The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 22, 1909, Image 8

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McDonnell for drugs
McMillon prescription druggist
Limonoira Lumons VVhito liouso
Grocery Phono 30
Try our crackers In tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Clenn your Rtraw hat with Elkoya
Hat Clennor 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Boys auitfc in values from SI 50 to
87 50 nt Rozoll Bargers the leading
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil In McOook The full Reid Mur
dock line HUBER
The proper compounding of prescrip
tions is or should be a science It is
L W McConnell Druggist
New shipment of suit cii993 just re
ceived at the loading clothiers Rozell
Bargers Get your choice now
McMillon druggist has recently re
ceived a large assortment of the latest
post cards You should see them
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing superior HUBER
The W 0 T U will meet at the
home of Mrs O VV Wimer July 30th
at 300 p in A good attendance is do
You protect both your health and
your pockot book whon you come to us
for drugs
L W McConnell Druggist
Have you seen that 100 gauntlet
2love for harvest work at Rozell Bur
gers Yj i cnt ea il it ia th j city
either for quality or price
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold bv McCook Four and Feed Store
For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral
ston and Advo pancake flours and maple
syrup and mapleine to go with them
If you dont take a camera with you
on your vacation youll be sorry Cam
era pleasure lasts while vacation pleas
ure is soon over We have cameras
from 100 up
L W McConnkll Druggist
The room lately vacated by the Mc
Cook Electric Co and Gray Whit
taker is now being papered and painted
for the now tenant C A Leach who
will shortly occupy the same with his
jewelry store
Re finish Your
Old furniture can be eas
ily and inexpensively refin
ished with Perma Lac and
made to look as nice asjnew
You can do the work 2 in
your spare time
Perma Lac is
nent beautiful
everything made
wood or plaster
a perma
finish for
of metal
Just the thing for inside
woodwork floors walls
ceilings for carriages wag
ons farm implements and
everything in and around
your home 24 beautiful
Paint Your House
Use Bradley Vrooman
Pure Paint Made of Car
bonate of Leed Oxide of
Zinc and Linseed Oil
Sold continuously for over
31 years Will not chalk
blister or peel Cannot be
duplicated by hand mixing
A full gallon in every
gallon can The best paint
it is possible to manufacture
because absolutely pure
Stansberry Lumber Co
McCook Nebraska i
Why a 8mall Boy Persisted In Hear
ing It Every Day
Senator Vest was making a buggy
campaign in southeast Missouri some
years ago snld a Missouri official
His driver was a small boy who was
duly Impressed with the importance
of his distinguished passenger
At each town visited by Vest the
boy hurried his team to a convenient
livery bnrn and then raced for the
courthouse or wherever the spenkin
was to take place and perched him
self with painful regularity on the
front seat He Invariably turned his
eyes on the senator and took In every
word of the speech as If his very life
depended on it
Finally the lads continued conspic
uous presence among his auditors an
noyed the senator and he klndlj but
firmly reminded the boy that it was
not necessary for him to attend every
I make the same speech each time
You have heard It often enough to
know it by rote so just put In your
time In the future looking after the
team he admonished his youthful
Despite the senators objection the
boy was again In the front seat the
next day and the following day This
enraged Vest and he thundered
Why do you persist in always oc
cupying that front seat Didnt I tell
you I make the same speech every
day Its as old and stale to you as it
Is to me 5Yhy insist on hearing it
again and again
I want to see what youre going to
do when you fergit it answered the
boy Vest capitulated St Louis Re
How It Is Used by the British
ernment In India
Its elephant lleet is one of the stran
gest and most deadly departments
maintained by the British government
in India It is a large fleet of coast
ing steamers specially built for the
transport of elephants Indias popu
lation is one fifth that of the entire
globe All these people use elephants
They use them for draft work and for
tiger hunting and in the arenas of the
native states they even pit them
against one another and against wild
beasts The elephant fleet transfers
the animals from Dacca the trapping
and training headquarters to the va
rious districts whence comes the de
To get an elephant aboard ship is a
difficult and dangerous task The ani
mal must wade through the surf to a
stout raft and this unknown surf so
white and tumultuous often terrifies
and maddens him If in his fury he
slaughters a mahout or two he cannot
be greatly blamed Once on the raft
his legs are tied to pegs and the slow
