Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1883, Image 2

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    Proud , honorable , ftitlifulwoman y ,
she dtcrntincd o keep expenses
downanddo the work hcrsclf. Ri ht
! nobly has she done it , but at tern le
c t. The sparkle that was in her
eve when she was a bride is one.
ner once lunlp.and rosy leeks
src now ho lowand colorless. She
used to step lightly and gracefully
belt now she drags one foot after the
tithe ; with painfuhvcanncss.
For tit' sake of the family she
does not inentlon It r aching back ,
n. acutely-painful nerves , her rheu-
matjc twinges , her dyspeptic troubles ,
or the heavy wdgllt silt feels in her
right side , that tells Ilcr her liver is
oing wrong. She thinks nobody
knows about all that , and she will
suffer on in quiet and unrcpinjng pa.
tience. Alas 1 her secret 1s an open
one , for it tells its own talc.
Whisper this in her car , she ou ht
Lo know 1t : Madam , Brollnl s rot :
Villcrswi11Ical 'OUrbackcabnyour
picnics , killyourr1c2walisfudrivcmll
.ourdys/rcfisiaandcorrecl ourlivcr.
Dofr a bottle. Nearest druggist. /
Health le Wealth
< t a av assalta
, ; .cwFs
riidAfu I : NT _ : - .
Dr. IC 0. Woat'a Nero and Rraln Troatmenl ,
g0atan oedepeclfo for lfy.torls , Dlninem'Oonvul
.tun. , Fits , Nornue Ncuraigla , headache , Nervous
Proetratlon areal bx the ueo of aloohol or tobacoo ,
Wakefulness Mcntal Deproselon Softening or the
Drain , resuldnz In laeanlty end IcuUng to mkory ,
dewy and death , Premature Old Age , Barrcnnnr.
Icee of power In either nor , InvoltinGry Lowe' ; ]
Hpennetorrhma oeuied by over exortlona of
bnheelf abusoorovcr Indu1gonce. Esoh
twine one month' . treatment iL00 a borer
boxee for $5.00. Pent by mail prepaid on rcoelp $
To cure any case. With each order rocolvcd by a
tot alxboxceaeco1npanlodwith$5.00wowilleendtbe
pnroheeer our written guarantcotorefundthemoney
If she lroetmont done not affect a cure. Ouersntc u
f'um&ow1 Din , let Omaha web.
a GH
ml. remedy being Injected directly to thereat
be dleeuo , requlroe no thango of diet or nauseone ,
mrrcudal or pofeenous medicine. to be taken intern.
any. When esoi u e provontlve by either sex , It I.
Impoeslbla to oontrst.ny pIrate dfsosso ; but In the
350 of thosoaiready unfortunately aallctodwe gu. e.
antee three borne to ours , or we will refund the
money. Price by mail , po.tsgo psbd , $2 per box , or
e three boxes for e5.
; wnnrEt1OUAItMiTEE $ re . C
lmsdbydlaulboriredagents. ,
0. F. OoodmsnDruggist , Sale Agent , for Omaha
1Veb , mdse wiyN
Atthts soasonof the year everybody haaacold
and 50020 very bad once. Dy frequent exposures the
noes become very uoneitlve , and
tetarh and Innuenw ere epidemic. Itellof may be
c obtained by the we of ] laud's garaparuld.
For many years In succession beginning so far
luck I don t remember whom , , I had are atarrh In
' r my heed. Uconaletodof aoontinuai flow jfromjmy
nose.Ringing and Bursting Noises
to my head. Sometime. the hoerlng In my left ear
, F' waeaffeoted. Ftveyears ago about Chic season of
; = the year Ibegan to use Iloof. Seruparlfa. I was
holpedrfghtewsybutI contlnedto ueo It until I
felt my myrocU cured.-Mrs Elio U. Caulfield ,
Lowell , Msse.
{ Jerome Brownell merchant and extensive mWeret
Victor. , Ontario county , N. Y. , writes : "I have used
? hood's SarsapullleforicyCatarrh , endIthuhelped
tile. 1 consider floats 8arsa ndlle one of the best
remedloe for blood disease to he obtained , _
: 100 Doses One''Dolla s ' t ri
'I have been troubled with ! het distressing corn.
plaint , catarrh , and have born using flood's Bares.
parfla , and find It one of the boat remedies I have
ever taken. fly trouble has lasted ten year. , and
never could got any relief until 1 eommenool to use
floaY'aBaruparilfa"-Dlartbi Shield , Chicago , Iii.
IDanget from Catarrh ;
Depends upon the amount and axiom of the fcrofu
Iou.Infection. Unquestionably many deaths from
coneumpUon can be traood to neglected atarrh.
