Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1898, Part II, Page 18, Image 18

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Daliy Bco ( Without Sunday ) , Ono Year.$6.0 < )
pally Boa ana Sunday , Ono Year S.OO
Blx Months 4.W
Three Months 2M
Bunday Bee , Ono Year. . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
Saturday Bco One Year 1-SO
Weekly Bee , Ono Year W
Omaha : The Bco Building. „
South Omaha : Slncer Block , Corner N
and Twrnty-fourth directs.
Council Blurts : 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago onice : C02 Chamber of Com
New York : Temple Court. '
Washington : 601 Fourteenth Street.
All communications rclatlnc to newa and
editorial matter should bo addressed : To
the Editor.
All business letters and remittances
nhoutd be addressed to The Bee I'ubllshlnK
Company , Omaha. Draftn. checks , express
and postofllco money orders to be made
payable to the orclrr of thp company.
Btato of Nebraska , Douglas County , fis :
George B. Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , being duly sworn ,
says that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally , Morning ,
Evening and Sunday Bee , printed during
the month of September , 183S , was as fol
lows :
1 20,800 IB 25ai ,
2 2ont2 : 17 25.7.11)
3 20,000 is ur.,110
4 20.22.- 19 2-iao ,
20 JM.4H5
21 2i8 :
! ! ! " ! ! ! ! . ! . . - . 22 2.-ir.8S ,
8 2 ,2)0 23 2lno
! ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ! it : x\ \ ,
11 2.-v r 4 20. ,
12 2-,0 " 27.
13 2r.irr 23. ,
14 2.-M8 , 29.
16 23,1581 20.
Total T ,107
Less returns and unsold copies. . . iu,4rit :
Net total sale. ! 7fi"lt > l
Net dally average 25,088
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this 30th day of September. 1S9S.
N. P. FEIL ,
Notary Public.
Tin visitor to Omnlia niiil the
c iioHidon nlioiilil BO nivny
without liiNiicctliiB The Ucc
building , the laruent iicivn-
Iiitper hulldliiK In America !
anil The Itco iicivNpniicr
liluiit , conceded to bo the
ilncnt between ChlcnKU nnil
Snn FrnnclHOO. A cordial
welcome IH extended tit nil.
Now comes the peace jubilee !
All appearances Indicate that the In
dian summer has set In.
The good roads parliament has con
cluded Its labors. The next thing1 we
want Is the good roads.
The most eventful week at the expo
sition Is upon us and Omaha must show
Itself equal to the occasion.
Uneasy lies the head that wears the
crown. But the dreams of King Ak-
Sar-Beu are never disturbed.
General Oreoley's approaching visit
proves to he the stimulus which was
needed to make the war balloon rise.
The campaign in Nebraska will be
very tame during the present week , but
after its close It will be red hot up to
election day.
Now that the battleship Illinois has
been duly launched , tie | docking of that
battleship at the exposition may be
come Huperlluous.
Among the eighty-four American
cities included in the clearing house
record Omaha ranked fourteenth during
the week Just closed.
When the heroes of Santiago reach
Omaha this week they will be able to
appreciate that peace hath her victories
ns much renowned as war.
Omaha has entertained the peerless
orator , Dr. Chauncey M. Depew , and
may feel Justly proud of the praise he
has bestowed upon Its enterprise.
The Initiative and referendum will
have to lay over a little while longer.
Fortunately nobody will suffer serious
loss or inconvenience by the delay.
Uecousolldatlon.of of most of the lines
formerly included In the Union Pacific
system Is only a question of time. It
Is bound to come , if not this year , some
later year.
Chicago's chief regret over the launch-
lug of the battleship Illinois Is that the
Insensate vessel did not know the differ
ence between the contents of the bottle
and the waves which washed Its sides.
Another new railroad improvement
which Omaha hopes for In the near
future Is a double-track line between
this city and Lincoln. The railroad that
meets the emergency will make a great
stroke of enterprise.
It is to bo feared that the peace com
missioners may llud themselves so com
fortably li.rntcd at Paris that their
anxiety to complete the treaty negotia
tions and come homo may encounter
several rough passages.
The Indian uprising In Minnesota has
disappointed the expectations of the en
terprising Journalists whose staffs con
sist exclusively of war correspondents
and who were all ready to Issue war
extras every ten minutes.
When all these governors reach Omaha
to attend the great peace Jubilee next
week we may expect to hear the speech
made by the governor of North Carolina
to the governor of South Carolina re
peated ou nearly every street corner.
All six of the republican candidates
for congress In Nebraska districts arc
making active campaigns calculated tc
gain rotes for themselves and the re
publican ticket Nebraska could not do
better than to send' solid republican
dulesatlcm to the next congress.
