Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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n ( TIlE OMAhA DAILY flE1 I : St-DAY : ! : , nnUAnY 2,1 , 1805. " '
- OFFICE , - - NO . 12 1EAUL STREET.
- -
- . Delveed by carltr to any part of the el , .
'r.E1'10 IS-1ua'ness ofce , No. 4 : nIght
eitor , No. 2J.
- .
' -
JISUI .11"Tl ; ( S. '
Grand ' , Council fl1uft. E. F. Clark , (10 (
} nYII Real ! I atnto sgency 13 3 Droatlvay ,
A marriage leeuso was . Issued yestertay
to J. 1Vebb 1 : , ngell J . Dnll Elzabeth
Sehlferl , aged 21 I. both 01 Counci murfs.
A meetnl of Union nvtue property owna
ers Is to he hell tomorrow evening at the
office of Day & hess for the purpose of taking
concerted acton with reference to al appeal
from the teclslon Cf the jury that assessed
damages against the Terminal company
The judges who examlnell the stories
written II the competition for the Church
Mirror have nnlahell their task anll their report -
' port I cxptctell ) ( In a few < ays , All the liter-
'sry clorts are pronounced very creditable ,
and the one which took first tonic was eSlle-
daily gOOI. The lucky wrier Is a girl hut
further than that no information Is given
out nt 11ruent.
A letter nrrh'cll nt the Council muls post-
ofco yesterday . addressed to Mrs. S. SYen-
son , 3127 Fourth avcnne . Council . hilitlis .
from l3Eelneti. Out of a lass of German
leraturo that almost covered the envelope
the intelligence was received that It had
been ' on hoard of the hll.fatcd llbe . and that
the stamp hiil been washed oft by the waves
of the salty Atlantic .
Chief Scanlan was informed by the Omaha
authorities yesterday that a large amount \ ot I
harness had len unearthed nt a farm house :
ahout two mils ( rout SprIngfield , . Neb , .
along wIth I" Hughes' bUHh I Is all
supposed to have been stolen and its dls-
every offers a probable soluton to the inysw
tory of the numerous hnrness thefts that
have occurred In this vicinity during the
past few months. Clark Casselman who Is
Supposed to be a lember ot the Hang that
operated the fence secured n contnuanco
yesterday In Justice Coolt's court Intl next
Frank \Vlemeyer. the bootlegger who was
sent back from Clnrlnla , accompanied br n
nOte from the Insane hospital stating that
4 he haul beau reigning insanity . arrived yesterday -
terday 811(1'OS again lockeul up In the
county jail. When imkcd how he liked the
hospital he replied that ho would rather spend
six years there than one day In jai , Jailer
Peterson sticks to the belief thtt Wlemeyer
was insane when tabeti t away and quotes a
neighbor ; nameI Irdley as saying that Wle-
nHu'er has never been considered of sound
mind but would run through the streets of
his home town yelling bloody murder and
do other things ot a lko character. Now
however , ho Is apparently as sane as any
When Claus Thompson who keeps a saloon
across Droalllay from thia Methodist
church , went home the other night one ot
hIs friends , who lives In the country and was
suffering from the effects of a jag . craved
permission to sleep In the saloon over night.
As his friend was In no condition to be
moved , Thompson generously allowed him to
stay with the bartender . who sleeps In the
c , saloon. During the night both the bartender
and the guest felt the neOI of just one more :
drInk and they were clinkIng the glasses
acrOfS time bar at a lively rate when Ofcer
Martin , who patrols that beat heard the
noise. He wanted to get In . but they re-
fused him nllmlUanee. He thereupon broke
the door In with one of his No. 10 French
kids. When he found ont the true state ot
atalrs ho compromised on a cigar and left .
Wo have over $300,000 to loan upon Improved -
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loans
cnn save money by dealing direct with us .
thereby saving ngent's commission. \Vo do
not loan on wid land . nor In Nebraska.
Luleo & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
l > IUl./J' 1. I''IIS.
W , D. MeGorlsk of " Avoca was , In the city
, esterdl "
Colonel A. Hogeland vill give free
wi a Illustrated -
trated lecture this ( Sunday ) afternoon at
2:30 : o'cloclt. Subject , "Doy anti Girl I.lro. " ;
Time lecture Is under the auspices of the
Young Men's Christian association.
J.V. Carse formerly stenographer at thc
Northwester depot , has secured a leslrablo
position In the freight 'ofco ot the Freniont , :
Elthor & 1lsosurl Valley railway nt
Deadwood. He enjoys his new position and I
locaton ! greaty.A .
A 1\,1 \ Letter iJoy.
Saturday was a red letter day In the art
trnde. We sold frames and pictures all day
at Just hal price and Iota ot them. Again
this week they all go for just halt price. H.
L. Smith & Co. . 45 Main street.
Henry Smlth's Modern Trouballours at L
Ifueller's hal , Monday evening , l ebruary
' 25. Admission , 25 cents.
Trnchnu nave ii M""UII
About :00 teachers and school directors of ;
Pottawatamle county met In the superior
court room yesterday by invitation of County
uponintendent Durton to talk over various
maters connected with education. Mr
Burton preside and Miss Maine Riley of
Crescent wns elected secretary. After a fel :
suggestions for the good of the schools by
' . Burton speeches were made on time following -
lowing sUbjects :
School Year , Nine Months In fltirnl (
HCliOOI . with .no Vacation I Rur
I ' Christmas Uolhla ' . Vncaton . . . .I. B. Knowler
'Iencluenii . Purents and School OihlcerH ,
Their' Diitiei anti Itelatlonq . . Olcert , . . , . . . . .
J. 1 Mntoclc , O. I , . Jninltt and G ,
I' , . Prultt .
What StudieH Should be Included In a
Course ot Btudy for Our Country .
Schools ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Geor e Henrlelts
County Uniformity ot Text Books. . . . . . .
' " , . UntormlY . . . . . . , . , . . . . . .George . Hunter .
" Others who took IJart In the discussion
' one : J. A. Sylvester H. A. Smith Dolman
man , J. n. Fenniouu . J. n. Turner , May Ocr-
athy , Mamlo Triplett , Frank Fleck Oracle I.
Rchnrdson , Nelson Lewis , M. T. Castor Mla
Insworth , J. H. Turner , \V. C. Vanpelt A.
E. Tipple , D. I C. Bloomer . Virginia Greene ,
' : ' oslo Het , C. F . Foster anti lit. J. Lynch ,
One of the most interesting discussions was
Unit with reference to uniformity In text
books. All were In favor ot some sorL ot
uniformity , the only dlleronce of opinion
being as to whether It should be state wide
or only In counties . Late In the afternoon
' the meeting udJourell , to meet again Satur-
day afternoon , March 0 , at 1 o'clock.
I'rru Tiekeip
To the greatest show on earth , commencing
Monday , February 25. Shoes I At prices
never before' heard of 600 Broadway oppo-
site postomce. H. A. Messmore. successom.
, , to Morris Bros. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ suecessol
"Prhle alul povertr" at the First Baptist
church Tuesday evening. Ten cents admls-
lion , Including nefrimmento .
Atl'r itli , . Htrh , ' . itohittloiti.
. In accordance with the order Issued by the
County Board ot Supervisors last week , a
suit was commenced by County Attorney
Saulllers In the district court In the name
of Iotawltamlo county against \Viihiain ,
G , C. and James Kirby . and Mary Ann Tyson ,
to comllel them to relieve the county of the
BUp\Ort of their mother , Jane Ann Kirby , The
dilhicuhty \ llch this family has hall In deciding -
ciding who was to care for the old lady has
been aired at considerable length In the news-
pllers , The volition alleges that Mrs. Kirby
bas been a charge upon the county for the
last two wecks , In spite of the fact that
, William Kirby has : ! O acres of land , James
263 acres , Mrs. Tyson 160 acres and G. O.
irby a large amount of lanll A Judgment
of $ &O was demandell against the county lor
the money that has been Silent In caring for
: tlrs , Kirby 10 far , and an allowance ot $10
( week for her support durIng the re-
lillder ! of her life.
