The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1898, Image 7

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    Perhaps If Brooklyn would put its
trolley wires under ground the pas
sengers would not be put underground
quite so numerously.
r " Now Train Service
Omaha to Quincy , Omaha to Kansas
City , Omaha to St. Louis. Trains ar
rive and depart Union Station , Omaha.
Many cheap rates during the Fall
months. Ask your nearest ticket agent ,
or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A.
-.1415 Farnam st. , ( Paxton Hotel Block )
Omaha. Neb.
Don't blame the smoking lamp If it
suits the indolent owner.
No-To-llnc lor rifty Cents.
Guaram- tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men biron , oloodpine. 502.81. Alldruggista.
Samuel Johnson : "Men of the pen
have seldom any great skill in conquering -
> . „ quering kingdoms , hut they have
I. * \ strong inclination to give advice. "
When the children get their
feet wet and take cold give them
a hot foot bath , a bowl of hot
drink , a of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral , and put them to bed.
The chances arc they will be
all right in the morning. Con-1
tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few
days , until all cough has dis
Old coughs are also cured ;
we mean the coughs of bron
chitis , weak throats and irritable
J lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor tnows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throats and lungs.
Put ono of
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
Plasters *
Ttsa Best Mcdfsal
Advlso Free I
We now have some of the most emi
nent phvslcJans In the United States.
Unusual opportunities and lonii experi
ence eminently fit tliem for giving jou
medical advice. Write freely all the
parUculars in your case.
Address , Dr. J. C. ATER ,
Lowell , Mass.
"I have RODO 14 dnya at a time without a
movement or the bowel * , not being able to
tnove tbem except by using hot water Injections.
Chronic constipation for seven years placed mo in
this terrible condition ; during that time I did ev
erything I beard of but never found any relief : such
\ vras my case until 1 began using CASCAKETfi. I
now have from one to three passages a day. and if 1
was rich I would giro (100.00 for each movement ; It
Is tuch a relief. ' ' AYUicn L. Hrjjrr ,
1GS9 Russell St. . Uetrolt , Hlob-
Pleasant , Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Da
Good , Never Sicken , Weaken , or Gripe. IDs , 20c , SOc.
, . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . .
Elirllas Hemwlj Coiapxer , Ctlcaio , Eontrtil , Seir York. J 3
Dor.'t be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If jou want a coat
that will keep you dry in the hard
est storci buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale ! n your
town , write for catalojrue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
Greatest Xecfc Yofce ever In
vented. combining strength'/ /
durability and safety. Hand- 1
somcly painted. "VV111 not allow \
tcntrue to drop If traces become
loose. J o rflttle.
Plain , unntckeled . tl.OO
JCIckel Loops and Acorn
Heads . l.tO
KIckcl Renters . 1.25
Klckel Tips nnd Centers. . . . 1.75
Centers , without Yoke . 65
Farm Wagon Grip Ring. . 65
Made In three sizes , to fit polo tips IHi to 1ft . Send
for rEKE illustrated circular.
Liberal Terms to Agents. Address ,
81 Harding : Street , Indianapolis , Ind.
Best Cough Syrup. TaetesQpod.
They Can't Stand u Rainstorm When
"Geese are peculiar , " said an oio
poultry salesman in Manhattan mar
ket. "Put them out In a rainstorm
when they have a good thirst on , and
they are liable to die. About ten
years ago I was engaged by a firm to
go out through the west to buy live
geese and chikens. I bought about ten
carloads , put them in crates , and start
ed east. The geese were in the crates
nearest the floor of the open car
that's the regular way to ship them
and on top of them were piled the
chicken crates. We got about ten
miles from St. Joseph , Mo. , when the
load on one of the cars sagged , and
the whole pile of crates were spilled
on the aide of the track. In piling the
crates on again the geese were piled
on top. I knew I was taking chances ,
because a rainstorm meant death to
the geese , but there didn't seem to be
any storm In sight , and I thought we
could make St. Joseph and shift the
load there. The train had only goiie
a short distance when a storm came
up so suddenly that the rain was fall
ing almost as soon as the clouds wqre
noticed. The geese had been without
water for some hours , and the moment
they felt the rain they were stretch
ing their necks through the openings
between the slats and holding then-
bills open to catch the drops. Well ,
I got an old coat and laid it over as
many of the crates as it would cover ,
so as to save as many as possible. Then
I got a switch and tried to force the
others to keep their heads inside the
crates. They didn't mind the switch
very much , and I had to give each
one four or five good hits before it
would pull in its head , and when I
started on a new head the old one
would pop out again. When we got ,
into St. Joseph it was still raininsr
and every goose in the crates , with
the exception of those under the coat ,
was dead. " New York Sun.
