The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1909, Image 3

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O B Woods and wife departed Sat
urday ovoning for Denver Colo and
other points to look for it location
Editor Newman and wifo are proud
parents of a baby girl born Thursday
Decembor 31st
Mr and Mrs Irving Smiley of
es Kansas who have been spending the
Mrs P M Boll of McCook who has
boon visiting relatives hero for the past
week returned homo Sunday
There was a watch night sorvico in
the Methodist Thursday ovening
Gaitha Noo who has beon visiting
relatives atjVuburn Nebraska arrived
homo Saturday
Georgo Hess and wife who have been
holidays at the II W Naden homo re- visiting relatives at Stromsburg Nebr
turned to their homo Saturday
Miss Laura Dewey who has beon em
ployed at Atwood arrived homo last
Thursday for a visit
There was a surprise party given on
J L Sims Wednesday night Quito a
number participated and report a fine
time Their tokon was a Sehram rock
ing chair The gathering broko up in
the wo sma hours avont twa
zm r l
S j Horse Owners
f I ft are interested in 5A m
II - I kets because they are
r I When you buy insist 1
Kb r on tlie famous 5 A I
FS M t -a
It v CAtf Wp GnV
r i
arrived at homo Saturday
Jesso Naden of Ashland Neb visited
with homefolks a few days last week
Wilbur Honton who has been in
Southern Texas for some time arrived
at homo Monday
J J Rogers and son who have been
visiting relatives hero for tho past week
returned to their homo at Greonleaf
Kansas Monday Mr and Mrs Joseph
Murphy accompanied them for a visit
Miss Maud Eno of Fruita Colorado
arrived Monday for a visit with friends
and relatives
Beth and Madeline McDonald who
have been spending the holidays with
tho homefolks returned to Beaver City
Monday to resume their studies
Mrs Ed Eno is improving rapidly
Miss Kirtse who has been visiting in
llendley returned to the W A Stone
home Monday
The following letters cards und pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice December 18 1908
Boiclcn Mr Jnfl GoodenberRer Mr Bert
McCoy Mr Brum Smith Mrs Sarah
Bailey Mrs Irene CaufTman Mr W A
Cartmau Fred Jones Mrs Will
Singley Mr A P Surith Miss Ella
Schwnb Mr B J Shannon Miss Eloise
Williams Lawrence Whitney Robert
McKcau J H
When eulliriu for these please say
they w ere advertised
S H McLean Postmaster
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianoln Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook Nationnl bank
KTTHi iiri viitiiyiYhittvfyWrfHtliviv
Shall the People
Get What They Pay For
I am going to give you Dear Header some good plain talk
and I trust that it will reach down as far as your pocketbook
To avoid personalities I will use the name Lent for the
name of second party in the following conversation Lem
says Mr Stansberry Mr Hard Knocker says that you do
not carry the best grades of lumber now I want to build
what assurance have I that I will get the grades that my
bill calls for I said Lem that point is well taken the
lumber business is in some respects like the drug busines
you go into a drugstoreund ask for half a pint of Essence of
Juniper Berries and they could give you a half pint of Aqua
Pura and while the effects are far different after taking yet
unless you examined it you would hardly notice the difference
so it is with lumber after you get it in the building and it
commences to shrink and the knots fall out then you notice
the difference Now to answer your question listen to this
I J R Stansberry hereby certify that I will deposit a rea
sonable sum to be agreed upon with the McCook National
Bank of McCook Nebraska as a forfeit if I cannot deliver
out of my yard just as good a grade of lumber as any yard
can in Red Willow county Signed J R Stansberry Now
Lem I am willing to enter into this agreement with every
builder contractor carpenter or purchaser of lumber could
anything be more fair Does Mr Hard Knocker have any
money to back his statements do you think Lem that he is
working his little hammer for fun This is something to
think about think it over and remember money talks and
I am prepared to back every statement that I make and
Continued Next Week
Clint Hamilton Lumber Co 1
J R Stansberry Manager and Owner
To the People of
rijUIUA L1 dUUHriirfiMirfUAi ill iliiULallitl lil il ttiHArtUUiiAUJal
I McCook and Vicinity
On account of many other demands on
our time and attention incident to the
change of ownership of the WHITE
HOUSE GROCERY we have been
dilatory in making formal announcement
of the fact But
Thomas Moore and son Fred T have
purchased the White House Grocery from
George S Scott and assumed the business
with the new year We will continue the
name the White House Grocery and
will do all in our power to maintain the