: Yei the ' Eagle laundry is . "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 74 DroiIay geol ,
: In toubt abJt tbli try I and le convinced ,
t Don't forget name anti number. Tel 157.
\/.tt / I. II I' S'UI" T
EverythIng , If applied to a Hardman Piano , , I
sold by Mueller Platte and Organ eompan , , I
103 Main street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
Fpr sale , fixtures and lease City Bleam
laundry ; cstalllhe bushlcuj ; mUlt be solo
: , lt once U. W , hinder , receiver .
, Gas beating itoves for rent and for 1110 3l
touDcl Bluffs ( las company' olce ,
, l Zieatet drug atore. Taylor'l , Orand hoteL ,
- /
rvalry of Boys Almost Romlt in the Mur-
der of One
Tholnl l'tll.Rcks tip 111 Claim to 1 '
School Olrl'R Atccton , hy Cnttlg I
Eri bwcct's tlothlng Iu'o
/lrcds ,
The question of who lund the better right
and title to the ( affections of l Council Bluffs
g irl . ln ) not a very big girl either , came
s' ry near landing Earl Sleet , a son of At-
torey t J. I. Sweet , In his coma instead of
his trumndl'm l bed , and In that event Thomas
F inley , a 17- 'ear-ohl boy . might have been
charge1 with even a more serous offense
than now appears against his name nt the
Ilolco station .
Sweet has been keeping company with a
young lady on South First street for some
tme past with ' a great deal of constancy
A few days ago 1'luley was seen on the
trent with lien and It Is reported that this
f act lies at the bottom of the whole Ils-
'turbance. t Several times on Washlugtou's
blrtilay the two young fellows met on the
s treet . a 111 ! on each oceaelon there were In-
tlealons of bad feln ! About 8 o'cloek In
the ( evening they met on Droadlay near the
corner of Seventh street and some words
pnsscI betwlen them Sweet , so Finley
c laims . wade SOle threats whIch grated on
his h nerves. Quick as a flash Plnley whIpped
out a rarer ( loin some secluded porton ot
his wal < robe and struet ] at Sweet who
warded or the blow Partially by throwIng
Ul1 I hi arm just In the nick of time. The
lade truck him In the left side , Just
above time heart and cut through nil hIs
clothing , making 1 slit In his overcoat about
eight Inchls In length I also male a
lonp l garb In his coat sheave and bit its mark
on his ann
Sweet fed nn information yesterda lu
polce court charging Finley with assault
with Intent to 10 gl'eat bodily injury but
later l In the day hIs father called amid fed
a second enl charging assault with intent to
commi uumurder. Both boys arc well con-
uected m and have never been mixed 111 In' any
dllcultes u of any I < nd , so far lS known.
Finley's father Is employed by time Wabash
Hallway company.
ilNLSt ( S uno !
'HnrtlnJ URrl"ln for Monley .
\Ve 'nre. determined to increase our business.
These prices below will do It :
Over 100 dozen standard makes of corsets
bought at our own price , on sale Monday
Dr. Warner's Coralne fast black cors ts. Dr.
Strong's widely known goods , also the famous
F. > French corsets In white onlr. all extra
long l waist sizes 18 to 30 , clean , fresh , now
goods , sell everywhere at $100 and $1.25 ,
Monday entire lot , choice , ISo pair. Mal
orders filled. -
Another lucky pur ' lse. Money talks
ngaln. Last Monday our embroidery counters
were crowded with eager buyers all day long.
Tomorrow the crowd wilt be still greater than
over. You can't afford to miss it.
Irish point embroideries , 3 to 5 Inches wide ,
made on the finest ot material . exquisite
styles , dainty neat dealgns , worth 15c. 20c
and 25c. You will say so when you see them.
Monday the entire lot at one prIce j choice Oe
60c genuine , real hall cloth , Monday 30c
20e quality colon hnlr cloth , lOc yard.
All colors lining cambric , 4e yard.
Wo want to see you at our store tfonday.
36-lnch LL unbleached muslin , 31c ! yard.
Yard wide nice sof nnlsh bleached muslin
at 60 and 6c yard. \ .
Monday Lonsdale cambric , S'c ynrd.
8-4 Locltweod blent sheeting , iSo yard
8-4 Lockwood unbleach sheeting , 12c yar . ,
42 and 45-lnch bleach pillow casing , Monday
nt 9c and 10e yard. Monday Is the day to
buy New printed dimiies , new princess I
duels , and new percales nt lOc , 12c and 15c
Monday corsets and el1brolderles at hal
price ; don't mIss them. 'Va want your money
and wi malte prices to get It. Everything ;
marked In plain ngures. One price to ' all .
Open Monday evening
DENNISON 111105. .
Council Bluffs.
Events ot the 'eok that l nllcd : I'euilio to
Jmjuy Iurh UUwr.
Dr and Mrs. Charles E. Woodbury enter-
tamed some ot their friends at high five Friday -
day afternoon and evening at their home ,
527 Fourth street. The afternoon entertain-
meat was for ladles only that of the evenIng -
tog for both ladles and gentlemen . The
parlors were decorated with roses and carna-
tons ! , and elegant refreshments were served.
In the afternoon time prizes were a hanll-
somely decorated cup and saucer , won by
Miss DeVol , and a beautiful rIng tray , won
by Mrs. Mitchell. These present were :
Mesllames Dnmon , Do Vol , Judson , Moore .
B. W. hart . VanBrurt , Mitchell , nurlte , O. B.
H , Campbell , Hewitt , Macrae Jr. , Ooehl'lngs ,
Jennings E. E. Hart dmundson , Voswlnille ,
Muiiis . lcumiglmtv. . W. Sherman , Frank l Sheil-
ail , E. Lougee , I , . Shugart , G , W. Woodbury
anti Gorham j Misses Zmnuehlen , Moore
Evans , Foster Wlellham , Thompson , Keatng ,
Sehoentgen and Leonard ,
At the evenIng entertainment the prizes
were an elegantly decorated CUll and saucer
won by Br Dautow , and a la\1and china
bonbonler , won by Mrs. Spencer Snuitlm.
Those present were : ! essn. all Mesdames
C. n , Bradley , Ilellman , Thld , Travis , Bar-
stew , George hlugimes Purcell , Stlman , D.
hose , Maurer Chambers , HIUenhauer and
Spencer Smith , MI' , Lee N. Goo wln ot Au-
rora. Ill ,
The officers ot Bluffs divIsion , Uniform
Rank Knights ot Pythlas , were installed
with appropriate ceremonies last \Vetlmuesday
evening tn the hal In the Merlram bloelt.
Seventy Knights were present In ( till unl-
( cmi . and there were many visi or present
from this city and Omaha , embrnolng mem-
hers ot Canton No.8 , Inllependent Or-
tier ot Old Fellows , anti Lincoln lodge No. 7 ,
Junior Order ot United American Mechanics.
After a selection by the orchestra and tIme
singing ot "Almrlca" by the company , an ad-
threes of welcome was delivered by Ovle
Vlen. Then came the Instalaton , conducted
by fl. I J. Abbot , the alIJutant , of time follow-
lug omcers : SIr knight calltaln , J. J. Keith j
sir knight lieutenant . O. A. Tibbits : sir
herald John 1'001 sir
knight , : knight treasurer -
urer , John Brought j sir knight recorder , J. I.
Swartzj ; sir knight guard. Joe Shoemakerj ;
sIr knight sentnel , O. F. Chase. After this
part of the pogram had been nnshed ! a
IJrogram of fourteen dances was commenced ,
and contnue1 Intl the guest were ready to
partake of a banquet which had been pro-
vided for them In the dining room at ICiel's
hotel. The following were the committees In
charge of time affair :
Commitee on Arrangements-C. . A. Tib-
bits J. Shoemaker , L. Icst , G. F . Chase C.
ii. Glbert , F. Sherman , J. O. Smnitim . J. J.
