Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 02, 1874, Image 3

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Ice Cream rarlor above Pout Office.
Families, Parties, ami Festival supplied at
short notice and on reasonable tenns. Remem
ber the I'at Office Ice Cream Parlor.
12ts "VV. K. DARRAII.
A small load of hay taken in sub
ncription at this office.
S. I. Hardy. Esq., called on the Her
ald last week.
Frank .Stadter is painting a magnifi
cent banner for Pleasant Ridge Grange
to use on the Fourth.
High school examination on Friday.
Maturate a IMcee of I! read or Heat
with gastric Juice, ami it will dilre. llii is
tli-i-stiii. Add to Midi ii mixture a little alco
hol, and it mill nut (.'i-wore. This is imhyMion.
lteware. lin n, of tinctures, or tonic, or decoc
tions containitu; spirituous liquors. Slum all
rum 'tonics" and rely solely on lilt. Wai.kkk rt
ViNKtMi: the li nest digestive lnvi;r
or;nt known, ami free trom the lleiy curse f
Alcohol. t ltt-
A few bushels of coin or oats will be
taken on subscription, at this office.
Dr. John Rlack has gone to St. Louis
to represent Plattsmouth and Cass
(Nnmty at the great opening of the
Ri idge across the Mississippi, as well
as to celebrate the Fourth generally.
We could not send a belter representa
tive I hysically, financially or practi
cal! v.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me, either by note or account,
ale hereby requested to settle the same,
on or before the 10th. day of July, as I
must settle my own indebtedness by
that date, and need the money. Take
l.S-t. John W. Shannon'.
I'ncle Thomas Jefferson Todd tells
us a good one about how he once made
a corn crop in spite of himself. lie left
home just about the commencement of
corn-planting time, and he hired a man
to plow corn at 50 cents a day, suppos
ing he would plow till harvest, and
then quit, as he could make better
wages harvesting, even if the corn was
not "laid by." Uncle Todd never got
back home until after harvest, and the
corn was all out in silk, but the hired
man was still plowing away at the
corn. It happened that it was a very
dry season, and this constant stirring
secured a crop to Mr. Todd, while his
neighbors went hungry for corn that
A (iene.ral Invitation is hereby ex
tended to every Citizen of Cass Coun
ty, to attend and participate in the
celebration of the approaching 4th of
July, to be held in Plattsniouth, on the
?th Anniversary of American Inde
!ence. R. R. Livingston,
Jos. A. Conner,
Wm. Neville.
AVe have received a cordial invi
tation to be present at the Fourth of
July Celebration at Louisville. May
come out there if the day is not to hot.
AVe return many thanks for the invi
tation anyway.
There will be no service at the M. F.
Church, next Sunday owing to the ab
sence of the paster, Mr. MeKelvey, at
tending Camp Meeting.
The Rev. Mr. Rurgess will preach
at St. Sunday next,
Hud there will be services regularly ev
ery Sunday, after this date. The Sun
day School will Vie organized after mor
ning service.
Camp meeting next week
Palmyra, on the M. P. railroad.
IIoalth'H Shield and Protection.
Health I universally admitted to be the most
desirable of eartlilv hlcKhlfiK, vet it 1 jeopard'
cl ns recitlesi'.y as If it were of no value at all.
Thousands who are comclled by their occupa
tion. and pursuit to breath unwholesome air, to
expose themselves to violent alternation of
heat and cold, and to brave other evil inimical
to health and life utterly neglect to fortify
themselves against the danger which surround
them by proier course of tonic treatment. For
manv years it ha been a public fact, undenicd
even" by the martinets of the mcdicial profes
sion, that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the
beat antidote to malaria and the finest acclimat
lun medicine in existence. In fever and ague
district, in tropical aud other regions visited
by epidemics, and indeed In all localities where
the conditions are unfavorable to health, this
famou vegetable invigorant aud alterative has
been found a potent safeguard even to feeble
constitutions and fragile frames; while as a
cure for indigestion, biliousness and all kindred
complaint it is confessedly without a rival.
A new law firm have settled among
us, Messrs. Sprague & "Wilson ; that
is to say, this is the style of the firm,
and denotes the calibre of brain pow
er they carry. Mr. Sprague is tli resi
dent partner in Plattsmouth, and Mr.
Wilson remains in Saunders County.
They are both highly spoken of, and
Mr. Sprague is well known here.
A man by the name of Herbert Wol
cott, a patient in the State Insane Asy
lum, from this County, diei, last
month. Apparently he had no friends,
as no one has enquired for him for
over two years. Dr. Stewart writes to
I. AV". McKinnon to this effect, and we
publish for the benefit of friends, if
anv there be.
One Florence Sewing Machine for
sale at this ofliee.
Sam. Darker thinks the Herald
ought to sing the name of the stock
men who "win" hogs on the road to
Chicago. All right, Samivel, we'll
mind your orders next time.
second intermediate.
d. i. maktishalk teacher.
Arithmetic Charles Cummins
Grammar Emma Russell
Music Flora Hobbs
Drawing Nannie Tibbv
Composition Alice Pollock
Geography Alvin Uass
Natural History Theodore Livingston.
