Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 26, 1895, Image 5

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This is how a Kentucky judge
cnarged a jury the other day :. If you
believe what the counsel for the plain
tiff has told you, your verdict will be
for the plaintiff; if, on the other hand,
you believe what the defendant's
counsel has told you, you will give a
verdict for the defendant. liut if you
are like me, and don't believe what
either of them said, I don't know
what you will do." The jury dis
agreed. 4
About the most tantalizing pre
dicament imaginable for a man to be
in has fallen to the lot of one Valen
tiue. who has recently been left $100,
kh) by the death of a relative but does
not dare show up to claim it'for fear
of being hung for a murder be com
mitted a number of years ago.
An accident happened not long
since that, happening a year ago,
might have been anything but pleas
ant. The clerks in one of the banks of
the city, in winding up the time lock,
made a mistake and set the thing for
a 24-hour shift, instead of twelve
hours, and when the bank opened up
Tuesday morning it didn't have any
more money than a newspaper man is
supposed to have about that time of
the week. It had plenty of the filthy
stuff, but what good was it for busi
ness purposes locked up in the safe.
The bank president simply despatched
one of the clerks over to another
bank with a big grain sack and the
joung man soon returned with all
kinds and colors of money, from the
"double saw-buck" to the nickel
piece. Business was carried on as
though nothing had happened, and
everybody was happy. Nebi aska City
Miss Mary Brown of Galesburg, III.,
paid $2 for a package at a sale of un
claimed goods by an express company
in that city a few days ago. Upon
opening the bundle, it was found to
contain two fine oil paintings by a
celebrated French artist. The paint
ings had been on exhibition at the
world's fair and are said to be worth
at least $1,000. Cook Courier.
The Nebraska City News says that
"There was an alleged case of 'love at
first sight' at Topeka, Kas., a month
or so ago. The marriage was de
scribed as a 'romantic affair.' But
now the wife is suelng for a divorce,
and states in her petition that she
tried to kiss her husband but that he
repulsed her and declared that he
would not permit any such liberty,
'no, not for $500.' She wants the court
t.i allow her 825 a month out of hubby's
salary, which, under the circum
stances, is a very reasonable request.
The anxiety of man to enter into a
marriage contract was clearly, por
trayed in Judge 'Eaton's office the
otner day when, in uniting a couple
the groom responded "Yes sir" just
four times in the wrong place at the
wrong time, and finally had to say
"yes" the fifth time. The bride
waited until the judge had completed
his say, and made one answer do.
That's the difference between some
men and some women. Nebraska
City Press.
Ex-Governor Furnas of Brownville,
has in his possession a little flag that
bas quite an interesting history. It
is the first United States flag that ever
floated to the breezes of Nemaha
county and it began its career at a
fourth of July celebration at Brown
ville in 1S55. Gov. Furnas afterwards
used it as his regimental headquarters
flag during the war, as colonel of the
second Nebraska cavalry. At the
fourth of July celebration at Auburn
this year Gov. Furnas again unfurled
the flag and gave its history before he
introduced the orator of the day
Gov. Ilolcomb. Verdon Pioneer
Susan B. Anthony has decided to
take a rest and yield the mantle of
emancipation to younger women.
Miss Anthony is 70 past and a suspi
cion has penetrated her inner con
sciousness that she is no longer a new
The soldiers' home at Milford will
be dedicated on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, the
anniversary of the battle of Perry ville,
Ky. Gov. Ilolcomb and other per
sons of statewide reputation will be
And now they say that the bloom
ers are to be entirely superseded by the
trim, close-fitting knickerbockers, be
cause the latter are more convenient
and comfortable. Goodness gracious!
How much further is this convenient
and comfortable argument to be ad
vanced ?
