Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1894, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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b TIlE OlLAJLDAILY : BEE : BUNDA . Y , DEOEMBflB . :30 : , 1894. 11 1
' " . '
1 W01TIan'S D01TIail1.1
curmlCT CiTUmS ! :
Stnnnln ! Stflf4 the TRlorlrn : IRklnl for
' Cotdct WeRther ,
Wenr Uurlnl thn Cnhlclt
She was walking down PIfty.eventh street ,
" New York , lke lamlet In his flowering hour ,
"the observe of nil observers.
Slim 08 a young reed , In her tght-ftlng ,
. Mverely plain tailor gown , she yet seemed
the Very mol ot correct form ; and as she I
, tripped by beautifully unconscious of her nIl-
miring audience ant sweetening the wintry %
aIr wIth I huge breast knot of violets , an
.eager youn woman In her wake took In the
glass or fashion.
Her costume was or heavy chinchilla wool ,
marked like a hlrd's egg with distant black I
and white speckles. The smarty flared skirt
, val cut Just long enough to be beconilng
to her little walking booted feet , ant was
: Just short enough to escalle the ground aLt
The Jacket j , a sort of young Newmarket ,
came down hal way between the waist alt
knees ; and tC flatten them , on the shoulder
after the present approved pattern , the tOis
of the big 11101 sleeves were laid each In
I heavy triple hex Illalt.
From one hailt tangled a muff of black
lynx , as largo al n modest beer ! eg , The
other slender , white kidded member caressCI
by moments a hugo black beast that served
; .
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DS a throat lumer , or again tilted the
I skirt to show n rich white slt lhiiing . and
which , hy the way. Is a late fad In skirtdoin.
, A turban of hack lynx , that came , Vei
down on the forehead and hid the tins of the
cars , formed the head covering. I was
trlmmCl only with a stf paint brush aigrette
that stood straight up In front.
Altogether , the dainty wInter's mornIng
vision had reached a point of modish excel-
hence that even the mot Ironclad superlcrlty
might envy : but the question that distracted
the wO lan bh1nd I her was not "How does
" "Is she cold ? " And
she do I all ? but
herein , considering the freezing moment , lies
V material for serious discourse.
One of the winter tricks to make the al-
Wa8 popular taior gown comfortnblo on bit-
tar days Is to Interline the jacket throughout
with chamois - ,
Again , where this cosy protection Is only
desire 01 occasions an entire snugly-fitting
jacket of ehamols will be worn under the
oul'lde one Sometimes , over the coat , a ,
short , full fur cape will bo pressed Into serv-
' - Ice : but the very un-to-date tailor Ilrl prefers
& the leather intrhintng . with I muff and tippet -
pet by way of atlltonat wrapilings. In this
way the very fiercest winds can be braved
and the unity or the tailor gown preserved.
In lieu of flapping petticoats , cloth leggings
and chamois lined riding breeches are some-
times worn tinder the flared outside skirt.
I Is too late of course to expect anything
new In the way of winter dress materials
but to many , the stuffs that distinguish
/omo of the stunning gowns that now dot
the streets will bo entirely unfamIliar. The
Englsh blanket serges , diagonals and smooth
faced cloths long known , are still used
' Other and more elegant textures for plain
gowns are brown and mouse colored corduroy -
\ duroy , boucle cloth which Is covered with
. curly rings of hair , and crepons grained ant
, 'r' figured ,
r fgured
" The rougher the crepon thin moro dlstn-
: - gulshcd It Is consldercd , but along wIth other
coarse surfaced and hairy wools , will be
Been sometimes an effective gown 11 shinIng -
Ing black mohair sergo. I
'fho tailor-made costume mayor may nol
bo trlmmet , Iralts put on In stilt military
fashion can bo coiled Into stylish account
and for bedecldng as wel aK useful pur-
poses , great buttons of tortoise shell , enamel ,
, or hand-painted metal can bo used. Aaln ,
on a gown of perhaps green boucle cloth
perhaps little animal heads lay take the
Illaco of buttons for the jacket : anti over
these wi bo looped frogs of heavy silk or
Persian sewed round to simulate cord.
The most fetching street costume ot the
: monient , however , has only 1 guy lining by ,
Way of ornamentation. :
I'or exaiiiph' , a Illaln French waltng suit
of blaclt crelln , IS rough as sanllllaper , wi
S lVtcVll/AMfi , /
- - - - - - - - -
reflect 11 entire petunia or magenta under
. u rtaCt ,
A captivating English model a short.b
tex cost and land skIrt of liquor brown
corduroy bas a lning , Qr bhh qrJlu e silk ,
a dtcaIe \ iuuse-coiored lQ111 18 made over
3hie. or 1 wore wear : I. desired than this
- - - - "
fashlonblo but ea1hy damaged foundation
btue will afford , the lining may be 01 cornflower
blue.To initiated eyethearer of time darling
rig may seem a sombre creature Dut that
proper hlack brown or blue gown hal chame-
leon posslbltes , , A moment before a lle- ,
mute leer or Inky crow maybe , let there
come a Rust 01 wind to rattle frock tais
antI jacket ends and 101 ! the tailor girl Is
Jclet Into I Ilaradiso bird of the very
highest order
A good model for these street skirts Is
the one that has I front and two slte ( gores ,
unit from three to seven godet visits at the
back Theo open and shut with m.'ement
hike a fan . amt from llem to belt the entire
skirt Is stiffened with haircloth , , Nowhere
simouiil It touch the ground , anlt II so desired -
sired I wire braid under the Inside foot
facing will Increase the Itand-of effect at the
bottom .
But Instealt of any of the brilliant flower
tmflrA-nfmn r , , Il mere tmol to catch the 11-
wary : -o'1 'l : - girl of brains anti shim
nurse chooses Instead a 01,1 , black gros
grain , or neat , easiy cleaned alpaca , as a
lining for her street dress skirt.
lning gmTI JAnIER ,
SI'V : 11'II : - - : 1'\lIS.
how Cay lrcnch l'cnpln . Celebrate the Jour
110 m I.nn.
The Parisian New Year has none ot the
characteristics that mark Its other holidays.
I Is the ilny 01 the year , al its French
" lIe i'amm " lnllieS' and where
name , "Jour lan , Inples ; whee
time other fete3 may be celebrated ! y func-
tons , New Year Is n time for nit classes , for
rich and poor , high ant low , Ulike.