Many Persons Made Homeless In the
Town of Kietl.
The earthquake that took place in
the Umbian town of Rieti on the Ve-
line , in Italy , the other day was ac
companied by a phenomenon of which
the first meager account of the shock
gave no mention. According to a correspondent - ,
respondent of the Osservatore Romano
it was not an earthquake but an "air-
quake. ' The air shook or vibrated like
a violently agitated liquid ; great rents
were made in tall buildings and tow
ers , and no shifting of the street pave
ment was noticed. From the bishop
down to the beggar , all seemed fright
ened. It is said that many felt the air
vibrations and were thrown to the
ground , while others were almost suffo
cated. A dense black cloud hung over
the town while the phenomenon was
passing. The church steeples , the sav
ing bank , the theater and no fewer
than six palaces were more or less
wrecked , as well as eighty or one hun
dred dwellings. Five hundred tents
have been sent to the place by the
government. The people , in the mean
time , are living in hastily built huts
and in the half ruined postoffice and
churches. Soldiers have been sent
from Rome to the scene of the disaster ,
and they , with the students , are busy
policing the ruins and trying to save
some of the household goods. King
Humbert has sent 33,000 francs from
his private purse to relieve the first
necessities of the people. At the time
of the catastrophe a slight earthquake ,
like a shudder , was felt in Rome. Even
there , too , people say they noticed a
peculiar convulsion of the air.
Had to Kill.
Mack Dr. Duer says Higbee's ease
is the most stubborn he ever treated.
Wyld Well , you know Higbee comes
of a long-lived family. New York
The army of Germany boasts eight
women colonels.
The washing of clothes for the
queen's household costs more than
? 15,000 per annum.
At a recent auction in London 5280
was paid for four volumes of a visitors'
register kept in Shakespeare's house at
Stratford from 1821 to 1848.
In proportion to population Texas has
furnished more troops for the war than
any other state. Texas pays each en
listed man § 7 a month in addition to
his government pay.
The natives of some tropical coun
tries chew the fibers of green cocoanuts -
nuts as a remedy for fever. They con
tain much tannic acid , and are reputed
as effective as quinine.
Napoleon's cabbage palm at Long-
wood has been blown down. It was
the last tree of its kind on the island
of St. Helena , and the species has not
been found elsewhere.
Public drinking troughs for horses
are condemned by the ex-president of
the Royal College of Veterinary Sur
geons , on the ground that they propa
gate certain diseases peculiar to
There is one Christian minister for
every 900 inhabitants in Great Britain ,
one in every 114,000 in Japan , one in
165,000 in India , one in 222,000 in Af
rica , and one in 437,000 in the Chinese
A traveler tells of treasure chambers
in Bagdad that rival the tales of the
"Arabian Nights. " Among the multi
millionaires are the Sassoons , whose
banking firm exercises the functions
of a great power throughout Asia.
In noting that it is the purpose of
.the navy department in the construc
tion of the new ships to minimize the
'woodwork , the Boston Transcript sug-
'gests that a trifle less woodwork in the
; war department might also be tried
with good results.
From the Times , U&fs , 111.
