Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 09, 1882, Image 3

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    Mftrrlhgo Vows.
A couple called oti a Leavenworth
Justice to bo wedded nt cloven o'clock
the other night, but tho inngistrnto
would not get out to do it, and tho be
lated caudhlates beginning to upbraid
each othur for tho tardiness, quarreled,
and parted never, novcr mora to meet
on earth. Tho vow thoy had registered
in Heavou to cling to each otlior for
ever, was reoallod and replaced by
nnothor to the ollect that thoy would,
us aforesaid, nover moot again. liul
they woro tho victims of fate, for tho
next evening thoy did moot again at (ho
magistrate's oflicc, and were married
tho gentleman to another lady, and tho
lady to anothor gcntli'iuau. A correct
ro'ordof tho thoughts thai tilled tho
bosom1 of tho original couple as tho re
markablo doublo wedding progressed
would bo worth five good dollars; and
if the two now couples do not in turn
disintegrate and the parties of tho
original couple haul down their vow for
further repairs, and leave for that
famous rosoit called unknown parts,
then, tho way such things have gener
ally turned out in tho past may not bo
relied upon as procodonts. Detroit
Free Press.
"Doos your daughter livo out
.Tones?" "No, she lives in a house,
thuuk ye, bein's the weather's cold."
A Telling T.nw.
Mr. Charles Law, Jr., In conversation with
one of our representatives, recently said: "I
Lave been n sullcrcr from rheumatism and
neuralgia for the past ten years, nnd tried ull
ldndsof remedies. Havluglicardsp much about
81,. Jacobs Oil, 1 tried a bottle, nnd found It
truly wonderful Pottstown Pa.) Ledger.
A him. out West Is called Turtlo Mount
ain. If It is only a hill It must bo a mock
turtle mountain. The Jmljc.
Mit. Ed., the celebrated oarsman,
Kingston, Canada, says: "I liavo found St.
Jacobs OH a sure and certain euro for rheu
matism, etc." Xcxo York Clipjur.
All AnouT a Shoe-peg. It Is laughable to
eeo bow llttlo It takes to raise a crowd or
start a story In a city street. "Never you
mind me," said a bent-over old man. when
asked what had happened to him. "How did
lio Ret hurt?" asked a man out of breath.
"Did tho horse step on lilml" queried a col
ored man with spectacles on. "Where did
inc (loij uuo mini um iney snoot, mo uoei
"Was It a big dotil Has ho got a wife? Did
they live together?" rattled a woman mado
up n good ( like Widow Bedott. "Como
and seethe man In a fit," squeaked out a boot
Mnck, us ho called the rest of tho brigade.
"Lookout, he's Kolnjr to shoot 1" yelled ablg
man with red whiskers; and the crowd blew
away like dust when the old man slid his hand
Into his pocket as If for a shooting Iron. Then
lie straightened himself and started off on his
own Individual business, muttering some
thing about "What the mischief It was to
them If ho wauted to sit down and take a peg
out of his shoe." Detroit Post.
Tho 1'rccloiiH Illood.
The blood Is a most precious clement of life.
It Is very susceptible to the influences of
organic diseases. It 13 quickly poisoned by
coming In contact with any thing of a poison
ous nature. Don't let this stream of life ebb
too low. When tho blood becomes thin and
watery, disease enters tho citadel of life and
becomes master. Dr. Uuysott's Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparllla Is a blood maker. It will In
fuse now strength and vigor Into the whoU
circulatory systom. It makes tho blood rich,
red and pure, and drives out all disease, nnd
poisonous humors, and gives strength to cv
ery part of the body.
The 1'iovtdence Transcript asserts that
Western rats commit suicide. Let's import
that kind. Boston Post.
Mn. Jekhy WiNCHKi.r., of Warsaw Ky.,
writes: "Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and
Sarsaparllla Is tho best blood purifier, I Jver
used. I find It cures pimples, etc, very quick
ly. For indigestion it is unexcelled by tny
medicine I every tried."
When a doctor can't
else to prescribe ho fulls
rest." Detroit Free Press,
think of
back on
Anil Everybody Klso Say That "Which No
body Can Deny."
Neuralgic and Nervous Headaches removed
bv Dr. Deiison's Celery Tills.