The new leaf of good resolve of all the
world Is turned over and the day Is marked
by a childishness nnlt dllllomac thaI seems
sttalgely commlnglell.
Family feuds arc forgotten anti visiting
carts put UII In little unseahed envelopes of
the sale size Ire sent to evl tIme most
Indifferent acquaintances.
'Vito concierge , II whose black books one
has perhalls been written for n period . Is
sortett with a donceur. Even the washer-
womnn mist be remembered ; ( ( mid . I so in-
chimed , you can with perfecl etiquette add
another to the heal of splenllhl bouquets
that covered with horn of white pal'er ' uml
hlnnchlsserlo tied with. sashes window of satn . ribbon , lie In her
Good luck Is supposed to follow every
penny given to the blls ! : that swarm the
stl eets anti to the stranger eye the sides
seem fairly to rain sugar plums.
And such sugar pluls ! Oue1ma travel In
many hands and see many things , but no-
where cal sugar thUms be found In such eye
and Palate delighting shalles as In Purls.
Indeetl. bon lions may be saId with truth
to rule the roost on the French New Year.
All always In high favor with the raY
trlle.lo\'lng ParisIans , they form on that day
time staple medium of scial Intercour.e ,
'rho etrenne time New Yenr's gift of the
morning . Is always accomlanled by n box
of candles tell elegantly wih rIbbon : and
along with the funny perfunctory : Itle Idss
01 each check , more oren than not , even
men relatives and friends exchange satin
bags of chocolate or caramels.
The diamond necklace thaI roes perhaps to
the martlulse Is smothered la slgal'et rose
leaves and violets Tile jewel box cf the
actress Is heaped high with tinted ahnonds.
And he the gifts of time hourgolse. the shop-
keepers , the glove sewer and he 1 fewer
mnler what they may ; , they arc Invariably
sweetened In some elegant and dainty fashion
with boo bons.
nut to ace tIme New Year candies In their
most characteristic Inrlsl:1 exc lencE It Is
necessary on that day to make a visit to the
Here , from the Place lIe \Opera to lime I St.
Denis Gale , stretch great glittering hop
windows blooming with sweets In ovey &n-
cclvable color and shape.
There arc monkeys and babboms : In choco-
late , cats , dogs , pigs and 1'1 IllJr In
tinted cream : sugar lies , roses and orchids :
even cabbages , carrots , turnips , onions and
asparagus , incredibly natural , and nil of
which , When their crIsp outer crusts are
bitten intd , will send down the elch.nted
throat delicious streams of cordial.
At the outer edge of tIme pavement , all
along each side of the boulevard , there will
bo little booths hurriedly knocked up to catch
the holiday buyers , and made gay with
colored calico . These reproduce lu humblcr I
materials , for a more modest trade the '
treasures of the shop window The grand
lady dolls and plnchlnelesPunch and Judys
-tho satin and paper onbonleres , and all the
hundred and one other charming trifles that
travel under tIme head of "articles do Paris "
and thnt have done so much toward building
up the fame of that city
TIme best time to "do" tIme boulevards on
New Year's day or any other for that mat-
ter Is In the afternoon.
Then time animate , as well IS the InanI-
mate show lay be secn : and of the two the
latter Is by tar the more Interestng ,
The morning has been entirely given up to
on Interchange of presents and kisses anll
perhaps a family visit or so , but Immediately
after 2 o'cloclt , tIme true Parisian begins to
"tInner" the boulevards Here will be a
tat old gentleman with his fatter wife , buy-
lug pink sugar candles wIth chocolate wicks.
A Latin quarter student In 1 "beret , " I sort
of Tar O'Shanter call , comes next ; and fur-
tImer on perhaps , will bo two 01 len , decorated -
rated , patent leathered , :11 beaver hatted ,
who wilt boldly meet with aim embrace on
each cheek , before begInnIng the New Year I I ,
n Ci time ; " door of a great shop some hal
dozen ladles with very red faces and white
cotton CpS are shown ont with ceremony ,
They are a deputation of fish women train
the Holes marlet. And presently laden
with boquets they will be rolling In carriages
toward the lysee palace , going curiously
enough to pay , wIth diplomats and hllh
dignitaries , their respects to time presimlent . ,
All Is gayety. Everybody laughs , and
everybody Is politely "monsleured" and
"muadamned. " Priest and sisters of chariy
with schools ot boys amid girls In tow to see
time sights of the shop windows , jostle people '
of all sorts and degrees ot le , I Is only I
when time long stretch of dusky boulevarlls begin -
gin to break Into gas jets and illuminated
signs that time crowds go home to the family
dlnlor that Is also a prominent feature of the
Paris New Year ,
Imlrolltu Conkll !
Frol nohelian haunts unappetizing echoes
have been caught of restaurant guests cookIng -
lug their own suppers-now , behold this
strange , now fashion Is being rapidly adopted
by New Yorl's exclusively fashlonnble set
What the one class do for economy or
'ronsltent unconventonalty , time other of-
feels for fun or mimicry of artistIc life.
Time conditions of the cookery may jump
from a gas steve to a silver chafing dish ,
but time elements remain the mamne .
'rhere Is Ilogether an atmosphere of 101-
\'Ivlalty amid good ullierstanding that at-
tachel Ise'f ' to this mode of operation to
which the sons or the brush and Pencil were
born , I Is no uncommon sight at I Twelfth
street Ilension to see Iehanl Harding Davis
1)'lng about with a beefsteak Ilpalell on 81
Iron fork about to he Iommltell to n broier ,
his Mess COlt nlaty folded on u chair near
by , F . S. Church , the artist , at the same
limos , mixing saiaml lime huge whie bowl , and
a score or other wel known young men discussing ,
cussing inside Intormaton nn currrnt ques-
tons while stewing O'ftor or 1pparlng the
lobster a la Nowblrg , The goad natured
ialan chief fnding Ingrpllelts an.1 . utensils .
priding hllEel all the while on time fact that
the most talked ot men of the hour use his
kitchen to obtain thllr nightly sustenance
A feW weeks ago It a cafe where It takes
more thal a re llctalJ Income to dine , a
young society lan , who itrides himself upon
Lila euleurean fastidiousness. objpcted to the
malier II which his oyster's ' wire prelared ! 1
"l.'elch me a chafng dbii . " II Bald , to the ,
Istonlshell waler , "and I'l show you what
oyster to the taste mire like. " Time dish
was brought , and sOle few friends strolled
over to SN the thing well 110nr. Adlirably
the dl'h and the with
executed was ' , men ate wih
the gusto that follows ICt.VI ) ' .
