The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1910, Image 8

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McConnell for drugs
McConncll fills prescriptions
McMilien irT erJrticn druggist
Kodaks and kodak
Council Druggist
tens will be held two weeks Only
letters are affected by this new or-
For Rent Steam heated rooms on
Jiafn ave Phone black 133
XR RENT Dwelling house Phone
cedar 983 or 25 tf
FOR RENT Furnished room with
lighi heat and bath Phone red 345
FQR RENT Tvo 5 room cottages
shade and lawn close in 4 rooms
2QOoern Main avenue furnished or
unfurnished Mrs J I Lee Phone
zed 55
FQR SALE Wheat and barley
5traw and cane hay Dave Deveny
cherry 1C51
FOR SALE My residence at 601
4tlt street E Address J S Williams
or phone black 189 tf
OR SALE 4 room
Souse Small sum down and balance
Mrs Julia Yager West McCook
WANTED Poultry of all kinds at
I tne National Hotel 10 tf
WANTED Chickens of all kinds
it the National HoteL 24tf
supplies Mc-
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent Hour At the McCook
Flour ard Feed Store
The best I ever used is what
they say after using Pure Gold flour
MAGNERS Phone 14
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps
other makes
Dont delay your Christmas adver
tising too long The early adver
tiser jets the pick of the best spaces
and locations
ttyou have a watch clock or val
uable pie e cf jewelry to be repair
ed and want iL doie wich skill and
dispatch bring it on your next visit
j v2 v 8EcnEMAYEit ca
j W B Street t S B Jf
S j
n ZtiHsa
The Stoical Mountaineer Simply An
swered the Question
i For stoical indifference aud taci
turnity said a young man from
Knoxvllle Tenn who was visiting in
Louisville a few days ago I never
saw ariy one that could equal the Ken
tucky mountaineer
Two years ago I was camping dur
ing the suminer with a party of young
men a lid women in the mountains
During our stay there we became ac
quainted with an old mountaineer
whom we called Sara lie always re
ferred to his wife iis Maria mid we
fell into the same habit
Last year we returned to the same
place to camp As we were going up
find even if it does mean a smaller
stone Just as a matter of sentiment
youH want to know that it is right
and tiien if you ever get in hard luck
3oucan pawn the good ring for two
thirds of its value Cleveland Plain
monthly payments Inquire of fineness of the tongue tip and the
The Toads Tongue
The skillful manner in which a pet
toad used its wonderfully formed
tongue entitled it to be ranked as an
expert For one thing It showed
wonderful skill In judging distances
The tongue was never darted out until
-the Insect came within a certain range
The accuracy of the creatures aim
was another matter for surprise The
insects were generally in motion when
the tongue was darted out against
triem but the arrow never failed to
hit The rapidity with which the
tongue was shot forth excited much
wonder The operation is a complex
one The tongue is doubled or folded
up when in the mouth Therefore a
twofold action Is required an uncoil
ing of the weapon and then the dart
ing of It forth The withdrawing of
the tongue with the captured insect on
the tip was not less remarkable Not
withstanding the rapid motion the
struggles of the prey the victim was
jiever dropped Exchange
Graves In China
There are various kinds of graves in
China The graves are dug generally
Suits or
vl13 not jje that
have the style and are
made lo fit ami retain
their shape a ell as
Our best all wool suits
5 00 to 8 oc Other
good grades in worsted
and cashmeres 2 50 to
McCook Neb
the groun1 while according to an old
custom the mounds of the graves of
emperors were thirty feet in height
1 hose of territorial lords fifteen feet
and those of barons without territories
and of lord stewards eight feet while
for inferior ollicials and common peo
ple mounds only four feet in height
were erected Pines were planted on
the tombs of emperors a species of
oak on those of territorial lords a spe
cies of willow on those of barons and
lord stewards and elm trees on those
of inferior ollicials Although there
are no territorial lords and lord stew
ards now in China men of high rank
still have their tombs constructed in
accordance with this old custom
He Loved His Enemies
James MaeNeill Whistler looked
flirt mAimtnin nnfli Inn itf
also and a full line of i upon life as upou a kind of wnrfar
uuu tuu wuri ui aml waB never s0 uaiJV as wlmi m
111 U ULLp SlUUJ
Hello Sam we all called Wheres
Shes comin back there he said
directing his thumb backward over his
was quarreling with somebody He fs
quoted as having said when asked if