Physiology Idly Tucker
Declamation Ida Waterman
miss lack A teacher.
Arithmetic Olive Horning
History Carrie Bennett
Geography Ursula Wiles
Natural Philosophy Mamie Brown
Draw ing Elsie Nichols
Grammar .Mary Vass
Mental Arithmetic Geo. Vallery
Composition Geo. Cutler
... 11
. ..13
niOK. . b. starhiko Principal.
Arithmetic -Carrie Porter 16
Grammar Louisa Shryock 20
Geography Nannie Vass 18
Composition Kate Hobbs 18
History Gilbert Hobbs 15
Reading Katie Donovan 10
Declamation Ida Conn 15
Reading Olive Gass 13
Physical Exercises Singing.
Remark by Prof. U. W. AVlse. Superintcii
delit of City Schools.
Church in Plattsniouth, by the Rev. Father
liobal. on Sunday, the i!8th inst., Mr. Michael
Meissluger and Miss Teresia Bergman, both
of this county and stat-
A good shop stands ready for a num
ber one blacksmith at this place and
plenty of work guaranteed. Address,
K. AV. Rarncm. Factory ville, Neb.
The Roc k HI tiffs R;ise Rail Club will
play a nine of the Plattsmouth Rase
Rallists for the Championship of the
County. An exciting and close game
is expected. A splendid Rat, Rail and
Relt will be given to the winning part'.
The game will be played South-west
of the Firemen's pic-nic grounds. Game
commences at 2 o'clock p. in.
A'. II. Van Epps, Elmwood, one of
the Herald's oldest subscribers called
on us yesterday and made us twice,
thrice happy.
Xotlce tn Farmers aud (J rangers.
F. .1. Mettcer has just received hi third ear
load of Marsh Harvesters and will have plenty
to supply the market this year. No danger of
running short ; send in your order. 12t-t.
Plattsmouth High School' Commence
ment Exercises, July 3d, PS74.
Praytr. Singing by all the Pupils of
thp Public Srhoofs. Address by Hon.
Ham. M. Chajtman.
Mis MAltriA Lincoln-teacher.
First and Scc-jml Priiiuirim.
Addition Table John MacDonagh
Subtraction table Willie Bryant
Multiplication table Willie Drain
Roman Numbers Guy Livingston
Reading Lulu Clark 7
I lecl.imation Ella White :
Dictation Mary Cunningham
Geography Jiiriiuie Bryant
Reading and Spelling Flora Donovan...
Reading!!. R. Livingston
Reading Daisy Clark
... 0
... 8
sirs. T. J. A it x old teacher.
Capt. L. D. Rennett, executor of the
Duke Estate, will offer for sale on the
at the front door of the Court House,
in the city of Plattsmouth, a number
of very desirable Lots and 1 'a reels of
Land suitable for homes for everybody ;
situated in "Duke's Addition."
Also some very fine lots in the city
one of which has .i desirable dwelling
house upon it.
will also be sold, lying three miles
South of town; this is a very valuable
tract ami could lie sold at private sale
readily, but must be sold at public auc
tion. Now is the time to get a chenp build
ing spot.
Parties wanting to purchase will be
shown the lots or land by Capt. Ren
nett at any time. A good clear title is
guarranteed to every lot and piece of
land sold. Remember the 18th of
15-3t. L. I). Rennett, Executor.
First and Stcond Primaries.
Addition table George Heisel
Subtraction table Lilly Dilley
Roman Number Amanda A'allery
Reading Katie Vallery
Reading Willie Wise
Declamation Cora Wayinan
Declamation Grace Arnold
Spelling Adda Buttery
AV riling Nettie Nichols
Linear Measurements Will Arnold
Drawing Lizzie Kidman
... 9
. 6
. 9
. 8
. C
miss CADM k fostf.r teacher.
July 4th, 1S74, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
The procession will form at the M.
E. Church and First Presbyterian
Church at 9), o'clock A. m., headed by
the "Weeping AA'ater Rrass Rand, and
march from there to the grounds, un
der the superintendence of the Mar
shal of the day. The Sunday Schools
will be. under the control of their Su
perintendents. Each family is expected to provide
itself with provisions, and J have a
Pic-Nic dinner.
The Rev. David Dungan and a lady
from Iowa have consented to be the
tqieakers of the day. Ample shade and
plenty of water will be upon the
grounds for all.
The grounds selected by the commit
tee is about one half mile west of the
High School building, near the resi
dence of E. R. Kennedy.
Ry order of G. M. C.
First and Stromt I'rimarie.
Addition table Clellan Morgan
Subtraction table Annie Murphy
Linear inea. Frank Rowcu
Dry meas. Anna Seybolt
Addition on Board Louise Nieman
Roman Numbers Clara Stadelniann. .
Declamation Lillie Stadelniann
Composition Louise Nieman
Eva Woodard . .
Writ ing and Reading
r igures on Board, J
Miss itF.RTUA Lincoln teacher.
Firt and Second Primaries.
