The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 29, 1897, Image 8

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BOBERT GOOD Editor and Publier
Official Paper of Cherry
ty Kefcraska
100 Per JTenr in Advance
Eutcred at at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscriflers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Adverting rates 50 cents per inch
per month Kates per column or for
long time aes made known ou appli
cation to this office
Ifoinocrn tlv Convention
- A mass convention of the demo
crats of Cherry county is hereby called
to meet in the office of the connty
judge at 2 oclock pm on Saturday
Does Mr Bryan really favor irre
deemable paper money based oa tax
es Yes He is heartily in accord
with every plank in the Omaha plat
form 1S92 and the St Louis platform
of 1896 The first campaign he- made
in Nebraska 1SS0 two years before
the adoption of the Peoples Party
platform at Omaha was upon a plat
form based upon the declaration of
principles of the farmers Alliance
He stands to day right where he stood
then Jn his district the Alliance
people elected him on a ticket headed
Democratic The two other mem
bers supported by the Alliance and
elected were called Independents
On all important measures these three
members Bryan McKeihan and
Kem voted together Later on he
completely routed the moiiocratic
democracy in his own state and was
instrumental in leading the toiling
element of his party up to a full ac
ceptance of Populist principles He
came within an ace of doing as much
for us at Chicago Before the Con
gressional nominations of 189S are
made the Bryan democracy in nearly
all districts will advance to a full and
August 2S 1897 for the purpose of j enthusiastic companionship of Popu
reeling live delegates to attend the list principles as enunciated in the
state convention Qraalia and t Louis platforms if we
A full turnout is requested Con- do
our duty as educators It behooves
vention for nominating candidates for j henceforth
us to strive to educate the
county oiucers will be called later c
Brvanites un to 1 full f
Robert Good
M Chairman
It should be understood by the ad
ministration that it is in no wise to
glorify itself over the fact that crops
are good this year
President MelCinleys currency commission-is
the butt of many jokes m
Europe and it is safe to say that the
commission will accomplish nothing
It is to be hoped that Prof Andrec
will not nike a gold strike at the
north -pole and forger to come back
to tell us whether it looks like a fish or
a telegraph pole
Judging from the report that Dr
Talmages congregation in Washing
ton is dissatisfied it would seem that
the people at the capital prefer to go
to the circus to see acrobatics
The DEyoriiAT is in receipt of a
complete copy of the new tariff bill
and it is as interesting as a Chinese
our principles Nothing is to be
gained by abusing them for not grasp
ing in a moment what it took most
Populists so many yers to learn
There are politicians among them who
will attempt to hold them back but
the rank and file stand eager to listen
and consider and every utterance of
Mr Bryan has been and we believe
will be in our favor At7 Imou Plain
Concerning the printing law IT K
71 introduced at the last session of
the legislature by ITon A K Sheld
on and passed without anyone know
ing its nature the Printers Auxiliary
The present printing board recog
nizes the new law so far as the news
paper part is concerned advertising
for bids in newspapers which under
the old law would not have been -legal
Then the balance of the busi
ness of the board is done practically
under the old huv all that parr of
house roil Xo r7l relating to the an
pointmeut and duties of a state print
ing expert being ignored The ques
tion naturally aiises if that part oilhe
new law which was considered the
most important nart of the bill when
it passed is to be repealed by the
puzzle and more humorous than a bml why should not that part relat
comic weekly The humor is of the K lu tne 1Pftspapers be also repealed