Heceptn Committee-i. M. Murphy \V.
A. Stone , O'hle Vein , John through , S. C.
Good. G. I. . Iasbachm
Floor Munagermm-J . S. Pool , J. n. Bwartz ,
J. A. W'ahlaco , O. I.unkley , G. H. Crisp , O.
Mils Mary Tinley entertaIned the senIor
clan of time Omaha Medical college at her
homo on NInth avenue 'hur ay. The
evening was very \lelanly spent lt cards ,
with vocal Ind Instrumental music. Those
present were Savored with a cornet solo by
_ . , _ _
! r. flicknehl . and vocal solos by Messrs. !
Driver and Aitchison Dr. Mueller won the
prize offered by the hostess . I set of lar1' I
/oscoplcal mirrors. All left for their homts '
In i Omaha nt 12 o'ciock The Invited guests I'
were : Dr. Muteiler . Mesrs , Dr.ver . , Morrel" I
Bicknel , lljorknian . Riley , \S'ilsen , l'ringie
Munion. Stevenson , Hick , Buckart , Hlckoelc ,
Cue , Lumens Jones , Ie l'ard , I lzshnmons ,
Maloney , Den , linden , and Aichion j Mes-
dames Summcrs and Djorkman and Miss
Juulk lime.
TIme member ot the valon Omnha lodges
ot the A. O. U. W. visited Counctt Bluffs
visied Counel Duls
edge l No 270 FrIday night nt their hal In
the Merriam block anti observed Washing-
ton'R blrthn ' . A delegation of over 200 strong ,
led by the hand and degree team of lodge
No. 17 , crossed the river In motor cars and
took possession of the hnl The rooms were
tastily decorated with buntng fnd every arrangement -
rangement made for the tntertalllent of the
visitors. The , 'hlt was purely a fraternal
our and hall for its object the Interchange ot
Men relative to lodge work. Among those
who spoke wcreVilhiamn : Turner Dr. Patton -
ton , Dtan Gardner ot Trinity cathedral , J.
U. Hulpll , J. W. Carr C. E. lenohls anti
William Taylor all ot Omaha. ) Afer the
ndrcssce . the degree team of 10Jge No. 17.
Omahn , entertained the company wIth the
various exercises ot their drill . At a late
hour the joint meeting adjourned , arid the
visitors departed for their homes. Among
those prefent were : S. H. Palon. J. W.
Carr , William Tunmmer C. E. Reynolds . Wi-
lam Taylor . I. W. Colyer , J. B. Ralph . Dean
Garner , O. 10fman , D. Irwin , : I. T. Etlwaruls
Joe Smith , Davil Smih , George Haverb' ,
Joseph Dlz , I , . Small , T. Burchard , Wilam
Iee. E. O. Sutton , . hew I'ixley I. 1' . Ilicks .
John Hohl , \y C. Thrown Chnrles Kec , Alec
Miller , Ii.V. . Plat , hew Dalglseh , S. S.
Duelcer , O. S. Howard , Henry Tingling , E.
A. W'ornmersiey Al Hugle , H. K. I olaneree ,
Thomas Grallel , O. W. Wison , I , ' . Bratifleld I .
E. S. 'reeker Jv. . Dean , C. W. Drnder , W.
T. Smith , F. L. ats , George Gross.
11ev. av. . Ale1 entertalnell ti'enty.flve
young nummarried men of his church at his
residence , corner ot Wlonvenue and Bluff
street lrhlay evening A large and Duf
tlresslve feature of the evening wa nn aPllle
lie ) mensurlng perhaps three feet In circum-
erence. A cardboard hatchet of the George
Washington brand was given to each guest
wih the nan e ot some occupation on the
blade and a proverb bearing on the name Inscribed -
scribed on the imantlie. But the proverb was ,
"pled" and time "pi" had to be straightened
out antI translated Into } nglsh before the I
possessor of the hatchet was entitled to any ,
pie of the other kind A good deal or
nmusement was had at the expense ot some
ot those whose grief was greater than they :
could bear. TIme evening was enlivened by
banjo and vocal music.
: lr. and Irs. Wallace Shepard celebrated
tIme 1 _ second anniversary of their mnrrtage
1.'rllay el'enlng at their home on Inrlt
nvenue. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Shepard , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sher-
man lses Addle Sltermiman Gertrude
Oeason , Lizzie Leonard and Helen Shuepard
and Messrs. H. S. Ogden , T. D. Metcalf
Goy SheJrl and Paul Shepard. A high five
contest resulted In the prize being awarded
to Mice Sherman.
Lily camp No.1. Royal NeIghbors of
America Aid society were entertained at the
resiience ot Mrs. J.V. . Kelly yesterday
afternoon. Those present were : Mesdames
Warenllams , Good . Bridenstein , Wind ,
Umble , Collins , Fowler , Smith . I3oyer . Miller .
Chcrnington Schleuter and Miss Mccoilough.
After the regular order or business was gone
throngh Miss JcColough entertained with
a few recitations. In which she displayed
great ability ns an elocutionit. At the close
of this part ot the program oil wel invited
to partake of a bountiful luncheon which
thc hostess had prepared for them. 'e so-
ciety will meet with Mrs. Schleuter on
Avenue 1 next Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorham gave time first
of a series of three high five parties Monday
night at their residence , No. 810 Seventh
avenue The house was pretty decorated
with roses and carnations , and during the
evening elegant refreshments were served.
The prize nn elegant hand-painted dish was
won by Mrs. Chambers. Those present
were : Messrs. and Mesdames Day G. C.
Brown Hart Jennings , Gilbert , Edmundson ,
Ihllps. 'Yadsworth , Woo bur ' . True Chap-
man , Chambers , R'I Or Cook . Troutmnan
Burke and Brook : Mrs ; . : Babcock , Misses
Ohio Cook and Elsie Butts ; Messrs. Zur-
muehiemi Parsons , Etnyro and H. SmIth.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gorham
entertained a second party on the same
scale as on the preceding evening. Those ,
present were : Messrs. and Mesdames A. S.
Ilazieton , \V. Chapman , flesser , J. W. ,
Camp , Nichols , Weaver layne , Pugh , H01s ;
and Hennesey ; lefdamc Harmon Lanzen-
dorfer and Bliss ; Misses Huberta and Jessie
Halenhauer , Lyons and Parsons : MesHs.
Frank Keys , Ed Parsons and Harry Hnten-
Mr. and Mrs. C. n. Hannan were pleasantly
surprIsed Monday night when a large company -
pany of friends and neighbors dropped In on
them. They came reparc for a god lme ,
and they had It. Cards , prizes , refreshments
In fact everythIng necessary for a successful
high five party made the evening most pleas-
ant. Prizes were won by Mrs. Murray and
:1' . Rlekman. Those present were : Messrs .
and Mesdmes DanCorth ) , Sar..e it , Camp Rck _
man , Hendricks Peregoy Buckman Smith ,
Butts , Lane ; lles ames Ileptord Smith , Shepard -
ard . Murray ; Misses Hepford amid Lou Smith
Mr. and . Mrs. W. \V. Loomis entertained
the Whist club Thursday night at their home ,
313 South Eighth street. Those present were :
Messrs. and Mesdames C. S. Lelerts , I. M.
Treynor , J. N. Dldwln , Babcock J. L. Stew-
art . F. S. Pusey. Montgomery and Cory ;
Mesdames Everett . McKune , Chapman and
Key ; Miss Mary Key ; Messrs. Leonard and
Nell Everett anti George C. Mnyne.
Deputy Marshal James Anderson and wife
celebrted time thIrtenth anniversary ot their
wedding Monday. A few friends and relatives
were Invied , and nn elegant dinner was en-
joyed whll recounting reminiscences ot the
happy event.
Misses May anti . Emma Van Brunt enter-
tained I party friends nt their home on
Park avenue Wednesday evening. High nye
was the chlet nmusement.
