The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 13, 1905, Image 8

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    - - - - - " - -
fails City Tribune
.v Tltl.UNa flUILllHINQ co.
rALL8 CITY . . NmBu.u
It the Chefoo liar ever altos a day
off hI ! puts ) on a thoroughly competent ,
tell IIndCI'litudr.
- -
The IIIIlI1 who uses perfumery has
110 moral I right , 10 criticize the woman
who smokes chnl'oUeH. _
It two men are Econ talking together -
er for any length oC time In Hllssla
the Hlllce ) send In a riot caU.
There 1M conHlderablo difference between '
twelJll the talk oC the mosquito expert
arid thc talk of the expert 1I100Hulto.
- - - - - - - - - -
Plans to "benullr ' " Washington are
all right , of course , hilt certain lobb ' -
IHtH ' find the place too Illlrnctivo ai
l'etllr .
- -
'rllllt Berlin magistrate who decided
In court that poker ) IH not. a game of
chance had apparently been UII
AglllnHl It.
- - - - -
Im If the moon 11:1 : cracked , nH the
California Htm'.sharps say , lovers will
continue to swear by it. Il's the only
moon we have.
RUHsla'H population Is said to be increasing .
creasing at the rate of lC OnOOO u 'ear.
This hllllcntos that It Is easy to raise
people almost an'where.
The duke and duchess oC Manchester .
tel' are going Into the poultry } busi-
neHS. Perhaps Pa Zimmerman was on
the wrong side oC copper.
The automobile cllmliing contest up .
Pllco's peak next August will he great
sport , but It will be the biggest fun to
watch the automobiles coming down.
A Nashville hotel clerk has received i
SlOOOO for a kind act performed ten
years ; ago. This should be cUpped out
and pasted ever the register every
San Francisco has had another
earthquake , but she wants the rest oC
the world to understand that It was
just a little rocking , UH gentle as a
hlll\1by. \
Now that the supreme court has rebuked -
bulell tho. Missouri river for taking
liberties with the territory of n sovereign -
erolgn state , perhaps It will stall Its
Do you have trouble In rememberIng -
Ing M. Dunau-Varllla's name ? "Uu-
reau' Is easy , and \'tlllllln" Is elS ! ' .
Just swap the " 1' " and the "n , " allli
there you arc.
The Pinero play which shocked Lon-
don has been produced In New York
with the shocking part left out. New
York has decided to stay , away from
thu disgusting thing.
The Organ Grinders' Union oC Philadelphia -
(1elphla Is about to establish censorS .
ship ( over street music. Perhaps , It
Isn't too much to expect the 'Vhlst-
leI's' Union to act next.
Foxhall Keene Is said to want his
marriage tie brolcen. lie has broken
nearly everything else , In the hunting
field and on the polo } grounds-records I
and bones chiefly , or course. '
A Nos ' York preacher , says wo
should not condemn the rich for their
disposition oC their money. Nor do
we-when a rich man disposes oC his
money there Is always rejoicing.
When a man who doesn't think rab-
Ies Is very common refuses to let a
dog said to be afflicted with that disease -
ease bite his own dog , the believers all
say that proves it. Great Is science.
- - - - - - - - -
_ .
The new High school building at
l'ecumseh has been turned over by
the contractors as finished
Catholics oC West Point have formed .
cd the nucleus of a public library and
It will he opened In a short time.
Sidney Dodge haM been appointed
postmaster at Marion , Red Willow
county , vice W. E. White resigned
EmployelJ of the A. P. Bloomer Lum-
her company at York presented A. 1 < ' .
Bloomer , the retiring president , with
: t gold . headed cane.
The Pawnee county furmerll' institute -
tute will he held In the opera house
\110 City February 2 and : ; ,
JJO ! . Some excellent speakers are on
the program.
Frank E. Brown , the man who was
shot hy Charles C. Reynolds at Te-
cllmseh , died after being a great sufferer .
rerer for two da'S' Blood poisoning
killed 111111.
The coroner' Inquest at Hastings
hold over the remains at William Oll-
VOl' Erlck80n , unmarried , 2:1 : years old ,
resulted In a verdict of death resulting .
Ing from carbolic acid self . administered .
tered with suicidal Intent.
The Jo'armer8' association of Newark
Is having a hard time to get shipping
accommodations from the B. & M.
railroad , and It they cannot get them
any other way , propose to test the
law , which , In other instances , has oh-
aired results
Since the several accidents on Union
Pacific crossings In Grand Island , five
of the seven crossing watchmen have
been let out and older men have been
put In their places. Five ot the
watchmen are on duty In the daytime
and two \t night
While tending a cornsheller for
Charles Hildebrand , northwest of Ashland -
land , William Duffs' arm was caught
) in the machinery and before the engine -
glne could be stopped the arm was so
badly mangled that it wag necessary
to partly amputate It ,
Charles Sellon , alias ! Dudley Brown ,
an operator for the Union Pacific rail-
road at Ogalalla , was sentenced to one
year In the penitentiary by Judge
Grimes. Sellon shot at Conductor
MoodY about a month ago , but his aim
was poor He pleaded gulHy.
enteen.year-ld 'l'hurman Gibbons .
hens or Norfolk has confessed to being .
