The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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I 5
dj X f
y xr
p Our Line of
is Complete J
See the Strap Slippers for
Misses and Children
1 Davenport Bros
f i
Beauty and Glasses
- eyes
waste nerve energy and produce
premature wrinkles because they think
glasses detract from their
personal charms
Properly fitted glasses positively imprcw
the looks of those with defective eyes
We put beauty In glasses as
well as behind them
Wo always have tho latest styles
and guarantee that our work will
please yon Onr prices are right
and we solicit a share of your pat
ronage Finest line of Mat Board
in town Newest styles of Picture
Mouldings New shipment just re
Yours for business
Thompson is soine
what disfigured but
still in the ring
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 00
Minimum temperature 02
Average 70
Preoipitatiou 00
Total precipitation for mouth il53
Earometer 29 53
Forecast for Nebraska Occasional
showers tonight Friday fair Cooler
east portion tonight
Johu Freythalera store front is being
improved with a fresh coat of paint
Frank Osborno is entertaining his
Sunday school class at a picnic today
The Northfork is rising considerably
and is now four feet about its normal
A uumbor of youug people are pick
nicking this afternoon at Edgewater
A new sidewalk is beiug laid iu front
of tho Mittolstadt lumber yaids west of
tho tracks
A company of Episcopal ladies drove
out to tho Yellow Hanks today to visit
the camp of the choir boys
The Norfolk Building and Loauus
sociation has sold a homo on South
Fouith street to Laura E Parker for a
consideration of 800
Word has been received from the
Episcopal choir boya at tho Yellow
Banks to tho ctVoct that thoy are having
a most enjoyablo outiug
Chas II Dietrich of Hastings tho
republican nominee for govornor prom
ises to visit Norfolk again soon and
hopes to meet many of thoso iutorosted
in his success
Another danco is bolng arranged for
at Elkhorn Valloy hall threo miles
sonth of tho city and will take plnco
uoxt Saturday ovening A good tlmo
Is anticipated and it is expected that
many fiom tho city will attond
Tho Gormanla choir of this city will
picnic iu tho grovo adjoining Klkhoru
Valloy hall south of tho city Sunday
Ono of tho features of tho picnic will bo
a balloon ascoiiBlon botweon 8 and 9
oclock In tho evening Tho picnic will
not bo a public aflair but thoso invited
will And a cordial wolcomo
W K Fowler is iu tho city today
from Blair Mr Fowler is candidate
for state suporintondont of public in
struction on the republican ticket and Is
out gottlng ocquaintod with tho voters
during vacation Ho is very much ou
couraged ovor tho prospoct of repub
lican success In tho state sinco ho began
his canvass Ho is a very pleasant
goutloman to meet and no oue can doubt
his ability to fill tho position after
mooting him Ho is meotiug many
voters and making many friends among
Under tho head What Omaha mon
Think tho Daily News conducts a
column of interesting opinions on vari
ous subjects of general interest Iu its
issue of tho 17th it has this from Dr
Frederick Teal formerly of this city
Waiving all discussion as to tho health
proposition I think now that everybody
ought to bo a unit iu favoring tho cut
ting of weeds Reason why it lias been
admitted that a man who tried to bum
liia wife alive might have been captured
by tho police but for tho fact that ho
sought refuge in the weeds that over
lapped the Bidowalks aud surrounded
his house
Those who attended the log rolliug
picnic of the Modern Woodmen of
America at Madison yesterday generally
report a good time There was a large
crowd in attendance aud everyone en
joyed themselves to tho utmost Tho
baud contest was oue of tho leading
features of the occasion Threo organ
izations entered the contest the New
man Grove Wisuer and Norfolk bauds
and tho latter won the prize It seemed
to bo the prevailing sentiment that tho
winner was most wisely chosen by the
judges The Norfolk band was under
leadership of Gus Marquardt and every
one oi the members is a natural musi
ciau Tney have not been making auy
great claims to merit but have practiced
quite frequently and perfected them
selves for any call where a good musical
organization is wanted They were tho
smallest in point of numbers of any of
the bauds in the contest but each
thoroughly understood his part and all
was harmony and melody in their
music Citizens of Norfolk generally
will be proud of their achievment and
it is to be hoped that the town will re
cognize their merit iu such a manner
that concerts aud an active organization
will be the result Many of the street
fakirs in Norfolk on circus day were in
Madison tho rubber ball man being
