29
Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2504 Davenport.
-632 NOV-S *
W. COY , removed to 171C St. Mary'n Avo.
-815 N23
PIANOS tuned , $1.50 Rose , 1521 Dodge.
H. MAROW1T& loans money. 418 N. 16.168
ALL mirror work done. 708 N. 16th.
-747 Nil
( Should bo read dally by all interested , as
changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign malls for the week ending Octo
ber 15 , 189S. will close ( PROMPTLY In nil
cases ) at the General Postofflce a.t follows :
PARCELS POST MAIL8 close one hour
earlier than closing time shown below.
Traim-Alluntlo Mnlli.
WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary
ft. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Bt. Louis.
Via Southampton ( letters for Ireland
must be directed "per St. Louis" ) ; at 9
a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m ) for
EUROPE , per H. H. Mujfitlc , via Qucenn-
town : at 10:30 : a , m. for BELGIUM direct ,
per u. B. Bouthwark , via Antwerp ( letters
must ba directed "per Southwark" ) ,
SATURDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE ,
poHTorricn NOTICE.
( Continued. )
ISII INDIA , per s. f. La Champagne ,
via Havre ( letters for other parts of
Europe must be directed "Per La Uhnm
panne" ) ! nt S a. m. for NETHERLANDS
direct , tier 8 , s. Stntendnm. via Rotter-
dnm ( letters mllst bo directed "per
Btatenunm" ) ! at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per
8. f. Alter via Naples ( letters must bo
directed "per Aller1' ) ; nt 10 a. in. ( nip-
plementary 11:30 : n/m ) for EUROPK.
per s. s. Campania , via Quoenstown : nt' '
I0:3a : a. m. for EUROPE , per f. s. Rhynj
land , via Southampton ( letters muHt be .
directed "tier Rhynland" ) ; at 11 a. m , I
for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Thlngvalla
( letters must bo directed "per Thing-
vnlla" ) .
After the closing ot thn Supplementary
Tranntnntlc ) Mnlls niuncd above , nddl-
tlonnl supplementary mulls nrc opened on
the piers of the American , EnclUh ,
French nnd German steamers , and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Mulln fur South mid Oiitrnl Atnerlvn ,
Wuit K , Etu ,
WEDNEBDAY-At 1 p. m. for CUBA , per
s. s. Yucatan , via Havana.
THURSDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary
1:30 p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , nnd SAN
TIAGO DE CUBA , prr s. s. Saratoga ;
nt 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per s , s. Jnson ;
nt ' 3 p. m. for TRUX1LLO , per steamer
from New Orleans ,
FRIDAY At 1 p. m , for LA PLATA
COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Knfllr
SATURDAY-At 10 n. m. for SANTOS dl -
rcct , per s. s. British Prince ; nt 10 n. m.
( supplementary I0.1un. : m. ) for FORTUNE
GRUYTOWN. per s. s. Athos ( letters for
Costa Rlcn must be directed "per Athos" ) ;
nt 10 u. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. )
for HAITI , per t. a , Alps ; nt 1 p. m. for
NORTH BRAZIL , per s. . Benedict ; at
8:30 : i > . m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , pur
steamer from North Sydney ; at 8:3i : > | ) .
m. for ST. PIERRE-MlCjUELON , 'per
steamer from North Sydney.
Mnlls for Newfoundland oy rail to Ifnll-
fax , nnd thcnco by mcamer , close nt this
olllco dslly at SL'0 : p. m. Mnlls for Ml-
nuolon , by rail to Boston , nnd thcnco by
steamer , close nt thin ofTlco dully at 8RO :
p. m. Mftlls for Cuba close nt thla
ofllco dally nt .1. m. for for
warding by steamers sailing Mon
days nnd Thursdays from Port Tarapa (
Fla. Malls for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch by
stenrner , close nt this offlce dully tit 2:30 :
n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall
closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous day.
TrniiM-Pnt'lflo Jin. In.
Mnlls for Hawaii per s. H. Australia ( from
San Francisco ) close here dally up to
October 13th nt 6:30 : p. m. Mnlls for Aus
tralia ( except West Australia ) , New Zea
land , Hawaii nnd Fiji Islands per R , B.
Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close here
dally nfter September 30th nd up to Oc
tober ' 13th nt 6:30 : p , m. Mnlls for China ,
Japan and Hawaii , per s. rf. China ( from
San Francisco ) , close here dally up to
October 14th nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for
China nnd Jnpan , per s , a. Tacoma ( from
Tacoma ) , close here dally up to October
J7ih at 6:30 : p. m. Mails for the Society
Islands , per ship City of PapcllI ( from
Sun I'ranclsco ) , close here dnllv up to
October 26th at 6:30 : p. m. Mnlls for
Australia ( except those fur West Aus
tralia. vvhlch are forwarded via Europe ) ,
New f.t-nland , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Samoan
per s. s. Murlposa ( from Han
Francaco ) , close hero dally up to October
2Sth nt 7:00 : u. m. , 11 n. m , and 6UO : p. m.
( of on arrival nt New York of s. s. Et-
rurl.i with British mails for Australia ) .
Malls for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Em-
rtvaa 01 Jnpan ( from Vancouver ) , clo o
here dally up to October ' 31st at ( i:30 : p. m.
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of thulr
uninterrupted overland transit , 'Regis
tered mall closes nt 6:00 : p. m. previous
PostofTlcc , New York , N. Y. , October 7 ,
U , 8. Indian Service , Rosebud Agency.
Rosebud , S. D. , September 24th , 18)8.
posal for Building Material , " etc. , as the
, case may be , and ndjressed to the under
signed nt Rosebud , S. D. , will ba received
at this ngency until 1 o'clock p. m. of
Mondny. October 17th , 1S98 , for furnishing
and delivering at this agency with thirty
(30)'days ( ) after receipt of notice of approval
of contract , a Variety of building material
( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles ,
doors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey cows
und ono Jersey bull ) , a full list and de
scription of which , together with the In
structions to bidders , to bo obtained by
making application to the undersigned ,
CHARLES E , M'CHESNEY , U. 8. Indian
Agent. S24 d21t morn
Qulncy Railroad "The
Burlington Routo" Ticket
Office. 1502 Farnam Street.
Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 128.Leave.
, . , „ „ , Leave. Arrive.
hlcago Vcstlbulod
Express . 5:03 : pm 8:10 : am
ChiLuuo ExpreBS. . . 9:45 : am 4:10 : urn
Chicago & at.
Louis Express . . . J J5 ptr. 8:10 : am
Creston Local . 9m
Patltiu Junction
Local . . . . . . . " 11:65 : nm 0:40 : pm
Fast Mail . ajo : ! mi
Chlacsp Special . . . 2:15 : art llrtO'pm
Dolly. ' Daily except Sunday.
& Council Bluffs Rnll-
road "Tho Durllngton
Routo" Ticket Office , 1502
Farnam Street. Telephone
250. Depot , Tenth nnd Ma
son Streets. Telephone 12S.
Express 9:05 : am 6:40 : pm
Express ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am
Louis ' 4:30 : om
sourl River Railroad "Thfl
Burlington Burlington Route "Gen-
- ernl Offices N. W , Corner
Oniltn Tenth und Farnam Streets ,
nUUld Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam
I Street. Telephone. 230. Do-
pet , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone
Leave. Arrive ;
Lincoln. Hastings
and McCook . . . . 8:35 : am * 9:25 : am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah.
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Pugct Sound . . . . . 4:31 : pm 4:00 : pm
Hastings Local 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pm
Lincoln Fast Mai : * 2:58 : pm . ' 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado.
Utah , California
and Puget Sound. ' 11:50 : j 2:15 : am
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
Ovorlnnd Route" General
Ofi'ce ' * . N , W , Corner Ninth
and Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Oftlrc , 1303 Farnam
Street. Telephone 316. Do.
_ pot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone C25.
Leave. Vrrlve.
"The Overland
Limited for Den
ver , Salt Lake , ,
and western p'ts. . * 8:60 : ajn 4:43 : pm
The Colon-do Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts , ' 11:65 : pm C:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , tinlt Lake.
Pacific coast and
all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Btromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pra " 12:30 : pra
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'd
Island ana North
Platte . ' 4S5 : pm 4:16 : pm
Columbus local . 6:50 : pm * 9:40 : am
South Omaha Loral Pass I .raven , 0:15 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : JOS : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. m.J
6:60 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. : " 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a.
m. ; 12:30 : j > . m. ; 2:16 p. m. : 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:35 :
p. m. ; 4:6S : p , m.J 6:66 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:30 :
a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; " 3:80 : p. m. ; 4:20 : n , m. ;
6:40 : P. m. ; b:30 : p. m ; " 6CO : , 9:05 : u.
m. ; 11:65 p. m.
