The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 25, 1908, Image 7

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A P 4 A M
McCook Lodgo No 185 A P A M meets
evorr flrat ami third TuiiHdity of tlio mouth nt
900 p in lu MiiNonlc hnll
Los Cosn Sec
u 8 M
Occonoxoo Council No 10 H fc S M incots on
the Inst Saturday of ouch month at 800 p in
n Masonic hail
It A M
Kim Cyrus Chaptor No 35 11 A M moots
every first and third Thunday of oach mouth at
p m in Mueonic liall
JtiHTis A Wilcox H P
Clinton B Sawyku Sue
St John Commamiury No 1C K T inucts on
thospcond Thtirhday of ouch mouth at 800 p
in in Jiubiiuic hum
Kmlhhon Hanhon 13 C
Eureka Clinptor No fcC O 13 Smoots tlio
socond and fourth Fridays of oach month at
800 p in in Masonic hall
Mas Sauaii E Kat W M
F M Kmmill Sue
NobloCnmpNo G63 M V A moets ovcry
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p in in Gauscliows liall 1ay assessments
at Uhito ilousu Grocory
J II Smith Clork S E Howell V C
noTAL NEionnons
NobloCnmp No SC2 It N A moots ovcry
eocond aud fourth Thursday of each mouth at
230 p m iu Ganpcliows hall
Mns Mart Walked Oraclo
Mes Augusta Anton Roc
w o w
Meets second nnd fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock iu DiamoudH liall
Chas F Makkwad C C
W C Mover Clerk
McCook Lodno No CI AOUW incots every
Monday nt8U0 p in in Diamonds liall
C H Gray Rec Wm Wootos M W
I M Smith Financier
McCook LodKoNo 3 D of H meets evory
eecoud aud forth Fridays of each mouth at 800
p m iu Gauscliows liall
Mrs Laura Osduen C of II
Mrs MatieG Welles Rec
McCook Division No C23 11 of L E moots
every socond and fourth Saturday of each
mouth at 230 iu Morris hail
Walter Stokes C E
I McCook Lodga No 599 B of L F E
meets every Saturday at 730 p ni in Gaus
cliows hall
I D Pennington M
C H Husted Soc
Harvoy Division No 95 O K C moets the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall at 301
Main Avenue A G King C Con
M O McClcre Sec
C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B or R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 p in and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p in oach
month iu Morris hall Neal Beeler M
li J iuooRE bee
railway carmen
Young America Lodge No 450 B R C of A
meets ou the first and third Thursdays of each
mouth iu Diamonds hall at730 p in
John Hunt C C
N V Franklin Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meots
every second and fourth Tuesday of the mouth
at 800 p in in Ganschow hail
D O Hewitt Pros
W H Anderson Roc Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S II of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows ball
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic ball
M Lawritson C C
J N Gaarde K R S
odd fellows
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F moets every
Monday at SIX p m in Ganschows ball
V H Ackeeman N G
W A Middleton Soc
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets the
socond and fourth Fridays of each month at
S00pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meots the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p in in Diamonds ball
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the first and
and third Tuesdays of each month at S p in in
the Morris ball Anna Hannan G R
JosErniNE Mullen F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
mouth in Morris ball
Mrs W B Mills Commandei
Harriet E Willetts B K
g a r
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaegee Adjt
relief coRrs
McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p in in Gauscbow ball
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
L of g a r
McCook CircU No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Diamonds ball
Jessie Waite Pres
Mattie KNirr LE Sec
v E o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each montn at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice September 25 1908
Fouller Mrs M E Hollster Hencry
Hendershot Pastor Presbyterian
Miss Florence Church
Travis Mrs H G
Brown Mrs T C
Grams Ludwige
Johnson Mary C
Jones Miss Grace A
Lafferty Mrs Ray
Stone Eilie
Doyle Miss Dorothy
Furlock Harry
Jones Mrs WE
Johnson Mr George
Starker Mr G L
Turner Mr Samuel
Thompson Mr Frank
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
eceipts to the rage fr sae a The
Tribune office
Fell of
a Dusky Beauty From
8outh Sta Islands
One night John Sharp Williams
while a student at Ileldelberg Ger
many was In attendanco upon a tnveil
function at which the guest of honor
was n dark skinned princess alleged
to- hall from one of the south sen is
lands This princess was magnificent
ly bedecked and bejeweled and her
warm olive complexion set off by a
mass of black kinky hair full red
lips snow white teeth and black
sparkling eyes made her the center
of the function The masculino likc
Germans swarmed about her like bees
around a honeysuckle vine and ven
Dutch femininity could not discount
the charm of her manner or the boanty