There is a violent diatrose , prostrated and coughing
apeUs the ryes weep , the nose discharges copiously ,
end the head Scorns to split ,
Dm such pees hood' . Baruparila corrects the Ca
tarrh by its diroot action In discharging the poison
a' from the blood through naturo'a great outlets , so
' that halthysound blood roaches tto membranes
uui la wholesome.
r Hoods : Sarsaparilla
1 ' Sold by dmggista , $1 ; six for $1. Prepared by C
1. fl00D aircu , , ApotlmccarlosLowoll Mass.
; . r' 'I1Rp '
t . - , , TAMPICO
, i ' ' CDASET
. , , Afl0J08
' . , i PF2FEOT
, r I I , ; Tal1PpORT
7s offered toe every lair of Hr. B'I1IUNU' $
'rAMBIC0 In which a Tampion slay breaks. It.
4atentTdplsflick prereatibeekshsspied Irritation
e and allied dl.euee ; eccaree a uniform tomponturo
. around the body , protecting lungs cud spin. . souoeee
sary to health In sU climates.
. ; : Duy only Dr. IsTRONC'S TAp
Corset.The best ever rvtalled far /1.118.
cuLa pr L.ADfe .ZCUCnlarn k1 LLLYwleenr.
1I. 1I.f
' ' + HOU o 0leanin g PurpoaeN ,
1rINDOtYg , 30 , '
: S
° "
, Qi"lldSlItllDt , '
And w ip Ie ho cnlIe grant !
Is it because that o'er the bar
lie steer. the ship of state !
o1.D Iigxtlln.
Oh , no , my eon ! Wo call him great
ecause of his cigars ,
And 'cause ho helps us navigate
The schooner o'er the bars.
Lookingg lbr n Job ,
Oh , tliodroarinoss-tho weariness
of Ioking for ajobl
The cold , pollto rebuff ,
'rho answer rude and rough ,
Perhaps the fistlcuff
Or whack across the nob.
Oh , the aarofulness-dce pairfulness
Of looking for n jobs
Tie day that mnlesed Ira mark ,
The night spout In the park ,
Where all is cold and dark ,
Among the homeless mnob ,
Oh , the eadncas-tho madness
Of looking for a job !
The shoes down at the heel ,
The etomach'e aching feel ,
That hollow's fora nlenl-
'Twould very reason rob.
-Puck ,
Ball or hoop oar rings set with gem are fweh
Seventeen imndrod women belong to the
1nlglets of Labor in Jtochestar.
The girls of 1'rincoton , Ind „ ) maws organized -
izod an anti-chewing gum society.
Bolts and chatelain bags of elegantly em
bossed loather arc again ultra feshionablo.
The ] { ate Castloton pokes of white plush
trlrnrned with silk pompons , arc worn an
fashionable for babies a year or two old ,
Artificial hips-for woman of fashion , of
course-aro the latest , nail are necessary to
the present style of close Iitting garments.
Thcro is a lady in Wasliingtou who can
play the piano wih her fact. Perhaps this
Is the way the neighbor's oldest girl plays it.
Prayer books bound m white velvet and
gold , and costing 825 , are shown as the kind
for brides to hold in thdir lands at the altar.
Fashionable girls adopt hemanuscript etylo
of latter-writing-that I , only on one side of
the paper and with a wide margin on both
A lady In Elgin , IlL , whoso canary bird
died assembled hot friends , delivered a diS
course ever the birds remains , and lied it burned
nod in a cemetery ,
Fairno unt l'arrk Philadelphia. " le "
tricycle has also Soon n which a
gentleman and lady can sit side by side.
It is said that the measure of a lady's closed
fiat is equal to the length of her foot. When
n St. Louis girl closes liar fiat the roan around
the house make tracks for the woodshed ,
White kid bonnets are imported , trimmed
with a flat garniture of pearl and crystal bead
work or lmand-pBintod around the edges in
emnll , dollcatoty colored fluwors and buts.
Tennis , archery and school girl paper ( with
astrep full of books ) are dainty varieties of
stationery follq , ltaggod edged paper is still
popular , but the furor for it Is on the wane.
The price of kissing another man's wife in
Posey county is 822 and an apron full of
sweat potatoes. At least that is what Casper
Folomondo had to pay for kissing the buxom
Ms. . Star.
No jewelry Is worn on the streets now but
rings , and they arc covered. At least they
should be , but occasionally one sees thorn
worn over the loves by lwreons presumably
escaped from Longview ,
To clean carpets : Dampen some Indian
meal , mix salt with it , aml aprinklo over the
carpet ; swoop vigorously , Take a small
sharwpointed skiclc to remove the salt and
meal from cracks and corners.
Silver clover leaves covered' with tiny din.
mend clippings. made to resemble drape of
dew , nro among the new designs In jewelry.
