The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 22, 1892, Image 3

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- . - - POSTERS
or in fact anything' in the
IF you wish to succeed in your business, adrertise it and let
the public kaow your prices. People like to trade with the mer
chant who offers them -the best inducements. It might help your
trade wonderfully. Try it.
As the most important Campaign for
years is Coming upon us every Farmer should
be provided with a good live newspaper that
will keep them posted on all important ques
tions of the day. THE HERALD is purely a
Republican paper and would be glad to put
our name on our list. Only $1.50 a year.
See our Clubbing list with the leading pa
pers published.
SOI Cor Fifth
and Vine St.
For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, St. Louis,
and all points north, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bag
gage checked
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
II, C. Tow.vsend,
G. I'. A. St. Louis, Mo.
J. C. Pmixii'i'i,
A. O. I. A. Omaha.
II. D. Al'GAR. Agt., Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
Millinery and dressmaking at
Tucker Sisters', in Sherwood block.
The Leading
'furniture dealer
Constantly keeps on hand everythia
you need to furnish your house.
P3 n
Shingles, Lath, Saah,
Doors Blinds
Can supply everw demand of the city.
Call and get terms. Fourth street
in rear of opera house.
To represent our well known
house. You need no - capital to repre-
ent a
finn that warrants stock fir9t-clas
and true to name. WORK HLL THE TEAR.
$100 per month
to rigm man. Appiy quick.
stating age. L L MAT & CO
Nursery, TlorUt and Seedomen.St. Paul, Uina.
.(This house ia resposible.)
Sure Cure for Weak Hen, a
proved by reports of ladinK pby-
isicianB. euue age in orauno.
I Price. 1. Catalofiu Ttm.
rnw. v &
nnnatnral d
Jl le and poay
care for
Htrlctnr and all
unnatural discharges. Price 83.
and Skim Blieaw,
loaa Sore and8rrUtlc AITccUana, sritlk-
out Keren ry. Price, 83. Order from
li Wioosan 8ljBet, HH.WAUKES,
Scientific American
Agency fortJ
For Information and free Handboo wrltti to
Oldest trarera for secorirur patntin Ameoa
Kvery patent, taken oat by w U towabt before
tbepabUc by a notice giroa free of charge In the
Tjinrest circulation of any edentlfl JWfJ.ln 22
rii. SnteiMiidlY illnetrated. No inteUioent
man should be without It. Weekly,
tmt: 1 JJ1 six months. Address MOSS
& CO,
ppBiasHEBS, 361 Broadway. &ew York,
W Anted Au active, reliable man salary 87t
to S80 monthly, with mcrease. to represent
tn hie own section
. . : V. i - 1 Ul
a r"s"iiisiDle New xcm
House. References,
Box 1385. New York.
w V -W '
K. W. Sawyer, of Rochester, Wis.i
a prominent dealer in general
merchandise, and who nam several
peddling wagons, had one of hi,
liorsoa hadly cut and hurtled with,
lariat. The wound refused to heal
The hori-e became lame uu stiH
tiowwithstandihg careful iitUution
and the application of remedies. A
friend handed Sawyer Home of
Haller'H liarb Wire Liiiemeiit, the
most wonderful thing ever saw to
heal such wounds, lie applied it
only three times and the sore wat
completed healed. Equally good
for all mirs, cuts, brtises, and
wounds. For sale by all druggists
Safe and Reliable.
"In buying a cough medicine for
children," says II. A. Walker, a
prominent druggist of Ogden,
Utah, "never to be afraid to buy
Chamberlain h Cough Kemedy
there is no danger from it and re
liel is always sure to follow. I par
ticularly recommend Chamberlain's
because I have found it to be safe
and reliable. 2.1 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by F. G. Fricke &. Co.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tim Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Cintppcd Hands, Chilhlnins,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Pilee, or no py required
it is giiirnnreei lo uive it 1st notion, oi
money refunded. I 'i ice 25 eeat per box
r or sale by r0. rncke
Do not confuse the famous IJlusl
of Koses with the many worthless
paints, powders, creams am
bleaches which are tloodinir th
TiiarKet. viei ine genuine ol your
uruvarisi. t. ti. ftnviier, t.t cents pt
ooiue, ami i guarantee it will re
move your pinnies, freckles, black
heatls, inolli, ta.i ami sunburn, a:i
;ive ou a lovely complexion. 1
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming1 so wel
ami so popular as to need no specia
mention. All who have used Jvlec
trie Hitlers sing- the same sonr of
praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do al
that is claimed. Klectric liitters
-will cure all diseases of the liver
and kidneys, will remove pimples
boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system
unu prevent as wen as cure ail ma
larial fevers. hor cure of headache
constipation and indigestion trv
jviecxric uiuers. Jintire satisfaction
guaranteed, or money refunded
Price oOc and SI per bottle at K. O.