sail to the ship is uneventful But
now a great band must be arranged
under the elephants belly and a crane
must hoist him up some twenty or
thirty feet to the deck Here again
the elephant cannot be set down as In
tractable if losing his head in that
unprecedented aerial journey he mur
ders some more mahouts Very pros
perous albeit stained a little with ma
houts blood the elephant fleet for
many years has plied up and down the
Indian coast embarking and disem
barking its heavy unmanageable
freight New York Press
The Appreciation of Music
If we would appreciate music aright
we must remember that its beauty de
pends not upon the composer alone
but upon ourselves also Deep calls
I unto deep and the harmony of sound
though appealing primarily to the out
ward ear must be answered by a har
mony from within ourselves The
more culture we bring to the hearing
of music the wider our sympathy the
more exquisite will be the echoes
which it awakens in the soul If we
would understand the composers mes
sage we must co operate with him
We must reach out to him with all
our faculties If we do that the reve
lation of music will ceaselessly renew
its beauty ever turning unimagined
aspects to gladden us Redfern Mason
in Atlantic
An Ugly Looking Lizard
Among the lizards of Australia the
thorny devil Moloch horridus Is
unrivaled in its ugliness From the
tip of its nose to the end of its tail
this lizard is covered with tubercles
and spines but in spite of its -dangerous
appearance it is quite harmless
It measures about seven inches in
length It has a flat body a small
head and a cylindrical tail It fre
quents sandy places feeds largely on
ants and is more or less diurnal In
habits Its powerful limbs are fur
nished with strong claws which It
uses in digging the sand In which it
often lies wholly or partially buried
What Is the difference
firmness and obstinacy
asked a
young lady of her fiance
Firmness was his gallant reply
Is a noble characteristic of women
obstinacy is a lamentable defect In
Her Eyes Opened
Scribbler She isnt writing any
more articles on how to manage a
husband Scrawler No she knows
better now Shes married Philadel
phia Record
Enough Said
Visitor What part of prison life Is
the hardest to put up with Convict
The visitors Judge
In great attempts It la glorious even
to fail Longinus
mhw innxwinwihi tMcxjZtjrvex
The Sheriffs Famous Prison In
New York City
The Inmates Wear No Uniform and
Have Many Privileges Tho Disci
pline Is Quite Gentle and the Sur
roundings Peaceful and Homelike
Walking through the streets of the
squalid noisy east side the visitor In
New York is qnite unprepared for the
peace and clean homeliness which
greet him in the sheriffs prison in
Ludlow street Flanked by public
school and police court on two sides
the brick building ornamented with
antique Iron grill over long windows
resembles a village church or old fash
ioned hall of learning The outer
clamor does not penetrate its cool clois
ters The struggle for existence Is
halted at the threshold But It is not
so easy to enter the sheriffs rest es
tablishment The guard who opens
the front door in response to the elec
tric hell eyes the visitor suspiciously
as if the latter might be trying to
break into the county haven without
proper credentials The only persona
entitled to the privileges of the Lud
low tavern are those jn contempt of
surrogates and certain other courts
federal bankrupts delinquent militia
men execution and judgment debtors
and breach of promise and alimony
However the visitor who can prove
that he has no sinister purpose is
ushered into a cozy parlor fitted with
rugs pictures and piano Blerc he
meets the warden who talks freely
and simply about his guests He ad
mits he has never read Lombroso or
any other criminologist Whats the
use They dont send felons to this
place The learned observations of
penologists do not apply to the in
mates of Ludlow tavern Methods of
discipline and reform are superfluous
There are just a few rules such as ob
tain in any well regulated hostelry A
guest on arrival has his pedigree taken
at the office is shown up to his sleep
ing chamber gets introduced to the
gentlemen in the sitting room and is
left to his own devices no uniform
no haircut none of the unpleasant fea
tures of a common prison
indeed a genteel search for
There is
sharp in-
struments keys and knives as forbid
den articles but there Is no confisca
tion of any other private possessions
A man may bring in all the books
writing material tobacco clothes toi
let articles and that he
The rising bell rings at 630 a m
and the guests have a chance to wash
shave and make their beds before
breakfast at 8 oclock The regular
breakfast consists of coffee and rolls
but guests may supplement it with
eggs cooked at the hot water tap or
may order at their own expense an
elaborate meal from the menu card of
a nearby restaurant The morning
newspapers are at hand so that guests
