The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 12, 1904, Image 4

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    Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Thoodoro Roosevelt
KImor J IJurkett Lincoln
John II Mickey Osceolii
Lieutenant oovEitNon
E Q McGilton Omnha
heciibtaky or state
A Galushn Rod Cloud
E M Soarlo Jr Ocnlnlla
Peter Mortenscn Ord
Norris Brown Konrnoy
J L McBrion Gonovn
G W Norris Bed Willow county
Philip Gliem Dunbury
CEEIdred McCook
James Hatfield McCook
Healthy Mothers
Mothers should always keep in good
bodily health They owe it to their chil
dren Yet it is no unusual sight to see
a mother with babe in arms coughing
violently and exhibiting all the symptoms
of a consumptive tendency And why
should this dangerous condition exist
dangerous alike to mother and child
when Dr Boschees German Syrup would
put a stop to it at once No mother
should bo without this old and tried
remedy in the house for its timely use
will promptly cure any lung throat or
bronchial trouble in herself or her chil
dren The worst cough or cold can be
speedily cured by German Syrup so can
hoarseness and congestion of the bron
chial tubes It makes expectoration
easy and gives instant relief and refresh
ing rest to the cough racked consumpt
ive Now trial bottles2oc large size75c
At all druggists
Bradley Meicalf Cos
Milwaukee Made
Goodyear Welt
F M Colson
rAJbsolulefy Perc
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity It
makes the hot bread hot biscuit
cake and other pastry light sweet
and excellent in every quality
No other baking powder is
just as good as Royal either in
strength purity or wholesomeness
Advent Sabbath school at 2 p m
preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every
Tuesday evening
Elder G H Smith Pastor
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 715 p m Bible school at
915 am Junior society at 3 p m BY
P U at 715 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p m
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10
Sermons at 11 and 815 Rev A P
George D D of the Methodist Sunday-school
Union will occupy the pulpit
both Sunday morning and evening and
will conduct a Sunday school institute
in the afternoon to which all are wel
come M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Prayer
and conference meeting on Wednesday
evening Sunday morning subject
A heavenly vision Evening subject
When are we safo An interesting
subject for young and old
George A Conrad Pastor
California Excursion
Prom August 15 to September 10 the
Burlington will have on sale tickets to
San Francisco and Los Angeles at great
ly reduced rates For a slight additional
cost the trip may be extended to take in
Portland Oregon
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the one that will cleanse the system
set the liver to action remove the bile
clear the complexion cure headache and
leave a good taste in the mouth The
famous little pills for doing such work
pleasantly and efFectuaily are DeWitts
Little Early Risers Bob Moore of La
fayette Ind says All other pills I
have used gripe and sicken while De
Witts Little Early Risers are simply
perfect Sold by L W McConnell
Visit the Old Folks
One fare plus 52 for the round trip to
a great many points in Ohio Indiana
and Kentucky Tickets on sale Septem
ber 6 13 20 27 and October 11 Good
via St Louis and for stopover at the
great exposition Final limit thirty
days See me for full particulars or
write to LWWaUeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha
G S Scott Ticket Agent
Was In Poor Health For Years
Ira W Kelley of MansfieldPa writes
I was in poor health for two years suf
fering from kidney and bladder trouble
and spent considerable money consult
ing physicians without obtaining any
marked benetitbut was cured by Foleys
Kidney Cure and I desire to add my
testimony that it may be the cause of
restoring the health of others Refuse
substitutes Sold by A McMillen
Cheap rates to Colorado and Utah
points will be in effect from June 1st to
September 30 Enquire at ticket office
B - -
Flaked wheat
2 lb packages
All high class grocfers
The serial publication of Robert Her
ricks recent novel The Common Lot
has just been finished in the Atlantic
It is a story of a Chicago life by a Chi
cago author and for these reasons has
more than the usual interest for west
erners The story while possessing
more merit than the average modern
novel is not all that one wishes it wore
The book is by no means badly written
and one objects rather to the romantic
glow the author has thrown over his
characters than to the manner of the
presentation of his facts Perhaps
however the majority of readers prefer
the sacrifice of artistic effect to a happy
The hero of Mr Ilerricks story is an
architect a man whose uncle had
gained his fortune in business The
nephew had been given an opportunity
to qualify himself for his profession He
expected to bo the principal beneficiary
under his uncles will but the old man
believing he had done his duty by his
nephew when he provided him with an
education left the bulk of his immense
estate to endow a school for working
mens sons The young man was keen
ly disappointed but did the only thing
left for him to do opened an office and
entered energetically upon the practice
of his profession Soon after he mar
ried one who would have been an ideal
wife for a worthier man but unfortun
ately Jackson nart the hero of the
storydid not sustain this character
Business did not come in sufficient
quantity to furnish the money neces
sary to satisfy Harts extravagant tastes
and to secure the means to live the life
ho wished to lead he resorted to dishon
orable practices His wife disapproved
of his course and finally left him The
architect struggled along until one night
a large apartment house that had been
constructed according to plans of his
own burned and seventeen of the in
mates lost their lives The fault was
largely his as he had been criminally
guilty in making changes in the plans
so that they violated the building ordin