he did not have many friends Yes
I have many friends and I am grate
ful to them but those whom most I
love are my enemies not in a Bihlknl
went on up tne mountain natn seuse 0h no but bPms theviUeej
and a short distance farther came upon 0nJ always busy always up toPHie
a parry of mountaineers transporting a imrk either fighting them- or proving
dead body in a rickety wagon It was them idiots -
a funeral party Imagine our surprise
when we were informed that the
Yes we have the Pierced Brass ceased was Maria Sam had not thought
goods and tlm little sets of tools it worth his pains to inform that
to do the work with It is the la 1 Marin was dead when In s fffl slw
lest thing Come- in and let us show
We bougfet a salesmans samples j
f cut glass last week and are of
fering some beautiful pieces at much
less than rervv nrice
The Jewelers
At our store you can have a large
Tariety to select from in cold creams
aratfons fancy- perfumes soaps
shampoo powder liquid and paste
Trade with us and receive the bene
fit of the extra endeavor we make at
all times to have the best of every
The postoffice department has re
cently isued an order affecting the
time letters will be held bearing the
name and address of the senders
In tlie past those letters not indi
cating the return limit have been
held thirty days Hereafter they
will be held only five days
But in fourth class offices
whfen not addressed to a per
was comui
baric there LrtssvHle
Advice the Jewc r Ga s its Vouny
Man Who Vas
Some of 1hw jtnvriors -re hii ac
commodating lot reinsrirt thp young
man in the light mit I v it in th
other dav to buy a diamond ring
For a ladyV the clerk asked
I told him it was
An engagement ring he asked mt
further ii
Yes 1 told him getting a little bit
peeved but I dont see what business
it is of -yours what I intend to do with
the ring after paid for it out of
my own private funds
Dont be offended says the clerk
in a conciliatory tone I was just go
ing to suggest that if it was simply a
present no engagement going
son living on a rural route the let- you to get the best quality you can
with ftVjou go in for size rather than
for quality and when the girl comes
in to Inquire about its value well He
r0 or 75 worth for you But if its
an engagement ring I would advise
Then He Sulked
Mrs Guschley remarked to me that
it must be pleasant to be married if o a
clever man said Iroudleys wife
And what did you say quericd
I told her of course that I didnt
know that I had only been married
on- e
Suffering becomes beautiful when
one bears great calamities with cheer
fulness not through Insensibility but
through greatness of mind Aristotle
An Anecdote of Pellegrin an Eight
eenth Century Bard
The impecunious French poets of the
middle eighteenth century used to con
sort at the cafes where sometimes
they would pick up customers One of
the worst and at the same time the
most facile of the bards was Pelle
grin of whom a characteristic story is
told in An Eighteenth Century Mar
quise One day a newcomer entered
the cafe and began complaining that
he was going to be married and had
no epithnlamlum for his wedding Pel
legrin hastened to offer one of his own
compositions A deal was soon ar
ranged and the price agreed upon was
20 sous a verse The poet disappeared
The bridegroom was presently accost
ed by a stranger who began a con
versation on various subjects and sud
denly said
By the by my friend what price
are you paying Pellegrin
Twenty sous a verse
Is that too dear
No doubtfully riot if you fixed
the length of the poem
I never thought of doing that
When is be to bring your epitbalq
Tomorrow morning
Tomorrow morning cried the
stranger Why you must be rolling
in money
What do you mean
That you will have to pay for at
least a thousand verses
Oh what a fraud exclaimed the
bridegroom and rushed off to find Pel
legrin In his attic The versifier had
just completed his hundredth verse
The Difference
What is known as New Yorks
wealthy family averages three and
three fifths persons while the poor
family averages five and two fifths
The Uplift
The present generation has seen a
wonderful development in kindliness
from twelve fppt to thirteen feet below helpfulness and unselfishness
l dilemiu
Tangle of Red Tape In an Eng
lish Extradition Case
Only the Quick Wit of the Canadian
Police Inspector Kept a Notorious
Criminal In Custody When In Realty j
He Was as Free as the Air
The manner in which a prisoner ex
tradited to England from a foreign
country hi treated while on the voyage
home depends very much on the de
tective who has him in charge and
also on whether or no there is any
