Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , } | FU1DAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1891.
pnlly lice ( without Sunday ) Ono Year. . . .ISO
Iliilly nntl Sunday , Ono Yunr. . 1J
6i.T.Monih . go
Three Montlm . * J
fiiimliijr lice , Ono Ytvir. . 2 0 <
fiiiturdny lice. Ono Your . } g
Weekly lice , Ono Your.
Omaha. Tlio Hoc .
PouthOmiihn. corner N imcl Sfilh Btroow.
Couiioll Illniro. la 1'cnrl Street.
GhlcncoOI1lco.ti7 : I Iwinlicr of Commerce.
Now York.lioonn t , II nml I.Vfrllmno llutldlnj
WashlnRton , Bill l-'ourtuotitli Struct ,
All communications relating to news am'
e'lltorlnl matter should bo addressed to tin
Kdltorlal I'cinrtmunt. '
All binlnes letters and remittances shoult
lw addressed lo The lieu I'ubllshlii' ? Company
Omaha. Drafts , checks mill poslolllco order ;
to bo imnlu p ij'iiblo to the order of tlio com
P ny.
Citato of Nebraska ls ,
County of llouiflas. 1 _ . „
Oeo. II. T/.tclmi'k. secretary of TUB llr.t
I'ubllHliltr. company. docs solemnly nwnai
that tlio actual circulation ( if TUB IMII.V HES
fnrtlw ) wcok ending November SI , l Jl , was u >
Monday. .Nov. l . KM' ] '
Tuesday , Nov. IT . ur
Wednesday. Nov. IS .
2 hursday , Nov. 1(1 ( . . .11
J'rldny , .Nov. " . . 2 = 1.30 ,
Saturday , Nov. 21 . 2I.71J
Avcrapo. . . . . 1M . I 7.1
Sworn to before rnc and Hiibserlhod In my
presence III s Mist day of Novombnr , A. O. 1801.
SKA i. N. I' . KKIU
Notary 1'ublic.
T IIP prnwth of tlio average dally circulation
of Tnr. IIKK for six years Is shown In vlio fol
lowing table :
.Innnnrj . ItUiv ; lfi.2l ' . I ' .T i ln , . ' Vi 28,410
1ebrnnrr lIMM II.I'.H I.V.MI I8.1WI IS.7UI '
Wnrcl II .KIT 1 4,11)1) ) I9.IW ) .
r-M'.il n. ; i in lfl.714 IH.S.W ZI.1IM
Mar I4.KT 17.181 I8.BW 21I.ISO 311.841
Juno 14.147 I'J.24.1 IS.8M ' . ' 11.1117 I8JJW 18.7.H 27,021
.Aiinuxt I'.M'il ' I8.BSI .
hrptemlKT. 1 : ! . ( ) 18.7111 2H.R70
f etolipr. . . . U..NI I8.H4 ( 'j.lUO
H..Ni I'.UIU.
f ccomhci. . IS.2I7 15.UI1 : u.oisi2.i , < ; i
APTKU n suaponslon of eight long
months our. esteemed exchange , the an-
liquo and unique Co ijrcs.iio nl llccord ,
shortly rostiino
Tin- : two prohibition candidates ran
just enough nhoad of their ticket to
defeat Senator Shntnway and olout Mr.
llndloy regent of'tho university.
MILLING in transit rates are fair to
Shippers nnd the roads , nnd of the
utmost importance to the citi/.ens of Ne
braska and Oinnha. Lot us have thotn.
IP CIIIKP OIL iNsi'Kcrrou CAUNS will
peruse THU BKB carefully from day to
clay ho will loam how to porforra his
duties honestly , elllciontly and promptly.
SINCI- ; his return from Europe , it is
observed , lion. Shelby M. Cullom. has
taken no especial pains to inject the
elixir of life into his little blossom of a
Junoic CUAWPOKD of West Point has
boon twice beaten for district judge by
Judge W. P. Norris. This ought to
satisfy the Elkhorn valley democratic
fitatoamnn , but ho has appealed to the
courts to make it three times and out
for .
good. _ _ _ _ _ _
AND now comes the omnipresent ' 'con
fidential friend" giving nwiiy alleged
Bocrots showing that Uliilno will or will
not bo n candidate for president and that
Harrison expects tobo ronominatod. The
"confidential friend" is nsually a fakir
and n very tiresome ono at that.
GKUMANY proposes to increase her
offootivo naval force by upwards of
0.000 men , and yet the young emperor
only the other day expressed tlio opin
ion to the recruits of the guard in Ber
lin that tlioy would novorbo called upon
to provo their fidelity by actual .war.
A SPECIAL peculiarity of the pori-
edical rumor of trouble among the In-
diiins of South Dakota is that the peri
odical rumor generally originates at
Bomo village or hamlet remote from the
reservations. The farther it is from the
Supposed danger tlio moro alarming and
improbable the story.
TIIK South Dakota liar is again in the
harness. Ho telegraphs two or three
times a week that the Indians are about
to go on the war path or do something
equally improbable. If the citlv.ons of
South Dakota would scalp this liar tlioy
would perform a valutiblo service for
tholr state and country.
THE niggardliness of the government
toward some Important branches of the
publio service is illustrated In that ot
the Life Saving service , where the an
nual percentage of resignations of com
petent inon who go into moro remuner
ative callings reaches HO per cent. These
men curry their lives in tholr hands and
yet their pay is so meager that they can
bo tnlcjn into other loss htr/ardous occu
pations at higher salaries.