It serves a man right who goes to
church and closes his eyes when the
contribution box goes around and ridi
cules the preacher; who picks up a
newspaper that somebody else pays
for and tells how it ought to be edited,
tq get roped, into, a circus anil then roar
because he djd not get ten times his
money's worth. He will die sometime
and the preacher that did not suit him
will officiate and the editor he abused
will feel like writing, "Its a good
thing; push it along."
Joseph Ertt of Nebraska City
hanged himself early Friday morn
ing to a small apple tree near his
house. Despondency was the cause of
the rash act.
Truth rambles in paths that fiction
would hesitate to tread. A 13-year-old
girl of Butte, Mont., ran across a
600 pound bear near town, drove the
frightened animal to her home several
miles away, and called her brother to
kill it. which he did.
Nails have gone up$2G per ton owing
to the approacn of a presidential elec
tion. So many campaign lies will
have to be nailed.
We cannot dodge the truth without
getting splashed with the mud that
makes what we have done visible to
the world.
A perfect mouth for a woman is
thus described by one authority: "It
should be of medium size, the upper
half shaped like Cupid's bow, the un
der half nearly straight, and both
bright crimson in color, and neither
too thick nor too thin." Another au
thority says it should be a little less
noisy when discussing the qualities of
the latest stvles of the bikes.
A well will be sunk, and a windmil
furnish the power for the water works
at Elmwood. A 30.000 gallon tank
will be erected on a fifty foot tower,
and five inch pipes convey the water
to the business portian of the town.
1 would rather be a dog and lick a
sjre than have the semblance of a man
and not have manhood enough to re
fuse to vote for a yellow dog because
my party nominated him. C. V. Mor
gan. The latest thing out for newspapers
who carry delinquent subscribers is
that every time the name of a delin
quent is mentioned in the paper it is
inverted. For sample, A!lUra moain
and family are spending this week in
Chicago. Subscribers know what it
means and immediately there is a
grand rush to get right side up again.
A northern woman has got up and
sent to the Atlanta exposition an auto
graph towel. Any country printing
office can furnish one of them. All
that will be needed will be a piece of
chalk with which to write autogaphs
on it. Troy Chief.
A bashful fellow called on his best
girl the other evening, and they both
sat on the sofa at opposite ends. Af
ter a silence of considerable duration,
evidently spent by both in hard
thought, she mustered up enough
courage to ask him what he was think
ing about. He, hoping to please her,
replied, "I was thinking of the same
thing you were." She, turning round,
replied, "I'll slap your mouth if you
try it." Morrill Vindicator.
Tiie otlice-seeker is around with his
smiling face inquiring after the well
fare of your mother-in-law, uncle's,
aunts and cousins; your wife and the
babies, and last but not least, your
self. "Can't you help me out at the
:Miss Jennie Brown, of Neligh, went
to sleep with her glossy head of hair
hanging down her back in two long
braids. During the night some one
entered her room and with some sharp
instrument like a razor severed the
braids from her her bead without
awakening her or her sister.
The eastern owner of a ranch in San
Diego county, California, has devised
a novel way of keeping thoroughly
posted as to the condition of his prop
erty without the trouble and expense
of visiting it two or three times a
year. At certain seasons he has an
elaborate series of photographs of the
rpoperty taken, showing the buildings.
the stock, the fruit trees and every
thing about the place. These pictures
show the amount of work done and
the exact condition of the work on the
A visitor recently returned from
Elyria, a small Burlington station in
Valley county, tells a wonderful story
of an onion crop. that came undar his
observation at that point. J. II. Powell
the station agent, havinga little leisure
time on his hands, planted four acres
of onions, embracing several of the
most prolific varieties. With the as
sistance of his father, he gave the plot
special cultivation, and careful me as
urement and estimate of his yield
place it at 700 bushels per acre. Many
of the plants weigh over two pounds
each and a collection of the best speci
mens range irom two pounds nine
ounces to three pounds and a quarter.