suspicion that he mny be contemplat
ing violence eitljor to himself or to
For iitnce in the case of Jahez
Balfour who was taken to England all
the way from Buenos Aires there
was a strong suspicion probably ill
founded that he contemplated com
mitting sulfide Consequently Insjrec
tor Froest who had him in charge de
cided to take no risks that he could
possibly avoid
The regulations do not permit of an
unconvicted prisoner being handcuffed
on board ship once the vessel has left
port and he must be allowed one
hours exercise on deck each day
These Indulgences If indulgences they
may oe called were therefore not
withheld from Balfour
But he got few others For twenty
three hours out of every twenty four
he was immured in a locked cabin ITe
was not permitted even to enter the
public dining room his meals being
brought to him by Mr Froest himself
after the rest of the passengers had
fed He was besides constantly
watched and was subjected to a most
rlirorons search immediately on com
ing aboard
His only relaxation was an occa
sional game of chess with some of the
passengers who kindly came to his
cabin to play with him by permission
and in the presence of his keeper
This sea Imprisonment lasted exactly
one month and a day and Balfour
afterward declared that It was the
most trying experience of a captivity
that was destined to continue for
nearly twelve years
One of the longest and In Its later
stages one of the pleasnntest voyages
ever undertaken by an unconvicted
criminal was that whleh Chnrles Hyl
ton Davidson the notorious forger
made some years back In the custody
of Chief Inspector Murray of the Ca
nadian department of justice
Murray tracked the wanted man to
Mexico and secured his extradition to
Canada But then his difficulties be
gan He could not bring his prisoner
to Canada by the direct route through
the United fjtntes for Immediately
Davidson set foot In that countrv he
could have demanded to be released
There was therefore nothing for it but
to convey him by way of Jamaica and
England and thence back across the
Atlantic to Quebec
On the voyage Murray kept David
son under close observation although
allowing him considerably more free
dom than Froest allowed Balfour
When however he had got safely as
far as London he was both mortified
and astonished at the likelihood of his
having had all his trouble for nothing
The law was he was told that a
prisoner extradited from a foreign
country to a British colony could not
be kept In custody In England for
longer than twenty four hours nor
could he be tnken as a prisoner on
board a British ship sailing from a
British port
Here was a dilemma Davidson was
free as air had he only known it
But Murray wqs equal to the occasion
Look here Davidson he said Ive
got you safe There Is only the last
stage of the journey to complete If
I allow you to travel saloon with me
as an ordinary first class passenger
will you give me your word to play
me no tricks
To this proposition Davidson know
ing nothing of the real state of affairs
was naturally quite ready to agree
And so it came to pass that one of the
most notorious criminals Canada has
ever known came home In state free
yet not free a voluntary prisoner and
yet an involuntary one Pearsons
Tactful Truth
I appeal to Mr Verity whose truth
fulness nobody doubts said the out
raged hostess with a glitter in her
eye Mr Verity do you think I sup
ply my boarders with bad butter
The others looked eager attention to
Madam he answered with a bow
the truth on which you compliment
me forces me to declare that your but
ter is one of your strong points
Baltimore American
The safest way to measure your
maximum bite longitudinally is to lay
it out on an ear of corn To get the
depth of the bite measure it In a slice
of watermelon Boston Globe
And the best way to determine the
capacity of your bite is to watch you
eat beans Cleveland Plain Dealer
Mother Oh Effie What has hap
penedto your dolly Effie The doc
tor says its a nervous breakdown
He prescribed mucilage Life
Sorrow is a school of virtue It cor
rects levity and interrupts the confl
uence of sinning Atterbury
iijWiigyir ftmjr
Before the Nebraska State Teachers
Association Friday Night
The illness of Senator Bourne of
Oregon placed the management of
the state teachers association in a
position from which Congressman
George W Norris of our city has
consented to relieve them by prom
ising to fill the date the senator is
unable to meet on account of a se
vere attack of la grippe
So on Friday evening of this week
the congressman will tell before that
great and august body in the audi