The next evening the 'oung lan brought
a friend or tIme other sex Into the restaurant ,
and limo same muthod was adopted , only she
became elef uf f the occasion .
Now that the Idea hu caught on , \ 18 tie
unusual sight after time theater to find many
quiet little groups a\'ounll restaurant thles
occupied by chfng dish and ballnar , Tile
' cooks whIle the
young wontu or chaperone , whie
men either help or look on. Walters who
are liberally tipped stand about mind seem
rather to enjoy the no'oty ; than disapprove
of II. Organized society has heretofore looked
disapprovingly upon the habits of those
known as conventional anarchists ; but , 10. a
change has taken place now the cult of , the
Bohemians has become the cult of the social
Uraim m ins ,
: lndlsholcn lag OceplyEmigagcil limO IRr8 In Mllt-
NEW YOlt , lec , 29.-Special.-Astrology ( )
II the tomlnant occult attraction In London
at time majority of West Enlt "At 10mes , "
No hostesl Is considered 1 success at such
unless she provides an astrologer as one of
the attractions .
tn New York the art Is practiced sub
rosa , antI , although hosts of society women
de\'ote much precious Unto to the study of
their fate as revealed by sun , moon amt I
stars , \ery little Is sall about I to the out-
sldo world Intimate friends form a coterie
which melts once I week , possibly more
frequently . to listen to lectures on astrology
and Incidentally-so they say-havo their
fortunes revealed In the heavens
"On time sllnls just from Mama
And read their fate throuh the singing
stars , "
Wlh many ladles It Is simply n pastime :
with others I might he called a maier of
business : social life , phianthropies amid dress
even being regulated for them by messages
from the spheres
To alcml an astrological iccture or seance ,
Is at least to Pass on entertaining hour ,
II one Filth I avenue residence , Iy lady's
! boudoir luxurious anti swcet with ! urnllg
incense , which lends all Oriental touch to
the occasion , Is oren the ren.lez\ous . of hal
a Ilozrn frlells for whom ever'thlng caba-
lstc has 1 charm
The hlHh priestess Is a woman who 11\ldps
her time between Boston and New York amid
so much are her services In demand for
lect ( tres . castng horoscolles and natvites
that I Is e'tremely dllcult to see her unless
an allpolntment Is malle In advance She
has Ilr regular "clents , " or patrons In
New \'orlc , and , alhough willing to foretell
$ worth of fate In the stars , so to speal\ \ ,
$ ; anti $10 Is her usual clmarge while for
very elaborate anti careful ) ' Ilrepared horoscopes - '
' that
scopes which prognosticate everything
can possibly happen II a life tIme , $100 Is
not an unusual charge.
Mrs Dunlal' 10pltils Is one of the most
enthusiastc devotees ot astrology She even
once put off n journey because , alter COI-
suItIng niamlame she was assurtl that I
woul turn out unpleasanty ; a shlpwreclt or
ome other little contretemps being indIcated
b ) Saturn . which Is a malevolent planet : tIme
other e\l Illanets , by the way , arc Mars and
Mrs Wiiam K. Vamlerbl Is devoted to
astrononH' with a decided leaning toward
nstrology : ' Perhaps , considering the present
unpleasantness In her domestc circle , she
may ! e depending upon a comlaatol of the
Illanets to restore harmony after their pello,1
of hostile Influences ha,1 , passed
Mrs. Vanderbilt Is n subcrler to the
publications of the Royal Astronomical
society and possesses a wonderful collection
of telescopes-In fact If horoscopes were only
cast with telescopes , she would he quite independent -
dependent or a priestess. Perhaps her sus-
pense In regard to the futre has already
been tion. relieved ! y alt astrological cOlsula-
The Marquise Clara J.auza unhesitatnglY
To explain maters a little to the uninitiated -
ated , astrologers divide the sky Into twelve
equal lJrt . called the houses of heaven : each
division has Its special influence , as Indicated
In the accompanying cut :
'as. .
70 < 0
! , &
- - -
' 2 $ '
confesses to consulting an astrologer before
engagIng In any special work-like beginning
I new level , for Instance
Irs. Ogden Goelet consulted an astrologer
once upon ) a time , more for the fun of It per-
haps than anything else. Her horoscope was
as follows :
In casting a horoscope the astrologer first
places the signs of tIme zodiac In their proper
locations for the date and hour of birth and
then sets the planet In their respective
places In the houses.
To return now to that Interesting docu-
menl , Mrs. Goelet' horoscope. ler birthday
was November 8 , 1858. The sign Sagittarius
was on the cusp of the first house , and both
Mercury and Jupiter were In the ascendant ,
whlo Venus hod just risen above the eastern
horizon. The mon was In the third 11use
nnI In Pisces _ Uranus In the fifth house , In
_ , , _ , n _ , _ _ _ _ ,
Taurus ; Saturn In the sixth , also In Taurus :
Mars In the ninth In Leo and tIme sun In the
eleventh In Scorpio. The ascending sign
gives the lady the tail stature ant lIght
complexion which Is her style , as well as the
courtesy for which she Is noted. She Is
rather qulcktempered-so the stars declare
Venus , so near time cusp of time ascendant ,
bestowed 1 great taste for music , The moon
In the thlrll house , indicated a fondness for
short tours Saturn In the sixth house , Is
unfavorable : It warns of sickness to come
The sun In time eleventh Inlllcates time pos-
session of good and firm friends
Other ladies interested In this "science , "
suppose we cal I out of deference to the
lathes , are Irs. Burke-Hoche , Mrs. Frederick ,
Vanderbilt , , Miss Annie Cameron , Irs. New-
comb eli Mrs. Fernando Yznaga.