high standard of this popular business
house to keep all its old patrons and by
delivering the goods at a fair and rea
sonable price to merit the patronage of
many new ones You will find us at the
old stand
Moore Son
117 West B Street
The King Golden Wedding
Am nit the incident of their tld ti
v d wni celHlinitinn December 21 1008
In Mr wnlMrj S C King wa l In
rfiil of tho following letter from a
former sehc ol teacher Judge W S
Wiilmiw f the district court Mount
Pleasant Iowa
Mt Pleasant Iowa Dee 1G li 1008
Mr aud Mrs S 0 King
Uux Elder Nebraska
My Dear Friends
I am Kind to acknowledge receipt of
tho invitation to be presert at the cele
bration of your golden wedding anni
versary ou Monday December 21st
My work will not enable me to bi with
you in person but I do wish by this
means to convey to nu my feelings of
satisfaction that you have for so many
years been permitted to enjoy the com
pany each of the other that there has
been granted to you the pleasures that
-come from dutiful children kind friends
aud neiyhbors who believe it you I
remember with very much pleasure the
time I spent under your roof when 1
was a in western
Iowa now more than thirty years ago
and the many kindnesses which wee
then shown to me made an impress
which certainly will never be remover
It is my earnest wish that this celebra
tion whch you will observe although
it marks many years of life together
and many jears of life will by no means
bd the lat of the anniversaries you may
lie permitted to celebrate and that as
there may assemble with youyourchild
ren rand children and thu friends in
that newer country where you now livb
who have come to know you as did
friends in the old home that you may
feul that life in the iounding out of
tries- fifty years has had much in it
upnn which you may look biek with
pleasure and satisfaction
With the very best wishes to both of
you and with good wishi s to all of your
children who were pupils of mine when
taught that little district school aud
the younger child whom I remember
but who had not reached the age of
school training I am
Very sincerely yours
The inability of their son George to bo
present was in measure repaid by the
following letter
Toppeni b Wash Dec lih 100S
Dear Parents
We certainly regret that we cannot lie
present at your golden wedding We
both feel that we ought to be with you
on this special occasion which seldom
comes to a family and perhaps will
never come to ours again Rut owing
to the open space which separates us
to our business which needs our con
stant and personal attention we are
compelled to remain at home which is
not from choice we assuic ou Never
theless we hope all the other children
can be present and that you will enjoy
yourself hugely even though wo cannot
be there and when che day ore you
will continue jour wedded happiness to
a ripe old age Geo and Angik
That Mr and Mrs King wore gener
ously remembered by lelatives and
friends is shown by the following Is
Mr and Mrs Will Lojd spectacles
and comb
Mr and Mrs Roy King fountain pen
and umbrella
Mr and Mrs Bon King gentlemans
Mr and Mrs James Mod ell ladys
Mr and Mrs George King jewel case
and locket
Mr and Mrs Pennell and Mr and
Mrs li P Sutton watch chain and
lodge pin
Mrand Mrs WMLewis and Mr and
Mrs H P Waite rug
Mr and Mrs H C Clapp shirt waist
set and cuff buttons
Mr D Divine souvenir spoon
Mr and Mrs Stephen Holies water
Mrs Hickling salad dish
Mr and Mrs Younger bon bon
George and Ed Loyd gold 1 idle
Mr and Mrs D Reaton gnld fork
Mr Ed Waite gold headed whip
J J Crockford ladle
Mr and Mrs A Barnett and Mr L
W McConnell leather - seated rocker
Mr and Mrs S II Mann gold
Mr W W Gingles gold spoon
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding Breakfast Coffee
Try This For Catarrh
Free tests are now being supplied by mail
to all Catarrh sufferers There is ro
expense no obligation whatever
Dr Shoop is combining Oil of Eucalyptus
Thymol Menthol Oil of Wintergreen etc
and is incorporating these ingredients into
a pure snow white cream like Imported
Petrolatum This Creation Dr Shoops
Catarrh Remedy gives immediate and
lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and
throat That all may first test it free these
trial boxes are being mailed without
charge simply to encourage these tests
and thus fully demonstrate beyond doubt
the value of this combination
If Catarrh has extended down to tbe
stomach or bowels then Dr Shoops
Restorative must also be used internally
if a complete cure is to be expected
Otherwise the Dr Shoops Catarrh
Remedy will alone be entirely sufficient
Write Dr Shoop Racine Wis for sample
and book Sold by Druggists everywhere
Which hook ihU I send yon
No 1 On Dyspepsia
No 2 On the Heart
No 3 On the Kidneya
No 4 For Women
