The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 01, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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AUGUST, 1022
The Commoner
. 11. - Vri rt frtrtTin 1 ttY
Yf the king's chamberlains. In
irst of gratitude hd inquired
i,pfher Mordecai had ever been re
"Ed And then it happened was
S an accident also? that just at
,M ..... uncoil nnnfiarcd to tell the
T of the now famous gallows that
milt lor jvioruei;.i.
they met they were both
time wamuu ajJiJoi - " -"v-
'8 . . in e.. TlTnv1arHl
lie had duih "" ..
m. fhor met they
i y iit-u i.w - .
linking of Moraecai, dul inere was
I mat gulf between their planp. The,
vine asked, "What shall be donfc unto
the man whom the king delighteth to,
honor''" Human, tliinking that the
king had him (Hainan) in. his mind,
promptly a pompous plan by which' he
should he clothed in the king's ap
parel, put upon the king's horse, and
crowned with the king's crown; then
he was to be taken through the
streets while attendants proclaimed,
"Thus shall it be done to the man,
boin the king delighteth to honor."
The king accepted Haman's plan,
hut imagine Haman's astonishment
Tfhen the king added, "Do even so to
Mordecai when the king added, "Do
even so to Mordecai the Jew." When
tos ever mortification more complete
or humiliation more deserved?
Hainan obeyed; we can imagine
how he looked as he conducted the
triumphal procession in honor of the
man for whom he had made the gal
lows. When it was concluded Mqr
decai returned to the king's gate,:
while Hainan "hasted to his house
mourning, and having his head cov
ered." Then came the last act of. the
drama; the king's chamberlain came
to remind Hainan of the banquet.
The king renewed his promise to
grant Esther's petition and asked
vhat it was she desired. She laid be
fore the king the plot of Hfman. She
assured the king that she would not
have appealed to him if the plot 'ad
been to sell her people as bondsmen
and bondwomen but that they were
to be slain. She concluded her peti
tion by announcing that "the advers
ary and enemy is this wicked
Haman." The king rose in wrath and
strode out into the palace garden,
tthile Haman pleaded with Esther to
save his life.
How changed the scene! Only a
iew hours before, this would-be mur
derer of a race was planning what he
supposed was to be his own ostenta
tious parade in a moment the scene
cnanges, he is witnessing the triumph
oi the man he would have hanged;
K "stening to the accustion made
by Queen Esther to the king; then
upon his knees begging for his life;
ri h le swinSa in eternity
another? Ue had prePared for
ito5VJ?Ution' Itis a s,mple
InmJLi rewa"ted, righteousness
"mmphant and wickedness (punished
In h5?nry'rei!eatecl enumerable times
onalnfV11 less conspicuous per-
! mSJ11" the titlG role'3' but
e mora, ,s ever the same.
J?orne boastofj-eason as if it were
Fat PeoplTlade Slim
orLOdieeMn1lOU11(ia day without exercise
weigh lw Eat what yu likQ ancl
tho rJ,i vP0Ssible b tno discovery of
Simply LT0n why pGPle ZQt fat-
nSsotT, your name and x w111
got fat i a?1(ler that tells why you
luicklv Si, Uow you can easy and
to be m nCeot0 the weiBut you want
tories iw SoInlth R-Bild Labora-BuiSJn-
T 2015' 110 Coca Cola
ng, Kansas City, Mo.- Adv.
tArtfvjk 4llf na..,.,......
.wf " "fi"1" t0 complete lhte of
n"?:1 uuecio.?ciiTcr. Auvenucu
h ol "CJusJYciwtttTW. tfocapl.
l) Ini0" e?.Pricnce requited. Big
( tBtafc,j:tlly nv pfopwUloa.
