The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1901, Page 8, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Agents Wanted Quick,
Millions H&ve Rheumatism and All
Can be Cured Write To-day if
You Have Rheumatism or
Want to Act asAgent,
50c. Box
ailed Free.
The Home Department.
It is now poasiblo to bo quickly cured of any
form of rheumatism without having your stom
ach turned up sido down or being half choodto
death and raado to vomit, and evory sufferer
from rheumatism should wolcomo this now and
marvolous discovory with opon arms and give
it an honost trial. John A. Smith, Milwaukee,
Wis., whilo apparently hopolossly sick with
rhoumatism, hit upon a combination of drugs
and is genoroua enough to sond a 50 cent box
froo to ovory sufforor who writes at onco. It is
'a homo treatment and will not koop you from
your work.
As you know if you'vo tried them, ovory bo
oallod rheumatic romedyon tho markot to-day,
except this gonuino euro, will causo you violont
stomach pains and vomiting, and somo of thou
aro so dangoroua tlioy will causo hoart trouble
And tho worst of it is they novor euro. Whon a
porson" has rhoumatism the constitution is so
run down that ho should bo vary careful what
ho puts into his stomach.
It tho.roforo gives mo ploasuro to present a
remedy that will euro ovory form and variety of
rhoumatism without ono single- unpleasant
feoling. That romody is
Before I docidod to toll tho world about tho
discovery of "Qlori a Tonic" I hod ittried on hos
pital and sanitarium patients with perfect sue
ess. But somo pcoplo novor will boliovo any
thing Until tlioy know"it fromoxporience, so tho
bost and quickest way is for you to writo mo that
you want to bo cured and I will sond you a trial
box of "Gloria Tonic" froe of cost. No matter
what your form of rhoumatism is-acuto,chronio,
muscular, Inflammatory, doformant, sciatic.nou
ralgic, gout, lumbago, otc, "Gloria Tonic" will
urely euro you. Do not mind if other remedios
have failed you, nor mind if doctors say you aro
incurable. Mind no ono but writo to mo to-day
sure. "Gloria Tonic" will stop thosofchos and
rains, thoso inflammations and deformities
and euro you so that life will again be worth
living. This oilor is not for curiosity sookors
but is made to rheumatics only. To them I will
Bond "Gloria Tonic" froe.
Novor boforo has a romody been so highly on
dorsod as "Gloria Tonic." Among tho eminent
people who rocommond its properties and say
it will positively euro rhoumatism is
DR. QUINTERO, of tho University of Von-
ezuola, whoso endorsement of Gloria Tonic
boars tho official seal of tho United Statos
don, England, prior to sending it into that
country mado a thorough investigation of its
ingredients with the result that it is admit
ted without any restriction, thus It oannot
contain poisons or worthless drugs.
A MEDICAL JOURNAL writos: Gloria
Tonic posbossos all tho qualities dosirod by
Dr. Hal g to alter tho uric acid nnd thus croato
a now epoch in tho practico of medicine,
honco Gloria Tonic should recoivo recogni
tion, from tho modical profession and health
journals throughout tho United Statos.
If you are a sufforor send your namo today
and by return mail you will recoivo a regular
60 cent box of "Gloria Tonic" and also tho most
elaborato book ovor gotten up on tho subject of
Rheumatism, absolutely froo. It t ill toll you
all about your caso. You got a 50 cont box of
"Gloria Tonic" and this wonderful book at tho
same time, both froo, so lot me hoar from you
at onco and soon you will bo cured.
Address, JOHN A. SMITH, 2011 Gormania
Bldg., Milwaukee Wi., U. S. A.
Agents Wanted
Men and women are making thousands of dol
lars and doing a world of good introducing this
marvolous remedy throughout tho country.
Don't full to writo Mr. Snith today whothor
you have rhouraatidm or not, for a froo 50 cont
box and full particulars.
The Old Arm Chair.
I lovo It, I love It; and who shall daro
To chide me for loving that old arm
chair? I've treasured it long as a sainted
I've bedewed it with tears, and em
balmed, it with sighs.
'Tis bound by a thousand bands to ray
Not a tie will break, not a link will
Would ye learn tho spell? a mother
sat there;
And a sacred thing is that old armchair.
In childhood's hour I lingered near
Tho hallowed seat with listening ear;
And gentle words that mother would
To fit me to die, and teach me to live.
She told me shame would never, be
tide, With truth for my creed and God for
my guide;
She taught me to lisp my earliest
As I knelt beside that old arm-chair.
I sat and watched her many a day,
When her eye grew dim, and her
locks grew gray;
And I almost worshiped her when she
And turned from her Bible to bless
her child.