As 10 the men who consult astrologers , I
the facts were known , they are even more
devoted to time study of the stars than women ,
Mr James Waterbury and a hot of others
have horoscopes cast at least once a year and
usually much oftener ,
The late : Ir , Jay Goull spent considerable
money on this hobby and always con/uled '
an astrologer , a woman , by the way , to whom'
alone time he paid $ 50. Mr. George Gould ,
too , has had his fortune read In the heavens ,
lie also hall the good luck to be born under
the sun , which In the language of the spheres
"was In good ' aspect to limo Illanet herschel . "
"lie will be quite affable anti klnll , have a
good temper and seldom get out of temper :
will gpneraly enjoy gooll health , and there
Is nt danger but that he wi live to Ill an old
man Will be fortunate In marriage "
"Iimidly see Ir my business wil succeed
this year , and please give me any other 11S-
sage from the stars , " Is a frequent request
accompanied by the date of birth ( as well as
a bill ) sent by lany huslnes men to astrologers -
gets , before a lew enterprise Is untlertalten
Mr Dppew has often had his horoscope cast
alli kindlY gave me the result for use In this
lie was born at G o'clock on the morning
of April 23 , 183t , and at that hour the elgh-
teelth degree of time sign ot Taurus was
risimmg . wlh the planets mill above the earth ,
except Saturn , These facts are 8ulllosel\ \ to
make Mr. Deimew's horoscope n remarkaly
favorable one. Jupiter amid Venus were In
oniunctiOfl. time former being In the houEe
or fortune : which II governed by the blgn
Gemini This Points to time amasing of a
fortune. Mr IppeIs supposed to owe his
success a an orator ta the Jlanet
Mercury-tho Planet , ct wit , genius
and intellectual superiority , The sun above
the imorizon on the day of his nativity makes
him anxious for 111aco and Power , but the
e\1 planet Saturn repeats its warning that
this Coa never be , and : Ir. Delew roust content -
tent himsel without public 0111cc. 'hls op-
position of Saturn II the only cloud over an
otherwise brilliant horoscope ,
. .
- - - -
1 I. . " < m" ,
Doucet of l'arll has capped the clmax of
exquisite creatons In emlnlne toleta In ,
cown that nrrlve'J the orfler.l day o. ' 1.
UretRgne for Miss De Wutt . , ItC , wear In the
ltrawlng rom scene of "Th Jdmosqueraders. "
Time rose Is the text , so to , Ik. ot the
dress The full flaring skirt , lD sweeping
length Is of pale yellow shltrerlng satin
embroltered to the knee wih'IO trellis of
roses In lovely pink and , bhth rose , , tInts , .
This embroidery Is done by hand 11 relief ,
time rose Petals being actual , leaves of silk
wrought upon the satin In such wise DS to
make them stand out quIte , , as , .rat roses
would clambering upon a lattice. Above the
trellis the skirt I spangled to the waist wIth
minute gold lntihiettcs .
The bodice represents a cluster of Pink
roses ted with a sash There Is It 10unltn-
lon body or yellow silk amt chilon , anti
across the front arc set three full blown ,
long-stemmell roses time stems of which ore
thrust under a girdle ot Pale lea-green -
vet . which forms all the lower Portion of
tIme bodice ; this Is slghl , wrinkled instead
of being perfectly smooth ; the stem fall be-
low limo girdle Ilter the skIrt carrying out
the quaint conceit that the bodice Is 1
boquet. Onl large rose Is also fet on each
short puff sleeve
A new Worth Mess that MIss ne Wole
wears In the first net at the hunt bal Is
also a novelty , The skirt Is of palest lllvery
gray satin , opening at time left side to the
waist over I petticoat panel of pale green
velvet embrohlere ! an over In festoons of
silver : the satIn < hnr,1pr',1 where It fals
npart' ; over t tn ! -ieen- with , a leaf I pattern
Into wllllh time stalin Is actually shaped , each
leaf richly embrollered by hanll In rilver.
Bodlco very low back anti front , of whlo
chllon above n deep celnture of darkest
green satin : shouhler Imots of the sale above
short lrld sleeves of lighter green velvet ,
strapped with slver , -
1'IISI101' M.tlIItS.
1-"AthIIU " 'rIACO " 'o'mien Are Uevntec4 to
Ito ! , , In S Ii . ml' ,
English women are teaching American
wcmen sOle important facts about fetgear
We know today that a touch of patent leather
removes the shoe from street use , except In
the case of walling to ali trom afternoon
teas or lunelmeomi . That only seal or calfskin
Suits the I'avments , that low shoes are to be
reserved for summer wear , that spats are
not good form , except for men , all that laced
shoes are time smart thIng for limo forenoon
We have also learned to say "bootmuaker , "
Instead ot "shocman , " ali to place our boots
careful ! away on "trees" II a row , Insteat
of hanging them In the compartments of a
litton shoe ! ag.
But when It comes to dressing the feet fcr
the house commend me to French art Possl-
lily there Is no clique ot fashlonablo women
In the Unied States who acknowledge thIs
as universally as do the toclal leaders of San
Fra nclsco.
There exists In one of the narrow avenues
In Paris a bootmalter who asserts that his San
Fr.mcsco trade would reap him II respectable
Income I he hall no other cuslomer3. Ito
can exhibit on Inc shelvcs ot his little shop
the woeden lasts of every society woman of
the Gate City . with but very . few exceptions.
Buylu French bouse shoes Is n' monomania
with these westerners and the stranger In-
vltcd Into theIr hospitable homes aclowl-
edges that the hostesses' feet arc indisputably
the most Iracefuly sheet on the cnntnent ,
For Instance , no San Francisco woman-I
mean among the set particular In this score
wes kid , either glace or' suPdo , Indoors.
Back satu Is the vogue. As soon as she en-
ters her home , walking or driving shoes are
taken oft and her feet slipped Into dainty .
shapely hlack ' satin boots Iined with heavy
whie satin and fastened , Hth' many small
saln " I
polished buttons.
I Is only on very great occasions that the
satin boot gIves place tC the satin slipper.
TIe women have learned "the French
woman's knowledge of art and low that un-
less one possesses an exceptionally well turned
ankle , shippsrs emphasize the defects that
boots conceal None of1'0 \ dressiness at-
ticlled to ! IIPerS Is lost1 , , Jot the hong
vamped , . hlg I-heele. perfectly-fitting black
satin boot gives distinctIon \0 \ the plainest
house gown.