'Ilumors, Scrofula, Ulcers, vanish beforcDr.
Ueuson's Skin Cure. Highly recommended.
Oh, my hcadachol Itoinovo tho cause by
Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Tills.
The waiters ought to succeed in a strike,
for thoy usually carry all before them. Dos-
ton Courier.
" Too late to whet the sword when the
trumpet sounds to draw It." Uut never too
late to whet your appetite by taking Kidney
Wort, reetoiing health and making yourso'f a
well, strong, hearty man. It Is unequalled as
a remedy for all liver, bowels and kiduey tfis:
cases. All druggists kcop and recommend It.
"The end of the so.ison," remarked Fogg,
holding up tho empty pepper-box. Motion
Skinnt Mex. " Wells' Health Reuewer" re
stores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia. (1.
Time is a good deal llko a mulo. It is
tcr to ho ahead of time than behind time.
Nonparell Velveteen. J """
" Another velvet season is one of tho cer
tainties announced thus early by the mer
chants. Tho best service Is given by tho close,
short pile velvets,suchas tho Nonpareil Velvot
cen, which Is not easily marred or crushod.
The Nonpareil Velveteen Is found in all tho
Btyllsh now shades, and when mado up, with
tho pile turned upward, It cannot bo distin
guished from silk velvet Tho dlflerenco In
tho prico makes a garment cost about one
thlrd as much as If mado of Lyon's silk
velvet." From 7iirw' Bazar, September 2.
To bo purchased from all flrat-class dry goods
Extraordinary Cnao.
Aubti.v, Tex., Fob. 20.
To Mr. J. W. Graham, Druggist:
Dear Sir My case was an acute form of bron
chitis, and was of ono and a half year's dura
tion. I employed tho best medical aid possible,
but failed rapldly.untll tho doctors said I would
die that my caso was Incurable. Thrown upon
tny own resources, 1 got a bottle of Dn Wm.
Hall's Balaam ron the Lunos, and In six
Lours felt a decided relief. In three days the
cough almost dluappearod. Now that my
chances of life ore good formally years, I earn
estly recommend the above to every sufferer
of lung or throat disease. Q. G. Latiiuop.
Wise's Axle Groaso
Everybody praise it
it a grand succcf
Unusual Kxperlonce of n L'romlnout
Man Mitdo rublle.
The following article from the Democrat ami
Chronicle, of llochcstor, N. Y.t Is of so strik
ing a nature, and emanates from so reliable a
source, that it Is herewith rc-publiMiod entire,
In addition to tho valuable matter It coutalus.
it will be found exceedingly Interesting.
To the Editor of the Democrat and Chronicle:
Stn: My motives for the publication of tho
most unusual statements which follow are,
first, gratltudo for tho fact that 1 have been
saved from a most horrible death, and, second
ly, a desire to warn all who road this state
ment against some of the most deceptive In
fluences by which they have ever been sur
rounded. It Is a fact that to-day thousands
of people are within a foot of tho gravo and
thoy do not know It To tell how I was
caught away from just this position, and to
warn others against Hearing It, uro my objects
In this communication.
On tho fit st day of June, 1831, 1 lay at my
residence In this city surrounded by my friends
and watting for mv death. Heaven only
knows tho agony I then endured, for words
can never describe it. And yet, If a fow years
Ercvlous, any Ono had told mo that I was to bo
rought so low, and by so terrible a disease, I
should have scoffed at the Idea. I had always
been uncommonly strong and hoalthy, had
weighed over "OJ pounds and hardly knew, In
my own experience, what pain or sickness
were. Very many people who will read this
statement realize at times that they arc un
usually tired and cannot account for It Thoy
feel dull and indefinite pains in various parts
of tho body and do not understand It. Or
they are exceedingly hungry one day and en
tirely without appetlto the next This was
Just the way I felt when the relentless malady
which had lastcned Itself upon me llrst began.