Addition table Lewis Egenburger
Subtraction tabh Lewis O'Neil
Roman Numliers Willie Moore..
Reading Chas. Miller
Writing Louisa Egenburger
IVelamation Geo. Rcck
Declamation Han Oehone
Com position Mary Hempel
Singing Alice Murphy
.. 8
.. 8
.. 9
.. 8
.. 8
miss Lct.r fostf.k teacher.
Arithmetic Leua Loving 8
Written Arithmetic Ella Woodard 13
Roman Numbers Felix Kennedy.! 9
Arabic Henry Cutler 9
Declamation Alma W atciman 8
Geography Fred. Stadelniann 10
Con.Mviiioii Anna Livingston 7
Object Lesson Frank AVlieeler. 7
Song by class.
Miss FRANCIS mill teacher.
Arithmetic Frank Morgan
Arithmetic, Intellectual Jessie Smith..
Grammar Charles Gyger
Declamation Horatio Dovey
Composition little Yapp ,
Geography James Donnelly
Plants Belle AVeaver
Animals Chris Mockenhaupt
Song by class.
... 9
.. 9
miss c.ektie johnsox teacher.
Arithmetic Lizzie Cummins
Grammar Ollie Winterstein
Map Drawing Hannah Miller
Geoni, forms Lillie Bolt
Music, on Board Ollie Wiutersteln.
Composition Nellie Parmcle
Declamation Alice Eaton
Kotany Mary Leslie
Natural History Johnnie White
Natural Philosophy Nettie Brown.
i Physiology Lilly Bolt
, n"2 by class.
The procession will farm at the foot
of Main Street, at 9 . A. M., under the
supervision of the Marshal of the day,
assisted by his assistants, who will be
designated by red sashes. The pro
cession will march as follows: South
along 2nd Street to Granite; AVest
along Granite to 3rd Street: North
along 3rd Street to Main Street; AVest
along Main Street to Cth Street ; North
along Cth Street to Vine Street; North
west along Vine and AVashington Av
enue to Oak Street; East along Oak
Street to Cth Street; North on Gth
Street to the Grounds in the following
Marshal of the Day;
Ass't. Mar- A ss't Mar
shal; ORATOR OF THE DAY ; shal;
After arriving on the Grounds the
following order of proceedings will be
observed :
Residing Declaration of Independence;
O RATI O x ;
Race after Greased Pig;
iA o race;
Music ;
Singing between Toasts;
In the evening a Grand Rail will be
given at Fitzgerald's Hall ; and at 9
o'clock P. M., a grand display of Fire
AVorks will take place
The Nebraska City Silver Cornet
Rand, containing fifteen pieces, is en
gaged for the occasion and will dis
course sweet music throughout the
celebration, and will furnish the larg
est String Rand, for the Grand Rail,
ever heard in Plattsmouth.
Abundance of everything in the way
of eatables, will be on the ground; the
committee of arrangements being em
powered to see that ample provision is
made for feeding, and supplying the
Patriotic People of Cass County who
attend the celebration, witlt supplies
for the inner man.
H ATT, the butcher so they say,
Kills a steer most every day.
Cuts hint up and sends him round.
To please his customers he's bound.
E. G. Dovey, he's the man, has got a big stock
and wants to sell it. 13t2.
Common Lumber only $21 per thousand at
Good Cow and Call for sale. Enquire of
12-3t Hank Stbf.ioht, Post Office.
Go to the old reliable outfitting house of E.
G. Dovey for general goods and farmers sup
plies. 13t2.
The Mules still on hand and Jimmy always
ready with a good prod at the end of the whip.
Plenty of cheap groceries in the store at Viv
ian's ready to be sold and delivered. 13t2
And sometimes sold on time, but always sold
cheap, the stock of E. G. Dovey. 13t2
Never fails to come once a year, nor does the
season for making Hay. AVe wowld say to Far
mers, always get the best.
The Wood's Knsle Mower
is the Farmers' Favorite. Weighs but 600 lbs.,
and is noted for its simplicity and durability.
It Is taking the front rank and proves it3 supe
riority as a Mower in the three moit important
requisites, viz ; AdoUihitUu tit linerrn surface,
Eaxe of Draft, and Vourenienre Handling
Cutter Bar. Call, examine, and satisfy yourself.
Terms easy. AV. B. SWEARINGEN,
Louisville, Neb.
Sole agent for Cass County. I3tl
DOVE Y! DO VE Y! ! DO YE Y! ! !
Turn yonr attention buyers and examine the
stock of goods offered for sale by E. G. Dovey. 2
Come! Come!! Come!!!
To the Sunset house where we sell clothing
cheaper than anybody. Do not take my word
for it but come and see. We are liound to sell.
If we cannot sell for cost. We will sell you a
nice suit for 510 at Wm. Stadelmanns. "Hats
caps boots and shos. Gents furnishing goods
of all kinds cheap for cash at Wm. Stadle
nianns. i2tf.
Ball 1 Pic-Nic
Turn out everybody.
will he jn attendance.
Applications hi writine will be received by
the undersigned, np to- tin? 1st day of August
next lor the following positions, to teach in
the schools of this city to-wit :
Principal of High ScliT sal. pr month $80 00
1st and 2ml Grain 'r Sen! teachers, per mo. go oo
1st and and Interin'iate " co on
3rd and 4th Primary " 00 00
1st & 2ud Primary grades, of the 1st 2d 3d
and 4th Ward Schools 45 00
The applicants for theso positions most state
their aucM,wliereeduc;Ued.whetbergiaduated or
not. how many vear'a experience they have had
in teaching, designating each place, and length
of time teaching at each, what brunches they
have taught, and what branches they
believe themselves competent to teach, wheth
er they understand obieet-teachlng. ealesthen
les &e.. and their applications must be accom
panied by certificates of ability, and good mor
al character, or respectable references must be
given. Ckvlun F. Williams, Clerk.
12t4 of the Koard of School Commissioners.
Centaur Liniment, i
There is no pain which the
Centaur Liniment will not re
lieve, no swelling it will not
gsrvk ll,,t eure. This is strong
nELijiR language, but it Is true. Where
Llifrt t,,e Parts are not gone, its effects
- f I- ft are marvellous, it nas promicea
",n" more cures of rheumatism, neu-
ffiTArPiE ralgia. lock-jaw, palsy, sprains,
swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds,
burns, salt-rheum, &c., upon the human
frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c.
uion animals in one year than have al
other pretended remedies since the world
began. It Is a counter-irritant, an all-healing
pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their
crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren
dered harmless, and the wounded are healed
without a sear. It is no humbug. The recipe is
selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells
because it does just what it pretends to do.
Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or
swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use
Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 oertiBcates
of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs,
chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &e.
have been received. AVe will send a circular
containing certificates, the recipe. &c, gratis to !
to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel- 1
low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one i
hundred dollars for foundered or sweenled hor-
ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep.
Stock -owners this liniment is worth your at
tention. No family should be without Centaur
Liniment. J. B. & Co., New York. 4G-ly
The use of a fiinu for 4 vears : the party rent
ing to ito some breaking and pay taxe no
other expense. CaU at t lie ofliee of
Mtf Smith & Wisphax.
Soda Water. Ice Cream, Lunches and Meals
at all hours at Ren. liemple's. 7tL
An improved farm, four m!le3 from Platts
mouth, well watered. Iu0 acres under Improve;
ment. Can be bought for part cash In hand,
balance on long time. Inquire of
42tf Smith & Wisduam.
Castokia is more than a substitute for Cas
tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence
which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate
the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural
sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine
or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children
need not cry and mothers may rest. 4G-ly
Go to Den. Hemple's for Soda Water aud lee
Cream, this Summer. Ttf.
On the north side of lower Main street. In the
city of Plattsmouth, there's the spot we want
to see all our friends. E. G. Dovey. 13t2.
TWELVE HUNDRED Cedar Posts at S23 cts.
apiece, at AVATERMAN'S. 13t2
Still at the old stand. China ware going at a
song. Groceries, fresh A'egetablcs, Fruit and
Flowers. Now is you chance, by the powers,
at A'ivians. 13t2
From no other cause than having worms in the
stomach. .
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE, and free from all col
oring of other injurious ingredients usually
usedin worm preparations,
t'rRTis & Buown. Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street. New A'ork.
Sold bv Druggists and Chemists and dealers
In Medicines at 25 cents a box. 24wly
All order for feed, flour and meal, left at
Streight & Dilley's will receive pronmt atten
tion. 51tfJ C. Hkiskl.
Bet tree a the P. O. and Brooks Hons?.
Farm for Sale.
One of the LEST FARMS In Cass county.
I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of
lOO ArrrN.
:it Glemlale. Alout 100 acres of it are
under cultivation, and about 40 acres of young,
thrifty timber, consisting of oak, hickory, silver
maple, walnut, Cottonwood, &c, &c. Also a
young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens, &c.
The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey Locust
hedge, is well watered for all uses. There is
also six acres of island timber, four and a half
miles distant.
There are two railroad stations at 4 and 4'
miles distant. The Glendalo Postoffice and a
school house on the farm. Price, $4,ooo ; one
fourth down ; for the balance, any time re
quired will be given by paying interest in ad
vance. Apply to the subscriber,
A. L. Chili, or
To I). II. AVhekler t Co, or
4stf Smith & AA'invham.
160 acres of unimproved land, four miles from
Plattsmouth; good locality ; eau be bought
reasonable. Call at the office of
,2tf Smith & Wisduam.
Business is business, and so arc the Cigars at
the T. O. Book Store. 6-tf.
The large and commodious ware-room, cellar
and office, on second floor of building, formerly
occupied bv Jacob Vallery, Jr. in Masonic
Block. Enquire of R, R. Livixostox or
43-tf E. T. Di rk.
A valuable farm near Weeping Water Falls,
cultivated, with water and timber, &c. For
particulars, call at the office of
6tf smith & AVindham.
80 acres of land on desirable terms, ? loo cash
in hand, balance on time to suit purchasers.
For particulars, call at the office or
5tf Smith & Wixdham.-
too acres of unimproved land near Eight Mile
Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms.
For particulars call at the office of
42tf Smith & AA'ixdham.
Two houses one for cash and one on time.
For full particulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 60 tf
I challenge the whole northwest in low down
prices. Read the figures aud judge :
Women's Serge Gaiters, SI.
18 Serge Gaiters, S2.25. No Shoddy.
Men's Flrogans, SI. 23.
" Boots, tiood whole stock.
Everything else In proportion. ,
Call and examine before purchasing else
where. Will be pleased to show them. Main
street, 3 doors east of Post Office.
7tL Peter Merges.
One house. .Apply to E. G. Dovey.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre
senption of one of the best Female Phvsicians
and Nurses in the United States, and hits been
used for thirty years with never failing safety
and success bv million nf nuit liera und child
ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to
the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the liowels. and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to he the Best and Surest
Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery
nd Diarrhea in children, whether it arises
irom leeming oi any other cause. Full flirec
tions for using will accompany each botue.
None (Genuine unless the far simile of CURTIS
& PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold
by all Medicin Dealers. 24wly
lfio acres of land belonging to Cass Conntv
Nebraska being the South West quarter jif
Section No. Five b Township No. Eleven (11)
North of Range No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth
Principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile
For Terms of sale see
L. H. James 1
Timothy Clark or' Co. Comr's.
3tf M. L. White.
A desirable residence, in Plattsmouth, for
sale. Sjou down, balance on time to suit pur
chasers. A burgain. Call at office of
5itf Smith & Windham.
120 acres of land in Otoe county, near Palmy
ra : 40 acres cultivated : water and timber con
venient : joins iiuiH-oved farms ; very desirable ;
on lime to suit ptui'haser. Call at offlc of
5itf Smith ta Wikdhau.
120 acres of land, in Mt. Pleasant precinct.
or terms, call at the ofliee of
. 42tf Smith & AVisdham.
IV h y Will You
Hufl'er ?
To all persons suffer
ing from Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Craiiii iu
the limbs or stomach,
Hillious Colic, Pain in
back, imwcls or side, we
Would S.IV.THK. HoL'SK- and
Family Ijnimkxt is
of all others the remedy
you want for internal
and external us'. It has
cured the above com
plaints in thousands of
cases. There is no mis
take about it. Try it.
Sold by ail Druggists.
Go to Frank Stadter and have a stepcil plate
cut to mark your movable property. That's
business ! 43 tf
LEGAIj notices.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Probate of tha last will
and testament of Henry Stoll, deceased.
To whom it may Concern:
Take notice that C. Heisel, has filed In my of
fice an instrument of writing, purporting to be
the last will and testament of Henry Stoll, and
made application that the same be admitted to
Probate, and that said cause is set for hearing
at my ofliee, in Plattsmouth, on the 24th dav of
July. A. 1). 1874. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day ;
at which time all persons interested are notified
and required to appear and contest the saute, or
to show eause if any they have, why said in
strument should not be allowed as the last will
and testament of Henry Stoll, deceased.
Witness my hand and official eal this, the
1st day of July, A. D. 1874.
14t3 I'robate Judge.
Probate Notice.
lief ore the Proltate Judge:
In the matter of the application for the adop
tion by Clark Pepper, of two minor
chiidren, son and daughter of Alice M. Smith.
Notice is hereby given, that application has
been made to me, for the adoption, by Clark
Pepper, of Daniel W.Smith, and Clara Smith,
two minor children, son and daughter of Alice
M. Smith, aud that a hearing of said matter
will be had before me at 4 o'clock P. M.. on
Monday the 24 th dav of . I ill v- A. It.. 1374. at the
Court ffouse in Plattsmouth. Cass County, Ne-
DrasKa. wnere an parties interestea may at
tend and they shall oe heard.
11. 1SI.I.1M1,
I'robate Judge.
Plattsmouth, June 1st, 174. ut2
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an Order of Sale, issued out of
the District Court, in and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the 20th
day of July, A. D. 1874. at lo o'clock A. M.. of
said dav, at the south door of the Court
it. . 1 i , ..f Ti. t i ...
Jltfum 111 II1C7 V III vt . iaib.iinuutii ' 3..III
County sell at ltiblic Auction, the following
Real Estate to-wit : Lot number nine (SO, in
block twenty-nine (20. situated in the cily of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, together
with all the privileges and appurtenances there
to belonging ; to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered, by John Tallon, Plaintiff, against El
bert T. Duke, and Lloyd D. Bennett, executors
and legal representatives of the estate of Shep
ard Duke, deceased, and Lavina Duke.
M. a. CUTLEK. Sheriff.
Cass County, Neb.
Chapman-& Maxwell,
Att'ys for PTff.
Plattsmouth. June 17lh. 1874. 12tS
Legal Notice.
In the District Court, 2nd Judicial District, in
and for Cass County, Nebraska.
Calvin Stewart, 1 Plaintiff.
vs. y
James Jerome, ) Defendant.