'rho sot consists of lace-pin oar-rings , hair or.
namonta , elide , and bangle bracelets ,
A Boston girlwna caught giggling , This Is
a very rare spodpa. .ho was Immediately
placed tinder a glass case. Most Boston girls
never giggle ; they merely express their delight
by a dreamy , far nway , Antarctic smile.
Time Georgia paper. are Industriously circu-
bating the story of a young lad of that State
who sheared thirty shoot In arty minutes.
Evidently aloe is one of that kind of girls that
can "just got up and make the hair fly , "
Volvot'dresaes are made by Now York tail.
ore in as plain style as the cloth suits , Those
are trimmed with broad bands of fur-Rue-
Sian sable if one wishes to be very splendid ,
or black fox or cheaper furs if one is content
with vood effects. A border of fur trims the
bottom of the coat , the cuffs and collar , and
the tiny velvet muff.
Among the articles of wearing apparel or
stractod from the trunks of Lady
Mandeville nec Yuanagawhilo being convoyed
from Newport to Now York recently , were
jhirteea dozou palm of eight button add
gloves. The other missing articles comprised
diamond plus , laces , cloaks and eacquos
Though loss universally worn , the reign of
large.plaldad material. is not over ; but few
costumes are made of tkomn solely , combine.
tions of plala woollens or ve1veteons being
considered bettor taste. The newoathevo the
tunlo and blouse front draped on the crass ,
the diagonal lines not then having the effect
of increasing size.
For early winter wear are shown some very
fine ileeco'lluod fancy cloths , thick , vet sup.
plc. These do not require extra lining and
are onorally trimmed with fur. ] ixtra hick
stockinette. are now la great use , Those are
cut to sot without a wrinkle on the figure ,
and make very serviceable surtoute nud lung
coats of ovary kind , as well as the wraps amni
jackets of shorter curt , There arc also agroat
number of plain fancy cloths , ribbed , checked
matelasso , and uoiutllloused for palotuts ,
Gentlemen in eoarell of picturesque wives
should go to Lorotein Italy , Tim woman
are dark mid lovely , They wear a jaunty
costume , consisting of plxtoen otticoate on
weak days mod eighteen on Sundays and hull.
days. These petticoats are all startled , and
some arc very richly trimmed with lace and
mnbrohlory , A'colorod skirt i. then looped
up over these balloon skirts , and a stayb udlco
confines the waist to its smnnllest dhnenmlons ,
over a spotless white chonlisotto.
Dtany ladies are now wearing half capes mind
motto rmulfe neado of dark velvet bordered
with brilliant feather trhmmiu , Muffs mil
collars made wholly of fine feathers arc ccn
spicuously fublonablo , and usually match tlmo
bonnet or turban. Ail a rude , goden brown
feathers are in great request. Brown is undoubtedly
doubtodly one of the collars par excellence ,
and it le wonderful how inmunerablo.aro the
tones discoverable in a color that would seam
to admit of so few variations ,
Diamonds are a good deal like bens , Much
depends on their setting ,
The Thanksgiving turkey waxoth fat
and struts , and the eyes of te cook ruminoth
water ,
Some Englishmen tvbo want out to New
Zealand to work a derrick , have been quieted
by being told that cannibals never cat hoist.
era ,
Count IJagor I1oer aaya : "I emcee so de
little fly is gone. Von ho vas leroeo dick as
efcr dng do free lunch las twice as longer as
he d0 slaw. "
It iI believed that oil two coon in America
are engaged ht Limb nefarious business of ruck.
lug hand ugraus , 'I'helr hidlug place arc
carefully concealed ( rein the publlo. '
henry Hall , of North Carolina , has invent.
ed a maehIne that will pack ] OO pounds of
bran in a fifteen-inch space. Whatvyomml
would be able to carry-but we dlgroas-Bic.
marok Tribune ,
There is nothing like being confidential
with one's own wife , A Tonne Ivanla man ,
having$10,000 , and being afraid of burglars ,
put It In a stove oven , but forgot to tell his
svifo. It ruined him ,
.A. devil-fish recently caught at l'ortIfoyal
measured sixteen feet across and weighed two
tone. The newspaper correspondent who
caught It lied boar eating lobster salad just
before going W bed , ,
A Kansas miller drowned himself in his
mill' wad because a damn ho had just built
failed to collect water onusgh to urn the
wheel , lie oaldbltotl good sense. Soumo nlen
would have gone ! ) ome and jawed their wives
. . r
. -
' .cc ' ! f
who intend to write Christmas ghost stories
to Spa ro 11e the familiar line , "lie could not
toll how tong ho has boon asleep when he
awoke with the fooling that some one was in
the worn , "
Biliousness is not so widely spread n disease
amongAmericans as it was fifty ago , no-
cording to the statement of a scientific writer
who pretends to know all about it. It moans
that there is more freedom of tlmeught. Much
that was called piety was more biliousness.-
New Orleans Piayune
] ; xploeionr of all kinds are becoming pain.