Still I thought it was nothing; that probably
Iliad taken a cold which would soon pass
away. Shortly after tlih I noticed a dull, and
at tunes a neuralgic palu In my head, but as
it would como ono day and bo gone tho next,
I paid but llttlo attention to It. However, my
stomach was out of order and my food often
failod to digost causing at times great in
convenience. Yet 1 had no Idea, oven as u
physician, that theso thing) meant anything
serious or that a monstrous disease was be
coming fixed upon me. Candidly, I thought
1 was suffering from Malaria and so doctored
myself accordingly. Hut I got no bettor. I
next noticed a ecullar color and odor about
the fluids I was passing also that there were
large quantities one day and very llttlo the
next, and that a persistent froth and scum ap
peal ed upon the surface, and a sediment set
tled In the bottom. And yet I did not realize
my danger, for, Indeed, seeing these syni
toms contlnunlly, I Anally became accustomed
to them, and my suspicion was wholly dis
armed by the fact that I had no pain In the
affected organs or In their vicinity. Why I
should have been so blind 1 cannot understand.
Thero Is a terrible future for nil physical
neglect, ami Impending danger always brings
u person to his senses even though It may then
bo too late. I realized, at last, my critical
condition and aroused myself to overcome it.
And, Oh I how hard 1 tried 1 1 consulted the
best medic d skill in the laud. I visited nil
tho prominent mineral springs In America nnd
traveled from Maine to California. Still I
grow worse. No two physicians agreed as to
my malady. One said I was troubled with
spinal Irritation; another, nervous prostra
tion; another, malaria; another, dyspepsia;
another, heart-disease; another, general de
bility; another, congestion of the base of the
brain; and so on through a long list of com
mon diseases, the symptoms of all of which I
really had. In this way several years passed,
during all of which time I was steadily grow
ing worse. My condition had really become
pitiable. The slight symptoms 1 at llrst ex
perienced weru developed tuto terrible and
constant disorders tho little twigs of pain
had grown to oaks of agony. My weight had
been reduced from 207 to WO pounds. My life
was a torture to myscii ami irionus. i could
retain no food upon my stomach, and lived
wholly by Injections. I was a living mass of
pain. My pulso was uncontrollable. In my
agony I frequently fell upon the lloor, con
vulsively clutched tho carpet, and prayed for
death. Morphine had llttlo or no effect in
doadcnlng tho pain. For six days and nights
I had tho death-nromonltory hiccoughs con
stantly. My urlnn was filled with tulio casts
and albumen. I was struggling with Urlght's
Dlseaso of the Kidneys In Its last stages.
While sulTerlng thus 1 received a call from
my pastor, tho Kev. Dr. Footc, roctor of St.
Taul'a Church, of this city. I felt that It was
our last Interview, but In the course of con
versation ho mentioned a remedy of which I
had heard much but had never used. Dr.
Foote detailed to me the many remarkable
cures which had come under his observation,
by means of this remedy, and urged mo to try
it. As a practicing physician and a graduate
of tho t-chools, I cherished tho prejudice both
natural and common with all regular practi
tioners, and derided tho idea of any medicine
outside the regular channels being the least
bcucllclal. So solicitous, however, was Dr.
Foote, that I fin illy promised I would waive
my piojudlce and try the remedy he so highly
recommended. I began its use on the 1st day
of June and took It according to directions.
At llrst it sickened me; but this I thought
was a good sign for mo in my debilitated con
dition. 1 continued to take'lt; the sickening
sensation departed and I was able to retain
food upon my stomach. In a fow days I no
ticed a decided change for tho better as also
did my wife and irlends. My hiccoughs ceased
and I experienced less pain than formerly. I
was so rejoiced at tills Improved condition
that, upon what I had believed but a few days
before was my dying bed, I vowed, In tho
presence of my family and friends, should I
recover I would both publicly and privately
make known tills remedy for the good of hu
manity, wherever and whenever I had an op
portunity. I also determined that I would
give a course of lectures In tho Corinthian
Academy, of Music of this city, stating In full
the symptoms and almost hopelessness of my
disease and the remarkable means by which I
have been saved. My Improvement was con
stant from that time, and Ju less than three
mouths I had gained 80 pounds In tlcdi, be
came entirely freu from pain, and I believe I
owe my llfo and present condition wholly to
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curo, the
remedy which I used.