Mr. amid Mrs. O. IT. Lucas gave n hhhve
party last Timesday night at ther : residence ,
600 Oaltaml nvenue. The rooms were deco
rated with roses carnations and potell plants
During the evening elegant refreshments were
served. The prizes were a sliver orange
bowl , won by Mrs. Lucius Wels , and a eli.
vet corkscrew , won by Mr. J. W , Peregoy.
Those present were : Messrs. and Mesdames
Jamison , Ieregoy , Hlekman , Oliver . Michel ,
Liime Rohrer J. N. Can y , Keller , I.uelus
Wels , A. \ \ ' . Cnsady , Estep , Cass , WV ,
Chapman ( , Graham , E. E. Cook Barstow N.
SheparJ , W. M. Shepard , Hannan , Wads-
worth , Lougee , J. N. Casally , Jr. , L. ShUb'1lt ,
Burke amid G11and of Oenwooll ; Mesdames
Hose Paterson and Hamilton of Centervilhe ,
Ian. : Misses : Murphy , Grnham and Wads-
worth : Mr. Sayre 01 Scranton , Ia.
Thursday evening the Young People's So-
ciety of Christan Endeavor of the First
Presbyterian church entertained nt time church
parlors In honor of George Washington and
his wife , who were present by theIr next
friends , C. W Coker and Miss Cora Wood-
bury A number of other more or less revo-
lutonary characters were represented by Miss
Mary DeVol , ! r. \V. E. McConnel , Miss
Morrow , Miss Maude Keene , and otimers A
program was rendred consisting of a selec-
ton by a mandoln club WhOS3 identity Is un-
1nown , a recitation by Herbert I'ardey , a
vocal solo 1) ' C. B. I ) Aichison , pIano solo by
Miss MacDonald , and a duet by Mrs. J. A.
Horf anti Miss hattie Palmer . Mr. Altchhon
was compeled to respond to an encore , and
all ot the numbers were well received Re-
freshmcnts were served.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A , Trlmblo will give a
high five party next Tuesday evening nt their
home on Oakland avenua.
Mrs. Watson entertained a party of friends
last evening at her residence on Oakland nve-
imue.Time ladies of St. Ann's society will give a
chariy . bali nt Chambers' la1 tomorrow even-
Mrs. Horace Everett gave a dinner Ilarty
Friday I night , to wllch were invited Mesers .
and Mesdames U. D. Daily , E. E. Aylesworth ,
B. J. Babcock , C. B. jryler , I ) . J , Rockwell
and Frank Irlnlmal ' wel
A reception was given at St. JOlnB : Lutheran -
eran church Friday evening to George and
Iartha Washington and other well known
character of colonial timmios. A numbar of
well known Council lufles hntleronatel
time elderly guests , their costumes beIng very
nne. The church was decorated In the style
of colonial times. Harry Curls , who took
the t part ot L } 'ayete , gave a toast to ,
\S'aJmimmgton . and Washlnglon , who was repre.
sented by W. A. Mynster w.mmt his old friend
one just as good by toalng Ia Fayette. W.
S. I'aulson spoke on Baron yon Steuben and
htev G. W. Snyder made a little talk on the
subject of "The Women ot 76. "
Encampment No.8 , Union Veteran Legion ,
will gin a literary and musical entertainment .
Thursday eeninG Woodmen's bal , Upper
Droallwny The progrp1 ' in put will consIst
of a lecture by James , ' ic4abe . Shlkespe.lcan
real1ngs by Q. Q. Fci1xq' ; . and vocal muslo
by the Dot ) sisters. f.qq Iabel Wright will
recite , ' " '
recte T Duchanl , eall's "Sherhln's
IthIe . " anti Major " ' 'It Spcra will give n
description of Sheridan's tamous ride up the
valley on the memorblDth \ of October ' 61.
The major coniummnntheuIljenldan's body guard
and was with him durin1 the whole of the tn-
gaement. MeFaddel' drum corps will fur-
fish the inertial music ,1111 there will be In-
strnmental music by Pjcai l tnlent.
The Junior Oller or lnltell Amnlcnn Me-
chnnlca will give n Ianc ! Wednullay enn-
lag . February 27. at Gr nil Army of the Ito-
pUble imnil. The commitee on arrauigemmmemmts
affaIr are working n success hard alll , will , no doubt make the
There will bo a hitrary couitest rhlay
evening March 1. between tie Omaha Crystah
League Dbntng society anll time Council
Iuls high school cadets ) . Time program will
Include essays by Ernest Irons and herbert
\Vhipimle. herbert larte ' wl recite "The
Silly Boy . " and Howard Drnner "Spartacus
to the Gladiators. " Charles Bnlele wl dc-
orMion " ' . ' "
liver Iliator
lver an orAton on "Indh'hlnal Ilstory ,
amid Berne D. Sawyer on "An Internaton.l
Congress. " An txhlhltlon drill by the cadets
will wind up the lmrogranm which will be Interspersed -
terspersed with iuiusic anti the jUllge3 wi
make timeir award , The contest Is arousing
n great deal of interest among the young
l < ens. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.\111. . 1'.trty 'l'lckct. S. S. Shepard. Park
commummulesioner W' . L. Marsh , Alderman ,
Third ward M. J. Kelly. Alerman , Fourth
ward. H. I ) . Amy AMermnn , Sixth ward J.
H. Sherlock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Vigmiettea from Life" nt the Congregational
church March 4.
am. : larcus hue I ilro ,
The cloUllng store or M. Marcus on Broadway -
way near Sixth street caught fire yesterday
morning at 12:30 : o'clock Just how the fire
originated Is rot known but It seemed to
start In the rear part of the store near a box
ot clothing. The effect of the blaze was almost -
most precisely the same as In the fire In
the snme buiding about four years . ago But
Ito was bured , but everytlmimig In the
store ' somew'lat scorched It the
was , as room
had been fail ot gas. The stock Is valned at
$16,000. amid there was $1,200 insurance upon
It. The damage to time stock was alight.
"Vignettes from . Life" at the Congregational
church ! arch 4.
Finest " soup In town 'served wih lle din-
ners at the Pearl chop house.
Davis sells druHs paint and giass.cimeap.
lUUIX lUlS BSIJ sosis . .II'IRT.
Jt&tllg 1'lnlsl him u Six l'urlul Slrllt lt
the /hn / Uiltrict Track.
SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 23-Six races
were on the card today and they were all
good ones. Eight horses started In the
Irst race . and when they fnished under the :
wire there was not more than I length between - ,
twcen the fIrst and seventh horses.
Kowalslty won the Puclc stakes , worth
$10 for 'ear-olds , In a tylo that
showell him to be a crack youngster. In
the 1111e Ha\lle , 5 to 1. threw hi ! Jockey
at the 1ecoII jump. Summaries . :
I'lrst race . abc furlongs : -.Sue Abbott . 101
Weber (4 ( to 1) ) , won ' Euflernmmce 10i3 , Hussel
( GO to I ) , second ; Sir \\'a I er , lU8 , Bergen
(5 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1:20. : \alpamlso ,
Mutneer. . Little Bob , ' \ag and ' 1obey also
Second race selI1 . five furlongs : Slgo ,
101. Carr (2 ( to 1)von ) : hurry Lewis SG ,
Frawley (20 to 1) ) . secoml : Sir Reginald , 92 ! ,
Cockrn (8 ( to 1) ) , timird Time : 1:01 : % . Hear-
gtmard . Johnn ' Pa ' . North Annie
! Johnny Payme. , Moore
Banjo , Hanford and ltelnus also ran.