fully numerous. A steam shovel exploded in
St. Louis the other day and seriously injured
two icon. l'eo to wo are troubed with
tramps can easily scare the rascals away by
panting this item on the front gate and then
showing them a shovel ,
Four masked burglars entered a ( muse in
hope , N. J. , and after binding two of the occupants
cupants rocecded to mask up their plunder ,
after which they sat down and ate some ap
pies. As the Imprint of the tooth ism one of
time apples shows that the enter was minus one
tooth , tlmero is a fair prospect of his being
captured. Burglars cannot he too careful how
they leave their marks.
One of the big Now York hotels lice , be.
sides wide stairways , mu electric temperature
register system throughout , and any number
of fire escapes , eight men who patrol tlio
building at night , and Lave fire extinguishers
on ovary floor as well as a moans of flooding
the house with water from lsrvo tanks on thereof
roof , Lot a retl haadod man take off his lint
in one of those hotels after dark and he is im
rnediately drowned ,
"I can't cardy this bundle' , said a wife to
her husband. "I can't , " the husbandereplied ,
tor I have to cart' the two children , But
you ought to have sonic consldoratlon for
me , " the wife continued. "Yon must think I
am n wagon. " "Oh , no , my dear , I don't
think you lure n wagon. A wagon holds its
tongue , but you flavor do.-Arkansaw Traveler
olor ,
My First Sweetheart.
She's rather faded now , and than ,
liar shining locks are not so glossy ;
Slip's lost the dimple in liar chin ,
Tier air's subdued instead of saucy.
no's paler , too ; the wild rose bloom
! hat used to make her such a beauty
ling faded , to make standing room
Ifor lines marked out by care mid duty.
Iler hand is not so plump and white ,
As on the tiny when I first pressed it ;
lint baby hands have clasped it tight ,
And baby lips in love caressed it.
A firm warn hand to shield and guide
The little lives that must commie after ;
A tender heart to hold and hide
The baby love and baby laughter ,
1 often eon her pass thin way ,
1Ior bright eyad children trooping 'round
her ;
Oh for the wasted yesterday
Lro yet another heart had found hurt
It might have beani Within my breast
NtTlia soerotqrtoving long bath tarried ;
I wonder if slat sometimes guessed
The reason why I never married.
California ices 000 churches of all denomina
tions , and about 1,000,000 of inhabitants.
The next general convention of the Protestant
ant Episcopal Church wlll ho held at Chicago
in 1880.
The collections of Peter's pence for the Pope
In Now York City on Sunday last amounted
to $15,000.
Mr , Moody , the evangelist says his throe
weeks' work dnIrcland was the most produa
tivo of his Ilfo.
A church erected by English settlers in Isle
of Wiglitcounty , five miles from Smithfield ,
Va. , is said to have boon built he 1032 , anti
to be the oldest church now standing in this
There are now in the State of Kansas one
hundred and sixty one Presbyterian church
buildings which are occupied. There arc but
seven ruansos which are occupied , but prapa.
rations are in progress for others
It is claimed that five hundred people of
Danville , Dlinots , have been converted
through tlio instrumentality of the ] farrison
revival meetings. A grand jubilee service to
celebrate this victory will be hold at Kimbor
chapel on next Sunday.
The city of Ilauapossesses one of the moat
interesting relic. of Luther-acastof his face ,
taken after death , in the night between the
20th and 21st of February , 1540 whoa his
corpse , while on the way from LIslobon to
Wittenborg , Jay in the city church , now St.
Mary's , in Helo.
The wedding ring given , by Martin Luther
to hits bride is still in existence , and has been
lately placed on exhibition in Frankfort on.
the-Main. It bears a representation of Christ
upon the cross and the instruments of the Pas.
lion , and in it is sot wsmall ruby. The in.
scription ism "Dr. Martin Luther ; Catherine
Born , June 13 , 1125. "
The Rev. W. J , Kip , Protestant Episcopal
bishop of California , lies just celebrated the
thirtieth anniversary of his ordination Ho
was formerly rector of St. Paul's , Albany and
on his journey as missionary bishop to oall
forumn was shipwrecked at San Diego ,
and there proaclmcd his first sermon In the die-
cuss ,
Dr. Talmnago's church ht Brooklyn has a
membership of 2,775. They gave last year to
home missions 8101 , and to foreign missions
$112. They gave to the cause of education
$05. This argest freshyterlan church in the
United States gave lens for those objects than
many among the poorest. In contrast to this ,
the 1 first Preabyterlan church of New York ,
with only 418 melubers , gave to home mule-
shuns $12,050 , and to foreign rnlesiona $20,517 ,
How Dear.
