The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 24, 1902, Image 3

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Slim of the Toiigrne
The sins of the tongue all point to
the necessity and profit of self mastery
Ooluts the Lluilt
A druuirer named Peck put up at a
Why One Girl Had to icccp Secluded botel in Oklahoma the landlord of
For Over a Week whlh was the president of the school
They were two pretty girls and when hoard The landlord who was a jolly
John she said to her husband I
am so mortified I dont know what to
What is the matter my dear asked
Mr Norton
I have just been calling on Mrs
Peverill You know her husband Ma
jor Peverill
Well I have just learned today to
There is danger in the tongue that my horror that major isnt his title
often brings the deepest sorrow to in- at all Major is his first name
nocent ones as well as throws a re- Why certainly Ive always known
flection on a pure character If this that What is there so mortifying minister
confession of failure and magnifying about it
of the office of the tongue seem Nothing said Mrs Norton with a
gerated let any one sit down quietly groan only that Ive been calling him
and think of the sins and cruelties of major every time Ive met him for
human speech The careless words the last six months London An-
which no repentance can call back swers
again the rash promises which it has
cost us so much to fulfill the expres
sion of the lower nature which has
The Cry of Silk
One of the most peculiar features
most of the uses of the world which sesses it
turn so easily to evil the tongue may As everybody knows the sound is
be the instrument of great and lasting heard especially when silk is subjected
good to friction What is not so generally
known is that the quality is found in
A Rejected Novel sjik yarn bef0re it is woven A skein
Before he had achieved fame the of silk unless it has been so fronted sis
The Folks Who Paid For the Dis
course Cot What They Wanted
will oblige you but my terms must be ing at the old Theater Royal Dublin keep milk where they
somewhat heavy I want 4000 Aft His part naturally was a small one they want
t rrfirT TvrmirCTC if nroo roirt n ni ln 4- ln - i x
Did he attend church asked the
minister a bit anxiously
I never heard of his doing it said
How did he die continued the
Just the same as he lived sort of
naturally said Abner
I dont see how Im to preach much
7 Tm r uiiibe us urst FowIs do not run together in large
In telling the story De Montepin with round
speech was greeted a of will
numuers They always divide into
used to add The best of the business applause This unlocked for tribute
flocks of small size and will select dif-
was that it was the very same story elated the young actor and he exerted ferent feedi ds a
which he had previously rejected and himself to sustain the good impression
vided they uave the opportunity
ntujuu i uau iu tunuus uircuuuiis en- ue uppeuruu iu uave uiaue jusi as ue
deavored in vain to dispose of I was leaving the theater one of the
A Curious Tree-
Cruel Dlow
Are you aware of the fact re
marked Miss Cutting that I am a
mind reader
Nevah suspected it weally an
swered young Softleigh Would you
aw object to weading my mind don
cher know
Certainly not she replied Bring
it with you the next time you call
Chicago News
He Needed the Money
Will you please raise my salary
Why I gave you a raise only last
jweek because you told me that you
had your mother to support
I know but my mother got mar
ried and now I have two to support
Ohio State Journal
His Straddle
He I see Oldboy is pretty gay yet
if he is aging
She Oh yes hes got one foot in the
grave and the other in society Yon
kers Statesman
Composite Success
Sidney Rodney you live by your
wits dont you
Rodney 5ell partly and partly by
other peoples lack of wits Detroit
Free Press
scene shifters grinningly accosted him
and said Sure its got about among
There is a peculiar tree in the forests the bhoys that yere a brother of the
of central India which has most man that was hung A Fenian named
ous characteristics The leaves of the Barrett had that morning paid the ex
tree are of a highly sensitive nature treme penalty of the law
and so full of electricity that whoever
touches one Of them receives an J An Absurd Custom In Vienna
trie shock It has a very singular in Vienna every mans home is his
lect upon a magnetic needle and will dungeon from 10 p m to G a m Vienna
A growing chicken like a growing
animal requires plenty of good whole
some food supplied liberally and often
17 1
mature rapidly and to develop proper
Tvho had insl left the npichhorlionrl T
influence it at a distance of even seven- Is a city of flats and at 10 p m the was willing to lend them a loaf of