Years rolled on; but the last one sped,
My idol was shattered, my earth-star
I learned how much the heart can bear,
When I saw her die in that old arm
chair. 'Tis past, 'tis past; but I gaze on it
With quivering breath and throbbing
'Twas there she nursed me; 'twas
there4she died;
And memory flows with lava tide.
Say it is folly, and deem me weak,
While 'the scalding drops start down
my cheek;
But I love it, I love it, and cannot tear
My soul from a mother's old arm
-Eliza Cook.
only knows how we did manage to live
until a job hove in sight and per
mitted me to capture it.
But right here is where some more
of Dorothy's bright ideas came into
play, and her rosy optimism made
our frugal fare during those dark
days taste like feasts that old Lucullus
gave to his friends.
When the job came I stuck to it,
and as time went on the matter of tak
ing a bridal tour lapsed. But it was
not forgotten. Dorothy's brain con
ceived a brilliant idea and harbored
it for five short and happy years.
About a week before the fifth anniver
sary of our marriage Dorothy sprung
her scheme. It was at the supper
table. Poising her fork in midair she
suddenly said;
"Will, suppose we go on our bridal
tour, starting on our fifth anniver
sary." "Wh-wh-what!" I gasped, looking
over at the golden-haired girl whose
two years of existence on this mundane
sphere permitted her to occupy a seat
at the table.
"That's what I said," replied Dor-
otny. "Suppose we take our bridal
tour, starting on our fifth- anniversary.
uiuugui it uu oui. in iact, l ve
7 nfl AIXY AVERAGE soiling easy
IiUU Pump Governors. They mako tho
hardest working pump work easy. Windmills
turn in tho lightost wind, Fits all pumps. Ex
clusive torrltnry. N talk morit soils It.
Pump Governor Co. 23T S. Canal 8t. Chicagojll.
wonderful discovory $0 days troatment and book
free. Dr. Lo Roy Modicino Co,, Evunsvillo, lud.
I frankly confess that the idea was
Dorothy's. As a matter of fact, a vast
majority of the good ideas advanced
in our household come ,fr,om.her. I do
not make the confession as a matter
of self-abnegation, nor as a tribute to
her. It is all so plain to those who
know both of us that any effort I
might make to arrogate to myself the
credit for the bright ideas regarding
our household arrangements would be
greeted with derision.
When we were married circum
stances over which we had no control
prevented us from taking a bridal
tour. In tho first place, we eloped.
In the second place we kept our mar
riage secret more than three weeks,
and before it leaked out I had lost my
There we wore a newly married
couple with nothing between us and
privation save my small ability as a
newspaper man, and almighty small
demand for that little ability during
the strenuous times of '94 when busi
ness was more a memory than a fact.
Even if we had been the possessors of
enough money to take a bridal tour
wo would not have taken It. We
would have used It to live on until I
secured a situation. As It was, heaven
iiilnh fill
A Combination
or Drams, experience and high
grade material lias made the
RELIABLE Incubator
known thrniichnnt tlin niu.v,i
world. If you aro after results represented In dollars
and cents, you want ono of our popular 20th Cch
tury Poultry Book. Bright, instructive and worth
ten times the price asked. Snt for 10c. As full of mejtaa an egg.
Hellabls Incubator & Brooder Co., Box B-7 Qulncy.llls.
fllllllBM53il lHPV
You are a chump
to work for othrTJ. BE Y0U110WN
DOSS. Start, a MAIL ORDER tnui.
neii t jour own home In any town;
we foil tou haw nil Am. 4n mm.
Inn for you, furntih itatlonrry, catalogue, circular!, eta., and everything r
quired, on credit ProflU limncnie. 326.00 to SSO.00 per week. Particular!,
catalogue and whoteaale price list free.
Chicago Specially Co. 184
Chicago, 111.
Van Duren S".,
M RN"- km tht utiei no l u'e lime Jo take up the work.
"-'-"'1 We leach li In two raoolbl, present toolj, allow Saturday wage.
irant diploma and guarantee poaltloni when competent from 112 to fl&
weekly. No trade offer! better Inducement,
Write nearest branch, Molor Barber College.
Chicago, 111., Omaha, Nob., or St. Louis, Mo.
Price list and little book froe.
N. A. KNAPP, Bochostor, O.
2000 Ferrets
Send us your aaarca
and we will ihowyoa
how to make $3 a day
absolutely sure: wo
won free, tou work In
Send us your address and we will
$ 3 a Day Sure
iW furnish the work and teach y
the locality where you lire. Send us vour
explain the business fully, remember we guarantee a clear profit
ot C3 for CYcry day's work, absolutely sure. "Write at once,
KOIaJU HiKUKACTUIUfta CO., Box 70 I, Detroit, MUk,
Cash forYour Real Estate
no matter where it is. Send description nnd
cash price and pet my successful plan for finding
'cash buyers. W. M. Ostrander, North Ameri
can Bldg., Philadelphia. See my full page ads.