dry kind and does not appear on the
-surface hut its there just the same
An elevator man in Chicago was
wishing the other day that he had
some ice with which to cool his fev
ered brow when a 200 pound cake of
it fell from the fourth floor and struck
him square on the head He got his
wish and a funeral notice beside but
we do not suppose he is satisfied
Some people never are
Congress passed the Dingley bill
Saturday and adjourned without pay
ing attention to the currency message
sent it by President McKinley The
tariff was the only object of legislation
in congress during its extra session
and the two million democrats who
voted for McKinley in the hope that
financial legislation would take place
may now repair to the woodshed and
kick themselves good and hard
The session of congress which closed
last week will live in history more for
what it failed to do than for what it
did do The Cubans who were to be
freed immediately after congress con
vened are still fighting for liberty the
trusts which were to be killed are
growing fatter every daw the currency
system which was to be reformed is
the same as of yore the workingmen
who were to be given jobs are still
tramping Hawaii which was to have
been annexed is still an independent
countiy the tariff which was a dis
grace has been superseded by a worse
one but iii spite of it all crops are
good and prosperity seems about
ready to dawn on the country at
u tnem and the advertising as wel
as the other work of the board hn
done under the old statute
This it will be observed is exactly
the position takeu by this paper ever
since the enactment of the law and it
is the position which almost every
newspaper in the state will take
General Coppinger and staff passed
through Harrison last Thursday eveu
from the west in the private car and
in company with general manager J
R Buchannan of the F E M V B
The General was enruuteto Ft Robin
son to review the troops there after
which he will resume his journey to
Omaha where he is in command of the
military department of the Platte
The General has just returned from
Montana where he has been investi
gating the recent Indian outburst
Sioux County Journal
Mrs Ed Hutt took the morning
frieght for Valentine Wednesday
morning where she will be joined by
Miss Maud Van Buskirk on a trip for
Indianola Iowa
Miss Maud Van Buskirk went to
Trnloritino loof TtJ il 1
-vu mju j4iucij uigui wjiere sue
will spend a fev days visiting f rien ds
prior to her departure for Indianola
Iowa where she will visit her aunt
Mrs William K Crabbe and attend
normal during the month of August
Gordon Journal
L L Morrill aud the Stansbie Bros
shipped two cars of cattle to Omaha
last evening
James Forbes shipped two cars of
cattle and S S Sears one on the extra
Wednesday morning for South Omaha
Mr Forbes and John OConnor went
I with the cattle Etyannis Tribune
i i j yiaeaAMHMrfi igJ
feJ 5Ji f ft Baa
2 If 2 L
Are admiHedJy 1hc neatest niccpl most slylisli -and best wearing slioes on the market and
we are proud of them Our si ode of those shoes is complete embracing all sizes
styles and widths Colore brown tan black oxblood and green
Groceries Dry Goods said Motions
Hats Caps and Furnishings
Sfitnvd or Sitoffiii
From my ranch on May 27th one
heavy set black horse live or six years
old weighing about 1050 lbs bought
of Jno Enlow at Gordon in 1890 and
one rangy flat footed sorreUiorse seven
or eight years old wish clipped legs and
short tail foretop cut short lust season
weight nearly 1100 lbs formerly owned
by Geo Davis of Georgia Both ani
mals unbranded A liberal reward
will be paid for the return or informa
tion concerning either or both to W
E YVaite Chesterfield Cherry countv
Xebraska - 29
Xoticr to liiUlyv ttitilrlcss
Sealed proposals will be received bv the Conn
tv Hoar I of Cherry County Nebraska up to Aug
ust atst lfcUT at one oclock p in for the con
struction of an iron or bteel wagon bridge across
the Niobrara river at or near what is known as
the Sanhom Ford in Township 53 Jange 38
and about 12 miles south we 1 of