WIIKN a general freight agent cannot
out a rate without involving himself in
the danger of arrest and imprisonment
things have come to a pretty pass ,
How does the government expect
ono general freight agent to dif
fer from another If they tire all forced
to abide by the solemn agreements made
with each othorV The reputation of n
gonornl freight ogoat depends upon his
ability to got business nway from rivals
nnd this thing of arresting him for
giving a shipper an inside rate is really
MlC. .TOSKl'lI CllAMIIKULAUV , at the
conference of the National Union of
Conservative Associations In Birming
ham , England , announces that the
unionists and conservatives will remain
In harmony "until tlioy have finally do-
fontod the conspiracy ajrnlnst the om-
plro , " and that their Joint olTorts would
"fflvo the people legislation based upon
true donlooratio Instlnots. " Tlio para
doxical character of these sentiments
nro apparent only , not roal. The British
empire In England is rapidly becoming
democratic. Monarchy IB nlmply an ox-
ponslvo luxury handed down from feudal
times , llko the English landtunuro. The
people of Great Britain coino quite as
close to the power which actually rules
nnd legislates us the people of America.
uir Ann oirX /OTIO.V. .
The Invootlpntlons of Tim BEK'S spo
cinl oil commissioner are rovonllnir r
vnsl amount of carelessness In the mat
lor of oil Inspection. His carefully prepared
pared reports thus far show that the ol !
inspectors are not so much Interested Ii
protecting the pcoplj from Inforloi
illuminating oils as In making sura ol
tholr foes. The tnsts made are oftot
nominal. In many instances tanks ol
oil nro sold without so much as a hint
at inspection. In other cases the rotnil
casks and tanks which Imvo bocr
slntnpod na tested are used time
after tltno without , further Inspec
tion. In ono Instance the brands
of a retired Inspector were found In pos'
session of ono doator who was at llbo rtj
to use them as ho liked.
Talcing all these facts , in connection
with the methods of their appointment ,
thu Inherent wo.ikneM of the law Itnolf
and tliooxtromoly liberal interpolation
of its conditions which oiitiblcM corpora
tion con.sutnors of oil to escape oil
censorship at the hands of inspectors , it
must bo clear to the reader that oil in
spection is a miserable farce , as now
conducted. When the Inspectors nnd
deputies have looked in upon the deal
ers long enough to collect ten cents
a barrel Ihoy are too often con
tent , without us much as going
through the motions of making
a fair test according to the terms of the
inspection law. The Standard Oil com
pany has mnnagod by its shrewdness in
enacting this law to mtiko Nebraska the
roftibo tank for its rejected eastern oil
and nt the same time to crowd out of the
state about nil opposition.
Weak ns the law is , its proper enforce
ment might provo beneficial to the pub
lic. There would bo some satisfaction
in Knowing that the oil sold in the state
and . used in the dwellings of
all our citlxons had boon tested
and found up to the standard
required of 100 ° Hash test. There is
reason to suspect , however , that a vary
largo proportion of the oil otTorcd to our
people is inferior to that quality. Tlio
fault lies primarily with the Standard
company , which can nsjrendily test Us
ollt as any inspector nnd should bo
severely punished for violations of
tlio law. The cupidity of that monopoly ,
howovcr , is well known and it is not
nbovo imposing the inforlor article
upon a community which permits the
Standard Oil company to manipulate its
legislature in making the inspection law ,
and appoints its inspectors not on ac
count of fitness for the duties to bo per
formed but to pay them for political
The people voted the generous sum of
$400,000 lor parks at the last election.
The Board of Park Commissioners an
nounced informally in advance of the
election what tracts , except ono in the
south part of the city , they should pur
chase if bonds were voted. Although
the proposition as voted upon by tlio
people did not definitely indicate
the lands to bo obtained , the
park commissioners fool morally bound
to expend the funds from the sale of
bonds for the lands which had boon se
lected in advance of election. This
will secure to the city the Distin
tract , lying one-half milo north
of the Deaf and Dumb institute , the Pnr-
tcor tract north onst of Fort Omaha and
the ISlmwooti. park addition on West
Leavonworth street. They are all
admirably located and the best lands
that were offered , price and purpose
considered. B'omis park in the center
of the city will likely bo secured
and some suitable tract in the south part
of Oinaha will later bo determined upon.
There is no reason , so lar ns TIIK BKK
can soo. for any change of plan with re
gard to those nark purchases. When
the south park hns boon selected , the
entire system will bo complete nnd
boulevards and small parks in the in
terior connecting them can bo so
designed and secured by condem
nation as to make Omaha famous
for her parks and boulevards. Port
Omaha on the north will in all probabil
ity bo donated to the city for a park by
the general government. Syndicate
park within the limits of South Omaha
will sooner or later bo added to the sys
tem. Probably some generous property
owners will fill In small and largo
tracts hero and there where needed.
In fifteen or twenty years wlion
the improvements have boon duvoloped
wo shall have a park and boulevard
system which will make every citizen of
Omaha thankful for the election of IS'Jl.
IlUKlHSll /.l/.tf///M 7MO.V.
The statement that North Dakota Is
likely to'bo Hooded with pauper immi
grants from Europe unless vigorous
monsuros .iro taken to prevent it , nindo
on the authority of an agent , of the
Treasury dt > partmont , will doubtless
receive prompt attention at Washington.
According to this agent immigrants are
Hooking into Winnipeg in largo num
bers , principally from Rupsia , many
of whom will cross the border Into the
United Slates unless inspection stations
are established and ofllulont moans taken
to exclude such as are olassud undeslra-
blo by the Immigration law.
The diflluulty is that there is no
authority to establish inspection stations
on the border , and provision for them is
ono of the matters to which congress
should give early attention. It
Is obvious that , however vigilant and
olllolont the inspection of immigrants at
the seaports may bo , and It is now being
conducted with moro thoroughness than
ever before , wo shall not bo able to keep
out all the undesirable classes until wo
have established inspection at every ac
cessible point on our borders , or made
some arrangement wltli the Canadian
government by which it will agree not
to permit the oltusos oxoludod by our
laws to coino from its ter
ritory into the United States. This
matter of protecting our borders Is pur-
hups the most cilllleult ono connected
with the problem of an otllclent regula
tion of Immigration. To .provido In
spection stations along our extended
uorthorn frontier would Involve a very
largo annual oxpontHturo , and yet
It Is perhaps the only safe precau
tion. It is possible that the
Canadian government might bo in
duced to tigroo to eonio plan for
our protection against the Invasion
of paupers and criminals from Its terri
tory , but wo could never snfoly lonvo
the carrying out of such an agreement
wholly to Canadian oftlclftls. Wo shall
bo Btifo from bonlor immigration only
when wo Imvo inspection ofllcors at all
points where persons are likely to cross
from Canada into the United States.