The revolt ngalnst the old parlies
which brought populism Into llfo ns an ]
active factor In Nebraska politics was
Inspired primarily by resentment ngalnst
corporate domination of party machin
ery , ngalnst caucus rule , ngalnst forced
contributions from public olliclals and
ngalnst machine methods generally.
The original war cry of populism was
Anti-monopoly , death to King Caucus
and away with the corrupt lobby !
This political revolution was to be ac
complished by the populists alone , be
cause both the old parties were paid to
be equally wedded to machine methods ,
equally under monopoly control and
equally corrupt. To go Into partnership
with democrats was just ns revolting to
the genuine populist ns to go into part
nership with railroad republicans. In
less than live years the lust for the spoils
of olllce overcame nil the principles of
the populist leaders and the rank and
file were led Into n permanent alliance
with the democrats , through whom they
soon became tainted with all the politi
cal vices they had so vigorously con
The so-called reform forces have made
reform n byword and a reproach. Their
anti-monopoly platform pledges have
.been shamelessly Ignored. Not only
has there been no attempt made to re
dress the grievances of the farmers
through the exercise of the power of the
state railroad commission , but the bogus
reform commission has played Into the
hands of the railroads and other public
carriers at every turn. The § 0,000 n
year paid as salaries to the secretaries
is nn absolute waste and the reform
forces have never taken the first step to
abolish these expensive sinecures. The
railroad assessments , denounced by the
populists ns Iniquitous , have remained
Just where they were before the reform
forces took charge of the state house.
In the meantime the reform state olil-
clals are enjoying as the reward for
their faithlessness to the people an un
limited credit at the railroad free pass
King Caucus has not only not been
dethroned , but never was he more in
evidence and potential than he has been
since the forces of sham reform have
come into possession of executive
and legislative branches of government.
The republicans formerly caucused on
the choice of legislative ofllccrs and
United States senators , but even In these
respects the edict of King Caucus was
frequently overthrown. But the re
formers have brought the Iron rule of
the caucus to perfection. Not only were
all o'lllccs parcelled out by caucus , but
every piece of legislation , whether polit
ical or otherwise , had its fate determined
by caucus , with Its thimble-riggers and
irresponsible secret combines. The .re
form caucus docs not stop with legisla
tion , but includes the division of petty
executive appointments. Such reform
certainly must disgust every honest
man who revolts against the abridge
ment of the individual freedom of the
sovereign voter.
The founders of the people's Independ
ent party made as one of their primary
reforms the widest freedom In the ex
ercise of the suffrage. The Australian
ballot was expressly designed to meet
tills demand. The attempt to substitute
the emblem ballot , with one mark for
all candidates on each ticket , was se
verely denounced by Governor Ilolnomb
in Us last annual message. In this the
governor voiced the sentiment of the
great mass of honest voters , but the re
form machine forced the enactment of
the obnoxious ballot law , designed to
promote trafllc In votes and discourage
intelligent , independent voting. In
stead of vetoing this bill the reform gov
ernor allowed it to become a law. Such
is reform under the sham reformers.
As to the corrupt lobby which was to
be abolished , there was little need of It ,
Inasmuch as the reform forces were
steered through the well oiled tripartite
machine lhat handled the reform mem
bers and delivered caucus decrees by
contract at satisfactory rates.
The American and Spanish peace com
missioners have reached nn agreement
regarding Cuba and Porto lllco , the
American demands being conceded In all
essential points. If these demands were
confined to the terms of the protocol they
are simply that Spain shall relinquish
all claim of sovereignty over and title to
Cuba , that Porto Ulco and other Spanish
islands In the West Indies shall be ceded
to the United States and that Cuba ,
Porto Hico nnd other Spanish Islands In
the West Indies shall be Immediately
evacuated. It was not expected that
Spain would hesitate to acquiesce In
these demands , the protocol having fully
committed that government to their ac
ceptance In the peace negotiations , but
it was apprehended that Spain would
ask some conditions or concessions
that might complicate the situa
tion. It would seem from the re
port from Paris that none of the
Incidental matters which it had been In
timated might be submitted were prc-
sentetl by the Spanish commissioners , a
fact In some degree reassuring , since it
suggests that if the Spanish government
has at any time contemplated demandIng -
Ing any concessions respecting the
Cuban debt , Spain's property Interests
In Cuba and other Incidental questions ,
It has been persuaded of the uselessuess
of doing-BO. So far as the West Indies
arc concerned , therefore , it appears safe
to say that there Is to bo no hitch in
the negotiations , for of course the agree
ment reached by the commissioners wlJJ
bo approved by the governments.
What has been accomplished'in this di
rection is , however , the simplest part of
the work to be done. The paramount
and vital question to be determined , the
disposition of the Philippines , has not
yet been touched upon. The position or
the governments In regard to this Is
known only to the cabinets nnd thu com.
mlssloners. There Is still reason to be
lieve , notwithstanding rumors and inti
mations to the contrary , that the terri
torial demand of the United States will
not go beyond possession of the Island of
Luzon. It is generally thought that
General Mcrrltt will advise holding all
the Philippines and. It Is conunpnly be.- ,
llcved that Admiral Dowry concurs In
this view , but If such Is the fact It docs
not necessarily follow that their opinion
will change the purpose already deter
mined upon nt Washington. Great def
erence Is certainly duo to the Judgment
of these distinguished commanders , but
It Is to be remembered that they are
most apt to consider the matter almost
wholly from the military point of view ,
minimizing the political , economic nud
other considerations which It Is most im
portant to give attention to. The presi
dent , on the other hand , Is presumed to
bo Influenced chiefly , or altogether , by
the latter considerations , determining
the course to be pursued with reference
to possible complications , the cost of
garrisoning nnd governing the new pos
sessions nnd the dilllcultles that may be
encountered in managing an alien pee
ple. In regard to the attitude of Spain ,
it is to be expected that any demand of
the United States beyond simply a naval
station will be opposed. Spain would
probably as soon give up all the Philip
pines ns part with the most Important
Island of the group , Luzon. Hence if
our government proposes to retain pos
session of that island , ns Is highly prob-
nble , Spain will undoubtedly protest
with all possible vigor. It will be
futile , of course , If the United States
shall insist , because Spain cannot back
up its protest , but it will operate to pro
long negotiations and may win for Spain
additional sympathy in Europe.
The agreement regarding Cuba and
Porto Ilico is a step toward the consum
mation sought , but it is really only a
short step. Much remains to be done
before the peace negotiations arc con
It Is probable that congress will be
called upon very early In the coming ses
sion to consider the question of revenue
revision. It is pointed out that the re
dundant revenues which are piling up in
the treasury make the consideration of
the revenue problem n pressing duty.
The treasury now has a balance of about
§ 310,000,000 nnd would have still more
but for the anticipations of interest not
yet due and the voluntary redemption of
miniatured bonds. The secretary of the
treasury has been compelled to adopt
the policy of relieving the money nvir-
kct by transferring more than a quar
ter of the cash balance Into the banks ,
but this Is n potlcy that cannot be
indefinitely continued. It Is expected
that there will be a strong disposition
to increase expenditures , especially for
military nud naval purposes , but even
these expenditures will probably leave
a , surplus to be gotten rid of by reve
nue reforms. Undoubtedly it will bo
proposed in congress to lop off some of
the provisions of the new revenue law
and It will have a strong public sup
port. There are features of the law
which unquestionably can be dis
pensed with advantageously to the busi
ness public and this should be done.
The law is distinctively a war measure
and while It may be expedient to re
tain In effect portions of It , those In
terests upon which it bears hardest
should be given relief as soon as possi
ble. The matter Is one for careful delib
eration , but It Is plain that revenue re
vision has become Inperative.
Prof. MacDonald of Bowdolu college -
lego forcefully presents in the current
number of the Forum some of the dan
gers of a policy of imperialism on the
part of the United States. One serious
danger of such a policy , he declares , Is
In the likelihood of pressure from our
new acquisitions for admission to the
union as states. To admit them , sooner
or later , Is to follow a long line of prece
dents ; to debar them is to adopt a
wholly new theory of national policy.
Under a policy of imperialism of terri
torial acquisition wo must choose be
tween glviug new possessions statehood
and governing them as colonies , the lat
ter a course which might be fraught
with grave menace to our whole consti
tutional system.
Closely connected , says Prof. MacDonald -
Donald , with the danger of forced ad
mission of detached states is the danger
of the abandonment , or , nt least , the
modification of our belief in universal
suffrage. One of the strongest nrguments
against the admission as a state of such
a dependency as Hawaii Involves a de
nial of universal suffrage as a measure
of universal application. Wo shrink
from entrusting political control to dark-
skinned Hawaiian's of uncertain pedi
gree and problematic civilization.
How true this is Is shown in the fact
that it is seriously proposed to require
a property qualification for the exercise
of the suffrage In Hawaii , fixing the
amount at such a figure ns would leave
perhaps nine-tenths of the people dis
franchised. Any attempt , says Prof.