of her person
John Sharp was Introduced of
course aud immediately upon obtain
ing a near view of the princess his
Southern instincts rose to the surface
and his southern blood began to boil
Watching his opportunity lie managed
to get to the beautys elbow Tlwn re
ducing his voice to a low but perfect
ly audible key lie sent into her star
tled ears this alarming query
Look here nigger where dl you
come from
Panic stricken and with all her self
possession scattered the alleged prin
cess turned upon her interrogator as
she heard the familiar intonation of
the southerner and looked into bis un
relenting face Then he stammered
Film South CaroIIny boss but for
do Lawds sake dont tell it
Whether John Sharp respected the
pitiful plea of a southern negress in a
faraway land and permitted her to
continue her bold imposition upon the
credulous Germans the story does not
tell But the fact remains that tho
princess rcaiized that she was in the
presence of one who frpm Intimate
knowledge of her race had divined
her African origin aud she could only
throw herself on his mercy Itiloxi
Men and Methods In the Frmouc Old
French Prison
The BastiHe as a prison was appar
ently better kept and cleaner than
either Bicetre or the Chatelet and im
prisonment within its walls did not it
would seem dishonor the prisoner or
IiJs family A great many prisoners
were charged as mad and under this
elastic term the violent maniac the
ambitious madman the young spend
thrift the megalomaniac the readier
for the philosophers stone or the se
cret of perpetual motion all these
tiresome persons might be and were
How then did these prisoners live
In tho underground cells or ungcous
as in the cells in the towers the prison
ers were on bread and water as a rule
In the other rooms in the main build
lag three meals were served a day with
drinkable Avine vin potable In cer
tain cases according to the quality
and distinction of the prisoner he
might supplement the meager furni
ture of his prison and get a provision
of books Very favored persons were
allowed their own servant if he would
consent voluntarily to undergo con
finement Yoltaire began to write the
Ilenriade as prisoner in the Bastille
Abbe Morellet of the Encyclopedia
speaks of the great fortress as the
cradle of his fame but we must re
member that it was perhaps not ad
visable to say much about the Bastille
when you were still living within its
walls and that as M Mouin has re
minded us the old Spartans offered
sacrinces to tear Prisoners more
over had to sign on their release an
elaborate declaration by which they
swore never to divulge directly or in
directly anything they might have
learned as prisoners concerning the
Bastille Mrs Frederic Harrison in
Nineteenth Century
A Feat For Blondin
Speaking of the straight and nar
row path said a congressman re
minds me of a story about a man I
knew in Chicago who stayed very late
at a dinner at the club When he
came out he started to walk in the
middle of the street
Hey John said a friend who met
him as he was making tho best of his
way along the car tracks why dont
you walk on the sidewalks
Walk on the sidewalks snorted
John Do you think Im Blondin
Saturday Evening Post
Get Tired Quick
A farmer hired a hand from town
The first morning the new hand went
to work he accompanied the farmer
mto the hay field They put on a load
and hauled it to the barn By the time
t was unloaded it was 9 oclock
Well said the new hand from town
what will we do now What will
we do now roared the farmer Why
well go after another load of hay
In that case said the new hand
from town I will resign
Pat and the Lava
An Irishman having returned from
Italy where he had been with bh
master was asked in the kitchen
Now then Pat what is the lava I
hear the master talking about
Only a drop of the crater was
Pats reply
No Advance Copies Given Out
Gwendolen What did Archie ay
when he proposed to you Esmeral
da He wont say it until nest Thurs
day night and it wont be released be
fore 123Q a m Chicago Tribune
The wrestlers and athletes of India
develop great strength by living on
milk a little goats flesh and plenty oi
food made from flour
Joy Holland loft for Scotts Bluff on
Friday morning
Mrs J C Wilson of Bethany Neb
came on Saturday to make a lengthy
visit with tho homefolks
Mrs Kridor is visiting at hor fathers
R E Hatcher
Mr and Mrs Hoagland now living
in Kansas are visiting old friends and
Mr and Mrs Holland ontcrtained on
Thursday evening Forty neighbors
and friends spent a pleasant evening
The ladies were invited each to bring
a pocket knife to engago in a whittling
contest Each was given a potatoe of
which to carve a pig and tho result was
i rare display of mechanical genius
which gave startling specimens of that
farm animal Jacob Kandel won tho
prize a book Pigs is Pigs Mrs
Holm secured the booby a pig filled
with candy Miss Nellie assisted by
Gabriellti Longneckor than served most