while sipping their coffee may scan
headlines and note the progress of
After breakfast every one goes into
the yard for an hours exercise The
high brick wans do not bar the sun
shine from the yard which is about
sixty feet square and stone flagged
around a central grass plot After the
exercise hour the guests repair to a
large sitting room and read study or
play peimchle checkers dominos and
chess There is a small library of
books and magazines Those who
hove private stocks of literature ex
change their books In a fraternal
The dinner bell rings at noon A
wholesome stew a boiled dinner or a
plate of fish and potatoes is provided
If this seems too frugal even for clois
ter life there is the restaurant menu
to fall back on As a rule though the
inmates are satisfied with the regular
fare Another hour in the yard an
afternoon spent in the sitting room
after the style of the morning session
and then a supper of bread and tea at
5 oclock Two hours later the guests
retire to their chambers for the night
They are locked in It is true but tho
obliging guard will open on any rea
sonable request There is no rule
against talking and guests may read
or write by the light of their own can
dles until they feel disposed to go to bed
A gentle routine it is No one is
overcrowded for while there are ac
commodations for a hundred persons
the number of guests is seldom any
thing like that The disagreeable
monotony of seeing the same faces
and hearing the same anecdotes com
plained of by arctic travelers is ob
viated by the coming and going of in
mates The comfort of guests is pret
ty well assured by a staff of nine
guards and three or four cooks and
Letters to guests are not opened be
fore delivery as In common penal in
stitutions Three days a week are set
aside for visitors but no member of
the Alimony club is compelled to see
his wife Once In a long while how
ever a member of the fair sex enters
the portals as a guest There was one
woman brought to the office in con
tempt proceedings subsequent on a
supplementary inquiry but the referee
held a hearing on the spot and the
woman was discharged with consent
of counsel In former days a male
guest charged with breach of promise
won freedom by marrying the woman
of his choice in the hotel office New
York Tribune
What we obtain too cheap we esteem
too lightly Pnlne
Irt I
What tho Ensign Saw end Wnat Hap
pened After Dinner
In The Story of My Life by Mr
Augustus JJare Is told the following
creepy story
A regiment was passing through Der
byshire on Its way to fresh quarters In
the north The colonel as tlwy stayed
for the night in one of the country
towns was Invited to dine at n coun
try house In the neighborhood and to
bring any one he liked with him Con
sequently he took with him a young
ensign for whom he had ti great fancy
They arrived and It was a large party
but the lady of the house did not ap l
pear till just as they were going In to
dinner and when she appeared was so
strangely distrait and preoccupied that
she scarcely attended to anything that
was said to her
At dinner the colonel observed that
his young companion scarcely ever
took his eyes off the lady of the house
staring at her In a way which seemed
at once rude and unaccountable It
made him observe the lady herself and
he saw that she seemed scarcely to
attend to anything said by her neigh
bors on either side of her but rather
seemed in t manner quite unaccount
able to br listening to some one or
something behind her
As soon as dinner was over the young
ensign came to the colonel and said
OhLo take me away I entreat you
to take me way from this place
The colonel said Indeed your con
duct is so ery extraordinary and un
pleasant that I quite agree with you
that the boat thing we can do is to go
away And be made the excuse of
his 3oung friend being ill and ordered
their carriage
When they had driven some distance
the colonel asked the ensign for an ex
planation of his conduct He said that
he could not help it During the whole
of dinner he had seen a terrible black
shadowy figure standing behind the
chair of the lady of the house and it
had seemed to whisper to her and she
to listen to It Die hod scarcely told
this when a man on horseback rode
rapidly past the carriage and the
colonel recognizing one of the servants
of the house they had just left called
out to know if anything was the mat
Oh dont stop me sir he shouted
I am going for tho doctor My lady
has just cut her throat
Ha Lent It but Had Occasion tc
Crave Its Return
They hiss iu the French theaters
with the help of a hollow key related
Richard Harding Davis Taul
get once told me an edd Incident upon
this custom
A playwright call him Duval had
the unhappiness one One night to sit
through a most successful production
of his latest play The house respond
ed with jeers and hisses and a young
man turning to Duval said
By Jove how Id roast this miser
able piece if I only had a hollow key
My dear boy said Duval I am