Again there Is no style of shoe that as
seemingly diminIshes sIze. The bulkiness of
leather , the evIdences of heavy sttching that
arc Inescapable even In the boat turned kid
shoe , are done away with. Tine smooth sur-
face bears padding on the Instep anti can be
shaped upward Into an incredible arch under-
neath. One must pay $15 i to $20 for these
luxuries , and bo confronted with the fact that
one wears a No 3t Instead of a No 4 , but
these trivIal grievances are quite overbalanced !
by the other qualities of comfort elegance
and good taste , for , to quote an easter
" -n-jnn whn ho" ind vl.llr Calfornia , "My
friend " wore a"rib : t wlmen "lt -'v- s clothed in l
black satin It resembled a delicate comma
made with I camel hair brush In India Ink. "
- - - -
Itches and Ucnnx Who Canter Around time
' ) ' 10 hark tUI !
The most exclusive and swagger or/anlza-
lion In New York Is the riding club Nol to
belong to It argues you outsldo the pale of
that charmed circle described by the immortal -
mortal " 400 "
No lady may belong , but If she Is lucky
encugh to be the sister or the wife of I club
member she can "cnjoy time prIvileges of the
club , " whIch means keeping her horse at tim
club stables , drinking an early cup ot coffee
In tim club restaurant before taking her
morning canter : site may ride In the ring
every llay and all day , I she hikes : take
part In time weekly musIc ride and invIte her
.Innl" In n Iharmlnl little supper after-
. _ _ . _ _ _ u , " "
. .
ward , "a glorious spree , " as every gala
occasion Is now called.
Mrs. Frederick Vanderbilt , for Instance ,
keeps her saddle horse there. Mrs. Duncan
Elliott ( nee Salio Iargons ) has I high
stepper , decked out In tIm neatest of trappings ,
which site stables at the club , and several
tmes a week takes part In a music i-ide
Mrs Jack Uoodlood , Miss Kate Cary and
. Irs , August Belmont keep smart horses
there antI trequcnty canter around time ring
to lively airs admirably played by the full
LIttle Miss Frederlclm Webb Is oren In time
ring on tIme back of her prl e-wlnnlng pony
"Eccles' \Vomer ! " Her mother , Mrs.
Seward Webb , thlnl.s the music rides rather
uninterestng , although aim Is occasionally a
Icolter-on , "Tho horses prance so and so , "
she says , indicatIng with her hands I slow
n.ldn. hn Indicatng , wih , ) for mY nart I un
; ; l" care ' especimihiy ' ; ' nbout ! "en terlnlnlen t to ,
This , however , II not the "erllct of her
neice , Miss 11m1Y Vanllerbl Sloane , who
likes the music rides , and/Joh'peroned / by hH
mother , frequenty gives 1\ \ lithe supper to her
friends after I canter at the 'club. '
The music rides take plac In time evening
amid are of course the oClaslrns par excel-
lence , alhol h every orernobn durIng the
winter time Ilandromo recepton rooms have
time appearance ot a lively afernoon function ,
11arllcliary as 5 o'cloek al'proaches-that '
mystic hour where tea Is edmicerneth .
istmicrved l by h toot-
This grateful beverage IlerVd I -
man In all time glory orl a vpoWierctl , slt-
stockinged lunltr , who prGel 1 to set forth a
table with every ulpolathCIH for afternoon '
soclahlty , here congrettb the youths and I'
time maidens and the chaperons , uSlaly mothers -
ers and ehler sisters , to refresh themselves
before Ilnner , n 1 'IS I
I any at the party rarb to take part In
the ride , the supper comes ! race In tine evening -
Ing ; otherwise the ritlo anPCh ! music can ! e
enjoyed at coo and the sumac tme ,
Time table staOls naone'ot tIne large win-
dews , through which there II an outlook upon
the ring : timu table Is gay 'wih lower arid
glitters with lights and sliver and cut IlasB ,
There Is a men wblch leaves nothing toe
desired The hostess , upon the o occasions ,
has no leell to take thought ot the entertain-
meat ; she Is as free train anxiety II regard
to time nuttier as any ot her guests , for the
culEano Is faultless , and sols time service
l'rlu ; ' ; ; fur th" I l'lrst
"What would I prepare for a New Year
dinner ? " remarled New York'8 best known
chief "Well . that depends upon the number
of guests and the puuo For a dainty little
affair which , say from five to eight persons , I
would make out 1 lelU like this :
Cream of Celery ,
fled naVllerl stuffed wih o'stlrs.
'I'omatues stuffed wIth nnum'hmm-ooms
Graham hmiscuit .
Goose stured wih Irlndv aISIRl' l'UICh , Ind ( 'ilestuiuts .
Frui , ehee/c ami ( 'raCker.
Coffee and liqueurs.
"That dinner might take 1 little time tl
prepare , but I Is not upenslve For a larger
dinner , whcre ten to twelve guests are ex-
peeted , this would bo appetizing :
Hsqle of lobster. .
Bal'OII stulIll llerh. :
Mellow lltntoc !
Drrsts of chicken , It la Itmeu1ltms.
StrJlg beans n In Albanl ,
Piau of mltCol. preneh st'le.
Chicory wih cream ,
' Grouse with apPle smumce. .
wlh n\\le
Lettuce t'tihitml.
' fritters.
h'ineapmlo frl tel
Ice cream with walnul9.
Salelt almonds ,
"Ilow Is this bisque of lobster preparll ? ' . '
I asked Dolmuonico's chef , alt lIe gave mo this
recipe , whIch ammy good cook can prepare ! :
"It an amount for ten people Is to be lIre-
patt , cut twelve pounds of lobster In two ,
break the claws , sprinkle over some butter
amt cook them on / baking sheet In / hot
oven for twenty-five Ilnutes , Remove them
alt suppress the largest shells : pounlt the
meat with an equal quantity ot plain boiled
rice , season with salt , pepller and curry , amt
when It Is rCtucel1 to n paste dilute It with
broth , strain through a sieve , amt warm Ul1
the soup without being ! : thicken It with harlt
boied egg 'olks Ilounded wih four ounces of
butter . and mix In 1 pint ot cream "
For I large dinner wlero time hostess Is
la'II/ the table for eIghteen or twenty imeo-
lile a more elaborate lell has to ba thought
up This one advised by I chef seems lt-
mlrable :
Plre of Cnrrot / la Crec )
Fresh Cotliish . 1 III Norwegimtmm ,
Potato Cakes
Tenderloin of Beet
Oreel Pe ! Englsh 8t'le.