MncDonald , to deal with the people of
our new possessions on terms less liberal
than we have thus far accorded to the
lowest elements In our own cosmopoli
tan population can hardly be construed
otherwise than ns a withdrawal from
our present advanced position , or oper
ate otherwise than as an argument In
favor of n restriction of the
suffrage In certain states of the
union , particularly in the south ,
nnd as u check ou democratic
progress the world over. Universal suf
frage for continental Americans , how'-
over ignorant nnd degraded , and re
stricted suffrage for Huwaiiau Ameri
cans nnd others , would be a combina
tion whose reactionary effect might well
bo feared. Can there be a reasonable
doubt of this ? What a spectacle this
republic would present to the world in
denying universal suffrage to one portion
tion of Its people while giving it to an
other portion. Nothing can be more
certain than that under such n policy
the cardinal principles of our political
system would in time be lost to millions
of our own people. Here Is n danger
which thoughtful men nnd particularly
the common people should most seri
ously consider.
Prof. MacDouald urges that an Im
perial policy is a costly policy and he
has most substantial ground for this
assertion In the experience of every na
tion thatlias adopted that pgHpy. He
justly regards the financial cost of Im
perialism as a danger , not so much be
cause of the Increased burden It will lay
upon the people , ns because of Its pos
sible Influence upon the national tem
per. The question Is not whether we
nro nblo to pay , which Is perhaps not
to be doubted , but whether it is worth
while to pay. Unless added taxation
can bo offset by enlarged opportunities
for capital and labor and the tangible
evidences of material prosperity still in
crease among us , the possession of is
lands in the Atlantic or Pacific , or coal-
lug stations In the Philippines or the
Lndrones , may well come to seem too
dearly bought.
Prof. MncDonald presents most con
vincing arguments against a policy of
Imperialism , which merit the careful at
tention of every citizen. He says In
conclusion : "Imperial dominion nud
Imperial influence , dissociated from the
sordid elements nttcndlug them , arc fas
cinating objects of national ambition ;
but they would be indeed dearly bought
if their price were the sacrlllce of any
of the things which thus far have made
us great. "
In the early stages of the Transmls-
slsslppl Imposition many men In this
community and not a few Influential
newspapers throughout the country ex
pressed doubt that expositions could be
fairly adjudged beneficial to cities pro
jecting them. These cities nt home and
nbroad were not slow to assert a belief
that the financial success of the Omaha
Exposition was highly problematical.
Their opinions were based upon the ex
perience of Chicago , Atlanta nnd Nash
ville. Nobody could gainsay the
extraordinary .success of the Co
lumbian fair in an artistic sense
but the financial distress which
followed in its wake was cited as an
example of the Ill-effects of expositions
upon cities standing as sponsors for
such undertakings. Atlanta was cited
ns a partial failure , while the success
of the Nashville fair was open to some
The projectors of the Transmlssissippl
Exposition discounted all these predic
tions of disaster and forged ahead.
They knew that the stressful conditions
following the Columbian fair were In
no sense attributable to that exposition ,
but rather to foolhardy speculators who
operated in real estate and in the building -
ing of toplieavy structures in the city
to an extent out of all proportion to pos
sible demands and in spite of the dic
tates of sound business principles. They
argued further that business conditions
in Chicago would have been much
more direful but for the benefits directly
traceable to the World's Fair. The opin
ion prevailed hero ( lint success or fail
ure nt Atlanta or Nashville could have
no bearing ou the destiny of the Trans-
mlsslsslppl Exposition.
Time has justified the sanguine ex
pectations of the men who bore the burdens -
dons of financiering nnd promot
ing the exposition and its phe
nomenal success In the face of
an International war and other
serious obstacles has not only caused a
radical revision of opinion among local
croakers , but It has compelled recogni
tion at the hands of the press all over
the United States , which now frankly
concedes the Transmlssissippl Exposition
to be , just what its projectors contended ,
.an enterprise second only to the
World's Fair. The effect upon the conn-
try at largo Is simply amazing. The
promoters of the Pnuamcrican exposi
tion at Buffalo , it is said , will revise
that project in view of the success
scored by the Omaha affair , while St.
Louis is now earnestly discussing n
celebration of the centenary of the Lou
isiana purchase for the year 190I5.
There Is no longer room for question
as to the benefits Omaha and the Trans-
mlssisslppl country are enjoying by rea
son of the exposition. The city has been
by It lifted to a higher plane in the es
timation of the world , for a Oily which
can prove Itself equal to a task of such
magnitude is entitled to and will receive
encomiums of merit that must continue
to be of Inestimable value to it for years
to come.