Sluee my recovery I havo thoroughly re-Iu-vestffiated
the subjeet of kiduey dllllcultlcs
and liiight's disease, and tho truths developed
aire astounding. 1 therefore state, deliberate
ly, and as a pliysicl n, mat 1 nciicvo mat more
in ono-iuii tnc aeams wuieu occur in
America uto caused by Brlght's dl?e;ife of the
kidneys. This may sound like a lash state
ment, but I am prepared to fully verify it.
llrlglit's disease ling no distinctive symptoms
of its own, (Indeed, It oiten develops without
any niln whatever In the kidneys or their
vicinity), but has the symptoms of nearly ev
ery other known. complaint. Hundreds of
people die dally, whoso burials aro authorized
by a physician's certlllcate of "Heart DIs
ease," ' Apoplexy, "Tar lysis," "Spinal
Complaint," "Khoumatlsni," "Tneumonla,"
and other common complaints, when In reality
it was Urlght's Dlseaso of the Kidneys. Few
physicians, and fewer people, realire the ex
tent of this disease or Its dangerous and In
sidious nature. It steals Into, the system like
a thief, maulfests Its presence by the com
monest symptoms and fastens Itself upon the
constitution before tho victim Is aware. It is
early as hereditary as consumption, quite as
common and fully as fatal. Kntlro families,
nherltlug it from their ancestors, have died,
and yet none of tlie number knew or realized
tho mysterious power which was removing
them. Instead ot common symptoms it often
shows none whatover, but firings doath sud
denly, and as such is u-illy supposed to be
hcart-dlscaso. As ono who has suffered, nnd
knows by bitter experience what he says, I
Implore every ono who reads these words not
to neglect tho slightest symptoms of Kidney
dlfllculty. Certain ngouy and possible death
will bo the suro result of such neglect, indno
ono can afford to hazard such chances.
I am aware that such an unqualified state
ment as this, coming from mc, known as I
am throughout tho entire land as a practition
er and lecturer, will arouso tho surprise nnd
possible animosity of tho medical profession
and astonish all with whom I am acquainted,
but I inako tho foregoing statements based
upon facts which I am prep ired to produce
and truths which I can sunstautlato to the
letter. The wolfaro of those who may possi
bly bo sufferers such as I was, is on amnio in
ducement for mo to tako tho step I have, and
if I can successfully warn others from tho
dangerous path In which I once walked, I am
willing to ondurc all professional and personal
consequences. J. I). 1IENION, M. I).
" When Is ycr gwlno tcr Frcdcrlcksburgt"
asked an Austin negro, who had learned to
read, of ono who had not acquired tho accom
plishment " I am gwine tcr-morrow mornlu'
In tin ftnrlv nfniri. ' llnn'f. vap rrn In Mu,
early stage, Ju lus. Itcllsyer don't ycr risk
It." "Why not, Tomnoy!" 'llckaso do
early stages am sickly. I read n piece yester
day, warnlii' folks about consumption in tho
-- ii
lio AVIso nnd Happy,
If you will stop all your extravagant nnd
wrongnotlons in doctoring yourself and fami
lies with expensive doctors or humbug cure
alls, that do harm always, and uso only ua
turcs's simple remedies for all your ailments
you will bo wise, well and happy, and sao
great, expense. ino greatest remedy lor this,
tho great, wlsq and good will tell you, Is Hop
Ultters-rclyonlt See another column. Virtu.
Tit eke Is no doubt but a lean man can en
Joy a fat legacy.
A Good Sqtlilro iMoilt
Is too often followed by ndlsordorod ttomach,
symptoms of dyspepsia or indigestion Every
miserable dyspevtlc In tho land should know
that he can be cured by a timely uso of liuu
nocic lli.ooi) Hitteus. Trice, $1.
The most likely thing to become a woman
a llttlo girl.
ST Tho wonders of modern chemistry nro
apparent In the beautiful Diamond Dyes. All
kinds audcolorsof Ink can be mado from them.
When n passenger boards a train, what is
tho bill of fare?---Waterloo Observer.
Lydla E. Tinkham's Vegotablo Compound
cures all female complaints by removing the
" 'Lay by Bomcthtng for a rainy day, my
sou, if It is only un umbrella."
"Notion on Rats." Clears out rats, mlco,
roaches, bed-bugs, gophers, chipmunks. 10c
" I am jam full," as tho urchin remarked
after interviewing ills mother's preserves.
No Mutter What Happens
You may rest assured that you aro safo in bo
lug speedily cured byTnoMAs' EoLEcrmo Oil
In all cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, tooth
ache, etc Ono trial only lsueccssary toprovo
its elllcaey.
A statistician has estimated that court
ships average threo tons of coal each.
Redmno's Russia S.ilvo meets with wonder
ful success in ull cases of Skin disease Try it
MxitniAdK, except with a widow, la always a
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltalo
Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who aro af
flicted with ncrvoiiB debility, lost vitality and
kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and
complete restoration of health and manly vigor.
Address as above. N. 11. No risk is Incurred,
us thirty day's trial Is allowed.
Do not put it ofT, young man; go at onco
to II. 13. Bryant's Chicago Business College,
and get a thorough buslnoss education.
Glenn's Sulphur Soup.
Uso it when your skin breaks out In pimples.
Hill's Hair Dye, black or brown, 50 cts.
Stiiaioiiten your old boots and shoes with
Lyon's l'atcnt Heel Stlffoiicrs, and wear them
again. Sold by shoo and hardware dealers.
Genuine Excellence and suiierlorty Is tho
cry for Wise's Axle Grease.
..I. '
Ip alnlcted with Soro Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It 25c.
National Yeabt always good. Don't forget It
- -Wn
ask our readers to uso Wise's Alio
Grease; it Is all that Is claimed for it.
Tnr tho now brand, "Spring Tobacco."
"Hhub'b your match 1" said G to a
roncclted wag, handing him a match. "By
Lucifer, 1 ouu'ht to be offended," said tho wag,
taking a cigar from hlgpockot, "but I'll make
light of it."
Some one has discovered that firing minute
guns at sea Is a miserable way of killing time.
skis any lly-trap that you can confl
econiiiicnu! Edith. Tho best fly-trap
r of Is an uncovered cream Jug. Phil-
Is Tiircnn
deutly reco
wn Icnriu- nt
adclphta Xews,
"As we charged," says a war correspond
ent, "tho bugles blew," It must have been
a trumped-up charge.
In a Huhurhan town lives i relativo of tho
Immortal Mrs. Malaprop. Tne other evening
a caller asked If Mr. was at homo und
could bo seen. "I think not," was tho reply.
"I believe my husband has expired for the
flight Doston Transcript.
A Sioux motto: "Whlto man big smart;
he furnish brains. Red man heap bravo; ho
Knock 'em out."
Two pehhons wero waiting nt a railway sta
tion. Ono asked tbo other: "What time Is It?"
She looked ut the clock, and replied: "It's
ten minutes to wait." But It was only twenty
minutes past seven.
Theiib is a man In England who gained
over fifty pounds In ono week. He bet on the
winning horse. ybitkers Statesman.
Dm Richard III. exclaim: "Grvo me an
other horse I" because ho was tired of tho
ulght-mare ho had been riding)
The Nashville Advocate hoars "of nn old
brother In Kentucky who said he was mighty
glad to hear that all tho Mothodlsts hud got
together nnd held an Economical Conven
tion." t '
The country hotel keeper may not be all
that Is doslrablo, hut the traveling public
mut put up with him.
A chicken with btx legs and four wings lias
been raised in Wisconsin. That Is tho sort to
tnako richness In boarding-house soup. Ae a
wader It baa uncommon qualifications,
A dry-rood man laya, I do not know what I would
do wUhcutltunloclclllocHl Hitter, It It io plcaant to
take, and nctcr fall! to relicts my headache.
A dnigrfit atatci that tic never aold anything that
gavo auch unlvcraal aatlifactlon for obitlnato caic of
ludlccitlon and dfipcptla aa hurdock Wood Illttcta.
lie guarantees every bottle, and has never had any re
turned. A young lady, who hat not been ablo to enjoy a good
meal for two years, who was troubled with oft-recurring
headache, and who had alio faco eruption In
thothapo of plniplc that troubled her constantly, now
takes her three hearty meal a day t her headache hare
gone, And there aro no trace of ptmplrt left. Thla re
sulted from the effect of taking two bottles ot Bur
dock Blood 11 ItUr.
A traveling man at one of tho hotel lay be nlwaya
take a bottlo of Burdock Blood Bitter with him to
aid hlni In dlgciUng 101110 ot tbo antediluvian chunk
of beef or Icatbcr-llko piece of itcak Mhtch aro too
often icrrcd up to the hungry and weary travolcr.