The onions were raised on the Loup
vauey, uui witnout any aid from irri
Ration. Mr. Powell has cabbage and
celery which are fully as creditable to
his Industry and skill as a farmer as
are his onions. Lincoln Journal.
N. H. Meeker, the Greenwood
banker, was in town Saturday attend
ing a referee's sale ot some Greenwood
Henry Kirkham departed Monday
for a few weeks' visit with his
old friend, Richard Vivian, out near
Dick Streight was in town from
South Bend Saturday. He says repub
licans of the west end are not in the
most happy frame of mind possible.
The two-weeks-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. It J. Reynolds died Thursday of
summer complaint. The remains
were taken to lrcival. Iowa, Friday
for interment.
Mrs. Jos. Lnke and daughter. Miss
Alice, who have bt-en visiting at their
old home in England for several months
returned home Monday, in ex
cellent health.
Joe Fri'ze of Wilber, 20 years old,
loaded a shot gun, placing the cap on
first. While he was wadding the last
charge the gun exploded, shattering
his left hand.
Chas. Beeson has been quite ser
iously ill for the past week. It was
feared that he would have an attack
of typhoid fever, but his physician
now thinks he will be around in a few
It is reported that Eli Birdsall, Her
man Fields and Phil Kianamon in
dulged in a three-cornered fight at a
bance on the Iowa bottoms Thursday.
Birdsall is reported to have come out
on top.
A part of Wm. Neville's gradingand
bridge-building tools, which have been
stored at Lincoln for some time, have
been shipped to this city, to be used by
Mr. Neville in his railroad contract
over the river.
Henry Geringand Louie Egenberger
ran a hundred yard foot race Friday
morning in the alley south of Main
street. Louie was not in it at any
time, and Henry came under the wire
an easy winner. The time was not
learned but is said to have been quite
Marshalltown, Iowa, proposes to
keep in the procession during the heel
of the summer. A telegram from that
point states that "hailstones as large
as hens' eggs full for twenty minutes
in this neighborhood and drifted in
the gulleys six feet deep." This
snows under all ordinary competition.
A young doctor of a neighboring vil
lage, wishing to make a good impres
sion upon a German farmer, men
tioned that he hadstudied homeopathy
and was also a graduate of the "regu
lar" school. "Oh, dot vas noding,"
said the faamer. "I bad vonce a calf
vot sucked two cows, and he made
n jding but a schteer after all."
The little seven-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Miller of Perris, Cal.,
formerly of this city, was the victim
of a serious accident recently. The
little fellow was run over by a motor
car and for a time it was feared that
one leg would have to be amputated.
Later reports, however, are to the
effect that he is getting along nicely.
Th Nrbraskn Cuulrreure.
The Nebraska Methodist conference
met in Lincoln and a number of
changes were made. The Nebraska
City district will be presided over by
Rev. P. Van Fleet of this city, who
succeeds Dr. L. F. Britt, also of this
city. Rev. Van Fleet is succeeded by
Rev. G. M. Couffer. The following
are the appointments made for the
Nebraska City district:
P. Van Fleet, presiding elder. Platts-
Adams, J. G. Stewart.
Auburn, John Gallagher.
Brock and Talmage, M. Damotte.
Cook. J. M. Darby.
Douglas, Wm. Cowley.
Elk Creek, George E. Price.
Fall City, J. A. Barker.
Humboldt, J. W. Swan.
Johnson, J. Calvert.
Louisville. J. C. Hobbs.
Nebraska City, II. C. Haman.
Nehawka, L. Jean.
Palmyra, C. E. Rowe.
Peru, (i. M. Gates.
Plattsmouth, C. M. Couffer.
Rulo, E. L. Barcb.
Shubert, William Simpson.
South Bend.D. Fetz.
Stella, J. A. Souders.
Sterling, B. E. Newton.
Syracuse, J. Seabrook.
Table Rock, B. C. Johnson.
Tecumseh, J. R. Woodcock.
Union, A. L. Folden.