The Canadian government does
not exhibit a friendly sp'.rit toward
this country In allowing Chinese
and others oxoluded by our lawa to
freely pass through Us territory and
onlor the territory of the United States.
As a neighbor country It ought at least
to show a disposition to respect our laws
to tlio extent of refusing to allow its
territory to be made the gateway for the
passage Into the United States of classes
of parsons whom our laws say shall
not bo admitted into the country.
Wo cannot , perhaps , properly lind
fault with Canada for allowing
the Chinese to come into that country ,
but wo havo" just cnuso ot complaint that
she Interposes no obstacle to their
going from hnr territory Into the United
States , and the case with regard to Eu
ropean paupers and criminals is still
moro serious. ThU dilllculty in the
way of a thorough rotrulatlon of immi
gration will have lo bo met. and the
only safe way to deal with It appears lo
bo in establish ing inspection stations
along the frontier.
If tlio domocrnts in congress heed the
counsel of such loaders as Senator
Carlisle they will give secondary con
sideration to the silver question and
keep the tarill to the front. In his letter -
tor endorsing Mr. Mills as in every way
qualified to bo speaker of the house , tlio
Kentucky senator declares it to bo the
first duty of tlio democratic party to
change the tariff laws , and ho
says that "whoever proposes to
postpone the performance of this duty
in order to inaugurate a war among our
selves ever the silver question , or any
other question , is not a wise counselor ,
and would not inalco a safe loader. " Mr.
Carlisle at this time represents the view
of a minority of his party , there being
no doubt that the majority buliovo , with
Senator Pugh , that the issue of the free
and unlimited coinage of silver is quite
ns important and valuable to the party
as that of tariff reform. But the minor
ity , which includes Mr. Cleveland , is
strongly inlluontial , and It will not be
surprising if it shall succeed in having
its view of party policy adopted. In
any event , however , a bitter light seems
assured , the oll'oct of which must inevi
tably bo to create a great deal of disaf
fection in the party. Tlio at
tempt of the free trade element ,
represented by Mr. Mills , to crowd
out the consorvr.tivo tariff reformers
is boin r hotly combated , with abundant
evidence of a growing feeling of sharply
defined hostility between the forces.
The leaders have reached the point of
publicly criticising each other , and the
exchange of recriminations may bo ex
pected to grow in volume and force us
tlio day of actual battle draws
nearer. It is a situation that clearly
threatens to mako. a breach in the
democratic party wich it will
bo extremely diflloult , if not impossible ,
to close before tlio next presidential
Assuming that the free trade element
will define the policy of the party , what
will it do with the tariff ? Mr. Mills and
his followers are in faor of restoring
duties on sugar , .ind to provide for
revenue cost by cutting oil other duties
the Texas cnndidnto for the speak-
orship advocates an income tax.
If elected flpotvkor ho will un
doubtedly constitute the ways und
means committee with reference to a
complete revision of th& tariff as nearly
as practicable on free trade linos. The
attempt to enact legislation of this
kind would of course bo futile , but any
thing short of it would not bo consistent
with the election of Mr. Mills
to the spenkoruhip. The sugges
tion that the democrats in the
Fifty-second congress should not at
tempt to pass a general tariff
bill , but content themselves with pro
posing certain changes In the existing
law , will not bo regarded if thn free
trade element secure control of the
liouso. They will bo satisfied with noth
ing short of a sweeping attack on the
tariff , bncauso only in that way can
they justify their demand for reform.
But of the two issues in debute , the
tariff and the free coinage of silver ,
whiohovor ono the democrats decide
to adopt it is evident that moro or loss
disaffection in the party will bo inovit-
iblo. The Immediate ftiiuro of the
democracy is certain to bo full of-
trouble and anxiety , and the contention
of the warring elements can bo rognrdod
> y republicans with the utmost com
SENATOR CAUMSLK has a good opin-
on of Roger Q. Mills and endorses him
'or speaker of the house of representa
tives. Congressman McMillan of the
senator's own state hns baon logking
with some interest toward this position
of honor and Mr. Carlisle's remarkable
otter in probably intended as notice to
the aspiring Kentuckian that the hibt
lomocrntie speaker desires to discour-
igo Kentucky ambitions looking in that
direction. Should Colonel McMillan or
some other loader win the race after all ,
senator Carlisle will probably wish ho
ind attended entirely lo his own'busi-
less in his own end of the capital.
ALCOHOLISM is as deadly at Point
Barrow ns anywhere else ou earth , and
Mrrlod off a native chief there recently.
L'ho report of the superintendent .of
ho refuge station does not Inform us
low the liquor got to the old nmn , but
irobnbly in the usual way some white
nan gafo it to him in exchange for
something of value. From nil accounts
bore seems to be a call for a ICooley In-
Fttltuto In that section , which Is about
ho only field left unoccupied by this
unomy of the cup that intoxicates.
WOUK has been resumed on tlio ujilon
lepot , but the workmen will do nothing
nero than cover the exposed walls to
irotcot thorn from the effects of the
AliKUUKHN , South Dakota , la , after a
ugar factory and has sent a delegation
o Norfolk to negotiate with thoOxnnrd
company to secure It , Moauwhllo
Onmltn la leisurely looking on apparently
ontly IndifTdronbito the faot that tin
sugar boot Indttsl'ry ' will In twonty-flv <
yoara bo the fjrputcat resource of till
Boctlon of the union , and great contra
factories and ' 'VWinorlcs will bo cstah
llshod In seine lonWprlslng city wlthli
fifty miles of Omaha.