happy to be able to accommodate you
And he handed a hollow key to the
young man who at once set up a fierce
and continuous hissing Just then a
critic appeared
Duval ho said to the playwright
I am sorry for you Poor fellow yor
dont deserve this
The young man with the key lookec
amazed and ashamed
What Are you M Duval I beg
your pardon a thousand times he
You owe me no apology said Du
val Lunch with me tomorrow
The young man accepted the invito
tion and at the end of the Iuncheor
next day when the coffee and ciga
rettes were brought in he drew J
bulky manuscript from his pocket anc
begged leave to read a comedy to M
Duval for he was a playwright too
Duval consented and listened atten
tively to the reading At the end the
young man said
Well monsieur what do you
think of it
Duval smiled as he replied
Could you oblige me by returning
my hollow key Cincinnati Com
mercial Tribune
The Coloring of the Clouds
The gorgeous coloring of the clouds
especially those of sunset is due to th
circumstance that the yellow and red
rays of light have a much greater pen
etrative momentum than the bluy
They make their -way through stretches
of the atmosphere which entirely ar
rest and turn back the blue and they
do tins the more markedlj if the air
is at the time laden with extraneous
particles that augment the aerial opac
ity New York American
A Hairbreadth Escape
A certain comedian is bald except
for a rim of hair a few Inches above
his collar line
Im in an awful hurry he said
one day to the Lambs club barber
Can you cut my hair with my collar
Sure replied the barber I can
cut It with your hat on Success
Poetic License
Sporting Editor Just what do you
understand by the term poetic li
cense Literary Editor Broadly
speaking it is that singular provision
In the constitution of the universe un
der which poets are permitted to ex
istChicago Tribune
Has he proposed yet
Not in so many words
Thats no answer Proposals never
do come in words They consist of
sighs hems haws and gurgles
Cleveland Header
Summer Dress Goods
Dresses and Skirts
Cheaper than Ever
Until August first EVERY DAY DURING JULY
you can buy anything and everything in SUMMER DRESS
Saving of 25 cents on the Dollar
Our All Linen Waist ing worth ioo goes for 75c per yd
All 40c and 50c White Waistings go for 35c per yd
Our 90c and 100 White French Batistes 65c per yd
Our 50c White Persian Lawn 45 in goes for 39c per yd
Other Great Values in White Goods at 25c 20c 15c 10c yd
Get ourprices on Dress Goods and Waistings before you bti
All Wool Suits Tub Suits Lingerie Dresses
Silk Satin and Foulard Dresses
are now going at phenomenally low prices which means a
saving of from 30 to 50 per cent on your Dress or Suit
All Duck and Linen Skirts
go at One Fifth Off
All White Serge and Mohair Skirts
go at One Fifth Off
Our Millinery Department
you can buy any ready trim ined Hat
at Just Half Price
Flowers Plumes Wings and Ornaments Also Greatly Reduced
Rozell Barger sell the fetching
summer hosiery See them first
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
Nothing more stylish than a dainty
sailor straw hat such as Rozell it Bar
ger sell
First class pasture at Corwins ranch
3J miles south of McCook Reference
Steve Wilson
Hansens gloves a favorite with
many tried and true at Rozell Bar
gers the leading clothiers
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
Everything in drugs McConnell
Hats the straws and tho fancy
nt Rozell Barkers
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc
McCook Flour and Feed Store
McConnell fills proscriptions
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Mary Uarrisonnurse Phone hlack28G
White House Grocery for fre3h vege
tables Phone 30
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding- Breakfast Coffee
Fink overalls the standard make
Rozell Barger the leading clothiers
Apples Peache3 Cherries and Black
berries in gallon cans White House
Grocery Phone 30
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Snnke 5 cent cigar
We are now agents for the Famous Car
harlt Overalls and Jackets also for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Monarch Silver Bell
White Satin spell success in
Dread and cako baking Buy the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
It is comingthe small boy and the 4th of JuIyso is
our volume of business
Where is one of the best places to buy lumber
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Xehr
Where is one of the best places to buy coal
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Nebr
Where is one of the best places to buy paint
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Xebr
Why is the Stansberry Lumber Co a good place to trade
They make a specialty of buying the best
Quality is always first Our best recommendation is our
customers you ask them And the volume of business we havo
picked up in the past five months makes us feM that we make
no mistake when we put quality first
7 2