The ruth of gold seekers to the Klondike
brings thrilling memories to the "forty-
niners" still alive , of the time when they
girdled the continent or faced the terrors
of the great American deserton the jcurnev
to the land of gold. These pioneers tell
f.omo experiences which should be heeded
by jjold seekers today. Constant exposure
and faulty rtJct killed large iinmbero , Tvhilo
nearly ell the survivors wcro nfllicted wilh
disease , many
of them -mita
Such a sufferer
now i esidcs at
Bluffs , 111. ,
where he has
been justice of
the peace and
was the first
president of
the board of
.trustees. la a
' 'recent inter-
he said :
I had been
a Buucrer or
"A . "
Forty-niner. rheumatism
for a number of years and the pain at times
was very iuteiibe. 1 tried nil the proprie
tary medicines I could think or hear of ,
but received no relief.
" 1 ilniillv rn'pil mv c 3 Tvitli scvcr l
physicians" doctored with them for
some time , but they failed to do mo any
Rood. Finally , -wilt my hopes of relief t
nearly exhausted , I read nn article regarding - i i
ing Dr. Williams1 Fink Pills for Pale People
ple , which induced me to try them. I was
nnxious to get rid of the terrible disease ,
aud bought two boxes of the pills. I began
using them about March , 1897. After I
had taken two boxes I was completely
cured , nud the pain has never returned. I
think it is the best medicine I have over
taken , and am willing at any time to sign
my name to any testimony totting forth its
good merits. "
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me , this j
29th dav of September , 1897.
FRANKI.IX C. Frxic , Notary Public.
Mr. Vangundy's statement ought to be {
regarded as a criterion of the good merits
of these pills , and what better proof could
a person want than the above facts.
These pills stand unrivalled as a tonic for
the blood.
Don't hang your head if you are
guilty. That is what the sheriff's paid
Don" ! Tobacco Spit ancsmffveTjur Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and fcievcr. b" nnu'-
rctic. fuil f life , nerve , and vigor.takeXu-To-
Dac , the wonUer-Tvriiier. that makes weak men
strong. All druggists. SOcorSl. Cure guaran
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York.
But few wives who drive their hus
bands to drink have to use whips.
Wo wish to call our friends' atten
tion to the advertisement in this paper
of the Western Mercantile Co. of
Omaha , Neb. This firm was recently
established , and will sell all kinds of
farm implements , wagons , vehicles o
all kinds , harness , binding twine , etc. ,
etc. , at wholesale prices direct to con
sumers. This is tae only house of the
kind in the west , and as they carry a
large stock at Omaha , it means a great
saving for the farmers of this western
country. They deliver all goods free
on board cars at Omaha , which saves '
the excessive local rates from the east , i
They are prepared to furnish goods
now , and we recommend them to you. j
You can get catalogue and prices free |
upon application. Address The Western - ,
ern Mercantile Co. , 1013-1015 Lsaven-
worth St. , Omaha. >
The vineyards of Italy cover nearly
8,000,000 acres.
TSdccato Xour uoweisWltH Casearcts.
Candy Cathartic cure constipation foreve" '
lOc. z5c. If C. C. C. fail. druKd' is refundmoney. '
"Say , what would you do if you had
a skeleton in your closet ? " "The best
thing to do is to make no bones of it. "
Indianapolis Journal.
Canny Scot "Yours is a poor coun
try. " Paddy "Well , we can afford to
wear breeches , anyhow ! " Tit-Bits.
The American Monthly Review of
Reviews for September presents the
usual timely features that we have
come to expect from this magazine.
The various events connected with
the end of the war with Spain are
fully discussed by the editor , while
the Porto Rican campaign , from start
to finish , is described by John A.
Church , formerly of the Army and
Navy Journal. The cost of the Avar
and the financial provisions for meet
ing it are ably summed up by Charies
A. Conant , an experienced financial
writer. Henry MacFarland , a Wash
ington journalist , contributes a char
acter sketch of William R. Day , the
Secretary of State , which is of special
interest at this time because of Judge
Day's appointment as leading member
of the American peace commission.