How dear to each heart nro the scenes of elec.
tion ,
When wagers and losses present them to
view !
The barrooms , the ballots , the lha recollca
Of how much we drank and low hittie we
know !
The old broken pocket ,
The unbound pocket ,
The rag covcrod pocket , "
Which onto was filled well ,
Parni Dalind ,
No more the reaper rnutilatos ,
'fife thrasher d'iews no arms ;
No more the boiler portable
Depopulates the farms ,
The long drmvn howls now licard each day
Echoing o'er the hill.
Proceed from men with fingers caught
In cider and sorghum mills.
Map' fate direct their path in life
'lhirouptlt flowery utoad and mossy dale ;
Should a or n fany breeze be rife ,
Cod Greet it be a favoring gale ,
May heaven upon the union smile
ith oft-repeated , genial suns ,
And peace attend thorn ever , while
Their only cares arc little ones.
Now , girls , don't all speak at once. A far.
mar In Ahna , lillch. , oilers $100 bonus for a
wife.A umarriage took place roconttj' at I'ortsoa ,
bridal , is which the prhefpnls and whole
party wore deaf m4itos ,
Baldwin Cole , ngoll olghty eix , and Mi. .
Fannie Allen agog seventy.tive , wore mare
nod hi 1t'alosboro , S. 0 , , last week.
Prayorbaska bound in wldto volyotanti
gold costing from $25 up , are the latest novel.
ties for brides to hold in thigh' hands at time
nuptial ceremony ,
Oue of the members of the "young ladies'
base ball club" of Philadei mhla recently mar.
nod time umiplre of agamo pllayod in l'ittsburg ,
three days alter she first mot limn at the
match ,
Gossips are already at work iuarrvhmg the
1'ducoss Louise 1'ictorla Alexandra togmar.
oldest daughter of the prince \Yalesnow
10 years old , 'rue due of Portland is the
happy man seleeto , Vaulty Falr doubts the
rumor ,
Dr. Pierson , of Tone , Michigan , hall a with.
or peuliar Weddleg the other evening , ] le
married a lady to her third huubapd fu eight
year. , time first two husbands having tiled ,
and he having ullictatod at all the weddings.
t'ie ] lady is only 27 yeas. of ego.
When Mr , Paul Epson oat merriod to tie
r , r
wanted to render the ceremony loss binding
than usual , or to avoid the outlay of $2 , ho
didn't any , But the lady took time risk and
the ring wasn't naked for.
At the recent marriage of Miss Gertrude
Tucker daughter of lion , Randolph Tucker ,
of Virginia , to Mr. Logan , of New York , one
of the presents was a pair of silver candlesticks
formerly owned by Lady Spottlswool , wife of
Virginia's old colonial Governor , Mr. Tuck.
er's eon is rector of SI , I'aul's in Norfolk , and
has in his Church study the chair in which
John IIancock sat to sgn the Declaration ,
Miss Chamberlain , the Cleveland beauty ,
who has hcdn creating such a sensation In
London social circles , is now said to be engaged
gaged to young l'oterAlgcrmon Brown , the
oldest amt of John Brown , the queen's im
mortal flunkey. She met him at one of the
queen's receptions and their ncquaintanco soon
ripened into love , Tlio queen is said to be do.
lighted. Young Browe a very manly fel
low , is 21 years of ago , an officer in her majes
ty's household , and seams to have Inherited
his father's sterling qualities and social graces.
It is understood that as soon as the date of
marriage is agreed upon , Brown will be knigh
ted and prompted hr the queen's service.
A Now York phrenologist has boon trying
to solve the rnblem of immarriage b
means of his art , In a the other eve
ning ha declared that his investigations
proved that moon with bad tempos should
marry women with mild manners , and vice
versa ; and that twoof a color should never
marry , Blendes should wed brunettes the
tall should unite themselves to the ehor , the
loan to the stout , etc. As to tlio time of
marriage the professor was of the opinion that
the first things which should engage a your
man's attentions are choosing a vocation and
n wife. It was usually considered that a wo
man was at her zenith at 20 , ahd old at 25.
When she was sixteen the question was ,
Whom elmall I take ? Twenty Whom can I
got ? Twenty-five , Who will take me ?
Song of tile \VIgcH ,
By Lillie E. Barr.
"Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! " .
Bark to the voice of the telegraph wino ,
Ticking out every word !
A a burr , impatient voice ,
That over all others is heard.
Now 'tis a message of sorrow and care ,
And then of pdeasuro and song ,
A tender thought , or a parting prayer ,
Or a wlrispor of cruel wrong.
