Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE , $
iictf'nf ' ! , combining Iron T > " '
i table tunl , ijulcUy ftnd romplrtc
' , urn I > Tpr'ilii | > Jncllti' tliMi , \ Viiknc f ,
( minim Illooil , .IIiilariii.I'MIlM mid l' or -
tin ! Nritrnluln.
u I ? nu unfailing irmrdy ( or Diseases of tl.i
Aliluryn nnd l.lirr.
it is invaluable- Dlscdfcs pcc.itlttr t :
VFuineiit nd all who lend sedentary livci
I' 'loci not Injure llio teeth , crtme
p-rxjiieo constipation O/AT 7ron mctltcin'i <
U enriches ftnd purities the blood , stlm la'fs '
the nppctlto , * l < ls the nsslmllation of torxl ;
, < vn ilcnrtnurn and Itelching , and strencttf
i . tin ; mii'clss nnd ncrvci
ror Intermittent 1'cvor * . . jissltmlc , tart o
f atr y , Ac , it has j cqunl.
i - Thi ccnulrio fans aliovo trurlo in r rr.f
J-IWIP' . r.-r" lines ot. wrapper. Taken' < ti-
iXnu u. jw PiionnuixaiUL 10 * lui.tino'it. v >
AilMisiratel la tlie BROAD CLAIN 4
S/ver oOerutl to the otibllo.
Direct Line for England , France
and Germany.
The 8ieamahlpe ol this well kuown line are built
of Iron , In water-tight oonipartmonta , and are fur-
nlahetl with o\cry requisite to make the passive
bothsafo acd agreeable. They carry the United
States and European malls , and Icavo New York
Thusdavsand Saturdaja for Plymouth ( LONDON )
Chorboutf , (1'AIUS ( and IIAJIDUIIO.
Ilatos : Steerage from Hamburg 810 , to Ilaniburs
810 ; round trip $10 First Cabin , 85S , JflS and 876.
Henry Pundt Mark Hanscn , F. E.
Toft , scents In Omaha , Oronowef , ' & SJioentRon ,
ngcntaln Councillllufrj. C. V. lUCHAllD & CO. ,
Gen. Fass. Agta , 61 Broadway , N. Y. Chaa. Koz-
mlnskl & Co.OcnfranVcBtcrn AROiiU , 170 Wash-
Inft St. , ChleaRO , 111.
Mihood Restored
iv.- JjVl'liEE.Avictimofrouttifullmpnidenca
cnasini ; Ffem&turo Decar , Nervous Debility , Lett
l&nbood , tlc.baTinff tried la vain ovary unoirn
romedrfhcrdlscoTerea Afllmplemeansof solf-oure.
which be wit5 spnd FHKli to LIs f ollow-imflorors.
Addrau. J.lUlEKVKa.43 ObathimKU.New Ycrk.
° lckl > < rra * ° en > c < 11 < - HookrrM.
Health is Wealth !
f n rantood ipedfla for Hysierla , Dliilntes , Oonvul-
dons , Fits , NotvouB Noaralgin , Hcaduht , Neivona
Pioetrktlon caused by Ihe tue of alcohol or tobtmcoo ,
Wakefulnesa , UentU dopresslon. Softening of the
bram , result lnpUi Inuoliy and leaping lo misery ,
decay and death , Premature Old ago , Baionesa , lose
ofpowor Ui either eez , Involuntary Losses and Bper-
f atorhoraoauBod by ovei ezortlontol the brain , self-
oboee or over Indulgence. Each box , contains one
month's treatment. 11.00 a bozor aix bottlei or
11.00 , lent by mall prepaid on teoelpt ot price.
So eme any easel With each order received by t
lot six bottles , acoompllthed with { .00 , we will send
he pnrohasor onr written guarantee to refund the
money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Otui
eoteos leaned oa'y by JOHN 0 : WEST h CO. ,
i JvlS-mSo-ry iSlBS ! iladlaonSt. , Chicago , 111 ,
, tt :
lasies Medical hslituli
diseases of the Skin and
Ulood promptly relieved and
pirmanentlycurcd byrcmo-
_ _ „ tt > i > eclall'ractice. Seminal
Wealtncai. NiKht LossL-.Uy Dreams , Pimples on
tiie Kace.Lost Manhood , positively cured , T/.er
tlaiiaexficrlmtiiHtm , The appropriate lu.r.ed }
vj at once used In each cuse. Consultations , per *
t nal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med.
iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
ipicvace to indicate contents or sender. Addresi
Eoyal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 12 to 14 Days.
TICKETS , U. 00 , HALVK8. tl.OO
Sabjeol to no manipulation , not controlled by tbe
parties In Interest. It la the falieit thing In the
Datura of chanoo In exlitenoe.
For tlokota apply to sniSKV SCO. , 1212 Broad ;
ay. N. V. City ; A. MOLU & CO. , 417 Walnut Ht. ,
t. Louis. Mo , or M. O1TEN3 & CO , 619 Main St. ,
luiBaa City , Mo.
P0 ? > \5ec
. _ fiasas ; V M0l i-.M '
H rjfotiu pr crlrtlou of * oct l ip cl U l ow if
Aiintniloal 1'iiiis.
A tnifd , \ . u wi. t-t k.t i.l , lit'eK ! > w
U .r. . J tl.otiKht 1-4 i , tor p' w tin nifrht.
' Ho t - < e eye wuh he't g"
tut li" i lnt tiicguo liis lifndxnJ tide ,
"Why > un 1 Ufco thn lum ] . ? "
"Oh , you'rso llRht,1' thumbmlM roplleU
Unto the fun kin'9 ecamp ,
"No ! I'm thifih flame thntfrtveii Jo light , "
The belie necks claimed with glee ,
Anil l.nifjlied tooth think hew.uso bright.
"Don't waist your wit on mo ,
"Or you'll leg-splodp , " chock coldly snld ,
' lJut enr comes \n \ no doubt
Heel t.iko ynu forehend dreiHful lamp
And nuiekly put you out. "
[ H. C. DOIWK In Chicago Sun.