The disposition on the part of Ameri
cans to ape everything foreign has long
been the pet subject of writers and cari
caturists. There Is no accounting for
fads. It has been pointed out by way
of criticism , whether true or no , that
the Chicago swell young man has his
raiment made In New York , the New
York swell patronizes a London tailor
and the London swell cannot be fitted
anywhere save In Paris. Be this as it
may , the fact remains that In the study
of music it Is still deemed of vital Im
portance that a girl be sent nbroad to
complete or finish her musical educa
tion. And this action Is not based on
the assumption that we have not com
petent Instructors in this country , but
rather upon some ill-defined idea of n
certain prominence to be gained by
study In n foreign land.
One who is high authority on the sub
ject of music study in Paris for Ameri
can girls recently declared It was a
great mistake for these girls to expect
that they will become successful
public singers there. The managers ,
composers and the public demand that
roles shall bo filled by native nrtlsts
Composers must please the public and
the public has signified in no uncertain
way a dislike of foreigners generally , nnd
It Is stated this dislike Is especially di
rected ngalnst Americans. In any case ,
whether this feeling exists or not , then-
are hundreds of girls who have aban
doned wholesome home lives , involved
themselves nnd their friends In large ex-
pcijse in order to take n thorough musi
cal course In Paris ; "they werp stlro to
secure a very remunerative position
after graduation , but not one In n thou
sand has over gotten back any portion
of the money ospeudod on their musical
education. Thcio wan n time , som < %
years ago , when American girls achieved
success as debutantes nbroad , but hon
est observers say this Is all changed. A
debut for nn American is now possible
oulv in London or Paris , and this
cunneo Js growing more dlin.cuUevery
Some bitter disappointments nwalt
these who Imagine they can get "all the
comforts of a home" In French families.
If'such n place Is found It Is an excep
tion and should not bo taken ns a guide.
Teachers' fees are as high as they are
at home , § 0 being the charge for half
hour lessons , nud the cost of living Is
equally dear. It often happens that
two or three plucky girls , who nrc
thoroughly In earnest regarding econ
omy , will club together , take n small
flat nnd try to live that Bohemian life
about which so much charming gush has
been written , but which Is In reality
very comfortless. Not one of the
students would put up with similar ac
commodations in America and It would
bo unbearable there were it not for
youth nnd determination. It would ap
pear from the latest reports on the sub
ject that the average 'American girl ,
after having been finished ns a singer In
Paris , has but few chances and oppor
tunities for getting placed In any paying
position there.
In the race for commercial supremacy
Omaha continues to forge ahead. Last
week's clearing house report Is n record-
breaker. When a city of Omaha's popu
lation can show § 7,500,000 In six days'
bank clearings Its right to rank among
the lending business centers Is estab
Ex-Mayor A. Oakley Hall of New
York , the last of the prominent Tam
many chiefs who were overthrown with
Boss Tweed , Is dead. His career was
variegated by tips and downs in both
political and literary worlds , In which
he played all kinds of roles.
The United States , has several times
set a wonderful example to the world of
a great nation resuming the arts of
peace after the triumphs of war without
unnecessary'delay and without friction
worth mentioning , and It Is now setting
another such example.
Men of the Eniit.
St , Louts Republic.
These mandarins with three tails who
some time ago were cracking Jokes about LI
Hung Chang and his yellow Jacket are now
sleeping in the woods.
A Safe 1'rophccy.
Nor/ York Tribune.
About the safest prophecy that has been
made for many a day Is that of a London
firm to the effect that Cuba is about to
enter upon a career of great prosperity.
Fitted to Tnltc a llniul.
Chlcaco Times-Herald.
If Agulnaldo's fitness for American citi
zenship Is determined hy his facility for
putting up a new bluff each day ho may bo
regarded as already thoroughly American
Where Reform In Needed.
Boston Globe.
Wo hear frequently of this and that great
man's being "gathered to his fathers , " but
why Is not somebody occasionally gathered
to his mothers , Just to break the monotony
of the thing ?
Squeezing the Water Out.
Springfield Republican.
Prom the highest prices of the year there
has been a total shrinkage In the market
value of sugar trust common stock of $13-
500,000 ; In tobacco trust common , of $7,650-
000 ; In Consolidated gas , of $13,231,250 ; and
In linseed oil trust stock , of $3,396,600. And
yet a lot of water is still left In the capital
of these notoriously watered concerns.
ExnmiMloii of the Syndicates.
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
A Boston syndicate makes the first move
ment toward the thorough Americanization
nt Cuban trade. It has arranged for the
control of the fruit product of the entire
eastern portion of the Island. Those who
are waiting with trade schemes until Cuba
Is perfectly tranquil win flnd when they
step In that the live Yankee has stolen a
march on them.
A \olile Chnrity.
St. Louis Republic.