Dimensions of bridge is r6 feet in lencth
widtn i l feet single span set on iron tnooa lilleil
with concrete bottom of bridge to be 7 ieet
above level ot river
Uids should be add ressek to May E Viertel
Chairman Board of County Commissioners
Valentine Nebraska and endorsed Bnl e
Proposals The board reserves the right to ic
jeet any or all bids
G HO ELLIOTT County Clerk
Valentine Nehr July 2d 1S97
The last public meeting of the W
C T U for this year was held at M E
church Sunday evening The animal
meeting of the society will be held at
Liongpine Chautauqua Aug 11 Au
essay of much literary worth on Poet
ry of ths Bible was read by Prof
Thomas and interesting discussions
were had
With the assistance of C A Sherapp
Miss Lura Gallop photographed the
teachers n group Tuesday atternoon
She is busy now printing copies for
j jxememuer tne printer when you are
in town with garden sa
Even Col Itoubideaux is making liajV
The new town waterworks are a fake
M K Bradford paid the Bud a visit Saturday
Enoch Flowers came up on the mail Tuesday
Charlie Burns was up from Crookston Satur
fieorgo Webb and family Sundayed at Iron
Geo Webb is lilliug Ir Colbys place for a
few weeks
Miss reason returned Saturdayfroni her viit
to Black ripe
Capt Archer is the latest acquisition to our
carpenter force
Bonbon Quick Boars family went out to Oak
Creek for a vacation
Who was the man who wanted to see Spotted
Tail and
Misses Hilda and iMalvina Ialgordare visiting
with the famiiy of 1 B Tripp
A 5 Overman of the Mhiieehadiia brought
in the best onions of the season
The band sports another silver Disiin comet
in the hands of Samuel Bordeaux
Win Walters returned Monday from his land
seeking expedition to Sand reck
Jesse Itoubideaux and Vo Ilogors have re
signed tin ir positions with inele Sam
Webb llHsingLT wishes it announced that the
last load he hat on was not wet lreight
Sunt MiiLford and family of St Marys School
visibd at Agent MeCliesnexs last week
Chas Tacketr was in from the Antelope Mon
day ro take an interest in the hay contract
Mr Ionian has samples of oats ami millet
from liis ranch that measure four leot in length
Teacher Shell and Farmer Sypal of IKtte
Creek district weie registeiod Motel Balgord
Arthur Brown oiTiooksten went out to IJore
Crech Monday to dig a well fcr Wm Schmidt
Miss Emma Carlson came up from Valentine
Tuesday for a short visit with her aunt Mrs
II O Tucker arrived Tuesday via the mail
v agon to accept a position with lv Winders
field lorce
1 II Brat ley and 1 F House and families
started Monday Toi a two weeks exploration of
The Bad l unls
Marshal Bray went out Friday and brought in
the bovine trespassers which he has been hold
nig on Black iipe for the last two months
H I Ryan and has Keiter wore in the lirst
of the week from Sand Creek where they have
been disbursing ical estate for the hist week
lv Hardin wa called to Bbick Pipe Sunday
by the sndden illness of Tom Saravienie lie
begged us not to mention thai ho took an assist
ant along
Nakiva Tanka
Simeon is rejoicing over the rain anil growing
Messrs Buriehdi Morunreidge Hudson and
Pa ton were doing business in Valentine IaM
Sheriff Strong was with us a while this week
lie has a warm place in his beait for Simeon
which city life can not till
Sam Hudson brought a now McCormiek mow
er trom Valentine Tuesdav and will commence
haing about August has will most of our peo
ple Mr llndMin believes a liamg good touls
and then uoini good work a fict which is prov
en by a glance at his well ordered home
ltoecp Bras purchased h acres of land from
Mrs Sarah Payton lat Thursday This will
gie ihem an abundance of hay as well as more
ranse Oureitizens are bt irinmng to realize the
worth oi good hay land and we pi edict that
south Cherry county will soon have many well
improud homes
Misses Jennie Ilosa and Carrie Morgareidgo
Maud Bennett and Casie Bichardson Messrs
Davis Celrick and J C Beece attended Cordon
Valley church and Sabboth School last Sunday
We believe that if our young fois could have
more ot such society they would soon place their