I1ONI3T FOll TUtl Ii/\IIK3 ,
Largo plaid gingh.una have the wool effects.
Morning caps nro made of embroidered net
and Inco.
Silk gloves and mits'aro'popular for even-
inr wear.
Black prints are to be worn in uambinaMon
with red.
An opera cape is of uhito swanVdown with
A pale blue down border.
As u display of hosiery the roller rink Is
said to oxreed the French opera.
Swiss muslin embroidered with silk la u ed
for draping nnd flouncing short silks.
Mascotte Is n novelty in silk gooda. It has
iho beat qualities of iiraure ana ottoman.
A crlrcson brocaded velvet opera cloak is
trimmed with the long white fur of the Per
sian lamb.
Velvet collnra turned down or standing , nro
very fashionable. Jabots nud giluts of lace
are worn with thorn.
Mauled women claim n grent many things ,
but wo have no > or heard ono boast of being
older thun her husband.
Ginghams me to bo lind in great variety in
all the now shades In medium and email
checks nnd in shaded effects ,
A thin sold chain with emerald' ) clasping it
hero and there is an Indian curiosity of great
value , though it makes but a small parcel ,
"Thou art so near nnd yet so furl" exclaim
ed the S-I-a-woek shop girl , ns she gazed into
a window containing a § 505 Fealslun sacque ,
A ring of great beauty baa two tiny eight-
ocn-caint gold band" , and the stones spoiling
"darling" laid alternately on the slender
A cover for * music is of chamois skin lined
with delicate perfumed loeo-aatin , and initials
engraved in gold nnd mother-of-pearl
The most f uhionnblo bridal necklace just
now is n string of penrls. Pearls ha\e nn un
changing value nnd can always bo pawned at
lair rates.
During the recent run on the Now Ha\cn
savings bank a servant girl drew out her en
tire Ba\inis for two years nnd invested them
inn sealskin pack.
Why is n man named William more likely
to be happy in marriage than ono with n dif
ferent name ? Because hia wife will always
love her own sweet Will.
A kind-hearted lady of Gilroy , Kan , , has
constituted heifelf the good angel of nil
trimpa. She not only gives them n square
mual , but wino and cigars.
A bonnet of red velvet Ins n full crown.
The broad brim is covered by largo jot beads ,
which nre strung in cross-bars. A small black
aigrette forms the trimming.
"Humph ! " said n young man nt n play with
n young lady. "I could ulny the lover better
than that myself. " ' 'I wouldn't mind seeing
you try it , " was the naive reply.
As hnnd-boquets nro coming in f.iabion for
this winter , a very handsome French horn
handle , decorated with silver filligreo work
nnd edged with gilt scolloped lima , is n novel
ty by way of a holder.
Tan nnd brown are the lending colors for
glovag lor spring wear. Suede gloves in
mousquetn'r style nro in great demand , while
in dro.-sed kid button gloves nro worn , Ilook-
ed gloves are obsolete ,
' Girlish nnd pretty toilets nro made of shot
or Pompadour silk , with bouffant overdress of
tulle matched to one of the shades of the
changeable mlk , or to the color of the gay fig' '
urea in the floral pattern fabric.
A golden jewel case is drawn by two golden
butterflies nnd ban silver harness mounted with
Inch diamonds ; four little bijuu parian scent-
bottles are held in the lap of n little maiden
arrayed in gay-colored silken garb.
Fine grades of seersuckers are to be hod this
season in checks and plaids. The latter bnvo
fine lines of crimson , quite a novelty. The
brown , block and blue stripes with which
every one is familiar , are also shown.
Among tbo ornaments worn this winter
upon tha costume ara delicate clasps of Irish
diamonds mounted in silver , which are espec
ially effective over dresscj of dark velvet.
Buckles , pins , and bangles are also en suite.
Largo tidies are made of the soft white
goods that has figures of white colers stamped
upon it. These tidiea have corners of velvet
nnd then a band of velvet of a different color
is put around the tidy , with nn edge of laco.
'Mrs. Do Sllvn is BO poetical , " observed
Mrs , Brown to her husband. "Sho calls her
new dresses dreams. " "A very good name
for them , " responded Mr. Brown , "for her
husband always speaks of the b 11s as night
mares. "
It IISB become the fashion of late years to
dresa little girls of eight and t ° n in costly
silks , velvets and brocades. This fancy Into
its advantages. It enables mothers to make
over their own or older daughter1 ! ) dresses into
handsome little costumes.
_ Buttercup yellow satin makena very beau
tiful evening , toilet , ns under gaslight it ia
delicate , theeny go'd. This dress , however ,
must bo carefully chosen , for only .1 brilliant
brunette or a "divinely fuir" womnn could
safely venture to adopt it.
Opera nnd ball-room wraps for young ladies
resem' le these worn some years ngo before
deep fur-lined cloaks wutt ia vogue , The
shape ia that of n short rounding circular of
plush , mndo with n pretty satin hood , intend
ed for wear and not solely for ornament.
Handsome pln-cunhions are now frequently
ronde long and narrow rather than square. A
very pretty one of blue satin hnd oua corner
of bl u a plush , on _ the corner opposite was a
bow of satin ribbon of
the snmo color ; em
broidery may bo substituted for the bow.
"Are you out in soc-iety this winter , Mis.
Crimeonbeak ? " asked nn acquaintance , meet
ing her in the milliner's. "Ob , yes , " lap'ied '
the lady , admiring an cstrich tip ; "Mrs.
Fuasenfenthur and I are both out. Wo don'c
speak , you know. " [ Yonkers Statesman.
"Well , how were the ladies dressed ? " was
asked at ono of the club ) of n member who had
just come away from n very fashionable din
ner party. "My dear fellow , " ho replied , "I
really don't know. The fact is I didn't think
of looking under the table.- -Now York Tn
bune ,
Several very valuable India shawls havi
been worn at high-class weddings lately , and
on each occasion they were draped in the old
fashioned manner with the points falling low
on the bask of the skirt. Caliemiro shawls
in winter naturally load to those of lacn in
summer , a fashion suitable to matrons or
Iderly ladiea only.