Wrfto fur roo anmsloa
to sit upon the thornc. Haman's
w w a it ivu ILil I II' III - IT TtTnuI.
footur until it '5 . ,,rT' K
faith. Then see hnw fnin,
above it. Reason needs a will
a heart in fi,in . r.m. "
ou.uu ii, lmui can
a reason tn wnrfc nf ,i,m ....
requires a faith to direct and to in-
- vi v wuih. oy laun, not by
Every one who has an opportunity
render servlnn lmo "nnn,n n..
kingdom for such a time as this "
Every one who is called upon to en
counter danger in the performance
Of ClUtV Rhnillil moot Min .....
.bravely as Esther did:
"If I perish, I perish?'
Justice sometimes weeps because
of the duty she must perform. Many
times perhaps, unknown to the idle
curious, tears well up and are ab
sorbed by the bandage she wears
across her eyes.
That was a hard task given to
a Little Rock jury a day or two ago,
as hard perhaps as any of those as
signed to Hercules, but as well per
formed. A young man was on trial, charged
with forgery. He admitted the trans
gression, but said that he was pen
niless and committed the crime that
he might buy medicine and food for
a sick child and his wife.
But the commandments as given
Moses and the law of the state em
phatically declare "Thou shalt not
steal," and forgery is stealing.
The girl wife of the defendant
sobbed as she sat by his side; tears
rolled down the cheeks of the two-year-old
son; the voice of the babe
in arms also reached the ears of the
j uxors.
Sympathy tugged at their hearts;
conscience sternly demanded that
they do their duty.
The Drought in a verdict of
guilty; but they recommended clem
ency. Courts have hearts, and the
judge assessed the minimum fine of
$&0. '
But the young man had no money
with which to pay. So the 12 men
who had voted guilty, went down
into their pockets and paid his fine.
And yet some wailing pessimists
will tell you that love and sympathy
have been all but crushed out of the
hearts of men. It is false.
The work of that jury was well
done. Memphis, Tenn., Commercial
A Washington dispatch, dated July
17, says: If the advice of the depart
ment of justice is followed, all the
fines imposed upon food profiteers
through the agency of the Lever law
will be returned to the men and firms
convicted of profiteering.
Acting for Attorney General
Daugherty, Robert H. Lovett, assist
tant attorney general in charge of
claims, has recommended to the Sen
ate committee on claims that a bill
introduced by Senator Elkins, West
Virginia, Republican, returning the
fines, be made into law.
Judge Lovett takes the ground that
inasmuch as the United States su
preme court has declared Section 4
of the Lever law unconstitutional, it
will be impossible for the government
to ae?endPlts right to hold the fines
weflnS are allowed under he law
. . . ik Y.nfHpnrfi was ? t I ,-
imposeu on 4'V SSS r35 has been
icr (R nf which $121,oo'JO ""a "
actually collected. fc t
Elkins bill. eu vas jVi totho bill
is considerable opposition to the
and alfin tn iim o..ij . .
Lovett ""bBWBuun or jnutrc
Mr. Bryan is more than ever the
SS7 J h tlmc' 0thora arl8 a"d
pass, but the peerless one goes on
Mr. Bryan Has had all the bitter
and all the sweets in life.
For nearly a lifetime he has been
lauded as no other American has
been lauded. For a generation he
mi as no other American has led.
The statuto books of his country
trace the good he has wrought in the
advancement of public opinion, and
in the improvement of public prac
tice. Cheers have never emit hte ear, but
not unstrangely his heart aas had its
What career is without its troubles,
stings, and pangs? If Mr. Bryan rode
chance's chariot of brightest (lay, he
has groped too through disappoint
ment's darkiest night. To the great
come great extremes.
But today after an eternity of serv
ice, he is still magnetic. He is still
enchanter. He is still supreme. The
white wing of leadership. The wizard
of oratory.
And today, he is doing the greatest
work that is being done by preacher,
teacher, or statesman. He is the seer
who just now combines the best in
teacher, preacher, and statesman.
His great heal and his greater
heart show that he has more sense
than all his critics.
He pleads for the protection and
preservation of society. He holds up
in alluring light the' one prop upon
which civilization is safe. He invokes
living faith in a living God.
He will not tolerate indifferentism,
and he is right.