Ing a burglar and housebreaker
Caught by the police with money In
his clothes which corresponded to an
amount stolen from the home of Engineer .
glneer Caldwell , the young man broke
down and admitted his guilt. He Is
In jail at 1\Iadlson.
Secretary Royse oC the state banking .
Ing board wilt Interview President Mc-
Greevy or the wrecked Elkhorn Valley .
loy State bank at O'Neill when be
stops In Lincoln In charge of Sheriff
Hull ot Holt county. An early set
! lenient with depositors will be greatly .
ly aided if a truthful statement can
be obtained from McGreev br the
state banking bOl1rd.
The South Platte Implement Deals
ers' association closed Its annual convention -
ventton In Lincoln with a short ses- .
glen A resolution was adopted extending . !
tending greeting to the Lancaster association .
soclation , a Pennsylvania association
organized by a Quaker state man who
had visited Lincoln and secured a
copy ot the constitution and by.laws
at the South Platte concorn. President .
dent Shamp and Vice President i\laur.
er made short addresses.
The \cCook Irrigation and Water
Power company has been making
some improvements In Its ditch southwest .
west of that city , and I'I ! ' placing Its
property In the best physical condition .
tion It has over been In. In anticipation .
tlon or a successful season next year ; ,
Among the improvements is a new
flume oC enlarged proportions , enabling .
Ing It to carry more head of water.
The ditch Is an important factor In
the sugar beet industry or that section.
A Ward From the Former Adjutant
General of Nebraska.
NCOLN-I.'ormOl' Adjutant General .
erlll Barry retained no premiums while
he was In office. In a letter to Governor .
nor Mickey he declared that he lUll
never kept premiums on state warrants -
rants , and If anyone of his clerical
force did 80 he had no knowledge ot
the matter ,
Expert Examiner Wiggins charged
Barry with a shortage oC about $49 ,
the amount being due the state from
the term ot Barry aK adjutant general
ot the national guard.
General Barr says In his communi-
cation that the matters referred to In
the report or Expert Examiner Wig-
gins , In connection with the premiums ,
were transacted by his chief clerk and
that he Is not prepared to explain
them until ho has had time to communicate -
municate with the clerk Ira T. Ayres ,
and the former stenographer , Miss
"AH soon as I have communicated
with them , " Hays the letter , "I shall
settle \IV the matter. "
General Colby stilt owes the state
the premiums on state warrants re-
talned by the state after the courts
have passed on the action which the
attorney general probably will begin
In the near future. The other account
charged against Colby by the examiner -
er , the pay of the WlIber troops for
the encampment at 1901 , will be in-
vestigated by the mllltar department
and Governor Mickey bas ordered
JUdge Advocate Colonel Ehrhart to
proceed with the Investlgatton This
Is the account which Colby asserts
properly should be charged to him
and Its details will be gone Into before . I
fore the state demands a settlement
from the general.
Nebraska Jurisdiction Stands for Low
NORl'OLK-Accordlng ; to the January .
ary number at the Nebraska 'Vorlunan ,
just being Issued In this city , the Nebraska .
braska jurisdiction of the Ancient Order .
del' ot United Workmen bas just
averted seceding from the supreme
10001Ie The compromise was effected
when the supreme lodge , through a
committee , agreed to allow Nebraska
to have Its own way with regard to
guaranty fund rates Instead ot adopt-
Ing rates which had been set down by
the supreme lodge and which would
have greatly Increased the expense
ot the jurisdiction In this state
With the alternative oC either paying .
Ing the rate or withdrawing from the
national order staring them In the
face members ot the Nebraska . jurisdiction .
diction were pretty general In favor of
withdrawing at the meeting or the
grand lodge to be field In South
, . Omaha next May. A few days ago ,
however , a committee of the supreme
lodge met officers of the Nebraska
lOdge at Lincoln and the result wars-
the granting of Nebl'asku's every wish : ,
so that rates henceforth wilt be lower
than they have been before.
Will Quit Growing Beets.
'COOK-The American Sugar
Beet company has decided to retire
from the raising and buying ot beets
In the Republican valley with the
present season , leavtlg the Standard
Sugar Beet company in possession oC
the entire field. The arrangement is
mutual , and a Rlmllar one obtains In
the North Platte cOllntr ) ' . The Standard .
ai'll people are already In the field
making contracts for next yoar.