torium Lincoln the story of insur
gency a telling which so delighted
an audience of some 1500 people ir
his home city a few weeks since
This speech of Congressman Norrir
is regarded by competent critics as
being the clearest and most instruc
tive exposition of the rise and pro
gress of the insurgent movement yet
placed before the public The Trib
une has no doubt it will be well re
ceived by the state teachers and that
tre congressman will ably substitute
for the popular and progressive Ore
gon ian
The Two Orphans
So much has been said and writ
ten concerning The Two Orphans
vhich is the next attraction at the
Temple theatre that it would seem
as if the mere announcement of this
great play would be sufficient to
ack the theatre from pit to dome
However for the benefit of the few
who have not read the book we of
fer the following history and synop
sis of what is correctly classed as
the strongest French melodrama ever
written The Two Orphans was
written by DEnery and the theme
was inspired b3 the profligacy and
wantonness of the nobles in France
during the reign of Louis in the fif
teenth century This shortly led up
o an utter disregard on tbe part of
the nobility for the polittical as well
as the moral rights of the common
iccple and was directly responsible
for the French Revolution
It was into this seething mold that
DEnery poured the genius that was
to make him famous as one of the
foremost French authors Fired by
the terrible condition and the wrongs
of his compatriots he produced this
play that stirred the blood of the
French people to the boiling point
and assured his popularity for all
time The play was first produced
in this country by A M Palmer who
used the Kate Claxton version and
from the rise of the curtain on the
initial performance this struggling
manager was assured of a success
ful future and of a fortune from this
great piece in which old and more
experienced producers had refused
to risk their money The fact that
the big majority of people are not
satisfied with witnessing it once
but go to see it again and again at
tests its wonderful effectiveness and
human interest which accounts for
its wonderful popularity5
A Large Audience Present
A large and appreciative audience
attended the production of A Mod
ern Woodmen in the Temple Thea
known play was given here for the
second time by direction of Lieut
Ellis and under auspices of Noble
camp 665 of this city
The skill of the gentleman having
the play in charge as well as the mer
it of the cast assured a successful
rendition and it is pleasing to note
that so large and enthusiastic an
audience responded
Following is the cast
Bridge on County Line Finished
The bridge on the county line be
tween Red Willow and Hitchcock
counties is finished It is expected
that the bridge will be open for
travel in a week or ten days It will
be a great convenience in this sec
tion of this and adjoining county
Buy drugs of Woodworth
The Baptist pulpit is again sup
plied See announcements
Cameras and photo supplies
California Orange Blossom honey at
MAGNERS Phone 14
Dont forget the junk sale at Na
tional hotel Saturday Dec 10 at 2
p m
If you have not used McMillens
Cream Lotion one trial will make
you a customer
Wood to burn pyrography goods
of all kinds extra bulbs points etc
Note the new ads of A Latimer
Wilson and F L Stream ofCreston
Iowa appearing elsewhere in this is
The best cough syrup is the
most efficient Use McMillens
Cough Remedy and be convinced of
its merits
The Tribune can show prospective
Christmas advertisers some desirable
special holiday cuts if they will ap
ply at the office Cuts speak loud
er than words often
We absolutely guarantee our hot
water bottles and fountain syringes
They are made of pure fresh ruber
and we stand ready to back up the
sale of every one with our own per
sonal insurance
The man without a home the ship
without a harbor are examples of
misguided calculations Make your
banking home with the First Na
tional Bank while you are earning
money and in your old age you can
live comfortably on the income from
Reminds Us
that there are only
25 Shopping- Days
Before Christmas
pT tT lTM
and we wish to extend to you an urgent invitation to come in
next week and look over our Large Assortment of Practical
Christmas Gifts which we will have on Grand Display in our
Millinery Section affording you an excellent opportunity for
early and satisfactory selections
Remember the Great Reductions on all Trimmed Hats
this week We are closing them all out at about half price
Secure one of these great bargains
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings