The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 21, 1909, Image 6

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W C Shonkley of Danbury was in
town a while Monday afternoon
Mrs Dimmitt from southeast of town
and Mrs Wicks visited at Cedar Bluffs
between trains Friday
The ball team from McCook were de
feated by the home team one day last
week the score was 12 to 2
A E Boyer of Danbury sold his farm
a mile east of town recently to O C
Smiley consideration 1900
T F Gockley from Fairview was in
town Saturday and put up some hail
screens on the school bouse
Mrs Bartholomew and baby visited
in Lincoln the past ten days
Miss Elva Dresner came down from
Cedar Bluffs Saturday to work for
Mrs C Reed and Edna goes to Harry
Pooles south of town
Mrs Roy Shorey visited her parents
at Wilsonville a few days last week
Sidney Dodge returned to McCook
after a few days visit in town
Mrs J E Dodge visited her parents
Mr and Mrs N J Johnson in McCook
Rev James Mason arrived here the
first of last week from Angus Nuckolls
county Nebraska for a short visit with
friends and to look after his farm inter
ests northwest of town
Mrs Darnell and sons left last mid
week for Minden Neb to visit relatives
and friends
The stocking social given under the
auspices of the Epworth League Friday
night was not very well attended
Harley Wards Edgar Eno Oscar
Thomas Albert and Sam Dolph and
Henry Hellesen were in town between
trains Saturday
Powell Nilsson shipped out 6 cars
cattle and one of hogs Tuesday night
Marion Powell came down from Lin
coln Tuesday noon to accompany the
Hr i Stigfboupr and daughter Neta
were lierndon Kmi as sight seers as
well as hlioppnrs one liny recently
Mrs Orpha Deck attended the quar
terly meeting in Daobun Saturday
and Sunday
IL Mail Order Vs
Home Trading
By Henry Herbert Huff
Back again Mr Business Man
Glad to see you Have a chair Do you know Im anxious
to learn how advertising is going to fix those mail order houses
Pardon me but I do not like your expression The mail
order house has as much right to do business as Brown your com
petitor across the street You cannot hope to have it extermi
nated by law boycott or other unfair means The only way to
solve this problem is to meet its prices You can do this on a
cash basis and that is the only sensible way to sell Be so busy
telling the public about your store your goods and your prices
that the mail order houses do not appear to trouble you in the
least Quote the mail order houses prices beside yours to show
that you mean business Do not attack their integrity They are
not all frauds as some merchants would represent them to be
But people should be loyal to their home merchants
Very true but this argument has been abused Stories of the
patron who got cheated of the dollar that did so much in the
community before it was sent awa the theory of paying taxes etc
are all so weak or lacking in logic as to be an injury to our cause
If yon are to pull customers from the catalogue houses it will be
with proof that you sell equally low not by satire or abuse They
are to be won not forced Then too many merchants who are sell
ing too high or are inexperienced and not in the least fitted for
their business dealers who gossip are unfriendly and unaccommo
dating or who cheat or mistreat their patrons all claim the support
of the community on the loyalty to home industries plea To do so
is to seek charit not business Even charity covers no such sins
Now honestly do you expect patronage merely because you are a
merchant in this town
What grounds then should I take in asking patronage
Put it thus Tou buy where you can buy cheapest and I will
do the same Remember when making comparisons with cata
logue prices to add something for transportation the delay the
trouble and expense of ordering and the like If I can furnish you
the goods equally low considering these advantages buy of me
because it will help to build up the town That is all I ask To
what one thing do the catalogue houses owe their growth
1 must confess it js good advertising
Yes their whole existence is due to it They cannot live with
out it They are unnatural institutions could never have started
if local merchants had realized the possibilities of advertising But
it is not too late to use against them this very instrument that has
bee7 their making And that is the only successful way to combat
the mail order evil advertise
Rev Richards preached here Sunday
in place of Rev Miller who preached
the annual baccalaurate sermon to the
graduates of the Lebanon high school
R S Gore and family visited in Dan
bury Sunday
Frank Bryson was off duty on the
ranch last week on account of being