Fricke & Co's drugstore.
A Fatal Mistake.
Ih3'sicians make no more fata!
misiaivt; man wnen tney lniorin pa
tients that nervous heart troubles
come from the stomach and are of
little consequence. Dr. Franklin
Miles, the noted Indiana specialist,
has proven the contrary in his new-
book on "Heart Disease" which may
nau lice ui J-. j. rriCSc 3C tO.,
who guarantee and recommend Dr,
.Miles' unequalled new Heart Cure,
which has the largest sale of any
xieari. remeuy in tne world. It cures
nervous and organic heart disease,
snort Dreatn, iiuttering, pain or ten
derness in the side, arm or shoulder,
irregular pulse, fainting, smother
ing, dropsy, etc. His Restorative
Nervine cures headache, fits, etc.
It Should be In Every House.
T. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St. Sharps
burg. Pa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery foi
Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
that it cured his wife who was
threatened witli Pneumonia after
an attack of ''La Grippe," when
various other remedies and several
phj'sicians had done her no eroo'd.
Robert Barber, of Cocksport, Pa.,
claims Dr. Kinc's New Discovery
lias done him more good than any
thing he ever used for run
Trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke &
Co's drugstore. Large bottle, 50c
and $1.00.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent no
tices of rich, pretty and educated
girls eloping with negroes, tramps
and coachmen. The well-known
specialist, Dr. Franklin Miles, says
all such girls are more or less hys
terical, nervous, very impulsive, un
balanced; usually subject to nead-
ache, neuralgia, sleeplessness, im
moderate crying or laughing. These
show a weak, nervous system for
which there is no remedy equal to
Restorative Nervine. Trial bottles
and a fine book, containing many
marvelous cures, free at F. G-Fricie
& Co's., who also sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' celebrated New Heart
Cure, the finest of heart tonica.Cures
flutteringshort breath, etc.
Ceugh Following the Crip
Many person, who have recovered
from n gTippe are now troubled
with a persistent cough. Cham
berlain's cough remedy will
promptly loosen this cough and
relieve the lungs, effecting a per
manent cure in a very short time.
25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Startling Facts.
The American people are rapidly
becoming a rase of nervous wrecks
and the followtng suggests, the
best remedy: alphouso Humpfling,
of Butler. Penn, swears that when
his son was spechless from gt Vitus
Dance Dr Miles great Restorative
Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L..
Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr,
of .Logansport, Ind each gained 'JO
ponnds if an taking it Mrs. II. A.
Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured
of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and
miich aeadach, dizzness, bockach
and nervous prostiation by one
bcttle. Trial bottle and fine boek of
Nfrvou8 cures free at F. G. Fricke, Ac
Co., who recomends this uuequailed
El3''s Cream Balm is especially
adapted as a renieby for catarrh
vhich is aggravated by alkaline
dust and dry winds. W. A. Hover,
Dri8t, Denver.
Death recopla' sUow .that , m4rriel
hie" liV? longer lliau bachelors.
Orily ohm rniiule in 11 .000 lire to
celebinle their iliamon'l we'l-lin.
. . Two bliiM ii'ii lu'tH in Australia
nieji.iuu 4&i,iMnl 450 feel in height
Cricket wan plat ml under the name
of -culi hall" ha early a the four
teenth cen i ury.
In Auitria women are employed ai
hod carriers ami are paid at the rate
ol 2.r cents a day.
Tiirer hones are used aa a medicine
in China, where they are supposed lo
pns.-ises touic qualities.
The greatest iilatrue ever known visit
ed Naples in 1G.06 and carried olT 3S0,
000. people iu twenly-eilil weeks.
The Irish parliament existed for
over 300 ears. It was exiiii;uihet
in 1801 at the lime of tho union with
Great ISiilain.
There U a Btronj; flow of natural ?a
in the Ventura Kiver. When lighted
it is said, the names extend over
space eijjht feet wide.
American travelers have become so
numerous in Portugal that some of the
shopkeepers iu the cities display tin
friiru in their windows: American
Spokeu here."
London contains about 220,000 for
eiirners. The Germans number 02 000,
Americans 50.000, Freuei 30.000
Dutch 15 000. Poles 12 000, Italian
8,000 and Sviss o.OOO.