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
, - . - OMAHA & BT. LOUIS RAILroad -
PORT road Omana , Kansas City &
ta.8i.r" ! "a"r ° u'iTT'elfort : : ' ?
prenii . , , , .
Port Arthur Ex-
' 8:30PIP :
TIMM tAItlli
( Continued. )
ern Railway City Ticket
omcc , 1401 Fftrram Htrmt
Telephone. K1. Depot ,
Tenth ana Mmuti Streets.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago
Special , . , , , . 6:40 : am 11:65 : pit
Mo. Valley , Sioux
flty. St. Paul a
Minneapolis 6:00 : am JOU : pn
Mo , Valley , Sioux
City 7:46 : am 8:00 : pn
Cm ( roll , Drnnlson ,
Council HHllTp. . . ' 11:30 : pm tiO : arc
Eastern Ex. , Dn
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cedar RapIds -
Ids nnd Chicago. . . KO nm 4:20 : pn
Atlantic Flyer , Chi
cngo nnd East 4:65 : pm 4:20 : pn
Fast Mall , Chicago
to Omaha , , , , 3:15 : pn
Northern Lxprcss , . , 5:30 : pm 8:40 : am
clnl , , . , , , . 6:53 : pm lit ) am
Omulm-ChlniL'o Ux-
lui-ft , " $ :00 : pm M'flR6 : nm
* Dnlly. "Dally Ex. Saturday. " 'Dally
Ex , Monday ,
nrnpolls & Omntin Railway
General Olllcrs , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth nnd
WubHtnr Streets. Cits'
l'icket"f5lIlGP. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele *
phcne , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster
Streets. Telephone , 1,451.I.pnve.
I.pnve. Arr'vo.
* 7:00 : pm
Sioiix city Accorri. . 9:60 : nm * . 7:00 : pro
Blair , Emerson
Sioux City , Pones.
Hnrtlnuton nnd
Rloomfieid 1:00 : pm 11 : H am
loux City , Mnn-
kuto , St. .Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm ' 8:00 : am
ia. 2. St. Pntll Lim
ited Makes no
stops In Neb ton : pi
No 1 Exposition
Llmltcd-Mnks no
stop In N b 1 8:00.ara :
Nos 21 and 22
Exposition Local ,
to Kmerxon , vtopx
nil stations except
Brlggs . . . . fl:16 : pm 'S:30 : am
Dally. " Daily rxrept Bunday. Sun
day only. * " Does not stop at DeSota or
Missouri Valley Railway-
General onicen. United
States National Bank Bldg ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
tTnd F'ariinm Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
"arnam Street. Telephone. 661. Depot ,
5th nnd Webster Streets. Telephone 1.45S.
Leave. Arrive.
Black HlllB , Deadwood -
wood , Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pn
3:00 : Pm ' 5:00 : pm
lustings , York Da
vid City , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Sownrd " 3:00 : pm * 6:00 : pnl
Norfolk , Verdlgro .
nnd Fremont 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : an )
ilncoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont " 8:16 : am ' 10:45 : aw
Fremont Local 8:15 : nm ,
York Pnsacnuer * 0:10pm : 9:40 : aw
Dally. " Dully except.Sunday , Sun
day only. Dolly oxccut Saturday ,
sioux crrx & PACIFIC
Railroad General Olllces.
United States National
Bank Bulldlnir , 8. W. Corner -
ner Twelfth and Farnam
fctrcctT" Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farrtnm atreci.
Telephone , 5G1 , Depot , Tenth and Maeon
Streets. Telephone , C2 ? .
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Man-
kato. St. I'aul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : M
Minneapolis . . . . . . D:3u : pm lo:45 : pm
Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : am 0:00 : pm
" "Dally "
& Porino Railroad "Th
Great Rock Island Rout * . "
City Ticket Office , 1321
Farnam Street. Telaphon *
423. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
_ _ _ " UVUVUi Arrive.