AN election jiutgo calls attention U
the fact that , thq registrars were al
lowed f > 0 cents am hour for their service ?
nnd Insists IhMUho election officers
should bo equally-well paid , thus giving
such a.s worked thirty-six hours $18 each ,
The judge's polnHs not well taken. Thf
election ofllcors are by law allowed but
$0 for tholr services and no moro. Thc.v
are paid by the job and not by the day or
hour. The registrars are rotnunoratctl
under the law upon a different basis.
The election olllcers may nnvo earned
more than ? it each , but in view of the
Importance of a prompt canvass of the
votes it would bo impolitic to osUbllsh ti
precedent which might bo abused b
election officers in the future , who would
unnecessarily prolong the count for the
sake of the wages they would receive.
TIIK Sinead system of heating and
ventilating school buildings may or may
not bo satisfactory. There are wall in
formed persons who object to hot air
furnneos under any and all circum
stances and there are others who have
no faith in dry closets. The Kollom
building will , however , afford a good
last of the merits of the system and it is
not necessary to make the experiment
in any other building. The Hitchcock
school Isa wooden bitildingof four rooms ,
only two of which are needed at pres
ent. To the avorngo taxpayer the idea
of expending $ lUui ) for a heating plain
to accommodate two rooms now and but
four rooms next year savors of roc.closs
TIIK people will hope that no loop
hole of escape from the now law govern
ing the deposit of public funds and col
lection of interest thereon for the benefit
of the city shall bo discovered. It is a
wholesome law , and the effect should bo
to make it effective rat her than to annul
it. The slated salary of tlio city treas
urer under the now law is $0,000 per
annum , which is ample compensation.
If the law is technically inoperative , it
will bo a decidedly graceful thing for
the city trousuror-olcct to make his own
arrangement with the banks just as ho
would under the old law , and give the
city the interest received on deposits.
TIIK Real Estiite Owners association
should not bo satisfied with exposing ex
travagance , or corruption in any branch
of the municipal or county government. '
It should" push its investigations to the
point where oxf.raVnganco shall bo re
strained and corruption punished.
TIIK boodle investigation is closed for
the present. Although no ono can fore
tell what report , the special committee
will make , it is very clear to the reader
that a grand jury might use the stories
told before the committee as clues to a
series of very interesting facts.
TIIK cases ngnlnst the suburban sa
loon keepers for violation of the license
law are dragging their slow length along
in a justice court. Meanwhile the
county is losing license foes at the rate
of not less than Sfl .OOO per annum.
TIIK judges and clerks of election who
propose to demand SIS for $0 worth of
work are wasting lime. The people can
not afford to have the precedent estab
CHHISTI AN SPKCIIT managed to estab
lish a pretty good name before the in
vestigating committee in spite of hercu
lean efforts to give him a bad repu
K.vceptioii Well Taken.
( llnbeIJemncrn' .
McKlnloy's plurality 21,1m Is the largest
secured by n gubernatorial candidate in Ohio
since 1SSI except in 1SS7. The major hns
good reason to DO proud of his triumph.
The Mulndy IH Chronic.
Cntctnniiti Cninmsrclil ,
For a man committed to the one-term Idea ,
Mr. Cleveland is making quite an active
campaign for n third nomination. But , of
course , wo must take into consideration the
fact that n third nomination does uot mean
another term.
Convenient Cor IJribu-Tiikors.
AII .VU C'ffi ; .Stir.
The constitution of California makes It
convenient for hrlho-tnkers. It provides that
In eases of legislative bribery the person
bribed must answer , but that what ho reveals -
voals shall not bo usad against Mini. The
purchased creature may "give away" his
purchaser and go free himself.
I.'rcotls Uooil | MI and Horses.
Limwvtt'e Tiinfx.
When General John M. Palmer takes his
seat in the federal senate two weeks from
today ho will ho the tenth man born in ICou-
Lucky to hold the commission of Illinois in
the United States sonato. Though a very
small state cumpardd with Now York nnd
Pennsylvania , it Is probahlo that Kentucky
iaa turned out ns many senators as both
.hoso states together.
Food lor tlio Gaining.
t'/ifcarj.y / . Tiitcr-inxtn.
Calamity croakerimuy llnd a grain of com-
'ort In the fact noted dy Dopaw In his spaooh
it the Chamber of'Gbmmorco banquet , that
.his country is llltc.iy , to suffer from a vor/
lerious famine ilurlu/i / thu coining winter aud
iprmg n famine oari : nud locomotives to
rausport our enormous surplus products to
; iio markets of tho'\vorld \ to food the millions
luncorlui ; to rocujj-l thorn. It's u dreadful
iltuatlou. , , . ,
An Apt Simile.
Mliine'aMiK Time * .
The position of ttio republican parly in
: owa on the pronlUHIon buslncm recalls very
'orcluly ' the story pij ho two boys who were
mnting nnd c.imu aonm u wild bcvir. Ono
if them climbed n tree , but the uthor wn-i
inablo to reach this haven of safety nuu the
war , linking n lunge at him , slid between
ils legs. The bociuhlhlm by both oirs :
uid , after holding on for homo tlino , shouted
nit to thu bay in the troa : ' 'John , conu
lore. " "What forl" queried the other. "I
vautyou to help mo let ' this hoi ; go. " The
opublioans of Iowa uro'tlrod of riding pro-
ilbltlon , hilt they daren't lot go.
I OOP New York Moili-Ht Clilu ii ; < > .
C/ifni/i J/riM.
If Now Yjrlc hadn't boon so flamboyant
ibout It thu humiliation wouldn't h ivo buon
o great , But to go down to Washington
vlth Plntt , UUcocK , t\u80tt und Colonel
ihepard , to the strjets In uniform
aid In atop to the hlaroof bunds , to claim the
oorth from Genesis to Hovolatlon , and t
coino out nt the end with three rote * ! It I
sntd that llttlo Omaha stopped crying ti
laugh nt the spectacle. How especially
alronR nnd dignified was the modest nttltudi
of Chicago by contrnstl And to bo bonlon
by Minneapolis ! Poor , nntlqunlcd No
York , how many iLnes moro must you b <
knocked out before you can understand thai
you nro no longer In Iti
Chicago Times. it Is a strangely sugeos
tlvo coincidence that the Omaha nud Mlntio
npolls boomoM nnd a c.vclono should have
struck Washington the same day.