Mrs. J. W. Clark , ' of Mount Vernon , is
able , at the advanced age of ninety-one yoara ,
to slog the psalms in the church service in
clear voice , to knit , embroider and to keep up
a large correspondence. She la also & devoted
worker among the poor , going out personally
on pleasant days to distribute tracts na well
as sabttantial aid to the unfortunate ,
White nun's veiling drcssei for evening
we'ir nro trimmed with lilver br.iid. If thu
braid is narrow there nre twelve or more rows
on the tkirt , lix n out tbo throat nnd the
same about the waiit. Some of the dresses
nro tucked , and each tuck la beaded by braid
nn inch wide. The overdress , open at the left
tide , has rows of brn'd on the under tide ,
which is turned back BO that the trimming ia
displayed to advantage.
A handiome drean baa the loog overikirt ol
heliotrope velvet. The bodice ii fastened at
the chest with a silver clasp and opens OUT a
veat of cream-colored tiatln with heliotrope
chenille apoti. The undortklrt la of the cream
aatln , with a broad Uind of thn velvet with
diagonal rows of sliver braid nt regular inter
vals , and ii finished by n narrow knife-plait
ing of the satin below , Tbo uleevt's an-
trimmed with the satin nnd rowj of sihoi
A "Fasclrator , " o named , most uteful f01
enuttoping the shoulders and head when leav
IUK the heated concert-room or ojfert , U mad *
with very coarse wooden knitting-pins- as
ll.LKu ti. > t Ur aul n.4 o i-yf-
TI nurt ' r II at .H hfi in 1 kn t R r-
t r kmttlnc uti.i tiio i , > JlLi.x.ihi r i nt < l
Mont t v rJ nul thn o , u 11 CM l * . " ' "
ion ; li ] \\hon. .ir.pieU 1. b. rler th. ' tntire
tnti nitli au nl .a ff.ith. . r dpo ili ' pst rn ,
win hRlvr a riiUlnt \ and fleecy tit.i l > to
the whole
A very ptotly bill dresi shown at n fashion
able importing hutio was nmde of a rih
ihado of gsrnlt iktiti veiled with tulle of _ n
deoii r oliado , the tulle being libenlly eprin-
k'ed with beads to correspond. The front o
the dre , which wa made with Ibo satin
alone , was embroidered with garnet bead In
a heavy deiign of Rowers nnd leave * . The
corsage was cut away square in front nnd bor
dered with embroidery , and bands of the same
formed epaulets over the shoulder * , thejo an
swering for sleeves. Garnet hairpins nnd oth
er ornaments were to bo worn with this ti net.
Hero is something worth knowing :
fruit which has begun to work industiioiwly ,
unless actually our , can bo transformed into
pickles , The housekeeper who contributes
this knowledge vouches for its merit. Drain
out nil the liquor fiom the fruit , and let it
come to a boll. Skim elf all the icuin that
ilses , arid half n Uncupftil of vinegar for e ery
two quarts and n half or oven three quart * of
the liquor , with sugar enough to tn i te a good
rich BJHID ; add spices to auitpl. * o ; tie
them up In n muslin cloth ; wn < n s liquor
looks clear ndd the fruit ; let it heat gradually
nnd then actually boil lor three or four min
To mnko n rcn'ly delicious dder cake beat
three cups of sugar , one of butter , nnd yolks
of four eggs to n cream , then stir in six cupa of
flour ( not heaping cups ) , beat till smooth nnd
light. Put one teaspoonful of soda into a
Inrgo cup of sour cider nnd stir quickly , before -
fore it stops foaming ; beat It Into the cake
batter ; when this is accomplished add ono cap
full of atoned and chopped raisins , well
floured , nud last of all the whites of four f crg
beaten to n stiff froth , Bake at once In
loaf. Put A buttotcd paper in the bottom of
tbe cake pan.
A very beautiful imported toili'.to ' has the
bodlco nnd train of rich enhnon < red bro-
cided silk. The front of the dt 9 has a
tnbller of old-gold satin covered with poail-
om'jroidcrod not , with bands of embroidered
satin in the colors of the sill ; nud satin. The
tablier is edged with a deep pearl fringe ,
which falls over n plaited llounca nt the bottom
tom of the skirt. The tram U lined with the
old gold-g.itln , nnil is turned b ick nt the sides
so n4 to display tha lining. The front ot tha
bodice has n pieceof Ins fatta covered with
the embroidered net , let In the front ; the
edges are outlined with poarlx. Thu bnsquo
falls over n short Louis XIII , iiifllo of the
A AVoiimn'H
"I am so weary of my home ! " she cries ,
'And of its endlefa task so in nn nnd small ;
I love to mingle with the world outiido ,
To drink from life's aweet cup ; the drops that
From benkorsotherdosp.though gladly quaffed ,
.Slake not my thirst , my hand must hold the
draught. "
She feela n little hand slip into hert ,
And little fingers clinging to her ROWH ,
And in her htnrt a tender memory stirs
Of violet lids by early death shut down ;
And ns she lifts the little hmderer up
"Idrink"shecries , "at Jeast from lovo's full
cup. "
"Forgive. dcnrT.ord , forgive the foolish speech ,
Fur love is all ; without it life ia naught :
Let me but have the blessing in my reach.
And I will never more complain of aught ;
Llfo'd cue may hold for woman what it will
Without love s wino she will ba thirsty still. "
The man who never lies laughs if ho is called
a liar. [ Old Saw.
"Good-bye , sweet tart , " said the tramp
he a wallowed it. [ Carl Pretzel's Weekly.
A ring around the moon is n sign of rain. A
riog around a girl's finger ia also u eign of
"I've joined the TVmiane , " tnld Smith , na
went to dinner , "I'm going to dine a mite. "
[ Troy Times.
Nnturnl gas in Pittsburg soils for twelve
and one-half cents per 1000 feet , possible ex
plosions thrown in ,
A burglar bit a sweet potato which waa loft
on the supper table ol the house which he was
rifling , nnd the print of his teeth furnished
the cluu resulted in his nrreat.