'hlrd race Pacific Itakes , 'ear-olds. .
one-half mile : KO\IIkY. 18. Bergen (9 ( to
I I ; ) . won Leon I. , 18 , , Cal'ry (5 ( to 1) ) , second ; ;
Roy def ! Danilkics 118. "Hennessey (0 ( to 1) ) ,
third. 'rime : 0:51'V : ) Torsion , Murin lilly ,
ltuthven EhnOnt Clara Johnson , lamle
H Eventde and Mlmitor I also ran
Fourth race , mile mtni a quarter handicap . :
cap : Mary S , 101 , GrIfin (6 ( to I ) , won ; ;
Ecltert , 94 , Cock1n (3to ( 1) ) . second : Gold
Dust 91. lul'ph ' ( ( (3\ to 1) ) , third Tlm :
2:15 : % . ltInVietta , Carmel and Ernest also
ran. 1ln\letu m " & ! . .
Fifth rle ? > mile and a. half hurdte , sel- :
Ing : Hehltpao ; 124 , $ pence (3 ( to'mL-won ;
Mestor 130 , Henncssuy. (4 ( to 1) ) , second ;
Three Forks , 130 Ctancy (4 to 1) ) . third :
' 1lmc : 3:3 : ! . Square Fellow , Nipper and I
RavIne also ran.
Sixth race six furlongs all ages : For
thor 102. Grifn (2 ( to 5) ) . won ; Itealization . ,
12 , ChOrn (4 ( to I ) , second : San Lucas , 101 , ,
'l'ulervle (20 ( to 1) ) , thirtl Time : 1:17 : % .
Pescador Tyro , Howard and 'Varrago t
also ran. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Interesting Evcnt tO' the Sports of that
City Held " 'ril"y.
TEICAMAH Neb. Feb. . . .
TEKAlAH. , 23.-Speclal.- ( )
Tekamah's Gun club's tournament was
pulled oft Friday according to program , n
decided succeSH In every pnrtlctmlar. The
day was all that could be desIred for such
an event , the attendance of shooters
good the crowd ot spectators large , and
the birds a lot ot fast fiyrs . al all wi attest -
test who dId not hold wel In the lead. 'rhe
live blue rocle traps worked like as many
clocks , and alt went well.
A noticeable fentro was the successful
working of a new live bird trap Inventell
ly A. K. Rice.
The jack mbblt system was a novely :
anti a-really enjoyed by the young shooters
Dr. J. L. Dorword and Postmaster C. E. :
Bordwel mate the best average scores
both gentlemen shooting In tine torm. The
constant sound of "pull . " "bang , " "dead , "
"tost , " was kept up until the most enthusiastic -
thusiastc knight ot the trIgger was william
to say enough.
Results on 'wu 'J'rack.
NEW ORLEANS , J/eb. 23-Track very
heavy Results :
First race , five furlongs : Hollywood (8
to 1 ) won Lagniappe (12 ( 10 1) ) itecomid . Flush
(1 ( to 5) ) third. 'flme : 1:00 : ½ .
Second race , seven furlongs : Francis
Pore (0 ( to 1) ) won . Jim Henry (3 ( to 1) ) mice
(1 , Contest (00 ( to 1) ) thrid. 'lme : 1:39. :
Third race . six turlongs : LUl low (20 to 1) )
won , Arelne (0 ( to 1) ) second , Robert Lata F
(2 ( to 1 ) third. Time : 1 :221. :
ourth race handicap , live tnrlongs :
Tramp (2 ( to 1 won , Ben Wilson (1 ( 'o 1 I )
second Dr. Bill (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time ( : 1O : ! .
Fifth race , one mile : Bedtortl ( ( to 2) )
won. TlpJcanoe (2 ( to 1) ) second , Blue and '
Whlo (2 ( to 1) ) thlrll. Time : 1:55 : % ,
S'l' LOUIS Feb. 23.-Ilesuhta at Madison I :
First race , dve and a halt furlongs : Clre-
brims wnn 'rhe Surgeon second , 1.'al City
third 'rime : 1:16 :
Second race , four and a halt tUI'longs I' :
Imposter won St. Nicholas second , PaddY ;
Flvnn third. Time : 1:01. : .
'l'hlrd race , lIve antI a halt furlongs I' :
Speed \Vest won John Burkley lecond ,
' 1' . Helen third Time : 1:15. :
Fourth race six furlongs : Tip woe m .
Chance su.conti , Caleb timirti Time : 1:21. :
Fifth race , seven furlongs : 1oseo Solomon I-
omen won Van Sandt lecond , Paulno
third Time : 1:3n : !
t'mhilvamm't , COll"ny Ilslmnds ,
JACKSONVILLE . Fla. , .Feb 23.-John L.
SullIvan's vaudeville qompany disbanded here
yesterday , anti most of'ls members go north
Sunday morning Dissatisfaction wih their
treatment by the s\ar. \ Is the cause Diy
Wright ot Iltsburl , Wi talle Sulvan ,
Manager Howard , D lUf Dwyer anti three
others to Cub antI , , s ye sparring exhibI-
tons there for the "i ji two months , afer
whIch they wi - mill . - - ' mm ' II' ' tb Spain ,
McCarthy . ' ' ' Vo'c for Idlier .
: ) Il.'umi.ceteulIm tp0'0 llh'cr.
PUEBIO , Clo",1 i b. 2.-romlnent
Irlsh-Amerlcnns ot , after conuuuhtmj
- IIJejlo ater consula- Ilion
ton with others throughout the county : ,
sent the following cnblfgram to Justin Mc : -
Cnrthy , M. 1. In Lonhlon , Justn : I-
Americans ot CoJorl'l ' request you to sU ) -
110rt the Everett bimetallic resolution Tuei -
' . "
day ) " 11
Zmc'lmumnles' , Htflcl ; ; tcorciie $ .
Last . night a small fire In the Secont I-
hnnd furniture atolt 1 located at 60 North
Sixteenth II'eet. Ul 'etl by " 'ol [ Zaeh-
aries , dil about EO : } thmage . Time lIre was
discovered by partes' who live over the
store , and un alarm was turned In belore
the lIre imad mmmade much ' . ' ' ,
lre hal lale hmeadis'ay 'l'he
lire Itlrted In some mnmmttroses In 110 ' ret Iii.
Jart ot the buidtllrmg. The builtltng , which
is ! ownld ly John A. Creighton , was not
dunageth. . _ _ _ _
[ " ' . 1./ , / muiiroy' . Iloumuling .
A beneUt ' anti
muclfal literary ( ntortnln-
ment was given last night for W. Ieell i
Dunroy ot South Omaha In the aUditorium
of the Young Mcmi's Chriltan Isloelaton
timiitiirmg. ! iir . ltmnroy Is time author ot
"Ulades from Nebraska Grasses . " 1 mumnu it
\'olumo whlrh contains tome short poem .
' 'he henelt was given to helll Mr. iunroy I !
In his effOrt to gain a collegiate edulaton
Lot time State Intvl'lly at l.imicoimm ' 1'1019
taking part \cro : Misses Josephine Aile II
. Alen
I.'unnlu , Arnold , Shlrle D und Mr 1unro )
I cave tur 1.111"lllt I' " rtun.
W ASIING'ON , I eb. -Speelul ( Tel e-
gnmeni.-Secommd ) I.leutenant Frank A. flu r-
ton , 'fenth cavalry , is " '
clvalr' If granted twent"lh'e
days extended leave ,
ovorl Sonmtiona1 Episodo3 Mnrk the Trial
of Dos Moines' ' Mayor ,
Jctnscs to le I"orn or to ( live TIAUmon ,
In the lcRrllJ-Coulchuln Mc-
Liuiery . : lRkcs I' StRrWI !
Simitcimirnit .
DES MOINES , Pcb. 23.-lSpeclal ( Tele-
gramn-Thero . ) were several sensatons In
the Mayor lulls Impeachment trial today.
The Issuance of a writ of ataehmenl last
evning for Attorney Alvin Hnsklns was
resisted by that genteman , but time court
Ilecile1 this morning that time ouncl sitting ,
as an Impeachment boaIll had time rIght to
subpoena witnesses and to require their nt-
tendance In this Investgaton ( as witmuesses .