especially in evidence
For Sale
A 1 -year-old shepherd dog A
splendid animal Would exchange for
produce Address Box G13 Norfolk
Boiled ham at Glissmaus
Salted peauuts at i msu a
A G Bohnert has been appointed sole
agent for the celebrated Mellowrich
roasted coffee
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building aud
Savings association T E Odiorne Sec
Through Colorado
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
with its numerous branches penetrating
the Rockies has two distinct and sep
arate lines across the mountains
Tickets reading via tho Scenic Line
Dmveraud Grand Junction iu con
nection with tho Rio Graudo Western
railway between Grand Junction and
Ogdon are available over the Denver
Rio Grande either via its main line
through Leadville and Glonwood Springs
or via tho line over Marshall Pass and
through tho Black Canon Tourists to
and from Salt Lake City Ogden or
San Francisco will find it to theiPad
vantage to have their tickets read iu
both directions via The Scenio Line of
tho World thus being able to use oue
of tho above routes going and tho othor
returning Write S K Hooper G P
T A Denver Colo for illustrated
A Mountain Tourlat
In search of grand and beautiful
scenery finds sucli a profusion of riches
in Colorado that before nlanuinii a trin
it will bo well for you to gain nil the in
formation possible Tho Denver Rio
Graudo railroad publishes a series of
useful illustrated pamphlets all of which
may bo obtained by writing S Iv
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Denver Colo
Sturgeon is the piano man
Farm laud aud city property for sale
by G R Seller
1 DrFratilr SaHnr DliouainfnliiijM
H L Stlllwoll was a city visitor today
from Columbus
Mrs M Wolfe and sou wore paasou
gers for Hot Springs S D
Frank Divonport has returned from
his trip to Fort Dodge Iowa
Mr aud Mrs W 13 Hponcor of Plerco
were visitors iu tho city today
Fred Sldlor wont to Nollgh yostorday
iu tho interest of Piano harvest ma
Rov J P Muollor rotumod last night
from Plerco whore ho attended a Luth
eran conferauce
Morris Mayor rotumod last ovoiilng
from a business trip into the southern
part of tho state
Miss Dorothy Durland is spending
tho day at tho hospital with her friend
Miss Bedford Roes
P W Chambors and Ambrose Reeves
of Tildou aro In tho city today returning
from tho picnic at Madison
Miss Lulu Durlaud who has boon vis
iting hero tor some time returned to her
homo lu Pluiuviow this noon
Bennett Whitney of Mendota III
is iu the city on his way to visit his
parents iu Tildeu Ho is accompanied
by F R Bond of tho same place
Dried boof at Glissmaus
Thoro is no coffee so rich so strong so
good as Mellowrich Norfolk Cash
store solo agents
Houses for saio T E Odiornk
F K V 11 V It It Kxrurnlnnn
To Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid
City S D Casper Wyo Denver
Colorado Springs Pnoblo and Glon
wood Colorado Salt Lake City and
Ogden Utah onTulyS 10 11 1718
21 and 2S and Aug 2 7 and 21
To Denver account Y P O U Pres
byterian church on July 23 and 21
To Lincoln Nob account Epworth
League on July 0 to Aug t
To Long Pino Neb account Chau
tauqua assenibloy on Aug 2 to 111
To Chicago account national G A R
encampment on Aug 24 to 27
To York Neb account Stato Volun
teer Firemons association tournament
excursion tickets on July 215 21 and 25
To Albion Neb account North Ne
braska Epworth league convention
excursion tickets on July 21 25 and 20
To St Joseph Mo account annual
convention Retail Grocers and General
Merchants association intor stato picnic
excursion tickets on July 23 and 24
Mid road Populist grand barbecue and
basket picnic at S3udicato Park South
Omaha and dollar dinner at Washing
ton hall Omaha on Wednesday Aug
ust ISth
Excursion tickets will bo sold at one
fare for the round trip ou August ISth
good returning until August 19th
Will bo glad to furnish particulars of
above cheap excursions to all interested
H C Matbau Agent
Riugliug Brothers have tho largest
herd of elephants in the world There
aro twenty five of these interesting aud
intelligent animals ranging from the
tiniest of baby elephants to tho mam
moth towering above all living creation
and weighing many tons
New Foundry Started
John Crouk of the Novelty Iron and
Brass works made his first cast of metal
this forenoon at his foundry near the
old Daniel home ou East Main street
Tho cast was a success in every way and
consisted of 1 GOO pounds of grates for
threshing engines besides about 400
pounds of miscellaneous castings among
which was iron work for one of the
laundry machines
The Novelty Iron and Brass works
is well fitted for any work in its Hue
The old Oluey barn has been converted
into a foundry of most convenient and