Alfred and Melvin Newberry visited
their undo J H Ball and family north
of Dandury Saturday and Sunday
English Etchings
Londons newest flreboat can pump
D00 tons of water an hour
The roller skating craze has struck
London Londoners call the sport
Giving evidence at an inquest at
Lambeth London a woman said that
she had had twenty one children sis
of whom are alive
The Bank of England has 315000
000 in public deposits 215000000 in
private deposits 219000000 govern
ment and other securities and 120
000000 reserve
Reassuring Him
A little final advice said a pro
fessor of elocution addressing his pu
pils before the annual entertainment
go well to the front of the stage dont
hesitate and dont be nervous
But J say professor remarked a
very self satisfied member of the
class suppose I forget part of my
Oh that doesnt matter replied the
professor On the contrary the more
of it you forget the better the audi
ence will like it
Kept Him Busy
Did you do much sightseeing when
you went abroad
Xo answered Mr Cumrox Moth
er and the girls did the sightseeing 1
had to put in my time finding the
places where they cash letters of cred
it Washington Star
Man Killed Twice
An English paper is responsible for
stating that a man was overtaken by
a passenger train and killed He was
Injured in a similar way about three
years ago
CURES disease vth Pure Blood CURES disease with Pure Blood
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose In tablets
Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition
Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hoi Cholera tablets Louse Powder
Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stinener Tablets
Sold hy A McMILLEN McCook Neb
Tho Difference Between Them
i1 ifftinirnMrtn
Those of the Jails
The chief difference between the av
erage hotel cell and the averuge pris
on cell viewed from the standpointfbl
social psychology is that one is locked
on the inside to keep outsiders out
while the other Is locked on the out
side to keep Insiders in The occupant
of the hotel cell Is afraid that some
thing will be done to him or that some
thing will be taken from him by some
one who ought to be In a prison cell
That is the theory of it
Lock your door and leave your val
uables at the office cautions the oblig
ing innkeeper If you hud valuables
you wouldnt be here observes the
witty prison keeper That is to say
the question of valuables seems to en
ter largely into the matter
It would be great to have a civiliza
tion which considered valuable only
those things which could not be stolen
such as mental and moral equipment
skill and good fellowship Then we
could be a little more sociable We
could talk to each other without but
toning our coats or feeling for our dia
mond studs every few minutes Then
the man who willingly secluded him
self in a stuffy hotel cell could be
locked in and made to stay there on
the ground that something terrible waa
the matter with him Success Maga
The Man Who Supplies Them Must Ba
Artistic and Well Read
An extensive library is an absolute
necessity to the theatrical costumer
At the head of every theatrical cos
tuming establishment there is a man
of education experience and genuine
artistic abirv whose business it is to
know what 1 needed and how to get
it If The Prince of India Ben
Hur or The Darling of the Gods
is to be produced he must map out the
lines on which the costuming is to be
done and those lines must be absolute
ly accurate There is a wide differ
ence between the French costumes of
Napoleons time and those worn by
Jeanne dArc and her friends The
chief designer must know it and act
on his knowledge At the time Cus
ter fought his last fight the United
States army cavalry and infantry
was outfitted in a peculiar manner
that has long since passed away If
the play deals with American army
life of that period the costumes must
show it for it would never do to have
the critics roast the piece because
the producers were ignorant of the
thing produced The man at the head
of the costuming department must ei
ther be conversant with all countries
and all periods of history or he must
know how to become so with decided
alacrity hence the costumers library
New Orleans Times Democrat
What Thieves Wont Steal
The last thing the woman did before
leaving the flat was to put four rings
in the clock on the mantel So thieves
wont get them she said
I should think that would be simply
inviting thieves to run away with
them said her friend That is a
handsome clock and thieves like hand
some clocks
They do said the woman but
they never will steal this clock It
ticks too loud Xo wise thief will run
away with a clock that goes like a