Prof. Dean C. Worcester , of the Uni
versity of Michigan , will contribute
to the September Century a paper
based on personal experience , entitled
'The Malay Pirates of the Philippines"
and illustrated from photographs tak
en by the writer. "Alone in Porto
Rico. " will be narrated by hihi in the
same number , which win also contain
the first of several articles on "Life
and Society in Old Cuba. " from the
journals of the late Jonathan S. Jenkins -
ins , written in 1859 , but dealing with
many topics now in the public consid
eration , such as yellow fever , coffee-
planting , etc.
Don't work too hard in trying to
avoid hard work.
Official reports show that the rich
gold prospects found in Alaska cover
an area of 100,000 square miles , fcciuj
150 miles wide by 600 miles lonjj.
The Growth of Socialism.
* The growth of socialism is due to
the standing armies of the world in
which men are often made to enlist ,
and thus become discontented. The
growth of a stronger race is due to
llostetter's Stomach Bitters , which is
the best medicine for costiveness , dys
pepsia , fever , ague and all nervous
troubles. Try one bottle.
Follicre : "A lover tries to stand
well with the pet dog of the house. "
Ucanty Is liloocl Dpcp.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
i beauty withoutit. CuFcarets.Candy Cathar
tic cleans your b'.ood and keeps it clean , by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples , boils. Dlotche-sblackhends ,
and thatsicklybiliousconiplexion by taking
Cascnrets , beauty for ten cents. All drug-
K , satisfaction guaranteed , lOc , 25c , 50c.
When a man finds he can't be cured
he generally gets well insured.
Chats With Mothers
free upon request. Mothers remedy , easy
to take , safe and pleasant. Xo home seem o
without it Croup , Coughs , Colds , Fevers ,
Qismsy. Catarrh , whether nose , throat or
stomach , Diptheria nnl Sore Throats , till
overcome by usincr Muco-Solvent. Co.-ts
only § 1 ; is worth its weight in diamonds.
Write us.Ve need agents. Muco-Solvcut
Co. , Chicago , 111.
All is fair in love and war , but only
the brave deserve the fair.
All those suffrriiiK from Neivou * Debility
or IJKoasi-s peculiar to iiiuu should consult
The Dr. Louis Welnert Co. , renowned and
long established Specialists of iJ : ( Liberty
St , New Yorlc. All curri'sp mciunce confi
dential , i-'cnd for free book containing
Method and T
Any man can get fat by asking for it
at the meat market.
first da ) s u i3 of Ltr. Kline Great r er\o licoiuror.
Send dit KTIEE &M.OI ) liottle HJIO trci ti o.
liu. r U. . 931 Arch.St , . 1'hilauelrii.ia. Pa.
Some women speak much to a man's
heart and but little to his mind.
COU'B Cough
Is the oe > Ft aim licst. It wlil Vreuk un cold quicker
than aii > thing cite. It It , always rel' be. Try It.
Poets are born therefore their an
cestors should be held responsible.
Rail's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional euro. Price , Toe.
An ignorant wise man is ICES dan
gerous than an educated fool.
7.1rs. vt insio'.VR sootliinc Syrnp
For children teetMug.Miftcns tfie inunt.reiliuc-inCam-
tcuUon , allajbpuln , cuietiwindcuiic. 2'1 centra bottle.
It's harder to save a penny than it
is to earn it.
Iowa Patent Office Report.
The president has appointed as com
missioners to revise tne laws relating
to patents , trade-marks , commercial
names , etc. , the lion. P. S. Grosscup ,
U. S. district judge of northern Illi
nois ; Hon. Francis Forbes of New
York , and Hon. A. P. Greeley , assist
ant commissioner of patents.
A Canada patent has been issued to
M. Kehoe ot Gushing , Iowa , for the
evener for two-horse vehicles , for
which we secured a United States pat
ent for him as heretofore noticed in
our reports.