Hospital' for Insane Quarantined.
The State Board or Health gave orders .
denl that the Nebraska Hospital for
the Insane bo quarantined for an ins
definite period on account of the presence ,
once of smallpox. Sup rlntendent
Green says there Is but one case , and
It Is mild.
- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - . - - - _ _ _ _ - - - .s. . , . . -
- I
Eugene E. Lane , ot 751 Twentieth
avenue , ticket seller In the Union Bta.'I
tlon , Denver , Col. , says : "You are at
liberty to repeat what I
first slated through our
Denver papers a b 0 U t
Donn's Kidney Pills In I
time summer ot 1899 , for I
1 have had no reason In :
the Interim to change my 41 " :
opinion ot that remedy. I
was subject to severe attacks - :
tacks or backache , always - 1
ways aggravated It 1 sat
long at a desk. Doan's I
Kidney Pills absolutely ,
stopped my backache. 1 '
have never had a pain or
a twinge since. "
Fostor-Mllburn Co" , Buffalo , N. y
For sale by all druggists Price GO
cents per box
. . . . , \
Costly Piano Leather. ,
It Is said that the most costly loather . ( I
er In the world Is known to the trade i
as piano Icather. The secret ot tan-
ping this leather Is known only to a r '
family of tanners In Germany , though - ' 'I
the skins ! from v..hlch It is tanned , ' 1 ,
come almost : ! entirely from America. J
STATS or 011I0 , CITY or TOLEDO , .
FII.n : J. CHENET makes oath that he II I'tJIlow ' f '
rarlner of the Ann of F. J. CIlENEY & ; Co dolol
bUlln8u ID the City of Toledo , County sad state I
aforesaid , and that Bald Ann will pay the mum ot
ONE IIUSnHED DOLLARS for each and enry
case of CATARRH that CIUluot be cured by the use ot I
IbLL's CAT..11I1Il CURE. -
SworD 10 before me and IlIblcrlbed / Iii ) ' pr .
euee , this 6th day of December , A. n. I\G. ! \ I
' - - A. W. GLEASON ,
J --l
II ( lIl'1 Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts
Sirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the I
7I1em. Send for teslllnunlale free
F. J. CHESEY do CO. , Toledo,0. : J
Bold by all nrugl&u. j\ \
Take lIall'l l"amll1'1II1 constipation.
i i
Latest Lingual Atrocity.
In the rathsleeller a crowd of students . II <
dents were bawling out popular songs ,
keeping time with their beermugs. i
"Those boys are good In mathematIcs - ,
Ics , " said the man who was safely k i" ,
entrenched behind a stein and a lImburger - ' t
burger sand wlch. "They are very
fond of lager.rhythms.-ClnclnnatJ i
Commercial . Tribune.
Insist on Getting It.
Borne grocer Bay they don.t keep
Defiance Starch. This Is because they
have a stock on hand at other brands
containing only 12 oz In a package .
which they won't be able to sell first
because Defiance contains 16 os for
the , same money.
Do you want 16 oz Instead ot 12 0:1- :
for same money ? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking ,
President of , the Vegetarian Assocla'
tlon ( to candidate for membershlp- )
"Betore you are admitted as a mem'
her to our society , I must ask you one
serious uesUon-'What Is the cause
Qr that large grease spot on your neck
tie ? ' " 1
India's Political Divisions.
In traveling the 1,900 miles from '
the northern extremity ot India to
southern one passes through as many
political divisions as there are great
divisions ot Europe , and differing as
widely In climate and customs. \
Twenty.Four-Hour Man. '
Antonio Cum , ot Padrella , Portugal , :
bas not slept for three months. No '
doctors can cure him , and the most
powerful opiates have no effect. Ho . _ "
drives mules In the daytime and acts
as a watchman at nlKht.
permanently cured. No Ate OJ' nerYCUlneM attn
fiTS fiNt daY'1 use of Dr Kllne'l Urellot Nerve HeltQl'o
fr. Bend for FnE 82.00 trial bottle And t""atlee .
Ua. a. a. ItLUK , Ltd. . 931 Arch Street , I'hnadelplua , Na
One oC the great changes needed In
I the city church Is to take the exit .f/ '
signs off the doors and put them on ! J"
the collection plates-Chlcago Trib-
tine ,
Take LlIXath'c lIromu Quinine Tablelij. All druJ '
glue refund the money If It fall to cure. E. W.
Oro\'e'l IIlgualuro II ou each lio1 25c. : :
There are ninny trusts in this coun'
tl'y , but the poor man IIr expected to
come up with the cash just the same
-Chicago News.
Defiance Starch Is guaranteed biggest (
and best or money m'etunded , II
ounces , 10 cents. Try It . now .
1 $ :