Platlsmotilh Journal : The national ropub
llcans nro not uwnro of the vast quantity ol
solMovn there Is bound tip in the average
Omnhog , or Ihoy never would have humil
iated him In that manner.
Fremont Trlbuiio : Colonel Scott , ol
Onmlni , who presented that city's chums for
the national convention before the ropub.
llcim committee showed bad taste In scold
ing some of the other competitors.
Denver Suns Tno selection of tha young
metropolis of the northwest is tno most nc-
coplable to the republicans of Colorado of
any that could linvo boon made niter Omaha.
It Is a recognition of the now west.
1'lnttsmoulh Herald : While Omaha was
unsuccessful In potting the republican na
tional convention , sot for Tuesday , Juno 7 ,
ISW , nt Minneapolis , Minn. , she ls > willing to
recognize the fact that the choice was well
Columbus Telegram : Minneapolis was the
place selected for holding the republican na
tional convention in 1SD2. Omaha might
have secured It if she had gone about it
properly , out sno didn't. She tried force to
secure it , and that was fatal. Molasses
catches more files than vinegar.
Minneapolis Journal : Omaha was very
weak from start to finish. Judge Scott
was aware of this nnd that Is the reason ho
spent the time abusing Iho other cities.
Omaha may bo a gateway ; hut that is all. A
gateway without business may as well bo "a
lodge In some vast wilderness. "
Chicago Tribune :
Lot fall a scalding tear or twol
It Is a thousand pities ,
But Now York , Chattanooga , Sun Francisco ,
Detroit , Pittsburg , St. Louis. Omaha ,
Cincinnati , I'lunketvllle , Franklin Fur-
mice , Hnvcrhlll , Oluoy , Eillsvillo , Haek-
ett's Mills , I'ccatomcn and Ynzoo
Are not con vontlon cities.
ISovv ork Herald : Sinytho Idropncd a cent
In front of a blind bo.sar today to aoo 1C ho'd
pick It mi.
Tompldns Well , did ho ?
Hmvtlie No ; liu siild. " .Mako It a dollar , boss.
and I'll forget myself. "
'J lines.
"A llttlo nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of muni"
lly this old Raw uxcusu Is madit
1'or editorials on "thu biilancu of trade. "
I/lfo : Juduo Ono year , and $ .T ) due.
Prisoner's law.vor-I would like to miiko n
motion to have that siintc'iicu reversed ,
Judge All rlchu l-'lfty yours , and $1 line.
Washington Star : "Did yoz go to see the
doc'htur , DonnyV"
"Yes , iniitliur. "
" 1'hwat did lie say ? "
"Ilo asked mo wus Ol cured an' I told him
the troot. which win 'no. ' "
"Oh , bosorrali. It's no ambition yez Imvo
tollln' Mm 'no , ' uud trow n' away u eluinco to
pltyor picture In the papers. "
Etiqonu Field duclarus that when James
Whltuomb Itlloy cave some ronillngs on ship
board , wlillo returnlni ; from Kurouo a fuw
weeks nno , ho had two enthusiastic Scots
union ; : his auditors. "Is It no womlerfn' ,
Iionnl' . " remarked one of them , "tlmt a
tradesman siilil ho slo a lioiuilo pool ? " "And
Is ho Indeed a tradesman ? " asked the other.
" 'Deed Is lie , " answered tlio llrjr , speaker.
"Hid. ye no hoar the dominie Intryjiicn him as
thn honslur-poet ? Just thliiK of It men Just
think o'sle a irudu pout dividing his time at
milking hooidery ! "
New York Weekly : Oomliictoi Wo linvo
missed tno connection and yon will have to
wait : i t this station MIX hours.
Old Lady 'who Is a lltllu nervous on the
railroad ) Well , I'm safe for six hours auy-
lie "poured his soul Into her oar"
i-he trumlillir listened to his vow
In silence. They were wed last year
"fls she who does the talklu ; no w.
"I love you , dear , with fervor wild
My love your llfo will o'er endow
So rli lily 'twill ho summer mild"
'Tib she who docs the talking now.
"Mv love will open ways through thorns ,
Will jiather blooms from orniiiio bmiL'li.
And pluclc eaoh flower that tru-tli adorns"
"Pis she who does tlio talkln , ' now.
"Why notstiy nil nl ht at the club ?
Your tlmo is snunt ah ! who knows how ?
Your leaves urn there I uctlho stub"
Alt , yes ! she docs the talking now.
Ilroolilyn I/fo : ' 'Kobort , dear , how do you
supuoso those dozens and ( lo/.cni of empty
bottles over uot Into thu eulltir ? "
"Why , I don't know , my dear. I never
bought an empty bottle In my life , "
Now York Herald : KICKS Did Hover strllcu
you that It took Joblots a loir. ; time to tumble
to anything ?
DIJSJ.S I guess , yes ; ho wouldn't tumble if
he stopped on u hanana : ikln.
Iiidlananolls Journal : "It Is your bet. "
"All rUlit I bet a bean. " said thu man ad-
dressod. throwing n "chip" to the middle of
the table ,
The Boston man lookud at him sadly for u
moment , "You should not bo profanu , " said
Washington Stir : 'That's the meanest
burlier I e\ur hoard of , " said the man with a
tender face ,
"Why ? "
"He actually oxpocls his customers to bring
there own sticking plaster wHh them. "
Union County Standard : A hermit and a
tramp present about appoar-
iiiico : ttio dlst'ii'jiilshlng ' ' feature Is that one Is
a recluse , the other u wiuok loose.