names upon some church roll
A tfton h istralorH Xr1 ici
Estaleof John follow diwa etl
The iimbvsiiiiHM ha in been appointed
Oi the John rniot inte o
UecoJii i olCh n iii strre in NebrasUade
ceaeil herebv gt en notice Mad be will appear
heiore the Count Comt 01 Cliem county at the
County Court room m Valentine Nebraska at
the regular term on the brst Mondsr in Stptm
ber ir t lf7 at which tune all poisons luumg
nlHiini niliit said estate are notified and re-
nuested to attend lor the purpose of hnving the J
same adjusted All nersen indebted to said es
tate are requested to maws iimiUdi payment
to the undersigned
W E HALEY A- annistrit or
Dated July 2ist 1S97 0
In the District Court lth judicial district in
and for Cherrv Couitveoraka
Bivton Plaint itf 1
Joseph H iurns defendant
To Joeph H Burns non resident defendant
You are hereby notified that on thcoth day ot
April 1S7 Charles Bnijton plaintiff herein lilod
ids petition in the District court of Cherry coun
ty Nebrasua against you the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a judgment against you
for the sum ot 04 fs due on one certain promis
sory note executed by von and in favor 01 plain
tiff You are lurther notified that at the same
time plaintiff tiled an allldavit of attachment
and oaued an order ol attachment to isue
agimt you and t it the Miulh oast l ot section
Jli townshp S5 range linv has been attached un
der said order
You are required to ausver said order on or
belore the cth day of September 1S97
Dated July 2 1807
By En Cla iik Irs attornej
C S Land Ollice Valentine Neb 1
Juh ls7 1
Complaint having been entnrpd at this nfiice by
illiam Bollwerk against Jobann tor
abandoning his Homestead Eiifv isolCMl dated
Mch A t sJii upon the wlneV neiiie1 bee
tti sese1 Sectioi IS Twship 51 Jlange 3
111 Cherry County Nebraska with a view to cm
ccllation of said entry thr said parties are here
by summoned to appear at tins oitice on rhe
2nd day of Setembei i7 at oclock a in to
respond and furnish testimony concerning -lid
alleged abandonment
J A Fikf Beeeisor
XotlvvThiiiiiCT Vultisrv
V S Land Ollice Valentin Xebr 1
July S is7 i
Complaint ha vine bn entered at this ollice
by George Van Buren aviuisi riie hens of Abram
CoIeniiM deceased lor taihue o eiinr1v with
law as 10 timber vulture juitrv X Tvt dsti d
Jan iss unn ih S ii 4 ic N sK 1 V
1 owiishin i Bauge In v hem com
Iebiasv i with a iew to tl cani ot
said entry contestant abo iug that the heir of
-said Abram Coleman fi iaed hive wholly
fa led to cultivate or cuuso to be citl tivaf 11 au
liart tt said tract in the years ot ls 4 Ifl Mr
th said tracr has- grown up 111 giass and
weeds that said tract nad ben wbollv aban
doned and allowed to bevune wild and rhe heirs
of claimant had wholly iul d to cure thir laches
to this date the said parfc s are hereby siun
nioncd to appear at this oii e on ths uitli d iv ot
Aug isi7 at 10 oclock a t icsond and
lurni h testimony concerniig said alleged
J -V Iikt Bcceiver
I S Land Oitice Valentine Nebr 1
July J i
Complaint having been entered at lids rfiee
by Clinton J Anderson agaiuM John T Sunnier
lr failure to comply with civ s to
Entry NO 5fi dafd Nov 17 iss upon the
iiw4 Section 15 township Baugej n hviw
Count v Nebuiskii witii a view to the eintvba
tion of said entry coutestaiii aleging that the
said John T Spin rier has taded to break or
cause to be broken any part ol said trat and
has faib d to plant or caiibo to be planted an
part of said tract in trees tree seeds or cuttings
and hs tailed to cure bis to this date
The said parties are hetcoy a nuMioned to -pear
ntinisoiuVe on the jivi da1 of Sept Ji7
at 1 oclock p ni t resitoud ami turiiMit
oucerning said allegtd l nhire
J A Ftiii lteceivi r
L S Land Ollice Valentine Ib i
JulyiS 17
Complaint having been oii red at this office
hvrirob Kniiiiniv against Ceo ge W Jlorev tor
failure to oniply with lav as timber cLdture
enfx no -- iated retr ary I jss ii tit
I 1 -A
si jii i iu e e eO s Mi seeiiou s
townsiny 0 range Ji in icrr county Neuras
ita wiui a view to Hi ancelatiin of said entr