Weeping Water. G.. II.Moulton.
Rev. Van Fleet's many friends here
will be pleased to learn of his promo
tion. Some Ilig- Corn.
Col. Graves of the Union Ledger in
flicts the following on the readers of
that paper, and is respectfully recom
mended for the "belt" now in posses
sion of John Boone: "A story comes
from the country illustrating the folly
of boys, and at the same time it gives
an idea as to the great corn crops of
Nebraska this year. The story ii that
a boy climbed a corn stalk to see how
the ears were getting along, and when
he started down he found that the
stalk was growing upward faster than
he could climb down. Men have been
trying to cut down the stalk, but it is
feared that they will not succeed in
time to save the boy from death by
starvation. He has been subsisting
on raw corn, and has thrown down
four bushels of cobs, but it is thought
that his supply is almost exhausted.
Wednesday he dropped a note request
ing that the Ledger be sent to him by
means of a kite, and stated that he
hoped to get down in time to attend
the county fair at Plattsmouth next
(Written for Tub Joibsal.)
Af one who slumbers long and them awakes.
To find his buty fancies only dreams;
So unto him for whom Death's morning breaks,
This life a false and fleeting vision seems.
Isabel Ricbet.
Farmers who expect soon to lay in
find that Henry IK-mpel is prepared to
fill all orders for tLv best quality at
lowest prices. Yard at the B. & M.
shop yards
iS tf
1J rets making;.
I am now located on west Vine
street, No. 1203, where I solicit the
patronage of one and all. Work done
promptly and satisfaction guaranteed.
Prices reasonable. Please call.
so Mns. E. WJ2AMEK.
The serv ices of the iury for the com
ing term of court will not be required
until Thursday, October 3, as no busi
ness will be transacted until that time.
J.O. Keaver of Knoxwille, Iowa,
who has been visiting up ut Hot
Springs. S. D., for a couple of weeks,
arrived in town Monday. He will
return home in a few days. Mr.
Reaver reports eight inches of snow
in the Black Hills when he left.
The lilK. Shows.
Lemen Bros.' Combined Circus,
Menagerie, Hippodrome, Oceanic
Aquarium and Congress of Living
Phenomena, will exhibit at Platts
mouth, Monday, September 23. Re
ports from all quarters pronounce the
above shows the leaders in tented
amusements, and cannot fail to inter
est the masses. That itposessesmany
raie animals never before seen in this
country, the only real .Aquatic Show
f sea animals, a great Ilipprodrome,
a Double Circus, and many phenome
nal living wonders is withoutquestion.
Its career has been a triumphal suc
cess. It is enthusiastically received
and immensely patronized wherever it
spreads its tents, and it said to give
more and better show than any other
organization in America. The news
papers are unanimous in its praise.
We look for a grand outpouring of the
populace hereon show day.
Coleman, the jeweler, where Car
ruth used to be, Plattsmouth. 24tf
Douglas W. Shinn is being "joshed''
considerably by the boys lately.
Doug, claims to be pretty well posted
on affairs in general, and that fact is
responsible for his present "troubles."
The other day Jake lieeson innocently
asked him where the word Ak-Sar-Ben
originated and its meaning. Doug, re
flected for a moment and then said
that it was an Arabian word, and
meant great, grand, etc. Jake wrote
the word on a piece of paper and
handed it to Doug, requesting him to
read it backwards. It is reported that
Doug, gazed at the word for about live
minutes without uttering a word, and
then stole silently away. It wouldn't
be right to "josh" him about it.
The Correct Idea.
Johnson County Journal.
The flouring mills of Nebraska will
convert thousands of bushels of Da
kota wheat into Hour this year, as well
as the Nebraska products. Xebraska
made flour is selling right along with
the best brands of the northern mills.
If the citizens of every town in the
state would resolve to buy only home
made Hour, hundreds of thousands of
dollars could thus be kept in circula
tion within the state, greatly to our
commercial advantage.