Bold by nil Druggist.
Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumonia, Influenza,
Bronchial Difficulties. Bronchitis, llonrienon,
Atlhma, Croup, Whooping CoAgh, and all Diseases ol
the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Mem
brane ol tho Lungs, Inflamed and polsonod by the
dlseaso, and prevents tho night sweats and tight
ness across the chest which accompany IL CON
SUMPTION Is not an Incurable malady. HALL'S BAL
SAM mill curo you, even though professional aid fails.
are sent nnywhere on trial to operate aRivlnit nil other
m jsV l'l-ruu.', tlictiiitunirr keep'
illR I Ml' uue Him rmia '
ooni'licvT fliow
up iny other I'it, n in-il-rrlck'B
I'reni In known to lio
licyuixl competition, ntm win
lmlc with twice tho rnptdlty
(irony umvr. -me on y wy
tlieri'irilllieiluirBCllll in:nuni
ii to deceive the Inexperienced
by rtdlculoiily fnlso -.tale.
me nu.mid thua noil without
lulu, at leelnir. and swindle
the purchaser. WorkltiK niiv
other Vren alonnidde of Dcii-
orlck'a aiwuya aeu me pur;
rliaicr a Dedcrkk l'rem. and
nil know 11 too wen to mow
nn. AdclrctH forclrcularnml
location of Wcituru aud
outliern iurchouif nnd Acenta,
P. K. DEDERICK & CO., Albany, N. Y.
nro certainly beat, havlni;
boon ao dcerced nt every
Ot-uiit World In
diiatrlul CoiiiiietliliiB
for Nlxteen Yrnni no other American orpins
having found equal nt any. Alio cln-iipel.
btvloiOUtSU octave; auincleta compata and power,
with hett quality, for populnr ancrcd nnd aerulnr tiuulo
inacliniilanr famine, at only 82. ON 15 IIU.V
KKD OTilKIt NTYI.KN atH i7. OI, f,
1,8, t, fiua. Ji 4 to jp and up. 'Ihn largtr nlylri
are wholly unrivaled by any other oriam. Alao for
enHy paymenta. New Illustrated Cntalofrue free.
Tim uompmiy nnvo com
menced t iiianurnetiirn of
Uprlirlit Oriuitl I'liuioD,
Introducing lmmirtntit tin-
nroveinentataddluuUi power und beautv of I ono nnd
durability. WUl not require tunlnil one-qiiiirtrr tin
much u$ other liana. Illuntriitcil (Mreiilur
ritKI", Tim MA HON .V. IIAMI.lN Oibiiii
nuil llnii :., 1.1 TrcmnnttU.. Iloatont -HI K,
1 4 tli St., New York; Ml) Walimh Ave., UIiIchko.
No other dlacaoo In ho pro volont In thU coun
try as Constipation, and, no romedy haa ovorl
oqunlled tho colobrated Kidney-Wort aa a
curt). Wnatoveruio cause, uowovorobatluate
tho caso, this remedy will overcome, It.
DBI PA TJII3 dJatrcailns; com
r IfciliiOa nlaint la vorr arit to bo
compUcatodwlthoonatipatlon. Kldnoy-Wort
tronzthona tho woakoncd parta and, quickly
euros all kinds of Flics even when physicians
ana medicines iiavo ueroro lanoa.
12- t2TIf you liavo elthor of tlicso troubles
price: oi. I USE rrunBiBt86oi7
"Will Itu l'ulill.licil Nor. I, lHHa.
"fflder?n ughfe,"
Devoted, iia It name Indicates, to the dliuiemlnat
tlonof the Ideal, of tlie moitllliutrloin modern writ
era on toctnl polity, aclenco und rellKlou. iiloKruph
leal nketchca of Notaiii.kb In HcIkm k and Aut, wli h
an authenticated portrait, will bu a feature In cacIi
number. Bubucrlptioti price H'-i per annum tn ad
vance. Maniple copy ttOe. Addreaa.lOIlN UOI.I.1NH
4, CO., I'roiirletorsandl'uhllahera, HJ and 87 Fifth
avenue, Chlcnuo, (Kitabllihed alnco I8.'n).