A man in Georgia tells of a 10-pound trout
which stopped n mill wheel , Hither the wheel
must have been smaller than the trout or the
lie bigger than the mill. [ Boston Post.
They tell a remarkable story of a woman In
Pennsylvania who has refused to talk to all
but three persona for the last twenty-five
years. What a bleseine such a woman would
be In come families ! exclaims a married editor.
"What nre you looking at , old pal ? " asked
the postman of Mrs , Mulligan. "Shure , nn'
I just thinkin' , " said Mrs. Mulligan , "how
fnme me b'y Moiko will be lukin' whin tie eita
thim clothes on. " Mrs. Mulligan's Moike
voted for Cleveland.
Dress coats to be worn this reason. For
Investigating Committees A coat of white
wash. For Shoddyitos A coat of urms. For
Whooperupg A coat of red paint. For Ugly
Facts A coat of varnish. At Select Parties
A cjteiie. [ Pittaburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Mistress ' 'There it goes again. Mary , do
yen sen that door ? "
Maid "Yosfiim. "
"Mistress "Well , you have left it opon.
Were you brought up in a fawmill ? "
Maid Nome , I has alters lived with fain
ilii'j as can afford door-springs. "
"You have to work pretty hard , don't
you1 eaid a good-natured old gnntleman to n
ear driver. "Well , I should smile , but I have
no cause to complain " "Why not ! " ' 'Be-
c.mso my boss is BO liberal that he gives mo
eighteen hours to di > my day's work in , while
you poor bankers have to crowd your work
into about four hours. " fNnw York Journal.
"Mamma , who is that poor , sad man in the
other oiid of the car ? " "Hush , darling , he
m y hear you.1 "Poor man ; I "epecthis folka
id all dead , " "Keep quiet , pet " "I do believe
liove he'd going to o'y , mamma. Poor man ? "
"Do keep still , child. " "But mamma , who is
ha aud what's the matter with him ? " "Hush ,
little one ; he's a humorist , but you're too little
to understand tht'no things , "
Oh , these southern llaral How we sink into -
to mediocrity besides them ! Hear this one ,
fresh from the swamps of Florida : "Tom
Orumgoolt ) , of Galneville , fired nt a p.itridgo
which he saw ftittinfr on a rail near the ground
aud killed eight others which he did not c a
that were tilting in a bunch on the opposltu
side of tbo fence. " Thin pri/e lie should be
shipped to Now Orleans at once.
( ' ilhooly : "It's n very elegant uliter , as
you say , Mr , Schaumburfr , and I would like
to pay your price for it. but it is too long. It
drag * on the ground , " Mose Schaumburg :
"It looks like it might be f boost a leetlo long ,
but ven you valks dot street on , done poebloa
vill admire dot elegant ulster so much dot
your preast vlll schwell ott mit pride , HO dot
maj be dot ulster vlll come up apove your
knees. "
So exceedingly decollete nro the dresses of
thn ladies nt the Washington receptions thia
winter that President Authur showa his embarrassment -
barrassmont and diHuomfort. It Ia n great
relief for high- minded and proper men to slip
away from these vulgar exhibitions to the
stern nnd rigid propriety of nn "Adamlets
IMun" entertainment. The d ( Terence be
tween an ultra-fashionablo woman and a fe-
ma'e ' minstrel is thnt the one begins to nn\v off
at the neck , the other at the feet. { Kansas
City Times.
EDIDLE bird's nest is the nest of tlie
eon-swallow of tbo Malay archipelago , n
bird of the size of a common martin.
It builds its nest of a glutinous sub-
etarico , which it is said to derive from n
icu-wcod. This weed is swallowed and
partly digested , and then disgorged and
fashioned into a nest as largo as a coffee-
cup. When fresh , those nesta are of a
waxy-whito color , and are said to bo
worth twice their weight in silver in
the markets of China , where alouo they
are sold , the general cost being $5 or
more a pound , according to the ago of
the ucBts. The taste of dishes pre
pared from these r sts is said to be in
sipid , but the Ohiuoso prize them , not ,
perhaps , so mur-iyfor their taste , an for
their suppf > " ' , a tonic and nphrodjsiao
Ailiy trio K llt > r s\\.tr ,
W , b t r.Ti jl.l . inhisUi'.T '
\ * i jcyli'l"hfynnilsiirfl " ,
Th ' it a wt in his hri'Von li .ir.
An 1 Intterij. F irnestiyorc. .
A yo.ith had dropped in with .1 piom
And w < thcro wltln dun :
And chHp Imd entered to toll him
How how tha paper ought to bv tun ,
\n it ito subn tlbor had told him
That hi sheet wasn't fit to bo road ,
Wlnli mother had carefully promised
To pum h the editor's head.
The foreman wns yelling for oopv
And the wind whistled in at the door
And this with a few other re.uons ,
la why the editor swore.
But the ani el who took it to 1 leaven
Koitirdcd this \erdlet thorc ;
"Tho jury find in the present cast' ,
' n justifiable swear. "
HtiHlmml nndVllc. .
It's the slranRoat thing that over 1 knew ,
nd the most provoking 'twixt mo no you ,
id womnn whose got a man like me ,
V good provider , nnd steady nnd free
Vitli nil lier folks with fumU salted down ,
Vnd as fine n house us nny In town ,
I'o be fomenting 'cause one child In ton
Viu't quite as good n ho might have boon.
It'3 a pretty good showing , it poems to mo ,
. 'hat onlyi * tentli of the lot should bo
V little otf color , and that's what I sny
To their mother twenty times n day ;
Jut Ian't make her see it In that light ;
Vnd she listens nnd waits night after night ,
Air the sound of his step , till 1 grow notlld
That I almost curse both mother and child.
'Sho ' ought to live for the others , you know ,
And lot the tormenting vagabond go
Vud follow his ways and take the pain
3ut I tutn him out and flho calls him again ,
. his innlcos n hardness between her and mo ,
r\ud the wdrtt of it it > the children agree
.hat I'm in the right. You'd pity her ,
iitch timen I think I'm the meanest of men ,
'I'vn ' armed and scolded nnd coaxoi without
oud ,
lor answer is always ! 'My bqy has one
s IODK ns I live , and your charge is nntruo
That my heart holds no niuallovo for you
And all the rest. But the ono gene astray
pds me the moat , and you'll find 'tis the
Of all mothers to hold close to the ono
iVho hurts her the most. Bo love's work Is
dono. '
'Now what can 1 say to such \\-orda in thono ?