ances The catastrophe brought him to
a realization of the futility of the life he
was leading lie became reconciled to
his wife who persuaded him to appear
before the coroners jury and make a
full disclosure of the facts His busi
ness was ruined as a result and he was
compelled to close his office and seek
employment which he found without
The moral tone of the book is good
The lesson it teaches is wholesome The
story is well told and will hold the at
tention of the reader The only thing
of which the reader can complain is the
failure of the author to take advantage
of his opportunities for artistic effect
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will inteiest many A run down sys
tem or despondency invariably precede
suicide and some has been found that
will prevent that condition which makes
suicide likely At the first thought of
self destruction take Electric Bitters
It being a great tonic and nervine will
strengthen the nerves and build up the
system Its also a great stomach liver
and kidney regulator Only 50c Satis
faction guaranteed by L W McConnell
Special round trip rates now in effect
to Grand Junction Colo Walcott and
Rawlins Wyo
9aiiildPii ft TttwMlf M v n
frmTMSi i
Taken With Cramps
Wm Kirmse a member of tho bridge
gang working near Littleport was taken
suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps
and a kind of cholera His case was bo
severe that he had to have tho mombors
of tho crow wait upon him and Mr
Gifford was called and consulted He
told them he had a modicino in tho form
of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy that ho thought
would help him out and accordingly
soveral doses were administered with tho
result that the fellow was able to bo
around next day Tho incident speaks
quite highly of Mr Giffords medicines
Elkador Iowa Argus
This remedy never fails Keep it in
your home it may savo life For sale
by all druggists
One Fare For the Round Trip
On August 15 1G 17 and 18 tho Bur
lington will sell round trip tickets at
rate of ono faro for tho round trip to
Portland Seattle Tacoma Vancouver
and Victoria Tickets good returning
fox GO days Call on the agent for par
You need clean healthy bowels just as
much as pure wholesome food without
either you cannot keep well Hollitors
Rocky Mountain Tea eliminates all im
purites Tea or tablets 35 cents
LW McConnell
A C Ono A M LL B Pres Omaha
Prof A J Lowry Prlnc j
V w nw
m s f yTiryfzy trz
Endorsed hv FirstNatl
Buikrmd business mi n
SI0000 in Koll Top Desks ISink Tixturps and
50 Typewriters Students ein work for board
Fend for free catalogue bound in alligator
finest ever published by a Business College
Rend 1c and you will attend tbo N 15 C
dgf SPRING 1
the golden eggs isnt the bird to kill
We mean when you find a good butch
er stay with him Youll never find a
In Tnis
than Marshs Even if we do say it
ourselves Nor can any one beat us on
prices A Pointer We know how to
select our meats from the choicest on
the hoof and how to cut it up and pre
pare it for your table Wouldnt you
like to have us serve you
Feed your hair nourish it
give it something to live on
Then it will stop falling and
will grow long and heavy
Ayers Hair Vigor is the only
nair vigor
hair food you can buy For 60
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do It
will not disappoint you
My lialr hp1 to lio very sliort lint nftor
using Ayera Unlr Vlisora tlmrt tlmfi It Iickhii
to cronr Hnd now it Is fourtoeu lucliei long
This sooim a sploiiillil revilt to mo after being
nlmnst without iiny lialr
JIKS J II Virilll Colorado Springs oln
I 00 ix bottle J c avisi ro
All lrrto r IJIWIMI l
s tfi
tfr tie W fl
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Are You
to the St Louis Exposition
If so you want a
Worlds Fair
Honey Order
First National
drawn on a St Louis bank
and payable without identi
fication These orders ob
viate the necessity of carry
ing large sums of money on
the person If you wish to
know more about them call
at the bank
T -- m n -
Sliort Hair I
Jfl fh fji CJt
f ty if Jji ill fi
371 47
f tf if ii f
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C i i if crj J7 r
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P i it jpi oj x
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In order to make room for our Fall and Winter Goods which are now arriving daily we quote a few of the many bargains to be had at re
diculously low prices Sale will positively only last until September ist
Mens Suits
Mens suits usual price 500
sale price
Mens suits usual price 750
sale price
Mens suits usual price 10
sale price
Mens suits usual price 15
sale price
Childrens School Suits
Childrens school suits ages 4 to 1 3
flens Trousers
Mens highest grade all wool trousers usual
3 50
00 i
price 300 to 500 sale price
This Sale Commences August 13th
and will continue to September ist
g f fe
M H t I I t t t t t
All mens womens and childrens shoes at a reduction of
25 per cent No alteration of our plainly marked figures
for this sale
Gents Underwear
All our regular 25c values all colors each iqc
All our 50c garments 7 colors sale price each 39c
Mens union suits in colors each 78c
Is it silk underwear Regularly sold at 1 2 5 and 150 g 5c
All our silk ties bows Tecks four-in-hands strings and
every other kind regularly sold for from 25c to 75c all
for this sale 2 for 25c
All kinds of Dress Gloves usually sold for 100 125
and 150 will go at 75c
Anything in trunks valises suit cases and bags will
be sold at a great reduction
VHt 1111t11V1
Mens Shirt Waists and Shirts
Our Gold brand Shirt Waists and Gold and Silver brand
Shirts never retailed for less than 200 150 125 and
100 One and all of them go at this reduction
sale call and see them at J
Strictly Mohair cream colored Shirts regular
2 50 value unheardof sale price J
All Hats except Stetson in every style and shape
regularly sold at 250 to 3 will be closed out at
Gents Hose
We are offering a good thing in those regular 9 Pr Ut fnr 9p
iU1 Z3L
20c and 25c hose at
All Straw Hats at Actual Cost
The Working
flans Friend
X i
J u