Canvasback tllt , with 11111 ,
I.etttmc .
I.el lce.
Ice Cream lo.lsse , with Marascimimio.
Nit tmt 1\111 Halslns ,
"Antt this Imre of carrots a la crecy ? "
1 queried "how lh you prel1ro It ? "
'Yotm Ilst use the rell harts of the carrots
only for this SOUII Mince two lmtmnds of tine
vegetable , cutting them wIth / Imlto Into
thin , length wI so slices. Pul two ounces ot
butter Into I salcepal on the fire , amt when
It begins to Imeat allt to It two ounces of
onions amI fry for one Instant : then add the
red carrots anti contnue to try slowly with-
out lettlg It bloln ; moisten wih three
quarts of broth , sal : multi a bunch of pars-
Icy , celery aunt bay leaf ald boil until the
carrots are entirely done : then Imt II halt
a pound ot rice Ilrevlously blanchell a lt
coolte In consomme , drain anti mash carrots
ant rice , Moisten the puree with broth Intl
thin enough , stir constantly , hearing on tine
botom to prevent Imree from adhering ; let
boll twenty minutes , remove scum anti fat
as soon as ) It appears season with salt and
sugar . and when ready to serve put slowly
In two ounces of butter , stirring soup until
buler melts.
"This , " he added , "tales tme , as the only
qUI ) ' for Its success , but II Is decIdedly a
new soup anti has met with much flvor , "
Tine fish that come Into tIme market with
' 95 are the kind epicures delght II , mil
many delcious dishes can bo PrePared for
a New Year dinner thnt have been fount
wantng for many tuonnths-hmalibtmt , perch ,
red snapper from the gull' salmon from
Oregon , American turbot , scallops anti terra-
pin H. H.
I'cmiumimuo Notes ,
nl\ ' , Ella m r , Iarlett , who was ordained
a mInister In 1877 , has just accepted a cal
as pastor of a Universalst socIety In St.
lrs. Elizabetim Cady Stanton and her
daughter Elzabeth , : , Stmmntomi-Dlatchm , discuss the
tmuestion of an etlucalonal test for suffrage
In the Woman's Journal , Mrs Batch Is op-
posed to nn educational qualification , and Irs.
Stanton Is In favor of one.
Mrs. Elzabeth Cook fellow In plmyblology ,
has been awarded the first , Dasln prize ,
amounting to $50. The prize Is offered b )
the Chicago \Voman's club for the best research -
search work In the natural sciences done by
a woman In the Chicago university.
Mrs. Dourlt Cockran , wife of time repre-
sentative from New York , Is back at her
Washington home and will probably take a
lomlnent part In time gayeties of this season
a ) : sine did In those of last Mrs. Cochran Is
a very pretty and highly educated wonman ;
A young English artist , Miss Id. Merrick ,
Is Imdertaltlng a work hitherto nol at-
temllted-tho painting of time women of the
Zenanas , She finds great difculy In coax-
lug them to pose In thetr graceful native
costumes most of them insisting on ugly attempts -
tempts at ParIs gowns. I
The executive board of the General Federa- : '
thou of \Vomen's clubs announces that a
history of the club movement In this country
Is to ! e written by Mrs. Charlote Emerson
Drown , Mrs Drown was the first president
of time federation anti ts devotell to time interests -
terests of tIne movement , though she ts not
one of the women identified with its earlier
- -
Slates and slate pencIls have been Ialsneu
. The
from Boston schoolS by olchil dictum.
light gray mark op time only slightly dark-
gry 01 .
lght '
cued slate surface Is pronounced very trying
eled Ing to the eye , and the operation of erasing
as most often practiced by children. Is not
ofen practced
only uncleanly , but unwholesome as well.
So time slates have gene , and paper and
pencis have come.
A timely comment on Christmas giving
Is founmd In a paragrollh In a letter which
h3isninrclc tine 1 "Iron Chancelor , " but mosl
tender and devoted husband , wrote to his
sister asking her to buy seine presents for
his wife. Time first suggestion was a piece
of jewelry , and ho says of It : "She
( Princess l3ismarclt ) wIshes for an opal
heart like Bsmarck you have , and a persomi's
desire lke his paradise . I ann prellared to
pay about $ i0 for it. "
Time Misses Swann are three Louisville
as designers -
girls who have made a success
ers anti carvers of cholco furniture. In
1880 Miss Laura Swann late a cedar chest
antI sold It for $35 , Miss Josie tried her
111 sell sold for $40.
hanl on a wardrobe. which was
_ rho _ third sitter designed and executed a
si.piece : simile which was quickly sold for
sJ.plece . The father then fled up I shop for
the girls. They prepare work only on or-
dcrs and seek only the best trade. No duplications -
cations are vernnitted. Tine designs , time
constructon lens , time carving , are all done by
time three sisters
FIAhlol NotcH
Moire slt petticoats lined wlh horsehair
are another inventions for keepIng the dress
skirts well spreall ) at the bottom.
Time butterfly sleeve , so pretty for evening
dresses can be easily made with two full
double rules of chiffon caught up on the
Artificial flowers In some hrlght color are
Arlfclot fowers
one of the features of evening dresses , es-
pecially these wor by younl ladles , antI are
Irranged pecialY high 01 the lef side of the bodice
Time long Spanish lace scarfs mnnay ! be , mniado
into very efectvo head wraps by oUllnlng
the pattern with 1011 threall and tying In at
each enll deep gold fringe. '
A heavy cord fuly an Inch antI one-hal
around , and covered with yelvet or a con-
trastiimt color or to match time dress , Is set
Into time ! olom of skirts to keep time ful-
ness out In time Ilocltet folds bO much de-
That tall ot fashion to adorn tine neck wih
all sorts allt conditons of ruches anti name.
less contrivances of lace , fur , heat\s \ anti \I-
vet , has de\'elollet possibiites never dreaml1 !
or when the immodest little draped neclhand
first mate its appearance.