neMr approacu me tree nor nave j a m To go out o post a letter costs heirnn to think it was neariv rime to
sects ever been seen upon it
Wanted All Good People Nice
Thrjae TTlif omrdairio1 that
consolation for
out of the mouths
twopence and the same amount to re- draw the line and to cap the climax
turn To prolong a visit to a friend one day they actually asked me to
after 10 p m means twopence to get come over and take care of the baby
out of his house and twopence more to while they went out to do the shop-
tue is uninteresting nave usually benn enter your own A natural result of
branded as cynics or worse as people this irritating tax is that or
trying to be clever To all such this cities Vienna is earliest to b
true story of a little girl may come as
Sparing His Feelings
Hettie Now that vou have broken
Little Alice had been put to bed and r0ur emranement with Fred shall von
told to say her prayers O God she return to him the diamond ring he
prayed make all the bad people good gaVe you
and make all the good people all thej Minna Certainly not Hettie It
good people all the good people- would be cruel to give him a thing
nice New York Tribune I tt tVOuW be a constant reminder of
Uncertain About Her Age
A Boston servant like many of her
class does not know her age She has
lived with one family eleven years and
has always been twenty eight But
not long ago she read in the newspaper
of an old woman who had died at the
age of 10G Maybe Im as auld as that
niesilf said she Indade I cant re
mimber the time when I wasnt alive
the happiness he had missed Boston Boston Christian Register
An exchange of Courtesies
Somnambulism No suh said Mr Erastus Pinkly
Blond persons are more apt to be i I nebber sold my vote to nobody
somnambulists than dark folk and in i But that candidate gave you 2
cold climates there is more Yassir I doesnt deny dat He jes
bulism than in warm ones In certain come along an gimme dat two an
Greenland villages the hut doors are when n wmitun eoines filon an fives
forth in their sleep and maybe freeze nuffin Washington Star
to death
The Canalhoat
Where was the crew inquired the
Badly 3IIxed 3Ietaphor
London is laughiug at the following
recent brilliant exordium on the part
of an English politician We shall
never rest until we see the British lion
walking hand in hand with the flood
gates of democracy St James Ga
If you hare diamonds be thankful
but dont held them up to the eyes of
poverty in a street car Schoolmaster
What She Says
A man cant tell whether
a girl
The captain was leading the horse means what she says he remarked
and his lieutenant was at the rudder I thoughtfully
said a lawyer in an English court re- nf course not she renlied If he
cently describing an incident in the thinks she does why she just naturally j
voyage of a canalhoat
The Tramp Heady For Any Job
The gay cat applies for a job where
he hears men are wanted he knows
not for what Can you drive four
Many Maine people who live in a asks the bo3s It may be the hobo
Abner was requested to ask a certain ther but he would not weakly deny
minister to conduct the service and he himself an opportunity to try This is
hitched up his old horse and drove to not true of all but it is a distinctive
motlostlv mid Iipciiiko if nntnrniiv wen l tcl you what Im goin to i is uouse ine minister saiu ne woum trait born of necessity in men that seek
wavy It Is always fluffiest after It has do fer you- Beiu as youre a good attend and theu tried to get a little in- employment in many and various fields
been shampooed er l m a goin to nave clean sheets put
A day or two before the party I Put on your bed dad me if J aint
washed my hair using what I thought
was borax in the water When I at-
teqr ited to dry my erstwhile bonnie
Mrs Norton came home from a call
formation concerning the late lament
What sort of a man was he he
broVn curls they were stringy and one day in such a disturbed condition a man at aI replied Abner frankly
- 111 t tt j a i I suppose Ills inca will be i onr
uaru anu jookcu as lr tncy uau been l Ws uviuuuc iears were not rar
frozen In wisps Then to my horror I in the background She lost no time in
discovered that I had used powdered beginning her explanation
alum in the water It took me a whole
week to get It out of my hair I miss
ed the party I had set my heart upon
attending and wouldnt let any of my
friends see me for I was a perfect
fright Duluth News Tribune
Leslies Monthly
Toad Stoned
Most readers have no doubt heard of
Well about the same as no sort of tue precious jewels which the toad car
ries in his brain box and so called
It was thought that the best stones
of a sermon under such circumstances