contstanl alleging that the -aid Ceorge V
Mon has faied to reak or eauw to tie broken
ten lens of said liici and has laied to piant or
cnrse to e pi itcd tea act- o sad trm
trci - trt e Mids ur id ia haiy
laiieil 1 cuitniie or cause to if iy
part of said 1 1 art tor the last live or s years of
entry and the Kind broken on said tract has
grown up in grass and wvds ad litis
tailed to cure nis lacii s to i hi- date the said
parties are herein sinnuoiie to jiiimar at this
j otbi e on the -d iay i IS ar II oclock a
m to ies oiiit luriusli testintoiiy concern
ing aid uLefd laihue
i JAFIK2 ilecoher
-v x -1 t A- w rx -
f 7 t -1 v 1
- j SJSJ ftwLm --
t ni M
V V Mil
I sis Vt CC
t overs - -
1 1 n - - -
f4 Wf ouitR sici c
f A f y I rVood J t -
fl ii i y ilfiVCitill Pine
- Ks ss a Vk f oois ard
j firliS Price
ALL 5Uo5 I low i t the best Send lor
- L H1 Catalogue
UQ2 Farnam S Omaha Hob
0 w s
u iy
i 1 Kiiisy
M i jir
lif f W i Iiiia r 7
iir ti 1 iiii ti 1 1 iiiii it
sa IH
oiencae Daireie
9 it 5 B n T
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1 a 3 S3 s
U lilt u
tlhJ nEJliTtVA
hmdtl m
W irfS
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aanijif tit
that said proof will
and Keceiver at Vj
ijth 18H7 viz
55 36
Ln J
t A
ZZZ r 71J 7W tl 1
1 1 i rt
I I l 11 VW
iT It -13
I v
f H TtfrC
made before Kegister
rTnTnrnrii i i7W in fuagMBi
V 8 4
r ln 1 cnrii v
ol saio land 1
C i UL H eK Kegster i Zdvnrd w DiiIeriii and Janus
i riniai 15 eI ii mt and Mitdbolt 0 ilidy
Ni or ALssi
tc r tij i t
U d Land OllJce at Valentine Neb
Jlli -21 IHXi
vc dont Imndlo quite as Inrge a stock
oL goods as tlie large deparfment stores in
Omaha or Chicago but we do handle all
the latest novelties and uptodatCj articles
and would like to havevou tcive us a call
before sending away for goods If you
want the latest and best hi
Kni Tl011 AV IK i m our ro0 f good ififr
ican 10 found uiivwherc
i OC
hi ftKki g S3 i d i
H a L I s 2 1 1 Us U U L tJ
tl S InndOpo ah nlirc Nehrasha tm
11 1 1 -
Everything in our store is new and of
tlie best quality so yon cannot make
a mistake by trading witii tls Weve
just put m a line of Shoes and Cloth
ing which to n should examine
ninnrTro o
Is 3 5- a l u ii li u feili ii It
Tunj VUL
3StWfteAV iiiiwiiiii rot urutr ri
Wa sia ottSeHae m
mmmm t
ut mm mwMt iw
JJrsJ Value Wriiin Machine
Pirsl in Improvements iloncst
lonsiruotlcii and aJ lUh vaile
Typc ATiier Cssenfials T t t
CM mm Premier Cyriter Syracuse ns a sk
Omaha Civnch Ofrice Corner SiyMiteentii and I riifii Streets
l S Land ih e aeiitine Xch
Itiivs tsi r
Xoticc ts hcrchy gsu t Ih it tne folio wins
Complain huvng umi eater d at rhi ofnee 5 iianieit s tuer nas iileI uotut or Jih iiirunliuB M
bv John Waiker Jidnla Dix n ir 1vr - I1 IU nPor ot his claim uudthafi
HtoidotMirlishnjis iciirr No 1 027 dat i 1 1 pru wih he made tOiore i gister or
Novenrtier ii tbe u au mme M nr on 1- -mi
IM in itie v n3iw iziy
hi eetofi iownsj j n itange a w in
1 itiiim it iifiiyiiii 01 luernman jeu
li L No 7 tjr liie vvt and s i M S r
- i i o l i -
CoinpJaiiii having leei at this oh-
by Joseph 15 Mille tgnsf HiMoer W litmoar ies the oiliminir vitnees to v rovw
lor abandoning Ins lseHd etrv No ov - cmtmnons r Mdvii e upon and enlUvaUou
tiat ct No- ir vr tin usk iriwt and ni ol bam land-
Crtrty Nertda and or jultire to cMu irtl L Mtin hyof Uallip NelJaiue Mno 5
I1 I1 aetnai re- ideiue ici sni lainl with a tew - rniai - ANo
tolhf eaiucllation oaid tin sia Non-e- hy irvvn ih i Jhvaid V Dahigriu
are hereby summoned to apjjear at this oMiee on n l11 oli e i In inleiitiui to make IJnaJL
IheLTti davol cjentefniier is i7 10 nspond and iT11 dore egieraiid Keeeerat then vinos
imiiiMh testnnony cuiieta ihiim saul aiUvcd aban 1 l1 x aiennne on I lie- jjih flay ot Ansirer
toiiiitcnt i i on timlH ciitiire nnphcation No Tlii fi
I the ir of Stxv NnLI I p t jn U xw
Land Ollice at Nebraska
Jiu 8 1S17 f
1 j e names as iidwar L Murphy
j ot ItUoo No- lJizel limit and it orgu
dJ 01 d Neiamsiiosof AJeiriiiiaitNcb
- i 1 1 i i - 1
I b Laud Otace alentioe NJr 1 t ULOVEH ledster