One of time latest hapes In hats Is called
the "marquis , " I Is ronnll In form Ind
the brim turns up In such a way that I
"reembtes a big , rounlt tart. " The trim
mnimig consiSts of large bows or velvet In
satin ribbon anti plenty of black aigrettes.
Evening gowns are not the only lrses
In dcmanlt for the house party outfit . for
there musl bo day gowns , both Messy antI
plain , nn,1 , the inevitable taller made dress ,
whch ! , like the brook , seems likely to go on
forever I ma'nr ) ' In cut anti decoraton ,
but I Is always the ltress for real service ,
Tine latest colluro for pretty ) 'onng
women with lots of fufy hair Is arranged
quite low at the back anl waved over the
cars . bnt the Greek style , with a few soft ,
curlng locks aroult the face alt a knot
JUSl bllow the crown of the heat , Is mere
generally worn alt , Is vastly more beeom-
ills to the generalt ) ef women ,
A pretty aleroon Mess 01 black satin
Is mallo with fols of rc1 velvet Inserted In
time t1aleled skrt , The wait Is close fitting -
ting In the back wih a ) olntllt red velvet
yoke like the front , ellgelt with Mble. The
vest Is of \het and the blouse sides are of
narrow white satn ribbon covered with black
ION Ins ' rlon and se\ud together
Full niches of chton hllve wite , full enlls
of lace hanging directly down In front like 1
bib 1ack point d'esprltlet. striped with narrow -
row spangled jet and gathert Into n round
yoke , fnlshOl1 with a ful bertha of wide ellg-
inng to nltch , ant a sol collar trlumed with
jet anll farIng bows at the side , Is 1 pretty
famicy to ! , trmmnsoriu a ow-cnt ! black saln
101leo Into a mgn-neeKCl gown.
A pretty Confection easily mad hns 1
touliaton of five or seven vamlyke Ilolnts of
gtmipmmre Aronmt tllse whto soft
lace Is gatherel1 The nipper edge of
limo gulpnre forms the ( ollr , wih the aldi-
ton of bright velvet satin folds or draped
chiffon with rosettes nt the slle , A few jet
cads studlted over the gulpnro males It
moro dressy.
CU.VS . 11111.1 L12'IlS.
A Clark eountr , Ga" , couple recently cel-
ebrate.1 thllr galileo welhllg In the honse
In which the ) ' were marrlclt amid which his
been their homo conlnlously simice
A yommngu'omnami of lhmmtto . Iont" , applied
to nf court there the other day for permission -
sion to kill her lover who hlli jilted imer .
Sine thonght she had ' right to do so , hut
walte.l . to go about I legally and tlccorons ! . ,
A Wabash girl ot 19 , who rlccnly eloped :
1111 got Ilrrleo , took the 11ercanton to paste
the nnmbcr " 2t" In her shoe , 10 thlt I
the 11reacher aslte.1 qnestons she conll
truthfuly ( say she was "over 21"
Only one ont of every thousand marrlell
con pies live to celebrate their gollen wehlng ,
-but It Isn't best to lenlon this when yon
congrtuilte the brIde ,
" , \my has celebrated her golden wetitiimg. "
" \\'imat do you mean' " "The lan site married -
ried Is worth $2,000,000 ,
A girl Isn't going to b married soon If a
number or gentemen call on her on n SII-
dRY afternoon. When an'thlng serious Is
In prosllect all time men except time one who Is
In earnest drop off .
Site sat wih an anxious heart and hal
tearful eye furtively watching him as he was
abont to taste his first dinner He knew
what was passing In her mll1 After Ilnner
was over ho said : "l'mmi sorry for one thing. "
. ,
" ' " nmskemi "That I tildmm't
"Whnt Is 1t ? sine "Thlt Iltn't
get married sooner , so that I might before
this have enjoyell your delcous cooking
my love. As I cook you are I success. "
Ho led , but the messenger who should have
fown up to heaven's chanccry with the false-
hoott folded his wings over his ears and
dll nol hear it.
A remarltahle romance In real life has just
been roundCl oft In Orego" About twenty-
nine 'ears ago James lard went to work
for a farmer named Arnold . In Jackson
county Oregon , and a few months later married -
neil Arnold's stepllaughter. Soon after
hetween the two , Armmolti
trouble arose tlO men Arold
took his daughter away from Hard , and when
Hard went after her the two men qnarrled ,
and the result was Arnold was shot dead and
hard fed the state his wife secnred a
divorce and remarried Her husbaml died
' . Three 'ears Hard returned -
a few years ago. years nlO
turned to Jackson county , was recognized , ar-
reste for the murder of Arnolll , and sent to
the penlentary for a long term. During
his trial his forler wife visited hIm fre-
Quenty , time old love revived , and she worked
her hardest to secure his releaso. She circulated -
culated a petition for his porton , and after
two years her efforts were successful , anti
Hard was released , A few days ago the two
were reunited In marrIage near their first
I home
- . -
lUJUC.1'IO.'L ,
The total number of students In Yale Unh'er-
sity New Haven , this ( year , Is 2,350 , and the
nmummiber of Instructors 204.
Time statstcs fnrnlshed by Ohio ofcials
show that In the last year tax pa'er con-
trlbuted directly $13,000,000 for the lurposo
of tree education In time state. I
Time Prusslan grovernment expends over
$ roooo a year for tIme supper of the laboratorIes -
torIes connectell wlb the medical department -
meat of the University of Iierhin .
The sulan of Turkey ! has been the means
of establishing OOOO schools throughout his
omplre , not only for boys , but for girls also ,
which Is a striking departure trom time tra-
dltionai usage of his race.
Prof. Nicholas Ii , Maguire , principal
of one of time Pimilatielphiia granamner schmoola ,
has sent in imis resignation. lie is 80 years
of age and innms been comnnecteti witim time
public scimools of time Quaker City since 1842.
Time women teachers of Pinilntlehpimia vhmo
petitiomned for time sanno salaries paid moon
teachmers imave been met with tIme imropositiomm
tinnnt tine salaries of thmo latter ho redimced to
time femnmlmniino level. 'rho wives of tine macn
teachers Protest that timis will mmever do.