thrashing machine It isnt the alarm
about his person that he is afraid of
for he can stop the clock but the oc
cupants of the flat are likely to return
before he gets safely away and if a
loud ticking clock is gone they will
miss it the minute they step inside the
door and maybe give him a hot chase
for his plunder New York Press
Taken Literally
Wishing some bushes removed from
his garden a gentleman instructed his
gardener to pull them up by the roots
Some time afterward he went into the
garden and found the gardener dig
ging trenches round the bushes
Why George he said you must
not dig round those small bushes in
that way I am sure you are strong
enough to pull them up by the roots
Oh yes sir replied the gardener
Im strong enough but I must dig a
little before 1 can get hold of the roots
If youd told me to pull them up by
the branches I could of course easily
have removed them without diggiug
London Strand Magazine
Lysander sweetly do you know
what day this is
Sure Our anniversary Margaret
dear pretending to have remembered
it all the time
No such thing frigidly Its the
day you promised to nail the leg on
that old kitchen table
Lysander paled tried to square him
self on the anniversary blunder failed
utterly and the fireworks were on
Judges Library
The 1 alentcd Milisr Family
What is the Miller family
The wife is writing poems that no
body will read tho daughter is paint
ing pictures that nobody will buy the
rvii h composing plays that nobody
v il j ut t u the j tap and the husband
is writing rh c a nobedy will
cash Mergendorfer Elatter
A Trcit
Sufforor to lady in front Madam
If you were to remove your hat I could
see the play Lady in Front with
manifestation of surprise Yes but
you could not then see my new hat
London Telegraph
Vulgarity is amusing only to the
YUlzar and they are not worth amns
Inff Chioftgo Record Herald
Made to Look Like
Chinese Methods
To transfer a man into a beast would
at first seem to be Impossible It is ac-
complished however by the Chinese
to whom nothing seems to be un
known The skin Is removed In small
particles from the entire surface of the
body and to the bleeding parts bits of
the hide of living animals bean and
dogs are usually applied The opera
tion requires years for Its full accom
plishment After the person has had
his skin completely changed and be
comes a man bear or a man dog he is
made mute to complete the illusion
and also deprive him of the means of
Informing the public he is Intended to
amuse of his long torture A Chinese
journal the Ilupro prints n descrip
tion of one of these human animals
exhibited In the Kiangsi nis entire
body was covered with dog skin lie
stood erect although sometimes the
feet are so mutilated that the beast is
forced to walk on all fours could not
utter articulate sounds rise and sit
down in short make the gestures of a
human being A mandarin who heard
of this monstrositj had him brought to
his palace where his hairy skin and
ocstini appearance caused quite as
much terror as surprise Upon being
asked if he was a man the creature
replied with an affirmative nod He
also signified in the same manner that
he would write A pencil was given
him but he could not use it his hands
were so deformed Ashes were then
placed on the ground in front of him
when the man dog leaning over trac
ed in them five characters indicating
his name and district Investigation
showed that he had been stolen im
prisoned for years and subjected to
long tortures His master was appre
hended and condemned to death
London Spare Moments
Making It Pleasant For the Studious
An English tourist traveling on foot
through one of our mountainous re
gious studying the people asked a
man whom he met to direct liim to
a certain cabin at which he had been
advised to stay overnight Going
thar said the man Well Toms a
first rater take him just right but hes
mighty queer
What do you mean asked the
Well its like this and the man
looked at the stranger in a calm im
personal way Hell be setting out
side most probably and hell see you
coming Ilell take a good look at
you and ef you dont suit him lie may
set the dog ou you
Ef he dont and you get to talking
with him and say anything he dont
just like he may throw you down and
tromp on you But ef youre too care
ful in your talk on the other hand
hes liable to take you for a spy and
use his gun fust and listen to expla
nations afterward
But its no use trying to get by
Tho Unemployed
Lack of employment is not a new
question Says the Liverpool Mercury
of Feb 14 1S12 It is of the highest
importance that a committee of the
legislature should immediately inquire
into the causes of tho present want of