'm not convinced , ns the history shows ,
13ut I often wonder which ono is right ,
iVs t hoar her light step night nftor night ,
Hero and there , to the window and dooi ,
I\B she waits with a heart that is heavy nnd
wi h the boy dead ; while Lo gives her life
[ ' snvo him from sin , There's husband and
wife , "
Household Hints.
Glycerine will remove coll'eo and other
italns from white or colored goods.
In hanging p'cturos the brightest col-
ilors should bo put lu the darkest corners
f the room.
Pressed leaves placed between sheets
if glars , bonlercd by n plash frame , are
lecd for screens.
Braes candles' ' ids made to hang before
i mirror , purposely arranged to reflect
ho light , give a very charming effect.
Among novelties is that of a paper
.veight . In the form of a brass glove deftly
modelled and the top turned over at the
Old marble or wooden mantels nmy bo
tainted with two or three eoata of oil
olor to nutch the prevailing tints of the
omalning woodwork.
Waste paper baskets are made of Chi
aeso at raw , painted floraldesign with oiler ,
he style being neon ia racks for paper
doors for cupboards , etc.
A glsza of carmine or lake will pro
duce a rcsewood flnieh. A tarpentine
ixtrnct of alkanet root produces beaatifal
tain which admits of French polishing.
A bracknt towel rack is arranged with
movable bar to suspend an embroidered
nir'aia ' over the towel bar , the bracket
ihelf providing for a vase or other ob-
Progress ot the Colored Man.
The colored man in the south contln
es to givp evidence cf his progress to
rards a higher stage of civilization. List
'aosd.iy a negro in Atlanta ended his
Ife In a manner which showed that he
lad made a careful study of his white
rctlier'a methods of suicide. He took a
caded Enfield rifle , tied -whip-lash with
loop in It to the trigger , and , placing
ho mnz/.lo of the weapon nnder hia coin ,
'iecharged it by patting his foot In the
oop. The whole ) thing was so neatly
'ono that the suicide's hat still remained
n his head when ho was found dead.
I'ulntH on Poker.
Shorthand A bob-Ud flush.Life. [ .
A worthy couple A pair of acoa , [ Boston
'ost. '
The man who plays poker t'ikcH pot luck
, t the table.Cmuiunati [ Commoicial Travel
er ,
A four-in-hand Four .ices. [ hife. A sigh
A straight with a solitaire on tap , f Uoaton
If there is n good etako up , four aee.s are
bettor four-m-hnnd than a fuur-horso team ,
[ New Orleans I'll ; yuiiB.
The poet who a short timoagos ng"I Have
! 'ound JMy Queen , " U now sorry for It. The
ithor man , it transpires , found his ace. [ 13os-
in Post.
A pootsings "I've Found My Queen. " That
s a very small subject for a pjom , wo should
Miink , If he wanted to write Honu-thing of
ntert-st he ouslit to einf al > out three queens
nd a , pair of jacks , or four aces and a king ,
"Hubby , what were you dreaming about
ast night when you saiii you would straddle
, ho blind ? "
"Me ! Strad Oh , yes , I was dreamin ? I
was going for a horseback ride on a blind
lorso. '
"Oh , I see , That accounts for the rest you
aid. You was eolngto ride over and call on
'our ' auntie , weren't you , huU > yJ"
Irvine and American Audiences ,
In the British FortnlgVly Mr. Irving
has an article on American andiences ,
dissecting Us qualities. Mr. Irving
keenly says : 'Tnn dominant character
istics of an Amciicau audience is Im
partiality. They do not ait in judgment ,
resenting as positive otlences lack ol
power to convey meanings or a diver
gence in the interpretation of a particular
character or scene. When I hey do netlike
like a performance they simp'y gt away.
And here Is a kindly feeling toward the
actor. As an individual part of thai
recognition of Individuality , so strikingly
characteristic in American life-and cua
toms , Is tbolr thorough enjoyment
Another point , they are not only quick
to undorttini and appreciate but the ;
take a genuine pleasure in the exprea
elon and approval , They are not nu-
passed in quickness and ceinpletenois r
comprehension by any audience I have
yet seen. "
Sherman ns a KUsrr.
One miming wltUe General Sherman
Ylls visit ng W < v\h ugt < n lately , ho mt
Q.noral Scainok on the streHt. "Ilo
are you Schtnail" said the blutl' old war
Hor. "Voa ro Itiuk'ng ' spbudWl/ .
1 \e , ' wa.s txp > p1\ , " 1 na hrst-rato ,
aven't felt . . well vn the laUs on t > *
Jtyearr. Hut. tell me General , w'v '
tl it rcrv prt * y \ \ x.iti you loiM.l
tV > r 'ho r C'ptvn iho ether n' ut' '
rii > j war liii-np pondered n nuiiien * . and
xi'lamad : ' 'Oh , 1 remember ) but bleu
1 know who she was " "Did yon know
ho wa n married worn n' " a ked
choncK. "No , indeed , " slid tlio Gon-
nl , Inushlntr , "ami 1 haven't neon her
Inco. Yon ace they 1 stood up in a
no mid 1 jast nndtil in ; Imt I iciiiom-
er Iho ono you nionn. " The two old
ricnds trlod to Hgtira out the pedigree
f the Imsed woman , but the cna only
now that she was inarriud nnd the
thor tint ( ho was klts blo. Finally ,
General Sehonck said : "Will , anyhow ,
hormnn , 1 ndmiro your taatn. " "Yea,1
omnrkod General Shoiman , with a
winkle in his eye , "aho waa tine , certain-
r. Did your notice how well aho atood
pen her fetlock joints ? She WAS a tiuo
oinan. "
LoinoiiAde ,
Once my love and I together ,
In the midst of xummor weather ,
[ ado some lumoirido , and found It most as
tonishingly nice.