As the council hat the right to Inquire Into
the conduct of any Public omcer ot the city
ant therefore to cal winesses , the right to
conduct and inquiry carried with It the
rIght to cal witnesses and compel tbcm to
When time board met lasI < ns was present.
lie refued to raise his hand and go through
the formaliy of swearing. Ho did nol say
ho would not take thC onthm but when asked
hy time chair I ho would be s\orn said :
"I nm present sir " but when asked I he
refuscil to be sworn said : "You can tallo
It as you like , " and e"aded all effort to m.llO
him testy under oath. Counciman Mc-
ghlerr submited a resolution to the elect
that ns lasl < ns had willfully refused to
obey time slllhoena Issued nll served upon
him . "the said A. A. lasl < ns be all Is
hereby fned the sum of $ 21 for contempt of
this court , and that unless said fume bo paId
at once he bo commited to the city jai for
six days. "
lasldns was arrested and . again applied
to the district court for habeas corpus , which
wl be dechled next weel. Several wit-
lesses were exanlned , but brought out nothIng -
, Ing ot iinportmtmmee.
ThIs afernoon the council was trying to
fluid Olt whether the original resolution regarding -
garding pool sehlimig at the
selng race track contained -
tained . the words : "And nccompanylng privil-
eges. . COlnelm.n McEderry nstounded
tim court by testifying that he interlined
the words after the resolution hind been
adopted and was In the cler's possession
but unkno\\'n to the latter. He explaln
that the mayo told hIm pool selng could
not go unless the wheel of fortue was run.
lie then made the Interlneaton , nrt showIng -
Ing It to the mayor amid intimating that the
mayor approved of It. The ma 'or's attorney -
ney here arose .and said there would prob-
ablY be a question as to th' veracity of Mc-
Ehlerry or the mayor and he did not know
but what defense would object to 1cElderry
sitting longer ns a juror.
Ills AUhhu'lt Maker GIn1 the Prosecution 1
Full Cont'sololot ) ( ; uhme.
SIOUX CITY F"b. 23.-Special ( Telegram. )
-A sensation was caused today In the trial
ot ex-Supervisor Walter Strange , charged
with cbtalnlng money from the county under
false pretenses , by the nnnouncement from
the county attorney's office that a confession
has been secured from C. M. Perry which to positively prove Strange's guilt on n
most serious charge against him. When the
prosecution of Strange commenced , the clt- i
zens' commitee alleged that he had fraudulently -
lenty secured the alowanc of $1,500 In the I
name of John Perry. I held that this money
was net pal out for any service done the
county and In fact Strange stole It.
Strange proceeded to get affidavits from a
man who called himself John Perry , and who
was found at Yankton. Perry' ' swore ' thnt he
had worked for tha county' on the road and
that the $1,500 was II payment for this.
The prosecution has Just secured from this
same Perry I confession that he never worked
for the county nt all ; that 1s name was not
John Perry , but C. M. Perry ; that he has
lived In this city I number of 'ears , and that
when Strang3 found he needed affidavits . to
support hIs case he paid Perry to go to
Yanlton , where he would bo out of reach ot
the Iowa courts and make the affidavit re-
( erred to. He gives full details as to the
amounts ot money that were paid him , and
other features of the transaction. I
Perry will be 11t on the stand Monday
against Strange. The drawing of the jury
was completed today and the state Is confident -
dent of convictng
l.InBeed Oil Trust to lie Subjected to R
"rRrrhlnl Investigation .
BOONE , Ia. , Feb. 3.-The oil mill owners cf
this city , members of the Linseed Oil trust
have had their suspclons ! aroused by the row
In Chicago nt the meetng of the trust mag-
nates. A meeting of the stocltholders In the
Boone mill has just been held , resulting In
the adoption cf a resolution appropriating
$1,000 for the purpose at making a thorough
investigation. I Is alleged that during the
past four years there has been I large amount
ot rottenness In the conduct ot time affairs of
the trust. The investigation will be a big
task , InvolvIng an examination of the bolts
of seventy mills.
Sioux City's Elevated load Soid.
SIOUX CITY . Feb. 23.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-Tho Sioux City elevated road was sold by
tuG sheriff under foreclosure this morning.
There were twenty-one bids . begInning at
$20.000 , bid by the attorney for Receiver
Jackson , and running up to $50,000 , which
was bid by D. M. nohblns ot the Northern
Car company ot Minneapolis , to whom It was
knockell down. Time bondholders are under-
stood to be parties to the sale , and are ex- ,
pcted to control the road , alhoulh they
claim to be frozen out by time sate The read
had Incumbrances amountng to about $100 ,
mostly In bonds.
lo-plrlth'o : t 1I1Inyl"penes. .
CLINTON , Ta , Feb. 23-Special ( Tele-
granm-The ) Lyon Co-operative association .
organized In 188 , whim an authorized capital
of $1,0,0 and a Ilaid up capital of $5,0
was selzee today on a chattel mortgage .
'fhe stockholders were largely poor hmeople
who wi lose nil they put In. 'rhe concern
nt one time conducted six stores In Clinton
and I.yons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ire In R 1.lnsood Oil MIII .
CEDAR HAPJDS , Ia , Feb. 23.-Special (
Tolegram-Flro ) In the linseed oil mi to-
imight caused a loss of about $10Oj ; par
taly Insured. _ _ _ . _ _ _
flESTIUSH _ ; 'D _ fJi'lmS.
OMAHA , Fob 21-To the Editor of Time
Bee : Will you tel It the lute Mrs.
Chauncey M . Depew was a Vanderbit ?
She was not
OMAhA , I eh. 18-To the Editor ot 'rho
Bee : I'Ieetse give time length ot Stub
street Chicago , and hOw far one can ride
for a nickel ? How mummy men per crew
does the cruisers Charleston un(1 Ilaltinmora
eoel Baltmore
curry each ? A 3UIIIOCItII1EII .
l For Inlwer to time Irst queston A Hnb-
srlber II referred to jimmy Chlago newlplpur
or Street , cal' corporation : ton' answer to time
lust , "he Navy del1urtment at Washlnton.
IIA'r'E CI N'gn , Neb . Fob 19.-0
the I dlor ot 'he Bee : A and B ate on the
alrlu tvo side In a I debate ; C und D on
the negative , A opens limo debate , being
I10wel fifteen minutes. with time mulct-
standing that he be ulowed lIve minutes
to clCmie . C follows for time n Aatvo : U then
follows for the ntrmut\e ; D then clOes
for the negative ; U then riles to clole for :
time nlrmatvo , when the negative obJects -
jcctl , clllming that ( A Ihould chose , ns H
lied ronlumell nil hue tme I10wed ittun
The chair decides that the atrmath'o hmahI
closn as they see lit. WUI the chair Ihal
ttclI In so ordering h ) ' alY rulel' (
U. 1" . l"AHnl l.T. .
'fho ehilr wa" JUItle In the decIsIon
unless there hall been a distinct Imller-
Itandlng at the outset that A and 10t U
was to Iloso the dchute. In the later
event neither rule 101 custom Ihould have t
intervened. OnlnarJ > ' a debate or time
kimmj \ II letween muities , the ulrmatve amid
negllth'o , antI the former have the elosuumg .
regardless or which Ipuker takes the ( hoot . '
relarOlel have preference Over U but wil v-
hug hil rlht , U couill speak without { consent -
sent from ( ! time negulh'o ,
ItSlNI' I , ' " , Ill. . Fob. IS-o time Editor I
ot 'fho Bee : How Ion\ ( docs a torelgner
have to bo In time state \ Nclrlslt to gt
his first Iallers , and can he vote for the m
IJreldent : ot limo United States on receiving i
. '
\ '
- -
1' Itee Mcii , liiiuiiumg 1'nhuIhc i'oilttons , hlestov
tliiit limi ltctorouI Their Ilemittli-
Mu' . C. I' , Ilnylmn , tom- ten years eotmmmt'
s urveyor of Antelope euumlmtv Net , . , lmas
h , ii a prounitient ligate tim etraska , at-
f airs for nmmuny yenrs.Iio vmss a luioneer eti
it or in time anl' days , imavimmg lmtmbhishueul mate
c emosivel ) ' the Dakota City Mail , tIme \\'est
P oInt lteimtmbhican anti the Nehigim Iteluubhi-
v ail. Ln stmmnmtiimig mmumti iuhhence lie is one
oii f time liret citizens of his county , Mr.
ii ayimmi says
' \
, , "
' ; '
. : . . ,
. - '
. , i'
' , . . - .