Willi I net or Attachment Kreir
Warranted iH-rfiM-t I.luht niimlni
iiiiet,lmndiiuiNt-and durable, rient
on lut trial plan wlun desired
IIhiiii llfdiin Oruunli I Mil
UiedK, 12 ntopa, Meeli uilcul Hub
lln,octnvv coupler Skncuawills,
with CSntoolniitl J I look, only $76
AIhi x-ntoii tint tllul plan If lie
idrtd. I leifunt cam), maKnlllient
tone, durable InahUiand out. fir
i ulur. with testimonial. fr-. Ask
O.l'aynu ACo. MThlidav Chicago
X 11 JU 13 111 I For Two Dollars.
Demoresl's Illustrated Monthly.
Mold by ull Nrwaiteulera and I'ustiiiustra,
or the J5tiltor or this pnper W (uUeyour
ub.crlptlon. Nend twenty cent, ttiru .peel
men copy to W. ilKNM.VON IlllMOItlMT,
Publlsheir, 17 I5ul 1 1th Ntreet, Now York.
Kent In tbo World. Ui-t lli Keniiliie. V.v
try juicltiiue liu our 'I rnile-iuurU unt la
muiked Frawr'i, NOLI) JiVJiKV WUtllUi.
zry M.L. . yuffHtli ifil
M fW
i ,. - MM
' m UN4BEWT roi "T
oldest nml tho Rtnnihtrd liniment of tho
United Btntct). Luru;t!Hlp, 81.00; medium r0
,uii.i , ii, .11 "-. i,(.i ,...,. II !... r it.
VVIIW, num.., m,. v llr- f-liilii. Plfu iwi iniUMy
uue, S5 conta; Mftuhnnl't" Worm 'J'nhlt'tH, 3sS
ccntfl. l'ormtloliy ovcry UniKlntund dealer
in trenoml nicrohandlu.
For Family Uso.
Tho OnrjrlltiK Oil T.lnlmont with vrurrH
witAi'i'Kii, iirvpiirotl for hiinuin tlmh, L jnit
nn In Hinall bullion null, und doe not Btuln
tlio skin, l'rlco JJ5 cenu.
Tho Unnjlin? Oil Almnnno for 1883
Ih now In tho hand of our iirlntor, nnd will
ho ready for distribution diirlnir thuniontlxi
of November and Deeemher. IfrvJ. 'I'lioAI
munao for tho oouiliiu- year will lio moro ui(
fill nnd ItiHtrtiutlvo tlimi over, ami will bo
vent fivo to tuiy iiddrests. Wrlto for one.
Ask tho Nearest Druggist.
Tf tho dealers In your plum do not kcop'
Mf'rclinnt'Hdiu-KlluirOll for wile, Insist upon
their M'lidliiK toua.orwhei-o thevjn't tliolr
liicdicineK, and uotlt. Keep tholiottlo well
corked, and hIiiiko It bo torn llilutf. Yellow
wrapper for iinlinal und whlto lor liuinaa
Special Notice.
Tho Mcrrhnnl'M Clntidlnir Oil Iimh heoti In
Ufonsn liniment for half a eenturv. All xo
ask Is n fair trial, but bo suro und follow di
rect Ions.
Tho Onnrllnir Oil nnd Mnrclintit'H Worm
Tablets uro forcalo by ull driiimi-daiiud denl
ors In Bcncrnl luereuautllao tluouuboul tlio
Munufaetured nt Tinckport, N. Y., by Mer-
ciiuutBtiiiiviimr uu uimpauy.
Sec rotary.
lllood. nnd will completely chatiKO thn Mood In Ihu en
tire system In three months Any person who will taka
1 ptncachnlKhtfrotn 1 to IV weeks tuny bo restore
to sound health. tf such a thine lio possible. Hold ev
erywhere, or sent by mail for H letter atampa. I. H.
Jounbon ACo,, lluatun, ilasa., formerly lluiiKor, Ma.
Engineering' and Railroad News:-
Fablltbed t 79 "roadway, Nir Tork.
4.tie per aBaona ixmUmt !,
AGENTS-Lailies or Gciitlcracm
m maku money fait handllrut
Invaluable tn Hutiiekccpera. I'rao I al and P palaft.