You will take notice that I did, on the I7tli
day of June, A. D. 1S74, tile in the office of the
Clerk of tbe District Court. 2nd Judicial District
in and for Cass County, Nebraska, a petition
against you, the object and prayer of which is
to compel Defendant to place a certain warran
ty deed, executed by you, to Plaintiff, conveying
the east half (e'i). of the narth-west quarter
(nw!i), of section thirty-two (32). in town ten
(10), range fourteen (14) east, in Cass County,
Nebraska, and placed in your hands by this
Plaintiff, to lie placed ujiou record ; and that in
the event of your failure to place said deed up
on record, that the District Court will decree
the full and complete title, both equitable and
legal ! be in this Plaintiff, and that the cloud
cast upon Plaintiff's title to said real estate, by
reason of the failure of said Defendant to place
said deed upon record be removed,
and that the Sheriff of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, as special master may
be ordered to make, execute, and deliver a
deed to Plaintiff, Calvin Stewart, for said Real
Estate, in conformity to. and with the decree of
the Court. You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 2ith day of July, 1874. or
default will be taken against von upon the
same. CALVIN S rfeWA RT.
by CitAfMAN & Maxwell,
12U His Attorneys.
Executors Sale of Real Estate
"P.v virtue of an order of sale from Judge of
Disirict Court (and under the seal of the samel
in and for the District Court. Second Judicial
District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne
braska, and directed to the undersigned, in an
action wherein Lloyd D. Bennett, surviving ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Shep
herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Lavina
Duke and others are Defendants, 1 will at 10
o'clock a. in., on t he
ltttli Iay ot JTnly. 1874,
In front of the Court House in the City of Platts
mouth aud State of Nebraska, offer for sale at
public auction, to the highest bidder the lands
and tenements hereinafter described, on terms
following, to-w it ; cash in hand. Said lands be
long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased,
and are described as follows, to-wit :
A subdivision of lot eleven fit in section
twenty-nine 120) town twelve 12 and rauge
fourteen 141, containing eight J acres, said
tract of land lying and being in Cass County
and state of Nebraska ; also the following lots
in the city of Plattsmouth, in said Cass County,
lots four 14, five is, six 6, and eleven 111 in
in block five 5, lot four 4 in block forty-four
441 ; also the following lots lying and being in
Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth.
a foresaid, -that is to say lot four (4) in block
three lots-one (l) two (2) three (3) four (4)
five fR) six () nine ( ten (lo) eleven (11) twelve
(12) thirteeen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen
(16 seventeen (17) eighteen (Is) and nineteen
(i, in block four (4), lots six ( seven (7) eight
(si nine ( ten (10) eleven (if) twelve (12) thir
teen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (16)
seventeen (17) eighteen (18) and twenty (20) in
block five 5), lots four (4) five (.") six (
seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) ten(io eleven (11)
and twelve (12) in block six (6). lots one (I)
two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) seven m
and eight (s) in block seveu (7). lots three (3)
andjfour (4) in block nine lots two 2) three
(3) four (4 live (5) six ( seven (7) eisiht (8) nine
( ten (to) eleven (H) and twelve 112) in block
eleven (11). all of block twelve (12) being lots
one 1 1) 10 twenty-two (22), inclusive, allot oiocK
thirteen (13) being lots one (l) to twenty-two (22)
inclusive, lots one UJ and 12J in block fourteen
(14), lots one (1) two (2") three (3) four (4 five (5)
and six (3)in blin k fifteen (l.Vi. lots three (3)
four 4) and live (5) in block eighteen (ii. lots
(12) being lots one (1) to twenty-two (22) inclus
ive except lot (12), lots one ll three 13) four 4
five Z six ll seven 17 eight s ten 10 fifteen
ilojsixteen lio in block twentv-one2l.lots one
11 two 2 three 3 four 4J five 5) six 16 seven
7 eight is nine 9 ten lo eleven 111 and
twelve 112 in block twenty-three (23j, lots three
."! seven 7 eight fsl nine 9 and ten lo in
block twenty six 2f. lots one 1 J two 2 three
13 four 4 six l seven 17 eight 18) nine ten
10 eleven HJ and twelve 12 in block tweutv
seven )27. nil of Mock twenty-eight (28) except
lot seventeen (17) being lots one )1 to twenty
(20) inclusive, exempt lot seventeen (17); lots
six 6 seven 7 eight 8 eieven (11) aud twelve
(12) in block Iwentv-nine fit, lots one 11 two
a tnree 3 lour 4i nve 5 six 6
anueignt m tn Mock thirty i:nt. i
iouriiaiiu live (.) in uiook eiuniecn 1 1. w
one 1 two 121 three 13 seven 7 eight )8 nil
ten lo eleven 111 and twelve 12 in bbf
nineteen 19, all of block twenty (20) except 1
lots three
- Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the
District Conrt. in and for Cass County. Nebras
ka, and to me directed, 1 will on lh thirteenth
(13th) dav of July. A. D. 174. at II o'clock A. M.
of said day. at the south door of tbe Court
House, in the ctv of Plattsniouth. in said
Couuty, sell a public aucliou the property d -tcjibed
ia said order to-wit : The south hslf
(s'4), of the north-west quarter fnwli), of sec
tion number thirty-two (32). town twelve (12).
range nine (9). Cass County Nebraska ; to sat
isfy a judgment recovered by the Molinc Plow
Company against It. (J. Doom, and Kverton
Doom, comprising the firm of Doom Bros, tt Co.
and Elizalieth Doom. M. B, CUTLEK.