How ehe squeezed the lemons neatly ,
Touched their severed h.ihos discretely
Vlth her dainty milk-whita ( uigors , nnd I
triocl to ( .ounJ the ii-o !
Tnsu I whispered words concornliiR
Certain hopes the words werobiirninpr ,
'hough I think the ice had rendered n lest
ardent leer ehilly.
lut ! her ewootnefs , who could doubt it ?
Not n trace of tart about it ,
f the nir did smell of lemons as I murmured
something flilly.
Ah , thero'H nuthiiip more begullinc
Than a pretty v\r \ ] , who , smiling ,
.sks your help In equeezinR lemong , to com
pound a lemonnilo.
Fcr wlilto hnn la can look so pleasing
That the necessary squeezing
sn't nil done on the lemon ? , us it elioulil be ,
I'm afraid ,
Onea ugaln wo too nto browiut-
.Sei' , up < m the gaslight stewing
Is n funny little nauce-p.m with n drink that's
not for mo ,
Nor for her. And , truth to toll ,
Neither of ns likes tha smell ;
< "or this funny little eawo-pan is quite full cf
catnip tea.
[ Bessie Chan Jlor , in I'uek's Annunl ,
AH OlJcot of Envy to Jinny.
A Now York woman who is snlug for a
livorco says she "hds boon married eight
ears and has never neon her husband. '
t Is Impoeaiblo for some husbands to
pleaao their vivea. This Now York
woman eeoms to bo unusually favond in
a matrimonial way and doesn't know It.
iVhan she wants to ask her hasband for
20 for a now bonnet It may bo a little
nconvenlo nt not to have him around ,
) ut look at the compensations ! No
.roueors . to half-solo , no buttons to sow
on , no boots to help pull oil' when hu
comes homo pros ! rated from overwork ,
and no other domeotic labors of that
character. She will bo envied by thous
nds of marritd women. ( Norristown
A Combination ,
A little boy ,
A piece ot striupr ,
A kettle , dog and tail.
A heap of joy ,
A Hiiddon spring ,
A long and piercing wail ,
A leather strap ,
A heavy baud ,
A Mmirin , a licit , and squeals ;
A sounding rap ,
He'll ha\e to stand
For a week to oat his meals.
-Hoston Post.
A IVaBtiington Beauty.
St. Louie Globe-Democrat.
A very pretty woman , who has reap-
) eared in Washington this year , is Mrs.
3corgo Spencer , wife of the ox-senator
'roni Alabama. Six years ago society was
excited when the senator went over to
Sow York , married Miss Nimez , a incin-
> er of a theater company there , and
n-ought his brde hero. She was a Mis-
sisspp'an by birth and related to several
generals of the confederate and Egyptian
lervlce , and is still a very beautiful woman
of the slender Spanish type. As she ap-
) eared the other day , making some aftcr-
10011 calls upon ladies in the same hotel
.vhercsho is staying , she was the striking
igaro of the occ-jsion. She wore a loiij ;
> laek velvet dress , an immense black Ru-
ens hat covered with black plumes , very
eng black g eves and earned a largo fan
> f black ostiich feathers , wliich , in its
graceful motions , fecondud the wonderful
ilay of her large dark eyes under the thin
rching brows. She held a whole com-
iany of lady's spellbound and fascinated ,
nd that is the laat and most uruoinl test
f any pietty woman's talents.
If you can't marry a woman of sense , young
man , imrry .1 woman of doll.ira.
A London reporter recently eloped with a
irl worth only S10.IOO , Newspaper men
met bo poorly paid on the other sido.
A soldier named Pradler , who die recently
; Auroux , Franco , w.'n a century old before
married , and he lived with his wife eight
Mrs. Tom Thumb and Count Hoaobud , two
[ me museum widgets , representing n com-
ined capital of $100,000 , nro engaged to bo
During an examination a mediial student
elng sisked the question , "When does moitl-
cation ensut ) ! " replied : "When you poji the
uostion , nnd uio answered 'n ( > ' "
Muvnr ask your IntondodV father about his
ueiness matters. He might susrwct you had
nercernnry motivoa in viow. When at his
osldente put in all your time with the young
udy. The best way to find out his business
undine' is li > inquire nt the commercial
Young Wife ' I never knew my husbind
o lose ma p-esieiica of mind but once , and that
was when we were marriod. It was lee ab-
urd. IIo was i ) p.ile aB-afthnet , and it took
ilia nearly five mlnutei ttv find the ring , "
) ld R-ichalor ( grimly ) ' "I'otsihly bo re.illzed
lisimmintnt danger , niadajn.-d [ n Fran
KXI Chronicle.
Bill Wder nod Miss Hlon Kindly , of Unus.
on , havn kaen engaged to 1 > < married forsoinu
ime. The other night old Mr * . Kindly oamii
nto the parlor \\liero thn Io > er8 wsre anil
ound them scowling and fikjbtlnif like oats and
jogs. "Mv gooi ] gfocloiu , Helen , how can
rou iiiirurel BO with William ? People out un
ho street will think you axemarrieU already. "
-Taiaa.Slf [ tings.
On the morning of January 27 , IVter .7 ,
toynold was marrkdin New York to u. beau
Iful you gvoiian , After the widdlng ! e *
.ivitlea the proarn , complained U a severe
% > ld , but aa hu WM sir ng nnd healthy he paid
but little attention to it. On WrdaettUy hu
i an prostrated , and at midnight ho dioti from
ineumonla The Wide of a day remains
ilunged In grief so intense that her relatives
'ear her mlxd ha become affected by ihtt end' '
den shock.
Amen ? tha gifts at n recent faiiiionable
wreding , " writes Clara Ui-llo , "wu a hand
some , gold-mounted , gem iYcoraUd bottle for
perfumery. Ic hail a klsd of squirt-gun on
the no2zlu , so that It might bo used to inray
the contents over tha rooxi. The eyei of th e
fond iftther lit on this tiling , 'Who lui rlar J
to eend my daughter a nursing bottle ? " he
said , "It is on intuit. It ij indelicato. Of
tourna , BIU will havu children , but this | nti-
nated that , of ojurae , > he won't do h r duty
in n maternal mauiur.1 He wanhushnt'.and in-
stiui-ted , but not before the itory got a start. "
"WilKN a writer awoiirs bycauso his
articles are refused , U'H ; i pvoof that re
jected communications corrupt good
crionners ,
1'rrc fnnii Opiitlr * , 1'iiittlci mill /'olviin.