Among the applications prepared by
us for United States patents and al
lowed are the following : McCawley
and Gabrios scale beam attachment
( made in Des Moines ) , for retaining
a plurality of adjustible weights in
convenient position for use on the
beam to add and register weights of
different objects placed on the scales
in succession. For Knee and Robin
son ( of Humboldt , la. ) , an eight-horse
evener for hitching two teams of four
horses each so that one team will be
in advance of the other and the draft
force of all the horses in drawing a
load. Mr. Knee has assigned his entire
interest to S. Sanders of Fort Dodge.
For W. F. Cooks ( of Des Moines ) brick
kiln that is in successful use to save
cost of construction , economize fuel
and to circulate products of combus
tion as required to burn all the brick
uniformly hard.
Consultation and advice by letter erin
in person , free.
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines , Iowa , Sept. 15 , 1898.
What can't be cured should be well
iO Csro vonstrpanon IForeveri
. Take Cn carets Candy Cathartic. JOc or 23a
'd C. C. C. fail * T c"r < . ilniKsi ; t ; ref-ind ni
Don't forget that as instructors ac
tions are superior to words.
Pise's Cure for Consumption has saved
mo lar o dot-tor bills. C. L. Baker , 42 S Re
gent Sq. . Phi adelphia. PA. , Dou 8 , 1S'J. > .
Professor Wilson , a leading light of
the Edinburg University , recently
wrote on the blackboard in his lab
oratory : "Professor Wilson informs
his students that he has this day been
appointed honorary physician to the
Queen. " In the course of the morning
he had occasion to leave the room and
on returning found that a student had
added to the announcement the words :
"God Save the Queen. "
We make flue Surrey * . Bupcics , Phaetons nnd liund Wapon ? . ! . . . . w , wa
Our goods have bceu Jnvorably known to the trade for . . „ „ „ , „ , ,
We now H11 dlroet to the n r nt Itbolnilv Pricjs. The sluewd m.s lT i inh SL
biijer prefers to deal u-lth the factory. He gets of us flue' '
work at less price than agents ak for low { trade > chicles. AVe ship auvwhere ,
subject to examination. WE UKLITEK on board cars Kansas City , Mo. , or Gosben ,
lnd.ns may suit purchaser. Send for catalogue with prlce printed.
ITS PHKU Write today. We fell Sewing Machines and the GOSMKN BICYCLE as
well. All at Uholrmle I'rltre. ALL ( < OOD. Xo matter where you H\e , jouorenot
too far away to do buMnecu with us and a\e monev. Addre > s.
Neglect is the Forerunner of Misery and Suffering A Grateful Hus
band Writes c His "Wife's Recovery.
Nearly all the ill health of women is traceable to sone derangement of the
feminine organs. These derangements do not cure themselves , and neglect of
the sensations resulting from them is only putting1
oC trouble.
Pathetic stories are constantly coming to Mrs.
Pinkham of women whose neglect has resulted in
ccrions heart trouble and a whole train of woes.
Here is the story of a woman who was helped
by Mrs. Pinkham after other treatment failed :
DKAR Mis. PIXKIIAM : It affords me very-
great pleasure to be able to state that I believe
my wife owes her health to your medicine
and good advice. For three years herr
health failed rapidly ; she had heart trouble
ble , often falling down in dizzy and
fainting spells' , shortness of brenth ,
choking and smothering spells , blcats-
ing of the stomach , a dry cough , dys
peptic symptoms , menses irreg
ular , scanty , and of an un
natural color. She had been
treated by physicians with but
little benefit. She has taken
your treatment according to
your directions , and is better
in every way. I am well pleased
with the result of your
treatment , and give you
permission to use my letter
for the benefit of others.
Fort Meyer , Va.
The healing and strengthening-power of Lyrlia ,
E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound for all fe
male ills is so well established that it needs no argument. For over twenty
years it has been used by women with results that are truly wonderful.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all women who arc puzzled about their health to write
to her at Lynn , Mass. , for advice. All such correspondence is seen by women
only , and no charge is made.