been unsatisfactory especially to the
sum me imuisitr toads
Tlie neighbors all said they didnt
think they wanted much of a sermon
and so they sent me over to see you
said Abner
rr il
shamed the higher the confessions of about manufactured silk is the rustling minister pocKeieu nis wratn ano j
evil and yiolding to falsehood the hot sound familiar to every woman In a m oiiar Dill and after tbe runeral
and angry words which sober thought the silk trade they call it the cry or the satisfied Abner said Well we got
condemn these are some of the perils sometimes the scroop Of all textiles Just what we auted bgosh Lewis-
nf lift tnnmin rn tlm rflin linurl lil n clllr io tlin nnlr mntofinl nnc lOU JOUIUUI
Game chickens have more meat in
proportion to their height than any
other breed of fowls
When the chickens are growing fast
French novelist Xavier do Montepin to kill this property in it will when it is a good plan to mix a little bone-
uu tuuciuumu u loug aim eiauoraie opened up emit the noise slightly meal in their soft feed
tale of adventure took it full of hope When the skein is squeezed in the
to a publisher who promptly declined band the sound becomes quite audible
it on even the most advantageous I The
rpr ic rnnciflnnl n rnru rlnciir
terms to the writers poignant able quality in silk Dyers try to de-
Twenty years afterward this
identical publisher besought at his
hands a sensational story one of those
serials which were the delight of gri
settes offering any price within rea
velop it as much as possible
Unexpected Applause
Shortly after Mr Wilson Barrett
joined the theatrical profession he be-
Well said De Montepin I came a member of a eompany perform-
Smearing whole wheat with kerosene
or turpentine and feeding it to the
chickens is a good remedy for gapes
Adding some carbolic acid and put
ting on hot will secure much better re
sults from the whitewashing of the
poultry house
While it is at no time advisable to
Dressing a Hog
An Order That Wan Promptly Hon
ored at the Box Ofllce
Once when Nat Goodwin wub play-
they happened to meet on one of the whole souled fellow suggested that certain part of Cumberland county will doesnt know whether it Is four nails jug lu Chicago two men approached
quiec streets or me city tue gin in ww nmi mc i uuuib mu iia smuui 01 - icun muu uuu auhu bu ug wu or lour xenc sumes ue is 10 urive out ui3 manager who was standing in the
gray turned and walked In the the board first putting on a long tailed always called in his town Abner was he confidently answers Sure thing i00by 0f the theater and introduced
A ah 4- nnxlii i1 II- nP 11 rt itllnivn t wl lv vn n 1TT J 1 1 I f J t4 il
uon tno other one bad taken
Now let me know all about the par
ty said the one who had turned Ivo
been just dying to see you aud have
you tell me
Oh but I wasut there at alU said
her companion This is the first time
Ive been out of the house for more
than a week
wui bujujk mu n ui u tiuuiii unu uc nu xiuu u jou uriving lour iasc moiun themselves as a couple of actors Their
She adds dignity an then sio hides commonly selected to take ch rge of at any of the 10000 places he has nmo9 - IM1tiv Iinnnwn n Mm
m tf riit iTltfstlt fn i 1iw1 f fnnnrn Ic rmnnncn nn ivno n ft in Im i nnnnntA
- -- - -- M --
Why have you been ill her friend or said He was however tar enough from be- Asked if he knew how to make watches
inquired surprised and solicitous Peck youre a good feller You ing a good citizen and Abner knew it or dynamite cartridges he would doubt-
No I reallv think it was worse than aInt golu to let your light be hid un- as well as anybody else less say he did lie might fall at
was that dared refuse him passes
Ill see Mr Goodwin he declared
Ill see if a little whlpper snapper
like you can refuse me seats You dont
know who we are eh Well who are
you Lets see your card Ill see Mr
Goodwin about it
The manager who feared a scene
handed over one of his cards and told
the men he was responsible and quite
willing to take the consequences of re
fusing to give them seats
A few minutes later the two men
rami lmok to the theater One of them
loss deeply toadstones which were in realitv the I lmil written Pass two on the man-
felt in the community said the min- teeth of fossil fish were formerly worn agers card He presented the card at
ser- in fiusrer rincrs as a protection acainst the box office and it was nromntly
i ueyre an ueanng up wen unaer poison
it saiu Aoner siowiy
Was he a Christian asked
honored Then they went In
When half an hour later the man-
minister j iivinc toads but as the latter were not had been clone he was at first inclined
If hed been accused of it the addicted to freely giving up their to take some severe action but later