Sheriff. Cass Co. Neb.
Plattsmouth, June utli, 1874. ll-5t
t'H truA.N a Maxwell.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Br virtue of an order of sale issued out of tho
District Court, in and for Cass county, Nebras
ka, and to me directed. 1 will, on the tl'.lr
lernlh (mil) day of July. A. D. 174. at one
o'clock P. -M. of said dav, at the South door of
the Conit House, in the Citv of Plattsmouth In
said County, sell at public auction the proerty
deserilied in said order to-wit ; One-half acre
of land. situated iu the south-west comer of tl.e
south- west quarter of section ton loj. town ten
(lot, range teu (in) east, sixth (Gth) principal me
ridian. Cass County, Nebraska, to satisfy a judit
inent recovered by Thomas F. Robbins against
John H.Hogan. M. B. CUTLER. Sheriff.
Cass Co. Nebraska.
Plattsmouth. June 9th 1S74. n-fct
Chapman & Maxwell.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Knied out of the
District Court, In and fr Cass Conuty, Nebras
ka, and to me directed. I will tn the thirteen' ii
(13th)davof Julv. A. D. 1874. at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said dav. at the South door of the Court
House, in Hie city of Hat tsmout h. in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction, the property dencrib
ed in said order to-wit : Lot number nine (), in
block number Iwentv-one (21). iu Duke's addi
tion, to the citv of liattsmoulh, Cass County.
Nebraska ; to satisfy a judgment recovered by
John Fitzgerald against H. C. and A. E. Ran
dall. M. B. CUTLEK. Sheriff.
Cass Co. Nebraska.
Flattsirouth, June loth 1874. ll-0t
Chapman & Maxwell.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Purchasers of B. &
M. R. R. Lands.
Lincoln. NemcaskA, (
May 25th. 1874. f
Notice Is hereby given, that we are prepared
to take u the Pre-emption Ccrtflicates under
which, parties obtained lauds from us prior to
July 1st 132, aud replace the same with regular
contracts as required by said certificate.
Parties holding such certificates are notified
to present the same for excharge at the & M.
Laud office at Lincoln, Neb., within sixty days
from the date thereof, or. the certificates may
be sent by mail wheu contracts w ill be returned
in the same maimer. Address,
Ass't Itiu1 Com'r.
9-)t Lincoln Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an Order of Sale, Issued out of
the District Court for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 will on the Cth
day of July, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock A.M., of
said day, at the South door of the Court House,
in the citv Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at
Public Auction the property described in said
order to-wit : The south half of the south half
of the south-east quarter of section uumber
four, and the north-east quarter of section num
ber nine, all in township twelve, north of range
thirteen east 6t h of principle Meridian, Cass Co..
Nebraska to satisfy a judgment of said Court,
recovered bv Robert (J. Doom, against Henry
H. Pettit, Eliza L. Pettit. and John Fitzgerald.
M. B. CUTLER. Sheriff.
Cass Co., Neb.
riattsmouth, June 2nd. 1874. lo-t5
Chapman & Maxwell,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the
District Court, in and for Cass County. Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the 14th day of
July, A. D. 1874. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
at tne south door of the Court House in the city
of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at Public
Auction, the property described in said order
to-w it :
Lots one two three l 2 J in bloek three 3,
lots one two three four five nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen fifteen sixteen seventeen and
eighteen 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 15 10 17 18 IU block
four 4. lots six seven eight nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seven
teen eighteen twenty twenty-one and twenty
two li 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 20 21 22 111
block five (5J. lots two three four live six seven
eight nine ten and twelve 2 3 4 C 6 7 8 9 10 12
in block six B. lots one two three four five six
seven and eight 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 iu block seven
71. lots one two three and four 1 2 3 4 iu block
nine 19, lots one two three four five seven eight
ten eleven and twelve (1 234 678 1011 12 in
block teu lo, lots one two three four five sev
en eight nine ten eleven and twelve 12 3 4 5 7 8
9 10 11 12 in block eleven 11. lots one two three
four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eigh
teen nineteen twenty twenty-two 1 2 346678
9 10 11 12 1314 15 1C 17 1 8 1 9 20 22 ill block" twelve
12, lots one two three four five six seven eight
nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
sixlcttii seventeen eighteen twenty twenty
one twentv-two 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 1G
17 18 20 21 22 ill bloek thirteen 13, lots one two
1 2) in block fourteen 114, lots one two three
four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven and twelve 1 23 4 5 ti 7 8 10 11
12 in block fifteen is, lots three four
and five 3 4 5 iu block eighteen 18,
lots one two three four five seven eight nine
eleven and twelve (1 23 4578 9 11 and 12) iu
block nineteen (19) ; lots one two three four five
six seven nine ten eleven fourteen fifteen six
teen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one
and twenty-two (I 2 3 4 56 7 9 10 11 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 and 22 iu bloek twenty 120 : lots
one five six seven eight ten eleven twelve seven
teen eighteen nineteen and twenty 1 5 G 7 8 10
11 12 17 119 and 2") in block twenty-one 21;
lots one two iour nve seven cicni nine ten eiev-
one two three and four 1 2 3
o three
four 1 2 3 4 in bloek twenty-five 25 : lots
one two tli re j seven eight nine and teu
I 2 3 7 8 9 lo in bloek twanty-slx 2C : lots one
two three four six eight nine ten eleven and
twelve (1 23 4689 loll 12J in bloek twenty
seven 27) ; lots one two three four six seven
eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
fUtcen sixteen eighteen nineteen and twenty
11 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 in block
twenty-eight (28 ; lots one two three five nine
ten eleven and twelve 1 2 3 5 9 10 1 1 12 In block
twenty-nine 29 ; one two five six seven and
eight l 2 56 78 in block thirty :); lots five
six seven and eight 5 6 7 8 In block thirty-one
31 J: being two hundred ami fifty nine 259
lots in Duke's Addition to liattsmoutli City,
Cass County Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of
said court, recovered by the First National
Bank, of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, against E. T.