haudy proportions
The lower room is fitted for the cast
ing operation and there is also machin
ery for finishing the work produced
The cupola is well built and has a good
large capacity A steam engine fur
nishes power to operate tho blower and
othor machinery
Upstairs is tho pattern room and tools
aud appliances for doing the necessary
woodwork Outside of tho building is a
quantity of machinery that indicates an
abuudanco of work in fact Mr Cronk
states that ho lias four weeks work
His force of helpers is not largo at
present but will bo increased if he
finds himself unable to catch up ith
Besides doing foundry and machine
work Mr Crouk hopes to supply his
patrons with repairs and material out
side of his line such as belts hose etc
While not entirely arranged as yot
Mr Cronk is able to handle all ordinary
work and hopes to soou be in shape so
that no work in his lino need be refused
He is a competent painstaking work
man aud will undoubtedly build up a
good business
Pickerel and lake trout at Gasmans
Wall paper at Ohristophs
Summer KmiiioIoiih to Salt Lake
The Union Paciflo will sell Julv 1st
to September iiOth round trip tickets
via Denver the Denver and Rio Grande
or Midland aud Rio Grande and Western
ono way returuiug via Uuion Pacific or
vice versa with privilege of stopovers
at and west of Denver for 20 days
tickets dual limit W dnys not exceeding
October Jllst 1IH0 Korintos or other
information call at U P depot
F W JrsitMw Agent
Farm and city loans
The DuitLANi Trust Co
Tititm III Urn Itoiliy Mountain
Tho Sconio Lino of tho World tho
Denver Rio Graudo railroad offers to
tourists in Colorado Utah and Now
Mexico tho choicest resorts and to tho
transcontinental traveler the grandest
scenery Two separate and distinct
routes through tho Rocky Mountains
all through tickets available via either
The direct lino to Cripple took tho
greatest gold camp on earth Three
trains dally with through Pullman
piluco aud sleeping cars between Chi
cago Denver San FrauclHcoaiul Los An
geles and Denver and Portland The
best lino to Utah Idaho Montana
Oregon and Washington via tho Ogden
Gateway Dining cars sorvico a la
curto on all through trains Write S
1C Hooper G P fc T A Denver
Colorado for Illustrated doscrlptlvo
pamphlet h
The trip to Sail Lake City or the
Pacific coast via Salt Lako City by way
of the Rio Graudo Western Railway in
connection with tho Denver ife Rio
Grande or Colorado Midland roads Is
tho grandest iu America No European
trip of equal length can compare with
it iu grandeur of sconory or wealth of
novel Interest Thou Salt Lako City
itself Is a most quaint aud picturesque
place and well worth tho journey to see
Its Mormon temple tabernacle tithing
ollico and church institutions its hot
and warm sulphur springs within the
city limits its delightfully tomporato
sunny climato and its Great Salt Lake
doiuler and denser than tho Dead Sea
in Palestine aro but a few features of
Salt Lake Citys countless attractions
Thoro aro parks drives canyons and
beautiful outlying mountain and lako
resorts Imagine if you can a bath in
salt water a mile abovo sea lovel and in
water in which tho human body cannot
sink Inquire of your nearest tickot
agent for low tourist rates to Salt Lako
City or write for information and copy
of Salt Lako City tho City of the
Saints to Geo W Heintz General
Passonger Agent Salt Lako City
For a Summer luting
The Rocky Mountain regions reached
via thoUniou Pacific provide lavishly
for tho healtlfof the invalid and tho
pleasure of tho tourist Amid these
rugged stoops aro to bo found sonio of
the most charming and restful spots on
earth Fairy lakes nestled amid sunny
peaks and climato that cheers and ex
hilarates Tho summer excursion rates
put in effect by tho Union Pacific enable
you to reach theso favored localities
without unnecessary expenditure of
timo or money
In effect Juno 21 July 7 to 10 inc
July IS and August 2 One faro plus
5200 for the round trip from Missouri
river to Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogdon aud Salt Lako City
Return limit Octobar Hist 1900
For timo tables and full information
call on F W Juueman Agent
Kalluay Ilirm Land For Sale
Iu northern Wisconsin tho Chicago
St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy terms
of payment about -100000 acres of choice
farm lauds Early buyers will secure
the advantage of locatious ou the many
beautiful streams aud lakes which
abound with fish and furnish a never
ending and most excellent water supplj
both for family uso and for stock
Laud is generally well timbered the
soil fertile aud oasy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minne
apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