Outfit St.CS. MIIH. V. K. 0VKN,
cao ruiton atrcet, hicmr.
Telrtrraphj and Station A rent' work
and bo rare of a position paring from
Mn to ItRO nor month, tildtm
U. 11 Taylor, Mgr. lt'-Telfraph Golloce, Topokn, Ea.
UKL'1'rA.TIONN.-Ucit plrccr In proao rui
ere. 33 ct. Any nowadvaler or booluvUcr.
(okjiuI fnrourfall ptluv
lpt for 1W2. rrttUinn
tuldreaa uixin npiIIOH
tlon. ConiAlfimlciiCrifk-
tiomi of r mlhl'ii ropilr
rl for I'm aonal or i ami-
ly uae.wlth over a.Hlio llluiitrntlona. Wo W1 all kouUU.
hiilumilr prleea III (piantitlen toault Ihepiuebnaer.
The only Innlllollrinwhonmke tlilitlicli'Kix'elallMmlnejn.
MO,i'(JOMi:itV VAKI .t: I'll., 3CT tl
'HtW Wikliaali Avenue, C'lilcau", Illlimla.
UHMan'N7lni"FAIR MAN."
lie aella reryihltiK you want in carry home. IKmlt
peiul your money anywhere ele. Vim can ai
yoiirl'iir Kuril ami Hotel Hill, -ay.
JjfKiPKl rorCalnloKueiiiidtlulduof Chfeaeo, Fusil.
"T1IK rAIII,"i
1 cor. Nlalcct: Aluiu(tt-
It will pay
uvery JIooJc
to rna u. liuoi her anrxlsont iklao
ctutnr) dnaurlptloit llrat elan nnd fiut aellluc mid wu
iMniii'M. o nuvu aj w ?n o -j. ( Lfivoa
areiiowotferlnirviirui.rilliiHrr ImlarrmrNi, to t)u
litcht iartlo.
ir,riiiir)' .I'iiiiii iu vu
uirtleulirirnt fi-.-. Write ua t
i. run uirtieuiirirni r,-i-. wrueua.
HcfttColiKh Hymn. Twitrii cikmI.
Uaolnlluii). rloldbydriiKKlata.
IITIZqifflrAi ri f i ta
To heeomo a Mint
..I,,,, uiMirn ..
W IJMHI JIWHMUM IU ..M4UI twl -,,i, J 1,l. Hilt
Conierrufory circular of ,l),H.uidora,Juckiouvlllu.lH
in i in minim in ::'.. .,-.V.V"T"i
Ssr m I'orllmlni'aa at tho Oli
r J-.-rArCommerciaICollece. CI
s6tCcCCZ,& AddrcaC.IlAtis.lJ
Olilrat & IJej
Hilling nr leb Hln thiiHorld, 1 Hauiple fret
Addreaa.l. A. llriinaoii, JlctroK. MluU.
UrtMfPnU A HJn 1 ' M CUM remedlea. Neat caat?j
tiUViUlUtAltllVifulldlreetlomibymall.Hl. AttenU ,
wanted. Tt-iiNKU A. IlilllKiKa, l,akihle Il'lilkt.thlcauo.
1 UV.STH WANTIMI for the heat and l'attiil
JY. aellhiK 1'letortal llookiaud Illblea. Prli i-i rcduwd
il percent. Natiu.vai. 1'uiii.idiiinuUo,, C'lucut;o,UL
A MONTH and In your county. Men
or l.ndlea. l'leuaunt bunlnean. Addn-w
P.W .lEdl.Eiirt; Co., Dux VI, Chlcatfo, UL
WIioimIq nnd rctftlL Kendforprlcu-llaU
K. llUltSHAM, 71 State Street. Clilraico.
VnilUR MTU ,f you want to lenrn TcU'Kraphy tn
I UUIIU mtri tt few month", and be certain of
situation, addrct hxk Iliioa , Janekvllle, WU.
K. I.. bTKVKWto.N eii Co , illi Monroe Htrtet. Chlcagt.
ABOUi: CUIti: for Kplletuy or Klt. U It . Five
to poor, Un. KiiubK,2ll Arciiatbt.,Bt.I-ortlK,Mc
A. N. K.-A.
plvtmei miy you buiv the A.lvertienfnS
in till paper, ' '