Illnghumton Loader : A New Haven man
Ims worn thu xiiinu coat for llftv-tlvo vo.trs.
Hut then he lives In the laud of xtuady habits ,
Itoohester I'ost : In the iilisnncu of pugilistic
matches of note the footballlsts are doing all
they can to kick up a row ,
Ita'tlmoro American : "I must bo bravo nnd
take chances , " as the man s.ild when no went
Into thu fair room.
'VIIRSTMTTS , 1 DKUh.inK ! "
Julin C. .Sie ? i tn Hiiffain news.
The thoughtless voiith who vents a sneer
At soiiu'thlnz before ,
And terms , pnrhaps thu teller queer.
And deems him quite , i born ,
Will oft be seen whom Jokes are made ,
Or rotmrtt'O N fair.
To sharpen his Damascus bliulo
With Chestnuts. 1 declare ! "
Die story-wit of uses past ,
Told In all tongues nirl ullmcs ,
i\ro ( lowers oil tlio waters east-
Are miislu of thu ohlmes ,
riiey'vu floated down the stream of Urn *
biilitlulnu tfrlctf and euro
i\n.l mi one thought the wit or rhyme
Were "Oliestnut'i , I declare ! "
Dm snn ; . " . the exiles sun a of old
Aru sunIn hearts of men :
Yes , horu and now thu story's told
In vigor stroiia as then.
1'liQ tiomhlii | ohoids of harps that hung
Upon the willows there
\ruHtlll vlbrallnuaiid they llniij
.No "t.'lii'stnuts , I declare ! "
rhu grand old plays of Shako.spoaro are
Thu glory of this it e.
riiey'ru hu lit cm stories told afar
On munv an unlent puue ;
riiosotusof Scotland , HIIIIK by Hums ,
In matchless verso and air ,
\ ro euhiies that a poet luarns .
I''rum "liliostifula. I declare !
\ml children's slorlos , children's play ,
That charmed from sun to nun :
Phe wlshlnf ot " ( Inoil nlijht ! " "liood day I"
Ah , when were thesu houun ?
I'liu In lahy thusoiigof dlcup ;
The kiss , thu evening prayer ;
I'lio tours tint Invln : mothers weep-
No ' L'hestniits. I duclaru ! "
Vml dour old Santa ( 'Inns , and all
Thu ucn'roiis lfls hu brill' ' * ;
Its hui'rylna footsteps In thu hall ]
Thu htoukluuson the Hlilir.-s !
ilnst thuso retire , subdued In doubt ,
Amid thu UhrUtmus glare ,
IcuuiihO , forsooth , the youth just out
frlos , Ghotftniits , 1 doelarol"
Peculiar Methods Which Obtain in Enfon
Ing Notraska's ' Providential Statute.
Stonolls I.oft At the AVnroliotiHPH-
Ktnpiy HarrrilH Hcllllod Whnt North
Ilcnit , Nolirnskn City , Lincoln ,
Ilcntrlco niut Superior Show.
I'ursulnRhls tnvcstlRotlon TIIE nun mai
found Unit 11 vrns a common occurrence fo
tlio Consolidated Tnnk Line company nt Frc
mont to ship to retail dealers small Iroi
tanks of the kind mentioned In this pnpo
yostorday.contalnluH about IHty Rations of oil
These tanks \vero traced on the cars and prl
vato wagons to Fontauello , Serlbner am
other places , but In no Instance was tticr
anything to show thai the oil they contalnci
had ever been Inspected , This nbsouc
of proof of Inspection had bcei
noted by some of the moro obsorvnn
mcrchant.i , but was passed by without In
qutry. When , howovcr , tholr nttcntiou wa
tiartlculnrly dlrcctnd to tlio innttor by Tin
Hir. : reporter , tlioy made UD their minds ti
handle no moro tanks which did not beui
proof of Inspection and , wherever It was pos
slblo , to receive the oil only lit wooden bar
rels. Many of them doubted that 11 barrel
oven with a brand of approval , would insure
to thorn better oil , but they thought 11
wouid protect thorn as against their custom'
ors ,
North Ili-iid'H ICxpcrloinM ; .
The reporter then \vont to North Bend ,
whence It was alleged the two Iron tanks
llrst referred to had been returned. A can
vass of the groceries In the thriving town
was made. Several of the dealers admitted
that they had been using tlio Illegal tanks ,
but said that they would do so no moro. They
also severely criticized the tank company for
the unwarranted deception which It bad
practiced upon them.
"If I had thought a tnotnont , " said one of
the dealers , "that ono of these llttlo tunics
took the place of a barrel , 1 would Immedi
ately Imvo noticed tnat It was not inspected.
LJut the fact of the matter is that the ma
jority of us do not sell our ell out of tbo bar
rels wo receive it in.Vo generally pump it
into llxcd tanks of our own , to do nwny with
loakngo. Wo have nothing to "show ,
however , that the oil has boon
oven nominally inspected except the empty
barrel which wo sometimes let lie In the
back yard. I am convinced that wo have
been doing things loosely , but then you know
wo could full back on the tank line if any
thing occurred. "
At the time of Tun UIK : man's visit all tlio
North Bond merchants wore selling the oil
which hud a.snort tirno before reached
them by carload from Omaha. Tlio last of
thorn to dispense with his uninspected tank
was C. S. .1. Leo , or rather the manager of
the store which formerly belonged to that
gentleman , the stock recently , because of
unfortunate circumstances , having temporarily
arily fallen into the hands of creditors.
Those tanks had been sent out of the store
the night nreceding the reporter's visit nnd
were found by the latter on the depot plat
form awaiting shipment by freight to tYo-
moiit. Those tanks wore numbered 093 r-nd
? ; ! U , and were of ttm gonorul description us
has already boon referred to In these columns.
Hi-aily-Iirnnilod linrrcls.
TUB Bun man next Jumped to Nebraska
City. The Consolidated Tank Line company
has at tliis point several largo tanks and a
fair si/.od warehouse. When the reporter
entered the latter ho asked the manager :
"Do you know Mr. Allen , who travels for
jii ( nnother oil firm ) .