excellent refreshments after which a
story with blanks was distributed tho
blanks to bo filled with a namo of a
tree Mrs Koscoe Korns won the prize
a china olive dish Mr Sexson won
booby a cigar Towards morning the
guests departed snowing that middle
age and old folks like such pleasures as
well as the young ones
Rev Miller will leave Sunday night
for Gothenburg to attend conference
No preaching in the church Sunday
evening on account of departure of
Rev Miller for conference
R O Harrison is home from Denver
visiting his parents Mr and Mrs I K
Mrs G n Harrison returned Tues
day of last week from her visit to Kan
Fred Lakin and family left the last
of the week for their newr home in
Mrs D B Doyle Jr has been en
tertaining her father from Maywood
and an aunt from Missouri
Mr and Mrs S C King have just
returned from visiting their son and
daughter in Iowa
Ernest Lytle returned Saturday from
visiting relatives at Alma
J I Harrison who has been quite
sick is able to be up and around again
Jake Crockford received word last
Saturday of the death of his son near
Goodland Kansas
A Chance For the Book Agent After
He Got In Trim
Madam said the book canvasser
as the door was opened by a very
comely maid I am selling a new book
on etiquette and deportment
Oh you are she responded Go
down there on the grass and clean
the mud off your feet
Yesm and he went As I was
saying maam he continued as he
ngaiu came to the door I am sell
Take off your hat Never address
a strange lady at her door without re
moving your hat
Yesm And off went the hat
Now then as I was saying
Take your hands out of your pock
ets No gentleman ever carries his
hands there
Yesm and his hands clutched his
coat lapels Now maam this work
on eti
Throw away your cigarette If a
gentleman uses tobacco he is careful
not to disgust others by the habit
Yesm and the tobacco disap
peared Now maam as he wiped
bis brow in calling your attention to
this valuable
Wait Put that dirty handkerchief
out of sight I dont want your book
I am only the hired girl You can
come in however and talk with the
lady of the house She called me a
liar this morning and I think she
needs something of the kind Sketch
In the county court of Red Willow county
Nebraska In the matter of the estate of An
drew R Hammell deceased
Notice is hereby given that 1 will sit at the
county court room in McCook in said county on
the 27th day of March 10011 at the hour of ten
oclock a in to examine adjust and allow all
claims against said estate The time limited
for the presentation of claims against said es
tate is March 23 1909 and any claim not pre
sented by that time shall be forever barred
The time limited for the payment of debts is
one year from September 19 190
Dated September 23 1 90S 9-25-1 1
seal J C Moori County Judge
Corneal McCarl Attorneys
Fred llondershotwho was cnllotl hero
on account of tho illness and death of
his father returned homo on Wednes
day of this week
Farmers have about stopped sowing
wheat on account of dry weather
Charles Dyer is on the sick list
WarnioSimonson who hasbeon stay
ing on his fathers farm in Kansas
came home last weok Ho reports
crops poor
W IT DeMay arrived homo from his
eastern trip Tuesday Mrs DoMay
will remain a few weeks longer
33 B Smiley is enjoying a visit from
a brother who lives in Michigan
George Welsh and wifo came homo
from Lovoland Colorado last weok
They report their daughter Mrs Will
Moss making some improvement in
S W Stilgobouor Jr and wifo came
over from Bartley last Saturday and
visited relatives until Monday
Al Boyer and wifo left for Omaha
Tuesday evening Mrs Boyer expects
to undergo a surgical operation
Quito a number went from hero on
Monday to Cedar Bluffs to attend tlio
funeral of Mr Relph
Mrs James Dolph cut her wrist on a
fruit jar necessitating the use of two or
three stitches to close the wound At
present it is healing nicely
On last Sunday evening occurred the
death of Levi Hendershot at tho homo
of his daughter Mrs B B Smiley
Grandpa Hendershot was a pioneer
settler in this vicinity and was liked by
every one His suffering had been
great during his illness but tho end
came peacefully He is preceded to
the spirit land by his wife and one son
two children remaining His daughter
Mrs Smiley and son Fred of Cheyenne
Wyoming The children have the
sympathy of all and may they bo com
forted by knowing that what is their
loss is his eternal gain Funeral ser
vices wore held at the home of the
daughter on Tuesday morning by Rev
Shepherd and the remains were interr
ed in the Danbury cemetery
Shirley Durben manager of tho
Farmers Store has gone to St Joseph
to select a fall and winter stock of
The son of Mr Aher proprietor of tho
Citizens Hotel fell from tho porch over
the millinery store last Saturday even
ing and fractured his skull He is
improving now
Sam Clark threshed his grain this
Frank Ball was up from Holbrook
over Sunday visiting his brother Albert
Lute Flint is up from Arapahoe a few