"Tick tick ! Tick , tick ! Tick tick ! "
The waif of battle , tlmo horror of fire ,
Tha speed of a horse or ship ;
Time crash of markets , the flight of kings ,
The word from baby's lip ;
Time flood , the plague and the earthquake
shock ,
Thoorrow that's on the sea ,
Are mf t by a mother's loving thought ,
Or a lover's wedding glee ,
II ! .
"Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! "
And the winds blow through thorn day and
night ;
( Do the winds know what they say ? )
And the sunshine glints , and the rain sweeps
And thhe white snows on them stay.
And time birds rest there and plue their
wings ,
( Do time bird. their story know ? )
Da they fool the thrill of the mighty things
That underthiair small feat go ?
"Tick tick ! Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! "
Above the snow of time cotton plant ,
And above the Northern wheat
And over the mighty mountain chain ,
And the Prairie fresh and sweet ,
And over the thousand strooted town ,
And the desert wild and free ;
And over the mighty forest trees ,
And under the roaring sea.
"Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! Tick , tick ! "
They clasp all earth in a loving ring ,
And they answer all desires ,
For there isn't alanguage they cannot speak-
The wonderful telegraph wirosl
'Tliey will girdle the earth and cross the sea ,
And the nations bind , until
The world shall answer in ovary tongue
Their messages of Goad Will.
-New York Ledger ,
A Now York lawyer carries an umbrella ,
the handle of which cost one hundred dollar. .
It has a laced of carved gold and silver and
jewels ,
A lady of Albany , Gentry county , Wiswa
sin , swalowed a needle twelve ears ago , and
last week it was extracted from her thigh by a
doctor of that city.
There are two cats at the Crystal Palace
Exhibition of London priced at 850,000 , each.
Five hundred dollars is a common price fixed
on time exhibits ,
There is a clock in good running order in the
ostoffice in Monmouth Ore. , which was
brought across the plains in 1852 , and has been
running over forty years.
A bee comb nearly thro foot long , suspended -
ed from a tree and pretty woi filled with
honey , was recently fomnear Santa Ann ,
Cal. The 1)003 ware still working at it.
A whale GO foot long and 12 feet through
time shoulders carne ashore during a storm at
Burnett's Island , iu Chesapeake Bay , Tues.
nay , and they were two days killing it one
nian , William Barnes , being crushed to ! loath
by a blow of the monster's Iluko.
Iowa City boasts of the largest man In the
world. Igo is G feet 4 hehes high , weighs 725
pounds , and measures 8 foot cows. the body.
It takes 30 yards of cloth to make n suit for
Lim , nud wen he walks the earth trembles.
He was born in Iowa City , Sept. 27 , 1810.
David Lincoln , of Mayville , Chatauque
county , N Y , is six feet high , weighs 215
pound. , and is 7'1 years old , lie can rift 1,000
iroummda , In his life Imo" line cleared 500 acres
of laud and boasts of chopping and piling up
ought curds of'four fuot wood in allay. In
lii. youth lie was a champion wrestler.
Otto Michelis , of , ICeokuk Iowa , has a cage
of fine cauarios , ono of which recently be.
Caine blind , ! hough lfwas formerly a fine
singer , now it nave ; utters a note beyond an
occasional chirp. The other birds remain
cmetamitlyby it , cheering it with song and
evincing nn nbnost h mimimt intelligence in
thelr solicitude for their sfllictod mate.
A Russian Jew , Solomon Schlsgal by name ,
and oily 10 years old , the eon of a watch.
maker ht Broditsclmon , has invented a watch
which p , oes by electricity , and which is do.
tiered try Ilerr Chwolson , professor of phoySlCS
at St. Petersburg , to ho an instrument of
wonderfnlshnplicity and value.
The Montgomery ( Alal Advertiser says :
"A certain horse in Sayes.vill for twont
year. has beau a cart horse he a brick yard
mil time habit of going through a certain round
of duties do after day has oeabled lmiu to do
things which seem to indicate the poesesssiun
of mental faculties sinular to those po5so8sod
by time hlunan race , his routine of labor is te
cart. 65loads of clay the pit o where the
clay is ground , amid then to go for a load of
coat dust ; and withivutanything being said'or
done to dudiaato time fact to him , when lie hiss
tlopositati his 65ti load he turns away from time
clay pit and goes for aload of duet , soil will
du no more work after time whistle sounds. "
One of the queerest curlosltios on the globe
1 , a man with a silver skull who is now visit.
lug in Louisville , Iy. During a fiercely eon.
tested battle in time late war this interesting
hidividunl was struck on time bead withs a ploce
of dial ! , whicho tare away time entire top of has
skull , leaving the brain horribly eaposed ,
Strange to say , he survived te terrible !
wuutd , and a noted surgeon , who was one of
the physicians ht attendance upon time in.
merited ( larfiold , succeeded in ittimmg a silver
date over the opouhmg , which elaelded time
brain equally as wallas the skull. This plate
is about the size of a mom's hand and works
on binge. , and may be raised up and down at
will. 'rime re skulled moms dons not experience
the least pain , and as he wears a wig , all eye.
deuce of a ellatterod skull is concealed ,
A Quick ltecovcry ,
Ii give. to great pleasure to state that the
merchant who way reported being at the point
of deaths twin an attack of 1'uewnouia , lies
entirely recovered by the use of DR. WM
IIA1d1S 11M SAM FOhd Tllll LUNGS.