Duke and Lloyd D. Bennett, as executors of the
estate of S. Duke, deeased, aud Lloyd D. Ben
nett. M. B. CUTLER.
Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
riattsmouth, June nth. 1874.
Chapman & Maxwell,
lit Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
lots one iwo 10111 ue seveu cigiii nine leu eiev
en and twelve 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 in blocl
twentv-two 221 ; iota one two three four fivi
six seven and eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 iu block twen
ty-tnree 12:11 ; lots one two three and ion
4) in block twenty-four 24 : lots one twe
Dick StreigliVx
Livery, Feed & Sale Stables,
Corner 6th and Tearl sts.
Horses Boarded by the Day
Week or Month.
iirht (si i
four 41 five 151 six 161 seven 1 7l and eight 8
in block thirty-one. ?. 1. lots one (O two (2
three (.i four (4 five (3) seven (7) nine(9) teu (no
eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (10). low
one(D two (2) four (4) five (.s) seven 7) eight ()
nine (9) ten (10) elevtn (.11) twelve (12) in block
twenty-two (22).
Lots three :) and four (4) In block elcht (a).
Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m.,
until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and
it will be adjourned from day to day until all
are sold ;
Plattsmouth, June l&th, 171
Lloyd D. Bkxjtett,
Surviving Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased.
Wheeler & srrixcHeoMB.
J3-41 Attorneys for "Executor.
Particular Attention Paid to
Driving and Training
Trotting Stock.
DR. "W. D. JONES, will slaud two of the finest
Ever brought to this Stale,
during the season of 1874.
an iron grey Stallion, 6 years old. sired by a full
Moodea Norman Horse, aul ra.-sed by inos.
mtien, 01 fiercer to,, ill.
sired by Libertv and running back to MEDOC,
the Kentucky "Horse, is a. daimled bav. lfi'i
hands high, and is given up by horsemen to be
the fineat Horse ever brought to Cass County.
TERMS : To Insure, 10.
At Plattsmouth, Thursdays, Fridavs. and Sat
urdays of each week, and at Rock Bluffs. Mon-
I davs. Tucrta-vv and Wednesdays, during the
sessou. Wra
Funerals attended on Short Notfeel
Main Strcel, next door to Brooks House, Plattsmouth. Neb.
Down Oo the Prices
Southwest Corner Main .Street, riatl.sinouUi, Nebraska,
Dress Good. Prints, JJooU ana .Shoes,
Delaines, fJinghanis,
JJrown Sheeting.
Uleached Cottons, morals. Carpels.
Clark's new Thread, Cotton Vi.t 11:
In the Grocery line wo keep the Finest and J3ct
Tea, Coffee, .Suar, Molasses,
Dried Fruits, .spice, etc.. etc.
In fact for Your Groceries, I Urdu iwo
Queensware, oodtn Ware.
Glassware, 1 aimee lotions,
Hats and Caps, JJoota mA tfboc,
D. SfJTINASSE i& co:s.
Farmers MA tension. !
Look to your Interests by buying:
Agricultural Implements
v. yt :'
Agents for the justly Cthbrat'd.
Law, Adams & French Harvester.
Carriages THREE Binders when necessary, uses no Kelt. Canvass u Pullyes hi elevating th
Grain. Also agents for the
Omaha New Manny Reaper and Mower, Eagle Cultivator, Thonina Com Ilflf.
row, Studebaker Wagon, Grand Dctotir or Dixon Sterling
and Breaking Plows, Ilnper, Ilolings-
worth and 1'acilic Hay
Hakes, &c.
r-OFFICE-Soujh side Main street, west of Cth, Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Two doors south of Main street on west side of .Sixth. Call andsf-c
and get a Machine.
23 & I r:.--;1'!!'!' ....