The chorus girl who has Just Inherited
$3,000,000 should establish a homo for
superannuated coryphees and prehistoric
ond-men. In such a place the over-workei
minstrel gag , the Elizabethan almanac Joke
and the terpslchorcan relics of the stone
ago might flourish Innocently until the per
petrators arc gathered to their fathers. It
would bo a. good and grand charity.
Snd Kate or the old Itachclor.
Plttsbure ; Dispatch. ,
Every almshouse In the land Is full of
old bachelors , pale , moping men , who medi
tate on childhood and Its memories of
friends. If old ago comes with wealth then
the bachelor realizes that the sweetest
things of life cannot bo bought. Ills house
Is not a home. These who wait on him
work not for love , but for wages. Ho is
like a traveler In a strange land , who wishes
for a genuine resting place and someone
to look at whom he loves.
New Discovery of Itn Value ns a Com *
iiicrelal Commodity.
Indianapolis Journal.
The Journal , a few days ago , noted the
presence In this city of Prof. II. W. Wiley ,
chief chemist of the Department of Agricul
ture at Washington , who was on his way to
Rockford , 111 , , by direction of the depart
ment , to Investigate and report upon a new
process of manufacturing paper from the
Rhlvo or outside of the cornstalk. Prof
Wiley was expected to arrive In Rockford
yesterday and the Indications are that he
will be able to report the new process a
complete success. It Is one of the most in
teresting discoveries of recent years and
bids fair to result In the establishment of
an Important new Industry. Llko many
other valuable discoveries It Is a sort of
side result or sequence of other discoveries
preceding It. The corncob has , for some
years , been utilized for pipe purposes , and
recently the pith of the cornstalk has been
converted Into cellulose , which has become
an Important component In the manufacture
of modern battleships. This still left the
smooth and shiny outside of the cornstalk
unutilized , and this It Is which Is now con
verted Into paper. The rapid accumulation
of corn shtves , or the outer covering of
stalks , deprived of their pith for the manu
facture of cellulose , led to experiments wltlj
the refuse , resulting In the discovery that
It could be converted Into a flno quality of
paper and superior cardboard , The patentees
of the now process claim that It win make
the ehlvo tbo moat valuable part of the stalk
from a commercial standpoint , and they also
claim that they will be able to control the
discovery. "Of course the secret Is ours , "
says the superintendent of the Rockford
company , "and while It Is not such a secret
after all , all I have to say IB that no corn-
do this they Infringe on our patents , and ,
consequently , wo arc perfectly safe In sayIng -
Ing that nobody else will ever make paper
from shlves , " That remains to be seen.
It also remains to bo seen what the ultimate
effect on land will be of converting wheat
.straw into boards and cornstalks Into cellu
lose and paper , thus depriving the soil of na
ture's erpat fertilizer. ,
Washington Post- The case of Chaplain
Mclntyro should bo ft warning to other naval
officers who have been tempted to lecture.
St. Louis Republic : A colored Methodist
recently adjured some youug preachers not
to mix politics with their ministry. The
last presidential campaign showed that sev
eral whlto preachers would have profited by
receiving and acting upon similar advice.
St. Paul Pioneer Press : Sam Jones said
In a sermon the other day that ho was afraid
of "tho world , the devil and the democratic
party. " Wo con understand why a man
especially a clergyman should be afraid of
the first two , but why anybody should quail
before the democratic party Is a mystery.
Indianapolis Journal : A Baltimore
preacher is an earnest advocate of matri
mony. In a recent sermon ho admitted that
some men made awful mistakes , Socrates
and John Wesley , for example , but declared
that to bo unhappily married brought out
the best In a man. Ho then advised every
man who desired to achieve the highest
results to ask God to help him and to go
out and look for n helpmeet. The- obvious
conclusion from this Is that a man who
Is truly anxious to develop his character
to the utmost should pray that he may cs-
pouso a termagant. Most men , however ,
will probably prefer some other form of dis
Philadelphia Press : Lay representation
in the general conferences of the Methodist
Episcopal church has won , from present
Indications , although all the local confer
ences have not voted on the subject. The
vote at present stands 6,56-1 In favor to 1,327
against. Aa a three-fourths vote Is needed
to carry the proposed amendment to the
constitution there Is now over 600 majority
In Us favor. All votes taken recently have
been largely on the aye sfde. Most of the
local conferences still to take action are In
the west and If they vote as anticipated
there will bo a largo majority In favor of
tlio change and laymen will In future have
equal representation with ministers In the
governing body of the Methodist church.
The chaugo can hardly fall to bo beneficial
In its results.
For the next six weeks all the kicking
will be done In foot ball squares.