employment among the laboring class
es and whether means might not be
found in a nation of which the reve
nue is immense by which a succession
of public works etc There were at
that time 10000 unemployed in Liver
pool The same writer after asking
Is war the only employment that the
state has to give the poor goes on to
show that the pyramids of Egypt and
the elegant edifices of Greece were
built with the object of giving con
tinual employment to the laborer
Womens Work and Infant Mortality
In eight industrial towns where the
proportion of married women of child
bearing age at work in the factories
was 43 per cent the infant mortality
rate for ten years averaged 1S2 per
1000 In eight industrial towns of a
different type where the proportion of
married women at work Avas only 3
per cent the infant mortality was only
lo0 per 1000 The excessive rate in
the first group is not due to bad wages
nor to bad conditions but to the ab
sence of the mother London Post
A Financial Genius
rn ii
OTil Will JtUU JllUUt ICll LUU ULIUL il
financial genius is
A financial genius my child is a
man who can spend money that he
has never had and which the people
who think they are getting it will
never see Chicago Record Herald
His Music
Mrs Nagger The noise you make at
night is very unpleasant music Mr
Nagger Do you call snoring music
Mrs Nagger I should say so sheet
music arranged for the bugle Chica
go Kecord Herald
Talleyrands Reply
Napoleon orci said to Talleyrand I
v ish I i tl tl f 1 oys ti hell frr I could
then put tu in tin re The reply wa
t ft J w if
WLmJ 0 nam rr f CixL4L 33feS XM
in tUe baking r m
thafcSVhere Calumet bMb i fflj
Baking Powder proves I J3
its superiority its iPl
failing ability
m wonderful raising power its never ib yv j
to produce the most delicious baking and its
economy In the baking that is the only way
you can successfully test it and compare it with the
high price kinds You cannot discredit these
statements until you have tried
the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate
cost 100000 is offered to anyone finding the least
trace of impurity in the baking caused by Calumet
Ask your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet
Received Highest Award Worlds Pore
Food Exposition Chicago 1907
To be given away by the LINCOLN DAILY STAR
in its Second Annual Contest comprising
A 1500 TOURING CAR fully equipped
A TOUR OF EUROPE for two leaving Lincoln
or Omaha and returning to the same points All
travelling and incidental expenses paid
Trip for two to the ALASKAN YUKON EXPOSI
TION All expenses paid including admission to
grounds and all amusements
Ten other trips and other prizes
For further particulars address
Contest Department
without stopping concluded the man WllSSlSSlSSZS23SSMlSS
with evident relish of the prospect hej
was opening up to the stranger Et
you was to undertake that twould be
all up with you for hed think you
was proud and biggetty
Ef you want to come out of the
mountain whole dont go past Toms
cabin without stopping whatever you
do Youths Companion
Another Good
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information JBureauOmaha Nebraska
w 0
rrmrmi111 rKtolUfcNl a U tBtKI CASHIER
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 20000
It wc ud le hotter ire that I should hl fact Xo ONE first last and all tho time
hiv rhmii far then I could let von Pi
lie who knows little soon tells It
German Proverb
- VJr
That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a
q No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant
j find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get
t No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment
Buiard Lumber Co
On May 22nd the Government will open its second tract cf 12000 acres o
perfectly irrigated land in tho Big Horn Basin near Garland and Powell Wyom
ing This irrigation project of the Government is first class and reliable This
land is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington Road Powell and Garland
ire prosperous towns The community is absolutely first class and there is nnt
a better place to live in the whole west for climate sunshine productiveness of
-oil and many other good reasons than the Big Horn Basin This land is S4500
and acre in ten annual installments without interest
320 ACRE MONDELL ACT Select locations for homesteading in Wyom
ing near Newcastle Upton and Moorcroft Plats on file Write me
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesdaysof each month Only
S2750 round trip homeseekers excursion rate No charge for my services Write
me at once about this new tract The excursion of May 18 or in June will be in
time for good selections
Jr 1