l tti V 15- JStl t I J
Comnlaint having liecn entered at this olfiee j
b ieter s Iloneche Mrisnst Leonard Cornet lor
ahand nimr iiislloinvstead hntry No ioi dated 1
U s Lam Ollice alentine Nehr s
Aii i imij npon the neV4 Aii seetmn Jwiv Otli iir
I LK lownshipjr Itane - in Cherry Cout Notice is her yien that John ISarhnff of
NVnjska nilh a iew to Hie caii edatton of said enr has tiled notiie of his intention v
entry tlie said parnes are heiebv suniinoued to ia prooi neioreuieJieisteror iecetviir
appear at this fliee on the jnd day ot j y li iicn m aentnie Nebraska on Mointay
ber lsyr at oeek J i to respond and yc Joay 01 Aumiht 1 17 mi timber culture ag
uish testimony eoiiuerning -aid aiieged J lhcaVon No wisi tor these 1 of eft ion I
tintiiit r still l w
U S Land Ohice Valentine Nehr 1
July ixiiT I
Comnlaiut havimr been enter d at nfit e
by maddens J l mev against tlie heirs of Kmdy
entry o 10O00 dnP d April Ifi upon
1 1 VJw I t i c
- ------
J A Fuji- Kmiivcr 1 1e aaincs Uie toilowmg itne es Clarer05
meomo Nelson hlinin Jones aaiJ
uiuviui uij iMwvi
j io VKK
C S Lmd Oillv Valentine Net
mj tli Ita7 s
Ji Mounes deceased tor abandoning Hme tead I Nolice is hereby riven tht llertierr c 111
tin- of Pipestone Minnesota has hied notiei of bis
- j i 1 iv fviMi intennou tuinaKe unal jnoof before the Kcister
in Cherry County I or Receiver at his olhee in Valentine Nob r tor
brask1y1thavev to the cancellation OI sai on Tue day the J7th day of August ls97 V ti
entrv tne said parties are lrely summoned to I ber cniure application Nofti Tfor tin u m
appear at vIns tnr on the -ml dav i aud nmv -e No 7 11 touiwh No
b r 1H7 at to oclock a in to resoond and fur- mnw - v
nish testiijoni coueeiiiiiig sll suletil aband
j lie 1 wines as witnesses Charhs A Joliiisco
t fclv I alenuni V thintoii Ilonev -mil Uvd
J A ikk Kccei er Leaeh aU of Vwl La Nebr
Claunantsandwitiies es in final proof cases
notice of v Iik h apear in Thk Dlakx ai will
icceiu a i arked enpvofthe jaH r Miouh anv
error- m descrijition ot landorsnellingof name-
be 11 1 ouied notice siii be sent to the land
ollice and this oiliue so coin ction can be made
U S Land Ollice at Valentine Neb
Jill IrOl i
notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
mKe linal proof in support of his claim and
luainioiiy 01 eiaiinani will he taken before the
erk of ths nwtrict Court for Pmestone
at his ottu e in iipo iono Minn on Aujr 14 W
-- U LO YKK Kegist
Notice is hereby given that Robert E Wo
Lauhhn of iiassenu Iowa has filed notice of i
iwiuoii to make anal proot before the Jit Atec
and Keceiver their ollice n Valentine VeVr
onThur daythe a jth day of Xugus 7 on
tiinber culture No sa m fr fi J
yniS3otrNo n
llenames as witnesses KUdi Andes Uarnev
u and Floyd w 1oolail oC
aleutine Nehr on riept Te tHiiony of rhe above named dam anr
t ck lle ifctricc
w uiirtiJLi vt jjtHitiiti iji y uuuiiiiie eo t V us oiiice in
Iowa on satiirdav tue trst day of Aicnsr
H L S701 for the lots z 4 and s inwk section Also Charlotte M MJwi 1W
3 township 30 ranged Iowa T C No wiztor t lie s n
He names tne IoIIowiiik witnesses to prove hw i and ne i ri n r - Sc twM
continuous result nee u ion and cultivauon of i She names ls uttiicsMs jjj j stpen finvi
v 1 111M r 11 t Dlfil 1 I It
Coin D Ainslie of Simeon Neb Ce jrae ah of x
- - -- - - -- -----1
I - vl
jun u jaeoi jviein aai jonn cronm ail
VticdIakc Nebrasa
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w73 cuu imrney leitc
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U 3 Land Ofiiee Valentine Nobr
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Notice is hereby given that the foHowing nan
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VvM said proof will 10 matle before L gisier and make Pnal nrontin - S oa
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Henry H Day of Valentine X ib vz v 53-
HEao52fortheior aandsetawi i -sec 1 T Joseph Birl of Georgia Xeb
3Heiunes the following witnesses to nrOVt Ms aMmSufrSntnJ3c c 13
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