A Million Women Have Been Benefited ! ) ? Mrs. PJflkham's Afivice anfl Mefiiclne
The Only House in the West Selliiiff Goods at
l/l/holesae ! Prices to Consumers
WESTERN M&RGflNTlLS 60 , , "
To the Rescue.
was in danger
there would be
an army of men ( who chew it ) ready
to rescue its large enough to shovel
Spain off the map of Europe * No
other chewing tobacco in the world
has ever had so many friends.
IT" * ' ? TTTte lVT ' "TnF TIT F
$50,000 StocK of all grades of
Furniture rccentty bought at the
very lowest cash price will be of
fered during1 the next few months
at special prices.
Customers visiting1 Omaha will
find this the largest and oldest
furniture store here , and we v/ill
make every effort to please both
In goods aud prices.
Qhas. Shiverick & Co * .
I2O3 Douglas St , Omaha.
Nest to Mlllnrd Hotel.
KOTE To iatlify oarsolvc * a * to whether thU
idrertlEemcnt Is read we will make a discount of
per cent on tbe purchase of any customer who
rill tell us they were directed to u * by It ami that
bey will recommend tn to their frlendi It tbt
; oodi they buy arc satiifactory.
to Ladies : YJe cite Tradina Sfe
Jr Ifav' Renovator Guaranteed
Jn S > nbiiUVdlUi
RdJ ] to cure dyspep-
ia. constipation , liver and kidney Jlsca..cs.bil- ,
iousness , headache , etc. At druggists 5c & SI. I
s\i Voo BIK O for unnatural
in 1 to 5 d \ aischarnce , inUamniatintiii.
irritations or ulcenitioiis
net u > uciurr. of mucoiiH inemliranf * .
Prerrcu ccuiajioa. I'.inle8.i. anil not astriu-
TriEtYANSCh'EUlCILCO. i t orpoifonous.
ClhClNMATI.O.I { Kotd i
U.S.JL. " 7 | or pont in plain
-v - . X > A I * ? "Eprpp , prcpaiil."fut
* < - ? 1 m. , ir 3 bottlefl.TV
Circular eent oa request.
niclc relief nnd cures-w
< a-c = . Frail for IxKiiC of testimonial * BI" ' 1
treatment Tree. Dr. H.lI.c.KtFVSfroNS. Atlanta , . .
' rcr coug'js. cold"
Or , Kay's Lung Balm SSa casu
IE/A | > i VC"SM each WCEK the year round.
VT C r A t if vc sell Stark Trees. Outfit free.
STAKE KCRSERY. MBlSIiFA. SO. . St k. Sa. . Rocktiorl. Ill
\VANTED-Casp of bail tenltTi that R-M'-A-V S
will not benefit. Srml 5 to Klpaus Cnemka !
Co. , ITev ? York , lor JO i > amalea pnd UXO testimonial * .
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 39-1S9S
When Answering Advertisements Ktndlp
Mention This Taper.
" * -ou rT f .rnT TiuiW & * cr Pound 334cts. * j fiz : & * w xs mZsim Rmtei.
! ] w rOir .ffliti.Bir.'ttil ( * ' * V * 8r * frl * * ti ) n4tr ( , , rtt wi < > < i u * | , K _ - _ _ _ _ _ Wb WtiVpiKT i0CMaw *
k * uf l * * W ptBtf c i i t MltMn Or * * HOWMI WtNA UCUffl TkK " " . T * * ' r ' * AT rVwtft ftt fft l .
rll UtMBMk nd d > < Nt tfc * | > ro * * 1 t cw * " r O > tfd a f 144 h 'fc tr tl lVatriir iJ T f f DnOfnTP * OlinntWIinilOf * tf t * fit 1 : l r i s. ' .ViTni ? - " -
Wjr-TiM i f > ' - " * - " iw " t KW i Mvdii * wir inh Mi i * T M HUBERTS SUPP ! Y nfill E. Hl5n 33C IS. L3IC& . i- - . . . : : , :
* * ' ' IIWWWIII w vUMtl UuUvU uuauba | uii wuu.
u fc utuiMtt 4
a v&bEk * ttu M M prt ks ; i wMGMMkGMn * UMtb *