The total number of clerjrv of tlie
ehureii of England is about 2:5,000. I
we include Ihe clerjry
and those en;aed in
in the colonic
missionary liuld
the total is swelled to 27.000
Australian buttei Hies bathe. On
wnl alight close lo the water, mti
which ii backs until tin: whole of tin
u-iilv is siiomervvii. Hit; tore les alone
retain in if their hold on dry l:id. In
a moment it will lly away, apparently
February, in 1000. will not contain
twenty-uine days, although it will be
leap year. February, in 1700. also
contained only t went '-eiht days
Tuere is a slight error iu tno Greo
riaii calendar, but it will only ainouu
lo one day in 3 325 years.
During the months of August am
September in tho city aud vicinity o
Voronezh more tiian five thousand
horses were killed for their hides be
cause their owners had no food for
them. The slaughtering of good horses
has continued at even a larger rate
since that time.
A Japanese doctor never dreams of
asking a poor patient for a fe. There
is a proverb among
the medical fra-
ternity of Japan:
Wheu the twin
enemies, poverty anu nieas invane a
home, then he who takes augnt from
that home, even thou;u it bs given
him, ia a robber."
In the new works of the Piajus-Atheas
railway Btation the marble head of i
woman has been found, of good work
manship. It wears a diadem and the
features are very finely carved. It is
thought to belong to a headless statue
found on this site in the city a little time
The latest fad in the West is a shoe
party. They stretch a sheet across the
room and the ladies stand behind it and
stick their feet under it so you can
only see their shoes. Then you go
along and. pick out a pair of shoes and
the lady who is in them you take down
to supper.
The Burmese women are great per
sonages and plav a great part in their
households. Thev choose their own
husbands and divorce them when they
like, retaining their own property and
all that they have earned. They are
at liberty to marry again, wnether as
widows or divorcees.
The New Alpine railwav, the Bren
Rothhornbahu, is the highest railway
iu the world, aud commands magnifi
cent views. It is 2,351 meters (7,830
feet) hizh at the summit level, and
ascends 1.032 meters (5,606 feet) or
64 meters (223 feet) higher than the
Pilatus Railway. The journey occupies
1-2 hours.
There are 2,000 Italians in London
who serve in the Italian cafes and
restaurants. In some of these they
have to pay for the privilege, and in
others they receive nothing in direct
wages, but they are fed at the cost or
the proprietor and recoup themselves
in the tips. A smart man in a well-
frequented street earns about (20 a
The municipal commissioner of
Baroda has published a pamphlet in
which he advocates the inoculation of
the blood serum of the common weasel
as a cure ot snake cute. J nis animal
is, he contends, proof against the
poison of snake bites, from which it
never suffers in the slightest degree,
and attacks and kills any snake it
comes across.
There is a strong dislike to the bat
among the peasants of south Germany.
A feeling of disgust and fear takes
possession of the farmer who finds
bats in his chimney, not only because
he believes the creatures will feed up
on his pork that bangs in the smoke.
but because bats are regarded as un-
ucky and bring poverty and misfor
One of the most ingenious methods
practiced by poachers for the purpose
of netting pheasants is that in which a
game cock is fitted with artificial spurs,
and then carried to the preserves.
Then the game bird crows, one or two
more of the cock pheasants immedi
ately respond and advance to fight.
In this way sometimes fire or six
pheasants are taken, while the game
cock remains unhurt
A temporary resident of Dallas,
Texas, has had a wide experience.
He has traveled for fourteen years,
crossed the county from New York to
Saa Francisco, worked his way through
South America and has been a fireman,
a policeman and a railroad man, a
sport, a drummer and a soldier. He
says that the world has nsei him
pretty well so far aud that he intends
to wander around until he dies.
The authorities of the city of Tani
boy have printed check books contain
ing each ten to twenty checks. Every
natter in tne city givei $0f,6TTy rfiwoic
a pound of bread, for which It charge
the city two kopeck. " The resident
of the city wnro iiotilid not to de-il
out any money to mendicant, for Mich
money" is in most cases fcpenl on ill ink.
but lo buy c:ieik- al the cily hall and
to distribute them among t'.u poor.
According to the school HlalWtic of
Finland there are this year 4 2')3
pit pi U allending the male hc'iooU and
1 507 Ihe female hchooU. The popula
tion of Finland i 2 2O0 000. of which
200 000 are Swedes, wiiti a Mmall ad
mixture of other nationalities. To
judge bv the languages whit h tho
bchool children speak, the proportion
of education is very one. pi illy
divided between fie native 1'iiiim and
their Swedish neighbors.