The rallying cry c-f the Knights of Ak-
Sar-Ben for Tuesday night Is : "Wo all
want to go ! Step high ! "
Texas reports 103,000 more bachelors than
maids. Yet there arc these who seek far
away Isles to spread the benign Influences
of civilization.
The boasted brilliancy of New York City Is
not what It Is pictured , though the real thing
Is Improving. Central park has Just been
brightened with gasoline lamps.
A Wyandotte ( Kan. ) girl , whq recently
caused the arrest of her pastor for kissing
her , testified under oath that his kiss was
"so cold that It made her sliivcr. "
Epicures of Boston and Philadelphia have
experienced a cruel shock. They have
feasted on the common sparrow disguised as
reed birds at the Quaker city and as canaries
at the Hub.
Following the popular fad of rubberneckIng -
Ing comes a genius with a patent water
proof oyster , pneumatic tired and war
ranted to float. This will bo Joyful news
to managers of charity fairs.
-Air. McCoy's kicking machine should not
bo retired after the first act. A large op
portunity to put It to good use may bo had
by communicating with the colonel of the
Third Nebraska United States volunteers.
Two brothers , partners In business , manage -
ago the political Interests of the republl-
ran and democratic parties In Morrow
county , O. Great Is the Buckeye state. It
Is Just as wen to have been born there as
to arrive under a lucky star.
A Kansas Solomon decrees that a gentle
man who takes a lady to a theatre Is bound
to take her homo , no matter If the girl was
too sweet In her attentions to another fel
low whllo her escort retired to chew a clove.
The Judge's wig Is on straight. Indeed the
escort ought to be thankful In getting off
so easily. There Is balm for his wounded
feelings In watching the other fellow hustle
for the price of theatre tickets and Eiich.
The Dally Times of Santiago , Cuba , has
troubles of Its own and Is seriously handi
capped In reaching for the cmlncnco of
modern Journalism. Hero Is one of Us talcs
of woo : "It seems to bo the object in life of
some people to do as little work and get as
much money 03 possible. This was the case
yesterday when our printers ran In upon us
the article , "Aro We Fools ? " which had ap
peared In our Ibsue of the day previous. Our
printers are all natives , which not only ac
counts for the many typographical errors ,
especially In our English section , but for the
fact that we have to bo constantly watching
them. Some day a Yankee compositor will
turn up In Santiago and then wo may hope
to turn out a better paper. "
to GalvaiiUe a Dead
Fntllc Attempt"
Minneapolis Journal.
democratic conventions and
The refusal of
republican conventions In the sliver states
attention to the money question
to give any
as cv denco
commented upon
tion has been
of the waning Interest In the 16 to 1 theory.
But that ) Isn't the only evidence of the pass
ing of the silver craze. People arc pretty
situation , so-
well satisfied with the money
, and you cannot got
far as standards go
attention to It's discussion ,
them to any
either In convention or anywhere else.
of Nebraska , was
Omaha , as the chief city
the center of a good deal of the agitation
of the money question In the last campaign ,
and Vho managers..of the Omaha exposition
thought It would be a good thing , and , per
haps , attract some people , to have a mone
tary conference during the exposition at that
city , and so , on the 13th , llth and 15th of
September they arranged to have the leaders
among the gold , sliver and paper money ad
vocates present to discuss all phases of the
question. And they did have quite a largo
representation of such people. There were
Congressman McCleary , Congressman HarU-
man of Montana , ex-Secretary Morton of
Nebraska , "Calamity" Weller of Iowa , Con
gressman Bartlne , editor of the National
Hlmefalllst ; ex-Senator Dullols of Idaho ,
Horace White , editor of the New York Even
Ing Feat ; President \ \ 111 of the Kansas Agri
cultural college , Boles of Iowa , Senator Allen
of j\ebraska , Oiorgo Fred Williams of Bos
ton and others scarcely less prominent.
And yet , notwithstanding all this array
of talent , and the facti that 20,000 people
were on the exposition grounds , Adam Bede ,
who was there as a participant In the dis
cussion , states that nt no tlmo were there
moro than 200 people listening to I'he ' money
debate. Tbo program contained a list of
fifty-four speakers , most of whom were pres
ent , and during ono of the most Interesting
sessions on the silver day there were only
nlnety-VhrcB auditors present. Accommoda
tions had been provided for 1,000. Two years
ago the accommodations would have been
Insufficient to meet tbo demand. Today the
man who wants to talk about the money
question can get no hearers.
Ilede , In his Budget , says : "Tho dally
papers , morning and evening , contalntd'cx-
tended reports , and yet the general public
took no Interest whatever In the discussion.