Naturally lie feels grateful for the benefit. do.
rived from heir timi remedy , for the lungs
and throat ; ana iii giving publicity to thde
statement we are actuated by motives of pub.
Ile benefaction , twisting that others nia be
benefittod ht a timilat mariner , On sale by
till Druggist. ,
'take cheer , if you are simply ailing ,
'or it you fed weak and dispirited , with.
'out clearly knowing why , Ilep fiQer/
'will cutely cure you. "
' 7t you area minister , and here overtaxed your.
'self with your petori duties , or aytther , worn out
'with care and work , ore man of business or laborer
'weakened bytho strain of your everyday duties , or
's man of letters , tolling over your midnight work ,
' Rittera will . "
'hop surely strengthen you.
"If you are suffering
'from overeating or
'drinking , any indescro
'tire or tifasipation , or
'are y oungsnd growing
' as is oftentho
'case : '
"Or if you are in the workshop , on the
fattn , at the desk , auywhcre ; and feel
that your system needs cleansing , ton.
Ing orstimuietingwithout lntoxiatiog ,
you are old , blood thin and Impure ,
'pulse feeble , nerve unsteady , faculties
'waning , flop Miters le what you need to
'to give you new life , health and vigor"
If you are costko or dyspeptic , or
suffering from any ether of the corner.
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels , it
is your own fault if you remain iii. "
If you are wasting away with any form
of Kidney disease , atop tempting death
this moment , and turn fora cure to Hop
If you are elck with
that terrlbio sickness
Nervousness , you will
And a'Daimin 0fiend'
in hop Dlttere.
11 you are a frequenter , or a esident
of a miasmatic district , barricade your
system against the scourge of all coon.
tries-malaria , epidemic blhous and
Intermittent lovers-by the use of IIop
If you have rough , pimply , or sallow akin , bad
breath , IIop Ritter will give you fair skin , rich
blood , the sweetest breath , and health. 8500 will be
paid for a case they will not tree or help.
That poor , bed-ridden Invalid wlfesister , mother ,
or daughter , can be made the picture of health by a
tow bottiee of flop bitters costing but a trifle.
A buttonwood that was a vigorous tree aur
ing time revolution still stands ontho fawn of
George Stinger. Canterbury Comn It Is 70
feet high , the trunk measuring slxteemi feet in
circumference two feat above time ground , mid
it is time same size around 25 feet above , hero
time branches a first project.
An Excellent Report.
lion. Joe. G Goodridgo , of Brooklyn N ,
Y , writes this : " Cannot express myself in
sufhclently praiseworthy terms. Umttock :
llloai IliUcrahave used for the past two years ;
keep my stomach in splendid trim , "
Some erratic invitat for afternoon
tea are In then form of a kattlo and have the
mine of the guest on the spout , to indicate
that she will be served with tea , and the
name of the hostess on the handle to show she
will servo it. The invitation is on the body
of tlee kettle ,
Buy B. II. Douglas h Cons' Capsicum Cough Drops
for your children ; they are harmless pleasing to the
taste and will cure tlmefr colds. D. S. and Trade
Mark on every drop.
The Cleveland - girl ts model constancy.
One of theme confessed the other day that she
adored a tooth-puller , who is said to be time
homiest man in time city so much that she had
had five sound teeth pled for the privilege of
being near him a few moments ,
Take Your Choice ,
You can be weak nervous , debilitated , and
despondent , disqualified for work of head or
hand , or you can enjoy a fair share of health
and ! peace of mind. Jlnrlock Dtood Bitters will
allevrato your misery and do on a world of
good if you will but have fait to try ,
A young man near Abbevillo , Ala „ con.
tractod with a farmer to work for him a year
for his daughter and a tloubie barreled a et-
un The contract leas been faithfully per.
armed , and the young nian is now the nppy
possessor of the sotgun. The girl went back
on the old man's bargain.