C. F , iiAi'IIA , Nohigh , Nob.
Coummty Surveyor.
"My disease was churomuic cntnm'rh of the
w imolo systcmmm , affecting severely time imciui ,
l tmumgsm , imeart , icitinme'su , bhndtiem' ntmml bo'-
O hs , I 'mtmi toruimeuitemi by a ringing or wimist-
h ug in time oar tlrtmtums , a bimrnlng in time
t 'yes mtiiti temmimmies , amid at timuies a severe
th h meatlaciio ; uitito Periods of digestive failure
a nd excessive uhiarrhoen , with dropsy of
t he legs mmmmtl feet.
' 'I lmmtd muevi'rmml severe attacks of ha gi'lppe
wlmlcim iuti'mtuitly prostrateti mmmc Until , tim
.Im ttimo last , uimy Imommut' doctors lmrommounced
m ile inrtirmmimle , amid advised inn to go to a
s pecimmiist for cotmimell.
" 1 Wrote to first. Copelamul anti Slmcpam'd
f or a. 1 mmii > I omn hi aim ii , a miii mm ft or mi I i I tig it
o ttt semit it to timemmi , In reply ir Simepurd
'mote tlmat hue timemimahit he m'otmlul imeip inc.
h ut sonic time votmiti be mmeedcd nit my
n llmnemmts hail imeconme so cluromile.
' "flits rmts imil time eimrouragemmuemmt I mmccii.
c ii nimtl I hogan time immmmil trcatmimemmt at ommee.
At. that tIme I weighmeul emily III liomImitimi.
After ummy eommrmie of tm'emttmmmetmt mimy veighut
i s 115 potimmds , wimicim him normumml. My himmugs
t umid imemirt , lcicine'mi and stummmmarhm lmmmve beemi
r estored to a lmemmltimfiml cotmulitlomm ztmud I minim
t mracticnlly free from every sign of uiluicaso
I t mime ) ' ho a imachemieycd imimrase , hut I foci
bo lunt I owe umm' life to Ir , Shmepard. lie prey
o fT quickly thmat may disease ' was NO1 in.
c um able. "
_ , A SuJIlOOl. .flA.
( ' , eot'e 'tV. huh , Supom'Intciiuletit or Seitoohum
tar loumglns County , Mtikci ii b'tmbllo iittttc-
County Superintendent lull of Omaha
t cll his experience aim follows :
' \
" ,
'm ' _
: : : : . '
, \
- - ' . . . .s
Supt. Public Instruction , Douglas Co.
Sp8ciaI NoIics-ouocil Bluffs
Eti liurke. at W. 8. homer' . . 535 BroadwaY.
court houae. Apply at Ue oftice. Council BIUCi.
for mustc lessons. Address E. H. , Bee omlico.
nmsmci : bath attutcimed , 213Vhliow avenue.
his first papers ? Please answer. Yours ,
Ho must be a residemmt of time United
States five years before he , can get first
papers , and can timen vote in Nebraska for
president of time United States , if he hami
tiveti six niommtims in the state of Nebraska ,
NORTH 1'IA'rTE , Nob. , Feb. 20.-'i'o time
Editor of 'rime lice : Are grcemmbachcs re-
deenmuble in gold. or mmm" tile govcrmmnment
redeem them ml silver it it choose ? W.
Greenbacks rile redeonmable in coin. The
government may redeem iii ailvcr If It
chooses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
pioii : SOiJTE OMAH1. .
Cattle Scalper Being l.ouheed for by time
j'Iiikortone-Otlmer News ,
A Pinkerton detective is in town looking
for somne trace of Jammmes Storey ,
For nearly seven years Storey imad been a
cattie scalper at thus mnanhcot. All at once
ito disappeared , after being paid $2,770 by
local commnismmion finns , Storey purchased
five loads of cattle from harvey Ingersol of
Statue City anti shipped tlmcmn to Soutlm
Omaha. lIe sold time stock lucre and was
paid in cash , After receiving time money lie
left the yards , saying timat ime was going
back to Siommx City to settle up witim Imigersol.
Up to date ito imas not reacimed that place.
Frank W , Goodipoemi and Miss Kate A.
Wyman were nmmarried last evening by Rev.
Dawson. Only intimmmate friemids were lines-
emit ,
Raymond George , Infant ron of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Mills , Tlmirty.thmird and Valley
streets , was cimristemmed by Rev , Dawson Fri.
day evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ji'JtTEit.Y 1'L.'i1O.V.5.
Veterans of time I.ato Vs imr ltu'nenmliorel hy
the General tlovc'ruiimetIt ,
WAShINGTON , Feb. 23.-tOpecial-Pefl- ( )
sionum grantetl , issue of February 7 , were :
Nebraska : Originmml-JOiias C. Miller ,
Stratton , hitchcock county ; Fremlericle
Weber , nlias Frederick Weaver , lied Cloud ,
Webster county , IteimusimeJosepim'ood
( deceased ) , Linmcohmi , Lancaster county.
Original widows , ete.-Ileiltm C , Pimenmiant ,
Norfolk , Madison county ; Chmarlty J. San-
dersorm , York , Yom'k county ; Betsy \'ood ,
htmmcoin , Lmimmcaster coummty ; hattie Eiose !
Force. St. Paul , hfovtmmil commimty
lowme : Origlmmmih-Joimn II'iimioim , Ridon ,
\\'apello count ) ' . Iteimusno-Jarnea II. l'imea.
hurl , Anmmmosa , Join's couimty ; Matthew ' 1' ,
Ztlitcmohi ) lulomurout , Jasper county ; Ji'rt'nuimtlm
ilmilley , komtim , Ios .Moinmu's county ; .lohmmm
\ v.V'ootis , ! mluseatine , M umit'atimmu c'ommmmty
miartinm i , . hiristow , Itiehultimiti , iCeohiuik
coUntty , Iteimistue mmmiii immcrease-Mclwmmthml
\'ilsoii , 'i'ammm , 'i'arima ccutmnmty. Om'lginmmml
widows , ctc.-Minot of George Schaefer ,
Kuokmmk , cotimity.
Soutit Iakotmi ; Orginal-Gumnttavo ! Iteimier ,
Fort Itaihdmmhi , 'I'odd coumity. lteimtmuiit'-
Iuimiei J , S. It1cGi'en , Millbamik , Grmtnt
Coloratio : Originnl-'rhmOmas 13 , I'ihmmrn ,
Crawford , Delta enmity. increamftm-\Vhiitmmln
C , llmtwic'y , Fart Cohhlims , Lanirnier couimty.
lteImtSU&m-iOteliZO ICeihu ) ' , Ieur ) 'i'rmoti , Amatm-
aime coummty ,
ta flu ; Oil girmal-A I leui M cCmmbe ,
Iilakeiy , Crow reservation ,
Sium Pete tlecl : ictm C mien Ahlhrticui ,
SALT I4AICE , Feb. 23-Time territorial
supreme court totlay immintietl ( loWit time tie-
cision in the Harm I'ele commnty eiectio
emcee of 3. 1) . I'uge against the lJtmtim coma-
nuisslcmmers , TIme conclusion want that time
court below imroPerly founiti timat timere
were irrcgularttieml affecting time pimmixmtiff'st
election utppettring on limo race of the no-
turmmmt amid that time lower court imroPriY
awmmrueii time icrenrmptory s'rib against the
detenmdmintmt , conmmmimmiumtlinmg timoin to certmry
to limit tlmtltmtiff'mi electiorm ,
Time Utah comnmnisison held a meeting timis
evemilrmg mummtl lit comaplimince with time decision
of the suimremne court immmitded clown touhity
eet'liti 'ul atm elected us delegates to time comm.