The meeting seemed likea gathering of
Egyptian undertakers striving to Impart to
the world their method of embalming the
dead. The conference made a profound Im
pression upon us , as funerals always do. "
Perhaps It isn't ! so very strange , after all ,
that tbo democrats should bo digging In the
soldiers' graves and hunting among the hos
pital tents for a campaign Issue. There is
nothing qulto eo dead as 16 to 1.
" ' " " " " ' - '
The right needs no npology.
Oratltudo Is the whet-stono of obedience. , t
Many a pulpit has no dlvlno pulling power. (
Charity Is kindness flowing In a stream
of benevolence.
Thoro'a no reduction of "tho wages of
eln" in hard times.
About two-thirds of Infidel philosophy Is
merely fool-osophy.
Professional Infidelity docs less harm than
ordinary unfnlthfurness.
Prayer nnd thanksgiving In everything
makes anxiety In nothing
Some good resolutions nro like blank
cartridges nothing conies out of them , .
The gospel has not lost Its effect , but t Jl
much of the so-called "effect" has lost the
gospel ,
Indianapolis Journal : "Isn't Mrs. Tnnx a
stunning creatureV"
"I presume she Is. Her husband Is par
alyzed most of the tlmo. "
Boston Transcript : Clnrlbcl They say ho
Is worth hnlf 11 million ut the least ! Mat-
lea How 1 should llko to bo his widow.
'Somcrvlllo Journal : When a man anil his
wlfo BO together to select a now wall paper
for the parlor they usually compromise on
the paper that the wlfo selects.
Brooklyn Llfo : Mrs. Younglove These
women who \srlto nbotit "How Husbands
Should bo Managed" do you BUPPOHO they
mnniiKO their husbands any better than wo
do ? Mrs. KUlers Do I 't Why , pshaw I
child , don't you know they haven't any
husbands ?
Philadelphia Record : Nell Did you sco
Mrs. Ncwrlch at the ball last night ? Belle
Yea ; her pown wan awful , wasn't It ?
Nell Frightful ; I understand ? ho was once
a circus rlde . Belle Quito likely ; It was
qulto a bareback performance last night.
Detroit Frco Press : "Marie , I don't want
you to tie nny more strings ou my linger. "
"Why , John ? "
"I wasted two whole hours this morning
wondering what It was you wanted mo to
remember. "
Detroit Journal : Ho bent him low.
"And may I print a kiss upon thy lips ? "
ho whispered.
"Manuscript kisses would bo awfully un
interesting , " she fiiltered , for she was her
self not without literary taste.
Love , bear In mind , would hardly fly out
of the window before the second or third
Installment upon the furniture fell duo.
Chicago Post : It was his sister speaking.
"I can't Imagine , " she saM , "what you
could possibly see In that girl you have en
gaged yourself to. She doesn't dance or
play tennis or golf or cards or the piano or
take Interest In any form of recreation. "
"That's Just It , " ho replied. "I'll have no \
possible chance to get Jealous of her. " 1
What She Heard.
Chicago Tribune.
Shrt put her ear to the keyhole ,
Hy motherly Instinct spurred.
She listened long nnd patiently ,
And these are the words she heard :
"Now , George , you dreadful creature , qultl
Or I'll hit your ears u cuff !
You're miifsliif ? up my hair ! Besides ,
Your beard Is awfully rough ! "
Philander Johnson In Washington Star.
There's a song passing sweet , and wo hear
Its refrain
In the wind ua It murmurs o'er fqrest- and
It sounds' In the low , steady voice of the
deep ,
Where the shore-ballled breakers Inces
santly creep.
It Is heard in the rain when Its fury Is
And the drops fall llko jewels cast down by
the sun ,
And the heart that was heavy re-echoes
the lay
Of hope and the future "Somo day some
day. "
And nothing can sllcnco Its message of
It comes In the hour when erlm sorrow
draws near ; '
And when gifts are bestowed by a gener
ous fate
It whispers of others , still fairer , that wait.
The saKO at his book , nnd the serf at his
plow ,
The prince nnd the knave with his syco
phant bow ,
The hero In strife and tha child at Us
Smllo and swell the sweet cadence "Somo
day some day. "
is what you don't get of your
own coat , but you've noticed
others and observed with how
little grace and style they hang.
We take more pains with
our Overcoats than most cloth
iers do because we don't be
lieve a mere rag with sleeves in
it is what any well dressed gen
tlemen wants or ought to have.
$10.00 , $ J2.50J5,00 , $18.00
and ' $20.00 are our prices and
in materials we have anyting
you may want and we think
we can fit any purse as well as
we can fit any figure. "Every
coat warranted. " Money back
if not satisfied.