"No , but I know you , " was tbo response.
It appeared for a moment as if somebody had
apprised'tho superintendent of ttio object of
the visit , but the watchfulness of
tbo tank man disappeared and ho
himself continued his worlc , which
was that of filling with oil bar
rels which already bore tbo stamp of
approval of K. C. ( Jams , chief inspector , nnd
C. II , Uk'kards , deputy inspector. The inspector
specter wu ? not about tbo place , and could
not. have known the Kind of oit which was In-
tundod for the barrels , because the superin
tendent , for a moment , loft tlio warehouse ,
went to the yard mid opened a valve on one
Of the largo tanks which ono the reporter
could not determine. .
The warehouse man then returned and. in
the presence of tlio scriue , filled the two bar
rels which had already been approved ny the
A line of similar empty barrels lay upon
thu floor , and ono bv ono they were rolled up
and llllcd.
It was a parallel case to that recorded yes
terday , as occurring at the Piij warehouse In
Omatia where Deputy Inspector nlcDonald
had branded uud approved about forty empty
barrels before they had boon touched with a
drop of oil.
During the temporary occupation of the
superintendent , the reporter noticed the
brands of several Inspectors on some of the
tanlts in the yard. This was the first Instance
In which such brands had bepu noticed on
any of the tanks visited.
ilo also noted a variety of idle stencils ly
ing upon the end of one of the Imrruls. Ono
of thooo was a company brand , another tin
alleged government ganger's , a third could
not bo idontlllod , and a lourth was the ap
proval brand of O. 11. I'nlllips , deputy in
Information . Is not now available
as to what right the present chief inspector
ur his deputy has in allowing any such brand
to remain about the warehouse. It could
serve no legitimate purpose , even If thu
deputy were still among the inspectors iitul a
part o'f it could bo used to advantage by an
unscrupulous superintendent.
Automatic Oil liiHpoutlnn.
Tin : BII : : man next wont to Lincoln , and
for part of two day * awaited the return of
Joseph Carns , the "deputy inspector , who
makes his hoadiiuartors ut that point. The
L'Willomun , howuvcr , was away in Fremont ,
It was .said , and during his ubioneo the peo-
[ > lu at the Consolidated Tank Line warehouse ,
us also the ofllcu of the chief Inspector
it Lincoln were loft to take cnro of thnin-
julve.s. There was nobody around , however ,
Lo inspect the oil which the Tank people aunt
3Ut during that tune.
In Beatrice the reporter introduced hlm-
self to Mr. Buchlor , tlio manager of the Tunic
Line company warehouse as a party desirous
jf Knowing whether anybody had sought to
liuy the right to soil oil by wagon-tank in
Llmt city.
Mr. Ituehler said there had not. Ono man
jut recently had rmlrod from tha bmlnoss ,
ind the former gnossod ho could supply alt
: no oil people of Beatrlco.
"Aim I so u vou In Omaha ? " asked Mr.
ruiohlor , sharply ovelug the roporlur.
"I am indlroiitly from Omalia , " was the ro
ily , "lluvou't you any tanks horoi" timidly
iskcd the scrlbo.
Mr , Buohlor did not answer. It was not
lurformiiiga labor of lovo. It was now dusk
uid chilly and the gentleman was evidently
mxlous to get homo. Ho led the way , how-
ivor , to three largo , red Iron tanks which
voro undercover. They were all nearly full
ind had been branded , but they had scon no
irand slnco that which had buon placed upon
hem by O. II. Phillips.
And yotiVr. Buohlor had In ttio tnoantlmo
icon onercotically drawing from them for
ho supply of his Beatrice customers.
lit thu storehouse ) proper were u number of
larrots , but these had been shipped from
Lincoln nnd bore tha npprornl of Dormtv
Carni. barrels nro smit to towns In
the neighborhood on order from iho uiam
homo In Omaha.
Ilium Under nt Allan ,
The reporter ronched Superior on Sunday.
Half n mlle from the depot ho found "R v.
Bishop's oil htnuo. " Ho found the superin
tendent working Ilka n boavor. Ho Inquired
as to the location of n nupuoiltloua oil firm
nnd the oil man replied.
' 1 know nearly all the oil dealers In the
South I'lalto countrv , nnd I don't luiow of
such a houjo. "
"Has the Tank Line n warehouse out this
way I"
"Well , this plnco Is In Bishop's name , but
it belongs to the Consolidated Tank Line
company. "
The wnrohoiuo wo * a llttlo ono , po'lmps in
xlC > foot. It had two stories. The upper of
these was on n level with a railroad platform
In front nnd the lower was on n piano with n
road nt which oil could bo sent out to the
city. On the top Moor there were about a
dozen barrels of oil. All of these bore the
brand of Deputy Inspector McDonald of
Omaha , Thorn w'cro novoral empty barrels
from which this brand had not been effaced.
On the floor below wcru three laura sheet-
Iron tanks. These wcro visible through an
ononlng In the upper lloor , made appar
ently by raising a couple of the planks.
The warohouco man rolled n llllcd
barrel toward the tloor opening , In
serted n faucet at nno end and
then laid the barrel on Its side ,
l-roni one of the tanks bnnuath n rutibur
hose led through the opening. This the man
attached to the faucet In the barrel. Ilo
then bored n hole through the utitm nnd the
oil rapidly loft the barrel and llowod into the
tank. In tnls manner a number of the bar
rels were emptied. This was deliberately
doing away with an alleged approved package -
ago and putting the oil Into a tunic In order
to facilitate its handling , heedless as to
whether or not the people would demand
| > rcutf of Its safety.
If such a demand had been made it could
lot have been satisfied. Those tanks had hml
other oils in them and the mixture certainly
was not that which had nominally received
the approbation of the deputy Inspector In
this city.