DCS Molnes Local. . . 7:15 : am 11125 ra
Ch cage Express . . . . .11:30 : am 8:00 : am
Chicago Fast Ex-
-.Press. . 5:00 : pro 1)25 ) pm
St. Paul Fast Express -
press 1 6:00 : pm am
Lincoln , Colorado
Springs , Denver ,
Pueblo and Went. . 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pm
Dos Malncs , Rock
Island nnd Chicago
cage 7:15 : pm > :50 : pnt
Colorado Flyer . . . . . '
:40 : pm 8:50.a :
Daily. Da'iiy except Sunday.
road-General oraceg .and
/Tlekct / Office , dbutheast-Cor
per ] 4th and Douglas Street *
Telephone , 101. Depot. 15th
and Webster sis. Tetenhdna'
_ - vr'- Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-Kansas &
Nob. Limited ' 3:05 : pm 12:65 : pm
Kansas City & St.
Joseph Express. . , , 1 9:30 : pm
Nebraska Local via
Water. . . " 4:30pm : * * 9:45 : nm
Exposition Local via
Nebraska Ci. . . . OiOOpm . ' 10:05 : am
Dally. Dully except Sunday.
St , Paul Railway City
Ticket OfTlce , 1604 Farnam
Street , Telephone , 284. Dii-
got , Tentr and Mason
ircets. Telephone , 629.
„ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Express . , r 6:45 : pm 8:20 : am
Omaha A ; Chicago
Expreis ll00 ! am MllS pm
Sioux C'ty nnd Dns
Mulnes K/cprcss . . * M1:00 : am * :15 : pm
Manila Lofcal * 7oopm : * 9:16am :
Tlckot Olllcp , 1415 Farnnm
Rtrect. Telephone , 892. De
pot , 'jicnth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Lcavo. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon
"nnll" Kxprcju. . . 1 4:60 : pm ' 11:39 : am
Sl0fl < linlilern of Hie National I.ln ee4
Oil Comimiiy Will rrolmlily
ANlc for n Hoi-elver.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 11. The Olcoot commit
tee , appointed by the eastern stockholder *
and creditors ot the National Linseed Oil
company to arrange for a reorganization of
the company , has given up all hopes of ob
taining the co-operation of tlio'comralttco ap.
pointed by local stockholders nnd Is ap
pealing to Individuals to sign the agreement.
Several Bt , Louis stockholders today re
ceived copies of the reorganization agree
ment , with an earnest appeal to get as mqny
signatures as possible , but as thla agree
ment Is exactly the same as the one submit
ted a month ago , there Is little hope of acy
more signatures being received. A. 11.
Strain , who Is a stockholder anS an experi
enced linseed oil man , said today : "Thert
Is only one thing left to do , and that Is to
have a receiver appointed. Thcro is no
chance of a reorganization on a satisfactory
basis , and It the thing Is allowed to go nn
us It Is , there will soon bo nothing left.
Under n receivership thcro would ho tome
little salvage to bo obtained from the wreck. "
Survivor * of Civil AVnr HcinembrreA
liy till * Rovrriinieiit.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 11. ( Special. ) Pen
sions have been granted to the following !
Issue of September 29 :
Nebraska Original : Alexander F. Young ; .
Berlin. $8 ; John Long , Hnlgler , $ iJ. Renewal
nnd Incrcaso : Robert Albrecht. Brunlng , $2
to $6. Increase ; Frank Booth , Callawar ,
$24 to $30 ; Herman Uphouw , Davenport , $17
to $30. Reissue ! Julius II. Ourney , Ncllgh ,
$17 ; John Fight , I'lattsmouth , $6 ; Marvin
If. Thomas , Omaha , $30.
Iowa Original ! Homer I. Brent , Mount
Ayr , $3. Additional : Kdward M. Cllno ,
Pilot Mound , $6 to $12 ; Charles U. Held ,
Mason City. $3 to 112. Increase : Joseph
SoMuaUl. Vllllsca , $8 to $12 ; Lllburn W.
Henderson , West Liberty , $1 to $17. Orig
inal widowg , etc. : Margaret MtCotter , Key
Wont , $12.
Montana Original ; Frederick Llndoll ,
Marysvllle. $8 ; William Kayrs , Twin Bridges ,
$12.North Dakota Original : William Stran
ger , Bharlow , $0.
South Dakota Original ; Richmond LIHejr.
Aberdeen , $8.
When you call for DeWItt'a Wltcb Hazel
Salvo , the great pllo euro , dou't accept aQjrr
thing cite , Don't be talked Into accepting a
uhitituu. tat Bile * . lor lorci * lor brulifct ,