Snm Jones to Reporter
A prominent Baltimore physician
tells in the Baltimore Sun the follow
ing anecdote about Sam Jones the
Georgia evangelist
When several years ago Mr Jones
was at Emory Grove camp the news
paper reports of his sermons caused
It is told of the late P D Armour him to complain
that on one occasion he made a present I At the last service lie looked down
of a suit of clothes to each of his em 1 at the reporters who sat at a table
ployees in a certain department Each just in front of th pulpit and said
man was told that he might order his And I want to tell you fellows that
own suit and send the bill to Mr i like you a lot in spite of your mani
mour no restrictions being made as to fold faults You boys dont treat me
price In order to avail himself fully right though You take my sermons
of tins liberality one young man or- ani pick out a piece here a piece there
dered evening clothes costing S0 and a piece somewhere else Then
When the bill was sent in Mr Armour y0u string the pieces together and
sent for the clerk to vouch for its ac- naturally they read funny
curacy and finding it right assured Now suppose 1 reported the Bible
the man it would be paid As the clerk that way A man asks me what the
was leaving however Mr Armour said Bible tells him to do I read in one
to him place And Judas went out and hanged
I wish to say to you that I have himself I turn over and read Go
packed a great many hogs in my time thou and do likewise And in another
but I never dressed one before New piace I find And do it quickly
lorK limes Now von see bovs that sort of
Aristocratic Ants
Tlie Rl5ivphrlf1inf nnk nio of epvprnl
7 1
kiuus anu uiuer greauy in me manner
think Im a nurse Chicago News
A ZUenn Reflection
locked from without bv a watchman in von S2 fob niinin it aint no mo dan Buggins See here porter Thismir
i t i I
order that those within not iur lb bU UUblJ l tan t see mser in i
may come common reciprocity to vote fob im fob
Hotel Porter who has not been tip
ped by Buggins Strikes me yo ought
to be mighty thankful stfd o makin i
fuss about it London Tit Bits
Women and Babies
Did you ever notice that when a
baby an old woman and a young worn-
doesnt the moment she finds it out an are toSether the baby which be-
and if he thinks she doesnt vhy she
does Chicago Post
Bill I hear a man in town was ar
rested today for cruelty to animals
Jill Is that so
Yes the fellow had a tapeworm
and he refused to feed it Yonkers
Light mortals how ye walk your life
minuet over bottomless abysses di
vided from you by afilm Carl jrle
longs to the young woman is always
carried by the old woman Atchison
Retort Photographic
The photographer was drying his
plates in the warm sunlight
What are you doing there asked a
Oh was the reply just airing my
Titanium Is the hardest metal It
looks like copper but will scratch rock
- T vy F
thing wont do It aint fair
How a Great Sargeon Died
While Bichat the famous surgeon
In the eh vassals Some of fever he turned
was dying typhoid
keep food of any kind before the fowls
1B1 tt uuuc xo aQ om colleague who was siuing
all the time it Avill be an advantage to Vt
ron oil cuuuii ui utwsueia uiueia suaii side nis ueu anu saiu to nun
be unable or unwilling to wait upon or very curious During the last few
even to feed themselves and are car- days I have noticed some odd
ried about and provided with food by toms and I am studying them care-
their body servants In many cases fully
this sybaritism is the mere ostentatious oii you may recover yet said the
love of being served The incapacity is friend
Missed the Lobby Barrel
Considerable amusement was caused
when the legislature first went into
session by a member from the counties
arriving and promptly asking to be
shown the lobby
When that place was pointed out to
him he nosed around for awhile and
then remarked in the hearing of some
Ive been fooled he declared dis
gustedly They tole me I could find
a barI of money loose in the lobby
but I see now thet its a dinged lie
Baltimore Herald
Before and After
Single Man to himself I am sure
Hares That Swim
I have many times seen hares sever
al of them at a time cross a stream to
feed on summer evenings and coolly
return in the same way back to the
Same Man some years later Con- anxiety bi fire the plunge was made
sarn it all From morning till night I have also seen snakes swim across
and night till morning when Im at streams in the same way apparently
home I hear nothing but tales abrat to bask on the sunny side
the servants the butcher the butler
the baker the candlestick maker and Eiperic ncod
all the rest of em New York Weekly Mamma she said what preacher
board Will you mind it
do you think I ought to have marry