Time estimates of annual college expenses
given 1mm tIne new Yale calalogtmo are : Low-
est. $350 _ : general average , $535 : very liberal ,
$860 , as cornptmretl with these in time cOta.
logmie of 183.'J4 , wimiclm were : lowest , $350 ;
genmeral average , $591 , very liberal , $1,025.
Tim trustees of iiarmmard coilego arc con-
simlering time option of a plot of land suitable
for their purpose of Morningsithe liciginta ,
near New York. Aim anomiymnmous friend hma
given tine college $100,000 for a building , oim
condition that it will lie witimini a thousand
feet of Colmmmbia Cioilege.
Time immconntm of mmli time ennlowmemte of Wil.
llamas cohiege is distributed amumong tlmose students -
dents wino etc kmmowmn to nneeth nniml for time
partial or enmtiro 11a3'mermt of their college
hula , In accormiance with a recent vote of
time trustees , timia aid will be witimlmeld fromnn
anmcim students as fall to make it rc5pectabho
stand 1mm acimolarmmlmip.
Minnesota hints a larger scinoel fund titan
any other state ; numorti tinamm double that of
any except Icansas anti Texas , auth very mmmcii
larger titan eitlmer of these , It was derivetl
frommi tine sale of lummd granted by time gemm-
cral governmmiemmt aiii ( JiOV. ' ammiounts to nearly
p0,000,000 , which aura s'ill be mlomniilo wlmenm
all time lands are disposed of. Time funds mire
safely invested and will provide tin mmbmmmmmiammt
Income for as nnany emlucational lmistitmmtionmmm
as Mlmmntesota will ever imeeml iiotlm of time
lakotas hmnmve ahundammt edtmcationmml lirovislorna.
North ialcota lies over 3,000,000 acres antI
Sotmtin iakota over 2,400,000. Nonmo of timis
lanml cant be ohtl for lees tlmamm $10 on micro.
anti tinder tIme commetitution of time state ommly
time initerest of time lroceenls cmiii iio useti ,
Time fund is permnmamiemmt. Time state of'aslm -
immgton hmas grantemi 24129,780 acres for its
sclmool8 , of su'imiclm 2,2131,780 mire for tIme coni-
hiatt schools , anntl time rest for time state
unIversities amid scientific inistitutions ,
MI 1'1e most delicious and economical breakfast food
y iii the wide , wide world. Pure and sweet. Try it !
\ Sold only In a lb. I'aclminges.
( NsvaaaTmtssmA )
P5PARD UNDtI ) HE rossaut.a or
Dose. onop.
Price her phlmil of 2 tirmiehimna , $1.
SSND , o 5005. . Is )
. , REVOLVER 50 AND noxo :
C 0 it. , , , tIei Iotnintion .m ' , 0 , ntm n.m. , , I
, . , , ' , ,
omr apmJ ttr.nj rt'tss an4thii
, , . , , , , , . , ,
Aitonitic tlh.'ti I frrmmr t'mtie eti
, ' , , , . , , . ,
flevomr m'iim tett ll.te nii.'r
. , ,
. , , .
Inlet mtsdmb ' crIrttc. 320504
, , , , , . , , , , .
.itIbeT. I ti otT I nut. to Iolucs Iimi
brniorcisLtL EASTLAK E MFC. CO.
Corner Adamsnind State Sts. , ChICAGO.
Mme. Yale's
Complexion and
Health Remedies
Sold by all
Druggists ,
Highest Honors
From World's Fair
Endorsed by
. .
Mane. Ya1e' Iloaaquartora.
, , ,
146 State ist Chicago
: : : . : . . . . - .
( F1 ; Ti.-Tj.j :
: : : . : : . . A ?
Iv'Chrouic , , i
Nervous ,
1'riva '
t\w\\ ' -.t\t ' '
'I'1EitT.iEN1' lIt' MAIL , Constmltmmtinu Free.
We cure Catarrh , all diseases of the
Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and KIdney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost ManboQtI , and
1)eltltty on' mxltttution , VastlngVealtmnems , in
voluntary Loeses , with , 1arly m.mecuy in yourmm
mtrmtl mmuidlle aged , immeti of viuim. vigor tmimdnvaiteme4 ,
prematurely In 8protncimIng iII mmge. MI yeilrl
readily to our mmcmv ( meattmieimt for loss of vital
mower , Call on or miidmess with stmmmnp fur cii- .
cuter , . tree boonc omni neceiitts ,
Ur , Searles and Searles ,
rOR0PS Puruly
Vegetable ,
Prepareti tronn tIme original to mania m.
rerved lit tiiti Arehivci- limo l'oly ( .mlmmd , ha' . ,
.uguu authetitic history dating baos600yoai-j ,
( or all Stomach , KIdney anti Bowei
troubles , cspecioliy
Zr1co 150 cemats. Sold by all druggists ,
the Francisan Remedy Co. ,
(31 Vtf 1JRF. ST , CUZCAOO , ILL ,
for Cirmumlns'i'd limuatramed Cnlendar ,
For saleJiyhu & Co. , 15th & ilonglas
_ _ , _
ha oltl tminmler pobiliro wrjttezm ituartluttee , by
amitimorizod nertN oily , in cure \Vesmk Mt'nior , '
of lirnuin mmmd Nm'rve l'awern i.ot Msmmimottd'
q Imim-kmncm-ml ; Nmglmt. isc.s ; Evil lrenmmicm ) l.cck a !
( , oofttlenmrem Nervmmmnt'ss ; Lashitmtiaj iii lraiims ;
Loss , f l'ower of time tennrativoOreun. iii chImer
mcI , reused ' ( ( , m'z.'rtiomm . , Youiimfmmi Errorsor
hzet'sm'eo t'Fnm l't 'J'ihaccmi , ( ) pimmrmm or Liquor ,
wiiirlm Iemnia ma Mhcmr ) ' , ( 'mtniiitiitlmn , hmIsannt7
itnd luthm. By inittli , l is lois ; six for iwltIn
written mfnnlr.Immtee hi tore or yefaud zmmontm'y , weet'
Lieu I'll. , iuro : Hick htemtmheimtm. hlmtiommmmaeas
l.ivm'r ( kmr.immannmt. Hnmr , Sttmimrtthm Iyitci'sims and
t.c.netlputiunm. 6UAli.t1Til * buedoulyby
OQdrna Drug Co , Oamabi. '