Tested by Tinte. For Throat Diseases ,
Colds , and Coughs , BnovN's BnoacnreL
TnoeilEs have proved their efficacy by a test
of many years. Price 25 ate ,
- + -
"Yes , I lied a very narrow escape last Sunday -
day , " said young Mevgle , a well-known Ar
kansasfop , "form horse throw me into a
deep gully , whore I lay unconscious until the
Rev , Mr. Mocus chanced to come along and
take me out. " "The reverend gentleman did
not violate the Sabbath , either , " said young
Bldnkina. "Certainly not , " replied 'Mooggle
"for ho was helping a brother in distress. "
"No , not exactly ; he was helping an ass out
of the ditch , "
ns mrnrxo
k Epflepffc Ftf. ;
Spasm , Falling
Sickness , Comrvul
sloes , St. Vltua Dance , Alcoholism ,
Oplttm Eating , Seminal Weakness , Impotency -
potency , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all
Nervous and Blood Dlsoases
j(7'To ( Clergymen , Lawyers , LtteraryMen ,
Merchants , Bankers , Lades and all whose
sedentary employment causes Nervous Pros-
tmtlon , Irregularities of the blood etomach ,
bowels or kidneys , or who require a nerve
tonic appetizer or stlmulcntSamarllanHer-
edne is invaluable.
-Thousands JE GREAT
procl aim it the most
wonderful L""Igor-
ant that over sustain.
ed a sinking system. R Y
$1,50 , at Druggists.
The DR. S , A , RICNMONO p.u a
'meters , St Joseph , lo
S'or ' testunonil anti olrcumsru icon stamp. (18) (
ll F I
D r
Au excellent appetizing tonic of
r , . - exqulsiteflavor , taowu.edover the
_ . + whole world , cures Dyspepels
DisrrhwaFever acdAgueandai
s t' disorders of the Dlgcstivo Organs ,
. .ei A fewdrtips Rnpart a dollcioue
n flavor to a glass ofchampagmiennd
: ti to all sumnierdrinke , Pry it , but
bowaroafcounlerfelts. Ask pout
i7 ' grocer prdruggistforthe cmiioo
article manutacturcd by 1)11. J ,
- D ( i. U , kIKWRItP da 8018.
J , W , WUPPERYANN , Sole Agent
. . 'cu. rt. m tw , IArcet ,
riim u
0 gl Brosulwsv , N. Y.
ST ETTEI eta to and chroniodyspep lire , corn'
It 0 plant andin chronic
. /tttUATII _ . pmrp betlnataad
e a s e s lloatetter's
Stomach Dlttere D
beyond all compari
Ion the beat remedy
. , that ache taken.A
a means of restorin@
Um strength and rl
telenergy of person
r ! who are sinking not -
t : . ? gar the dablUtating
orders thleatandard
vegeta'lo io , igoraut
le confessedly un
STOMACH equdiod.
For wdo b y
EITEA Drugglete and 1ka1
or generaby ,
DR HENDERSON meedleimme. Ogerr
, . altee o
' ) ' is
000andeohlvy'anduttsfit years' prattloe-twelve
Autborired by the state to tree
d Chronic , Nervous and Private dtseaus ,
Asthma , EpIIepy , I heumatian Plies ,
Tspo Worm , Urinary and Skin fits
Sexual Dabilltylou ( nfsexualpower.
da Cures guaranteed or money refunded. Charges
, ox , TLouaauds of asos cured. No Injurious mod !
alno furnishe.i even to mtleat. at a distance Coo
sultetlon free and confidemmUal-tail or write' ago and
experience are important. A BOOK for both aexr.-
- of other thing. sent scaled
er we 8 cent atemps. FItE6 MUdEUM p
med od-w
Furniture ! .1
: 9 .
Have just received a large quantity of
,1aA11 k'1001'S. 1200 , 1208 OMAHA and 1210Farnam , NEB , St
, hP !
_ 1u
Carriaae , BugiesRoad
1810 end 1320Irarney Street andf 4O3 S.18th Street , . - . , - It A 1Q A
Catalogue furnished tree upon appiatian NLxB
+ C
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry 8oP Yeast Co.
Doors Bliuds Shill1os Lath
, , , i
Call and Get my Prices before buying elsewhere. Yards5 corner 9th
and Douglas. Also 7th and Douglas.
OMggB , t ( ; - - - tNT3S
Particular attention Ivan to re alrln Batlaacl'cnguaranteed ;
Sli1e , ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Booth's 9 Brand
D B BEEMER , AgentOmaba.
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y
SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &c. ' '
XDUO 'arastam lt3troot , Omreb.
. Anheuser-Busch
# o MARk
. '
' -
t'eJ. R q
, r'3ea
d n
r " ' ' . .i Keg and Bottled Beer
Tlijs Excellent Boor speaks fr itself.
1' 'Y4
A S'
SLLOUIsMO , f Promptly Shipped.
, c -u.r Gu rrali1tee
r F SCH t
Agent for Omaliaand the West , '
Cor , Otis Street and Capitol Avenue !
sl.trr t , n dr rr