And we have one baby said the Goodman is so youn
meek man who was applying for married himself he could hardly
Chicago Record Herald
Showed What She Could Do
Phoxy I got a good square meal last
night the first in several weeks and I
have you to thank for it
Friend Me to thank Well thats
news to mi-
Phoxy Yrs I know I telephoned to
my wife yesterday morning that you
were coming out to dinner with me
Philadelphia Press
A Good Talker
Clara Is Mrs Flitter a good
Dorothy Yes indeed She makes
you think of lots of good things to
say but talks so much that you dont
get a chance to say them Detroit
Free Press
Why should religion and science
llsrsr to Know the Plant Sliupl
HemedleM If Affected by It
If one knows how the Rhus toxico
dendron that is the scientific name
for poisonous ivy looks said a mac
of the woods he can avoid it with
case It is sometimes a low shrub
about a foot high aud It is also a
u uvu uU wiuiu v -v uiuuuiiuuusiYaMuuuuu au1 tuey uucl nothing to show that graceful vine with stout hairv
afore them children I dont approve only man n town who had time hang- the boss is inclined to put them and they were wnat thcy cIaIlllcd to be h V 0lut ur zo Ui invinet
of anybody under fourteen carryin a lng on his hands A citizen died a man the next morning finding the four i Accordingly he refused to give them e8 TtebSldoS
S who never amounted to much who he is to drive are horses he S
8eat8 but hey persistent One
were alike but both Ui iw conwe toot
After returning to the hotel from the ras never posiUvely wicked because tially approaches a fellow employee of tue men ln particular was offensive- oval pointed leaves These are alwiv
visit of inspection the president of the that would have required more of an with Say Bud show me how to put ly B0 Ue shook his fist under the three In a group and the iIii t alw
board now transferred into a land- effort than he was willing to make the harness on the plugs will you I IMM nntl ilnmnmlml who it bears small L white berries
that she replied a bushel Peck r
You know Im a little nroud of my No 1 aint said Mr Peck rather
hair for Its my one redeeming point- dubious as to the compliment
Poison oat otherwise Ithus rndlcansi
and poison sumac or Unus vlneuta
are other plants to be avoided by vis
itors to the woods The sumac ha
groups of four Iuailcts oval pointed In
form arranged on a tapering stem It
differs from the real sumac in so far
that Its leaflets incline upward lib
the autumn the foliage Is a brilllan
scarlet The little berries look like
grayish white grapes
A good antidote for Ivy poisoning la
Its first stages is a solution of ordinary
baking soda A bottle containing a
pint of water and a heaping teaspoon
ful of baking soda Is carried by many
persons who take walks In the woods
for while some people may handle ths
poison vines without danger others
tlie I tiPpo tlinf vnlnntnrilv Mpnfprl liv tlir nompo nt ritfrm wn fillril in wlinf - i tv i it
- uuuu jwvu j v u - - - uiv iiuiauuuu u limy mas wiuiiii iwuivc
diet would have been not guilty and ures U1 tbat way it was necessary to he saw the joke op himself
the jury wouldnt have left their seats j pr0Cure the coveted articles by other j Let them alone he said If
replied Abner cheerfully
l muiius anu iiiu rucuguiiu uiuiiiuu was gui iiurvu unuugii iu uu mm iiil j i
et of them New York Tribune
She Pitied IIIn DIxtreMH
An artist who was making a sketch
ing tour through a picturesque region
to decapitate the hapless batrachian entitled to seats You had better send 0f Connecticut chanced one day on a
at the instant he swallows his breath an usher down and ask them if they barn so alluring to his eye that he sat
The feat naturally demanded consider- wouldnt like a box Chicago down on a stone wall and went to work
able celerity such as could only be ac- une
quired by constant practice and it is
not reasonable therefore to assume
that although the endeavors to gain
possession of the jewels were perhaps
numerous they must have invariably
at once
lie soon became conscious that be
had two Interested spectators in the
persons of the farmer and his wife
who had come to the door of the house-
to watch him
The artist by and by discovered that
he had lost or mislaid his rubber eras
er and as he wished to correct a slight
error In the sketch he went up to the
door aud asked the fanners wife If hi
might have a small piece of dry brwid
This as every artist knows makes a
good eraser
The fanners wife looked at hini with
an expression of pity not unmixed with
Dry bread she repeated Well I
guess you wont have to put up with
any dry bread from me young man
You come right into the kitchen with
me and Ill give you a thick slice of
bread with butter on it