As such , It was n violation of the law to
sell , even as It was of purchasers to consume
It before they know that it bad boon lagally
But the Tank Line does not seem to care
about the law , nnd there is expressed sur
prise that they respect It at nil in view of tha
Vouches nnu four" which the Inspectors al
low them to drlvo through it.
A/ill ItOUlfN .IXIt 1'JHtlttltJO IL8.
"Conduct us u Kino Art" contains really
two books which , whllci written with no
reference to each other , seem to bo , In both
manner and nnUtor , each the complement of
the other. Ono Is entitled "Tho Laws of
Daily Conduct , " by Nicholas I'atno Gil man ,
nnd the other ' 'Character Building , " by Kd -
ward 1'ayson .lackson. This is n most suitable -
able work for young people. In Us pages
may bo found sound , sensible udvtco on such
matters us the young urosomucn in need
of , and thn style is so nttractlvo that nn in
telligent young man or woman will bo Insens
ibly led to finish the work after commencing
to read it , nnd tlio benefits to bo derived
from Its perusal ate wholly incalculable.
Published by Houghton , Mifllin & Co. , Boston -
ton , Mass.
In the Introduction to her excellent work
entitled , "A Chicago Blblo Class , " Ursula
N. Costefeld , says : "Tho question today is
not 'What churcii you belong toi' but 'Whoro
it your level In the thought world ! ' And because -
cause mind , not creed 'is the measure of the
man , ' so the true teacher of or minister
unto the people Is ho who offers them the
fruits of that" world In which ho dwells , In-
Htcud of handing on the 'traditions of the
elders. " " This book is to bo valued for thn
practical Christianity which It teaches and
also for thn able manner in which the writer
has handled the important subjects touched
upon. Published by tbo United States Book
company , Now York.
"How"to Co-operate : A Manual for Co
operators , " by Herbert Moyriek , dostribcs
the how rather ttiun the wherefore of cooperation -
operation thai is , how to manugo a > o-
operative store , farm or factory , cop.ira . Ivo
dairying , banking , llru insurance and "farmer *
and women's exchanges for both buying ni d
soiling. The book Is a revelation as to the
extent nnd succeas of co-operative work.
Published by the Orange .ludd cou.niny , fi'J
aud .11 Lafayette place. Now York.
"Vagor , or Vicissitudes of a Vagabond , "
edited by Joseph McVlttiu and published by
A. M. Kddy , Albion , N. \ . , is certainly n
verv unlnuo boolt. Us contents comprise de
scriptions ot European tr.iviil interspersed
with incidents nnd anecdotes. The author.
Mr. McViltle , was for some time a reside t
of this city and the little publication will
doubtless prove of especial interest to the
many friends and acquaintances ho imuio
wliile hero.
Mr. S. H. M. B.VOH has given to the world
a very pretty collection of poems under the
caption of "Tho Happy Isles , and Other
Pooms. " Published by Charles L. Webster
& Co. , Now York.
Much sensible ) advice and valuable Information
mation for the yoiintj will bo found in the
pages of a little volume entitled , "JSthics for
Young People , " by C. C. Kvorott. Published
by Uinn & Co. , Boston , Muss.
"European Isolations" is a very charming
Tyrolese sketch by Tulmago Dalin and pub
lished by Ctissell Publishing company.
Lovers of Ittoi-.ituro of tbo French school
will lindTlio Bachelor of Salamanca , "
translated from thu French of A. K. LoSai'o
by .lumt'3 Townsumi , with live photogravures
ultor It. Do Los Hlos , something that will
prove Just what they want. Published by
Worthington & Co. , Now York ,
A work that will provo of special Interest
to tourists and those whoso business or
inclination causes them to do much traveling
is "The Business of Travel , n Fifty Years'
Itecord of Progress , " by W. Frusor Kao.
Published by Thomas Cook aud Son , Mi-Mi
Broadway , Now York.
In Current Literature for December will bo
found an audacious and striking article from
the National Observer ( Knglund ) entitled ,
"A Pica for Inconstancy. " The ivadlngs
from recent books nro : "My Friend Vespu , "
from Stockton's "Ttio House of Martha ; ' '
"Doming the Sanctuary , " from Crawford's
"Tho Witch of Prague ; " nnd "Tho Chris
tian's Kiss , " from Franco's "Judith Wach-
tonborg. " Among the sociological articles
"Abortive Men , " "A Man's ' Woman , " nnd
"Social Insurgents" are notable for strength
and timeliness. The famous chipiur for the
month U "Tho Chariot itaco , " trom "llun-
Hur. "
A weird , fantastic story Is "Tho Witch of
Prague. " by F. Marion Crawford , but thu
reader who once starts reading it will feel HO
fascinated that ho will lie compelled to llnliih
It. Published by Macmlllun & Co. , New
Short Stories for December contains char-
icterlstiu tales from Kipling , Sidiiov Luska ,
ind J. M. Barrio , besides clover work from
Ltm French , Spinisli and Italian. Tlio
Tumous .s'.ory for the month Is the Scotch
nasterpicco "Wandering Nvilllo'.s Tule , " by
Sir Walter Scott , The current Lltornturo
I'ubllsblng company , : ! 0 West Twenty-third
itruot , Mow York.
"Tho Five Hundred Dollar Checu , " by
ilorutlo Alger , Jr. , Is a thrilling story o'f
rimoand udvouturo which will llnd inmh
'uvnr with lovers of sensntloniil literature.
Jnlted Slates Book company , Now York.
" /Igzag Journeys in Australia.or A Visit
o the Ocean World , " by Ho/ekiah Butler-
vorth , describes the wonderiul resource-Hull
mtural advantages of the llfth contlnontuml
dso gives capital pen pictures of the social
clattons of thu people. The worlc Is cnllv-
inud by thu startling stories of the gold dis-
rovurlosund graphic accounts of thounl-
naU peculiar to this fuscluuilng country ,
'iibilshcd by Kates & , Laurlat , 1'jii Sumner
troot , Boston.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt ! Report.