No 5 For Men
No 6 On Bheumatlsn
Reckless Pranks Played With
Heavenly Bodies
A Rainbow Depicted Wrong Side Out
and Moons In Positions and Forms
That Could Not Occur Amusing
Anachronisms by Old Time Artists
That artists like authors should
commit many errors of fact Is hardly
a cause for wonder Rather it is as
tonishing that they are not found of
tener at fault in view of the great
variety of knowledge required lu their
work Despite this however there Is
no manuer of excuse for certain ab
for example there Is the ease of an
English painter who depicted an elab
orate rainbow Unfortunately he
painted it wrong side out But we
forget amusement at such stupidity In
admiration for the artists magnificeut
1 audacity when we learn that ue
charged 20 additional for repainting
j the rainbow colored in accordance
with natures arrangement I
Pahiters are very prone to distress
the astronomers by their reckless
I pranks with the heavenly bodies par
ticularly wiui mo moon uul
presented a scene in which was a
crescent moon low in the eastern sky
directly opposite a setting sun More
over this genius disdained the criti
cisms of the learned He insisted that
this arrangement was necessary for
the composition inasmuch as the rest
of the picture would be destroyed by
a full moon the only one possible In
such a sltuatiou
Other artists have trifled with the
moon by turning its convexity away
from the sun which is of course im
possible in nature In one picttire the
moon was placed near the
j tion of the Great Bear though as a
matter ot fact the satellite never ven
tures into this part of the heavens
There Tare too oft recurring errors
made iu the bulk of the orb An
American astronomer amused himself
by measuring the moons in a number
of paintings He established the fact
that by reckoning from the satellites
size the average height of the hills in
these landscapes was forty three
miles One of the mountains indeed
had the stupendous altitude of a hun
dred miles
Artists of old time were often out
rageously wrong sometimes necessari
ly by reason of the limitations imposed
by the ignorance of the period A
Dutch artist painted the garden of
Eden with well clipped borders and
yew trees trimmed into fantastic
shapes He wrought In all innocence
for of such sort were the only gardens
of his experience But the excuse
does not apply to a Dutch painting of
1794 This showed Abraham about to
slaughter Isaac by means of a blunder
bussthe product jf an age 3000
years after the lime of the patriarchs
Yet this mistake occurs again and
again There have been elaborate
paintings of the children of Israel
crossing the Red sea with muskets on
their shoulders A beautiful ivory
tankard an Augsburg carving of the
early seventeenth century was sold
for a high price in London not long
ago The design which is exquisite
In workmanship shows the good Sa
maritan with his attendants In the
Jericho road One of the servants
carries a gun
Many a child as well as some older
persons has puzzled over that beam
in the eye of which the New Testa
ment speaks It is not always under
stood that this means a beam of light
But it was left to Solomon Bernard
in his woodcuts illustrating the Bible
published at Lyons in 1533 to picture
this beam as one of wood rectangular
in section and several feet in length
The matter of costumes offers vast
opportunity for flaws which the paint
ers have not failed to seize In the
national gallery at Edinburgh Pha
raohs daughter and her accompanying
women are exhibited garbed in the
long waisted bodices and hooped
skirts of Europe in the sixteenth cen
fury The national collection in Lon
don has a picture of Joseph and his
kindred iu Egypt where the buildings
shown are not at all Egyptian in their
style of architecture but distinctly
Italian In the same gallery Paolo i
Veroneses The Family of Darius at
the Feet of Alexander After the Battle
of Issus displays the women of the
group in the pointed waists and I
ed skirts that made the familiar dress
of Venetian women in the painters
Errors that have to do with armor
may be more readily pardoned though
the artists fail lamentably in knowl
edge as to the earlier forms of metal
protection Thus in some paintings
showing the time of Christ the war
riors are seen clad in beautifully da
mascened mail yet this form of armor
did not come into actual use until half
a thousand years later
Similarly in other pictures of Christs
time monks are portrayed in their
robes with tonsures In fact how
ever they did not exist in the church
prior to the fourth century A D
A curious illustration of the limita
tions set on genius by circumstance is
exhibited in one of the worlds most
famous paintings The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci simply did not