Now dont say a word she contin
ued raising her hand to ward off his
expostulation I dont care how you
came to this state nor anything about
it All I know is youre hungry and
thats enough for me You shall have a
good dinner
The Neat of the KIiiKflnher
Our American belted alcyon or com
mon kingfisher is an expert hole bonr
There is scarcely a clayey bank alon
the streams of our middle and sou s
ern states but has its face cut by tL
tlieir labors while still otbers nave My friend I am lost but It is some door of one of these gloomy lookKg
fallen into such habits of luxury as to consolation to know that my case is houses
The hole is usually quite round and
goes directly lino the bank with a
slight upward slant to a distanc e of
from two to four feet where it tuns
nearly at right angles to one side or
the other ending in a large jugshap
not physical but moral and arises That is impossible replied Bichat pocket where the eggs are laid IU
from an aristocratic aversion to any and if it were not for one thing I kingfisher is my most cheerful ciiXi
order to enable them to and
grow L i Una of menial laboi would be quite willing to die panion when I am out for a days or t
There Was a Limit
I am glad they moved away re
marked the good housewife speaking
of a family of borrowing neighbors
ty feet The electrical strength of the common entrance door of each block is bread occasionally or half a dozen eggs
irees varies accoruing 10 uie time or closed and bolted Thereafter persons or the washboard or the lemon
day it being strongest at midday and passing in or out must pay a fine of squeezer but when they got down to
weakest at midnight In wet weather twopence to the concierge until mid- sending the little girl over to borrow
its powers disappear altogether Birds night and fourpence from that hour to pennies to give the organ grinder I
What is that asked the friend weeks angling It is an ever fresh de-
I am exceedingly sorry answered light to watch him swooping down inu
Bichat that I shall not have an op- the clear brook water with a inelodiors
portunity to perform an autopsy on plunge and coming forth sparkling bre
myself after my death for I know that a flake from a bine sea wave or a fr
I would make some wonderful ment of turquoise lie rarely fails to
tific discovery
An hour later he was dead
catch the minnow he strikes at but hue
appetite is unremitting and insatin
He eats from morning till nigbr
Maurice Thompson
Two Things That Scare a JTegro
Two seemingly harmless things ex
cite the fear of the southern
woods says a writer in London News One is the cracking of the finger jo
The act has been quite voluntary but the other is to be stepped over ax e
one thing I have noticed they lies prone upon the ground Tht c i x
bly sat up to see if they had time to ing of the finger joints seems to z
cross before any surprise came For gest to the negro imagination tin r
that darling little angel loves me She instance the movements of a person tling of a skeletons bones while to e
takes me into her confidence and tells walking along a footpath in the stepped over is regarded as likly j
me all her troubles tance would be watched with some bring bad luck to grown folks anJ ra
check the growth of children A h If
grown negro boy will sternly -
mand a playfellow who has stev
over his body to step back In oi r
that the spell may be removed
j Uncle Sams riecruits
The following qualifications are re-
Cecil and me I feel as though Mr quired of every soldier selected as i
tnd not being cruit He must not be under twen r
over twenty five years old he mu
j Oh pshaw Have Dr Easleigh strong enough to lift a 100 pind
Mind it snapped the thin faced Ive had him for four of mine and he weight with bcth hands to a pomi n
landlady Of course not Do you always gave thorough satisfaction level with his chest he must be 4 -- i
8 inches in height and able to ru
course of seven miles in an hour ai
he must also be of good character
William Slimsou Jr Do you belv ie
In beiug kind to the sick mamma i
Mrs W Slimson Certainly VM
and I hope you always will Wbj lo
you ask
William Because mamma I heard
the little boy on the next block had ue
measles and Ive been visiting him all
the afternoon Harpers Bazar
The Poets Explanation
What do you mean by embers of
the dying year asked the poets
Why Nov ember and Dec ember of
course my dear replied the long
haired one with a fiendish grin Chi
cago News
quarreir Lone Time Between Meals
- ny inaeea if youre a stayin fer dinner said
wny not say tnat man is descended the authors little boy Im afraid
from the monkey Eve made of Adam j youll go hungry We only eat oa
and let It go at that Puck I publication Atlanta Constitution