numerous other thriving cities and
towns on the line of the C St P M
O railway and othor railroads in tho
samo territory furnish good markets for
farm produce
For further particulars address
Gko W Bell
Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H McRak
A G P A St PaulMmu
An Ideal Climate
The first white man to set foot on
Utah soil Father Silvestro Velez de
Escalante who reached tho Great Salt
Lake ou tho 21rd day of September
1770 wrote in his diary Hero the
climato is so delicious the air so balmy
that It is a pleasure to breathe by day
and by night The climato of Utah is
oue of the richest endowments of nature
On the shores of the Great Salt Lake
especially aud for fifty miles therefrom
iu every direction the climate of cli
mates is fouud To enable persons to
participate iu these scenic and climatic
attractions and to reach tho famous
health bathiug and pleasure resorts of
Utah tho Union Pacific has made a rate
to Ogdon and Salt Lako city of ono fare
for tho round trip plus 200 from Mis
souri river to be in effect Juno 21st
July 7th to 10th inclusive July ISth and
August 2d Return limit October 31
For full information call ou or address
F W Juueman agent
Albert Crandall ono of Rlugling
Bros latest importations creates a
sensation by performing a burlesque
somersault ridiug act upon the back of a
Driuk Mellowrich coffee
Dressed catfish at Glipsmaus
or 1111
liiiildii mid Saving
n 0
Of Norfolk Nebraska on tho With
day of Juno I WO
First mortgage loans 59I9 J
Furniture and stallonoiy III 00
Cash 22i 71
Delinquent interest premiums
and lines it lit 22
Expenses and taxes paid 72 50
Other assets Judgements 315 10
Insurance duo aud tax certifi
cates 817 ill
Total fi2lll 79
Capital stock paid up fllOWl 71
Reserve fund 200 00
Undivided profits 1001 05
Total f 12110 79
receipts and expenditures
for the year ending
iuneio 1000
Balancoon hand July I IS99 I9I2 SS
Duos IOOS 92
Interest premiums and lines 22HS 19
Loans repaid 1507 22
Total f 18207 21
Loans 47100 00
Exponses ill SO
Stock redeemed 5199 82
Interest Paid 820 115
Taxes Bought 278 20
Cash on hand 1221 71
Total IS2H7i2I
Stato of Nebraska MiidiHoucnuuty ss
1 T 13 Odinruu secretary of tho abovo
named association do solemnly swear
that the foregoing Ktatomout oi tho con
dition of said association is true anil
correct to tho best of my knowledgo and
belief T 13 Odiorsi
Subscribed and sworn to before 1110
this 2nd day of July 1900
sial W It Bra Astii
Approved Notary Republic
M C WuicrR
AuiiRi DriNiii
H J Com
II I I u 1
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
First door West of Post Office
-an to-
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
Sale andt
Boardings Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braaach Avenue
and Third St
City - Scavenger
Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaned
All worl imitl aniljiromiitl ilono ncrnrilliiK
to Cit OnliiiiincK So Jli Iojio onlur ut
Hrlilocll d COtl illicu
Suits mailo to onlor ami 111 tlio Intcet et lo Ho
imintiK iiMitliliiu on boiitU Kuurtli St
couth of 11 mill Uro
Oil and Gasoline
litUtns you o
Compare Prices
on Grocnrlis with thoso of his compotU
tors and then use your judgment iw to
I ho host plum to buy
Host Htanlon Flour por nactr fJOa
Tomatoes por can 8
Pons por can 50
Horn por can tQ
lava Won host por lb ljj0
Oat Moal por III 2ifo
Soap lOlmrs 25o
Hv IHitiud mm Hiildnir Powdor 20o
Host Prunes por lb flc
HIiicliiK i0
Soda por lb yi0
Starch por lb ji40
fit ackers por lb 710
Ulothos Ilnos j0
Ijyo por can 4
Mixed iuidy pot lb 715
Poarlluo tier parknim q
Rico por lb 7c
Iiiunp Olilninoy 4o
Wo havo 11 bin lino of Titiwaro Oran
itowaro and Uiockory which wo aro
HolliiiK very cheap
Wo also havo a Uk Hho of fruit which
wo aro hoIIIiik nhoap
All Roods now and fresh
Arc essential lo health
handles only pure rocoiioH
free From adulteration and
sells them at
Von got what you nay for
at Hides
Eerybody wants the best of
meats AVc make a special
effort to please the trade
Our Shop is the Neatest
In the City
For Plumbing Steam Killing Pumps Tanks
Ami nil work In this lino call on
Sritiafictlou Ounrautooil
Kimt iloor South of The D viiv Niwh OUIco
Iron and Brass Works
All U niilrt of mirliined from a Ihuii inowertCD
a iirintiiiK piDBc Micrunnfullj Mliiiiid Hot air
itiam ami lint vsntur liiillnu MptCiil attou
tiiiii Klwm to lloilcr ami Intcuiu HnpiiniiK
Opp IasuuaRo Imploiiiuiit lloiiu
Summer Excursions
t ss fsaivr33m
X M M ft Wl K5
Tho Uuion Pacifiio will nlaco in effect
on Juuo ilJuly 7 to 10 ino July 18
and Augu t ud Summer Excurniou
rates of
plus 200 from Kansas aud Nebraska
Denver Colorado Springs
Pueblo Ogden and Salt Lake City
Tickets Good for Return
Until October 31st
For Time Tables aud full information