Take your jewelry repairing to Cole
man, Plattsmouth.
A Prominent Wholenale (irorer of Omaha
Neb., Write :
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof thelower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tothe nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satistied with
such slight relief 1 cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magntet Pile
Killer. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscaii Allen.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all
ttock, cured in 30 minutes bv Woodford's Sani
tary Lotion. Sold by V. (I. Fricke fc Co., drug
Klsts, l'latUmouth. 37 s
Xlt of l ettere
Remaining unclaimed in the postoQice
at riattsmontb, Nebraska, Sept. 18;
K'ng, Frank Lejmberg, M J
Nott, Miss Mattie Woods, Geo II
Moigber, Mrs Mary
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P- M.
What More Could You Ask ?
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
I 'HE fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court
Buv Your
Every purchase made at his store 2
is a guarantee that you obtained the
best and most goods for the least money. S
o o
- AND-
A Specialty -
One door North of Postoffice
Sixth Street Checked Barn.
Special attention to Funerals. Hacks be
un to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to
Customers' 1 h his mot to
Pakk Obesity Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to Impounds a month.
NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
ttabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but ascientlnc and positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price 12.00 per package
or three packages for $5.00 by mall postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed cents.
t"AH correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
. $500 l:ev di
WE wili 'iav the a'ove re wan r anycqse oi
Liver Comprint 1 ..rpsia, piok Headache In
digestion Ot ;tipai k ":j i r Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Yt-.retable Liver Fills, when
the directions m e :;tnctl complied with. Th
arr; purely YeteULMc, pt.J never fail to give sa.
istaction. !? Coslm. Large bores, 25 cents.
Beware of cjui.U rfcil 1 and imitations. The eren
uine nianulii tuiod only bv TIIE JOHN C. WEhT
F. j. Fricke &. Co, druggists.
Notice to Creditors. " "
Etatk op Nebraska, i
Cass County.
- ss.
In the matter of the estate of John B. Holmes,
fJOTICE Is hereby given that the claims and
A demands of all persons against John B.
Holmes, deceased, late of said countv and
state, will be received, examined and adjusted
by the county court at the court bouse In Platts
mouth, on the 19th day of March, A. D., 1896.
at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and that six
mouths from and after 19th day of September.
A IK. 1895, is the time limtted for creditors of
said deceased to present their claims for ex
amination and allowance.
Given under my hand this 17th day of Sep
tember, A. D..1K95.
l-4 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
llti e urn at Is iii Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neugral
gia radically cures In l to 3 days. Its action up
on the system is remarkable and mvsterious. It
removes at once the cause and the dissease Im
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits; 75 cents. Sold by F. G-. Fricke A Co. ,
druggists, Plattsmouth. 37-8
House, Plattsmouth.
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
I General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Geobqk E. Doyit President
F. E. White Vice president
S.Waugsu Cashier
H. N. Dovkt Assistant Cashier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White. D. Hawks worth
S. Waugh and H. N. Dovey.
careful attention given to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants and state and county bonds
The Plattsmouth Hills,
C. UEISEL, Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
Has no Superior in America. Give it
trial and be convinced.
Attorney and Counselor at
07PlCU-Itooiiia 1 and 2, Union HI L,
Plattsmoutli, - - - Neb.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendotacoal f 4.25
Hard coal 9.50
Canon City coal 7.60
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
pecial attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Oice : imiSigSSfru Omatia, Neb
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
Office in Riley Hotel,
Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Residence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egenberger, Act.
Amours BnmnHfBlErg.
Splendid curative agent for Nerrona or Sick
Headache. Brain Kihatisf inn. KleeDlewfritxw
Lfipecial or peneral Neuralgiaaldo for K)u
pepxia. Anemia. Antidote for Alcoholit
and other excetMusi. Price, 10, 5o cttuti
151 S.Westcra'vcnua. CHl&A