I'ar C iiirli , "nro Tlirtml. llonronrw , InfliiMiia ,
Cold * , llrnnrliltls t Mtnp , \ \ lionplnff I'ungh ,
AMlittin. Qnln ) . I'Aln * In t'hrvt. ftnilMlit-r
Aft" u * i i f tliftTlirmit n i Lung * .
Prlrp no oi-ntun imlt lo oM tiv lirnecI'M nnd Deal
er * lrtlr * unaM , li inAttrr thrlr < tnilrr tnt > rnint\au \
grill r ir itifni irlll f rtMlwtllei.t.xiirriirfiiirad
JXJIJ , by ttnillnff nnr ,1 .itiir to
. i.ioiitmt rnnrtM ,
8alao tti-ri * n1 MnntirirtMr * ,
lUlllmnrr , .Miirj Inn. ! , f. 5.
A girl In my cmio | } han lircn ciirc < l o ( constltu-
lonal tcrotiila liy the uim of S Ht' Si < ocillr-
J , O. MiUAMit , , Allatoona , ( la.
sirentlcinan Is tlio latter ol the ClD > cruur ot
Vamlcrbllt's millions cnnU not bur Irommowliat
Sivllt'sSpccino IK-IS ilonc for inc. It cured mo ot
icrofula of 15 jonrs' Rtamllng.
Mils. KUZ.MIRTII DAKEII , Acnorlli,0a.
TETTER AltersnfTorlnn with Tetter for olo\cn
josrs , Mul lu\ltii ; nil Boriso ( trcaluiout , 1 was ro
llotcilcntirclj bj Unltt's Specific.
I , . II , Lr.i , Rawson , Oa.
SNATOIIKDPnOMTlIKOIlAVK-I was ( .rciicli1 .
to death's door liy a crmMnatlmi of rcrcnit nnil
erjdiicla * , from nh'rh I hail Rudi'red for tlnec ) cars
Vi'nf treated liy pcril I lij kUn with lodlno ( ifltai-
flam , uhiih a ciiud to feed the clUemo. I liaMbren
cured xnnnd nndcll In ttiou-ent S ll 's Spoclllo.
lilts. HUUII K , Ti R.SKK , Iluinliolilt , Icnn.
Specific Iscnttrptyvesotablc. Trcallsooii
Blooj and Skin Diseases mailed fnu
Tim StmrSriMHc Co. , Dr wor 3 , AtlnnU , Ua. ,
orlBOW S.1J St , Kuw York.
Oironlr % Vrrrnim
< llilrk , WurtC'unw. . .
hod JBS11yrlttrn attaranlfa afv
Hn rvervtia * * itntlfrtalrnt
* -8endtwi > itttiiinforVlibratidllcdlCilWork ,
AddrcK. III. . CI.AJIKK , M. Jji80So > a
Uatk btrc. t , C u.i AGO. ILL.
thrls on llorllcl. ' rood. " wrilo luindrnn of
pr.vt 'till innthor * Tothnrh * hulk contnlitH no
f 11 nn tarci ) ) n-iimrrs no cookluir 1 ho lx t tmxl tit
no illli or Kleknpi > 8 for INl'AK'I S 1 Unboi-t dli t lorI
srLPTICS nnd INVALIDS IllKlilylM-iietkif
iTiHin-Iuif inollipinnsMilrliik IMcc-IOandTSc. AJ
driii < vl tH llookontlic tirnlinciitof childrenfroa
I Sellers It to do * uptTlor in imythln r > f tli
kin I TorclilUrfn ' n tnimom , M It. .Vu-JVl.
I'tihefll-\lluiil } trononncc It hc IM.HI Kwxl la
tli-niArkrt " ' At Htrrttt J/ . / > . , Jtoiton
Our of fre'irit fulistltul. < for tuotlier mlllc "
/ / tl IbOtm.JI > > HiooUsmM J"
\Till lie pent' t scall on receipt of price In plumps.
IIO'U.IC Ji-H FOOIl CO. , Rtirlne , Win.
- ITsj Hoi % WT 'S I - TTI AOT or
G17 St. Clmrlcs St. , St. Louis , Ho.
A regular grada&teof tno Medical Colle eii , ban lie ? n lonjfet
Ofr Kedln the special t rent men t of OaiLontc , NiB\oiaBiit
Aod HLOOD Pi tmutbBQ ny other f By ilelnn Jn fit , LouU ,
M city rr r * shov and nil oM Tf Id nti ( know.
Nervous Prostration , Debttity. Mcntpl and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and olho' .c *
tlons of Throat * Skin or Bones , Blood Pofu ag ,
old Sores and Ulcers. * n > trf 9c4 with unrrUeiwi
QCCCP * , on Uteit icIentiUo prlnclrlci. Hk * ( | > ritftte1j.
Disease * Arising from lndbcretfonp Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , Mch prMuce tome of tba
foIloMog effect ! I nervouiDemr , ( I bllitT , ffltnent of > Ubt
ftaddtfrcthe rnemorj , pimples on the fn * , i/b/ileal decnjv
Everiloo to tht jocfetj of renmlen , coaiUBl * * of tJtaa , etft ,
rcnd&riDff Uarrlatce impropeo OP unhappy ,
Krmantttlyoared , ramphlel(3ft ( rtgei ) tke ate r , K t <
ealetl enrclopc , free to nor odiln us * Coittultallon at * f
flco or by malt free , and Invited. Wrlto for qnnUooi.
A Positive Written Guarantee
givea In all ear&ble cntes. Mpdlolnca ( teat everywhere.