know that the table the cloth the
plates the knives and forks and salt
cellars were Impossibilities in the
scene he designed to portray The
eastern people of that age who were
his subjects used no table no chairs
no forks but squatted about a common
dish and ate from it with their fingers
Pittsburg Post
Thought Microbes
In a Drop of Ink
When applied to the newspaper page
they make people think twice
First people think theres a man who
keeps up with the procession
Second they think he must keep
good goods on hand
Again if the home paper has enough
drops of advertising ink ou its surface
to make a proper showing the outsider
thinks this must be a pretty lively
Thus a drop of NEWSPAPER AD
VERTISING INK is a good thing for
tho town
The State of Nebraska Red Willow county
s In the County Court
In the Matter of the E tate of UeorKC G
Siiokc Deceased
To the Creditors of said Estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
County Court Room in McCook iu snid County
on the 3tli day of June lUOU at the hour of
Nino oclock A M to examine all claims
against said Estate with a view to their ad
justment aud allowance The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said Estate
is Six months from th 2ith day of December
A D VMS and the time limited for payment of
debts is One j ear from said 23th day of De
cember 190S
Witness my hand and the seal of aid County
Court this 2t5tli day of December lJ8
I seal I J C Mookk County Judge
Idred Attorneys
In Justice Court before ILH Uerry justice
of tho peace
V H Skelton defendant will take notice
that on the 10th day of November 1U08 II H
Uerry a justice of the peace of Red Willow
county Nebraska issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of iltt in an action pending
before him wherein Wm Sullivan is plaintilt
and V H Skelton is defendant and that pro
perty of defendant consisting of money due and
owing in the hands of the Chicago HurliuKtori
and juincy Railroad Company garnishee as
wages for work and labor performed by said
defendant for said railroad company has been
attached under said order of attachment Said
cause was continued for hearing to the 12th day
of January 1E09 at 9 oclock A M
William Slilivan
The State of Nebraska Red Willow county
ss In the County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E Bab
cock Deceased
I o the Creditors of said Estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
County Court Room in McCook in said
ounty on tho 30th day of June 11XW at the
hour of Nine oclock AM to examine all claims
against said Estate with a view to their adjust
ment andallowance The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said Estate is
Six months from the 26th day of December A
J lti0S2 and the time limited for payment of
debts is Oi e year from said 2Gth day of De
cember 1D08
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 26th day of December 19H8
seal I J C Mooue County Judge
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
In the County Court of Bed Willow county
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Dudek
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims and demands against the Estate of
Joseph Dudek deceased that they are required
to present their claims with vouchers to the
County Judge of said county at his ollice in Mc
Cook in snid County of Red Willow Nebraska
on or before the Second day of August HVJ or
the same shall be forever barred All claims so
filed will be heard before said conntj judge on
the Tenth day of August 1WiJ at Nine A M
Given under my hand and the seal of said
court January 4th 1909
I seal J C Moonn Comity Judge
Morlan Bitchie Wolff Attorneys
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
jpftfi The only 1 igh clca 5ST
cSE Balling Powder sold z fp
Cti a moderate price Fk
Night or day trips
made anywhere
Prices Reasonable
Good Ssrvkr
Plumber und
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead ana Sewei Pipe Braes
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base- m
rrent o th Postoffice Building
I make a specialty of paper 4V
hanging and carry a well se-
lected stock of wall paper
Work Kuaranteerl and prices i
reasonable Phono Red 207 V
feqfc3 kSfe r
I j i
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
t V FRANKLIN Presided A C EBER7 Cashier g
JAS S DOYLE Vice President V
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surpl us 1 5000
v tHANKun dm a uutlh a v caeni
r 8SrSS VlfeVfcV
That is the Xo of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a
No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant
find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get
No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment
in fact No ONE first last and all the time
Bullard Lumber Co