days visiting the home folks
Sportsmen are now busy gathering in
wild game
Mr and Mrs D O Davis moved this
week into the Sallie Hamilton property
C M Babbitt and wife movod their
household goods up from Atlanta this
wek and are nicely located in the A
O Farrer property
C E Matthews and E E Shoemaker
attended the fair at Indianola Wednes
C E Garrett was on tho sick list a
few days this week
Robert Fischer and wifo moved
Wednesday into their commodious
residence which is completed excepting
the painting outside
Mr Amend and family moved hence
this week Wo mourn not as those
who have no hope What is our gain
will be others loss
Charlie Schaffer is putting up a large
barn on his place south of Bartley
R F D NO 1
The Whitefaces met the Perrys last
Saturday and are sorry
They had a surprise dance at the Huet
home Tuesday on Harry A big time
The handsome Morrisey home is fast
approaching completion the plasterers
being at work
Edward Ramelow left Wednesday
for school in St Louis
Mr3 Michael Esch is visiting relatives
at DeWitt
Mrs William Baumbach had a serious
time Tuesday with nose bleeding
which continued for six hours and re-
In the county court of Hed Willow county quired finally aphysician
state ol Nebraska In the matter of the estate I
of David K Hcrtolettc deceased State of Ne
braska Hed uillow county ss
To all persons interested in the estate of Da
vid K Uertoletto deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 21th day
of September 190S Jlyra C Cratty adminis
tratrix of the estate of Daid K Bertoletto de
deased liled in said county her final account as
said administratrix and petition prayins for a
decree or distribution of the residue of said es
tate now in her possession to the persons en
titled to receive the same and that said final
account and petition mn be heard by the coun
ty judge at the county court room in the city of
McCook in said county on the 10th day of Octo
ber 1P0S You are hereby cited to appear at
the time and place above depilated and show
cause if any such exists why said account
should not be allowed and the prayer of said
petition granted It is ordered that a copy of
this notice be published in the McCook Trib
une a newspaper printed and published in
said county once each week for three success
ive weeks prior to tho date set for said hearing
Dated this 24th day of September 1P0S
J C Mooue County Judge
J M Rupp
P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska
Miss Nettie Endsley and Mr Grant
Clark of Albia Iowa were married
F W Wesch departed on No 1 Mon
day for Seattle Wash
John H Wesch hauled out a new corn
harvester Saturday
Bert Benjamin is going to put in
wheat for Edwin A Tcwle next week
Ernest Anderson Edwin A Towle
and Gust Behnke visited John Henry
Wesch and brother Sunday
Chas Wesch is putting in rye for his
brother John H this week
Correspondence Wanted
The Tribune wants correspondence
from Perry and Coleman precincts in
fact from any part of the country where
the paper is not now represented Write
the publisher to day
Hastings Frontier Festival
OCTOBER 14-15-16
and Evening Program
Free Attractions
One of the features will be the handsomest matched draft
team exhibited for which a beautiful set of harness has been
r hung up
S Write J R Corey Secretary Hastings Nebraska for pro
grams and fuller particulars
WWVfcV i JQS1SSiliSSls r
fesrSy A
I rJimk
ijir tr Hiiimr
I 8908 1
The Kansas City Stars Great Campaign Offer
From Date to 30th Nov 1908 100
We will upon receipt of ONE DOLLAR mail The
Kansas City Star Morning Evening and Sunday from date
received to 30th November 190S
The Star reported the Republican and the Democratic
Conventions on a scale never before equaled by any paper
If you want facts about all parties accept this offer and
read The Star as it is independent in politics and fearless in
Send along your dollar today together with your name
and address written plainly Address
The Kansas City Star - Kansas City Mo
Subscriptions taken at THE TRIBUNE office for both
the Daily and the Weekly Star
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition
Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder
Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone StifFcncr Tablets
Sold by AAlcMILLEN McCooK Nebraska
ffyVKN3NarsHVasaEV2rsSN233S2ns SiVPtSF bscsssstssxss
That is the No of ONE of the best Lumber and Coal Concerns in a
No ONE town which is located on OXE East Street But if you cant
find it call phone Xo OXE when you will bo informed that you can get
Xo OXE lumber Xo OXE coal Xb OXE service Xo OXE treatment
in fact Xo OXE first last and all the time
W C Buliard
vf iivrf na
We are prepared to fill any and all orders for
Cement Stone Blocks and work promptly and
guarantee satisfaction Sidewalks Curbstone
etc Phone Red 196
The McCook Cement Stone Co
Corner B and 3rd street W
Best Advertising Medium THE McCOGt TRIBUNE
isS2s2iQQ Tkv2aBv y5i tka
Cement Stone