Pamphlets , Enellah or German , < H pocoi , do-
above diseases , In inoioor female ,
Oneplnlei , llluitrated la elolh Ba.
uone7 or pongfl ; fams. | . p p ctm ii , . Tbli b iS
lDi all tb curleui , doubml'or lQouMort ! wut !
kuvir , 1 book of jtruit | DC > U | lo all. Uulm. Baata.
\VlllpiirIiyllio L .
Iain the LIV/En anil KIDNEYS.
and KKKTOIIU Tin : JttKAi.TM
nd viaon or votwcir. uy -
> slu'aiit of AO'f ' Dtei u.
Kesllnn ,' : < it * titrvnpth.
"enroll. lmi"S , iimu'lciaiul
urrvreLivo ntwloieo
ICi livcun tha uilnd unit
- "rain I'UWIT.
. . . , , n..u..i uonipl.iliitn
. i ) . . . . will
arm t"MOf u - " " " -.M' iii-i..ll.irtp ni.ib. alt -
dnd In DIl. E ; ' BrEil'fJ IBCM TONIC n rafa flDJ (
eiiccdjr euro. UIUCBS tlcar. lieaitliy ci/aiiiluxlon.
Fro'iiiint ' bticniptfi at c- - ' -r > , ' liM onlyailii
io tlmpopularllyui tliuoilirltml. Uouulvxpun
tticnt gltliuiiiiiv\i. ANII
Ht-pdyouriirtilrwito'lhiilir. Inrl ! rM < l 5o.
St-Ix5uln , Mofur our"DKEAM KOOK. "
" llnf Ktr nvfin Mfwfal lrirnriDat > nn In *
Ilnwln ti urea Imp-
pv chtldhoi d l a < | IIOB-
fhn of' p o t rnuincnt
> a tjos. whi for am
foii nro unalile to
nldi tAu llttlu line
Uh nrJnire'a nupply ,
Mlu tlia Hc'c'ctlon of
i wet nur e lx attended
with arocti ililllculty
ml rick. Rend to
VVoolrii'.i k Oo , I'll-
inor. Mass , for pirn
cUas the subject ,
uH to il ti uixon > liin > moio children ,
all uthcr foods aanblnul Put up In lour
35o. , Mo , , 3.Sfi nd JliTG. For EftU by U
e\ory l cio M OQLl 1CII & C0i.ra Ubtl
lOthand Capitol Avaane , tr U a.'l easel Clip
VUwl 01 l > Iji iei also diseases-Jf IL
Heryous System ,
Throat , Lungs and
Urinary Organs
A3 catet O Oaivatnie Of the Brine , CrorAtd F el
Lf.rr and Arna. Dlteaaea of tlti Illp , HD . atd
' . kle Jolntl. Also Ohronlo aflictlOUB ollbe Llvu
fUieumatlam , Faralili , niu , Uker , 0 U rh , Ada
na and Bronchltlt are all treaW by nvw and uo-
jonblul method ) . All dbwaaoa cf tbe Blood and Urtn-
iry OIIIUJB , Including the e > MUltlng fiom Inckcro-
UCP , or cjposuie , are safil ) end luoccoarully tmated
Toung men , middle aged , and old men soBerlng
tfom WcakneM and Norvcos txhauttlon , produdnv
ndlKestlcn , Palpitation of tbe Ue&it , Deipondtnuy
Ulixtivtes , Ixiea of llemory.taci Ol Knerey nd Am
bltlon , can b restored to health and vigor , If o e
la not 1(0 long neglected. The Surgeon In charge
was iirpsldent Ol the Northwestern Surgical lustl
tiilo and Surgeon ut khe NatlrmsU Rurglcallmtltute
If allllctod , call or w lt lull description otyout caw
lud niodiolno may b etat jou. Ooiuultatloti
die. Aildrte Om ha I ) ! i. iistry , Ciounie Jllprju , Nl. Oer ! boot 10. a.n > . , l-la T-rdi
4i < ri < tv -10 in
11-u.uixif nil truflii'f JgcnU. Wo have nans
> ci .1 ir i i Irculan
The romarknblo growth of Omhi
dnrlng the laat fox yonra ( s mutter of
great aatonlahmont to those who pay t >
occnalonnl visit to this growing oltr. Th
development of the StocV Yards thu
nocosafty of the Bolt Lint Road the.
Qnoly paved ntreota the hundreds of now
roaluoncoa ud costly business blocks ,
with thu population of oar city more than
doubled hi the lost five yearn , All thli
Is o great surprise to visitor * nnd la tha
admiration of onr oltlzons. This rapid
growth , the btinlnona activity , and tha
many anbaUntlal Improvements tnadn a
lively doniand for Omaha real oointo , and
every Investor hnn made a handaom *
Since the Wall Street panlo May ,
with the snbsonnont cry of hxrd tlmoe ,
there has boon lone demand from opocula-
tors , bat a fair demand from lavoator *
Booking homos. This latter claps nro
taking advaut&go of low prlcas In build
ing material nnd nro securing their homer
at innch less cost tlmn will bo possible A
year hence , Spoonlnton , too , can bny
real oota * a chonpor noir nnd onght to take
ndvautiro of proa out prices foe fctnr *
pro ts.
The next few years promises gjoato *
d wol opmontg tn Omaha than the past
livi yearn , which have boon as good awe
wo could roaaouably doelro. Now man
ufacturing ostabliahmouta and largo Job
bing houoea are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
bat the State , who have tholr money in
the baakn drawing a nominal rate ol
toroat , which , If jndlclonoly Invested !
Omaha real estate , would bring them
rnnoh greater rotnrun. We have man/
bargains which ire are confident will
bring the purchaser largo pronto tn th
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parta of the city.
North we have fine lots nt reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th.
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnaru , Davenport ,
Guming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnnm , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Borne of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in tliewestern part of the city
will increase in valun
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the price in a short time.
We also have some tine business
lota aud some elegant , inside resi-
dejicep for Halo ,
Parties wishing to invest will find *
some good bargains by calling u
? eon Faania'ji and Douglas.
P. S. Wr na > . thoflo who have
-oyerly fov salp ut n bargain to give
us a callWe wnnt only bargaina
We will r PJt'.voly not handle prop
< rlv at 099 than its real value.