The standing army nf the Argentina
Republic uumbers G.0'10 men. and
there are over lifty generals on tho
active list This gives u general lo
about every hundred other warriors of
all lower grades. At this ratio, when
the o Dicer are all accounted for. tho
poor private must be a very lonesome
creature. They manage these lliings
still better in ttoine republics, whens
every man iu the army is an ollieur
of home sort.
The Spaniards are the most expert
smokers iu the world. A Spaniard
takes a heavy pull at his cigarette, in
hales il, takes up a wine kiii or wine
bottle, pours a half-pint down his
throat, holding the vessel a fool from
his mouth and not spilling a drop, and
then w ith a bigli of sal isfaci ion
his eyes and exhales the smoke from
his nose and month in clou Is. Ilu will
also inhale the smoke, converse for a
few minutes iu a natural manner and blow ()lll tli; s n ike.
A ornpliiinl QucHtioii.
A great deal has been said and writ
ten about the woes wliicli the com
positor iiilliets upon his helpless vic
tims, and, speaking from experienee.
I know that thev are many and varied;
but yet the gifted author" has occa
sionally to put up with a good deal of
annoyance from higher powers than
the poor comp," as Ihe following ex
perience of au intimate friend of mino
will prove:
lie was the art critic, and he had
just sent out an unusually brilliant ac
count of a recent exhibition of paint
ings to the desk editor, who. not hav
ing made much of a study of art, was
naturally unfamiliar with the language
of the studio, but was preparing to
wrestle with his difficult task, lie waa
new at the work, and it was beset with
pitfalls. Heading the list was this
enigmatical seuteuce: ''A Landscape
in Sepia."
"Landscape in Sepia!" shouted the
scribe, addressing the sporting editor,
who was busily engaged in describing
a spirited set-to between two favorite
lightweights. 'Where the deuce is
Don't know. " answered the pport-
ing editor, thoughtfully.
heard of the place. Sepia can't be in
the United States, or I must have heard
of it, surely. It must be in Syria some
where." "I dou't believe the place exists at
all," snapped the puzzled genius of the
desk. think"
A heavy fall in the adjoining room
broke off the conversation here, and a
hurried investigation revealed tha art
critic in strong convulsions on th
floor. He had beard the entire con
versation, and was conveyed to his
lodging-place in an ambulance. Ilarp-
ers Magazine.
Got The AVronjf One.
A certain well-known railroad man.
who has lots of children of assorted
sizes, made a very curious mistake in
identity the other evening, says a N.
Y. Recorder writer. He was sitting in.
his library trying to read, but was very
much disturbed by the noise overhead
iu the nursery. The nurse was put
ting the two youngest children to bed.
a proceeding to which they objected
vociferously. Finally he called up the
stairs that he would come up and
punish them if Ihey didn't keep still.
There was Bilence for a moment, and
then the shrill little voice of Ruth, bis
youngest born, piped out:
bhut up;
Fairly staggered bv this irreverent
outburst, he stood a moment in silence,
scarcely believing his own ears, when
down the staircase floated again:
"Shut up. you!"
This was too much. He bounded
up the staircase, determined to chas
tise saucy Miss Rath. Rushing in the
darkened nursery, he seized the of
fender from her bed, and. laying ber
across his knee, applied his palm in a
scientific manner. The victim kicked
and struggled considerably. and finally
shrieked out:
"Papa, papa! You're whipping the
wrong Kia: l m not nutn; l m
Ramie .Steam-Pi pen.
Steam-pipes have been made in Eng
land from the rmie tiber. The ma
terial is subjected to tremendous hy
draulic pressure, and. having the
propertj of being unairected by moist
ure, will neither shrink ncr swell, be
side being a nonconductor of beat
The pipes have twice the tensile
strength of steel pipe3.
(ireeted His Ioj First-
One of the every-dav sides of human
nature was exhibited at the railwav
station this niorning.says an exchange.
A resident of this city, a business
man, went to the depot to meet bis
wife, who had been absent on a long
visit to eastern relatives.
She arrived, accompanied by a male
cousin and her husband's greyhound, a
dog that had not seen his master for
several months.
The moment the business man afore
said caught sight of his dog he whistled
to the animal. and when it reached him
he submitted to its extravagant ex
pressions of joy. the dog's nose touch
ng his face several times.
Only after that did the husband no
tice his wife. He expressed bis delight,
then, at seeing her. and, embracing'
ber. kissed her fervently.