stttutioflmii cemivilmitlon fourteen more repub.
hicanmmm ttnd eight more , iemnOcratkl , mnmikirmg me
total of repuluhicamma cextiiied'ven multI
demimocrats forty.htve , witim hive tlelegmmtett
uncertliled. Of these time republicans claim
two and time democrats three ,
r htlghmttmul Credit Ujmmm a Medleusi l'raotlco
- Tu'qtilimnny ' 1 immit Must L'nittiie ,
"For sonic twelve years I iit1 emmttmt'th of ths
stonmuuucim mini bowrhs sal nuy general iuemmlth was
'cry pmor. Mi' c'oiuttitlon was unarketi by general
dt'bihity , hack er nu'i'ttmte anti loss of , 'tm'emlgtii ,
I 1iti been trruuteti jy several uhoCtom's for these
CoInlulsintS , bmut mecm'isci umo m'rmnianemmt reitef. I
annum ) ' ( 'ommeitmulci to commault iriu. L'opclsnd anti
milmeitarti , nuit nftev tao inonthi4 treatumuent I
fouitmi immysele i'cttrr ' thin I itOil leemu rem' tmclm'eu
or miltermm yenta. 'ilucii' turatmumsiut was kIiiftii onmi
t im''cii ' mi lmtm.I time ' I i felt vna mmistkcd tm cmli
bite sutm t , I feel puttsflt.d ilmut timt'y tire uumen 05
imutnor timmd will tIn se ttuCy agi cc to tb. Iuflmh Sri
enuirehi' wortimy of time commildemmec of the afflicted'
TOVti , iXl'IN5i ; : .
Thm cost of a fimil cemimuse of treatiiient
with it' , ( 'oloetnuiti auiti Shueparil is a hittits
fee imr nioluthu , is'iii'thmer thai requumuite imb-
tied of tretttmllemmt be tiurce nuuomithms or timnea
% reehts , 'rithm4 fee inielmmtii'ui all immetiiciiieiu amid
time comlstmilut mtiiui wateimfimi care of all jun.
tie'tuts to a thmimil cure.
Trial Trcntmtmcnt thl'cit Proc.
L'OUNt' ' ti.liitltM : iTOti 11L. , I
t l'o utm Imir I ) Iii clit I cm I C luty Coimmi ty A ml ut I I i
Expetietmo. ' ,
Mr. George Mitchell , of Clay Cenmtr.
comnutl' ciemlc of Cuts' eommmmty , Nob. , nflmi me
maim of caliber nmmmi clmaracter , writes lit
Dr. Simeluam'd unmde ( hate of Jnttuar ) ' 7 , 1&&I '
. ;
- ' p
, .
- '
- tlt' ; :
\'t . , I - " .
Clay Ccmmter , Nob.
"After a timorommgli imcrsonuh teat ot your
tremmtmnent for clumonte eatnrm'ie timid facial
eczema , I em glad to entlorm'e it in a pub-
iic % vmty. My catarmimul trouble of 5ev-
oral years' mutnmidimmt and was all timrough
iil3P systeiui-in time lmemtti , stotumacim and bo'-
els-aumi it lund a very tierZmtCioUH effect
upon mmmy health , Fullness iii mn' head.
nhlegm in time imose anti throat with in-
digeattomi and Luiomitimug , were lemtttlnmg fl'flmp- '
torus , Ifcht timmit nmiy vigor rmmumh Imouhily pow-
cr8 vere in every vmey inmimniremi imy thu
catarrimal poison , My imomms ( belief-after
hintiinmg out nil about It niyseht , is timmit your
mumetiiotls nrc ntcietmtiiic , multi really wonderful -
derful 1mm results. You have ctmred in my
Caine two very obatimmate commilulaints-eme-
tarrh and eczonmia-and I am imiglmly grati-
Ihetl. I will tb all I can to extemmd your
mmractico among my fm'iends.
Fi12'4'1' bTEi' IN .IilIl ( lltlIiSIl.
For those desIring time mmiii treatment
time first step is to sammti letter or Postal
to 1111 mmmd 312 N. V. Life Iild'g. , for Drui.
Copeimimiti timid Simepard's qucettoim list or
symiiitommi blamml. Itcttmrn tim same after
fiiiimmg out answers to printed questions ,
unmet treatment mime ) ' begin mit oimcc.
omce flours-C to 15 a. m. : 2 to I p. m ,
} venmngs-Wednesdays and Saturdays only ,
6 to 8. Sunday , 10 to 12 mmm.
J'4/il' #
, v/fl t
; /
. _ -i , _ _ _ _ ,
The Greatest Success of Moder
Piano-l3uildhmig. Only feet and S
inches long , yet containing nil tli
finest points of ( tic Concert OranJi
46,000 , Royal Hurmun Pianos
We have sold over 700 '
ill Onialia and
Council Bluffs.
Is not this in itself a rccom-
mendation ?
'Jiloso viio hutm'o bought tltomii itt ColIn.
cii Ilitiffs : Vt' , 11. Itmmffeorii , 'tufrs , j ,
: i I I hL'I' , \ I mjmi. s mmin 11 mit' mmmii it , t1 Ito. Iiensio
Iluigmu'ty , A. Milcimehi , MrN. .1 , Ii. heed ,
( icolgu F' , "m\'i'igitt , uI vn. H. 'IV , .Tackmoon ,
Lk'iut 'i'Oimlig , F' . II. Hill , C. Ii , uImimtner.
eltot' , I'rot. J. ii. Shinmimmi , MrH. M. .1. Al-
ii'ot'tim , : li'bI.v , 14. hirtIcci' , 'ui rum. I1 F.
Cogk'3' , A , IC. Siomic'V , A , Clmtmk , Hvu ,
h. fluti'mimu'd , ! mlt'mu. Ft'ank Scmtimlttiu , It.
\ic'ICemmtlt' . .1 , it.ielCciizl , 1u1m'H. Ii , 0.
.Simtionmi , 0. II , Hi'os'Ii , N. ' , \\'iiiinimimi ,
.1. 5Vlisomi , A , C , Ih'imipmiey , ( ieorga
1' . hioitrdmmtumn r. ,5d immnimn I'feifl'er , U.
ItVittt'i' , II. 0. Cook , Eiizthm.'tlm : Vomit ,
. . ' ' ' ' ' ' utIsut
E. A. 'I'oggt'iitnt't't'y , Emmmmmime V ,
l"iost , uim's , I I , Slit II' , JoInt ii. IJolmmn ,
'ulm'sm , ( mmhlhu , huh' , tl l'14. 1) , 1' , , IOl1itvmthl ,
' 1' , \ . IC. CJu'miy , lIm'd , Iti'i't hit LImttmilOl ) ,
; r. v. Ilnipomi , , Iohiii Stecit , John 14. -
i'it'rIt , A. Ii , Slitter. ul rim. ( ii'iicO Comi-
m'mtmh , l'rof.'hhlitin ; Sm'liimiohlt'i''I' , t.
Shtislier , Aimtirtisv I'vtei'somn , 1)m' . .1 , Ci ,
hmts'imi , Fii'th Shmtitmmi' . MFH , ? ti , ItiSdORm
( I. i' . ltntc'limi , ? mi mjs. ( j , t1 , Ctllly , 1' , Ih.
'mtuiglmtomi , H. I' . Ntmwlmmtil , Cora f.
Simmmummmi , 2ui ret. ' 1' . 1 1. 0. Hmmsoi' , 1Irei , 3. H.
laiumt'omm , Mrs.V. ( . ileihin , J. 0. 'mViL-
COY , V , A. ( Jham'k , IC. V. ( ot'u'ne , Mrs. 31.
htimger , A , N. ( h'ihiin. Mrs. Anna A.
IitLtdbUli , 31i. ICeefe , Graham l'arlc.
'i : . : :