Mtmsey's, JlfcClure's, and all the big magazines.
arranged all the plans. My travelling
dress is already made, I've arranged to
have Rena taken care of by kind
friends during our absence, and we've
saved up enough, money so that we
can pay all the expenses and not
miss it."
That seemed to settle it, but still I
failed to grasp the idea.
"You mean that we will celebrate
our anniversary by taking a trip
somewhere?" I asked.
"Nothing of tho kind, sir. I mean
that we will take our bridal tour.
We'll invite a few friends to our wed
ding supper. After it is eaten we
will take a closed carriage for the
depot, and as we start our friends will
throw rice at us. I'll carry a big bou
quet of bride roses and you'll carry a
look of foolish pride, just like all new
ly married men do. Our friends will
follow us to the depot and act just as
ridiculously as friends usually do when
they see a wedded couple off on a
bridal tour. We'll take the train firwi
try to make folks believe we've been
married ever so many years, and when
we think nobody is looking we'll hold
hands and look unutterable things
into each other's eyes. We'll act
"For heaven's sake pause in your
mad career, woman!" I shouted. "How
in thunder are we going to do all of
that play acting?"
"0, we'll succeed well enough, never
fear," replied Dorothy. "There's no
use raising objections. The whole
thing is settled with the exception of
our route. I thought I would allow
you to have something to say about
I have forgotten just what I wanted
to say concerning this impudent meth
od of doing business, but I remember
that whatever it was I wisely held my
"Well, if you've got it all fixed but
that I guess we might as well settle
that part ot it," I meekly said. "When
I come home tomorrow evening I'll
bring a lot of railway guides and we'll
look 'em over and decide where wo
want to go."
"0, I knew you would think my
plan a good one!" exclaimed Dorothy,
passing me another flaky biscuit and
re-fllling my coffee cup. "You needn't
mind bringing home the railway
guides. I've got a lot here already, and
I've been looking them over."
"Woman, have you also decided
where wo aro to go on our bridal
(Continued on Page Nine.)
Antltoxlno Spt
Scientific Dlf-
onvnrv. Trfpri
in 100 selected coses of cancer without a failure. Used
by any ono at homo: freo book. Address Antltoxlno
Specific Co., Desk 20, Nashville, Term.
taught thoroughly. Total Unit, Tuition (telegraphy and tyr
wrltlnei. hoard anl room, 0 months' course $82. Can be ie
dneedoDehalf great demand for operators; school organized
1874. Catalog froe. DODUK'S INSTITUTE, Yalparalio, lad.
WantedAn Ika. !852BJ8SEfc
C, for prize offer, awarded monthly for bost in
vention submitted. Sample copy of tho Patent
Record, an illustrated journal devoted to
science and industry, and List of Inventions
Wantod. sont FREE.
Jjtsakn Proofreading
Ifyoupoiiesi a fair education why not uttllie It at a genteel and urn.
crowded profusion paying 115 to $35 weekly? Bltuatloni alvaji obtainable,
Wa art loo original Instructor! by mall.
Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia.
C224C? OOA WEEK "and Expenses,
5J I O m ww c. c r yearly contract
woQk-ly pay, for men with rig to sell Poultry
Mixture in tho country. Wo furnibh. bank rofor
onco of our reliability.
EUREKA MFG. CO.,Dopt. B, East St,Louis,Ill.
No Charge forEiarolnatloa and Opinion on Patent
ability of Inventions. 1'ROMTT, RELIABLE. No
bogui 'guarantee!" or "refund ichemea." Un
equaled Reference. Hand Book, eta. ran.
It. S. & A. B.
Patent Attys.
3 Pacific Bldff.
Eit 1809.
nn-jj. iii ii
f llirfl liiliiii
Oonncotlng the Commercial Centers and Blob
Farms of
The Broad Corn and Wheat Fields and Thriving
Cities of
Tho Fertile Blver Valleys, Trade Centers and
Boiling Prairies of
The Grand.Pic turosquo and Enchanting Scenery,
and the Famous Mining Districts of
The Agricultural, Fruit, Mineral and Timber
Lands, and Famous Hot Springs of
The Sugar Plantations and Immense Bice
Fields of
The Cotton and Grain Fields, the Cattle Banges
and Winter Besorts of
Historical and Scenic
And forms with its Connections the Popular
Winter Boute to
For descriptivo and illustrated pamphlets of
any of the above States, address Oompaules'
Agents, or
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,