Men boast of being broad. When it
is synonymous with indifferentism,
they are wrong.
Indifferentism would give empty
pews to the parish church.
Without church, there can be no
religion. Without religion, there can
be no concern for God. Without God,
there can be no respect for author
ity. Without respect for authority
there can be no civilization.
Mr. Bryan's reasoning in the light
of these unsettled times, must make
all atheists, agnostics, and short
sighted wise ones, slink rebuked and
humbled as spreaders of treason and
workers of strife.
It will not do to justify iconoclasm
by the right of way that progress con-
How sure are we that we can define
progress? We may through a narrow
standard across the path of the larg
er standard.
We are all inter-related. We must
move together. No group proceed too
fast, and none too slow. The one,
must be ready with the other.
This is what Lincoln meant when
he said, "A house divided against it
self cannot stand." This is what the
Bible means when it says, "A king
dom divided against itself shall be
made desolate." Bloomington, 111,
IdOfll llfnllli nml hnmilv .ntnnstt !. nil.
tnlnprt by hlt-or-mlnn methods. Good
health brinirfl real beauty. jnl Kood
Health lit determined larjjely by your
weight. A dally check on your wcljyht
rnarkH your profrrens to Ideal health
and beauty. Good health, irood lookn
and a jjood figure are your birthright.
lft Id lMtK.aid ttflt. ... .1
(IbIIj without clothe It li tho
onlr fe war. Tho
"ThePilot of Health"
will time your health correctly anil
ronifnlrntly. Jurt altp on Uie
IItaIth-0-Mrter and read your cor
rect weUht on the dial. Thousand
are tn use. Public acalea are notor
iously inaccurate. See. try, and ex
amine tlie Health-O-Mcter at our
on rise Write for our HimwIiI 10
bay Trial Offer It raeani much to
your health and beauty. Addrc
P- "She Nna&
10 2SO LOS.
Are You An Economical Motorist? J'j
this wrench is not in your tool
3eS2!v kit. Jent propoiu jfotgSEh.
VmfSmSw Usade Wreath Jiff. C. NSkJWC
v63' M...11.M. n. "g"-
The greatest wrench on earth Agents Wanted
Buy 8 Socket Wrenches at Price of 1
fa IMP" Up I
i... rn- tnctmrtlnn book for 20c
only on radio receptJcn awl-
how to male eight classes !
crytl aud vacuum tube ie- aUL
celvlDif sets. Wonderful Inlor
mat on tr.akes you understand radio.
With "very order we send ree our price
list of carts prepared especially forth?
ievcral sets described. Buy direct rom
lactow and save many dollars. Birth In
struetlon book and price Hit tent on re-
'!DATr NF(1. CO
t "o fu ri. WUtrU,lU
Any reader who Buffers from Anthma
Anil Hay Fever can bo quickly curnd
without risking a penny through the
remarkahle discovery of C. Lcavontfood, ?
ir89 S. W. Blvd., Roscdalc, Knn. Don't
Bend a penny lust writo Mr. Iiav'on
fcood and he will send you a hlj? hottlu
of his prescription on 10 days' trial. If
it cures pay $1.25. Otherwise you owe
back another
I i W J&fm
If you have a small child and an
automobile, this Is what you havo been
looking for. Tho SAFETY, COMFOHT,
and CONVENIENCE of tho "Jlol-em-tJte"
Child's Auxiliary Auto Seat, has
been proven to a host of users. These
seats are handsomely mado and tho
hangers arc covered with rubber tub
ing, which prevents injury to tho auto
mobile seat. Just hang over tho Auto
seat, strap tho baby, as in a go-cart.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Write for prices and Informa
tion to tho
Hol-em-tite Aoto Seat Company,
Chattanooga, TeuncHKee.
When in Omaha
stop with us
Hotel Ccmant
Hotel Sanford
Hotel Henshaw
Our reputation of 29 years fair dealing
ia back of these hotels Guests may
stop at any one of them with the as
surance of receiving honest value and
courteous treatment.